  • 1. Fight Off the Stress in Easy Steps Brought to you by:

2. 1.Maintain a stress buster calendar Choose any thirty stress fighting activities and make sure that you do at least one every day. Take or make a calendar and mark something on each day and more importantly, stick to it. 3. 2.Spend time with yourself It is very important to stay connected with the real you at all times. Even if it is 30 minutes a day, keep a time aside where you can do any activity that you like, except surfing the internet. This is the duration where you choose something you wish to do 4. 3.Get sufficient sleep A good, sound sleep will make better your immune system, will keep you fresh the next and will keep the crankiness away. 5. 4.Choose the nature and amount of work Do only things that you love to do even if it gets you a little less money. If you are a dancer at heart with a degree in accounts, you ll only end up making the numbers dance in your head. Also, do not take up more work than you can handle easily. Choose your work and do it to the best of your ability. Dont over think, its only a job. 6. 5. Breathe Yes we do that all the time. But when youre feeling particularly edgy, take long breaths. Take five full seconds to inhale and five again to exhale. It ll make you feel better instantly. 7. 6. Stretch Have you ever wondered how cats are so royally carefree all the time, here is a tip- stretch. Stretch as far as your body allows, a few inches more and then shake it all out. 8. 7. Hum Even if you are a horrible singer, you can take the liberty of humming your favorite song in an empty hallway, your car or a very noisy place, in fact, pretty much everywhere. So what if youre not Madonna, you have got to kill the stress cells by singing as it ll make better your breathing and every part of your body will get the requisite oxygen. 9. The lifestyle today can easily take a toll on anyones health, both physical and mental. Add to it a working mother, and youd be pulling out your hair sooner or later. Fighting the stress becomes a necessity then. Most of us are not too good at this. Either we dont know how to combat the piling stress or are not motivated enough to actually make an efforts towards reducing the level of stress we face. We allow it to pile on and one day we reach a point where we cannot take it anymore. The better option is to fight stress on daily basis. Think of it in this way that if you, the woman, the nurturer of the house is always stressed and cranky, how is it that the rest of the family would enjoy good physical and mental health? If you let the stress keep building, even the top anti aging skin care treatment would fail to make you look young and vibrant. 10. The lifestyle today can easily take a toll on anyones health, both physical and mental. Add to it a working mother, and youd be pulling out your hair sooner or later. Fighting the stress becomes a necessity then. Most of us are not too good at this. Either we dont know how to combat the piling stress or are not motivated enough to actually make an efforts towards reducing the level of stress we face. We allow it to pile on and one day we reach a point where we cannot take it anymore. The better option is to fight stress on daily basis. Think of it in this way that if you, the woman, the nurturer of the house is always stressed and cranky, how is it that the rest of the family would enjoy good physical and mental health? If you let the stress keep building, even the top anti aging skin care treatment would fail to make you look young and vibrant.
