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A Novel Approach for the Detection and Analysis of Brain Tumour Under the guidance of Dr. Monica Jain Prof. & HOD-ICE Dept. GCET Gr. Noida

Submitted By: Mayank Yadav (1109722024) Shivanky Jaiswal (1109722050) Sandeep Maurya (1109722045)


Brain Anatomy

What is a brain tumor?A group (mass) of abnormal cells that get formed in the brain.There are over 120 different types of brain tumors, which makes effective treatment complicated. Mostly tumors are classified into two types: (1)Malignant(cancerous) tumors (2)Benign tumors3Diagnosis of brain tumorsDiagnostic tools include: patient history, a brain scan, CT scan, MRI. MRI provides a much greater contrast between the different soft tissues of the body than computed tomography (CT) does.

4Each year more than 200000 people in world are diagnosed with primary or metastatic tumour.Brain cancer remains one of the most incurable forms of cancer, with an average survival period of one to two years.Technology is useless if it cant even save the lives.The project aims at early detection of the tumour, better readability and understandability of MRI reports by each individual on its own.Automation of tumor detection is required because there might be a shortage of skilled radiologists at a time of great need.

MotivationBut what forces us to pursue this project?????

Being an instrumentation engineer, accuracy and precision are our ethics.

Through this project we aim to do the computational study of MRI images in a precise and accurate manner & to develop a better control and detection of the tumour and its cure at early stages. OBJECTIVETo detect the tumour through edge detection.Design the 2D structure of tumour to calculate the area.Pre-processing operations followed by processing operationsCalculation of area of tumor present in the skull region

MethodologyPreprocessing code

I= imread('Image11.bmp'); % calling the function imread to read the imageimshow(I); % imshow function called to display the imageJ = imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',0.02); % imnoise function called to image with noisefigure, imshow(J) % imshow displays the image with noiseL = medfilt2(J,[3 3]); % medfilt2 function performs 2-d filtering on imagefigure, imshow(L)[junk threshold] = edge(I, 'canny'); % edge detection by canny methodfudgeFactor = .5; % scalar value to be multiplied by threshold valueBWs = edge(I,'canny', threshold * fudgeFactor); % bws stores the edge detected imagefigure,imshow(BWs), title('binary gradient mask');% imshow displays edge detected imagese90 = strel('line', 3, 90); % creates a structuring element for dilationse0 = strel('line', 3, 0);BWsdil = imdilate(BWs, [se90 se0]); % imdilate function called to perform image dilationfigure, imshow(BWsdil), title('dilated gradient mask');BWdfill = imfill(BWsdil, 'holes'); % imfill performs flood fill operations on background pixels of input image

Processing codeA= imread('image11.bmp');B=Imread('image7.bmp');I=B;[T,EM]=graythresh(I); % EM effectiveness matrix,t normalized intensity value: both arguments of graythreshg = im2bw(I,2*T); % g stores the thresholded imagebg_wT=bwareaopen(g,2*500); % bwareaopen function called to removes from binary image specified connected componentsbg_withoutT=bwareaopen(bg_wT,2*1000); % variable stores the image without tumortumor=imsubtract(bg_wT,bg_withoutT); % imsubtract called to subtract one image from anothertumor=imfill(tumor,'holes');r=regionprops(tumor); % measures set of properties associated with imagecent=cat(1,r.Centroid); % cat argument concatenates the objectsbb=cat(1,r.BoundingBox); % bounding box creates a box around the specified imageArea=cat(1,r.Area) % area argument calculates the area of image in bounding boximshow(I)hold onfor k=1:size(bb,1) % loop for creating and defining the bounding box rectangle('position',bb(k,:),'edgecolor','r','linewidth',2) plot(cent(k,1),cent(k,2),'g+')endfigure,imshow(tumor);bw=imfill(bw,'holes');Main_Area=bwarea(bw);vpa(Main_Area,10) % variable precision accuracy

Results Input image 1 and its outputs

Input image 2

Input image 3

Input image 4

Calculations Input 1

Total skull area:33635.125Tumor area:1933Percentage of area occupied by tumor:5.7%

Input image 2

Total skull area:35711.125Tumor area:1716Percentage of area occupied by tumor:4.8%

Input image 3

Total skull area:32269.875Tumor area:1095Percentage of area occupied by tumor:3.39%

Input image 4

Total skull area:24306Tumor area:2053Percentage of area occupied by tumor:8.4%

Conclusion MRI is a critical part in many researches.In this work, the brain image testing process has been done. This method has given the reliable result. If the brain image has the tumor region, the further processing steps are needed to be done. The edge detection operator technique will detect the size, shape and boundary extraction. The proposed work provides a new algorithm for brain tumor which is more efficient. The accurate and precise detection is crucial otherwise the wrong identification of disease can lead to several consequences. As diagnosis of tumor is a complicated task; therefore accuracy and reliability are always assigned much importance. As shown earlier, various MRI results have been taken and tested, which shows the clear understanding of accuracy and precise result.

Thank you!!!!!!