Page 1: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your


Page 2: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your

Feeling burdened by the pressures of the world—the pressure to be enough? Please read on and be encouraged!

In her new book Eat the Cookie, popular blogger Taylor Kiser shares spiritual truths, delicious recipes, and practical workout plans, inviting women to step into the authentically beautiful life we were each created to live—and to finally be enough.

Put your feet up, make a cup of tea, read and enjoy a little glimpse into what this new book is all about. You will be glad you did. And you will be warmed up and ready to read the book!

And one other thing. Feel free to check out Taylor’s wildly popular blog here.


Page 3: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your


Faith TipsHave you ever taken a scary step into the unknown? You know it’s a good-for-you step but it just feels so scary and you struggle to trust that God will bring you through? It’s often tempting to go back to your old, comfortable life, even if it wasn’t good for you. Maybe it’s the comfort of food, or the restricting of food or trying to be perfect. Don’t worry…you are not alone!

John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full!” When you are trying to be perfect – whether that be perfect in your eating, body, parenthood, job etc – do you feel like your life is full and free or stressed-out and frazzled? The enemy will have you spinning your wheels, trying to seek perfection, because he knows it will steal, kill and DESTROY the free and full life that God has designed for you. Feeling stressed and frazzled is almost like your “check engine light” that signals that you need to go to God and take back your life from the one who just wants to steal it from you. Is it time for a tune up?

Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your life. God should always be the first priority in our lives, but the enemy has worked himself into our brains and has allowed us to worship at the alter of food and body perfection. Friend, this breaks God’s heart because He created us for MORE. He loves us too much to leave us where we are, being crushed by the weight of perfectionism and idolatry of food and what our body looks like. Today, ask Him to help you believe that he created you for more than just paying bills and losing weight.

Page 4: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your

Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test and approve what God ’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

We must renew our minds by being conformed to CHRIST, and not to the patterns of this World. Friend, you have the power to think yourself into staying stuck in fear. In guilt. In Shame. Or anything else that is keeping you in bondage. BUT, that means you ALSO have the ability to trust God and tap into His power and start actually THINKING about what you’re thinking about so you can renew your mind and start viewing yourself the way Christ does.

Your identity doesn’t actually mean who you are…it means who you are IN CHRIST. Which means that you can do anything that God has called you to do, even if you don’t think you can. Look at Moses; when God called him to lead the Israelites to Freedom, he says “who am I to do this?” But God, answered him with “I am Who I am.” He didn’t answer Moses with a list of things that made Moses fit for the job. God responded with His own identity because it wasn’t about who Moses was and it’s not about who we are. It’s about who God is. No matter how broken you feel or how much guilt and shame you might feel, your identity is found in knowing who God is and knowing that because you are in Christ, you are always enough. What is one thing that God is calling you to that you have felt you are not enough for?

Today, I challenge you to become aware of what you’re thinking about and start changing them to be obedient to Christ. Find scripture to meditate on, pray when your thoughts are negative or anything that has you flip the script and gets you tapping into the Lords transformational power.


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Proverbs 31:30: “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Beauty is fleeting, yet here we are chasing it and trying to find beauty in body, makeup, clothes, hair etc. While there is nothing wrong with doing these things to make you feel good, it’s wrong when it becomes an obsession or an idol. When it prevents you from living the full, free life that God has for you. Not only will these things never bring happiness, the Bible tells us that they are fleeting. Beauty won’t last and it won’t bring any kind of meaningful, lasting joy into your life like knowing the Creator will. What are the reasons you think you need to be beautiful? Maybe it’s to be more valuable, loved or accepted. Maybe something else. Write them out and then realize that you can have those things, no matter how you look, because you are in Christ.

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Top Three Recipes

Page 7: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your


This No Bean Whole30 Keto Chili in the Instant Pot is a meat lovers dream! A paleo chili recipe that’s a healthy weeknight dinner for the whole family!



1 1/2 Tbsp Olive oil, divided

1/2 Cup Onion, diced

1 Red pepper, diced

1/2 Cup Celery sliced

1 Tbsp Garlic, minced

1 Lb Grass-fed 85% lean Ground beef

4 tsp Chile powder

1 Tbsp Smoked paprika

1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper


1. Pour 1 Tbsp of the oil in your Instant Pot and turn it to saute mode. Once hot, saute the onion, pepper, celery and garlic until they begin to soften, about 3 minutes.

2. Add the remaining oil, along with the beef and cook until it begins to turn brown, about 3-4 minutes. Drain the excess fat.

3. Add in the chili powder, paprika, cayenne and Allspice and cook until the beef is totally brown and no longer pink, about 3-4 minutes.

4. Add all the remaining ingredients, except the parsley, and stir until well combined.  Cover the Instant Pot (make sure it’s set to sealing) and turn it to manual mode (it should immediately be set for high pressure) set it for 10 minutes.  Once cooked, let it steam release naturally.

5. Once the steam is released, remove the lid and turn it to saute mode. Cook for 2-4 minutes, stirring frequently, until some of the water is evaporated.

6. Stir in the parsley and DEVOUR!

1/8 tsp Ground Allspice

1 Can Fire roasted diced tomatoes (14oz)

1 Can Crushed tomatoes (14 oz)

1/2 Cup Water

2 Tbsp Tomato paste

1 tsp Sea salt

Pinch of pepper

2 Bay leaves

1/4 Cup Parsley minced


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Page 9: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your


This Keto Low Carb Smoothie With Almond Milk is an EASY 5 ingredient breakfast that tastes like a peanut butter cup! Gluten/dairy/sugar free and SO creamy!



1 Cup Almond Milk

1 Cup Crushed ice

1/4 Cup Avocado (about 1/2 an avocado or 60g)

3 Tbsp Monkfruit, or to taste (or sweetener of choice)

2 Tbsp Natural creamy peanut butter (Almond butter for paleo)

1 Tbsp Unsweetened cocoa powder


1. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.



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Page 11: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your


This Healthy Protein Powder Cookie Dough requires only 5 simple ingredients and is gluten free, paleo/vegan friendly and ready in 5 minutes! Go on, eat the whole bowl!



5 Tbsp Vanilla protein powder, of choice (30g)*

1 Tbsp Coconut Flour (6g)

Pinch of sea salt

2 Tbsp + 2 tsp Unsweetened applesauce

1 tsp Unsweetened Vanilla almond milk (optional but recommended)

1/4 tsp Butter extract (optional but recommended)

1/2 Tbsp Dairy Free Mini chocolate chips


1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the protein, coconut flour and sea salt.

2. Add in the applesauce, almond mil and butter extract. Stir until fluffy and mixed.  Stir in the chocolate chips.

3. DEVOUR right away, or chill in the fridge for 10-15 minutes!


*Protein powders can vary significantly across brands. The one I use requires 5 Tbsp, but I’ve had readers say they only needed 5 tsp. So, you may need to play with this!

This cookie dough is best eaten right away as it does dry out quickly.


Page 12: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your

15 Minute Booty-Burnin' Full Body WorkoutHere’s one that I like to do one those days when I want to get a little bit of heart-pumping cardio in, but have not so much time, and definitely no time to go to the gym!

You can do this at home, or on the road! All you need is an elastic resistance band.  I’m calling it the “booty-burnin’ workout” because it IS a full-body workout, but there’s a little more emphasis on working that booty. 😊 I hope you love it!


Do each movement for 10 reps and then move onto the next exercise. Repeat until you’ve done all the exercises then rest for 15 seconds a repeat a total of 5 times!

1. Burpees

2. Squats with a resistance band shoulder press

3. Glute Bridges

4. Straight leg bridges

5. Push ups

6. Leg lifts


1. Burpees. You know what these are! Start in a standing position then jump into a push-up position, and jump back up. Do this 10 times.

2. Squats with resistance band shoulder press.  Place your feet out in front of you, and place your resistance band under your feet, holding the bands in your palm. Go down into a squat, keeping your knees parallel with your feet, so your knees don’t track over your toes. At the same time as you squat, bring your arms up overhead into a shoulder press. Repeat this 10 times.

3. Glute bridges: Plate your feet hip distance apart with your knees bent and with your back on the floor and your arms out at your sides. Squeeze up through your glutes and hamstrings, until your hips are in a bridge position. Slowly lower back to starting position and repeat 10 times. If you want to up the anti, you can put your feet on an exercise ball if you have one.


Page 13: FOOD, FAITH & FITNESS QUICK TIPS€¦ · Eating well and exercising are an important part of a healthy, whole life. But, it’s important to ask yourself if they have BECOME your

4. Straight leg bridges: Press your feet up on a slightly elevated surface so that your legs are parallel to the floor and slightly lifted but with your back on the ground and your arms out at your sides. Flex through the glutes and hamstrings until the middle of your back and your booty are off the floor, with your legs straight. Return to starting position and repeat 10 times.

5. Push ups: You all know how to do a push up! Repeat 10 times. Put your feet on a exercise ball if you want to up the anti.

6. Leg lifts: Lay flat, with your back on the floor and your arms out to the sides. Squeeze your abs to bring your legs up until they’re straight in the arm. SLOWLY lower your legs back to starting position, and repeat 10 times.



While exercise is important, I always want you to remember it has to be about MORE than just changing your body or it will trap you and could become an idol.

1 Timothy 4:8 says: " For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." Even the Bible says physical training is important, but trying to be more like Christ is much more valuable.

