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News 2

Library 10

Opportunities 11

Event Calendar 12

Previous FFN issues 15

Call for Contribution 15

Fruit Fly News (February 2010) 15: 1-15

Fruit Fly News

February 2010




In te rnatio na l O rgan isation fo r B io log ica l and In tegra te d C on tro l o f N ox ious A n im als and P lan ts

O rganisa tion In te rna tiona le de L u tte B io log ique e t In teg rée contre le s A n im aux e t le s P lan tes N uis ib les

W e st P a laea rc tic R eg ional S ection / S ection R ég iona le O uest P a léarc tique

IOBC/WPRS Working Group

“Integrated Control in Citrus Fruit


Agadir (Morocco)

March 1- 3, 2010


1-3 March 2010

September 26th

-October 1st, 2010

Dear Reader,

Happy New Year --- Wishing you a prosperous 2010 in

good health!

2010 is the year of the 8th International Symposium on

Fruit Flies to be held in Valencia, Spain, from

September 26th to October 1st. This is the world most

important meeting on fruit flies and we hope to see all of

you there. We invite you to take advantage of early

registration fees and bookings. For more information,

please visit: or write

to Beatriz Sabater [email protected] Please read Beatriz Sabater's letter highlighting important

information for conference participants:

Valencia: January 18th, 2010 Dear FF friends, In less than one year, the next International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance (ISFFEI) will take place in Valencia (Spain). Firstly, let me summarize in a few words the history of ISFFEI as recorded by Aristidis P. Economopoulos. More..

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The Largest Fruit Fly Eradication Program in the World:

The Peach Fruit Fly Bactrocera zonata in Egypt

With approximately 2500 employees, the fruit industry and the government of Egypt are carrying out the world largest fruit fly eradication program. The eradication of the Peach fruit fly (Bactrocera zonata). More..

Source: Gerado Ortiz-Moreno

Pablo Liedo

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USDA Amends Regulations to Allow Importation of Tomatoes from the Souss-Massa-Draa Province of


The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is amending its regulations to allow the importation of commercial consignments of tomatoes from the Souss-Massa-Draa (SMD) province of Morocco. This is subject to a systems approach similar to that which is in place for tomatoes imported from other provinces within Morocco into the United States. A phytosanitary certificate issued by the Moroccan national plant protection organization, together with an additional declaration stating that the tomatoes have been grown in registered pest-exclusionary structures in the SMD region, and were pink at the time of packing, will be need to accompany the tomatoes.

This action will allow for the importation of commercial consignments of tomatoes from the SMD province of Morocco into the United States while continuing to provide protection against the introduction of quarantine pests. This final rule was published in Nov. 2, 2009 Federal Register and becomes effective Dec. 2. 2009.

Source: APHIS-USDA-Newsroom

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send your news to be included.

XIX International Training Course on Fruit Flies_Mexico

Summary report

The XIX International Training Course on Fruit Flies was held at the MOSCAMED / MOSCAFRUT facility in Metapa, Chiapas, Mexico from 17-28 August 2009. There were 25 participants from 12 countries: Brazil (1), Bolivia (1), Costa Rica (1), Chile (1), El Salvador (1), Guatemala (1), Honduras (1), Nicaragua (1), Panamá (5), Paraguay (1), Peru (2) y México (9). As in previous courses, this was organized in 5 modules: 1) Organization of action programs or campaigns, 2) Biology and systematics, 3) Detection methods, 4) Control methods, and the 5) Sterile Insect Technique. In total, there were 60 hours of lectures and 35 hours of practical "hands-on" sessions. These were covered by 34 experts from the MOSCAMED / MOSCAFRUT program and other institutions in Mexico, Latin America and the USA.

Source: Pablo Montoya

Bamako Declaration on the “fruit fly” Action Plan for

West Africa

The recent intrusion of Bactrocera invadens into East Africa and its rapid spread throughout sub Saharan Africa towards West Africa has triggered diverse research and control programs. Resultantly, the international workshop on Regional Action Plan to control Fruit Fly in West Africa was held on 29-30 September 2009 in Mali under the auspices of The Standard Trade and Development Facility (STDF) and the ECOWAS Commission for the Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources Department (AERE) which adopted the "Bamako Declaration on the Fruit Fly Action Plan for West Africa". This action plan outlines a common framework to implement a five-year Regional Action Plan at a cost of €25 million. Henceforth, fruit fly control is listed as an agricultural and trade priority in the fifteen West African States that constitute ECOWAS. Other related resources in the latest COLEACP newsletters "Fighting Fruit Flies Regionally in Sub-

Saharan Africa".



Source: Jesus Reyes-Flores and Abdel Bakri


Bactrocera invadens: Photo credit Bob Copeland

Send your news to be included in the next issue to: Nikos Papadopoulos

7th TEAM Newsletter

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Medfly Quarantine Affects Santa Monica Farmers Markets and Others

A recent find of a Mediterranean fruit fly in Santa Monica has caused state authorities to declare a quarantine that has started to affect vendors and customers at 10 farmers markets in that city and adjacent areas -just in time for the pre-Thanksgiving rush. More.. Source: Los Angeles Times ( )

Read also Mediterranean fruit flies cause crop quarantine

New Sterile Insect Technique Challenge to Olive Fruit Fly

Scientists from the Joint Division of the IAEA and the UN´s Food and Agriculture Organisation are working on a project to control the olive fly using the proven and environmentally-friendly Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), which uses radiation to sterilize pests. FAO/IAEA entomologist, Andrew Jessup, said: "SIT has worked in the past with other fruit flies and it´s now being put to the test to combat the olive fly in southern Israel". More.. Source:

Photo credit Alvesgaspar (wikimedia)

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Sterile Mexican Fruit Fly Anastrepha

ludens (Dipt., Tephritidae) Males used as Vectors of

Beauveria bassiana

Novelo-Rincon, L. F.; Montoya, P.; Hernandez-Ortiz, V.; Liedo, P.;

Toledo, J.

Field cage data showed no significant differences in

copulation duration and sperm transfer between sterile and

wild Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Loew), males that

were treated or not treated with Beauveria bassiana

(Balsamo) Vuillemin conidia immediately before mating


No significant differences in sexual competitiveness were

found between untreated sterile males and sterile males

treated with conidia, indicating that the presence of conidia

did not significantly reduce mating performance.


Source: Journal of Applied Entomology, 2009, Volume 133,

Numbers 9-10, pp. 702-710(9)

Click here to visit TWWH database and add to your bookmarks. Your feedback is very welcome!

In this space, you can publish any formal or informal notes, pictures, alert, your profile, events, announcement,

opportunities for the tephritid community … Email your material to A. Bakri

Visit Tephritid Workers Database

and the Regional Groups

With more than 1000 contacts

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Tephritid Workers Database

With more than 2000 recent references

on fruit flies

Host Marking Pheromone for a Highly Selective Management of Anastrepha species

Aluja, Martin; Diaz-Fleischer, F.; Boller, E. F.; Hurter, J.; Edmunds, A. J. F.; Hagmann, L.; Patrian, B.; Reyes, J.

The efficacy of three potential oviposition deterrents in reducing fruit infestation by Anastrepha obliqua in tropical plum and mango orchards was assessed. The Mexican fruit fly A. ludens natural host marking pheromone (HMP) or synthetic analogues reduced plum infestation by at least 50%. More.. Source : Journal of Economic Entomology, 2009 Volume 102, Number 6, pp. 2268-2278(11)

Photo credit: ffa/www/ana_obli.htm


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The V International Training Course on Fruit Fly

Biofabrica Moscamed, San Francisco Valley, Bahia, Brazil,

21 - 29 October 2009

On October 21-29, 2009 the V International Training Course on Biology and Control of Fruit Flies was held at the Medfly Rearing Facility in Bahia, Brazil. The course was designed for professionals of MoA, State Agencies and the private sector, with 19 attendees at this edition. The majority of instructors came from Brazil, with four instructors also from Austria, USA and Mexico.

Photo courtesy: Aldo Malavasi Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil

Fone: (74) 3612.5399 Fax: (74) 3612.5118

Abundance of Stored Sperm Plays No Role in the Induction of Sexual Inhibition in Queensland fruit fly females

Male insects that are unable to replenish sperm supplies between matings can suffer fitness costs either because their mates are more likely to accept subsequent suitors, or because their sperm are outnumbered when females do remate. More..

Source: P. Radhakrishnan et al. 2009, Department of Brain, Behaviour & Evolution,

Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia. E-mail address: P. Radhakrishnan


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Use of Sexually Sterilized Fruit Flies for

Moth Mating Disruption

Eric Jang and colleagues explore a new concept for controlling the invasive nettle moth, Darna pallivitta. In theory, sterilized melon flies, each carrying a drop of the nettle moth chemical on its back, could be set free in moth-infested locales in Hawaii to quickly and inexpensively distribute the scent wherever they fly. Like decoys, the melon flies would create confusion among amorous male moths that use the scent to find female moths. More.. Source: Marcia Wood

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Points of view.. Tephritology & Tephritologists The Tephritidae specialists as we are, be it taxonomists, geneticists, biologists, physiologists, entomologists, chemists, etc.. might be called tephritologists and the science tephritology. This is what we could deduce from an ancient paper published in 1962 by Richard Herbert Foote, a world renowned specialist on fruit fly taxonomy when describing Loew as the father of American tephritology. Recently, the word tephritology was again used by a Czech paper when presenting a short historical view on tephritology in the former Czechoslovakia Republic. However, apparently, the word tephritology does not have a definition yet in the dictionary, or at least in the English and French dictionaries which I have checked. If you find an earlier reference on the use of the terms cited above, please let us know. Abdel Bakri

Photos from the Archive

Click here to view more photos (Courtesy of Dr Aldo Malavasi). The photos are compressed and you need probably to install WinRAR -equivalent to WinZIP- free software from the internet.

If you have any pictures of past events on tephritid fruit flies that you'd like to share, please email them to A.Bakri


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References -year 2009

TWD bibliographic references can be retrieved from here. Current year publications can be retrieved by clicking on the link “List current year publications” within the Find Publications search form.

Please try to contact the authors first for full paper request.


Biological Control of Tropical Weeds using Arthropods Edited by Rangaswamy Muniappan Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Gadi V. P. Reddy University of Guam

Anantanarayanan Raman Charles Sturt University and E. H. Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation, Australia

Publisher: the Cambridge University Press, March 2009


View list of contributors... The book discusses the use of insects for the control of twenty invasive weeds, which is often more cost-effective than using chemical means and safer for the environment.

Encyclopedia of Insects Second edition Edited By Vincent Resh, University of California, Berkeley, USA Ring Carde, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, USA ISBN-13: 978-0-12-374144-8 ISBN-10: 0-12-374144-0 Imprint: ACADEMIC PRESS

PAGES: 1,168 PUB DATE: June 2009 US PRICE: $120.00 EUR PRICE: €71.95

Awarded Best Reference by the New York Public Library (2004), Outstanding Academic Title by CHOICE (2003), and AAP/PSP 2003 Best Single Volume Reference/Sciences by Association of American Publishers' Professional Scholarly Publishing Division, More..

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Principles and Procedures for Rearing High Quality Insects

This book provides an in-depth presentation of every primary element comprising professional insect rearing programs. Its scope includes the entire range of insect rearing from small-scale, table-top rearing to industrial-scale, mass rearing but focuses on medium-scale rearing, and within medium-scale rearing on the use of artificial rather than natural diets. By applying the principles and procedures discussed here, one can establish new rearing programs or improve those that already exist. In addition, procedures are presented to either prevent or to diagnose and solve many of the problems that may arise in insect rearing.

Published and distributed by Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University (2009) Hardcover, 370 pp., 11 chapters, 8½ x 11 ISBN: 978-0-615-31190-6 Cost: $69.95 (USD) + Shipping and handling via USPS

The Diptera of the Seychelles Islands Author J. Gerlach (ed.)

Language English

Publication 2009

Edition No indication

Most people will know more or less where the Seychelles Islands are, but when asked to point them out on the map they will mostly show some hesitation as to their exact location. The islands are located more than 1,000 km NE of Madagascar, about 1,500 km distant from the African coast. The islands have been isolated from any major land mass since the break-up of Gondwana and

consequently have their own distinct island fauna. More..

Check Insect Pest Control latest Newsletter, No. 73, July 2009 for many relevant Announcements:


Project Funding


Funding available from the Standards and trade Development Facility (STDF) for projects on tephritids fruit flies. For more information follow the link:

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Coordinated Research Project


Call for Submission of Research Proposals for New Coordinated Research Project (CRP). Project title: Resolution of Cryptic Species Complexes of Tephritid Pests to Overcome Constraints to SIT Application and International Trade. Duration: 2010-2015 The 1st Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) is tentatively planned in Vienna from 14-18 June 2010. Deadline to receive proposals for research agreements and research contracts is of early January 2010. The forms can be found under:

Sponsored Research Training and Travel Fellowship programmes


Centre for Cooperation in Science & Technology among Developing Societies (CCSTDS).

CCSTDS is a Centre, functioning under the patronage of Prof. M. Vijayan, FNA President,

Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi and Dr. T. Ramasami, FNA

Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST). The Centre is mandated to

spread the spirit of Science and Technology co-operation among developing societies.

The CCSTDS Centre was established in May 2005, to promote S & T related activities for

the mutual benefit of scientific community of the developing countries. The Centre was

formerly functioning as a secretariat for Committee on Science and Technology in

Developing Countries (COSTED) which played a catalytic role in International Co-

operation in Science and Technology.

Application forms may be downloaded from this website and completed forms to be sent

to the Honorary Director, CCSTDS.

For more opportunities, check Jobs…

Event Calendar

January 2010 7TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON GRAPEVINE TRUNK DISEASES, Santa Cruz, Chile 17-21 January Info:

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March 2010 IOBC/WPRS Working Group

“INTEGRATED CONTROL IN CITRUS FRUIT CROPS” Agadir, Morocco, 1-3 March 2010, Contact: Pr Ahmed Mazih: [email protected] Secretariat: [email protected]

May 2010 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


mailto:[email protected].



Wageningen, The Netherlands, 18 May-12 June 2010. Contact: H. Stoetzer,

Mailto:[email protected]

Fax: 31-317-486801.

Tel: 31-317-481396.




Gent, Belgium, 19 May 2010.

Contact: P. Spanoghe,

Dept. of Crop Prot., Univ. of Gent, Gent, BELGIUM.

Mailto:[email protected]

Fax: 32-926-46249.

Tel: 32-926-46009. _____________________________________________________________________________ SYMPOSIUM ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PLANT PROTECTION, Guelph, ONT, Canada, 25-27 May 2010 Info: Open Learning, 160 Johnson Hall, Univ. of Guelph, ONT N1G 2W1, CANADA. [email protected]. Voice: 1-519-767-5000.

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Lisbon, Portugal, August 22-27, 2010

September 2010

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRUIT FLIES OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE (ISFFEI) Valencia – Spain

September 26th to 1st October, 2010

Find out more at:

Contact: Beatriz Sabater

8th ISFFEI Secretariat

[email protected]

October 2010

_________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES FOR REARING QUALITY INSECTS A Five-Day Workshop for Insectary Managers and Insect Rearing Specialists October 10-15, 2010

Mississipp State University Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology

Contact Barbara Perrigin at (662) 325-2086 or [email protected]

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Previous Fruit Fly News (FFN) issues

N.B. If you have any of these previous issues of Fruit Fly News that you'd like to share, please email them to [email protected]: *IBP Fruit Fly News n°1 (1972) *IBP Fruit Fly News n°2 (1973) *IBP Fruit Fly News n°3 (1974) *IOBC/WPRS WG R. cerasi Fruit Fly News n°4 (1977) *IOBC/WPRS WG Fruit Flies of Economic Importance Fruit Fly News n°5 (1979) *IOBC/WPRS WG Fruit Flies of Economic Importance Fruit Fly News n°6 (1981)

Call for Contribution

We welcome your feedback and contributions for future editions. Submit materials, publications, notice of events, news, documents, grant or job opportunities to: A. Bakri; P. Liedo; or O. Reynolds You can also contribute by spreading the word about Tephritid Databases ( and encourage your colleagues to join. With many thanks in advance for your collaboration. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to all contributors for their valuable input. Editors’ team: Abdel Bakri, Pablo Liedo and Olivia Reynolds.

FFN #7_1983

FFN #8_1985

FFN #9_1987

FFN #10_1989

FFN #11_1992

FFN #12 February 2009

FFN #13 May 2009

FFN #14 September 2009
