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Page 1: Final photo analysis

Final photo analysis AS Media

Page 2: Final photo analysis

Placement: Front cover

Opinion: I chose to use this picture because of the positioning of the models, they’re at the focus point of the photo, with the female in the centre showing her lead role within the group. This photo is representative of the R&B genre because of the stereotypical graffiti background and conventional ‘urban’ clothing, I also like the fact that all the group members are wearing colour coordinated clothes, this makes it easier to use a colour scheme within the magazine.

Placement: Contents page

Opinion: This picture is of two artists that are featured in the magazine and is a great one to use in the contents page as it shows that the magazine as connections to many different artists, the location is perfect for a Hip-Hop cantered magazine as graffiti is known to be related to the genre. The ‘artists’ are also in conventional ‘gangster’ clothing. The photo will need to be slightly manipulated however as the bike prop on the foreground wasn’t supposed to be visible in the shot.

Page 3: Final photo analysis

Placement: double page spread, individual character profile.

Opinion: This picture is perfect for the ‘character profile’ section as it says a lot about the person, the fact that the female is looking away may insinuate that she has a past which she prefers not to talk about, this would give the magazine a selling point as it will engage with the reader and keep them guessing about the singer, wanting to find out her story.

Placement: double page spread.

Opinion: This picture is great as the ‘group’ aren’t posing, the whole idea of the shot is to show them on stage, meaning the photo will need to be edited in order to manipulate the background.

Page 4: Final photo analysis

Placement: double page spread, individual character profile.

Opinion: The non verbal communication in this picture is magnificent as it allows the reader to get an insight into the artist before even reading their story, the crossed arms can hint that the person is very stubborn. In addition, the hard, dark shadow in the photograph (achieved by moving the lights close to the subject) show that ‘Josh’ has had a harsh past but has moved into the light through his music. All of this shows that a picture can tell a story and therefore is great for the individual character profile section in the double page spread.

Placement: double page spread

Opinion: I think this photo is perfect for a double page spread as it is a complete action shot (where the artists aren’t posing) these type of images are commonly used in double page spreads as I recall from the magazine research I conducted. The image also shows variation in the pictures used as it is an over the shoulder shot showing what the artists see. This photo also makes the magazine look professional as there is lots of musical equipment to be seen.

Page 5: Final photo analysis

Placement: Contents page advertisement

Opinion: This image has great focus on the main subject (iPod) as it is the only object with a shadow. The picture is a great example of a competition prize as it not only reflects that it’s a music magazine but also draws in readers as they would want to win this.

Placement: Contents

Opinion: I think this picture is a great action shot as the models aren’t facing the camera, the aim of the photo is to catch the two ‘artists’ when they aren’t expecting it as it will be used for a ‘gossip’ section on the contents page which wouldn’t usually include planned photos.

Page 6: Final photo analysis

Placement: Contents page advertisement

Opinion: I really like this photograph as it is vibrant in colour and represents the Hip Hop genre simply because of the main image placed on the album cover. This image is perfect for its function (advertisement) as it looks professional and could be seen used in any music store advert.

Placement: Contents

Opinion: This image is a good one to use as an extra artist featured on the contents page as it shows different ethnicities within the magazine making it appeal to everyone. The conventional clothing is on point and the headphones complete the whole look and remind the reader that it is a music magazine.

Page 7: Final photo analysis

Placement: Main front cover image

Opinion: I chose to use this picture as it captures the serious facial expressions on all the models ; this helps the magazine present its genre of Hip-hop as if the magazine was the POP genre models would be smiling. Another useful aspect of the photo is the props used, the group members are all wearing the same colour making it easier to create a colour scheme also making the group appear more realistic.

Placement: Double page spread, individual character profile.

Opinion: Once again I like this picture for the fact that it tells a story, Jay looks very confidant due to posture and his raised head suggesting that he is the main man in the group, not only that but out of the three individual photos this is the only one without a shadow showing variation in the photographs included in the magazine.

Page 8: Final photo analysis

Placement: Contents

Opinion: I like the simplicity in this picture as the ‘artist’ looks relaxed showing the magazines calm side, this is another picture for a featured artist in the magazine, it ties in with the Hip-Hop genre as ‘Hadi’ is wearing a puffer coat and a back pack which are typical items worn by Hip-Hop artists also the headphone prop shows the music is still the main attraction of the magazine.