Page 1: Field Health Service Information System FHSIS

The Field Health Service Information System


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The Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS)

• The Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) is a major component of the network information sources developed by the Department of Health (DOH)to enable it to better manage in nationwide health service delivery activities.

• The FHSIS is intended to address the short term data needs of DOH staff with managerial/ supervisory functions in DOH facilities and in each of the program areas.

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What is the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS)

• It is a network of information.• It is intended to address the short term

needs of DOH and LGU staff with • managerial or supervisory functions in

facilities and program areas.• It monitor health service delivery


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What are the objectives Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS)?• To provide summary data on health service delivery and

selected program accomplishment indicators at the barangay, municipality, district, provincial, regional and national levels.

• To provide data which when combined with data from other sources, can be used for program monitoring and evaluation purposes.

• To provide a standardized, facility-level data base which can be accessed for more in-depth studies.

• To minimize the recording and reporting burden at the service delivery level in order to allow more time for patient care and promotive activities.

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The Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS)

• The Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) is a major component of the network information sources developed by the Department of Health (DOH)to enable it to better manage in nationwide health service delivery activities.

• The FHSIS is intended to address the short term data needs of DOH staff with managerial/ supervisory functions in DOH facilities and in each of the program areas.

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• individual/Family Treatment Records;• Target/Client Lists;• Reporting Forms; and• Output Reports,

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Importance of FHSIS

• individual/Family Treatment Records;• Target/Client Lists;• Reporting Forms; and• Output Reports,

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• Helps local government determine public health priorities.

• Basis for monitoring and evaluating health program implementation.

• Basis for planning, budgeting, logistics, and decision making at all levels.

• Source of data to detect unusual occurrence of a disease.

• Needed to monitor health status of the community.• Helps midwives in following up clients.• Documentation of RHM/PHN day to day activities.

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Historical Background

• 1987-conceptualization stage• 1988-consultative meetings• 1989-pilot implementation(Region 4 & 7)• 1990-nationwide implementation• 1993-devolution• 1996- 1st modification(modified FHSIS)• 2006-2007- 2nd modification (FHSIS v.


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The FHSIS has as its focus the programs of the DOH public health services (PHS), namely:

•  • Maternal and Child (MCH);• Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI); • Control of Diarrheal Diseases (CDD);• Nutrition;• Family Planning ;• Maternal Care; • The Tuberculosis, Malaria, Schistosomiasis, and

Leprosy Control progress; • Dental Health and • Environmental Health.

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A. Recording

1. Individual Treatment Record (ITR)

The fundamental building block of foundation of the FHSIS is the INDIVIDUAL TREATMENT RECORD. This is a document, form or a piece of paper upon which is recorded the date, name, address of patient, presenting symptoms or complaint of the patient on consultation and the diagnosis (if available), treatment and date of treatment. This record will be maintained as a part of the system of records at each health facility on all patient seen. This record may be as simple as the following example prepared on plain bond paper.

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Sample of ITR:


2106 Rizal Avenue, Siniloan, LagunaAge: 25 years Birthday: February 7, 1980Religion: Catholic Weight: 115 lbsOccupation: Housekeeper

4/15/2007Complaint: Headache & vomitingVital signs: BP = 120/80 mmHGDiagnosis:Treatment/Recommendations

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• The Target/Client Lists constitute the second “building block” of the FHSIS and are intended to serve several purposes.

– The first and primary purpose is to help nurse/midwife plan and carry out patient care and service delivery.

– A second purpose of Target/ client lists is to facilitate the monitoring and supervision of service delivery activities. In this regard, the lists were designed so as to provide the information essential to the monitoring/supervision of programs prescribed service schedules.

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– A third purpose is to report services delivered.

– fourth purpose of the Target/client Lists is to provide a clinic-level data base which can be accessed for further studies

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2. TARGET/CLIENT LISTSThe TCL to be maintained in the FHSIS version 2008 are as


• Target Client List for Prenatal Care• Target Client List for Post-Partum Care• Target Client List of Under 1 Year Old Children• Target Client List for Family Planning• Target Client List for Sick Children• NTP TB Register (same as program)• National Leprosy Control Program Form 2-Central

Registration Form (same as program)

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 3. Summary Table

• The Summary Table is a form with 12-month columns retained at the facility (BHS) where the

• midwife records monthly all relevant data. The Summary Table is composed of : (1) Health Program Accomplishment (2) Morbidity Disease.

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3.1. Health Program Accomplishment

• the midwife records on this summary table all the data that are found in the TCL.

• This summary table is an easy source of data for reports being prepared by the midwife.

• This also serves as the data source for any survey, special study, or research that may include the facility.

• Most importantly, this can serve as a tool for the midwife to assess her own accomplishments.

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3.2. Morbidity Disease

• the midwife in the BHS accomplish this table on a monthly basis.

• This summary table can also be the source of ten leading causes of morbidity for the municipality/city.

• This summary table will help the nurse and MHO to get the monthly trend disease.

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4. The Monthly Consolidation Table(MCT)

• The Consolidation Table is an essential form in the FHSIS where the nurse at the RHU records the reported data per indicator by each BHS or midwife.

• This is the source document of the nurse for the Quarterly form.

• The Consolidation Table shall serve as the Output Table of the RHU as it already contains listing of BHS per indicator.

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• the midwife in the BHS accomplish this table on a monthly basis.

• This summary table can also be the source of ten leading causes of morbidity for the municipality/city.

• This summary table will help the nurse and MHO to get the monthly trend disease.

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C. Flow Report

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D. OUTPUT REPORTS• Output Reports or Tables will be produced at the

PHO from the data reported in FHSIS Reporting Forms. Computer-generated output reports will then be disseminated down to the RHU/MHC and up through the DOH system to the Regional Health Offices. The objective in designing the output formats is to make the reports useful for monitoring/management purposes at each level.
