
1. H00202353 H00202353 2014 Lesson plan RKW B.EDTC 4th Year Date 21- May Time 12:50 1:40 Class Grade 9 s2 Unit Enquiring Lesson Database design/Access Goals At the end of the lesson students will be able to: - Evaluate their work from previous class Materials - Online website with all designs - Online polls Target Language - Evaluate - Peer assessment - Best designs Anticipated Problems/Possible Solutions - Something may goes wrong with the electricity I will use the electrical generator - It is the final lesson were student do not have much task to do so they may start making noise. To avoid that I will give them the rest time to work on other project in the computers Procedure - I will start the lesson by asking the student to evaluate their preformance - I will ask the Activities - Self-evaluating - Voting for best designs
