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Page 1: Foods to burn your fat

Food to


Your Fats.

Page 2: Foods to burn your fat


Avena Sativo is a scientific name of oat. Oats are highly rich in

fiber. Fiber contain food lasts for long time in stomach. Oats, oat

bran and oatmeal contains beta-glucan fiber specifically.

It is taken along with hot water which means it took long time to eat

makes you feel full longer. Cookies of oatmeal now available in

stores. Use oat flour to make muffins or bread.

Oatmeal is like whole grain which reduce risk of high blood pressure

and diabetes. It helps to reduce the cholesterol level. Oat has useful

antioxidants those helps in cardiovascular disease.

Oat is available in different flavor. You can also try oatmeal with

berries. Regular intake of oat in your diet may increase your kids

immune response and maintain sugar level in older.

Note- Do not add sugar or spices in your oatmeal.

Page 3: Foods to burn your fat

Coffee and Green Tea

Coffee stimulates adrenaline which gives instruction to fat stores to

burn fat. It is recommended to have a coffee 20 minutes before

workout it will help you to train more intensely.

More cups of coffee may help you to regulate insulin. Coffee

contains caffeine which is a natural fat burning substance. Caffeine

stimulates to nervous system, gives a massage to burns fat. Studies

shows that metabolic action get increased by 3 to 11% in coffee


Green tea contain catechins that affect metabolism. Abdominal fats

are burned by green tea. Green tea is full of antioxidants which will

give strength to fight with disease. It helps in blood flow. Proper

intake coffee and green tea will boost your immune system,

antibacterial, cellular repair.

It is suggested that not to add sugar and milk. Don’t add green tea

boiling water, it will loose catechins. You can add lemon.

Page 4: Foods to burn your fat


Oil is fat-rich food, but required to control your hunger. It is important

which oil should present in your dite. To lose fat we suggest olive

oil and coconut oil in your intake.

Olive oil helps in cholesterol control. Olive oil is rich in

monounsaturated fat. Olive oil is rich in vitamin-E. Olive oil does not

contain 5 main culprits which leads to most health problems. Olive

oil is helpful in cancer pains, heart disease, blood pressure, obesity

as it is high in calories. Use olive oil in salad.

Coconut oil is rich in medium-chained-triglycerides(MCTs).This will

help in use of fats instead storing it. Also it will reduces abdominal

fat. Coconut oil has more MCT than olive oil hence advice for used

in cooking. Study says, MCT shows increase in energy expenditure

by 5%, which leads to more and motivate your body to loose the

weight !!!

Page 5: Foods to burn your fat


Nuts are rich in fiber, protein and heart healthy fats. It will works on

your tummy to bring in shape and control your hunger. Almonds are

source of vitamin- E. A quarter cup almonds contain 62mg of

magnesium plus 162mg of potassium.

Dieting can be easy with nuts. It felt you full all time and control your

hunger. It will serve lower cholesterol, weight control and lower

cancer risk. They can protects artery wall from damage. Help brain

to well function, this is because riboflavin and L-carnitine nutrients.

24 Almonds are recommended for a day. If your on diet it will help to

save your calories. They are fat-burners. They help in metabolism.

Almond oil is good for cooking and it has high smoke points.

Note- don’t have salted almonds, extra sodium causes blood


Page 6: Foods to burn your fat


Berries are available everywhere in cheap rates. They helps in fat

lose by break down fat, sugar in the body. Berries are substitutes for

sugar and also they are rich in fiber. One cup berries contain six

gram fibers.

Vitamin- C is found in berries. It helps in cartilage storage and aid in

joint flexibility. Berries are loaded with antioxidant. Berries protects

body-cells from damage. Do not use sugar with berries.

Berries found with ketones which is a natural substance, helps in

metabolism. It will also helps in maintain blood sugar level and

insulin level.

Blue berries are preferred for weight loose. Strawberries contain

90% water and else fibers, including vitamin- B. This will help in

cardiovascular disease and skin disease.

Health beneficial berries are- blueberries, blackberries, strawberries,

boysenberries, raspberries etc.

Page 7: Foods to burn your fat

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are rich in vitamin, iron, minerals and fibers.

Veggies will fulfill your water and minerals need which are equally

necessary to your body.

It is suggested to eat raw vegetable. Cooked or boiled vegetable will

lose minerals. Vegetables reduce risk for heat attack and stork. Most

of green vegetables are low in fat and calories.

Fiber found in vegetable reduce blood cholesterol and reduce heart

disease. Green vegetables are rich in vitamin A and C. You can have

green vegetable salad as your daily diet.

Leaf green vegetables such as Spinach or Swiss chard contain beta

carotene which helps in body tissue repair. Beta carotene converted

into vitamin A in your body.

Green leafs are rich in folate which will help in Cardiovascular disease

and memory loss. High quantity of fibers are help you in weight loss.

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