Page 1: fI 1t ooh1ribunc - University of Nebraska–LincolnTf ' f.::-fy @! fI) T %1t T: iUc ooh1ribunc, A-FOU,TEENTH YEAR. MeCOUK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 14, 1895

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iUc ooh1ribunc , :



' r 4 Old Times , Again.-



old settler is among us , who hasbeen away for years. A hunter beforehe became a settler , and has killed buf-


where the round house and machineshops now stand in McCook-



talking with this old friend , Wil-


Springer , old times are broughtvery close:who has died and who ma-rtiedwhere


this one went and what be-


of the other. Many of the re-


cannot be talked about in-

promiscuous.comPattY. . "Such.gossip ! "

said a prominent person , one day. Yes ,

gossip in connection with common ,

every-day folks , but history with Shel-


, aild Byron , and Wagner , and VonBulow , and Ruskin , and Millais-litera-:

} lure when used by Bret Harte , Ouidaand Zola. I often wonder how many ,

now , are aware of the kaleidoscopiccharacter of the early settling of thecounty.-



Mr. Springer assisted at the firstburial-that; of the Indian squaw , whowas wounded in the slaughter of theStratto-nin which this squaw was. I had alwaysheard that an Indian was too stoical tomake any kind of demonstration in either

i pain or pleasure ;but I was much touch-


by the suppressed moans of this poorwoman. There are , as usual , many dif-


versions of this massacre , but theone heard at the time , considered relia-


and accepted by the governmentagent is-the Pawnees on their annualhunt , their meat' dried and packed , werecamped in a canyon on their way back ,

Qld Whistler's band of Sioux , still underthe surveillance of the soldiers , allowedto be off their reservation , kept watchof their hereditary enemies , the Paw-



. Early on this eventful manning ,

as soon as it was light , they were seenby an old hunter , passing his dugout ,

rigged out in paint and feathers , on thewar path. In a short time they re-


, jubilant over their success. Thesurprise for the Pawnees was complete.Many were killed outright , but all the

'braves who could , fled , leaving theirmeat , tepees , hides , robes and squaws andpappooses. The Sioux made quick workwith their butchery of the women andchildren. Some days afterwards a pass-


hunter saw this squaw lying in thegrass , dead , as he thought. Finding herstill alive , he took her in his wagon , towhere she could be cared for. This Mr.and Mrs. Kerns did , but their kindnesswas of no avail. She lived a week ,

Dr. Shaw doing what he could to allevi-


her suffering She was buried onthe bank of Coon creek and her gravewas recently repaired and marked by

another old settler , E. S. Hill.The first , and as far as I know the

only murder committed in the county ,

was while Mr. Springer was sheriff. Inthis case , he acted as coroner , also. Wehave not lived far enough past that timeto give the details-but-a; claim was

jumped-the jumper was killed- Cir-


i evidence pointed to the own-


of the claim , who had made threats.-


was arrested. At that time therewas no jail in the county and whilewaiting for District Court to be held ,

the accused was sent to Plum Creek jail.' Here he was allowed much liberty.

Several other prisoners , horse and cattlethieves , planned to make their escape

and urged him to join them. In tellingme about it afterwards , he said he "haddone nothing to be put in jail for , andhe was not going to act like a criminal" ;

that he didn't fear a fair trial.-Thetestimony given was not such to prove

his guilt , so he was cleared , while nearlyevery juror believed him guilty. Some

have always held that he was a victimof conspiracy-others still maintain hewas the murderer , while yet others ,

holding that opinion at the time , becameconvinced afterwards that he was a

wronged , innocent man. It has been

said ' Murder will out"yet the years

have kept this secret and. the mysterywill probably never be solved , until theperpetrator appears before the Court of

Final Resort , where every man will be

judged according to the deeds done in

the body. And when I recall that oldwhite-haired man , whose life was notblameless , I can but wish that when he-

is summoned before tlieHigher Tribunal ,'-

that the findings , in this case , at least ,

will clear him , as when he was on trial

in one of the early courts , held in Red

Willow Co.

Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon-



Buy a patent lever hose coupler fromt. Cochran & Co.-



Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsapa-



for a spring medicine.-k


zt Screen doors and wire cloth,

, all sizes ,

for sale by Cochran & Co.

;; S . R. Smith , Indianola , bonded ab-



, furnishes abstracts same day or-




i .1 .. - - .

An Unfortunate Judge.Unless Judge Welty asks for the res-


of court reporter John Stevens ,

the people will believe that the latterhas access to the Judge's private letterfile, as did another illustrious gentl-eman..Court


Reporter Stevens comesin for a full share of censure for his dis-


conduct in the Blauvelt case-



permitted his prejudice and personalfeeling to influence his official as well ashis private actions. He was so bitterlypartial that it was hardly possible forhim to be civil in his public declarationsconcerning the matter. The public gen-


deprecates such unofficial conduct ,

and it is to be hoped that Mr. Stevenshas learned a lesson and will profit b-yit..The course pursued by Judge Wel-


in the Blauvelt case has been open tothe severest criticism and has lost himmany supporters. Through his willfuldisregard for precaution or careless andignorant mismanagement , a prisonerconvicted of a heinous , crime has beenpermitted to escape , after his prosecu-


had cost the county a large amountof money , of a time when the peoplewere illy able to stand it. The Tribuneis too charitable to place any credencein the talk of bribery so freely and open-



charged by many. We are inclinedto the opinion that the Judge made amistake , and although he may regret it ,

the harm is done , and he will have toabide the consequences.-Beaver CityTribune.

Water tax due July 1st 1895.

THE TRIBUNE has a nice fish story onice for next week.

Send to Lewis W. . Smith , Indianola ,

for abstracts-



begins to'look like we are going tohave a'91 corn crop-



Decoration Day was observedby the McCook lodge on Tuesday.

Lewis W. Smith , having purchasedJ. B. lather's abstract books , is prepar-ed

-to make correct abstracts.

Fifteen ( I5)) cents will buy a box ofnice writing paper at this office , con-


'4 sheets of paper and 24 envel-opes.


In our list of names of veterans whosegraves were decorated , this year , wefailed to mention Peter Groves , who isthe only new addition to the number ofold soldiers now at rest in Longviewcemetery.-



friend writes us from Madison coun-


, Illinois , that they have had to plowup their wheat and seed to corn , andthat times are hard there. And that is-

in the great agricultural state of Illinois.

The county fair will be held on the9th , loth , Itth and 12th of September.Make your arrangements to exhibitsomething at the fair in at least one ofthe several departments. We ought tohave a rousing , successful fair this season.

THE TRIBUNE learns with regret ofthe unfortunate mental condition of Dr.-



\ . D. Trinque of Frontier county ,

who has become quite insane. It isstated that the Doctor's mind ,recentlybecame unbalanced through religiousexcitement , and finally became so vio-


that the county authorities had totake the unfortunate man in charge.The Doctor has been quite a familiar fig-


on our streets.

The meeting of the board of education ,

Monday evening , was one of unusual in-


and excitement. In fact therewas more or less rich red blood on themoon , as one of the members put it. .

Thelevy was made for school purposes ;

some bills were allowed ; an unsuccessfuleffort was made to hire some additionalteachers ; a motion was made to adjourn ;

there was a deadlock ; three of the sixmembers of the board walked out of themeeting ; and at least some of the teach-ers


for the ensuing year .will not beelected according to State Supt. Corbett'sdecision , in all probability.

Musical stockings are among the latestfreaks of fashion , says the New York"Sun. " They are not so audibly musi-


-, however , merely visibly so. Their

open-work hands , running perpendicu-larly


up the ankles , are patterned in thenotes and bars of the musical clef. Ofcourse , different tunes are used for dif-


occasions. Upon full dress hos-


, grand opera airs are appropriatelyinscribed. Lighter compositions appearupon hose dedicated to functionslessim-portant

-, and for everyday stockings

quite everyday' ditties are used. Stock-ings


to be worn Sunday alone are an in-


phrase of the fashion. Theseare , of course , embellished with hymntunes and other sacred music.-



. Price'sCream Baking PowderAwarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair , Sun Francisco.



The graduating exercises of the Classof '95 will be held in the A. 0. U. W.Temple hall , tomorrow evening. Theprogram announced is as follows :

Overture-From Martha. . .M. P.S. Orchestra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hart L Preston

Hymn-"Lead Kindly Light".SchoolPi-aYer From Stradella..M.P.S.Orchestra-

Waldo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."Man of the Age".Charles McManigal-

Goheen" " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ."Work" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . .L diaCoole-SelectionPatience. . . . . . . . . M. P. .


Noble" " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglass"Our " . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gibbons"After Graduation".Addie HanleinPiano Duet"Magic Flute" .

Bertha Boyle.laud Cordeal-

"On and " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simons"Great Islands are Formed by Tiny Insects"

Grace ' BrintonClass History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elmer KayValedictory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clara Purvi-sSelectionFrom Ii Trovatore..OrchestraAwarding Diplomas..Secretary of BoardGloria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M. P. S. Orchestra

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superintendent"Abide R'ith Me" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .School-Benediction. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Hart L. Preston


Vera Grace 11'aldo , Marie Gibbons , NormaNoble , Clara Belle Purvis , Mary Eunice Go-been , Ona Belle Simons , Lydia Jeanette Coo-ley

-, Addie Amelia Hanlein , Grace Levis Brin-

ton , Charles Elliott McManigal. Arthur Her-bert

-Douglass , William Elmer Kay.

CLOSING EXERCISES.Below we give the programs rendered

by different grades of the public schoolsyesterday. These programs were wellrendered in all instances by the children ,

much to the delight of the many patronsthat thronged the several rooms Yo wit-ness


them. The pupils and teachers areall entitled to full credit for the resultsof these exercises ; the painstaking effortsof the teachers being evident in thepleasing, excellent work of the children.Exercises were also held by the SouthMcCook schools under Miss Stroud andMr. Fowler , with gratifying results. Al-


by Mrs. Brown in the west ward.But of these we have no order of exer-cises.



.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DrollSong-We Love Our Native Country. .SchoolRecitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Maggie Garrard

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hamme-lSongMill May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SclioolRecitation by Six Color Fairies. . . . . . . . . . . .

Cora Roberts , WVinnie Brown , Tilly Pen-- tier , Katie Probst , GraceWentzMay Schlech-tSongWork , for the Night is Coming , School

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . an-Miler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Song-I'm a Birdy Blue..Alma Powell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jay

Song-Mr. Bob 'o' Lincoln..School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roberts

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kilpatrick-SongGrasshopper Green. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Douglass Wentz , Joe O'Leary , HenryGates , Percy Stiles , Rena Jay , LouisaDroll , Gertie Brown , Maggie Ecclesfiel-

dRecitationSeven Times One..SchoolRe-citationSignal Flags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Katie Brown ,Jay Probst , Vida Bramble , George Stulken-

Recitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gale Barger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Droll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mitchell

Song-We Love the Glad Pathway. . . School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rogers

Song-Ho , Ho , Vacation Days are Here. . .. . . . . . . . . . . School

MRS. DUFFY &Miss STUIw , Teachers.

FIRST PRIMARY.Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Welcome. . . . .Lettie Knippl-eRecitationThe Six-Pear-OId..Minnie BerrySong-I Lave Little Pussy. . . .Six Little Girls-

Newkirk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HansonSang-All the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Color Fairies..7 Little GirlsRecitation-What Modie Did. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Luella ThompsonSong-Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Days of Veek.7 Little Boys and GirlsRecitation-The Doll's Education. . . . . . . . .

Helen LawsonClock Song . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SchoolNumber Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seven BoysConcert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GirlsRecitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Agnes Elber-tSongVacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .School-

M. . J. CORDEAL , Teacher.-




Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .School: :Patriotic exercise-Recitations and Songs. .Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LewisRuler Drill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tommy O'Connell , Grace Strasser , NinaDoan Louis Johnson Frank ColferLillieSpry , John LeHew, Gertie Biever , ArthurCullen , Stasia Brady , James Borneman ,and Ida McCarl.

Piano Duet..Grace Strasser , Judd KaySong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B BoysPiano Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mabel Perry




AND 3D GRADES-EAST.Marching Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . .Ruth FrancisDuet. . . . . . . . .Lillie Campbell , Hattie Spry

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burnett-If a Body Finds a Lesson..School

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petersen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Girls and 6 Boys-

Maddux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noble

Wave Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Girls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cullen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magner

Marching Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

MISS HUNT , Teacher.

The members of the Eleventh gradewill entertain the members of the grad-uating


class at the home of E. H. Doanon Monday evening.

Mesdames C. M. Noble and Z. L. Kaywill entertain the members of the grad-uating

-class at the"home of the former,

this evening. -

Miss Allison will leave , Monday , tojoin her sister in Norton , Kansas , whereshe will visit a while.

Misses Augusta and Susie Hunt willleave for Boulder , Colo. , tomorrow a-

week. .




. F. MAJORS was in his old haunts ,

first of the week.-



STARBUCK arrived home , closeof last week , on a visit.-



. AMELIA CONRAD arrived home ,

first of the week , from her visit in Iowa.-



. F , HARMON returned from Colo-


, first of the week , and will remainhere ,

A. C. CLYDE arrived home on No. 3Wednesday night from his trip to In-



M. J. ABBOTT spent a few hours in thecity , Wednesday , on his way to Lincolnon a short visit.-



. M. EDnI1sToN , the Union CentralLife Insurance man from Lincoln , is inthe city today.

Miss OLGA CAMPBELL of KansasCity , Missouri , is here on a visit , guestof Mrs. A. C. Ebert.-



. A , P. WELLES went down to theeastern part of the state , Monday morn-ing


, on a visit of two weeks.-



. F. KIMBALL has been in the city ,

part of the week , representing the Den-


Times , and canvassing for the Ency-clopedia




. EMMA CAN and children aredown from Denver for a short visit inthe city. Mrs. Can is a sister of Mrs.-



. J. Purvis , whose guest she is.



dressmaking department will leavefor Omaha , tomorrow evening , to re-


. Miss Holland will take with herthe warm regard of many friends.-



. D. COLT of Chicago was in the cityover Sunday, guest of Cashier W. F.Lawson of the First National bank. Mr.Colt is an old-time friend and school-mate


of Mr. Lawson. He is now travel-ing


for a New York mercantile house.

IRA COLE of the Culbertson Era , withhis voluminous hirsute developmentand poetical proclivities and homicidaldesires , was down to see the ball game ,

Saturday , and incidentally broke intoTHE TRIBUNE sanctum with his v olup-





BENNETT , father of Mrs-


Rowell , departed on 4 , Mondayevening , for his home near Tingley ,

Iowa. Mrs. Bennett will remain withher daughter a while longer , hopingeventually to take her daughter andgrand-daughter along to Iowa on a visit.-



. B. B. BOATRIGHT and daughterMrs. Charles Gilladette of Bethany ,

Missouri , arrived in the city, Wednesdaynight , and are the guests of Mr , andMrs. C. M. Noble. Mrs. Boatgright is-

Mrs. . Noble's sister. As Mrs. Gilladettehas a little son with her , there are rep-


of four generations now un-


the Noble roof.-



. BERT RISLEY , of Culbertson , whobut recently returned from Colorado ,

was in the city , Wednesday evening.-


took the morning freight for India-nola


, on his way to Arapahoe , where he-

is figuring on starting a republican news-


to meet the usual imperative andimaginary long-felt-want. As betweenColorado and Nebraska , Bert kinderleans toward Nebraskv.

Old Settlers' Picnic.The old settlers of McCook will in-


in their annual picnic next Thurs-day

-afternoon , at Fitch's grove. They

expect to start at 2 o'clock , and willhave supper at 5:30. If it is too disa-


on Thursday , the picnic will bepostponed until the following of after-noon.


. All settlers up to and including1885 are eligible. A good time is in-

prospect. . Let there be a full attendanceof the first settlers.

Some of Thursday's programs wererepeated this morning , for the benefit ofthe high school pupils , with appreciativeresults.

Miss Winona Peterson is down fromStratton , and will remain over com-



Misses May Stuby and Grace Waldowill leave for Sheridan , Wyoming , nextweek.

Were you promoted ?

McConnell's Sarsaparilla.

Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.

Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon-



Conductor Frank Quigley is runningout of McCook for the present. He andwife are boarding at the Commercialhouse.

Miss Lulu Beardslee gave a dinner ,

Saturday in honor of the Misses Doanand Noble , of McCook , who came downFriday to attend the graduating exer.-





[ Under this head we invite the ministry of thecity to contribute freely of any and all church newsof interest to their various organizations. jj-

EPIsCopALServices morning andevening at usual hours. Sunday schoolat ten. REv. R. L. KNox , Rector.

The ladies of the M. E , church willgive a lawn social at the residence of-

Mrs. . C. H. Boyle on next Thursday eve-


. Everybody is invited.

The ladies of the Dorcas society en-


a good patronage at their Tuesdayevening social in the Congregationalchurch , while all seemed to enjoy theice-cream , cake and social privileges pro-vided-



services in themorning. In the evening the postponedexercises of Children's day will be heldin place of the preaching service. UsualSunday school and Epwortlt Leaguemeetings. REv. A. G. FORMAN ,


The Congregational church was wellfilled Sunday night , to hear Rev. HartL. Preston's sermon to the members ofthe class of ' 95. The reverend gentle-man's


effort has been highly commendedby class and audience. Prof. Spaau , ofthe teachers corps , accompanied theclass-



services in McConnellball , Sunday morning and evening. Allare cordially invited. Sunday school willre-open at Io o'clock in the morning andit is'hoped that all the scholars formerlyidentified with the school will be present.Handsome souvenirs will be given to allwho are enrolled as members-



topic ,

"Character Testing" . Evening topic ,

"The Unsearchable Riches" . Sundayschool at 10 o'clock. Endeavor societyat 7 o'clock ; topic , "Proof of Our Alleg-


to Christ" ; Miss Ona Simons ,

leader. There will be reports from theDistrict convention at Arapahoe. Allare welcome.-



. T. Watson went to Arapahoe , Sun-


morning , and addressed the DistrictChristian Endeavor convention in ses-


there in the afternoon upon thesubject of Bible Study. There is aprob-ability that the outgrowth of this will bethe organization of a District Bible StudyUnion for the systematic study of theBible by the various societies of theEighth district. The matter was leftwith the executive committee for finalaction.

Occupation tax is due.

Water tax due July 1st , 1895.

This is field day for the public schools.

Three fine rains , this week and morecoming. This is richness !

An imperative order for the extermi-nation

-of the Russian thistle has been

issued by the government.

The Driftwood , Dry and Brush creekswere all unusually high as a result of therains , Sunday and Monday.

Patrick Walsh's dam across the Drift-wood


was taken out by the high water,

this week , in the usually sluggish Drift-wood.



Our merchants are already placing'orders for some lines of fall and wintergoods , in anticipation of a big trade inthe fall.

The Russian thistles are keeping upwith the procession in the matter of mar-velous


growth now being made by allvegetation-



grocery is now all resplend-ent

-with new paper and paint , and looks

the very model of neatness and cleanli-ness

-, that it is-



letter from Avoca , Iowa , dated June12th , says : "Our first rain to amount toanything fell on Sunday , June 9th. Wewill have no hay , and our potatoes areburned up in this county. Small grainwill be too short to cut with a binder. "

That we did not provide enough extra.copies of last week's TRIBUNE to meetthe demand is as much a matter of re-


to us as it is a source of disappoint-ment


to the many that failed to securecopies of that edition. The hundredextras provided vanished almost beforethe ink on them was dry.

The closing game of the series of threebetween the Culbertson and High Schoolclubs was played on the local grounds ,

last Saturday afternoon , and resulted in-

a victory for the High School club in ascore of 19 to 21. The game was all one-sided our way until the sixth or seventhinning , when the visitors took a spurtand came near winning the game. Thisgame gave the High School club theseries , they having won the first game.-



. Price's Cream Baking PowderWorld's For Hlgbeet Medal and Diploma.

Resolutions of Respect.-


a regular meeting of Golden Crossencampment No. 40 , I. 0 , 0. F , , heldJune Iith , x895 , the following resolu-tions

-were unanimously adopted :

WHEREAS , It has pleased the GreatRuler of the universe to remove fromour midst Patriarch Frank W. Jeffries ,

and ,

WHEREAS. It is but just that a fittingrecognition of his many virtues shouldbe had , therefore be it

RESOLVED , That while we bow withbumble submission to the will of theMost High , we do not the less mournfor our Patriarch who has been takenfrom us.

RESOLVED , That in the death of Pa-


Frank W. Jeffries this encamp-went laments the loss of a Patriarchwho was ever ready to proffer the handof aid and the voice of sympathy to theneedy and distressed of the fraternity ,

an active member of this society whoseutmost endeavors were exerted for itswelfare and prosperity , a friend andcompanion who was dear to us all , a cit-izen

-whose upright and noble life was a

standard of emulation to his fellows.RESOLVED , That the heartfelt sym-


of this encampment be extendedto his family in their affliction.

RESOLVED , That these resolutions bespread upon the records of the encamp-ment


, and a copy thereof be transmittedto the family of our deceased Patriarch ,

and to each of the newspapers of Mc-Cook , H. F. FADE ,





Day.There was neither Sunday school nor

church services in the Congregational tchurch , Sunday morning , the morninghour being devoted to the exercises of-

Children's dayA programme of music ,r

recitations , readings etc. was rendered f-


a very acceptable and pleasing man-


to a well-filled house. The collec-


was devoted to state missionary ii-

work. . Potted plants and cut flowers inpretty profusion decorated the platform ,

organ etc. It was a happy and appropri-ate


The Children's day exercises preparedfor the evening hour at the Methodistchurch were not held.



Hats left at reduced prices , also someFine Suits at low prices ; buy now. t'

Ladies-look at our Tan Slippers,

good value at 2.0o per pair.-


can furnish you a good Shirt for 25cents.-


still sell Dinner Pail Lard-to lbs.lard and dinner pail for $1.25-


Boneless Ham and BreakfastBacon , very fine , try them.-


in 3 , 5 and to lb. pailssup-


to lard , give it a trial.Flour is advancing ; buy now if you

wish to save money : White Bread gocents a sack during May-



The Premium List.The premium list for the fall meeting

of the Red Willow County agriculturalsociety is now in press in THE TRIBUNE

job rooms , and will be pushed to com-


within the next two weeks. Ifyou desire to place an advertisement inthe list see the publisher at once. Theprice for space is very- reasonable andan excellent opportunity is thus offeredour enterprising merchants , to reach thefarming community in an attractive way.Every merchant in Red Willow countyshould have at least a small space in thepremium list. Make your arrangementsbefore the desirable spaces are all taken.

Wanted , to Rent.-



good house , for one or two years , atright price. Write or call on-


Register U. S. Land Office.

Fine PasturageCan be secured on the Stewart ranch

on Dry creek , five miles south of Mc-

Cook , at reasonable rate.JAMES A. RESIT.

Cheap Land Wanted.William Coleman is in receipt of let-



already from those who want to in-



in cheap lands. Those who have abargain in land should see him at once.

Horse for Sale.-



good family driving horse for sale. % -.

Inquire of J. H. Burns for particulars.f

Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hosecouplings. COCHRAN & Co.

Cochran & Co handle the best Re-



in the market. A large stocknow on hand-



numbers of land or lots to'S. R. Smith and abstract of title will be

sent same day.