  • FCAP FCAP ‐‐ Integrating Facilities Integrating Facilities Management Enterprise IT Management Enterprise IT 


  • AgendaAgendaAgendaAgenda

    • FM IT Five Year Plan

    • Available Information in Primavera, ARCHIBUS, BAS and ESRIAvailable Information in Primavera, ARCHIBUS, BAS and ESRI

    • BRG Review of Archibus Condition Assessment - Stephan Cloitre

  • 5YR Facilities Management5YR Facilities Management IT Plan – Part IIIT Plan  Part II (2010 – 2015)(2010  2015) 

  • FacilityFacility Lifecycle ModelLifecycle Model

  • 5YR IT Plan II5YR IT Plan IIAdded New Goal: Bridge the gaps of information utilizing the lifecycle of a

    5YR IT Plan II5YR IT Plan IIg g p g y


    • Higher level Space and Equipment ManagementHigher level Space and Equipment Management

    • Seamless integrated of Campus and FM Systems to develop high level Reports and DashboardsReports and Dashboards

    • Map and Drawing Visual Reports with Drill Down Reporting

    • Provide continuous improvements and more services in Archibus for customers

    • Higher level of Utility Reporting with focus on Energy

    • Work Flows associated to documents management

  • CAFM CAFM D iD i

    Clicking on the drawing room location will display the Space Change Request Form for updates.


    Drawing & detail buttons

    Select Floor windowpane

    detail buttons

    Summary window

  • GIS as complementary technology for managingtechnology for managing

    location data…

  • Integrating GIS andIntegrating GIS andARCHIBUS at UNCC


    Expand GIS footprint from the desktop to the server

    Configure ARCHIBUS Geospatial Extension for ESRI

    f & Identify integration points & complimentary data elements

    Develop enhanced mapping capabilitiesDevelop enhanced mapping capabilities

    Spatially-enable workflows with customized mapsp y p

  • Locate Employee

    Search and Select the Employee( from the list. Then select Show employee to display the Building where the employee is located on the map Locate Employeethe map. 

    Next, click the building to display the employee Location map tip.

    By selecting the Office Location link, the Building Floor Plan will display highlighting the employee’s office location.

  • Design ServicesSearch and Select the building(s) from the Design Projects in Construction list. Then select  Design Services

    Projects ThematicShow Project to display the Building location on the map. 

    Next, click on the building to display the map tip.

    To display the Floor Plan of the building, select the Floor Plan button located on the map tip.

  • Locate Equipment Use the mini Console to search for the Equipment Standard; Select Show Equipment List. Select the Equipment Code(s) check boxes needed, then select 

    by Standard,

    Show Equipment to display the equipment location on the map. 

    Clicking on the red indicator will display the map tip with Equipment data.

  • Multiple Basemaps

  • Variety of features and symbolssymbols

  • Integrating GIS and


    Integrating GIS andARCHIBUS at UNCC


    Cartography and VisualizationCartography and Visualization Basemap (ArcGIS Online, self-hosted, both)

    • Ability to deliver variety of maps for an appropriate spatial context

    Features (Inventory, Activity, Condition)• Framework to deliver real-time information about the assets, location,

    status• Trends and patterns

    Symbols (Points, Polygons and Thematic Rendering)• Eliminate duplicate data storage• Eliminate duplicate data storage• Reduce ETL (data translation) steps

    Tools (Custom Map Tips)• Configurable

  • Current Road MapCurrent Road MapCurrent Road MapCurrent Road Map

    Infrastructure Drawings and Mapping ESRI Extensions Overlay configuration and Safety Equipment identification

    ARCHIBUS Document Management Drawing and Manual Archive

    ARCHIBUS Key Managementy g ARCHIBUS Housekeeping & Recycling Management ARCHIBUS Building Utility Outages Communication ARCHIBUS Space Managementp g ARCHIBUS Project Management ARCHIBUS Equipment and PM Management Tridium Energy Management – BAS Tridium Energy Management BAS FCAP – Condition Assessment (FY2011) E-Procurement (FY2011)

  • Building Building Lifecycle Lifecycle M d lM d lModelModel

  • Possible FM Systems and D t A il bl f FCAP


    Data Available for FCAP

    Utility InformationExternal building assets

    PrimaveraCurrent Capital Projects and StatusFuture ProjectsFuture Projects

    BASUtility InformationEquipment Status

    ARCHIBUSAssets (Equipment and Status of Equipment)Work Requests and Preventive MaintenanceWork Requests and Preventive MaintenanceInformal Projects (Future Deferred Maintenance Projects)

  • ARCHIBUSARCHIBUSCondition AssessmentCondition Assessment

    Stephan Cloitre BRG Vice President

    Condition AssessmentCondition AssessmentStephan Cloitre – BRG – Vice President
