Page 1: Fundamentals of Successful Marriage - Daystar...truths for building a successful marriage. a) Give sacrificially I john3:16, Eph 5:25, Titus 2: 3-4 b) Be quick to forgive I Cor 13,

30th Mar., 2014


Fundamentals of Successful MarriageMatt 7: 24-27

Like the house in Jesus' parable, Marriages are built either on solid foundations or on weak foundations. This is proven by how well a marriage is able to withstand common challenges and big storms when they come. Our mindset is usually shaped by the information we receive and accept over time through traditions, cultures, customs, schooling, social interactions and various media exposures. Some of these which clearly contradict God's word usually have a negative influence on marriage. God's Word reveals the infallible standard for building a successful marriage and every view that negates it ought to be done away with. Two basic elements of sound marriage based on God's Word are Unconditional love and effective (free and open) communication. In today's outline, we will be considering such fundamentals of a successful marriage.

1) Some mindsets arising from traditions, cultures, schooling, religious indoctrination, social interactions, various media (TV, internet, movies, novels, music ), etc have a negative influence on marriages. Identify any you know of.

2) Revelation based on God's Word is superior to every tradition, persuasion and experiences of men. A solid marriage will be built on the rock of revelation. The following are basic biblical truths for building a successful marriage.

a) Give sacrificially I john3:16, Eph 5:25, Titus 2: 3-4 b) Be quick to forgive I Cor 13, Col 3:12-14 c) Avoid the use of harsh words Col 4:6, Prov 15:1 d) Understand your spouse's love languages. Eph 4:29 e) Understand your spouse's temperaments. Prov.15:21 f) Develop the ability to listen. James 1:19 g) Be open and transparent about your finances Matt 5:37, Jam 5:12 h) Do not deprive one another of sex I Cor 7:3-5

The Word of God is our manual for life. Marriages built on this solid foundation overcome the storms of life. While you may not effectively ignore all the 'traditions' of men, it is critical to subject all 'traditions' to the scrutiny of God's Word and accept or comply with them only to the extent that they align with God's Word. As you lift the Word of God above 'traditions' and plant your marriage on the Word of God, you will succeed in Jesus Name.

Page 2: Fundamentals of Successful Marriage - Daystar...truths for building a successful marriage. a) Give sacrificially I john3:16, Eph 5:25, Titus 2: 3-4 b) Be quick to forgive I Cor 13,


30th Mar., 2014

Blessing of Obedience

Deut 28:1-3


Since the beginning of this month, we have been learning how to put things in order and be

organised children. That is, God should come first and blessings will flow.


1) You will be the head and not the tail. Deut 28: 13

2) Great people will want to be associated with you. Prov 22: 29

3) Your parents will be proud of you. Prov 10: 1a

4) People will want to be like you. (role model)

MEMORY VERSE: Prov 28: 13a

“The lord will make you the head, not the tail.” (NIV).


Who is your role model? ----------------------------------


Associated, role model, head, first, blessings, people.

N.B: Teacher should confess these verses with the children. Deut 28:1-13

Page 3: Fundamentals of Successful Marriage - Daystar...truths for building a successful marriage. a) Give sacrificially I john3:16, Eph 5:25, Titus 2: 3-4 b) Be quick to forgive I Cor 13,


30th Mar., 2014

Sexual Love Is Not For TeensI John 3:16, 4:7-8, 1Cor. 13

Love may be shown at three different levels, namely phileo, eros and agape. Phileo is simply brotherly love, eros is sexual love between a man and a woman while agape is unconditional love, i.e. the God-kind of love. Sexual love is for adults and not for teenagers. However, teenagers sometimes feel grown up and want to do adult stuff. Nevertheless, feeling like you are grown up is not the same thing as being truly grown up. You are grown up when you are able to take responsibility and make commitments. Teenage love affair is more often than not mere infatuation or lust which usually leads to sex with its many painful consequences - disease, pregnancy, heartbreak, regret, guilt, etc. A teenager should rather focus on becoming developed spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and intellectually. Today we will be discussing how we can prepare now for serious marriage-inclined relationships later in life.

1) Read 2Sam 13:1-20 and discuss the love that Amnon had for Tamar.

2) Based on Amnon and Tamar's story, we see that it is possible to “feel” that you are in love and not be ready for the responsibilities that come with it. Below are few things to do in preparation for your future love relationship.

a) Have a goal for your life-focus on what you want to do. Prov. 29:18 b) Develop your relationship with God-Keep yourself pure. Eccles 12:1, 2tim 2:22,

ICor 6:18 c) Avoid places or situations where you may compromise your values. 1Thes.5:22 d) Read good books (motivational/inspirational books) and watch the things that

influence your thoughts. Rom 12:2 e) Understand that sex is a big deal and not a just fun.1 Cor.6:16 f) Maintain your current relationships on friendship basis and set your boundaries.

Marital love is more than just a feeling. It is a commitment to share the rest of your life together in marriage. Such relationships can wait until teens are truly adults when they would be mature enough and ready for it. There is time for everything. Please don't play with fire. Prepare for your future today. You will succeed in Jesus Name.

Page 4: Fundamentals of Successful Marriage - Daystar...truths for building a successful marriage. a) Give sacrificially I john3:16, Eph 5:25, Titus 2: 3-4 b) Be quick to forgive I Cor 13,

31st Mar. - 5th Apr. 2014

Marital Fulfilment in Business II

Matt 7:24-27, Prov. 24:3-6

The state of our marriages or relationships often has a major influence on our level of productivity as employees or business owners. Our family life represents one of the major 'worlds' we operate in, which could act as a catalyst or inhibitor of our success in the business world. This is why we should not neglect our responsibilities in marriage but give priority to nurturing a successful family even as we go about our business endeavors. Our discussion is centered on how we can achieve a healthy balance in business and marriage.

1) Dan stepped out of the emergency meeting with his boss where he was given a month deadline to either turn his unit's output around or starting looking for another job. He couldn't believe how his world seemed to be crumbling down. Only nine months earlier he had married his heartthrob after three years of courtship. The first six months of married life were blissful and he was promoted to the role of General Manager. Recently, however, his wife conceived and began demanding more of his time. At the same time despite his efforts, his unit was losing out to increased competition which was the reason he was summoned. How would you advise Dan to address his challenges at home and work? In what ways can our business impact on our marriages and vice versa? (Discuss)

2) One of the fundamental requirements for succeeding in marriage and business is to seek and live by Godly revelation. We also need wisdom to take appropriate action, especially when we come under pressure to meet seemingly conflicting priorities at home and work. Below are tips to aid you in this regard.

· Choose to obey God's word over any unwholesome tradition that frustrates productivity either in your marriage or business (Matt. 15:3, Col 2:8)

· Commit to loving your spouse and colleagues unconditionally knowing that you might be hurt on occasion (Rom. 12:21, Eph. 5:25, Titus 2:4-5)

· Improve your communication with others, by listening more and being more sensitive in your response to each individual's peculiar needs (Col. 4:6)

· Depend on the help of the Holy spirit at all times (Rom 5:5,Gal 5:22-25)

Marriage is God's idea and He knows how to make it a success without compromise to our business output. This is why we must give priority to studying and meditating on His word and engage the help of the Holy Spirit to access revelation to know what to do per time (Psa 32:8, Isa. 30:21). With God's help, you can build a successful marriage and business. You will succeed in Jesus name.

Page 5: Fundamentals of Successful Marriage - Daystar...truths for building a successful marriage. a) Give sacrificially I john3:16, Eph 5:25, Titus 2: 3-4 b) Be quick to forgive I Cor 13,


30th Mar., 2014
