Page 1: First Aid & CPR 23-Oct.-15

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BradyM. Pattersonhas successfully completed the following course of instruction

u.s. Coast Guard ApprovedFirst Aid and CPR (HOUST-M-197)This course satisfies the Basic Safety - Elementary First Aid training requirements of Section A-VII1 and

Table A-VI/1-3 of the STCW Code and 46 CFR 11.202(b)(3) AND if presented within one year of the date

of training, the First Aid & CPR training requirements of 46 CFR 11.205(e)(1)(ii) and 11.205(e)(2)(iii) for

original issuance of an officer endorsement.

Instructor: Tom DrakeCourse Location:Falck Safety Services


Date: 10.23.2015

Certificate: 6052271

FalckSafety Services

Page 2: First Aid & CPR 23-Oct.-15


Brady M. Patterson

'United States Coast Guard Approved'

'STCW Medic First Aid! CPR

Certification Date: 10.23.2015