  • 8/12/2019 Fixed Phrases Used in Letters





    Dear Mr Brown

    Dear Ms White

    Dear Sir

    Dear Sirs

    Dear Madam

    Dear Sir or Madam



    We are writing to inform you that ...

    to confirm ... to request ... to enquire about ...

    I am contacting you for the following


    I recently read/heard about . . . and would

    like to know . . .

    a!ing seen your ad!ertisement in ... " I

    would like to ...

    I would be interested in

    #obtaining/recei!ing$ ...

    I recei!ed your address from ... and

    would like to ...

    I am writing to tell you about ...

    Referring toprevious contact

    %hank you for your letter of March &' ...

    %hank you for contacting us.

    In re(ly to your request ...

    %hank you for your letter regarding ...

    With reference to our tele(hone

    con!ersation yesterday ...

    )urther to our meeting last week ...

    It was a (leasure meeting you in *ondon

    last month.

    I en+oyed ha!ing lunch with you last week in%okyo.

    I would +ust like to confirm the main (oints

    we discussed on %uesday . . .

    Making a request We would a((reciate it if you would ... I would be grateful if you could...

    ,ould you (lease send me . . .

  • 8/12/2019 Fixed Phrases Used in Letters


    ,ould you (ossibly tell us/let us ha!e...

    In addition" I would like to recei!e ...

    It would be hel(ful if you could send us ...

    I am interested in #obtaining/recei!ing...$

    I would a((reciate your immediate attention

    to this matter.

    -lease let me know what action you

    (ro(ose to take.

    ffering help

    We would be ha((y to ...

    Would you like us to ...

    We are quite willing to ...

    ur com(any would be (leased to ...

    Giving goo!ne"s

    We are (leased to announce that ...

    I am delighted to inform you that ...

    ou will be (leased to learn that ...

    Giving #a! ne"s

    We regret to inform you that ...

    I0m afraid it would not be (ossible to ...

    1nfortunately we cannot/we are unable

    to ...

    2fter careful consideration we ha!e decided

    #not$ to ...


    I am writing to e3(ress my dissatisfaction

    with ...

    I am writing to com(lain about ...

    -lease note that the goods we ordered on#date$ ha!e not yet arri!ed.

    We regret to inform you that our order n4555

    is now considerably o!erdue.

    I would like to query the transport charges

    which seem unusually high.


    We are sorry for the delay in re(lying ...

    I regret any incon!enience caused

    I would like to a(ologi6e for #the delay/the

    incon!enience$ ...

    nce again" I a(ologise for anyincon!enience.

    r!ers Thank you for your quotation of ...

    We are (leased to (lace an order with your

    com(any for ...

    We would like to cancel our order n4...

    -lease confirm recei(t of our order.

    I am (leased to acknowledge recei(t of

  • 8/12/2019 Fixed Phrases Used in Letters


    your order n4...

    our order will be (rocessed as quickly as


    It will take about #three$ weeks to (rocess

    your order.

    We can guarantee deli!ery before ...

    1nfortunately these articles are no longer

    a!ailable/are out of stock.


    -lease send us your (rice list.

    ou will find enclosed our most recent

    catalogue and (rice list.

    -lease note that our (rices are sub+ect to

    change without notice.

    We ha!e (leasure in enclosing a detailed


    We can make you a firm offer of ...

    Our terms of payment are as follows :

    Referring topa)%ent

    ur records show that we ha!e not yet

    recei!ed (ayment of ...

    2ccording to our records ...

    -lease send (ayment as soon as (ossible.

    You will receive a credit note for the sum of ...


    I am enclosing ...

    -lease find enclosed ...

    ou will find enclosed ...

    $losing re%arks

    If we can be of any further assistance"

    (lease let us know

    If I can hel( in any way" (lease do not

    hesitate to contact me

    If you require more information ...

    )or further details ...

    %hank you for taking this into consideration

    %hank you for your hel(.

    We ho(e you are ha((y with this


    We ho(e you can settle this matter to our


    Referring tofuture #usiness

    We look forward to a successful working

    relationshi( in the future

    We would be #!ery$ (leased to do business

    with your com(any.

    I would be ha((y to ha!e an o((ortunity to

    work with your firm.

  • 8/12/2019 Fixed Phrases Used in Letters


    Referring tofuture contact

    I look forward to seeing you ne3t week

    *ooking forward to hearing from you

    7 7 to recei!ing your comments

    I look forward to meeting you on the &'th

    I would a((reciate a re(ly at your earliestcon!enience.


    Sincerely" *

    ours sincerely"*#for all customers/clients$

    Sincerely yours" *

    8egards" #for those you already know and

    have a working relationship with$
