
Student Teacher Portfolio

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Student Teaching PortfolioOfJoseph Neil A. VillarBBTEIT 4-1

Assigned at:Holy Spirit National High SchoolSto. Ireneo St.,Doa Juana ExtensionBrgy. Holy Spirit, Quezon City

Certificate of completion

AcknowledgementBefore anything else, I would like to give all of the gratitude to My Almighty God for His boundless support to fulfill this portfolio.I would like to express my sincere thankfulness to my professor, Prof. Sheryl R. Morales for wanting us to create our portfolio. I wish also to acknowledge and thank my cooperating teacher Mr. Rian T. Gloria for sharing his expertise, sincere, valuable guidance and encouragement that he gives to me.I would like to take this opportunity to show my sincere appreciation to my parents for supporting me financially, morally and spiritually, as well as for their interminable reassurance and inspiration.I also place on record, my sense of gratitude to one and all who, directly or indirectly, have lent their helping hand in this venture specially my love one Maricar B. Galanto for her continuous encouragement and inspiration to finish this portfolio with effort.

Table of Contents

Title PageCertificate of CompletionAcknowledgmentTable of Contents

I. Statement of Purpose of the PortfolioII. Prayer of Pre-service teachers, Teacher's creed, Personal Education PhilosophyIII. Resume, Community Involvement evidences, (photos and certificates of outreach, community service, etc)IV. Personal Insights on the pre-service training experienceV. Bried Description of the Site of practice teaching, Mission, Vision, Goal, ValuesOrganizational chartVI. Sample lesson plan/learning guide/plan book/activity loga. detailed lesson planb. semi-detailed lesson planc. brief/outline lesson planVII. Lesson plan used during final demonstration (completely signed by the CT/head)a. pictures of teaching materials usedb. pictures during the final democ. sample of students' output

Additional entries-DTRs-school site-pictures, pictures, pictures

I. Statement of Purpose of the PortfolioTeaching portfolios- selective collections of information about a teachers practice- have been become a regular feature in many educational programs and organizations at the national, state, district, school, and university level (Wolf, 1996).On one level, a teaching portfolio could be simply defined as a collection of information about a teachers practice. This information could include a wide variety of materials, such as unit and lesson plans, tests and assessments, student work, photographs of classroom life, philosophical and goal statements, self-assessment and written commentaries, letters of recommendation, formal evaluations, certificates, transcripts, and the like.A teaching portfolio is a structured collection of teacher and student work created across diverse contexts over time, framed by reflection and enriched through collaboration that has as its ultimate aim the advancement of teacher and student learning.II. Prayer of Pre-service teachers, Teacher's creed and Personal Education PhilosophyPrayer before entering classroomHelp me to be a fine teacher, to keep peace in the classroom, peace between my students and myself, to be kind and gentle to each and every one of my students.Help me to be merciful to my students, to balance mercy and discipline in theright measure for each student, to give genuine praise as much as possible, to give constructive criticism in a manner that is palatable to my students.Help me remain conscientious enough to keep my lessons always interesting, to recognize what motivates each of my students, to accept my student's limitations and not hold it against them.Help me not to judge my students too harshly, to be fair to all, to be agoodrole model, but most of all Lord, help me to show your love to all of my students.Amen.

PHILOSOPHY PRACTICE- TEACHING(from the Practice-Teaching Manual of ZSCMST-College of Education)Practice teaching experience is a critical part of a practice teacher in the college of education. It is believed that these practice teachers have demonstrated competence in the use of basic teaching strategies and have the potential to function as professionals. Practice teaching provides prospective teachers with the opportunity to implement all they have learned throughout their teacher education program. These practice teachers are supported by their College Dean, Program Advisers and their classroom Cooperating Teachers. They are greatly influenced by the practices and personality of these people to whom they have been assigned. Therefore, it is important that they will be placed with competent cooperating teachers.The competent cooperating teachers assess the needs and interest of practice teachers, prepares a conducive learning environment, and teaches such that students are engaged in learning activities and stimulate their thinking skill. These are skills that the cooperating teachers help the student teachers to acquire. This practice teaching manual outlines the process by which that mentoring can take place.GOALS OF STUDENT TEACHING1. To provide opportunities for the Practice Teacher to observe the application of instructional and management techniques as modeled by a cooperating teacher.2. To assist the Practice Teacher in making the transition from the role of student to that of a professional educator by assuming all of the daily responsibilities of a classroom teacher.3. To assist the Practice Teacher in understanding the organizational structure and the respective roles of the administrative, faculty, and staff personnel of secondary school.4. To provide the Practice Teacher with opportunities to participate in the application and evaluation of specific theories and techniques studied previously in campus-based professional education subjects under the supervision of a Cooperating Teacher who is knowledgeable and experienced in those particular theories and techniques.5. To provide observation, guidance and evaluation for Practice teacher from both the Cooperating Teacher and the College Dean.6. To provide Practice Teachers with the opportunity to demonstrate subject matter competence by planning and presenting lessons and assessing student learning using a variety of strategies and tools (including technology).7. To enable Practice Teachers to participate fully in the life of the school to which they have been assigned.8. To provide opportunities for the Practice Teacher to plan, organize, manage, and evaluate the complete daily schedule of a classroom for a specified period of at least sixteen (16) weeks of consecutive class days.9. To provide an opportunity for Practice Teachers to reflect upon their entire professional preparation including their daily practice teaching experiences by preparing a portfolio to demonstrate their achievement and the achievement of their students.Practice Teaching Placement and ProceduresOnce a student enrolled in practice teaching, the Dean of the College of Education together with the two program advisers will seek a school placement for the prospective student teacher. Student teaching sites are limited to:1) Public schools.2) With cooperating teachers who are familiar with and willing to support the ZSCMST College of Education programs.The Program advisers with the supervision of the College Dean shall initiate all requests to secondary school districts for placement of Practice Teachers by sending a letter requesting placement to the selected public secondary schools principal.COOPERATING PRINCIPALAs the educational leader of the school in which the Practice Teacher is placed, the principals role in the Program is essential to its success. He/she is expected to take a direct and active part in facilitating the practice teaching experience.The expectations of the Cooperating Principal shall be as follow:1. Cooperate with the Dean and the program advisers of the ZSCMST, College of Education in securing the most appropriate appointment of a willing and competent Cooperating Teacher,2. Oversee the Practice Teachers orientation to the organizational structure, physical facilities and instructional equipment, and established procedures of the school,3. Arrange appropriate access to the school and classroom for the Dean and program advisers for observation,4. Provide support and advice to the Cooperating Teacher and the Practice Teacher in the solution of any unanticipated problems that may arise that are pertinent to the student teaching experience,5. Conduct one or more formal class observations of the Practice Teachers teaching as time allows, and provide feedback after that session.

COOPERATING TEACHERThe Cooperating Teacher shall supervise the routine daily activities of the Practice Teacher and provide the Practice Teacher with access to teaching resources.The Cooperating Teacher shall be paid an honorarium according to the student teaching fee structure developed by the Dean and the program advisers and approved by the College President.The minimum qualifications of the Cooperating Teacher shall be as follows:1. A record of at least three years of successful teaching,2. His/her field of specialization is the same of that practice teacher assigned,3. At least one year in the present teaching position and,4. Willingness to support the Practice Teachers efforts to apply the theories and instructional methods emphasized in the Colleges professional education courses.The expectations of the Cooperating Teacher shall be as follows:A. Conduct an orientation with the practice teacher including the following information: 1. Secondary school policies, rules and regulations and procedures including routine and emergency, 2. Copy of daily schedule and an explanation of the schools schedule/routine/calendar, 4. Copy of the teachers handbook/manual, lesson plan format, curriculum guidelines and any other materials the practice teacher needs to lesson plan, 5. Instructions about grading system and assessment (practice teachers should not be given the actual class record), 6. A copy of the students handbook detailing the schools disciplinary policy (please discuss your own disciplinary approach), 7. Information about faculty meetings/in-services, 8. Texts, seat plans, ID for practice teacher, 9. Accessibility of storage of materials, library use, computer use to the practice teacher, 10. Schedule weekly consultations with the Practice Teacher to discuss instructional goals, plan for instruction and evaluation of students, refine classroom management skills, and evaluate instructional skill development.11. Support the Practice Teachers efforts to implement specific theories, instructional models, and teaching techniques emphasized in the Colleges professional education subjects,12. Provide for the Practice Teachers participation in all professional activities in which she/he the Cooperating Teacher is engaged during the period of the practice teaching assignment,13. Make the Practice Teacher, the College Dean and the program advisers aware of any problem(s) that may become apparent as soon as possible after their first appearance,14. Provide ongoing feedback and complete a written evaluation on forms provided by the ZSCMST-College of Education and be collected from them by the program advisers of the programs after the Practice Teaching experience.COLLEGE DEAN AND PROGRAM ADVISERSThe Dean and the Program advisers are the representatives who facilitate communication between the ZSCMST-College of Education and Secondary School principal in all matters relating to the Practice Teacher under his/her supervision.The expectations of the College Dean and the Program advisers shall be as follows:1. Provide a general orientation to the practice teaching experience for the Practice Teachers.2. Clarify the goals and procedures of the practice teaching program to the Cooperating Teachers and Principals as necessary (they will be invited for a conference before the deployment of student teachers).3. Analyze and respond to the daily practice teaching logs to determine if problems are developing.4. Evaluate lesson plans weekly to assist the practice teachers in developing, planning and presentation skills.5. Regularly observe, at least four times, the Practice Teacher actively teaching to evaluate and encourage the development of the Practice Teachers professional skills.6. Maintain contact with the Cooperating Teacher to discuss specific strengths and weaknesses of the Practice Teacher and set goals for coaching.7. Confer with the Practice Teachers after the observation to help the practice teachers deal with specific issues and continue their progress.8. Assign grade for the practice teaching experience on the basis of personal observation of the Practice Teachers classroom instructional behavior upon the recommendation of the Cooperating Teacher and in consultation with the principal and/or other professional educational personnel as deemed appropriate by the College Dean.PRACTICE TEACHERThe Practice Teacher is a senior enrolled in practice teaching as one of the subjects in the course Bachelor in Secondary Education. The student has demonstrated in classes and clinical field experiences the abilities and skills that suggest he/she will become a successful teacher.Once the practice teaching period has begun, the Practice Teacher shall participate in all professional activities that are expected of the Cooperating Teacher, including (but not limited to) faculty meetings, special duty assignments, parent-teacher conferences, and in-service workshops.The Practice Teacher shall abide by all rules and regulations established by the Public Secondary School for its Practice Teachers, any specific requirements or assignments as may be made by the Cooperating Teacher, Cooperating Principal, College Dean and Program advisers, and the policies and procedures established for the practice teaching program of the College.For the College, the Practice Teacher must1) Submit weekly journal reflections.2) Attend a weekly practice teaching conference.3) Develop a classroom management plan.4) Complete the portfolio and teacher work sample materials.5) Submit a copy of a weekly schedule with times you will teach.6) Provide a lesson plan prior to each lesson to be observed.7) Interview school nurse, counselor, school personnel and assistant principal in charge of discipline regarding special services and individual needs (journal entry).

III. Resume

Joseph Neil A. VillarBlk. 9 Lot 27 Silvertowne III, Malagasang 1-C, Imus CaviteContact No. 0926-433-1428

Educational background:

College:School:Polytechnic University of the PhilippinesCourse:Bachelor in Business Teacher EducationSecondary:School:Imus National High SchoolPrimary:School:Malagasang 1-C Elementary School

Seminars and Trainings:

Qualifications: Can work independently and/ or in team production Love to work in high pressure environment area. Strong personality and able to deal decision. Task/output oriented. Flexible.

Personal background

Civil status: SingleReligion: Church of God in Christ Jesus, the pillar and ground of truthBirthday: June 02, 1995Sex: MaleFathers Name: Neil S. VillarMothers Name: Josephine A. Villar

Joseph Neil A. Villar

IV. Personal Insights on the pre-service training experienceSpending my practical teaching in Holy Spirit National High school was really a big challenge to my skills and ability. I used to teach two fields of T.L.E, first is S.M.A.W or Shielded Metal Arc Welding and second is E.I.M or Electrical Installation and Maintenance. At first I need to adjust and adapt the ambiance where I used to teach. But unlike other individual, I did not encounter any problem to prevent my growth in fact I easily cope up with the environment where I teach.Over all it helps me a lot not only to realize my passion in teaching but also to fathom and discover my other skills and talent.V. Brief Description of the Site of practice teaching: Mission, Vision, Goal, Values / Organizational chart

Polytechnic University of the PhilippinesQuezon City BranchVisionClearing the paths while laying new foundations to transform the Polytechnic University of the Philippines into an epistemic community.

MissionReflective of the great emphasis being given by the country's leadership aimed at providing appropriate attention to the alleviation of the plight of the poor, the development of the citizens, and of the national economy to become globally competitive, the University shall commit its academic resources and manpower to achieve its goals through:1. Provision of undergraduate and graduate education which meet international standards of quality and excellence;2. Generation and transmission of knowledge in the broad range of disciplines relevant and responsive to the dynamically changing domestic and international environment;3. Provision of more equitable access to higher education opportunities to deserving and qualified Filipinos; and4. Optimization, through efficiency and effectiveness, of social, institutional, and individual returns and benefits derived from the utilization of higher education resources.

PhilosophyAs a state university, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines believes that: Education is an instrument for the development of the citizenry and for the enhancement of nation building; Meaningful growth and transformation of the country are best achieved in an atmosphere of brotherhood, peace, freedom, justice and a nationalist-oriented education imbued with the spirit of humanist internationalism.

Strategic Objective: 8-Point Agenda1. Pursuing Academic Excellence through Disciplinal Integrity2. Embedding a Culture of Research3. Assuring Transparency and Participatoriness in Giving Rewards and Sanctions4. Modernization and Upgrading of Physical Facilities, Equipment, Library and Campus Development5. Reconceptualization of Academic Freedom6. Institutionalizing Civil Society Engagement and Involved Extension Service Program7. Fiscal Responsibility8. Assessment of the Institutional Processes and Critical-Rational Review of the Entire Organization(View more information on the PUP 8-Point Agenda)Shared Values God-Fearing Love for Humanity and Democracy Collegiality Integrity and Credibility Transparency and Accountability Passion for Learning Humanist Internationalism Holy Spirit National High SchoolHoly Spirit National High School(HSNHS) is a public high school located in Barangay Holy SpiritinQuezon City,Philippines. It was founded on 2003 as Commonwealth High School Holy Spirit Annex, the annex school of Commonwealth High Schoolin Barangay Commonwealth, Quezon City. In 2008, it was renamed as Holy Spirit National High School after getting its independence.HistoryHoly Spirit National High School was created because of the need to provide quality and accessible education to students of Barangay Holy Spirit. To deal with the rise of enrollees in Commonwealth High School, the local government came up with the proposal of putting up an annex in the said barangay. The annex school was built under the leadership of former Quezon City Mayor Feliciano "Sonny" Belmonte, Jr., with the support of Mr. Cresencio M. Viernes, principal of Commonwealth High School, Barangay Captain Felicito A. Valmocina and the acceptance of the residents of Barangay Holy Spirit. With the approval and assistance of Department of Public Works and Highways Secretary Simeon Datumanung, the Quezon City government acquires 1,500 sq. m. of land property of DPWH. It is the present site of Holy Spirit National High School. The School was first operated on July 4, 2003 as Commonwealth High School- Holy Spirit Annex and finally inaugurated on September 26, 2003. But because of the efforts of Mrs. Zaida M. Padullo, former principal of the school, the Commonwealth High School- Holy Spirit Annex became an independent school and renamed as Holy Spirit National High School in July 2007.MissionHoly Spirit National High School is committed to provide quality education through efficient delivery of accessible and relevant instruction to learner, molding them to become functional citizens of community.VisionsThe Holy Spirit National High School envision to produce value leader and globally competitive graduate who will make meaningful contributions to society equipped with knowledge and lifelong learning skills.

VI. Sample lesson plan/learning guide/plan book/activity log


Tuesday: Mark, Jeremiah, Matthew, and John At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:a. name the different electrical supplies and materialsb. enumerate the materials that are necessary for special purposes; andc. appreciate the purpose of electrical materials.Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Prepare electrical supplies, materials, and toolsa. Subtopic: Electrical supplies and materialsb. References: K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Learning Module in Electrical Installation and Maintenance pp.14-17c. Materials: Visual Aids, Chalk, paper, pen, and actual electrical materials.Procedure:atter:

a. Preparation of the topic1. Daily classroom routine1.1 prayer1.2 greetings1.3 checking of attendance2. Unlocking of difficulties2.1 PVC (polyvinylchloride)- is a type of plastic usually used in pipe.2.2 FMC (flexible metallic conduit)- is a type of conduit is flexible.2.3 CPC (corrugated plastic conduit)- is a type of conduit comes in plastic.

3. Review3.1 What are the different tools and equipment used in electrical installation?3.2 What are their functions?3.3 Why it is important to know the function of these tools?

4. MotivationGuess who?Direction: this activity will be a battle between groups in which by using some actual materials, the students will guess the topic for today by naming the materials. The first group that will get 3 correct answers will declare as the winner.

b. Presentation of the topicElectrical Supplies and MaterialsElectrical Materials are developed and constructed for a special purpose, such as toa. control the flow of current in an electrical circuit.b. carry electrical current from the sources to the load or current consuming apparatus;c. hold and secure wires to its fixtures inside and outside houses and buildings; andd. protect houses, buildings, appliances, and instruments from destructions and damage.

The following are the most commonly used electrical materials.1. Convenience outlet- a device that acts as a convenient source of electrical energy for current consuming appliances. It is where the male plug of an appliance is inserted and is usually fastened on the wall or connected in an extension cord.2. Male plug- is a device inserted to a convenience outlet to conduct electric current. A flat cord is attached to it on one end and the other end is connected to a current-consuming instrument or appliance.3. Lamp holders- devices that hold and protect the lamp and are also called lamp sockets/receptacles. These come in many designs and sizes. They are classified as flush, hanging (weather proof/chain), and surface types.4. Switch- a device that connects and disconnects the flow of electric current in a circuit. There are many shapes, designs, and types and they are classified as hanging, flush, and surface types.5. Fuse- a circuit protective device that automatically blows and cuts the current when overload or short circuit happens.6. Circuit breaker- a protective device used to automatically blow and cut the current when trouble in the circuit such as short circuit or overload occurs.7. Junction box- an octagonal shaped electrical material where the connections or joints of wires are being done. It is also where the flush type lamp holder is attached. This could be made of metal or plastic (PVC).8. Utility box- a rectangular shaped metallic or plastic (PVC) material in which flush type convenience outlet and switch are attached.9. Flat cord- a duplex stranded wire used for temporary wiring installation and commonly used in extension cord assembly.10. Electrical wire/conductor- electrical material that could be:a. Stranded wire which is made of multiple strands joined together to make a single wire.b. Solid wire is made of a single strand of copper or aluminum wire. These are used in wiring installation inside and outside the buildings.11. Conduits/pipes- electrical materials used as the passage way of wires for protection and insulation.12. Clamps- electrical materials used to hold and anchor electrical conduits to their proper position.13. Connectors- used to attach metallic or non-metallic conduit to the junction or utility boxes.c. Closing Activities1. Applicationlets exploreDirection: Using the illustration, the students will trace the flow of current from the main sources to the appliances using the following materials.1. Power line2. Safety box3. Circuit breaker4. Fuse5. Wires6. Conduits/pipes7. Junction box8. Convenience outlet9. Switch10. Lamp holders11. Bulb12. Television2. GeneralizationTherefore, electrical materials are crucial in electrical world. In which these materials are made for each specific purposes.

3. Values integrationThe students are expected to appreciate the importance of these materials which is to protect our lives anytime.


Scoring RubricsCriteriaExcellent(10 points)Very Good(5 points)Needs Improvement(3 points)

UnderstandingThe learner explains his/her thoughts expressively and precisely. The learner explain his/her thoughts with some points of viewThe learners explain his/her thoughts vaguely.

PresentationThe learner presents his/her illustration comprehensively.The learner presents his/her illustration with some parts missing.The learner presents his/her illustration vaguely.


1. What are the common wire splices and joints?2. Identify their functions and usage.3. And give their pictures. C. BRIEF/OUTLINE LESSON PLANI. Objectivesa. Cognitive domainb. Psychomotor domainc. Affective domainII. Subject Mattera. Main topic of the lesson Subtopicb. Reference/sc. Materials to be used in teaching the topicIII. Procedurea. Preparation of the topic1. Daily Classroom Routine Prayers Greetings Checking of attendance2. Unlocking of difficulties3. Review of the past lesson4. Motivationb. Presentation of the topicc. Closing Activities1. Application2. Generalization3. Values IntegrationIV. EvaluationV. Assignment/Agreement1. Follow up question for todays topic2. Review question for the next topic3. Reference/s

VII. Lesson plan used during final demonstration (completely signed by the CT/head)

Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of educationHoly Spirit National High SchoolSto. Ireneo St. cor. Doa Juana Ext., Holy Spirit, Quezon City



Date: February 24, 2015 Section:John Time: 1:40-2:40 p.m.

I. OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:a. name and identify the parts/components of a circuit connection;b. demonstrate good wiring connection using the two bulbs connecting in a parallel circuit controlled by a single switch; andc. appreciate the importance of proper wiring connections.II. SUBJECT MATTER:a. Topic: Electrical Wiring InstallationSubtopic: Two Bulbs in Parallel Connection Controlled by a Single Switchb. References:Module: K-12 Learning Module in Electrical Installation and Maintenance pp. 88-89; andWebsite: Materials: Pictures, cartolina, Actual tools and materials(bulbs, switch, circuit breaker, wires and electrical tape) III. PROCEDURE:a. Preparation of the topic1. Daily Classroom Routine1.1 Prayer1.2 Greetings1.3 Checking of attendance

2. ReviewTransformProcedure: Students will guess the following words by filling some letters found everywhere in the diagram. Afterwards, one representative from the class will convert the diagram into schematic diagram using the symbols found in the board. SIMPLE



Oral Questioning:1. What are the components of simple circuit connection?2. Transform the following diagram into schematic diagram by using the symbols found at the board.3. Unlocking of difficultiesPole- (noun) means opposite, extreme, limit or end.Leads- (noun) means pointers, frontrunners or indicators.Circuit Breaker (noun) a protective device used to automatically cut the current when trouble.4. MotivationPicture! Picture!Direction: This activity will be a battle between sexes. Each group will asked 1 representative to answer one question to be flashed on the screen. As each question answered correctly, a mystery picture will revealed that will give a hint to the lesson.

b. Presentation of the topic

Two Bulbs in a Parallel Circuit Controlled By A Single SwitchIntroduction of the topicParallel Circuit is a circuit in which lamps are connected across the wires. The voltage across each load on a parallel circuit is the same. The advantage of using parallel circuit is that even if one of the lamps fails, the remaining lamps will still function. Electrical Diagram

Illustration 1.1 showing the schematic diagram of the 2 bulbs in a parallel connection controlled by a single switch.

Illustration 1.2 showing the wiring diagram of a 2 bulbs in a parallel connection controlled by a single switch

Steps in connecting 2 bulbs in a parallel circuit controlled by a single switch;1. Locate the lines coming from the source. Try to differentiate where the Line 1 or Line 2 is.2. Connect the Line 2 to the first terminal of the Bulb A as well as the first terminal of the Bulb B.3. Connect the Line 1 to the first terminal of the switch.4. Connect the second terminal of the switch to the second terminal of Bulb A and B.5. Insert the plug to the outlet.

c. Closing ApplicationReturn Demonstration

Direction: The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will be asked to perform the connections in actual presentations.

d. GeneralizationGood wiring connections are crucial in building electrical wirings at home. Proper tools, materials and equipment, need to considered to avoid accident.

e. Values IntegrationsThe students are expected to enhance their workmanship through cooperation, knowledge in good wiring connections and awareness about safety context pertaining to the proper handling of tools and materials.IV. Evaluation:

SCORING RUBRICSCriteria5 points3 points2 points1 points

AccuracyThe learners followed all the procedures precisely and accurately.The learners followed most of the procedures precisely.The learners followed almost half of the procedure indefinitely.The learners followed least of the procedure indefinitely.

WorkmanshipThe learners showed their skills technically and creatively.The learners showed their skills with some techniques.The learners showed their skills beyond basic.The learners not able to show any skills while performing.

Proper handling of toolsThe learners able to demonstrate excellent understanding about safety context.The learners established some safety on handling of tools.The learners established some risky handling of tools.The learners handled the tools unsafely.

SpeedThe learners performed the task on or before the given period of time.The learners performed the task efficiently on the given time.The learners performed the task inefficiently on the given time.The learners performed all the task after the given time.


5 pointsExcellent100-93

3 pointsGood92-86

2 pointsFair85-79

1 pointsPoor78 and below

V. AgreementPlease bring the following tools and materials for practical exam tomorrow:a. Stranded electrical wire #14b. Electrical tapec. Long nose plierd. Side cutting pliersPrepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

JOSEPH NEIL A. VILLAR RIAN T. GLORIA MA. ELENA D. ZAMORAStudent Teacher Cooperating Teacher Department Head

Approved by:



Cards used for reviewing the past lesson.

Visual Aids used in reviewing the past lesson.

Arranged words used on motivation

Diagram used on planning the wiring connections

B. PICTURES DURING THE FINAL DEMOMe while executing the review of the past lesson (Photo courtesy of Sheila Agustin)

Performing the Motivation of the topic (Photo courtesy of Sheila Agustin)

Explaining the topic (Photo courtesy of Sheila Agustin)

Demonstrating the topic (Photo courtesy of Sheila Agustin)

Students Evaluation: Return Demonstration (Photo courtesy of Sheila Agustin)


Me while testing the output of the performance of the students (Photo courtesy of Rian Gloria)

ADDITIONAL ENTRIESDaily Time RecordFor the month of NOVEMBER

DateA.MP.MCooperating teacherssignatureTOTALHOURS





Daily Time RecordFor the month of DECEMBER

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Bachelor in Business Teacher Education

Daily Time RecordFor the month of JANUARY

DateA.MP.MCooperating teacherssignatureTOTALHOURS





















Daily Time RecordFor the month of FEBRUARY

DateA.MP.MCooperating teacherssignatureTOTALHOURS




















Daily Time RecordFor the month of MARCH

DateA.MP.MCooperating teacherssignatureTOTALHOURS





