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STAFF WELCOME EVENT Farmington High School – August 26, 2013

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Rueben Puentedura, Ph.D. nationally respected education leader provided the keynote address for teaching staff.

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Superintendent Haugen and Board Chair Tera Lee provided welcoming remarks of appreciation for the work done by staff.

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A “wellness expo” with booths and displays proved to be a popular part of the event.

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Insurance provider PreferredOne was amongst the expo booths. The district moved to self-funded insurance and increased participation in

high deductible plans just this year.

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Staff participation in wellness activities such as walking, zumba and yoga in the FHS gym was a highlight.

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Staff enjoyed a healthy lunch!

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Minnesota Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius provided a luncheon address and addressed questions from teachers.

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Superintendent Jay Haugen welcomed Commissioner Brenda Cassellius to the Farmington Schools!

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The learning continued after lunch as Rueben Puentedura conducted smaller setting workshops for Farmington teaching staff.
