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Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts

Female Employment and Family FormationThe Institutional Context

Ivy Koopmans

Joop Schippers

Utrecht School of Economics

Utrecht University

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Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts

FENICs objectives

To analyse the connections between the process of family formation and female employment patterns

To examine the consequences of changes in family formation on female labour supply, and the impact of flexibilisation of the labour market on the dynamics of family formation

To analyse the effect of institutional structures on women’s decisions in the areas of work and family

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Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts

Focus of Research

Definition of the institutional context Organisation of the institutional context The relationship between welfare states and

the institutional context Exploration of the differences and similarities

between European Union member states in the institutional structure

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Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts

Definition of the Institutional Context

Time - Leave arrangements (paternity, maternity, parental,

care leave and career breaks) and flexible working time patterns (part-time work, flexitime, teleworking, compressed hours, job sharing and saving hours)

Money- Tax allowances, family allowances, housing

allowances, social security and social assistance

Services- Child care facilities and after school services

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Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts

Organisation of the Institutional Context

Different actors: state, market, and family Different levels:

- International (EU recommendations and


- National (statutory provisions)

- Collective arrangements

- Employers or organisations

- Family (informal help)

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Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts

Welfare States and the Institutional Context

Esping-Andersen’s welfare state regime types

Liberal De-familialization


Minimal provision of public childcare and leave arrangements

Social democratic


Universal system of childcare and leave

Conservative Familialism Cash benefits instead of services

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A Comparison of Institutions in the EU

Childcare Leave Part-time Flex. work MoneyDK + + +/- +/- -FIN +/- + - + -S + + +/- + -

UK +/- - + + +/-IRL - + - +GR - - - - -

I - + - - +/-E - +/- - - +/-P +/- +/- - - +A - + - +/- +D - +/- + + +L + +/- +/- +B + +/- + + +/-F +/- +/- +/- - +/-

NL +/- - + + -

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Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts


Wide variation in institutions between countries Most of the continental countries cannot be

clustered into the conservative welfare state regime

Belgium and France deviate from the conservative path the most

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Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts

Policy recommendations

The EU should recognize the differences in the institutional context

Because all countries should respond to the growing need for institutions that support the combination of motherhood and paid work, there is room for more EU initiatives in this field
