
    News 2

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    Fruit Fly News (February 2011) 18: 1-15

    Fruit Fly News

    February 2011


    Tephritid Workers of

    Europe Africa and the

    Middle East (TEAM)

    Second International


    Kolymbari, Crete (Greece)

    July 3 – 6, 2012

    Happy New

    Year 2011 to all

    fruit fly fans!

    Notes from the International Fruit Fly Steering Committee meeting

    - Valencia, Spain

    29 September 2010

    Brian Barnes

    Summary of decisions

    Composition of SC

    The composition of the SC should be such that it reflects a

    balanced geographical representation with respect to fruit

    fly activities.

    The number of SC members should be increased from the

    present 16 to 18 or 20, to include the outgoing and

    incoming representatives of the local OCs, the Chairperson

    of the TEAM (Tephritids of Europe, Africa & the Middle

    East) and TWWH (Tephritid Workers of the Western

    Hemisphere) Working Groups, and the outgoing

    Chairperson of the SC for continuity.


    Source: Brian Barnes

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r




    COMMITTEE (IFFSC) 2010-2014

    Continent representatives

    •Continent •Member •Country

    •America •Aldo Malavasi •Brazil

    •Kenneth Bloem •USA

    •Nancy Epsky •USA

    •Pablo Montoya •Mexico

    •Robert Mangan •USA

    •Teresa Vera •Argentina

    •Europe •Anna Malacrida •Italy

    •Nikos Kouloussis •Greece

    •Rui Pereira •Austria

    •Serge Quilici •France

    •Asia •Abraham Verghese •India

    •Yoav Gazit •Israel

    •Africa •Abdel Bakri •Morocco

    •Sunday Ekesi •Kenya

    •Oceania •Olivia Reynolds •Australia

    Institutional members

    Chair of the Tephritid Workers of the

    Western Hemisphere (TWWH)

    Pablo Liedo

    Chair of the Tephritid Workers of Europe

    Africa and Middle East (TEAM)

    Nikos Papadopoulos

    Member of the Past OC Symposium Beatriz Sabater

    Member of the Next OC Symposium Watchreeporn Orankanok

    Past IFFSC Chairperson Brian Barnes

    Source : Aldo Malavasi

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  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r





    Second International Symposium

    Kolymbari, Crete (Greece)

    July 3 – 6, 2012

    First Announcement

    The second International Symposium of Tephritid Workers of Europe Africa

    and the Middle East (TEAM) will be held in Kolymbari, Crete (Greece), July 3

    – 6, 2012. The program includes 3 days of plenary talks, oral and poster

    presentations arranged in specialized symposia, and one day excursion.

    Tephritidae invasion: biology, ecology and economics will be the main focus

    of the symposium. Nevertheless, we accept papers on all aspects of fruit fly

    biology, taxonomy, genetics, ecology, evolution, behaviour, natural

    enemies, control, quarantine regulations, and area-wide SIT programs.

    All fruit fly workers and friends from Europe, Africa and the Middle East, as

    well as from all over the globe are invited to participate. The registration fee

    is expected to be around 100 EUROS. A restricted number of scholarships

    for facilitating participation might be available for a limited number of

    students and colleagues from developing countries. The first circular with

    more details will be available soon.

    On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the TEAM Steering Committee,

    Nikos Papadopoulos

    [email protected]

    The Organizing Committee

    Nikos Papadopoulos,

    Kostas Bourtzis

    Nikos Kouloussis

    Kosta Mathiopoulos

    Penelope Mavragani-Tsipidou

    David Nestel

    Rui Pereira

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r


    send your news to be included.

    International Training Courses

    on Fruit Flies

    Curso de Capacitación en Taxonomía, Ecología y Control de Moscas de la fruta de Importancia Económica, June 2011, Panama City, Panama.

    Contact: Cheslavo Korytkowski

    VII Curso Internacional de Capacitação em

    Moscas das Frutas de Importância Económica e Quarentenária, 11-19 August 2011, Juazeiro (Bahia) and Petrolina, (Pernambuco), Brazil.

    Contact: Aldo Malavasi

    [email protected]

    XXI Curso Internacional Sobre Moscas de la Fruta. 15-26 August 2011, Metapa de Dominguez, Chiapas, Mexico.

    Contact: Pablo Montoya ([email protected])

    The Proceedings book of the 8th ISFFEI, Valencia, Spain

    Good news fruit fly fans!

    Beatriz Sabater Muñoz (8th ISFFEI Secretariat) has indicated that good progress on the Proceedings book preparation was

    made and it is expected to be finalised during 2011. All delegates will receive a

    hard copy in the post. More news on this subject will be posted

    here in the future. Watch TWD and the 8th ISFFEI web site as well!

    Congratulations to Beatriz and her editorial



    Send your news to be

    included in the next

    TEAM Newsletter issue

    to: Nikos Papadopoulos

    Visit Tephritid Workers Database and the Regional Groups

    With more than 1150 members

    from 105 countries and

    approximately 3000 references

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r



    Area-wide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest Management in South and

    Southeast Asia Project

    The "Area-wide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest

    Management in South and Southeast Asia" is a

    regional project funded by the Taiwanese

    development organization ICDF (International

    Cooperation and Development Fund) and

    supported by the Global Horticulture Initiative

    with a focus on adaptation and adoption of

    fruit fly IPM practices amongst smallholders

    producing fruit and vegetables. >> Read more

    Source: Global Horticultural Initiative

    Peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata

    (Saunders) (Tephritidae) in Florida, USA!

    A single peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata

    (Saunders) (Tephritidae), was captured in a

    fruit fly detection trap on 10 November 2010

    in the Homestead area of Miami-Dade County.

    This is the first time that this species has been

    found in Florida. More>>>

    Source : DPI, Florida

    TAAO The third regional group of Tephritid Workers of

    Asia, Australia and Oceania (TAAO) is currently

    under development with good progress on the website

    thus far. Once the final tuning is completed, TAAO will

    be released online.

    Any comments on TAAO will be greatly received by Olivia Reynolds.[email protected]

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r



    Trapping Guidelines for Area-Wide

    Fruit Fly Programmes

    The manual provides information on traps, lures, suppliers,

    and on trapping density following the fruit fly survey

    objective. The aim is to provide objective information, on

    fruit fly survey tools to National Plant Protection

    Organisations (NPPO), the fruit industry, and to be used as a

    guide in fruit trade negotiations.

    As survey techniques continue to improve and experience in

    fruit fly control programmes evolves, the manual of Trapping

    Guidelines is to be considered as a "working" document to

    be regularly updated.

    The manual was prepared by an international group of fruit

    fly workers and published by the Insect Pest Control Section of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division, International Atomic Energy

    Agency. Vienna, Austria, November 2003.



    Australian Laboratory on the Move

    The Fruit Fly Research Laboratory

    (FFRL) at the University of Sydney

    would like to announce a move to

    the University of New South Wales,

    also located in Sydney. Over the

    years, the FFRL has researched

    various aspects of the biology and

    genetics of Australian native fruit

    flies, all in the Bactrocera genus.

    Lab members, including Alan

    Meats, Marianne Frommer, John

    Sved, Kathie Raphael, Stuart

    Gilchrist and Deborah Shearman

    have published widely on the

    ecology, physiology, population

    genetics and molecular genetics of

    Q-fly and its relatives. Alan Meats

    will continue to be based at the

    University of Sydney, but remains

    a member of the group, providing

    his insight and experimental

    expertise. The other lab members

    are moving to take advantage of

    the genomics facilities and

    collaborative opportunities at


    Email contacts:

    Alan Meats

    Marianne Frommer

    John Sved

    Kathie Raphael

    Stuart Gilchrist

    Deborah Shearman[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r



    A nice photo of Campiglossa solidaginis? (Diptera: Tephritidae)

    Photo credit Michael James

    The identity of the specimen cannot be confirmed as it is a female but Campiglossa solidaginis is the most likely species, as suggested by Valery Korneyev on the forum. He is the expert, I am just an amateur entomologist and have to rely on published keys. In this case, I only had one specimen that did not key out satisfactorily, which is why I asked for help on the forum. Can you help? See more pictures on Regards Michael James

    Click here to visit TWD, TEAM, and TWWH databases and add to your bookmarks.

    Your feedback is very welcome!

    In these spaces, you can publish any formal or informal notes, pictures, alerts, your

    profile, events, announcements, and opportunities.

    Email your material to A. Bakri; P. Liedo; or O. Reynolds


    mailto:[email protected]:///D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/reynolo/Local%20Settings/Temp/notes85EF9A/www.Diptera.info[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r


    Long-term Hypoxia in Fruit Flies Results in Permanent DNA Changes Researchers have proven that the genomes of flies exposed to long-term hypoxia, or inadequate levels

    of oxygen, are changed to permanently affect gene expression.

    In an important study that may shed light on human ability to adapt to hypoxia, or inadequate levels

    of oxygen, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have proven that

    the genome of flies exposed to long-term hypoxia are changed to permanently affect gene expression.

    Their findings, to be published online by the journal of the Proceedings of the National Academy of

    Sciences (PNAS) the week of January 24, 2011, may lead to new targets for development of therapies

    for hypoxia-induced disease in humans. More.. Source: USNEWS


    Bactrocera invadens reached Botswana

    PRESS RELEASE The public is hereby informed that a fruit fly of quarantine

    importance called Bactrocera invadens has been detected in

    Chobe farms and at Kazungula road ferry.

    This fruit fly is highly invasive, attacks different types of

    fruits and has a high reproductive potential. Known hosts of

    the pest are citrus, mango, cashew, papaya, guava, pepper,

    and several wild host plants including morula and the wild

    monkey orange (mogorogorwana). Other preferred hosts

    are water melons, squash, pumpkin, butternuts, tomatoes,

    bananas and avocado.

    The main pathway for fruit flies to spread from one area to

    another and from one country to another is through the

    movement of infested fruits.

    Of major concern is the increase in trade and tourism, as

    this increases the risk of infested fruit being carried across


    Therefore, the detection of this fruit fly in Botswana calls for

    immediate action to prevent its spread to other fruit fly free

    areas outside the Chobe District. Otherwise, the export of

    host crops from Botswana will not be accepted by other

    countries unless they are subjected to treatments

    prescribed by the importing countries. More..

    Source: Botswana Ministry of Agriculture

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r




    TWD bibliographic references can be retrieved from here. Current year references can be retrieved by

    clicking on the link “List current year publications” within the Find Publications search form.

    Please try to contact the authors first for full paper request.


    This monthly letter, published by COLEACP and CIRAD, and

    sponsored by WTO/STDF, intends to inform the public and

    private sectors on the problem of tephritid fruit flies in

    Africa. The aim is to provide the agricultural sector with

    technically sound and economically sustainable solutions.

    Information letter NL#11, December 2010

    Check the latest Insect Pest Control Newsletter, No. 76,

    January 2011 for many relevant Announcements:


    For job more opportunities, check Jobs…

    Event Calendar

    2011 Global Conference on Entomology (GCE 2011)

    05 - 09 March 2011 Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Contact: [email protected] or [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]://

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r


    4ème Conférence Internationale sur les Méthodes alternative en protection des cultures

    8, 9 & 10 March 2011 Lille, France

    Contact: Association Française de Protection des Plantes (AFPP) Contact : [email protected] Tél : 33 (0)1 41 79 19 80 Fax : 33 (0)1 41 79 19 81 Sixth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, International Plant Protection Convention

    14-18 March 2011 FAO Rome, Italy

    IOBC/NTRS Joint Meeting with the International Seminar on Animal and Plant Health (SISA 2011) Exchanges of Experiences in the Mass Production and Use of Biological Control Agents

    03-06 May 2011 Havana, Cuba Contact: [email protected] First Announcement (PDF)

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r


    38th Congress of the Colombian Society of Entomology

    27-29 July 2011 Manizales, Colombia. First call

    The Sixth International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science

    2 - 5 October 2011 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site


    07-12 October 2011 Kusadasi, Aydin, TURKEY E-Mail: F.O. Altindisli

    9ème Conférence Internationale sur les Ravageurs en Agriculture 9th International Conference on Pests in Agriculture[email protected]

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r


    October 26 th & 27 th, 2011 Montpellier – France First announcement Contact : [email protected]


    2012 7th International IPM Symposium

    March 27-29, 2012 Memphis, Tennessee USA Contact: [email protected]

    _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd Meeting of the Tephritid Workers of Europe, Africa and Middle East (TEAM)

    July 3-6, 2012 Kolimbary, Crete,

    First announcement (PDF) Contact: : [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]

  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r


    24th International Congress of Entomology

    19 – 25 August 2012 Daegu, South Korea Contact: [email protected]

    The Tephritid Workers of the Western Hemisphere (TWWH)

    Dates (to be announced) Panama City, Panama Meeting Announcement will be posted on TWD News.


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  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r


    2014 9th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance

    20-25 April 2014 Bangkok, Thailand Contact: Mrs. Watchreeporn Orankanok [email protected]


    Other meetings which might be of relevance to you can be found at: International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) International Organisation for biological and Integrated Control (IOBC) IPMnet News

    We would be glad to hear about any suggestions you might have regarding the 9th ISFFEI. Please send your suggestions to Aldo Malavasi Chairperson of the Fruit Fly Steering Committee.

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  • F r u i t F l y N e w s l e t t e r


    Back issues FFN #7_1983

    FFN #8_1985

    FFN #9_1987

    FFN #10_1989

    FFN #11_1992

    FFN #12 February 2009

    FFN #13 May 2009

    FFN #14 September 2009

    FFN #15 February 2010

    FFN #16 May 2010

    FFN #17 October 2010

    N.B. If you have any of the following back issues of IBP-FFN and IOBC/WG-FFN that you'd like to share with the young generation of fruit fly fans, please email them to me: *IBP Fruit Fly News n°1 (1972) *IBP Fruit Fly News n°2 (1973) *IBP Fruit Fly News n°3 (1974) *IOBC/WPRS WG R. cerasi Fruit Fly News n°4 (1977 *IOBC/WPRS WG Fruit Flies of Economic Importance Fruit Fly News n°5 (1979) *IOBC/WPRS WG Fruit Flies of Economic Importance Fruit Fly News n°6 (1981)

    Call for Contribution We welcome your feedback and contributions for future FFN editions. Submit materials, publications, notice of events, news, documents, grant or job opportunities to:

    A. Bakri; P. Liedo; or O. Reynolds You can also contribute by spreading the word about the Tephritid Workers Database (TWD) and sister databases (TEAM, TWWH) and encourage your colleagues to join. With many thanks in advance for your collaboration.

    FFN Editors: Pablo Liedo (Mexico)- Olivia Reynolds (Australia) - Abdel Bakri (Morocco)[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
