Page 1: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

Volume XXXIV No. 10 October 2016 Montreal, QC Canada

Philippine President Duterte’s ally backtrackson call for ‘separation’ from U.S.

By EMILY RAUHALA The Washington PostFri., Oct. 21, 2016

That was quick.

On Thursday night in Beijing, PresidentRodrigo Duterte called for a military andeconomic “separation” from the UnitedStates. From now on, he told a crowd,it’s the Philippines, Russia and China“against the world.”

Or not. On Friday, Duterte’s own trademinister, Ramon Lopez, sought to“clarify” the comment. “The presidentdid not talk about separation,” he toldCNN Philippines — apparently trying tofinesse the word used by Duterte.

“In terms of economic [ties], we are notstopping trade, investment withAmerica,” he said.

But he did not attempt furtherinterpretation of Duterte’s remarks andthe apparent pro-China shift in the

country’s global outlook. “(Duterte) hasdecided to strengthen further andrekindle the ties with China and theASEAN region,” Lopez said, referring tothe Association of Southeast AsianNations.

The spin-doctoring comes less than 24hours after Duterte met with ChinesePresident Xi Jinping, agreed to resumebilateral talks on maritime disputes inthe South China Sea, then effectivelyasked the United States for a divorce.“Your honours, in this venue I announcemy separation from the United States ...both in military and economics also,”Duterte said.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterteinteracts with reporters during a newsconference upon his arrival from a four-day state visit in China. From now on,he said Thursday, it’s the Philippines,Russia and China “against the world.”

US Presidential polls: Clinton team warns oncomplacency as Trump camp admits “We’re behind”

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte interacts with reporters during anews conference upon his arrival from a four-day state visit in China.From now on, he said Thursday, it’s the Philippines, Russia and China“against the world.” (LEAN DAVAL JR / REUTERS)

Duterte's trade minister Ramon Lopez tried to finesse the word, the latest in damage control efforts surrounding thepresident.

See Page 4 President Duterte

Hillary Clinton’s increasingly confidentcampaign has warned againstcomplacency, as new poll numberssuggested Donald Trump may dragRepublicans into a rout in just over twoweeks time.

In the final days after their televiseddebates, the candidates have adoptedstarkly different tactics to reach themore than 200 million Americans whohave registered to vote in the election.

While Trump has doubled down withraucous swing state rallies that somehave compared to a rock music tour,Clinton is spending heavily on TVadvertising and local organising, withan eye toward states in once safelyRepublican territory.

The strategy could take the candidatewell past the 270 electoral collegevotes needed to win the White House,and marks a turn to helping otherDemocrats win back control ofCongress.

Speaking at a rally in Orlando, Floridaon Sunday night, Democratic vice-

presidential candidate Tim Kaine saiddata from early voting states suggestedClinton was headed toward a “very bigand historic win” on 8 November.

However, Clinton campaign aidesinsisted they had not discounted therisk that Trump could benefit from anunpredictable 2016 electorate,especially in swing states like Ohiowhere polling remains tight.

“These battleground states are calledthat for a reason,” her campaignmanager, Robby Mook, told CNN onSunday. “They are going to beincredibly close. We don’t want to getahead of our skis here. We are just asfocused on Ohio, Iowa, Florida as wehave ever been.”

Trump advisers acknowledge they arefacing an uphill battle, but maintain thecountry’s anti-establishment mood willwork in their favour in the final fewdays.

“We are behind,” campaign managerKellyanne Conway told NBC. “She hassome advantages, like $66m in ad buys

just in the month of September. Shehas a former president, happens to beher husband, campaigning for her, andshe’s seen as the incumbent.”

Conway argued that the electoral map,reshaped by Trump, would benefit thebusinessman. “Our advantage going inwhen we’re behind one, three, four

points in some of these swing statesthat Mitt Romney lost to PresidentObama,” she said, “is that DonaldTrump is just going to continue to takethe case directly to the people.

“He doesn’t expect to be able to cut

Hillary Rodham Clinton Donald Trump

See Page 4 US Presidential Polls

Page 2: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 20162 The North American Filipino Star

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In Philippine elections, presidentialcandidates are labeled according to theirperceived political persuasion orideological beliefs. However, politicalpersuasion doesn’t really matter inPhilippine politics because Filipinopoliticians change their politicalaffiliations to suit their personalobjectives. There are the “Amboys”(American Boys). There are the“balimbings” (political turncoats andopportunists). And there are the“Manchurian Candidates” (secretlyaligned with China).

The Philippines, which is consideredpro-American in every meaning of theword, has always been allied with theU.S., politically, economically, militarily,and culturally (there are five millionFilipinos living in the U.S.) since shegained independence from MotherAmerica in 1946. But “independence”from America hasn’t really been deeplyrooted because of the interdependenceof the two countries on matters of foreignpolicy, economics, and national defense,so much so that the Philippinegovernment didn’t see the need for astrong navy and air force to defend hersovereignty and territorial integrity.

With three defense agreements thatexist between the two countries – MutualDefense Treaty (MDT), Visiting ForcesAgreement (VFA), and EnhancedDefense Cooperation Agreement(EDCA) – the Philippines feels safeknowing that Uncle Sam would come toher defense against foreign invaders,notably China. And this airtight fusion,

which was sealed with the blood ofFilipino and American soldiers whofought side by side during World II, hasendured to this day. Indeed, a SocialWeather Stations (SWS) survey takenrecently showed that Filipinos trustAmerica more than China. It’s atestament to the strong ties between thetwo countries.

It is in this regard that pro-Americancandidates win in elections. To beperceived as anti-American would be a“kiss of death.” Take the case of thenVice President Jejomar Binay who wasaccused of being a “ManchurianCandidate,” which might have been amajor factor in his defeat.

Extra-judicial killings

duterte-assault-rifle-1Indeed, Dutertemight have been the perfect“Manchurian Candidate.” The fact thathe belonged to a minor – hardly heard of— political party and whose ideologicalbeliefs are in the fuzzy shades of gray,Duterte marketed himself as a populistcrime-fighter, which the people boughthook, line, and sinker.

Never mind that he had been suspectedof allegedly masterminding the extra-judicial killings by the notorious “DavaoDeath Squad” or DDS – which wasoftentimes referred to as the “DuterteDeath Squad.” Never mind that he wasonce sympathetic to – or part of — theNew People’s Army (NPA). Never mindthat he had admittedly killed a convictedfelon for raping and murdering an

Digong was the Manchuriancandidate all along!

Then Mayor Rodrigo Duterte meets with Chinese Consul General Song Ronghua(left) and his party during their courtesy call at Marco Polo Hotel during thepresidential campaign. (Credit: Bing Gonzales)

EEDDIITTOORRIIAALLDo we have grounds for concerns about theadministration of President Duterte?

President Rodrigo Duterte hasbeen in office since June 30, 2016 -barely four months ago - and he hasalready uttered many remarks that areboth controversial and shocking to mostpeople. Perhaps, it is his radical stylethat we are not used to that makes uswonder if the people made the correctdecision of electing him as the 16thpresident of the Philippines.

Although he has remainedpopular among the people, it is not clearhow much longer will it take before thepeople understand the consequences ofhis actions, and his seemingly erraticbehavior on the international stage.Who will have faith in his government ifhe continues to behave in such amanner that no one can be sure if he isjoking or if he is serious about suddenpolicy changes? Or are they reallypolicies or just statements he does notreally mean?

Many news reports cite theincreasing number of extra-judicialkillings since Duterte came into powerwhich have alarmed other worldleaders. His reaction is typical of hischaracter - instead of justifying what heis doing, he swears and usesexpletives. Consequently, PresidentObama cancelled his one-to-onemeeting with him.

There are two opposing viewsof President Duterte’s administration,according to editorial writers - “Theadoration of his supporters is matchedonly by the revulsion of his critics. Tothem, he is a threat to democracy, asexist punk, a man for whom nothing isholy. He is the cold-blooded murdererwhose respect for human rights is aself-admitted cop-out. He is a symbol,not so much of hope, as of despair, thevote of people so jaded they can nolonger tell good change from bad.”

In his campaign platform, hepromised to eradicate the drug problemin the first 6 months of his presidencybut in fulfilling this promise, he hasresorted to questionable methods ofhaving many thousands of drug pushersand addicts killed. An analysis of his 100days presents the harsh reality of“Duterte’s obsessive focus on hisdeadly crackdown on illegal drugs, ahallmark of his three-decade politicalcareer, has single-handedly defined hisearly days in the presidency. It hasbecome his boon and bane and earned

widespread condemnations when hecompared it to the Holocaust underHitler. A rough estimate puts the deathtoll at about 3,600, including more than1,300 suspects killed in gun battles withpolice — an average of 36 killings a daysince he took office on June 30.

The scale of the crackdown hasbeen unprecedented, with the policelaunching more than 23,500 raids so farand arresting 22,500 suspected drugdealers and addicts. More than 1.6million houses of drug suspects havebeen visited by police to invite them tosurrender and stop using drugs ordisengage from the drug trade. About732,000 addicts and dealers havesurrendered, apparently for fear ofbeing killed, overwhelming Duterte andthe national police and prompting themto scramble for land and money to buildrehabilitation centers.”

These staggering statisticspose a question - are they all declaredguilty before proving their innocence?Are the leaders of the drug syndicatesincluded in these massive operations?

President Duterte has provento be a fearless man who speaks hismind without much thought, and makespeople believe that he really loves hiscountry and that he really wants toserve the people. But there are knownexamples of leaders who did not usesuch violent methods to establish lawand order in a province or municipality.Secretary of the Department of Interiorand Local Government (DILG) JesseManalastas Robredo who died in aplane crash was recognized for goodgovernance in Naga City where he wasthe mayor for 18 years.

President Duterte’s unorthodoxways of governing the country seem tobe getting out of hand. Latest reportsindicate that the economy is beingaffected by his unpredictable behavior.

A critic advises: “What thePhilippines needs today is for Duterte toend his outrageous tirades, maintain therespect it earned during the AquinoAdministration, implement policies thatooze with common sense, and adopt along-term orientation toward achievingregional peace, stability andcooperation. Whether that can beachieved under Duterte remains highlydoubtful.”

Evidently, this uncertainty is agood reason to be concerned.


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Page 3: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016 3The North American Filipino Star

Australian missionary.

He skillfully – and cleverly — walked apolitical tightrope, avoiding slipping to theright or left, which if he did might haveended his campaign. He was a DonQuixote riding a motorcycle and carryingan assault rifle. And he threatened to ridea ski jet to the Scarborough Shoal andplant the Philippine flag. People couldhear “Digong, Digong, DigongZ” liketinnitus ringing in their ears. And theycould hardly wait to see the 100,000dead bodies that he promised to dumpinto the Manila Bay to fatten the fishes.


FVR and Digong.

But if there was one person who is

credited for making Digong run forpresident, it was former president FidelV. Ramos, or FVR as he’s often called.While Duterte acknowledged that it wasFVR who encouraged him to run, rumorhas it that on one of his trips to seeDigong in Davao, FVR brought with hima huge bag, which he handed to Digong.Apparently, whatever was in the bag, itconvinced him to run. As the old adagesays, “Put your money where your mouthis,” FVR might have done just that. But ofcourse, it was just tsismis.

But on a more serious tone, FVRcriticized Digong in an article he wrote forthe Manila Bulletin titled, “Du30’s first100 days – Team Philippines losing.” Hesaid: “In the overall assessment by thiswriter, we find our Team Philippineslosing in the first 100 days of Du30’sadministration – and losing badly. This isa huge disappointment and let-down tomany of us.”

On U.S.-Philippine relations, FVR – whowas a West Point graduate – said:“Equally discombobulating are the mix of‘off-and-on’ statements by P. Digong onPhilippines-U.S. relations, particularly onsecurity and economic matters.” He alsocriticized Digong for berating U.S.President Barack Obama, U.N.Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, andterminating RP-U.S. military exercises.“So what gives??” he asked. “Are wethrowing away decades of militarypartnership, tactical proficiency,compatible weaponry, predictablelogistics, and soldier-to-soldiercamaraderie just like that?? On P. Du30’ssay – so???”

“America has lost!”

Duterte and his new patron Xi Jinping.

In a media interview upon his arrival inBeijing last October 18, Duterte said,“The only hope of the Philippineseconomically, I’ll be frank with you, isChina.” He described his visit as the“defining moment” of his presidency.“Maybe because I’m Chinese,” he said.

But what surprised the public was whatDigong bluntly told Chinese andPhilippine business people at a forum inthe Great Hall of the People in Beijing onOctober 20. “In this venue, your honors,in this venue, I announce my separationfrom the United States,” he said. Hedeclared that he had realigned withChina, saying: “Both in military, notmaybe social, but economics also.America has lost!” Nobody could havebeen happier than Chinese Vice PremierZhang Gaoli who was seated a few feetaway from Digong at the podium.

The new triumvirate

The new triumvirate: Duterte, Xi, andPutin.

With $13.5 billion in deals to be signedbetween China and the Philippines,Duterte couldn’t contain his exuberance.He told the audience: “I’ve realignedmyself with your ideological flow andmaybe I will also go to Russia to talk to[President Vladimir] Putin and tell himthat there are three of us against theworld – China, Philippines and Russia.It’s the only way.” Is this the “newtriumvirate” that would create a newworld orderZ or should I say, disorder?

Whatever came to his mind to include hisThird-World country in the company ofChina and Russia against the world,reminds me of someone who once said,“It’s like shooting a loose cannon. Thereis lot of noise, but no substance – andworst of all, no voice.”

Indeed, Digong has been trying veryhard to amplify his dissatisfaction againstthe U.S. But the U.S. is not convincedthat Digong has the courage to cut loosefrom Uncle Sam’s protective embrace.What is Digong going to do when theRed Dragon starts reclaiming the

Scarborough Shoal? What is he going todo when China tows away the old andrusty BRP Sierra Madre that has servedas the Philippines’ outpost to protect theAyungin Reef from Chinese reclamation?What is he going to do when China evictsthe Filipino settlers on Pag-Asa Island inthe Spratly archipelago? What is hegoing to do when China declares an AirDefense Identification Zone (ADIZ) overthe West Philippine Sea? What is hegoing to do when China declares a 200-mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) allaround the islands, reefs, and rocks inthe West Philippine Sea? What is hegoing to do when China declares theRecto Bank off limits to Philippine oil andgas exploration? And what is he going todo when China claims the Benham Riseas her territory?

In the final analysis, nobody had anyinkling that Digong was the “ManchurianCandidate” all along! And with all thehoopla that his pivot to China hascreated, the people have to look back athis first 100 days in office – just like whatFVR did – and ask themselves: Do wewant Digong to pursue a China-centricforeign policy at the expense of acentury of building mutual trust betweenthe U.S. and the Philippines?

([email protected])(Source: [BALITA-USA] GLOBALBALITA)

FVR and Digong.


Monday toThursday

Friday toSunday

Page 4: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 20164

Lopez’s damage control is the latest ina string of flip-flops, walk-backs andbacktracks that have come to defineDuterte’s tenure, leaving Filipino andforeign observers unsure whererhetoric ends and real policy movesbegin.

Duterte, a longtime mayor, swept topower in June , promising “war” ondrug users and criminals. During hiscampaign he talked about shelvingmaritime quarrels if China built arailway on his home island, then vowedto ride a Jet Ski to a contested shoal inthe South China Sea to plant thePhilippine flag in a rebuke of China’s


Four months into his tenure, his plansand platform are still in question. Everyfew days, he makes a comment thatcould, if pursued, redefine the regionalorder. The next day, one of hisministers or spokesmen is forced towalk the comment back.

When Duterte threatened to endannual military exercises with theUnited States, his foreign minister,Perfecto Yasay, was caught bysurprise. When the president called forthe withdrawal of U.S. Special Forcesfrom the southern island of Mindanao,he did not bother to tell the U.S.Embassy.

His slurs span the globe: PresidentBarack Obama, Pope Francis and theEuropean Union, among others.

And so it is again. State Departmentspokesman John Kirby on Thursdaysaid Duterte’s remarks declaring aseparation from the United States are“inexplicably at odds with the veryclose relationship” between the twocountries.

“We are going to be seeking anexplanation of exactly what thepresident meant when he talked aboutseparation from us,” he said. “It’s notclear to us exactly what that meansand all its ramifications.”

Many Filipinos are also perplexed.

Though opinion polls suggest thepresident remains popular at home, hisanti-U.S. rhetoric is at odds with publicopinion. The vast majority of Filipinoshold a positive view of the UnitedStates; many are skeptical of China.On Friday, the Philippines’ formerforeign secretary, Albert del Rosario,denounced Duterte’s latest move as“unwise and incomprehensible.”

“What is unfolding before us must beconsidered a national tragedy whichdoes not need to happen,” he said in astatement.

“It is our earnest hope that this mostunfortunate declaration will becorrected.”

From Page 1 President Duterte

through the noise and the way we’retreated by some, so he’s taking thecase. He’s going to visit all of theseswing states many times and we feelthat with Hillary Clinton under 50% insome of these places, even though shehas run a very traditional andexpensive campaign, that we have ashot of getting those undecidedvoters.”

Eric Trump, the nominee’s son, echoedthese sentiments but rejected the ideathat his father was playing to his baseof support. ABC host GeorgeStephanopoulos pressed the case,asking whether the businessman mightbe “in a bubble of your own support”.Trump answered: “No, I don’t – I don’tthink so at all.”

Some Republicans are sceptical Trump

can find a way to win. Karl Rove, whomasterminded George W Bush’snarrow election victories over Al Goreand John Kerry, was sceptical onSunday that there was enough timeleft.

“I don’t see it happening,” he told FoxNews. “Maybe it could, but I doubt, inthe just over two weeks we’ve got leftand conducting the kind of campaignhe is conducting, that he is going to beable to swing one out of every 10voters.”

The Clinton campaign remainsconfident that it can spare resources onpunishing the Republican party forstanding with Trump, who hasrepeatedly broken the norms ofAmerican politics and energised onceshunned leaders, such as former KuKlux Klansman David Duke.

“I think in general you’re going to hear

her do more of what she did [inPennsylvania] in terms of trying to raisethe stakes of the down-ballot races,”Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Clinton’scampaign, told the Guardian after thesecretary spent a day supporting thestate’s Democratic Senate candidate,Kate McGinty.

Fallon said the Clinton campaignwanted to “extend an open hand” totraditionally Republican voters even asit targets the “different strain” within theparty that continues to support Trump,despite his offensive remarks aboutwomen, immigrants and minorities.

Although many Senate veterans,including John McCain and KellyAyotte, have rescinded theirendorsements of Trump, he hasretained his vociferous base and themuted support of House speaker PaulRyan and Senate majority leader MitchMcConnell.

Fallon said such leaders “should beheld accountable in two and a halfweeks, for having played a role inTrump’s rise and for standing by himeven after he’s gone around andoffended people and shown himself tobe completely temperamentally unfit”.

The aide said Clinton’s campaignwould continue to court “reasonableRepublicans and independents” whomight be willing to defect across partylines.

Trump Jr also told ABC that his fatherwould “100%” accept the results of theelection if it was fair.

“I think what my father is saying is, ‘Iwant a fair election,’” Eric Trump saidon ABC’s This Week. “If it’s a fairoutcome, he will absolutely accept it.There’s no question about that.”

From Page 1 US Presidential Polls

October 22, 2016 The following isentirely the opinion of Daniel Ketchumand does not reflect the views of theInquisitr

The hour-long delay in the start of theTrump Gettysburg speech at theEisenhower Complex today didn’texactly bode well for Donald Trump,the speech, or its contents. WhileTrump supporters were no doubthoping for something as stirring asLincoln’s original Gettysburg Address,all Trump delivered was more of thesame tired attacks, insinuations, andracism.

In speaking at Gettysburg, Trump wasattempting to tie himself and hiscampaign to his Republicanpredecessor, Pres. Abraham Lincoln.Unfortunately – in the Donald TrumpGettysburg speech – the parallels don’tquite ring true. Certainly, when Trumpsays “of, by and for the people,” heclearly didn’t mean the same thing thatLincoln did in the Gettysburg Address.Lincoln and the Trump GettysburgSpeech

In Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address,Abraham Lincoln referred to the“proposition that all men are created

equal.” But Trump made it quite clear inhis own Gettysburg speech that hefeels some people are – and should be– more equal than others.

As reported by the Associated Press,Trump once again regaled us withquestionable statistics supporting hisviews about the criminal nature ofMexican immigrants in the UnitedStates. As with every other speech he’sgiven on the topic, the Donald TrumpGettysburg speech makes it clear thatTrump sees Hispanics as “other.” Thisties directly to his absurd conspiracytheory that 14 percent of illegals areregistered to vote in the United States.This position in Trump’s speech nodoubt appeals to the racists making upa sizable proportion of Donald Trump’sdeplorables. But it’s not likely to winTrump the independent vote or bringback those Republicans who haveabandoned his campaign.

Another major problem with the Trumpcampaign’s attempt to tie the TrumpGettysburg speech to Lincoln’sGettysburg address is that Lincolnwould have almost certainly despisedTrump’s views about Mexico. Trump’sattempts to blame Mexico for our drugproblems, crime, and unemployment

wouldn’t have gone over well withLincoln, who opposed the Mexican-American war and felt we stoleMexico’s land.

Of course, the Trump Gettysburgspeech also ignored statisticsindicating that, not only has illegalimmigration from Mexico dropped overthe last decade, the Obamaadministration has actually sent moreillegal immigrants back to Mexico thandid the Bush administration. Whetherthis is a sound Obama policy or not, itis nevertheless a fact.

Donald Trump’s statement in hisGettysburg speech that his goal was to“heal divisions” within the country mighthave seemed a bit uncharacteristic.Until you realize that, as reported byCNN, Trump would heal divisions byeliminating the people on the other sideof the divide, either by blocking theirentry into the United States, shippingthem off to Mexico, or putting them injail.

The Trump Gettysburg Speech: Donald Trump’s ‘First100 Days’ Speech Not Exactly Lincoln’s GettysburgAddress

Page 5: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

5The North American Filipino StarOctober 2016



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LA UNION, PHILIPPINES – WhenPhilippines police chief Ronald DelaRosa gave a rousing speech to his menat a regional headquarters in Luzon,they rewarded him with a gift: a replicaof the sword used by actor Mel Gibsonin the movie Braveheart.

The barrel-chested police chief grinnedand gave the weapon, which is almostas long as he is tall, a practice swing. Avoice on the camp’s loudspeakerdeclared him “the bravest of bravehearts.”

Dela Rosa acts as the enforcer forPhilippines President Rodrigo Duterte,whose war on drugs has led to morethan 3,400 people being killed in justover three months.

Dela Rosa’s tour of Luzon, thecountry’s largest and most populousisland, was the latest in a series of tripsto stiffen the resolve of police officers atthe campaign’s bloody frontline.

“I have to encourage them to do ourjob,” he told a reporter whoaccompanied the trip last month. “We

are at war.”

Police said Monday they had shot dead1,375 people in operations sinceDuterte took office on July 1. They alsoreport a further 2,066 “deaths underinvestigation,” many of which humanrights activists attribute to vigilante


The campaign has sparked outrageabroad, but in the Philippines it haswon praise from a crime-wearypopulation and only muted criticismfrom civil society groups.

In a country where the police aregenerally despised and feared becauseof their reputation for corruption andviolence, Dela Rosa is popular. Afteronly two months as police chief, thenational media is already touting him asDuterte’s possible successor, an ideathat the president’s spokesman MartinAndanar described as “speculative.”

Duterte has often called for the killing of

Significant decisionopens possibility of stopping allfingerprinting at Montreal'sMunicipal Court

PRESS POINT: Monday,October 17, 10amSPVM Centre operationnel sud,980 rue Guy

Jaggi Singh will bepresent to answer questionsabout this decision between10am and 10:30am in front ofthe SPVM’s Centre-Operationnel Sud (980 rue Guy)where he was originallysupposed to be fingerprintedand photographed.Contact:: [email protected] /438-823-7243-

MONTREAL, Monday, October17, 2016 --

An anti-deportationsprotester, Jaggi Singh, won asignificant court decision thispast Friday.

Judge Randall Richmondof Montreal's Municipal Courtruled that Singh was notrequired to provide fingerprintsor photographs in relation to apending criminal charge. Thejudgment opens up thepossibility to stop allfingerprinting in relation tosummary charges, particularlyall cases at Montreal’s MunicipalCourt and similar courts acrossQuebec and Canada.

In his decision, JudgeRichmond writes: "I concludethat a defendant cannot becompelled to give hisfingerprints for a hybrid offenceafter the Crown has made anelection to proceed summarily."[paragraph 71]

During oral arguments,prosecutor Alexander Tandel,who was defendingfingerprinting, stated: "Mr. Singh

is [saying] that for the lastcountless number of decades,the way the criminal justicesystem has been working inCanada is faulty. He's asking forthe justice system in Canada notto have any ability to control theaccused that are appearing ontheir charges." [cited by CBCM o n t r e a l a l / s u mm a r y - o f f e n c e s -fingerprints-municipal-court-1.3787342]

In the end, Singhsucceeded in making the pointthat fingerprints andphotographs were beingcompelled improperly forsummary offenses, whichaccount for the bulk of criminalcharges.

In Singh’s words: “Policeand prosecutors cannot takefingerprints for summaryoffenses, ever. It’s clear thatfingerprinting for anythinghappening at Montreal’sMunicipal Court, by way ofexample, is improper, and thenext step is to stop fingerprintingthere all together.”

Contempt of Court: LegalClinic By and For SocialMovements, which supportedSingh's motion, has issued acommunity advisory providingbackground information aboutchallenging the practice offingerprinting and photographs.decision between 10am and10:30am (Monday, October 17)in front of the SPVM’s Centre-Operationnel Sud (980 rue Guy)where he was originallysupposed to be fingerprintedand photographed.- 30 [email protected] /514-848-7585

Judge rules that anti-deportationsprotester is not required to providefingerprints after arrest

Duterte’s enforcer: Philippinepolice chief has no regrets aboutdrug killings

Philippine national police chief Ronald Dela Rosa (center) and otherpolice officials wearing Igorot tribe headdresses salute on Sept. 2during a visit to Camp Dangwa in Benguet province. | REUTERS

See Page 6 Duterte’s enforcer

Page 6: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016

The North American Filipino Star6

drug dealers. And Dela Rosa hasechoed the incendiary remarks. At aspeech last month, he encouragedusers and pushers to kill drug lords whohad grown rich from exploiting the poor.

“You know who are the druglords here, go to their houses, pourgasoline, set it on fire, show them youare angry at them,” he said.

Still, Dela Rosa’s closeoperational knowledge of the drug warcould make him a focus if there is everan independent investigation into thekillings, said Rose Trajano, secretarygeneral of the Philippine Alliance ofHuman Rights Advocates, a nationwidecoalition based in Manila. It is unclear,though, whether anyone will be in aposition to hold such an investigation.“He is a good soldier of the president,but there will also be fear in him,” shesaid.

Dela Rosa said he wasconfident that killings during policeoperations were legitimate, and that the“deaths under investigation” weremostly the work of drug syndicates.“They are killing each other,” he said.In person, Dela Rosa is intense butcourteous, and says he is underpressure.

“My worry is that I won’t be ableto deliver what is expected of me,” hesaid.Duterte vowed on September 18 hewould extend his anti-drug campaignfor another six months, but Dela Rosasaid he still felt pressed for time.

The biggest obstacles to thecampaign, he said, were providingrehab services for the many users ofcrystal methamphetamine, a highlyaddictive drug known locally as shabu,and halting its influx from abroad,particularly the flow from China.

More than 700,000 drug usersand pushers have registered with theauthorities in a process termed“surrendering.” But there are very fewprograms or facilities to help most ofthem, and local media have reportedthe killing of scores of people who haveregistered.

Dela Rosa said the number ofdrug-war killings would continue to rise.“Every day the number of deadincreases,” he said. “Every day thearrests increase and those whosurrender.”

Dela Rosa bristles at themention of foreign critics. The UnitedStates has said it is “deeply concerned”by the killings, while two United Nationsexperts have accused Duterte ofincitement to violence, a crime underinternational law.

“They’re making us out to bekillers,” said Dela Rosa. “It really brokemy heart. We’re doing this for the goodof the Filipino people.”

Before the anti-drug campaign,he said, people were scared to leavetheir houses. “Now the situation hasbeen reversed. Law-abiding people aregoing out. Criminals are hiding. See thedifference?”

But while other serious crime

has declined, the murder rate hassoared, and in some communitiesresidents said police and vigilantekillings had made them too frightenedto go outside after dark.

Dela Rosa, 54 — whoseearliest ambition was to be a boxer — ispopularly known as “Bato,” after hishometown south of Davao City. It alsomeans “rock” in the national languageTagalog.

His late father was a pedicabdriver who could barely afford to sendhim to school, said Dela Rosa in atribute on his Facebook page in June.

Davao City is where PresidentDuterte spent 22 years as mayor,unleashing a brutal anti-drugscampaign that the hard-charging DelaRosa joined as he rose through theranks of the local police force.

“I liked what he was doing andhe liked what I was doing, so webecame friends,” Dela Rosa recalled.Duterte made him Davao’s police chiefin 2012.

The Coalition AgainstSummary Execution, a Davao-basedwatchdog, has documented 1,424vigilante-style killings in the city,including 162 in 2012-13 when DelaRosa was chief.

Asked about the findings, DelaRosa said: “I will look into that.” Adding:“I don’t memorize that data.”

Duterte appointed Dela Rosahis national police chief over other moresenior officers, giving him free rein toroll out Davao’s harsh crime-fightingmodel across the country.

At a police camp in Baguio, inthe Philippines’ ethnically diversehighlands, Dela Rosa donned a tribalheaddress and robe to hand out awardsto officers for their anti-drug efforts.

Hundreds of officers asked totake selfies with Dela Rosa, whoalways obliged. Sometimes only histrademark shaven head was visibleamid a scrum of well-wishers.

However, even in the policecamps, Dela Rosa is circled by sixbodyguards. Drug traffickers, he said,“can kill me anytime.”

Dela Rosa said in an interviewwith popular Philippines talk show hostBoy Abunda that he twice triedmarijuana at college and got high butdecided to stop because it could ruinhis future.

In another of his regulartelevision appearances, this time on ashow called “Get It Straight,” Dela Rosadeclined to say how many people hehad shot in his police career “becausepeople might say the chief is a killer.”

Filipino journalists coveringDela Rosa say they have never seenhim smoke or drink. His main hobby iscollecting guns.

“He loves guns,” said PoliceChief Superintendent Aaron Aquino,who served with him in Davao and nowcommands central Luzon, a region thathas clocked up about 500 drug-warkillings. “Every time he sees a good gunhe buys it.” �

From Page 5 Duterte’s enforcer

Exciting wearable art garments byAblaze artwear and accessoriescame to life on the runway lastOctober 22,2016 at Amelia , Alfonso,Cavite. Inspired by his travels across

the world, fashion designer JunjunAblaza showcased a remarkablecollection that exuded playful andimaginative ideas. �

ESCAPE: The Ablazablaze2016 Denim Artwear Show

Michael DavantesB.A. Specialization in Communications

Page 7: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016 7The North American Filipino Star

Tagalog Seksyon

Opinyon/Komentaryo ni Willie Quiambao

Business Hours: Monday & Tuesday - ClosedWednesday - 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMThursday - 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMFriday - 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMSaturday - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMSunday - 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM







Pork Loin$2.50 lb

Fresh Pork Leg$1.99 lb

Fresh Pork Belly $2.50 lb

182, Rang St. AndréSt-Philippe, Cté LaprairieQuébec J0L 2K0Tel.: 450-659-3630Tel.: 450-659-7938Fax: 450-659-6221

Special Rib Steak$8.50 lb

Pork starting at $1.49 lb

Ground Beef 10 lbs$2.49 lb

Available: Live Goat, Live PigAlso, other meats available

Burn goat startingat $3.50 lb


Kamakailan ay nalathala saMontreal Gazette ang pansamantalangpag-alis sa lisensya ni Amer Omar,isang mahusay na ophthalmologist,simula noong June 30. Ilang besessiyang bumagsak sa French writtenexam na ibinibigay ng Office quebecoisde la langue francaise sa mgapropesyonal. Naipasa ni Omar ang oralexam at nakapagsasalita siya ngFrench at wala siyang problema sapakikipagusap sa kaniyang mgapasyente. Sa French language charter,ang kailangan ay kaalaman lamang saFrench na angkop sa propesyon ngisang tao.

Si Omar ay ang nag-iisangdalubhasa sa retinal at vasculardegeneration, pangunahing dahilan ngpagkawala ng paningin, sa Quebec .Bumagsak sa written test si Omar dahilsa grammar mistakes at ang kaniyangsalaysay ay 190 salita lamang, sa halipna 200. Subalit matatas magsalita saArabic at English si Omar at mayprofessional working proficiency siyasa French. Hindi naman nag-aapply ng trabaho siOmar bilang manunulat kaya ano baang malaking problema kung medyomali ang kaniyang grammar. At 10salita lamang ang kulang upang ma-meet niya ang requirement na 200salita. Higit sa lahat, wala siyangproblema sa pakikipag-usap sakaniyang mga pasyente dahil matagalna rin siyang nagtratrabaho bilangophthalmologist. Bakit hindi isaalang-alang ng OQLF ang kaniyang mahabaat mahusay na karanasan sa trabahoat ang pangyayaring siya lamang angnag-iisang dalubhasangophthalmologist sa Quebec? Kunghindi siya mabigyan ng lisensiya, anoang mangyayari sa kaniyang mgapasyente?

May nagsasabi na may doktorna perpekto nga sa pagsasalita atpagsusulat sa French pero hindimahusay magtrabaho. May isanghospital akong napuntahan na maymga ilang doktor na hindi matatas sapagsasalita ng English pero hindinagkakaroon ng problema.Diskriminasyon minsan angnangyayari. Sinabi ni James Shea,presidente ng Quebec CommunityGroup Network, “ It would be too bad tous to lose a talent to another province.”Dagdag naman ni Dr. James Ross,dating nagtratrabaho sa MontrealHospital na ngayon ay nasa Ontario,“The OQLF examiners were not onlypicky about marking but obsessed withgrammar - gender agreement, verbtenses, and so on. I would rather spend

time perfecting my work than perfectingmy French.” Sa Quebec ay maraming mahuhusayna doktor at nurses, tulad ng mgaPilipino, na lumilipat sa ibanglalawigan, dahil bumabagsak saFrench written test. Kailangan ngQuebec ang mga mahuhusay naprospesyonal pero paano silamahihikayat magpunta rito? Sa huling balita ay na-renew na namanng isang taon ang lisensya ni Omar. Atkinausap ng College ang OQLF napagtuunan ng pansin at baguhin angwritten test upang maging madali samga doktor na kumukuha nito. Sananga.

ANG PAGHAHAMBING NGMEDYA KAY TRUMP AT DUTERTE Inaatake ng mga medya ang kandidatong Republican sa pagkapangulo ngAmerika sina Donald Trump at bagonghalal na pangulo ng Pilipinas na siRodrigo Duterte dahil sa kanilangpadalu-dalos na pagsasalita nakadalasan ay nagiging kontrobersiyalat nakapagpapasama sa kanila. Bagomag-eleksiyon sa Pilipinas, napintasanna si Duterte sa sinabi niya tungkol saisang Ausralianong missionary nanakidnap at nagahasa. “Bilangalkalde”, ayon sa kaniya, “sana, akoang nakauna.” Marami ang nagalit sakaniya kaya napilitan siyang magsabina nagbibiro lamang siya. Nangmagkomento si Barak Obama sapamamaraan ni Duterte ng pagsugposa droga, minura niya ang una ng ,“Son of a whore.” Hindi ito nagustuhanni Obama kaya na-cancel ang bilateralmeeting nila. Nagbanta naman siDuterte na titiwalag na ang Pilipinas saUnited Nations at ininsulto pa ito nangpintasan din ang extra judicial killingssa ating bansa. Nang magsumbongsiya sa Russia na nakikialam angAmerika sa Pilipinas, sinabi raw nguna, “Tutulong kami sa Pilipinas.”

Sa Amerika, inaatake rin ngmedya si Donard Trump dahil hindi niyamuna iniisip ang mga sasabihin bagomagsalita. Sa debate nila ni HillaryClinton, isa sa mga naging mabigat naisyu sa kaniya ang pagiging misogynist,isang lalaking galit sa babae oprejudiced. Mga ilang taon na angnakaraan, tinawag niya ng Miss Piggysi Alyssa Machado, Miss Universe1996 mula sa Venezuela, dahil tumabaito bago matapos ang isang taon napagiging Miss Universe. Eatingmachine daw ito.Tinawag niya rin itong Miss

Housekeeping dahil Latina ito nakaramihan sa mga babae ay sa bahaylamang. Racist daw siya dahil tinawagniyang murderers, criminals at drugdealers at users ang mga Mehikano.Inihalintulad niya ang Pilipinas sa mga

bansang tulad ng Pakistan,Afghanistan, Iraq, at Syria na angmamamayan ay hindi dapat papasukinsa Amerika dahil mga terrorista.

Kahit paano, nagpahayag nglungkot si Duterte sa ginawang pang-insulto at pagmumura kay Obama perohindi siya humingi ng paumanhin. SiTrump naman ay umamin na nagkamalisiya nang sabihin niya na hindi saAmerica ipinanganak si Obama perohindi rin siya humingi ng paumanhin.

Pinagsabihan si Duterte ng ilansa kaniyang mga lagapayo na mag-iingat sa pagsasalita. Si Trump namanay iniiwanan na ng ilan sa kaniyangmga kapartido dahil sa kaniyang mgasinasabi pero tulad ni Duterte, hindi rinsiya nakikinig. Maski ang asawa niyangsi Melania ay napilitang humingi ngpaumanhin sa mga sinasabi ni Trumptungkol sa mga babae.

Mga tao lamang nanagkakamali si Duterte at Trump perosana ay i-isipin muna nila ang mgasalitang binibitawan upang huwagsilang mapintasan, lalo na ng medya.Gamitin muna ang isip bago angbunganga.DAPAT BA O HINDI NA IPALIBING SIMARCOS SA LIBINGAN NG MGABAYANI?

Hindi natuloy ang balak ngbagong pangulong Rodrigo Duterte naipalibing sa Libingan ng mga Bayaniang dating pangulong FerdinandMarcos noong Sept. 18. Sa halip aygagawin ito sa Oct. 18 upang higit namapagaralan ang mga opinyon atargumento ng mga taong sang-ayon attutol sa balak ng ating pangulo.Umamin si pangulong Duterte na mayutang na loob siya kay Marcos dahilnaglingkod ang ama ng una sagabinete ng huli. Idinagdag pa niDuterte na may karapatan si Marcos na

mailibing sa LNMB dahil dati siyangsundalo at pangulo. Idinagdag namanng dating pangulong Joseph Estrada,“There is nothing in the existingconstitution and by law that barsDuterte in allowing Marcos to be buriedin LNMB.” At ganito naman ang sinabini Salvador Camelo, legal counsel ngpangulong Duterte, “It doesn’tdistinguish whether a president is good,bad, handsome or ugly. If you’re apresident, you are entitled to be buriedin LNMB.”

Ang mga tutol sapagpapalibing kay Marcos sa LNMB aykinabibilangan ng dating pangulongNoynoy Aquino, mga senador tulad niLeila de Lima, reporter na si AtomAraullo at maraming aktibista. Maynagsabi na ang bayani ay ipinaglalabanang kalayaan, pinananatili ito at hindiinaalis tulad ng ginawa ni Marcosnoong martial law. Marami rin angnagsasabi, kabilang ang Armed Forcesof America, na ang mga kabayanihanginaangkin at ipinagmamalaki ni Marcosay pawang mga kasinungalingan. Sabing AFA na sa 33 medalyang nakasulatsa mga libro na ibinigay kay Marcos, 3lamang ang totoo. Sa sinabi naman niEstrada, ito ang sagot ni BenjaminMaynago, alumnus ng San BedaCollege, batay sa kaniyangpananaliksik, “Marcos can’t have ahero’s burial because he wasdishonorably discharged by theFilipinos in 1986 and the Armed Forcesof the Philippines. Idinagdag naman niNeri Comenas, kinatawan ng BayanMuna, “The burial is against thedirective 289 which states that onlypeople with worthy of emulation will beburied in LNMB.” Ano nga ba ang dapattularan sa ginawa ni Marcos noongmartial law?

Page 8: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 20168

The North American Filipino Star

Ask theVideo Guy

Technological Tidbitsby

Al Abdon

The guest speaker from WEVA hasthis to say on his lecture on basiccomposition:


Your frame is your canvas — fill it withthings that are useful to your story andarrange them in a way that is pleasing tothe viewer.

Composition is the art of arrangingobjects in a frame. There are actuallyshapes and alignments that people findpleasing, but movie composition alsoneeds to tell a story. The arrangement ofyour objects and actors in a frame canadd to your storytelling by emphasizingsome and de-emphasizing others. In abig-budget Hollywood film, the directorhas the expert input of a director ofphotography. In smaller budget moviesthe director often does double duty.“Framing and editing determine the eyepath of the viewer. It might not be toomuch to say that what a film directorreally directs is his audience's attention.”– Alexander Mackendrick “

On Filmmaking

If you're doing everything right, everyframe of your movie should be able to beplucked out at random, stuck in a frameand hung on a gallery wall. This is a tallorder and few people succeed in itwithout lots of time, big budgets, greateditors and patient investors. Yourbudget and timeline may keep you fromdoing this, but there are things you cando from the very beginning to make surethat your movie looks as good as it can.

Video vs Still Photos

The rules of composition are the samefor video and photos, but like everythingelse, it's complicated. Put simply, theaspect ratio — vertical vs. horizontaldimensions — of still camera images isdifferent from the aspect ratio of motionpictures.

The aspect ratio of 35mm film is 3:2,which is why you get a 4x6 inch print.The aspect ratio of most video is 16:9,which is much wider and not as tall.Since most small-budget movies are shoton 35mm DSLRs — yes, I know aboutyour iPhone and your GH4 — this aspectratio is a bit of an affectation left overfrom cinema. In the old days, you wereactually exposing less film, but todayyou're just cropping the top and thebottom out.

A 16:9 frame means that landscapeslook fantastic but putting a single personin the frame is more challenging. For themost part, people are vertical objects andmost of your frame is going to be empty.

So what do you fill the empty space with?That's composition.

Moving frames

One other obvious thing that affects thecomposition of a movie frame is the factthat things are not only moving in it butsometimes through it and often yourcamera frame itself is moving. Thismeans lots of rehearsal. Actors movingthrough a frame have to hit their marks atextremely predictable times, and yourcamera operator needs to accommodatemotion through the frame and motion ofthe frame all the while keeping a pleasingarrangement that drives the story.

The rules — or more exactly, guidelines— of composition hold true for film,painting and still images alike.All this said, can you get a book aboutstill image composition and use it as thebasis of your movie composition?Absolutely. The rules — or more exactly,guidelines — of composition hold true forfilm, painting and still images alike.

The Rule of Thirds

If you leave here with one thing, it shouldbe the rule of thirds. It's the fundamentalrule of composition. Divide the screeninto thirds with four lines — like a tic-tac-toe game — your objects of interestshould fall at the intersection of two ofthese lines. Some cinematographers aremore rigid about it than others, but it'svery possible to find a movie whoseevery shot does not deviate from this.

We mentioned before that people arevertical and movie screens are horizontal— this means that to get a person in aframe you need to either make them verysmall, or crop them. Both of these areperfectly acceptable. Let's take a look atRidley Scott's “Blade Runner.” In thiscloseup of Harrison Ford, Scott andCinematographer Jordan Cronenwethhave chosen to chop him off at theshoulders and the top of the head to puthis eyes at the intersection of the tophorizontal line and the right vertical lineof our imaginary tic-tac-toe board.

Unlike in the real world, in cinematic andphotographic composition, you can chopthe top of someone's head off withimpunity. This is not true of people'schins — chins need to stay in the frameunless you crop an equal portion of thetop of the head.

The eyes are the important thing.We look at people's eyes. Weinstinctively look at what other people arelooking at. We have a deep down beliefthat the person inside a body isaccessible through the eyes — and thisis universal. When your cat or your dogwants to communicate with you, they

look at your eyes — and they haven'tread any psychology books. Whenframing a shot, if the eyes are in focus,you can get away with a lot of otherthings not being in focus.

In this shot from “Raiders of the LostArk,” Harrison Ford returns, here seencompletely in silhouette with theexception of his right eye, looking wary,which, along with his distinctive hatbrings personality to the shot. Alsonotice the out of focus white areas onthe left and right, these serve to helpbalance the frame. “Balance the frame?”you ask

Balance and Symmetry

Imagine your frame as a shadow boxthat you're putting items into and thatsits on a fulcrum in the center. Balancingthe left and right sides normally gives offa feeling of harmony, and anunbalanced frame one of tension. Whilegoing counter to the rule of thirds,sometimes completely symmetricalframing with the object of interest in theexact center can be used extremelyeffectively.

Some directors are slaves to symmetryand when used properly, it can beextremely powerful. One of the mostarresting users of symmetry was StanleyKubrick, who put the rule of thirds in theback seat and replaced it with an onobsessive adherence to center framingand symmetry, giving us some incrediblypowerful images that depict order soperfect it becomes somewhat menacing.

Depth of Field

The camera can emphasize what'simportant and de-emphasize otherthings by using depth of field (DOF) —the area of a shot that's in focus. Depthof field can either be deep, meaningeverything's in focus — like the Kubrikimage from “2001” — or it can beshallow, meaning few things are in focus— like both the shots of Harrison Fordfrom “Blade Runner” and “Raiders of theLost Ark.” Also notice, in the closeup ofFord from “Blade Runner,” the use of theout of focus building in the backgroundto balance the frame.


There are lots of books on composition,but a really good way to study is towatch good movies. Websites like show representative framesfrom dozens of movies, allowing you tosee the themes of composition acrossentire films at a glance. How are yourfavorite directors using depth of field?How rigorously do they adhere to therule of thirds? How do they use centeredsubjects to create tension or use leadinglines to guide your eye? Pay attention tocomposition while you're watchingmovies and television — what items arein the frame and why? What do they addto the story? What are the backgroundobjects adding to the mood of thescene?

Be a perpetual student of cinema.That's your homework for this month.

Kyle Cassidy is a writer and artist livingin Philadelphia


CNW, Toronto, Canada – October 6,2016 The newest generation of smoke andcarbon monoxide alarms are here,helping to solve the three most commonissues consumers have with theiralarms: where to install them, falsealarms, and the need to replacebatteries.

As Canada’s number one alarmmanufacturer, Kidde relied on extensiveresearch to derive its new range of“Worry-Free” products. Homeowners willfind a recommended install location foreach model right on packaging;advanced sensors to help reduce falsealarms; and a sealed, tamper-proof, 10-year lithium battery that lasts for theentire life of the alarm that never needsto be changed. Worry-Free alarms alsocome with an end-of-life chirp to notifyyou, 10 years after installation, when theentire alarm needs to be replaced.

“It doesn’t matter whether theyare plug-in, battery powered, orhardwired into a home’s electricalsystem, smoke and carbon monoxidealarms do not last forever. In fact, theNational Fire Protection Association(NFPA) recommends smoke alarms bereplaced every 10 years and carbonmonoxide alarms made prior to 2009should also be replaced,” says CarolHeller, Home Safety Specialist withKidde Canada.

Most Canadians are familiarwith the advice to change the batteries intheir alarms with the changing of theclocks, however that is only part of theequation. It is dangerous to install freshbatteries into old alarms because whilethey may sound when being tested, thatdoes not mean an alarm’s sensors are

operating optimally. It simply means thatthe unit is being powered and the circuitsare functioning.

Over time, an alarm’s sensorscan become obstructed with dust,smoke from cooking and other airbornecontaminants which could lessen theresponse time in an emergency. In orderto ensure the safety of a family, alarmsneed to be replaced at the end of theirlifespan.

“Our Worry-Free modelsaddress the most common complaintspeople have with their smoke andcarbon monoxide alarms, and areavailable in smoke, carbon monoxide(CO) and combination smoke/COmodels. For plug-in and hardwiredversions, the 10-year battery is there asa backup in case of a power outage,”adds Heller.

It is advised that homeownerscheck the date of all alarms, replacingany smoke alarms over 10 years old andCO or combination smoke/CO alarmsmade prior to 2009. If your alarms areup-to-date and they are not “Worry-Free”models, remember to change thebatteries when the clocks go back anhour this November. To learn more, more information, contact:Patrick Folliott, [email protected] | Kidde CanadaKidde Canada will celebrate its 100thanniversary in 2017. In addition to providinginnovative and life-saving technologies, Kiddeconducts public education and awarenessprograms all year round, working with varioussafety groups, fire departments andassociations, and retailers.

Page 9: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016 9The North American Filipino Star

2.99lbHalf or Whole porkCut & Wrapped


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Pork loinApproximately

15 lbs


Boneless Pork shoulder$4.29 lb



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Mon. Tue. Wed. 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Thu. Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Sunday Closed

Home smoked meat



Ground PorkSpecial 2.79/lb

Philippine Cuisineand

Favorite FoodCompiled by Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi

Fresh Pork Leg

Over 20 lbs 5.39 lb


BBQRib Steak $15.99 / lbWing Steak $12.99 / lb


Ground Beef


Pork ShoulderChops$3.85 lbFRONT 1/4 Beef

$5.39 lb

“Sisig”, popular pork dish

Pork Sisig is a popular appetizer thatoriginated from the culinary capital of thePhilippines : Pampanga. This deliciousdish can also be categorized as a maindish. Pork Sisig was invented by the lateLucia Cunanan. She is popularly know asAling Lucing – the sisig queen. Originally,pork sisig is composed of chopped pigsface (snout included) and ears with a

generous amount of chicken liver.Hundreds of sisig variations are availabletoday ranging from the original pigs face(maskara) ingredient to a more healthyseafood concoction such as squid, tuna,milkfish (bangus), and mussels.This pork sisig is more of the restaurantvariation wherein mayonnaise is used andan egg is added on top, along withchopped green onions, but it sure tastesgreat. The original pork sisig recipe makesuse of pig brain as a binder – we used themayo as a alternative ingredient

There are several restaurants and eveneateries and “carenderia’s” that serve thiswonderful dish. It has been very popular tothe point that it is available almost all overthe world.

Prep time 12 mins Cook time 90 minsTotal time 1 hour 42 mins

Author: Vanjo MeranoServes: 6Ingredients1 lb. pig ears1½ lb pork belly1 large onion, minced

3 tablespoons soy sauce¼ teaspoon ground black pepper1 knob ginger, minced3 tbsp chili flakes½ teaspoon garlic powder1 piece lemon (or 3 to 5 pieces calamansi)½ cup butter (or margarine)¼ lb chicken liver6 cups water3 tablespoons mayonnaise1 tsp saltInstructionsPour the water in a pan and bring to a boilAdd salt and pepper.Put-in the pig’s ears and pork belly thensimmer for 40 minutes to 1 hour (or untiltender).Remove the boiled ingredients from thepot then drain excess waterGrill the boiled pig ears and pork belly untildoneChop the pig ears and pork belly into finepiecesIn a wide pan, melt the butter ormargarine. Add the onions. Cook untilonions are soft.Put-in the ginger and cook for 2 minutesAdd the chicken liver. Crush the chickenliver while cooking it in the pan.Add the chopped pig ears and pork belly.Cook for 10 to 12 minutesPut-in the soy sauce, garlic powder, andchili. Mix wellAdd salt and pepper to tastePut-in the mayonnaise and mix with theother ingredientsTransfer to a serving plate. Top withchopped green onions and raw egg.Serve hot. Share and Enjoy (add thelemon or calamansi before eating)

Serving size: 6

Pancit CantonIngredientsuncooked egg noodles, or cooked eggnoodles

garlic, slicedonions and/or shallots, slicedginger, minced or julienned (optional)

Any or all of the following ingredients:Chinese sausage (lap cheong), slicedchicken, pork or beef, slicedmushroom, slicedcarrots, slicedChinese celery stalks and leaves, slicedshrimp, raw or cookedperhaps clams or mussels, raw or cookedNapa or savoy cabbage, sliced (or regularcabbage) green onions, slicedhardboiled quail eggs

(Any other vegetables you may have onhand would be all right.)

oyster saucesoy saucestock (chicken, pork, beef, seafood orfish, vegetable)

MethodIf using uncooked egg noodles, bring alarge pot of water to boil.

In the meantime, heat oil in another pot.Add garlic, onions and/or shallots, and

ginger. Sauté until fragrant, about 30seconds. Add Chinese sausage and slicedraw meat. Cook until meat is about 80%cooked.Add "longer-cooking" vegetables such ascarrots, mushrooms, and Chinese celery. Ifusing regular cabbage, add it now. Alsoadd any uncooked seafood.Ladle stock into the pot. Simmer on low.If using uncooked noodles, add them tothe pot of boiling water and cook until done(al dente). Drain.Add cooked egg noodles to the simmeringpot. Season with oyster sauce and soysauce. Add more stock if desired (themixture should be just be slightly "wet" atthis point).

Add in any cooked seafood, the Napacabbage and the quail eggs. Cook forabout 5 to 10 minutes. Adjust seasoning(adding more salt, oyster sauce and/or soysauce).


Cassava CakeIngredients2 packs grated cassava (about 2 lbs totalweight)2 cups coconut milk½ (12 oz.) can evaporated milk3 pieces egg¼ cup butter, melted6 tablespoons cheddar cheese, grated½ cup condensed milk14 tablespoons granulated white sugarTopping ingredients:2 tablespoons flour2 tablespoons sugar½ cup condensed milk2 tablespoons cheddar cheese, grated2 cups coconut milkInstructionsMake the batter by combining the gratedcassava, butter, ½ cup condensed milk, ½cup evaporated milk, 6 tablespoonscheddar cheese, 14 tablespoons sugar,and 2 eggs in a mixing bowl and mixthoroughly.Add the 2 cups coconut milk in the mixingbowl where the mixed ingredients are. Mixagain.Grease the baking tray then pour-in thebatter (these are the ingredients that youjust mixed together).Pre -heat oven for 350 degrees Fahrenheitfor 10 minutes then put-in the baking traywith batter and bake for 1 hour.Removefrom the oven and set aside.Meanwhile prepare the topping bycombining 2 tablespoons sugar and flour inthe heated saucepan.Pour-in ½ cup condensed milk then mixthoroughly.Add 2 tablespoons cheddar cheese whilestirring constantly.Pour 2 cups of coconut milk and stirconstantly for 10 minutesPour the topping over the Cassava Cake(baked batter) and spread evenly.Separate the yolk from the egg white ofthe remaining egg (we’ll be needing theegg white only)Glaze the topping with the egg white usinga basting brush. Simply dip the brush tothe egg white and brush it on the cassavacake.Set your oven to broil mode. Broil theCassava cake until color turns light brown.Garnish with extra grated cheese on top.Serve. Share and enjoy!Nutrition InformationServing size: 6

Page 10: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 201610 The North American Filipino Star



Panday Tinig Choral Ensemble participated in a multi-cultural concertat Place des Arts on October 2, 2016 (See story on page 12)

Saturday, December 3, 20166:00 P.M.

Gilmore College International7159, ch. de la Côte des

NeigesMontreal, QC H3R 2M2

Bring your favorite dish anddrink

Exchange gift ($10)

Call 514-485-7861E-mail::

[email protected] let us know if you are

comingBring your friends and familyfor a happy reunion and


PAB students of Gilmore College International organized a team buildingworkshop on October 8, 2016. Photo shows the participants and the multi-disciplinary panel led by Edith Fedalizo and other instructors who are nurses.

Batch 12 PAB students of Gilmore College International pose for souvenir oftheir orientation at Chateau Westmount with their director and instructors.

Page 11: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016 11The North American Filipino Star

20140810-CFCDN-Swong-StarAd-PRINT.pdf 1 2014-09-02 9:08 AM

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October 201612

The North American Filipino Star

In 2014, KAIROS Canada’sPhilippine Learning Tour (PLT) visitedcommunities in Bayong, Zamboanga delSur in the Philippines which is impactedby the mining operations of TVIResource Development Inc (TVIRD).After gathering information aboutTVIRD’s operations from communitymembers, TVIRD representatives, andgovernment officials, the PLT called onthe Philippine government to investigateall claims of human rights abuses and tocease all mining operations until thesafety of local people can be assured. Italso called on the Government ofCanada to appoint an extractive sectorOmbudsman and provide legislatedaccess to Canadian courts for thoseharmed by the international operations ofCanadian resource extractioncompanies.

In the face of great hardship, thePhilippine people have built a strong andvibrant people’s movement that hasbeen active for centuries. People’sorganizations from Luzon to Mindanaoare rising up to fight for the health andsafety of the people and the environmentand resist foreign exploitation. Theindigenous Lumad people have been atthe forefront of the struggle to protect

their ancestral lands, forming schoolsand organizations that educate andmobilize their communities for justiceand against logging, mining, and large-scale corporate agriculture.

The PLT is one of many groupsfrom around the world to travel to thePhilippines in recent years to buildinternational solidarity with the people’smovements there. The BeaconsfieldInitiative also brought people fromQuebec to the Philippines in December2015 to build solidarity and to learn aboutthe impact of Canadian mining practicesin the Cordilleras, the militarization of theregion, the extra-judicial killings andenforced disappearances, and thepeople’s resistance to Canadian miningpractices and the environmentaldestruction of the region.

This November, a delegation ofPhilippine activists will travel to Canadato demand the end of the exploitation oftheir land and people by miningcompanies and other foreignmultinationals. They will travel todifferent regions of Canada where theywill meet with community members,politicians, and local groups to discusstheir fights for their human rights, culturalpreservation and self-determination in

the Philippines, particularly in Mindanao.Members of the delegation may

include Bishop Antonio Ablon, AnglicanChurch IFI; Atty. Carlos Zarate, Memberof Philippine Congress/Bayan Muna; Dr.Anie Bautista, National Coordinator,Ecumenical Voice for Peace and HumanRights in the Philippines; Atty. BeverleyLongid, Global Coordinator, IndigenousPeople’s Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation;Innabuyog/CPA; Nenita Condez,Indigenous leader from Mindanao; andMichele Campos, Indigenous youthleader from Mindanao.

The goals of the delegation areto raise awareness and understandingabout how human rights violations inBayog and other communities are linkedto resource extraction, including byCanadian companies, and contribute tothe militarization and violence incommunities and schools. They alsoseek to mobilize public and Canadiandiplomatic support for the ongoing peacetalks in the Philippines between theGovernment of the Philippines (GPH)and the National Democratic Front of thePhilippines. Another round of peace talksconcluded in early October, whichincluded an historic ceasefire between

the Armed Forces of the Philippines andthe National People’s Army. The NDFPand people’s movements in thePhilippines continue to demand a peaceagreement which addresses the socialand political roots of the conflict. Thedelegation also seeks to advocate for theKAIROS/CNCA Open for Justicecampaign which is calling on theGovernment of Canada to appoint anextractive-sector Ombudsman to monitorCanadian mining operations and provideaccess to the Canadian courts for peopleto register human rights violations ofthese mining operations.

Three of the delegates will be inthe city of Montreal from November 4thto November 7th, where they will hostthe following events. On Friday,November 4th, there will be a communitydinner and discussion at FilipinoAssociation of Montreal and Suburbs(FAMAS) at 6PM, 4708 Van HorneAvenue. On Saturday, November 5th,there will be another dinner anddiscussion at Gilmore CollegeInternational 5PM - 8PM, 7159 Cote desNeiges. On Sunday, November 6th, adinner and discussion will be at the SaintColumba House at 6PM, 2365 RueGrand Trunk.

Submitted by Alexandra Griffin

Lakbay Lumad November 2016

By W. G. Quiambao“You have taken us from the

verge of personal ruin and put us on thepath of financial independence” saidPeter, whose real name is removed toprotect his privacy.Peter is one of the thousands of peoplewho have benefitted from the servicesprovided by 4 Pillars, the largestindependent debt consolidationcompany in Canada with 60 offices coastto coast. 4 Pillars was founded by threeprofessionals who grew tired watchingtheir friends lose their business to debt.

The Montreal Team iscomprised of Shawn, Elisa, Frederic andMartin. Whether it is personal orbusiness debts, the team navigates itsclients through the murky water of debts.It helps clients reduce their debt by up to80% and become debt free within 5

years.Some of the common questions

asked when people see the Montrealteams are: 1) How much will it cost towork with 4 Pillars? The fees are basedon a couple of factors, the time involvedworking on the file, the complexity of thesituation and the number and type ofcreditors involved. 2) Can I keep mycredit cards? This depends on the typeof restructuring .If you file a bankruptcy,you cannot obtain or have any creditduring the process. In other restructuringplans, you may be able to keep a creditcard if it has a zero balance. 3) Will debtrestructuring affect my credit rating?Different restructuring options havedifferent impacts on your credit rating . 4Pillars has one of the mostcomprehensive credit rebuildingprograms in Canada to minimize the

impact of debt restructuring. “The people we see are in a

situation they never expected to be in,they are embarrassed and the debt iscausing significant stress for them andthe family” said Shawn. “They can’tsleep. They live from paycheque-to-paycheque and don’t know what optionsare available. After seeing 4 Pillars andunderstanding there are solutionsavailable, their level of stress is reducedand they often say the first call was thehardest to make and they wish they haddone it sooner.”

How 4 Pillars works:1. We review all the options available soyou can make an informed decision onhow to deal with your debt. 2. We outline a plan to get you out ofdebt as soon as possible and get rid ofthe stress.

3. We implement the plan to reduce yourdebts and consolidate them into oneaffordable monthly payment interest free4. We represent you the debtor, unlikemany companies we don’t represent thecreditors. Our sole mandate is to look outfor your best interests and get you thebest possible outcome5. We work with you to rebuild your creditso you are not left vulnerable for futurefinancial challenges

4 Pillars is active in the Filipinocommunity. It sponsors Filipino activitiesand donates to Filipino associationsthroughout the year.

“All files are strictly confidentialand we understand your situation andthe stress it is causing” stressed Shawn.Note: For more info, please. call 514-600-0724 toll free number, or 844 nodette. Shawn, Elisa, Frederic and Martinare available days, nights and on theweekends.

4 Pillars helps families restructure approximately$1,000,000 of Consumer debt every day!

On Sunday, October 2, 2016 at4 o’clock in the afternoon, a group oftwo hundred and fifty choristers,representing ten choirs from tendifferent countries, gathered at thegrand stage of Salle Wilfred Pelletier atPlace des Arts, to raise their voices incelebrating the 20th year of Journéesde la Culture in Quebec.

SOUFFLES, 10 chœurs pourune chante à créer, wasconceptualized, composed, anddirected by André Papathomas.Souffle, adapted from verses by LoreliMorali, was interpreted through songsby each choir. Poetic lines expressing“love and respect for nature and theenvironment” were beautifully sang.

The ten choirs includedMission Guadalupe (Latin America),Ensemble du Nunavik, ChoraleVidlunnya (Ukraine), Antsa Fitoriana(Madagascar), Chorale Antioch et

Project Sham (Syria), Chorale Singiza(Rwanda), La chorale Boboto (Congo),Chor Parati Sw Trojcy (Pologne), Lachoeur La Muse (Roumanie), and thePanday Tinig Choral Ensemble(Philippines).

Each of the ten choirsperformed a song(s) from theirrespective countries and in their ownlanguage. The Panday Tinig sangBAHAY by Gary Granada.

It was an amazing experienceto be with choirs from around the worldin a huge stage. Although we sang indifferent ‘tongues’ and sounds, weappreciated each other, as if weunderstood each other’s language.“Music is truly the universal language ofsoul.”

The Panday Tinig has knownAndré Papathomas since 2006, sincehe first invited the Ensemble toparticipate at the 10th anniversary of

Journée de la Culture at the CinquièmeSalle, Place des Arts. He has alsofeatured the Panday Tinig at a MontrealSummer Festival in 2010.

After our performance thatevening at the Salle Wilfred Pelletier,Place des Arts, the Panday Tinig

Choral Ensemble singers posed for alasting souvenir of that wonderfulexperience. We felt happy, elated, andproud to have represented ourhomeland, the Philippines, throughmusic.


Panday Tinig Choral Ensemble pose for souvenir after their performance atPlace Des Arts

By Edith Fedalizo

Page 13: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016 13The North American Filipino Star

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We have all kinds of meat products.

Goodbye short summer! If there is anyconsolation for this, it is thepicturesque images of multicolouredleaves around our backyards.

For social activities there is noshortage. Anniversaries, birthdays,inductions, cultural and local Filipinoactivities fill up our calendars. Let mebegin with the Kahirup (Hiligaynon)Association of Quebec's 25th.Founding anniversary last September17, 2016. They celebrated it with adinner dance held at the PlazaUniversal on Sherbrooke East,Montreal, Quebec. True to Kahiruppresident's, Mrs. Carmen Caro'swords: "We will entertain you withexcellent music and serve yousumptuous food." Excellent musicmeant the "Ramon Vincent and theBlack-Smith Band". Soloists were MitziVargas Lao, Rex Padida, MonchingVincente, Marlo Chu, A.V. Alfaro,Gerard Ang, and pianist Andrew Balan.Food was really A1! The eveningsprogram began with the nationalanthems performed the Panday TiningChoral Ensemble with Paul Imperialconducting and Edith Fedalizo on thepiano. Invocation was delivered by ElsaMontealegre, after which PresidentCaro welcomed everyone. The eveningseemed short because guests enjoyedthe fellowship of long lost friends.Some pairs engaged in marathondancing until the band decided to givethem a breather. This gave theaudience an opportunity to hear aninspiring message about thePhilippines from Assistant Consul toCanada, Honourable Greg MarieMarino. She expressed herappreciation of the enrichment andpreservation of the Hiligaynon Culture.

When everyone was waiting for dinner,Ms. Trans Liganor, President of theQuebec Association of CanadianFilipino Teachers (QACFT), asked mehow and when the Kahirup was formed.So, to be certain of my answer, I justlifted a portion of a page from theirsouvenir program entitled "Let's Recall"

"Twenty-five years ago in Montreal, adistinguished group of soft spokenWestern Visayanas sat togetherdrinking beer. An idea of forming agroup came up. They named it KahirupHiligayan Association of Quebec. Theywere Amy Manon-og, Mauro Dosado,Melaon Dosado, Ruel Cataluna, EdselCanto, Max Handinero, Hal Sotero, andVal Magbanua. Mauro Dosaso isdeceased. Val Magbanua is out oftown. The rest are in Montreal."

Did Amy Manon-og drink beer too? Just

curious-and just kidding!

TV coverage was by MMTV.Interviewer was yours truly.

And the camera man was Ed Udjvary.Founding members interviewed wereAmy Manson-Og, Edsel Canto, NelsonDosado, Max Handinero, RamonBangilan, and Tom Dy. Alternatingemcees were Freddie Espinosa,Annalie Ledesma, and JeannettePerignon.

Another social event was the "Meet andGreet with Councilor Marvin Rotrandand the showing of a movie". This washeld on Sept, 25, at Dollar Cinema onDecarie Blvd, Montreal, Quebec.

The event started with HonourableRotrand's welcome speech whichenumerated the projects already donefor the Snowdon district and for theBorough of Cote-Des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-De-Grace. In his informativespeech he also listed upcomingprojects benefiting the borough. Heinformed the audience that there aremany Filipino families residing in theseboroughs.

MMTV (w/ yours truly and Ed Ujvary,MMTV camera man) was invited torecord a press release (by AXAInsurance Group) that they will divesttobacco Industry Assets because thegroup believes that smoking poses thebiggest threat to public health in theworld today. As a responsible healthinsurer and investor, the AXA Grouphas decided to divest its tobaccoindustry assets. Main speakers wereSnowdon City Councillor MarvinRotrand and Mrs. Cynthia Callard,executive director for a "smoke-freeCanada". Both speakers targeted theyear 2035 as the year smoking will beeradicated.

The Fil-Can Chess and Social Club

(FCCSC) under the leadership of itspresident, Mr. Manuel Lagasca, held a“Disco |Night and Induction of Officers”Sept. 10, 2016 at the LE CRC-CDN6767 Chemin de la Cote des Neiges,Montreal, Quebec. It was a very wellattended event with president andexecutive officers of different |FilipinoAssociatons in attendance. Theprogram started early as most ignoredthe “Filipino Time “ arrival. Mr. FrancisAquino, the emcee, called Mr.RaymondLastra, Mr.Hubert Sison, and Mr.Diosado Ilustre to be flag bearers. Bothanthems (Filipino and Canada) wereperformed by Mrs. Dolly Arzona afterwhich Mr. Boy Nicolas delivered theinvocation. FCCSC president

Mr.Manuel Lagasca welcomed theguests. Highlight of the evening wasthe induction of officers by SnowdownCity councilor Marvin Rotrand. Officersinducted were : Manuel Lagasca(President), Mario Bejar (VP Internal),Melencio Domingo (VP External),Cherry Palmos(VP Social Affairs),Alejandro Toledo Jr(Secretary), Mini

Gasapo (Asst. Secretary,NicolasdelRosario(Treasurer), Jojo Aguirre(Asst.Treasurer), Rudy Oliver (Auditor),Hubert Sison(P.R.O), Emily Dino(Asst.P.R.O), Rochelle Grospe(BusinessManager), Daniel Valde z(Asst.Business Manager), Marlon Agcaoili(Tournament Director), DiosdadoIlustre (Asst. Tournament Director),Hermogenes Pavico(Peace Officer),Ronald Mangahs (Training &Development Officer), MarcelinoCabantugan Romulo Grospe Jr. (Asst.Training & Development Officer),

The Board of Advisers are : Dario Boco,Federico Tan, Reggie Villamor, AdolfoNicolas, Angelito Lanuzo, Ferdie Manaog, Felix de Luna, JunBergonio, Remy Ramos, and CarmeloVillanueva.

Inadvertently deleted in the last issue’spublication are the names of officers ofthe Canadian Filipino Seniors ofMontreal (CFSM). Here they are:Josie Vincenzo Tapia(President), TessMamagat(First Vice President), LuzDomingo (Second Vice President),Mary Paano(Treasurer), FlorenceUy(Assistant Treasurer), Ebby Landico(Secretary), Josie Morales (Auditor),Doreen San Juan (Financial Officer),Eddie Valdez (Assistant FinancialOfficer), Felina Flores (EntertainmentCoordinator), Pilar Hu (AssistantAuditor), Linda Armelon (BusinessManager), Dora Tyson (AssistantBusiness Manager), and Dahlia Ashby(Peace Officer).

Have a Great Day, Everyone! See youon the next issue ! !

Pictured above shows the officers of the Seniors of West Island and Suburbs(SWIS) after their induction held at the Casa Grecque Restaurant in the WestIsland. Seated from left are : Lucy Salazar, Anita, Edith Valenzuela, Lucy Smith,Lita Bote, Chairman Roger Ajero, Pierrefond-Dollard MP Frank Baileys, ConnieFabro, Paz Viloria, Dr. Jean Viloria, Vangie Salvador, and Greg Guerzon. Standingfrom left are: Nene Isada, Ike Bas, Flor Rillo, Fely Rosales Carino, Nards Alberto,Elvie Maximo, Pina Palma, Cely Dagsaan, Lolit Odulio, Cesar Bayan, LydiaFielding, and Emy Bayan.

Page 14: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 201614

The North American Filipino Star

Not just once but thrice didEdward Benosa experience the joyand pain of deeply falling in love inhis search for the one truly meantfor him.

“Yes, I’ve fallen in lovebefore and I really felt the painwhenever my relationships endedand I was left heartbroken,” sharesEdward about his past loves. “Thefirst two (relationships) werecomplicated — love triangle(laughs). Sa una, ako ang nanalo,ako ang pinili at s’yempre masarapsa pakiramdam at ‘yung isa hindiako, kaya masakit. Of course, Iwon’t dare get into that kind ofrelationship again but no regretsbecause if not for them, hindi akomatututo so looking back, di ko rinpinagsisihan. Kumbaga, I’vebecome stronger in life so I’mthankful for those experiences. Youjust have to learn to face thechallenges and learn from them.”

His romance with anothergirl also fizzled out. But Edwarddidn’t wallow in sadness. Instead,he turned his heartbreak into asong. “I was able to write Paglisan(included in his debut album) whenthe girl left me. I remember I was ina coffee shop that time and it was

raining. It was not my intention towrite about what I felt but the wordsjust came out so I wrote them downat doon ko nailabas lahat ng gustoko sanang sabihin. I was evensurprised I did it. Then after a week,I went again to a coffee shop andafter an hour, I composed anothersong, Why Didn’t You Stay.

“Thanks to her, because ifnot for what happened to us, Iwouldn’t discover that I could be asongwriter, so in a way it turned outgood.” No wonder, Edward believesthat everything — whether good orbad — happens for a reason.

Indeed, his having hadexperienced being in a love trianglemade it easy for the youngballadeer to act as natural as canbe in the music video of his singlePuso Kong Ito which is nominatedin the Best Music Video category inthis year’s PMPC Star Awards forMusic with awarding ceremoniesset on Oct. 23 at the Novotel Hotelin Cubao, Quezon City.

Edward, who bagged theStar Awards for Best New MaleRecording Artist award last year,says it was only recently when helearned about the new nomination.According to music video producer


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Edward sings his heartbreak

Edward Benosa’s music video for his single Puso Kong Ito is among the nominees in the Best Music Videocategory in the eighth PMPC Star Awards for Music to be held on Oct. 23 at the Novotel Hotel in QuezonCity

Carlson Chan of Dannon Clothing,preparations took months beforethe music video was shot in Tarlacfor three days with director CarloObispo.“The concept of direk Carlo for themusic video will certainly make theaudience feel the emotions of thecharacters (played by Edward,Ballet Manila’s Abigail Oliveiro andRK Bagatsing); sobrang ganda ngkinalabasan,” Edward says.

He, too, agrees that he isfacing a tough competition with ViceGanda, Juris, Sam Concepcion andRivermaya being nominated in thesame category. “I believe our edgeis mine (music video) was shot bydirek Carlo who is very professionalwith his work. It can be likened to ashort film; may puso.”

Besides, Puso Kong Ito isone of Edward’s favorite songs“because I feel there’s somethingunique about it.”

Asked if he is in love rightnow, Edward replies, “I’m happyand in love with life.”

Aside from singing, Edwardis also into acting. In fact, he is alsorehearsing for a musical titled MulaSa Buwan, slated to be staged atthe Ateneo de Manila UniversityGrounds in December. He is alsocollaborating with his managerArnold Reyes for his sophomorealbum. �

Page 15: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016 15The North American Filipino Star

She’s got it!To be young and successful. Can anyone ask for more? Kim Domingo shares her thoughts about being a woman on top of her game

To be young and successful. Cananyone ask for more? Kim Domingoshares her thoughts about being awoman on top of her game

To look good enough for pin-up is something many stars aspire for.It should be said, however, that beinghot has its pros and cons – just askKim Domingo.

Blessed with an innocent faceand a killer bod, Kim, the latest crushng bayan, shared in an interview thepitfalls of looking like a goddess.

“May mga instances nanababastos ako,” she said. “Ewan ko.’Yung iba parang ’di silamakapagpigil. Konting skin, kontingcleavage, magte-take advantage naagad. May nanghihipo,nangyayakap…

“Tapos ang iba naman,huhusgahan ka because of the wayyou look – to the point na ’pag nag-bikini ako, sasabihin masamangehemplo daw ako. Eh nagtatrabaholang naman ako!”

She has learned how to dealwith these things.

“Kapag mga publicappearances, I make sure maysecurity. Tapos sa social medianaman, dedma na lang,” Kim said.

Asked if she plans to changehow some people see her, thebudding actress said, yes, as thereare other sides of her that they couldfocus on. “Ayoko isipin ng mga tao napuro pagpapaseksi lang alam ko,”she said. “I want to show them na maytalent din naman ako.”

For now, however, she willsimply do what she does best:Celebrate her beauty.

“Iniisip ko, bakit ko ikahihiya?Bakit ko itatago? Beauty is ablessing.”

And so far, so good. Kim hascertainly had lots of opportunitiescome her way from the time sheentered show business just a fewmonths ago. Most recently, she waseven picked by popular gin brandGinebra as calendar girl for 2017,vaulting to the level of Marian Riveraand Anne Curtis.

“Ay, hindi naman siguro,” shehumbly said when that was pointedout to her. “Hindi ko kino-consider naka-level ko na sila. Pero siyempre I’mvery honored and proud na nasama

ako sa hanay nila bilang calendar girl.It’s very flattering.”

Busy schedule aheadKim is readying herself for the

spate of activities that automaticallycomes with Ginebra also naming hertheir Ganado Sa Buhay campaignambassador.

“Marami kaming naka-schedule na activities, includingpublic appearances sa provinces. I’mpreparing myself mentally andphysically na (for those),” she said.

These include hitting the gymthrice a week at the very least.

“Nagsimula preparation koone month before ’yung pictorial sacalendar. Aside from regularworkouts, kasama na diyan ’yungdiet. Actually ’yung meals ko ngayonvery strict. I am made to stick to 1,200calories a day lang and it’s reallytough. Pero kasi I want to continuewith it na din para prepared akosumabak sa work. ”

Kim sticks to a no-pork diet.“Oo, talagang fish, chicken, beef andveggies na lang ako.”

“What’s good about theregimen is that I am now moreenergized,” she shared. “Hindi na akomadaling mapagod o ma-stress.Tsaka, siyempre, mas confident ako infront of the cameras.”

After marked stints on TV via“Bubble Gang” and “Juan Happy LoveStory,” Kim will be seen in the film,“Mang Kepweng Returns,” which isfor submission to this year’s MetroManila Film Festival (MMFF).

“May ino-offer din sakin nabagong teleserye pero ayoko munamagsalita about it masyado,” sheadded.

With her busy schedule andall, does she even have time for love?

“Ah, masaya ako, ’yun lang,”she quipped, laughing. �

Aljur Abrenica tests negative for drugsKapuso actor Aljur Abrenica

has voluntarily submitted himself to adrug test and results showed he wasnegative for all forms of narcotic.

“This is to signify my support fora drug-free Philippines. I am proud to behigh on life, not on drugs,” the actor saidin his recent Instagram post. He alsoposted a screenshot of his negative drugtest results.

This is to signify my support fora Drug-Free Philippines. I’m proud to behigh on life not on drugs.

Celebrity users and pushershave become the target of the police aspart of the government’s war on drugs.The Philippine National Police hasincluded about 50 celebrities in its druglist. Recently, however, PNP chief Ronald“Bato” dela Rosa said 24 more celebritynames had been added to the drug list,including actors, televisions hosts andmusicians. �

Kim Domingo

Aljur Abrenica

Page 16: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 201616

The North American Filipino Star

‘Meron akong mga negosyobut hindi ko makita sarili ko nanakaupo lang sa desk. I findexcitement exercising my artistic side.’

Still looking young andactively working, Ariel Rivera is proofthat age is just a number.

The singer-actor turned 50 lastSeptember. He’s been in showbusiness for 26 years and by the looksof it, the tenure extends indefinitelyespecially that he’s been into healthierlifestyle for some time now.

“It helps na my wife is intothat,” he said. “She’s healthy andconscious with her body and na-i-influence niya ako.”

Ariel is making a comeback ofsorts on GMA-7 via the upcomingteleserye “Hahamakin Ang Lahat” alsostarring Kristoffer Martin, Joyce Ching,Thea Tolentino and Bruno Gabriel. Thelast time Ariel did a project with theKapuso Network was six years ago.His arrangement with them now is on aper-show basis.

“Marami akong kaibigan saGMA. ’Yung mga AP, EP, we’re veryclose friends even outside of work.Minsan magkasama kami kapag mayfree time,” he said.

Keep ‘em comingAriel feels so blessed with the

opportunities coming his way that theconstant rise of younger actorsdoesn’t bother him one bit.

“Kaunti na lang yata kami naka-edad ko to be given projects so it’salways a blessing,” he said.

The singer-actor is all aboutartistry as always.

“Well, from the time I startednaman, hindi importante sa akin ’yungawards o ’yung pera. Sa akin, it’sbeing able to work with people I want

to work with. Tsaka kahit papano, mayartistic side tayo. Meron akong mganegosyo but hindi ko makita sarili kona nakaupo lang sa desk. I findexcitement exercising my artistic side,”he said.

He remains picky with roles.“I like roles that are

challenging. Kapag hindi ko type,hindi ko gagawin. Importante sa akinkung ano ’yung role ko.”

Thanks but no thanks to tagsThough among seasoned

singers and actors in the industry, Arielis not waiting for anyone to pay tributeto his accomplishments. He evendownplays the “Kilabot ng Kolehiyala”tag once given him, insisting the titlebelongs to Hajji Alejandro.

“I like where I am. To be in thisindustry as long as I am, mas gusto kona ’yung tahimik na lang basta maytrabaho. Hindi na kailangan ng tributeo tag,” Ariel said.

If anything, he’d rather sharehis learnings to younger artists.

“I think it’s part of ourresponsibility as industry veterans, tomentor young ones on how to goabout working, being professional,investing their money wisely,” said hewho also has a construction business.

He shared his sons are nowstudying in Canada.

“We thought of migratingthere. But the thing was, naawa dinnaman ako kay Gelli (de Belen, hiswife) kasi anong gagawin niya doon?Magiging stagnant siya, baka iyon pamaging dahilan ng paghihiwalaynamin. Our reason for our plan tomigrate was for our kids, education,more opportunities. The kids are there,studying their high school. Kami ditona lang, work.” �

Ariel Rivera remainsunstoppable at 50

"It broke my heart," admittedactor Derek Ramsay as he recalled thefirst time his son called him dad in aninterview on "Tonight With BoyAbunda" aired Tuesday evening. This happened last Christmas,Ramsay shared, adding that those

moments with Austin, his child withestranged wife Mary Christine Jolly,were the "best" days of his whole lifeso far.

"I [also] took him to watch mymovie and he was very proud. Whenthe fans came up to me and ask forpictures, he'd be like, 'That's my dad,that's my dad," a beaming Ramsay

gushed. "And then we took off toPalawan, and do what Ramsays do:stay under the sun, jump into theocean, do crazy things where you canhurt yourself. And I was like, 'Okay, thisis my son."

Austin, whom Ramsay first

introduced to the public in June lastyear, is currently based in Dubai withhis mother Mary Christine. Ramsaysaid that he wishes he could spendmore time with him. "That's probablythe only thing missing in my life," hesaid.

Meanwhile, Ramsay alsotalked about his relationship withgirlfriend, model Joanne Villablanca.

Asked if she gets jealous of hisintimate film scenes with other women,Ramsay replied: "Before we got intothis relationship, she knew what myline of work is and we talked about it,and said, 'I don't want to get into thisrelationship if we are going to bringthis up again. I don't want to soundselfish but I will guarantee you that thelove that I have is only for you.'"

Ramsay is the star of theupcoming film, "The Escort," whichalso stars actress Lovi Poe. �

Derek: Hearing my son callme dad 'broke my heart'

Derek Ramsay Interview with Boy Abunda

Derek Ramsay with girlfriend model Joanne Villablanca

Derek with his son Austin

Page 17: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016 17The North American Filipino Star

Ai Ai delas Alas gets Papal Award‘Ang mga kahinaan ko — ang mga nangyari sa buhay ko — ’yun ’yungnagpapalakas sa faith ko.’

Blessings continue to pour on Ai Aidelas Alas who will be conferred thePro Ecclesia et Pontifice (“For theChurch and the Pope”) medal onrecommendation of the Diocese ofNovaliches headed by Bishop AntonioTobias.

The conferment ceremony willbe on Nov. 11 at the Cathedral of theGood Shepherd, Regalado Avenue,Novaliches, Quezon City, coincidingwith the actress’ 51st birthday. ThePapal Award is said to be the highesthonor bestowed to laity by the Pope.The only other Pinoy entertainmentpersonality who has one is MaestroRyan Cayabyab from years back.

According to Bishop Tobias,the award is in recognition of Ai Ai’s“distinguished service to the church.”Among other charitable works, theactress is involved in the construction

of the Kristong Hari Church inCommonwealth Ave., Quezon City;and the Anawim Lay MissionsFoundation, Inc. in Montalban, Rizal.

In an interview, Ai Ai admittedshe was surprised learning about therecognition.

“Alam ko ni-nominate akopero ’di ko in-expect,” she said.“Nu’ng sinabi nila sa akin, umiyakako. Sabi ko, ‘Lord hindi po akokarapat-dapat sa award na ito perotinatanggap ko po, thank you po.’”

She plans to visit the Vaticanin hopes of personally extending hergratitude to Pope Francis.

Asked if the award will impacther work as actress and singer, shesaid, “Hindi naman ako magbabagosobra pero siyempre pag-iisipan kongmabuti ’yung mga gagawin ko.

“Like siguro ’pag concert,

hindi na ako magta-tangga, maswholesome na kahit paano,” sheadded.

Father Erick Santos, a goodfriend of Ai Ai’s, shared, “Alam ngRoma ang lahat ng tungkol sa kanya,pati ang kanyang nakaraan. Hindinaman ibig sabihin nito ay tinuturingna siya na parang pakabanal-banal.Kinikilala lamang nito ’yungpagmamahal at pagmamalaskit napinapakita niya sa simbahan. Simboloito na sa kabila ng ating mga nagigingkahinaan, pagkakamali, tinitignan parin ng simbahan ang ating kabutihan.”

Brother Michael AngeloLobrin added, “Hindi naman ibigsabihin nito ay santa na si Ai Ai. Ito’yhamon sa kanyang pagiging Katoliko,sa kanyang pananampalataya, ito’ymay karampatang responsibilidad. Itoay hamon ng patuloy napagpapanibago or complete change.Sana maging inspirasyon ito lalo nasa mga Katolikong artista nanagtitiyaga at nagsisipag namaglingkod sa Inang Simbahan.”

“Sa totoo lang, ang mgakahinaan ko – ang mga nangyari sabuhay ko – ’yun ’yung nagpapalakassa faith ko,” Ai Ai, a Marian devotee,shared.

“Ganun naman ang buhay eh,cycle ’yan. Minsan dapang-dapa kathen babangon ka ulit. Tine-test langni Lord ’yung faith mo.”

Future plansApart from the award, Ai Ai is

celebrating another milestone withboyfriend Gerald Sibayan recentlygraduating from college.

“Masaya siyempre dahil ’yunnga another blessing din ito so,thankful talaga ako,” she noted.

According to Ai Ai, theboyfriend plans to start a business.

“Plano niya ring mag-coachng badminton sa isang school.Siyempre suporta lang naman ako sakanya,” she said.They are not planning to tie the knotanytime soon.

“Siguro after two years pa,”

she shared. “Depende kung ano anggusto ni Lord.”

On JiroShe is of the same mindset

concerning former actor Jiro Manio,who has been under her wings afterhe fell prey to the lure of illegal drugs.

“Okay naman na siya,maganda na ang mga sinasabi niyakaya nakakakita na ako ng liwanag,nagbababago na ang anak ko,” shesaid, relating how Jiro has profuselyacknowledged her help the last timethey saw each other.

“Sabi niya, ‘Salamat Ma hindimo lang ako tinulungan, ni-rescue moako.’ Nakakatuwa na may ganoonpala siyang concept. Sabi ko namansa kanya ‘Anak ang gusto ko langgumaling ka.’”

That said, she admitted Jiro isnot yet ready to leave rehab.

“Gusto niya din na doonmuna siya sa loob. Siguro naisip niyasa labas maraming ding stress bakama-trigger uli.”

MMFF plansFor now, Ai Ai is fervently

praying her new film “The MightyYaya” makes it to this year’s MetroManila Film festival (MMFF).

“Sana, para masaya,” shesaid.

“Actually hindi talaga siyapara sa MMFF, pero naurong kasi ngnaurong ’yung playdate so sabi niMother (Lily, film producer, RegalFilms) isali na rin lang.”sABOUT THE MEDAL

* The Pro Ecclesia et Pontificemedal was established by Pope LeoXIII on July 17, 1888 to commemoratehis golden jubilee.

* It was originally bestowedon men and women who had aidedand promoted the jubilee, making it asuccess.

* Around these parts, asidefrom Ai Ai and Ryan, Ecclesiasticalartist Willy Layug also received themedal. �

Ai Ai Delas

Grace Lee balances life as entrepreneur, newscasterPeople see TV host Grace Leedelivering the news and stories everymorning on TV5’s “Aksyon SaUmaga.” Not many know, however,that outside her newscasting chores,she is busy with various businesses.

Grace recently openedKorean restaurant Kko Kko, whichoffers Korean friend chicken, Koreanstreet food and Dosirak (Koreanlunchbox). This is the newest additionto her line of concept restaurants,which also includes Buta Wagyu andAtelier Vivanda.

“I’ve always wanted not just toshare Korean food but also Koreanculture through food with Filipinopeople,” Grace said in an interview.“This is a natural business venture for

me. We try to give full culinaryexperience.”

About Dosirak, she said,“’Yung mga students noonggeneration ng parents ko, by the timethey eat their lunch, naalog na siya saloob ng bags nila, so mixed na silanglahat. That’s Dosirak. Right now,Dosirak culture is making a comebackin Korea. What people do is theyintentionally shake their meal toreplicate the experience our parentshad before.”

Being in the restaurantbusiness for three years now, Gracealready knows her strength andweaknesses. She also now has an eyespotting market trends.

“The competition is very stiff

but I enjoy what I do and I think that’sthe most important part. The mostfulfilling part for me in the restaurantbusiness is that I am able toconceptualize something and share itwith people. The satisfaction you get isdifficult to compare,” she said.

Grace may have a fullschedule but she is able to keep agood balance.

“My time is allotted withspecific number of hours a day andthat’s dedicated to my front of thecamera work. You have to sacrificelang fun times and hanging out withfriends or doing things that I might

Venus Raj

Grace LeeSee Page 18 Grace Lee

Page 18: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 201618 The North American Filipino Star

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Jaycee Parker and her‘real light’

For Jaycee Parker, first lightwas from show business when she gotdiscovered 13 years ago in a RegineTolentino dance video. She wouldeventually join the Viva Hot Babesresponsible for the hits “Bulaklak,”“Kikay” and “Basketball.”

But a few years ago, Jayceeclaimed seeing “the real light” (as sheherself put it) when she met herspiritual mentor, Pampanga CouncilorJericho Aguas.

“He taught me so many lifeprinciples and invited me to join him inhis Kabbalah classes,” she said.“Kabbalah is an ancient wisdom thatreveals how the universe and life work.

“On a literal level, the wordKabbalah means ‘to receive.’ It’s thestudy of how to receive fulfillment inour lives. Most of us, at some point inour life, have been overcome with thefeeling that we are not as fulfilled as wecould be. Paradoxically, and often, theharder we strive to achieve thatfulfillment, the more it eludes us.

“When we speak aboutfulfillment, we don’t mean just beingtemporarily happy or experiencingfleeting senses of well-being. We meanconnecting to the energy, andmaintaining our connection to true andlong-lasting fulfillment.”

According to Jaycee, hestarted studying Kabbalah “when hewas on a very dark journey in his life.”It was then that Jericho learned about a

group of people that calls itself“lightworkers.”

According to Doreen Virtue’sbook titled “The Lightworker’s Way,”you are one if:

1. Feel called to heal others.2. Want to resolve the world’s

social and environmental problems.3. Believe that spiritual

methods can heal any situation.4. Have had mystical

experiences, such as psychicpremonitions or angelic encounters.

5. Have endured harsh lifeexperiences that eroded theknowledge of your Divine perfection.

6. Want to heal your own life asa first step in healing the world.

7. Feel compelled to write,teach, or counsel about your healingexperiences.

8. Feel a sense of time urgencyto fulfill your mission before you knowthat you are here for a higher purposeor even if you are unsure what it is orhow to fulfill it.

Jaycee emphasized thatKabbalah is not a religion.

“Jericho and I are practicingCatholics,” she said. “(It’s just that)anybody from any religion having fiveout of the eight traits Doreenmentioned may be a lightworker.”

Jaycee added she wants towrite a book wherein she could sharethe knowledge and wisdom of being alightworker. �

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want to be able to dedicate moretime with work,” Grace said.

She finds the restaurantbusiness “difficult” so she reallymakes time for it.

“It is a full-time job. You haveto know the ins and outs of thebusiness, from the tiles to the floors,ceilings. So, this is a meticulousbusiness that requires a lot of yourtime,” she shared.

Fortunately, being in mediahelps in that she gets to promote herrestos to followers and celebrityfriends.

“It comes hand in hand. Ialso love feeding my co-workers. Ithink it always works best if you’repassionate with what you do. I lovethe work that I do in front of cameraas much as the work behind thecamera, which is my restaurantbusiness,” she said.

Love lifeShe isn’t dating anyone at

the moment but it’s no problem forGrace.

“I don’t want this year. I thinkthis year I just want to concentrate onmy work. There are lots of thingshappening. I’m keeping myself busy.So, I think it’s a good breather to notcommit yourself into a relationshipalso because there are lots of work,as well,” she said.

Being in the Philippines for

many years now, Grace shared shedoesn’t mind where a guy is from.

“My parents are very open-minded. We’ve lived in thePhilippines for so long na hindi nauso sa pamilya namin ’yung racialbias.”

While Grace is not particularwith a guy’s racial background, sheprefers someone not from media andpolitics.

“I think the best for me is todate somebody not from my industryand also not politics. Lahat namanng babae isa lang ang gusto – a guywho makes you happy, who lovesyou. I want my private life to besimple.” �

From Page 17 Grace Lee

Page 19: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 2016 19The North American Filipino StarThe North American Filipino Star

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Page 20: Filipino Star - October 2016 Edition

October 201620 The North American Filipino Star

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Gilmore College International alumni attended the inauguration of thenew headquarters, and celebration of the 26th anniversary last year.

At the reception desk, Arlene Manalo, a Gilmore alumni who used to volunteer inthe school’s activities. Thank you, Arlene, for having given your time.

First day of practicum, October 22, 2016 at Chateau Westmount, through theinitiative of Amy Manon-og, (first on the left, seated) coordinator of the workstudyprogram, and supervising teachers, Terry White and Sophie Toledo, who will beoverseeing the weekend stage, day shift from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. We wish you all asuccessful experience of serving the elderly at this accredited health carefacility.

A souvenir of Gilmore College International thanksgiving party organized by thestudents in French - Arlene, Marie Edna, Edna, Mayette, Precy and Wimble.