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FALL 2014





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mental programming for success

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Founder’s Note

Pauline Nordin the creator of NBC’s “The Butt Bible,” the DVD that outsold Jillian Michaels on Exercise TV, spreads her wisdom! Fighter Diet is a unique and revolutionary concept for achieving a lean, fit body based on the need to control your hunger while maintaining optimal health mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Before arriving in America, Nordin made a name for herself in her native country of Sweden. While working as a trainer, she caught the attention of the Biggest Loser producers, and earned a spot as the trainer, diet coach, and leader of the winning team for the 2006 Scandinavian version of the Biggest Loser. Having tasted victory, Nordin moved to America with the hopes of spreading her message to a wider audience.

“I want everyone to do the best they can with the ability they’ve got. There are no excuses,” said Pauline Nordin, creator of Fighter Diet. “I’m fed up with the Photo-shopped photos in magazines. I will not be part of that culture by having my own pho-tos Photoshopped. I show you the real deal in my videos and I take pride in it. I want women to understand that looks are not important at all unless you focus on the inside too. Muscles are built with a strong mind, a chiseled body is built by a strong mind. You see where I’m going with this?”

Nordin has defined her brand with a tough, straight forward style of coaching. In late 2008, she founded Fighter Diet, a compre-hensive fitness program consisting of ebooks, diet advice, videos, nutritional sup-plements, and an inspirational community of physique hunters. Pauline Nordin is a world renown fitness trainer and creator of Fighter Diet and Live Life Lean. With 1 mil-lion followers on social media, her unique brand of fitness resonates with both men and women. Find out more about Nordin, her program, and forthcoming app on and

Pauline’s Page

Founder and Creator of Fighter Diet and Live Life Lean, Pauline Nordin

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1. You eat foods which allow you to consume large quantities without over-consuming calories.

2. You eat from all three macronutrient groups: carbs, proteins and fats.

3. Fighter Diet cycles the first two phases, then the third one is an optional phase you use for days you need to alter your diet

due to social events/traveling/breaking it up: A: very low grain, high vegetables, high protein, moderate low to low fat. B: very high grain, high fruit and sugar, low protein, low fat. C: no grain, low vegetable, high protein, high fat.

4. Fighter Diet can be adjusted for focusing on more muscle gain. In that case, higher carb vegetables or grains are

introduced in pre- or post-workout nutrition (for instance, mashed white potatoes post-workout).

5. Fighter Diet allows ”unnatural” condiments/extras: sugar-free chewing gum, diet sodas, Crystal Light, sugar-free

strawberry Jell-O, Waldenfarms, (calorie-free products), black coffee, green tea, tea etc.The practice of veggie belly serves ONE

What Benefits Does Fighter Diet Offer?EATING VOLUMES OF FOOD — giving you excellent satisfaction.

NUTRIENT TIMING — so the food ends up as lean muscle mass instead of fat mass.

REFEEDS — where you load up on carbs which boosts your metabolic rate and offsets cortisol for a brief period of time.

IMPROVED HEALTH because you are eating the most nutritious foods available on earth.

NO NEED TO APPLY THE ‘MANY SMALL MEALS PER DAY’ RULE which has not been proven to increase fat loss.

SUMMARY OF THE FIGHTER DIET CONCEPT: Eat large volumes of the right foods which in turn builds muscle, burns fat and supports your quest to meet your fitness goals. It’s about staying fit for life, 365 days a year – it falls right in line with military fitness requirements. You are expected to be combat ready and perform under physical, mental and environmental conditions that are more demanding than your average athlete. Discipline your dedication and you will achieve superior military fitness!

What Is Fighter Diet?Fighter Diet is a lifestyle for those who want to be lean 365 days of the year without feeling hungry all the time as well as optimize fitness and health.

You eat foods which allow you to consume large quantities without over-consuming calories.

You eat from all three macronutrient groups: carbs, proteins and fats.

Fighter Diet cycles the first two phases, then the third one is an optional phase you use for days you need to alter your diet due to social events/traveling/breaking it up: A: very low grain, high vegetables, high protein, moderate low to low fat. B: very high grain, high fruit and sugar, low protein, low fat. C: no grain, low vegetable, high protein, high fat.

Fighter Diet can be adjusted for focusing on more muscle gain. In that case, higher carb vegetables or grains are introduced in pre- or post-workout nutrition (for instance, mashed white potatoes post-workout).

The practice of veggie belly serves ONE purpose: you cannot eat junk when you’re full in your belly ;-).

Fighter Diet is a lifestyle concept for those who want to be buff and lean without having to go through bulking and cutting cycles throughout the year. Bulking leads to unwanted body fat gain and for men in particular, the fat gain can lead to higher estrogen levels. This will not benefit muscle gains. 5

Fighter Diet

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Fighter Diet

What I doI see myself as an artist. My body is my sculpture and I work on it eternally to achieve and maintain my concept of perfection. Just like a Ballerina’s tool is her body which allows her to dance, I condition mine to be a chiseled sculpture and it becomes my way of self expression. I choose lean, defined muscle, it’s my ideal. Others choose hair styles, outfits, cars, tattoos.

The JourneyYou also learn the bitter truth that not everyone follows the same rules and not everyone is concerned with health as much as you are. You will be offered drugs that will give you way more muscle in way shorter time. Hopefully you decline and do it the natural way OR you do it and when you see how rapidly you get muscles you never had before in volume you never knew you could have, it will be very hard to ever stay away again and see how slowly muscle grow when you’re not on juice.

Sticking to a dietI never adopted the cooler trend where every fitness chick carries her little box to keep chicken breasts fresh during travel. To me it’s a hassle to use it and honestly I prefer to be lazier than pre cook food. This is what I do on the road:1) Always research the internet before you go. Where are the grocery

My number one priority was always to stay drug-free

Sometimes I feel like a bad economy. There are cut-downs, cut-offs, trades and exchanges. Constant analyzing on what is necessary, what is required and what I can delete from lifestyle. It’s either adapt or die trying, it’s accept or stop complaining.

It was better in the old days?My generation lacks something every other generation had more of naturally: fitness. My generation take the elevator, takes the car and not the bike, spends time in front of the laptop or plays video games. It’s the skinny fat generation, a generation of nerds with soft bodies and no shape.

Distortion? Well, that depends on who’s judging

With my blog and my presence on internet I chose to set myself on display for criticism. One of the more common accusations is me having a distorted body perception, that I clearly do not see what others see. I find this quite amusing a statement, because who is to say the viewer has the correct perception? How do YOU know that what YOU see is the true, correct picture? I don’t think you can say you do.

stores? Gyms? Health food stores? The more you know the better prepared for the trip you´ll be.2) Call the hotel you are staying at and request a microwave to the room. They do have them, they just prefer not to flaunt them since they want people to eat their expensive food.

The truth? Oh people don’t want to hear the truth!

Want to focus more on your buns and the rear of your legs? Yes, of course you can spot tone. Use the inside-outside thigh machines at the gym and do 30-50 reps slow and controlled. Squeeze at the top to really burn fat. Avoid doing squats with more than five pounds cause it can build very masculine looking bulky legs and you don’t want to look like a track athlete.And don’t compare yourself to those crazy fitness women you see training so hard they look like men: they are all on drugs! :-)

Do it hard, don’t hardly do itYeah, you know the drill. It’s 3.30 am and your alarm goes off cause you’re doing cardio. You know you’re on time because the party goers crawl home to bed from the clubs now and that’s when you’re psyching yourself up to bust the crap out of you. You have ONE clear goal in mind, ONE picture in your mind on what you want to achieve. It’s more than 99% of the people want or can ever get themselves to achieve, but you consider yourself one of the elite, one of the strong, one of few who don’t just dream about it. You DO it. You’re just so much tougher than the rest and you have no problem doing EVERYTHING to get what you want.

Ask Pauline

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Fighter Diet

The “Muscle Booster” book for hardgainers (never thought my former fat ass would become a hardgainer!) helped me to put on almost 10 pounds of muscle in two months! Thanks again Pauline! Hard work, dedication and intensity!”

— Douglas

After my competition I was afraid of gaining weight like most competitors do and I didn’t want to live my life eating small portions and always feeling hungry. So, I bought my first FD Ebook which happened to be FD Extreme and currently on the 1500cal plan. So far I have managed to stay 5lbs at the most!!! within my comp weight!!! — Kelli

Testimonials“As an IFBB Professional Figure Athlete, it goes without saying that getting and staying lean is my job.

My livelihood depends on my physical condition and maintaining a low body fat. I am, however, a normal person just like everyone else that battles with overcoming my desire to eat poorly. I am also interested in finding out how other people are successful with obtaining and maintaining a fit physique.

I personally struggle with the mental obstacles that come into play while dieting just like everyone else. I had some interaction with Pauline Nordin via email and I asked her how she overcomes her own personal obstacles to maintain her year round lean physique.

She sent me over a copy of her Ebook: Fat Loss By Mind Power. I was very excited! I am always willing to learn from other professionals and Pauline is one woman that I can honestly say inspires me a great deal.

Fat Loss By Mind Power is an excellent resource for anyone looking to gain some insight into the mental aspect or “how to” of restrictive eating. There were a few very key points that I am personally able to use to help me with the mental challenges that I am currently facing while prepping for my upcoming competitions.

I would highly recommend this EBook for the beginner to the most advanced fitness professional. Thank you again Pauline for sharing your vast knowledge with myself and with others.”

- Ava Cowan

I have been training for over a year and these last couple of months, I have noticed more changes than before, I feel satisfied and stronger.”

— Anonymous


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Fighter Diet




STUFFED ZUCCHINI AU GRATINSERVES 2 8 oz Lean ground beef 2 Garlic cloves, minced 1 Onion, minced 4 oz Chopped mushrooms 1 can Chopped tomatoes 1 tsp Fresh thyme 1 tbsp Fresh oregano 4 Zucchini 1 cup Lifetime Fat Free cheese of your choosing, shredded

Calories: 304Carbs: 29.7gProtein: 26.1gFat: 8.1g

1. Preheat oven to 400F. Sauté the beef, garlic, onion and mushrooms in a medium sauté pan using Pam spray. Add the tomatoes and the herbs, season with salt and pepper. Halve the zucchini – place in an oven proof dish (spray with Pam). Remove the seeds, chop them up and add into the sauce. Spoon the sauce into the zucchini, sprinkle with cheese. Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes.

2. In place of zucchini, you can also use tomatoes or peppers and carve them out.*

CHEESY CAULIFLOWER MASHSERVES 1 1 head Cauliflower, cut into florets 4 oz Lifetime Fat Free Cheese (mix of Swiss, Cheddar & Monterey Jack), shredded — Salt & pepper to taste — Freshly grated nutmeg to taste

1. Place cauliflower florets in a large pot of boiling, salted water. Cook until easily pierced with a fork, about 20 minutes. Drain cauliflower, pour back into pot, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, mash gently.

2. Add cheese mix and fold into cauliflower mash until well combined.

Calories: 310Carbs: 30.4gProtein: 19.8gFat: 0g

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Fighter Diet

PIZZA DOUGH Two 14-inch or Four 7-inch pizzas 1 envelope (¼ oz) dry yeast ¼ cup Warm water (110F) ¾ cup Water at room temperature 2 tbsp Non-fat Greek Yogurt 1 packet Stevia 1 tsp Salt 2½-3 cups Oat fiber

1. Dissolve yeast in warm water in a measuring cup. Let mixture sit for 10 minutes until foamy. In a small bowl, mix together the ¾ cup water, nonfat Greek yogurt, stevia and salt.

2. In the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade, place the flour. Slowly add the yogurt/water mix and process/mix just until flour is coated with the liquid, about 10 seconds in the food processor. Add the yeast mix and pulse until the mix forms a ball, a few seconds. You may need to add more fiber if the mixture is sticky, or add more water if the mixture is dry.

3. If using a food processor, remove dough and place it on a lightly floured (using oat fiber) piece of large foil. Press dough into a thin, large circle (or square).

4. Set aside and prepare topping.


THREE-CHEESE “LINGUINI”SERVES 4 3 cups Shirataki “linguini” shape noodles ½ cup Unsweetened almond milk ¼ cup Lifetime Fat Free Monterey Jack Cheese, shredded 1½ oz Lifetime Fat Free cheddar cheese, grated (¼ cup) 1 tbsp Fresh thyme ¼ tsp Ground white pepper 1 tbsp Parmesan cheese

1. Preheat oven to 425F. Spray small baking dish with Pam. Mix all the cheeses together in a small bowl along with the thyme. Lay prepared shirataki (according to package) in the baking dish, pour over the almond milk and the grated cheese. Bake in middle of oven for 15-18 minutes or until cheese is bubbly.

SALAD WITH TURKEY, CHEESE & WALNUTSSERVES 1 1 tbsp Dijon mustard 1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar 1 pack Stevia to taste 5 cups Mesclun salad ¼ Fennel bulb, thin sliced 5 oz Sliced turkey breast, thin strips 2 oz Lifetime Fat Free Swiss cheese 2 tbsp Walnut halves, toasted — Salt & pepper to taste

1. Whisk mustard, vinegar, salt, pepper and stevia in a small bowl.2. Toss salad greens with fennel in a large salad bowl. Add turkey along with the Swiss cheese and walnuts to the salad. Season with salt and pepper and toss with the dressing.

PIZZA TOPPING 2½ tsp Fresh rosemary (or 1¼ tsp dried rosemary), finely chopped ¼ tsp Kosher salt ¼ lb Asparagus (about 8-10 spears), cut into thirds 4 oz Lifetime Fat Free Monterey Jack cheese, coarsely grated — Oat fiber — Pam Spray

Dough for one 14-inch pizza1. Preheat oven to 500F. If using

a pizza stone, place it in the oven.

2. In a small baking pan, mix together rosemary and salt. Add asparagus to pan, spray with Pam spray and coat the asparagus with the mixture. Roast for 12 minutes, or until brown on the edges.

3. Spray the dough with Pam. Distribute cheese over dough, then add asparagus pieces, leaving a 1-inch border. Place foil with pizza on the pizza stone. Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until the crust is a rich golden-brown with a few dark spots and the cheese is bubbly. Serve immediately.

Calories: 273Carbs: 13.3gProtein: 51.5gFat: 0.3g

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Fighter Diet











FROM BUTT BIBLE 3This program is timed. You will do your sets based on time instead of reps. Yes, the time frame allow a certain amount of reps, but ignore that and only use the time suggested in the program.

Conventional Barbell Deadlifts | 60 secs x 5 Comment: Rest 30 seconds between each set.

Wide Stance Barbell Squats | 90 secs x 5 Comment: Rest 60 seconds between each set.

Split Barbell Lunges | 60 secs x 5 Comment: No rest between left and right.

Bilateral Leg Press | 90 secs x 5 Comment: Rest 30 seconds between each set.

Bilateral Leg Curls | 60 secs x 4


Alternating Leg Curls | 30 secs x 4 Comment: Rest 30 seconds after each super set.

Stationary Barbell Lunges | 45 secs x 3


Step-Ups With Barbell | 45 secs x 3


Unilateral Leg Presses | 45 secs x 3 Comment: Do all reps on left for all three sets, followed by same procedure on right. Rest 30 seconds after both and right legs are done.

Bilateral Butt Plank | 120 secs x 2 Comment: Rest 30 seconds between each set.



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Fighter Diet


Kickbacks 3 x 20 reps | Rest: None since you’re working one arm at a time.


One-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension 3 x 8-10 reps | Rest: 30 sec after each super setComment: Do kickbacks on left followed by the overhead extensions with right. Vice versa.

Close Grip Push-ups 3 x 10-20 reps | Rest 15 sec

Seated Wrist Dumbbell Extensions 3 x 15 reps


Standing Reverse Grip Barbell Curls 3 x 10 reps | Rest 30 sec after each super set

Seated Forearm Barbell Curls 1 x 15, 10, 10, 6, 6 reps | Rest 20 secComment: Start with one set of 15 reps, rest, 10 reps, rest, 10 reps, rest, 6 reps, and now the last set of 6 reps.

Bench Dips 100 reps as “fast” as possibleComment: Here I mean ‘fast’ as in with as little rest time as possible. Do make it about 3-4 seconds long. Complete 100 reps in as many sets as it takes you.

Standing Straight Bar Cable Curls 50 reps as “fast” as possible Comment: Here I mean ‘fast’ as in with as little rest time as possible. Do make it about 3-4 seconds long. Complete 50 reps in as many sets as it takes you.


Squats with barbell | 1 x 15, 10, 10, 10, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, 15, 15 repsComment: you start with a regular stance or your comfortable squat stance. I recommend shoulder width stance. This stance you have for the first 3 sets. For set 4-6, widen your stance a bit, maybe one foot further apart. For set 7-9 use your favorite stance where you feel the strongest. For your last two sets use a very wide stance. Rest 30 seconds between set 1-5. Rest 60 seconds between set 6-7. Rest 90 seconds after set 8. After set 9, go immediately into set 10 (the last 15 reps set) without rest.

Sumo deadlifts with barbell continuous motion | 10 x 10 reps SUPER SET WITH

Bilateral butt plank with peak contraction | 10 x 20 repsComment: Go directly from deadlifts to butt plank. On butt plank, hold each peak (top) position for three seconds. Make sure you add weight plates on top of your hips/upper legs/hip area if you can. I personally use 90 lbs this exercise. Rest 45 seconds between each super set.

Stiff-legged deadlifts with barbell pyramid | 6 x 15, 10, 8, 6, 15, 20 repsComment: Do fi set of 15 reps, add more weight and immediately go for next set. Follow this procedure 1-4, then for 15 reps on set 5, decrease weight, go directly into the next set and repeat the procedure for set of 20 reps.

Bottom stagger leg curls | 5 x 10 reps SUPER SET WITH

Peak stagger leg curls | 5 x 10 repsComment: Do first set with two legs where you do half reps in the bottom position. These reps are about halfway reps. Immediately do peak stagger leg curls in the same machine. Here you do stagger reps in the top position, about 1/3 rep in the top. Hold each rep in the top for 2-3 seconds. Do not raise your hips off the bench! Rest seconds between each super set.

Seated hip abductions | 3 x 30 repsComment: This is the infamous gynecologist chair machine. Do 30 reps, rest for 10 seconds and repeat. You need to decrease weight on consecutive sets.


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Fighter Diet

Got Guns!















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Fighter Diet










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Fighter Diet

LYNNI was not an athlete. My nose was always in a book, and my foot never in a gym. I was the textbook definition of skinny fat. In 2009 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my world turned upside down. I knew I had to make a drastic change. I healed, did my research, found Fighter Diet which helped me change my life, started weight training, and now 4 years later I am honored to be part of the Fighter Diet Team! Fighter Diet works. If you follow it, you will see results. Fighter Diet gives you options, but, if you prefer, it also tells you exactly what to do.





FRANKI am currently on active duty in the United States Marine Corps and hold the rank of Staff Sergeant. I take pride in the organization and wearing the uniform. One of my goals in life is to always be ready for any event, circumstance, or situation that may occur. That is why I discovered Fighter Diet. I love the fact that Pauline maintains a contest ready’ physique all year. She has so much knowledge and isn’t afraid to share it with everyone who is interested in getting fit.

ALANAfter reading some of the FD ebooks, I realized the diet mistakes I made when I went shopping. Now I have new shopping lists. I also make better choices at restaurants and parties. My workouts changed in a very similar way. I used what I had learned from the Fighter Diet E-Books and adapted them to my goals. I have more energy throughout the day, my workouts are better, my pumps are more intense, and I can push harder! Now I refuse to live without my Fighter Diet and FD supplements!


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Fighter Diet

Fighter Diet WHEY PROTEIN Our protein comes from grass fed, hormone-free cows and is non-GMO, low fat, naturally sweetened, no artificial flavors or colors and no preservatives. Great tasting and mixes easily! One heaping scoop will provide 24 grams of our high quality protein without the by-products of the typical whey protein powder. Most dairy products come from cows that are injected with growth hormones (rBGH). On the other hand, our WHEY protein comes from grass fed cows and is easily absorbed by the body and scores the highest possible score for protein digestibility. We formulated this product with NO artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, years, wheat, gluten, corn or preservatives. It contains only the highest quality low glycemic sweeteners and doesn’t contain any added sugar, maltodextrin, glucose, glucose polymers, fructose, aspartame, acesulfame-K, sucralose or polydextrose.

Fighter Diet BURN It’s vital for those seeking to build muscle while staying lean. With BURN, your body experiences increased metabolism and a higher rate of fatty acid mobilization. Green tea extracts provides the perfect environment for fat burning. Fighter Diet’s FDXtreme BURN alerts your mind before any strenuous exercise so that you can concentrate your efforts.

Fighter Diet PUMP It’s designed to fuel your performance and motivate you for productive workouts. Fighter Diet’s FDXtreme PUMP blend of ingredients is perfect for anyone wanting to exercise longer with less muscle fatigue.

Fighter Diet GREENS It’s the most complete greens supplement there is. With over 70 different fruits, vegetables, and vitamin superfoods, there simply isn’t anything more you can want! Our quality greens powder can help with digestion, detoxifying the body, as well as being anti-inflammatory by nature and packed full of probiotics, equivalent of 10 servings of vegetables!

Supplement Info

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Fighter Diet

Fighter Diet CollectionFITNESS EBOOKS

MIND/LIFESTYLE EBOOKS: Fat Loss By Mind Power, How to get Ripped, How to Make it as a Fitness Model

OUR COMPLETE GUIDES (ALL IN ONE): Build Muscle Burn Fat, Womens Guide, FD Extreme Plus

OUR CARDIO EBOOKS: Cardio Fighter Diet Style, Cardio 4 Leanness

WORKOUT EBOOKS: Butt Bible Vol 1, Butt Bible Vol 2, Butt Bible Vol 3, Back Attack, Delts 2 Die 4, Badass Workouts, Absession, Stretching

DIET EBOOKS: FD Detox, FDX2, FDX2 Vegan, FD Cookbook


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Fighter Diet

DIET EBOOKS: FDX2, FDX3, Extreme Plus, FDX Mega, FDXR, FD Pro, and FD Cookbook


WORKOUT EBOOKS: Butt Bible Vol 1, Butt Bible Vol 2, Butt Bible Vol 3, FD Back Attack Vol 1, FD Back Attack Vol 2, Got Guns Vol 1, Got Guns Vol2, Wheels, Deadlifts, Spectacular Chest, Absession, Contest Prep, Badass Workouts Vol 2, Delts 2 Die 4, Best of the Best, Back 2 the Roots, Stretching

MIND/LIFESTYLE EBOOKS: Mind of Steel Body of Steel, Fat Loss By Mind Power, How to Get Buff, How to Get Ripped, How to Make it as a Fitness Model, Womens Black Book, Discipline your Dedication, Dirty Tricks

CARDIO EBOOKS: Cardio Fighter Diet Style, Cardio 4 Leanness + OUR COMPLETE GUIDES (ALL-IN-ONE): Build Muscle Burn Fat, Womens Guide, Mens Guide, FD Extreme Plus, FDX Get Ripped, Contest Prep


More Information about Fitness eBooks

More information about Athlete eBooks 17

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PAULINE NORDIN | Founder & President Pauline authored Fighter Diet, an e-book which presented a gutsy FAT loss system that brought her fans and attention in the United States. Contact: [email protected]

PAVEL YTHJALL | CEO As a former Music Video Director for MTV Europe, Pavel brought his expertise to the U.S. and earned the status of chief photographer for AMI magazines, Muscle & Fitness and FLEX. His unique style and gritty images of female athletes have become instant classics in the world of photography. Pavel keeps agile with Krav Maga, mud runs and desert riding with his KTM motorcycle. Contact: [email protected]

KATHERINE PORTILLO | Armed Forces RepKatherine “Kat” Portillo serves as an active duty member in the U.S. Air Force. Her military occupation specialty (MOS) is in Space & Missiles. Kat is Fighter Diet’s Armed Forces representative. Contact: [email protected]

VANESA HANSEN | Head of Operations She has a very diverse scope of skills. She is very passionate about health and fitness and started her journey with weight lifting about three years ago. After her mother was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo a double mastectomy, Vanesa realized how vital weight training and clean eating was. Vanesa spends the majority of her time staying active. Protect your health! Contact: [email protected]

MICHAEL TOUNA | Creative Director He has over 15 years of design experience. His work with such magazines as Muscle & Fitness, Flex, and MuscleMag gives him a unique look at fitness design. Getting his B.A. in painting from the University of New Orleans, he continues to advance himself by learning the rapidly changing world of digital publishing, producing his first ebook in 2011. He was won design awards and continues to strive for the highest design standards. Contact: [email protected]


Fighter Diet

Fighter Diet Team

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Fighter Diet

To be determined

means you stick

to executing your good

habits even when all odds

are against you. It means you refuse

to take “cannot do” as an answer. D






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Fitness ExpertPauline Nordin

Download for FREE at the iTunes store! Biggest Loser Winner & Fighter Diet founder Pauline Nordin will show you how to get FIT!

“I am Using the Live Life Lean App to Get Fit.”
