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7/27/2019 Forming Adverb1 Answers 1/2

FORMING ADVERBS1. I accidentally locked myself out of the house.

2. Jack hugged her affectionately as he whispered in her ear.

3. She angrily threatened to throw him out of the house.

4. The audience listened attentively to the professor.

5. He was badly beaten for no apparent reason.

6. The fans were bitterly disappointed that his concert had to be cancelled.7. He explained briefly what the rules were.

8. The sun shone brightly throughout the day.

9. We waited calmly for a long time for our turn.

10. The oranges are carefully chosen and packed into boxes.

11. Jim carelessly left the door unlocked and went to bed.

12. I casuallymentioned that I might be resigning from my job.

13. He greeted everyone cheerfully when he arrived at the gymnasium.

14. The new teacher is not able to explain clearly leaving many students confused.

15. After a hard day's work, he reclined on a seat feeling completely relaxed.

16. All this proves conclusively that he couldn't have been involved in the murder.

17. The place constantly reminds him of his childhood.

18. The flood situation is worsening as it rains continuously.

19. The form has not been correctly completed.20. The children who were cruelly neglected by their parents were taken to a welfare home

21. He drives dangerouslywith no regard to the safety of other motorists.

22. He goes jogging daily especially in the morning.

23. James loved his wife dearly.

24. Richard was deeply offended by her remark.

25. We entered a small dimly-lit cottage but there was nobody in.

26. The driver was doubly careful when driving around the sharp bend.

27. He is easily the most capable person to deal with the situation.

28. After her recovery from a long illness, she devoted herself entirely to charitable work.

29. The dog follows its master faithfullywherever he goes on the farm.

30. At least four civilians were fatally injured in the explosion.

31. The policeman crouched fearfully behind a parked car and aimed his gun at the house.

32. The dog growled fiercely at any stranger who came close.33. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for being here.

34. She foolishly believed what the man said and handed over to him some money.

35. Fortunately the fire was discovered before it raged out of control.

36. Pirated goods are freely available in the market place.

37. The friendly villagers escorted the TV camera crew to the scene of the plane crash.

38. The guidelines were not always fully adhered to.

39. People are generally reluctant to seek help from others.

40. The public are encouraged to give generously to the cancer fund.

41. He gladly accepted the appointment.

42. Time had gradually lessened the pain of grief.

43. The happilymarried couple will be celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary next month.

44. Paul has been drinking heavily since the death of his wife.

45. Hopefullywe can arrive there in time.

46. We hurriedly packed our suitcases and headed for the airport.

47. The governor elect thanked his supporters individually.

48. Parents are  justifiably angry about the decision to close the school.

49. Our neighbour has kindly agreed to let us use his telephone.

50. I would never knowingly upset people.

51. I have been feeling ill just lately.

52. His father patted him lightly on the back for a job well done.

53. We had to speak to each other loudly in the noisy market place.

54. Luckily for us, we won a place in the final.

55. He is madly in love with the neighbour's daughter.

56. My car is payable in monthly instalments.

57. Cracking jokes seems to come quite naturally to him.

58. It took him nearly three hours to get the painting done.

59. The librarian arranged the books neatly on the shelf.

60. Some patients die needlessly every year because of the insanitary conditions in the hospital.

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61. The machine is performing nicely now after having it serviced.

62. We tune in to the nightly news broadcasts.

63. They chattered noisilymuch to my annoyance.

64. The slaves obediently did as they were told.

65. Occasionallywe would go for a swim.

66. They pledged openly their support for the candidate.

67. It soon became painfully obvious that he was suffering from a terminal illness.68. It was partlymy fault that we couldn't get ourselves there on time.

69. The treatment is patently not working.

70. The demonstration passed off peacefully.

71. Not having had any contact with her for months he is now pleasantly surprised to meet her.

72. He politely declines the invitation on the grounds that he was too busy.

73. She walked proudly on stage with her head high and her chest pushed forwards.

74. I bumped into Sally purely by chance in town this morning.

75. Time passes quickly whenever we enjoy what we are doing.

76. She is quietly confident that she will pass her driving test first time.

77. Jean rarely complains about anything.

78. Pirated video tapes are readily available in some places.

79. I have only recently become involved in charitable work.

80. The written test was ridiculously easy and many students are expected to pass it.

81. This event is held at roughly the same time each year.

82. He was a friendly likable person and will be sadlymissed.

83. I think we can safely assume that we can complete the task before the deadline.

84. The old lady was severely beaten and robbed of all her possessions.

85. He shamelessly lied to gain entry into the hall without paying.

86. Eating a proper diet significantly lessons the risk of heart disease.

87. She has to live simply on her meager income.

88. The pilot skillfully guided the plane which developed engine trouble onto the runway.

89. The time passed slowly as I waited for my turn at the dental clinic.

90. The opposition candidate was soundly beaten in the local election.

91. Her mother had a dress made specially for her daughter's birthday party.

92. She successfully combines her career with family life.

93. His family and friends were shocked when he died suddenly.

94. The politician swiftly denied all the outrageous accusations levelled against him.

95. The orphans missed their parents terribly.

96. Thankfully, I managed to pay off all my debts.

97. It was a truly palatial home.

98. People from ethnic minorities are understandably fearful about the future.

99. He was released from prison after it was discovered that he was wrongly convicted.

100. I pay my membership fee yearly.
