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World History Final Project

Name: ______________________________________

World History Final Project PART 1For your final project, you are to create a world history dictionary. These are the steps involved:

1. Choose ANY 4 letters of the alphabet. (6 with a partner, 7 letters for 3 people)2. For each letter, you are to choose a person, place, and object/idea that we have studied. 3. Write a one paragraph description for each in your own words.4. This description should include the identity of the person and birth and death dates. The location of the place should include its importance/relevance to what we have studied and its latitude and longitude. The object or idea should begin with the definition. 5. It should also include why each is important in the study of world history.

6. You may use your textbook for ideas and as a guide, but the descriptions should be in YOUR WORDS!7. You may use material from any chapter we have covered

8. Include a relevant picture for each page or letter. This may be hand drawn or printed. It can be a picture of the person, place, or object or a symbol for it.

9. Include a cover page with a title for your project, name, date, period.

10. Typed projects should have one-inch margins, and 12 point font. (Sample Page)CConstantine (c. A.D. 280-337)

Roman emperor from A.D. 312 to A.D. 337. Moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople. He was the first Roman emperor to accept Christianity. In A.D. 313, he issued the Edict of Milan, which gave religious freedom to all people and made Christianity legal.



Carthage(37N, 10E)

City located on the coast of North Africa. Originally settled by the Phoenicians around 800 B.C. Because of their location on the Mediterranean Sea and close to Europe, Carthage became a great trading empire and the largest and richest city in the Western Mediterranean. Carthage and Rome fought a series of wars called the Punic Wars beginning in 264 B.C. The wars were originally fought for control of the island of Sicily. Rome was victorious, destroying the city

of Carthage in 146 B.C. Carthage became a province in the Roman Empire.


The top government officials in the Roman Republic. Two consuls

were elected each year and they were both chosen from the patrician class of Roman society. They were in charge of the army and the government. If they did not agree with a decision, they could veto each others vote.WORLD HISTORY FINAL PROJECT PART 2Write a creative story in which you create a character who is capable of traveling though time and space to visit three (3) of the cultures or time periods that we have studied in world history this year.

Describe the particular place, culture, and time period as your character progresses through each of the three places or time periods, through the use of your characters words, narratives, experiences, etc.

You must include at least five (5) details about what your character sees, experiences, hears, or observes during his/her stay there. For each culture, there should be one page of writing/typing and one page of pictures. You will be evaluated on the following criteria:

1. Following of above directions.

2. Thoroughness and accuracy of your descriptions

3. Creativity of your narrative

4. Proper conventions spelling, capitalization, grammar, etc.5. Overall quality of your workSAMPLE PAGE

The Pyramids! I was in Egypt! I knew who I was withI was with the Pharaoh of Egypt, Hatshepsut! She was inspecting a map of her trade routes. Hatshepsut was well known for her large and open trade routes and also for being the very first woman to rule Egypt (she reigned from around 1504 1482 B.C.). Then her guards came up to me and told me to leave the building, so I did.

Once I was outside I explored Thebes, the capital of Egypt during the reign of Hatshepsut, and gazed in awe at the titanic Nile River, which flows from south to north, opposite most other rivers, and is the largest river in all the world! Then I went further into the great city and amazed at how much of their life revolves around the Nile. They depend on it for food, water, and the ability to make many other materials for their livelihood. Not surprisingly, most of the ancient Egyptians were employed as slaves, farmers, merchants, or artisans. The middle class was mostly scribes and soldiers.

However, some of the social elite were employed in government positions. Something that I realized was the higher up in the social classes you were in, the less you had to with the Nile (meaning how much or little of their work depended on the river). After I took my self-tour of the magnificent city, I went to the dock and got on one of the trade ships leaving the city of Thebes and asked if they could stop in Gaza before entering the great Mediterranean to trade with other far-away civilizations, and they said, Of course.

When I got there I looked to the west, and I saw the pyramids, the biggest one was Khufus Great Pyramid. It took twenty years to build and about 100,000 men to construct this grand monument. Its the biggest pyramid in all of Egypt. Did you know all pyramids are almost perfectly aligned with particular star? Then I saw the majestic sphinx guarding the pyramids.

After that, I bumped into a man that looked strangely like my grandfather! Then I remember telling him that the watch could adjust the exact month, day, hour, minute, and second, of the time you want to time travel! But how do I use itWham!!! There I go again!

WORLD HISTORY FINAL PROJECT PART 3Choose civilizations that we have studied this year. Complete a chart for the categories listed below. If you are working alone, complete information on two (2) civilizations. With a partner, complete the information on three (3) civilizations. For three people working together, complete five (5) civilizations. The categories are:

1. Geography of the area.

2. 5 important people and their effect (ex. Alexander the Great conquests and spread of Greek culture)

3. 5 Significant events and the effect of each on the civilization.

4. Religious beliefs.

5. System(s) of government (ex. Monarchy, democracy, republic)

6. 5 important contributions to history (ex. Greek democracy)

7. Lifestyle (how people lived) ex. Farming, trade, social classes, etc.

8. Legacy (one paragraph summary)

This project can be completed on paper, poster board, or as an electronic presentation. You will be graded on:

1. Accurate and complete information

2. Ability to demonstrate knowledge of civilizations.3. Understanding of each civilization and their role in history

4. Overall quality of presentation.

Civlizations:PrehistoryAncient EgyptMesopotamia

Ancient Greece

Hellenistic Empire

Ancient Rome

Medieval Europe

Renaissance ItalyTudor England

Geography of the area

Important people and effects

Significant Events and Their Effects

Religious Beliefs

Systems of Government

5 Important Contributions to history

