Download pdf - Fanatic Windsurfing 2013


F a n a t i c 2 0 1 3



f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 32 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3

I n T E R n A T I O n A l M A g A z I n E f E E D b A C k

»THEY CAn’T BE WrOng!«

4 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 5

THAnks fOr riding fAnATiC —

wE wIsh yOu A wInDy, hEAlThy, fun-fIllED sEAsOn On ThE wATER

t h i s i s

fAnATiCsince last season’s 30-yr milestone, fanatic’s 2013 range has pushed forward with the principles of focus and passion that have kept us at the top of the game for over three decades. Along with a relentless policy of athletes exclusively using in-house developed prototypes, born of our test-winning CAD development platform, we’ve strengthened our commitment to ecological advancements with the unique Ocean Minded program.

c o n s t r u c t i o n c o m m i t m e n t

In line with our plan to reduce ecological impacts and ethically sourced raw materials we’ve also made major advances in construction that bring significant performance benefits. for 2013 we’ve replaced kevlar with Innegra for ultra-stiff, impact resistant and lighter layups, continue our use of recyclable basalt and bamboo and we are the first brand to specify aerospace-proven Cork.

W i c k e d W a v e b o a r d s

The Quad line is expanded with a 101 size proving how the full-on drive and tight-turning concept widen wavesailing’s wind range and welcome larger riders like never before. we also launched a new Thruster / 2+1 Triwave line with models from 72 – 93 litres offering an awesome convertible single-to-multi fin feeling and ultimate adaption to any spot in the world. The breath-taking benefits of Trifins have also been expanded to the main sizes of the freewaves in TeXtreme® Innegra Carbon and Innegra Carbon light Team Edition (TE), that are now freer than ever before and able to adjust from single to multi fin modes.

F r e e d o m a n d s p e e d

This year the focus has been concentrated on the freecarve, freemove and slalom ranges. led by the revolutionary thin-railed gecko line, that’s redefining the capabilities of a modern funboard, there are also exciting new shapes among the fast and furious hawks that have returned to their super-X roots, mixing the best of freestyle and slalom behaviours. we also revamped almost the entire falcon PwA slalom range, with only the proven 79, 89 and falcon speed styles remain-ing unchanged. The new Ray freerace lines are identical versions of the falcon 102, 112 and 122 for unbeatable value access to elite racing shapes in stiff and tough biax glass sandwich versions.

The promise of achievable prices for title-winning equipment is also mirrored in the skate line, where we re-launched the 2011 magazine test-winning 100 and 110 models in biax glass sandwich to keep the doors open to new generations of freeriding entry-level tricksters. whilst keeping our 4 time world Champ’s boards unchanged in the Team Edition range, gollito is well on his way to title no 5 with a great first win in the Podersdorf world Cup opener 2012 and the legendary fuerteventura grand slam 2012.

s c h o o l ’ s o u t

Elsewhere we’re sticking with wining formulas for beginners’ and kids’ with our recognized Ripper and Viper shapes loved by instructors and learners alike.

we’re confident there’s something perfect for you in these pages. Please also visit our website for more information on our products, technologies and team riders, as well as on our fanatic boardriding youTube Channel and search for our handy Apps on the iTunes store.

s a y h e l l o t o o u r


6 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 7

kuROsh kIAnI d-13

‣ Danish Champion

TOM bREnDT G-696

Organiser of the fanatic Pro Camps / windsurflabor Clinics (since 2004)

MAX ROwE k-448

‣ 1st at ukwA Poole windfest Event 2011

AlEssIO sTIllRICh e-95

‣ 1st youth PwA wave world Cup Pozo 2012

‣ 1st spanish Championships Pozo Junior 2010 & 2011


‣ 4th PwA slalom Reggio Calabria 2012

‣ 1st lancelin Ocean Classic Australia 2012

nOAh VOECkER ROChE young gun waterman in wind-surfing, suP and skimboarding!

ADRIAn bEhOlz g-888

‣ 17th PwA freestyle Podersdorf 2012 ‣ 2nd gfb 1.0 2012

yARDEn MEIR isr-91

‣ 9th PwA freestyle Podersdorf 2012 ‣ 2nd Eilat Open Israel 2012

nAyRA AlOnsO e-4

‣ 3rd PwA wave Overall 2011

‣ 4th PwA wave Overall 2010

AnDRE PAskOwskI G-2

‣ Producer of the windsurf movies 4 Dimensions, Minds wide Open and several fanatic web Clips

‣ 2 × European Champion ‣ 1 × IfCA Vice world


yOlI DE bREnDT v-26

‣ 4th PwA freestyle fuerteventura 2012

‣ 3rd PwA freestyle fuerteventura 2011

‣ PwA freestyle Vice world Champ 2010

gOllITO EsTREDO v-10

‣ 1st PwA freestyle fuerteventura 2012 ‣ 1st PwA freestyle Podersdorf 2012 ‣ 3rd PwA freestyle Overall 2011 ‣ 4 × freestyle world Champion

(2010, 2009, 2008 & 2006)

klAAs VOgET G-4

fanatic R&D Manager ‣ 7th PwA wave world Cup Pozo 2012 ‣ 2nd Red bull soulwave klitmoeller 2012 ‣ 1st waveriding Rollei bullet hD summer

Opening sylt / germany 2012

nIk bAkER k-66

‣ 3 × 2nd Overall PwA waves ‣ 6 × Indoor world Champion


‣ 2nd french slalom Championships 2011

‣ 9th PwA slalom fuerteventura 2012

gOnzAlO COsTA hOEVEl arG-3

‣ 2nd PwA slalom Reggio Calabria 2012

‣ 4 × us Open Champion


‣ 3rd PwA wave world Cup Tenerife 2012

‣ 2nd PwA wave world Cup Pozo 2012 ‣ 4th PwA wave Overall 2011 ‣ PwA wave world Champion 2010

lAuRE TREbOuX sui-4

‣ 2nd PwA freestyle world Cup fuerteventura 2012

‣ 5th PwA wave world Cup Pozo 2012 ‣ PwA freestyle Vice world Champ 2011 ‣ 3rd PwA freestyle Overall 2010

8 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 9

F a n a t i c

OCEAn mindEd

fanatic continues to proudly display the ›fanatic Ocean Minded‹ logo to mark our pledge towards a cleaner and greener environment. for 2013 our commitment has already increased, this time as the first and only windsurfing brand to implement the use of Cork in our boards’ construction.

After years of reliance on toxic processes, we’re trying everything we can to offset windsurfing’s impact on the ecosystem and to reduce our carbon footprint, as well as con-sciously using ethically-sourced and sustainable raw materials that produce a wider, more positive effect for both society and Mother nature. by promising to always examine and adjust our construction, packaging and printing procedures, we are leading the way to a cleaner and safer future.

c o r k c o r e c o n s t r u c t i o n

Cork is a remarkable material with amazing performance benefits, plus it’s highly renewable as trees are only harvested every 7 years without the threat of being destroyed. Already used success fully in fighter jets and nAsA spacecraft for its stiffness characteristics, fanatic is now specifying Cork as a partial replacement for PVC in 2013 lTD line Innegra Carbon freeride boards.

superior memory that boasts an ideal weight to stiffness /flex ratio makes Cork a perfect shock absorber in the stance area, forming an environmentally-friendly partnership with our basalt cloth that has been proven to be superior to more toxic fabrics. what’s more, basalt’s efficient resin absorption properties allow us to tint colorways during the layup process for amazing graphical and optical effects! Cork is also efficient under vacuum and in addition to the stiffness / weight reduc-tion gains, demands less resin usage and provides a much safer workplace environment for employees in our factories. Cork and basalt are also partially recyclable and ensure a lower end-of-life disposal impact.

fAnATiC sTAndArds

blown without generating ozone and greenhouse gases and expanded using just steam for zero waste / dust product.

by using optimized colour com-ponents and resin systems based on their solvent concentration we’ve managed to produce strik-ing graphics that have minimized environmental consequences.

All of our audited production sites take particular care to extract all dust and gas particles through adequate vacuum and filtration systems.

streamlined transportation packaging without compromising protection demands less fuel to deliver and can be mostly recycled once again.

m o r e t h a n m e e t s t h e e y e

Many fanatic ecological initiatives are highly visible – such as our use of bamboo and basalt technology in many limited Edition boards, as well as the use of less resins in our stunning Oxeon TeXtreme® programme. but others such as newer resins, Cork, less toxic paints and EVA pads are less noticeable – but just as critical to our promises.


OzOnE-frEE fOAm BlAnks

lEss PAinT mOrE PiCTurEsquE

AudiTEd fACiliTiEs fOr HEAlTHiEr



t h e l o r d o F t h e s h a p e s CAd sHAPing

10 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 11

RIDER: sebastian wenzel, Victor fernandez, klaas Voget

Over 9 years ago fanatic and shaper sebastian wenzel made a massive head start on CAD-designed CnC-shaping technology. After investing nearly a decade in meticulous data accumulation, our unbeatable resource of facts and figures, outlines and proven rocker lines, volume flows, rail shapes and more continues to expand – all for your benefit and pleasure on the water. The program has been responsible for hoards of world Titles and magazine test wins, largely because we keep the information to ourselves and never allow riders to use prototypes developed by outside builders.

s e b a s t i a n W e n z e l

»I can’t believe how much we’re still learning after more than 9 years of being able to compare prototypes side-by-side on screen in 3D. The advantage is that we are virtually guaran-teed to only make forward progress, as all wild experimenta-tion and intangible feel is taken out of the process. I can pull up figures from earlier designs – and even noted vital data from long before we mechanised – and can confidently explore new theories backed-up by established profiles and winning benchmarks. To say that CAD-design’s capabilities inspire me on a daily basis is an understatement!«




5 6


12 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 13

TXTr iC / lf

RIDER: nik baker

l i G h t e r a s l i G h t


W h y i s i t s o m a G i c ?

TEXTrEmE® innEgrA CArBOn ligHT finisH TECHnOlOgY

F r e e W a v e t e x t r e m e ®

fanatic’s exclusive and in-demand TeXtreme® freewave line continues and is further enhanced for 2013 with the addition of Innegra that our tests have proven to be superior to kevlar for resin absorption efficiency, weigh reduction, extra stiffness, impact protection and uV-resistance. Oxeon’s TeXtreme® fabric not only allows extremely light PVC sandwich layups, it also delivers stunning visible carbon rail and bottom graphics that are also environmentally superior by reducing the need for toxic paint processes. The flat tow cloth weave uses signifi-cantly less resin to absorb into the yarn while delivering extra strength at the same time. In fact weights as low are 120 gsm used are now standard. Elsewhere on TeXtreme® models the deck areas use high quality full Carbon Innegra material to offer the most efficient weight-to-impact-resistance ratio that’s simply not available elsewhere.

1 TOP COAT lIghT fInIsh

2 InnEgRA CARbOn-ClOTh




5 glAss-ClOTh

6 suPER lIghT EPs fOAM



‣ 20 % lighter than conventional carbon reinforcements ‣ unprecedented mechanical performance ‣ Increased fiber fraction ‣ superior surface finish

1 The tow structure makes it possible to insert more carbon fiber into a given volume.

2 straighter fibers with reduced crimp angle optimize and strengthen the composite.

3 fewer crimps in the composite reduce the amount of excess plastic, which minimizes weight.

sTAndArd CArBOn rEinfOrCEmEnT(Regular Tow)

TEXTrEmE® CArBOn rEinfOrCEmEnT(spread Tow)




14 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 15

iC / lfBCs / lf

iC / BslT / lf
















RIDER: sebastian wenzel, Peter slate, Craig gertenbach


innEgrA CArBOn ligHT finisH TECH nOlOgY (dOuBlE And singlE)

Q u a d . t r i W a v e . s k a t e t e . F r e e W a v e t e

Innegra Carbon, a new material for fanatic, will be used on the 2013 wave- and TE freestyleboards. This material is lighter and more impact resistant than Carbon kevlar, which was used until now on all TE boards. Combined with a double PVC / wood sandwich and wood / Carbon heel reinforcements, it guarantees the most efficient construction in terms of light weight with maximum impact resistance.

The waveboards benefit from a double sandwich deck with Innegra / Carbon layups, plus Carbon bottom layups. The skate Team Edition has a single sandwich deck of Innegra / Carbon and a Carbon bottom.

All these models are produced with the light finish look, were the primary board color gets mixed into the laminating resin, for extra weight reduction.

1 TOP COAT lIghT fInIsh

2 InnEgRA CARbOn-ClOTh


4 PVC-sAnDwICh lAyER On bOTTOM /


5 glAss-ClOTh

6 suPER lIghT EPs fOAM

7 bAsAlT-ClOTh

innEgrA CArBOn / BAsAlT COrk-sAndWiCH ligHT finisH TECHnOlOgY h a W k l t d . s h a r k l t d

The new top level Innegra Carbon specification, in combina-tion with the new Cork–sandwich construction, provides a perfect weight to stiffness / flex ratio.

The new sandwich combination with environment-friendly Cork-sandwich Technology and local glass reinforcements provides a perfect shock absorption in the stance area.On the bases of the lTD boards we have the innovative basalt cloth, a cloth which is not only technically superior to many other standard cloths, but also environment friendlier in both the creation and re-cycling thereof.

All this models are produced with the light finish look, were the main board color gets mixed into the laminating resin, for extra weight reduction.

BiAX CArBOn sAndWiCHligHT finisH TECHnOlOgY F a l c o n

Top quality and high-tech specification biax Carbon has a perfect weight to stiffness ratio as a result of its very fine weave, plus has fantastic dynamic flex.

used for the bigger falcons (112–152l) in deck and bottom for maximum stiffness and lightest possible weight, whilst on the smaller falcons (89–102l) it is used only in the deck area for a better flex-ability of the boards in choppy condition.

In combination with PVC sandwich Technology and glass reinforcements, it provides a perfect stiffness / flex / weight ratio on the falcon slalom line.

1 TOP COAT lIghT fInIsh

2 InnEgRA CARbOn On ThE DECk




6 InsIDE sAnDwICh lAyER


8 suPER lIghT EPs fOAM

1 TOP COAT lIghT fInIsh





5 glAss-ClOTh

6 suPER lIghT EPs fOAM





7 8




5 6 12

3 4




f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 1716 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3

BOs /lf


Bgs / lf

CWs /lf





5 6

RIDER: klaas Voget, sebastian wenzel

BiAX glAss sAndWiCH ligHT finisH TECHnOlOgY s k a t e . r a y

A specific combination of top quality biax glass fabrics combined with PVC layers on deck and bottom provides optimised durability for the standard skates and the Ray models.

The light finish helps to reach an excellent weight to price ratio.

CusTOm WOOd sAndWiCH ligHT finisH TECHnOlOgY F r e e W a v e

using a lightweight yet robust wood and glass fibre construc-tion gives a very high strength to weight ratio. In combination with the Double PVC / wood sandwich, this is an extremely durable layup, the thick sandwich, wood and glass fibre absorbing high forces, even after the hardest landings! used on standard freewave models.

HigH rEsisTAnCE skin s h a r k . v i p e r . r i p p e r

high resistance composite technology – an optimum weight and durable construction for everyday use. A thick, durable outer skin gives the board hull a high strength, ding and impact resistance. strategic use of glass reinforcements ensures an adequate stiffness. used on the standard shark, as well as on the Viper / Ripper ranges in combination with a user friendly EVA deck.

1 hIgh REsIsTAnCE skIn



3 glAss COMPlEX lAyER

4 COMbInED glAss-ClOTh On ThE DECk

5 glAss REInfORCEMEnT On ThE RAIls

6 suPER lIghT EPs fOAM

7 REInfORCEMEnT glAss InlAys

BAmBOO sAndWiCH ligHT finisH TECHnOlOgY h a W k . G e c k o

A combination of top quality and intelligent layup specifica-tions, bamboo sandwich and glass / wood reinforcements, gives the bamboo sandwich Construction extremely competi-tive weights at value prices. used for the standard hawk and gecko models, with the clear visible bamboo optic in the deck.


2 glAss-ClOTh

3 wOOD / glAss REInfORCEMEnT

4 bAMbOO sAnDwICh lAyER On TOP

5 glAss-ClOTh

6 suPER lIghT EPs fOAM

1 TOP COAT lIghT fInIsh

2 bIAX glAss-ClOTh




5 glAss-ClOTh

6 suPER lIghT EPs fOAM

1 TOP COAT lIghT fInIsh

2 glAss-ClOTh

3 wOOD / glAss-ClOTh




6 InsIDE sAnDwICh lAyER


8 suPER lIghT EPs fOAM

h e r e W e a r e ! t h e n e W WAvEBOArds

RIDER: Victor fernandez PwA wave world Champion 2010 2nd PwA wave Pozo 2012 3rd PwA wave Tenerife 2012

18 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 19

»I think the Quads are per fect for any level of wave-sailor. They’re as forgiving to riders making their first turns in the sur f as they are to our team pushing-it in the wildest conditions. The Triwave has blown us away. They’ll open the eyes of a lot of classic style sailors to a wider variety of riding angles and turns. last, but not least the freewaves are the most adaptable, fast and easy-to-turn shapes ever – free-ride, freestyle or waveriding modes – it’s hard to think of how more versatile they can get!«

v i c t o r F e r n a n d e z ( e - 4 2 )

r a d i c a l W a v e

quAd te

RIDER: klaas Voget, Victor fernandez

f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 2120 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3

Quad TE

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

Quad TE 69 69 l 52.5 cm 225 cm TbA* IC / lf** Choco fins 2 × 9 cm / 2 × 14 cm g10; 4 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 3.3 – 5.0 m²

Quad TE 75 75 l 54.5 cm 226 cm TbA* IC / lf** Choco fins 2 × 9 cm / 2 × 14.5 cm g10; 4 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 3.7 – 5.3 m²

Quad TE 81 81 l 56.5 cm 227 cm TbA* IC / lf** Choco fins 2 × 9.5 cm / 2 × 14.5 cm g10; 4 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.0 – 5.8 m²

Quad TE 87 87 l 58.5 cm 228 cm TbA* IC / lf** Choco fins 2 × 10 cm / 2 × 14.5 cm g10; 4 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.2 – 6.2 m²

Quad TE 94 94 l 60.5 cm 229 cm TbA* IC / lf** Choco fins 2 × 10 cm / 2 × 15 cm g10; 4 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.5 – 6.5 m²

Quad TE 101 101 l 63.5 cm 230 cm TbA* IC / lf** Choco fins 2 × 10 cm / 2 × 15 cm g10; 4 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.5 – 6.5 m²

* Please check for final weights ** Innegra Carbon light finish

The 2nd incarnation of our dedicated Quad range will boost your wavesailing to a different zone. 6 stylish pintail shapes suit any level of wavesailor in either steep or sloppy surf. The wide compact profiles plane-up early with rapid-release tail rocker and double concave volume flow for a faster, tight-turning in-the-pocket ride. The extra nose kick and entry curve, shorter outline and fin toe-in cope easily with extra turn-ing forces on hollower walls and glide through slacker, mushier sections with ease. light and streamlined slotboxes and an all-new 101 shape widen the spectrum of wavesailing like never before. Pick from 69, 75, 81, 87, 94 and 101 models in awesome Innegra Carbon light Team Editions with light-weight matt finish bottoms and specialist g10 foils developed with Choco fins.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ new 101 size increases range of use further ‣ low-Drag and lightweight slotbox system ‣ Innegra weave replaces kevlar for lighter, stiffer more uV

resistant laminate ‣ smart CAD-engineered volume flow for ultimate balance,

early planning and power turns ‣ short outline and rounded pintails guarantee smooth turns

at any speed ‣ flat speed spot between straps, low tail rocker for speed

and acceleration and nose-kick entry for easy recovery in fast, steep surf

Quad Choco fins

r a d i c a l W a v e TriWAvE te

RIDER: Victor fernandez, klaas Voget

22 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 23

Triwave TE

Our newest addition came with massive challenge for the R&D team – better the proven twin and single fin ranges for a board to work at any spot in the world. starting with our renowned fast-planing rocker line we gained the pace and pointing of single fin yet discovered the grip, drive and tighter turn radius of a multifin. A medium length pintail outline de-livers enough rail for classic, drawn-out turns and is compact enough to snap tight turns in the pocket too. The result of the magic is masterful. speedy, smooth carving rails bite perfectly for maximum control. The double concave bottom and opti-mum tail release leave a crisp, direct-feeling board perfect for either slashy or full-railed riding and excellent jumping lift and release. Choose either a 3 fin cluster developed exclusively by world-renowned Maui fin Company or fit the slotbox cover supplied to ride in singlefin mode. Available in 72, 79, 86 and 93 litre sizes in super-stiff, light and impact resistant Innegra Carbon light Team Edition construction with Carbon Innegra deck and PVC sandwich bottom.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ Pure waveriding Thruster performance with versatile convertible option to single fin

‣ Proven CAD-designed rocker line perfect combination of planing performance and surfing capability

‣ Medium length outline for stability in any water state ‣ Mono concave tail into smooth double concave bottom

shape for high speed control and turns ‣ balanced tail width for release and early-planing ‣ fine-tuned side bite fin placement for minimum drag and

optimal waterflow ‣ Original Maui fin Company signature line Thruster fins ‣ Center us box for Thruster / 2+1 and singlefin modes

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

Triwave TE 72 72 l 53.5 cm 230 cm TbA* IC / lf** MfC Tf 2 × 11cm / 1 × 17 cm; 2 × slotbox 13 cm / Center us box; sailsize: 3.7 – 5.3 m²

Triwave TE 79 79 l 55.5 cm 232 cm TbA* IC / lf** MfC Tf 2 × 11cm / 1 × 18 cm; 2 × slotbox 13 cm / Center us box; sailsize: 4.0 – 5.8 m²

Triwave TE 86 86 l 57.5 cm 234 cm TbA* IC / lf** MfC Tf 2 × 12 cm / 1 × 18 cm; 2 × slotbox 13 cm / Center us box; sailsize: 4.2 – 6.2 m²

Triwave TE 93 93 l 59.5 cm 236 cm TbA* IC / lf** MfC Tf 2 × 12 cm / 1 × 19 cm; 2 × slotbox 13 cm / Center us box; sailsize: 4.5 – 6.5 m²

* Please check for final weights ** Innegra Carbon light finish

Triwave MfC fins

F r e e s t y l e / W a v e frEEWAvE / te / textreme®

f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 2524 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3

freewave freewave TE freewave TeXtreme®

RIDER: Victor fernandez, nik baker

shaper sebastian wenzel has perfected a range of smooth-sailing compact styles, now upgraded with thruster fin setups for extra wave performance! The optimum blend of speed and carving, slashing and sliding make these our most versatile shapes. Tucked rails, rounded noses, and an ingenious CAD-created rocker line unlock the secrets of early-planing, control and top end.

for 2013 we’re offering 3 constructions. The Custom wood sandwich light version, still in classic single fin mode, remains the benchmark in durability and all-round freewave fun. And a switch from kevlar to lighter, stiffer, more uV-resistant Innegra Carbon light for the Team Edition (TE) gives extra value and strength. The leading ultra-light, stunning carbon graphic Oxeon models are also enhanced with Innegra Carbon decks for the ultimate finish, weight reduction, stiffness and impact resistance.

starting in 75 litre and also in 85, 95, 105 and 115 sizes the smaller models excel in surf and high winds, while the larger styles focus more on low-end, freestyle and blasting perfor-mance, yet are versatile enough for waveriding too. The TE and TeXtreme® versions are truly convertible shapes supplied with

2 slotboxes and one Power box for easy adaption to suit the conditions – all with exclusive Maui fin Company g10 Thruster fins. (slotbox covers are also supplied for efficient singlefin cruising.) The freewave TE also comes in singlefin Power box model in 115. All sizes are available in Custom wood sandwich light in Power box singlefin only with us box singlefin on 75 l version.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ Tri-fin convertible setups on TE / TeXtreme® sizes for extra wave performance (115 single fin)

‣ Modern short round-nosed shapes for balance, acceleration and easy riding

‣ wide point forward of centre to 70° pintail ‣ high entry rocker, short flat section and optimum tail kick for

control and speed ‣ Enhanced TE and TeXtreme® constructions with superior

Innegra weave replacing kevlar layups ‣ Original Maui fin Company g10 Thruster fins for ultimate quality

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

fw 75 75 l 56 cm 235 cm TbA* Cws /lf** fanatic freewave 23 g10; us box; sailsize: 3.7 – 6.0 m²

fw 85 85 l 58.5 cm 238 cm TbA* Cws /lf** fanatic freewave 25 g10; Power box; sailsize: 4.2 – 6.5 m²

fw 95 95 l 61 cm 240 cm TbA* Cws /lf** fanatic freewave 27 g10; Power box; sailsize: 4.5 – 6.7 m²

fw 105 105 l 63.5 cm 242 cm TbA* Cws /lf** fanatic freewave 29 g10; Power box; sailsize: 4.7 – 7.0 m²

fw 115 115 l 66 cm 244 cm TbA* Cws /lf** fanatic freewave 29 g10; Power box; sailsize: 5.0 – 7.3 m²

fw TE 75 75 l 56 cm 235 cm TbA* IC / lf*** MfC Tf g10 2 × 11cm / 1 × 18 cm; 3 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 3.7 – 6.0 m²

fw TE 85 85 l 58.5 cm 238 cm TbA* IC / lf*** MfC Tf g10 2 × 11cm / 1 × 19 cm; Power box + 2 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.2 – 6.5 m²

fw TE 95 95 l 61 cm 240 cm TbA* IC / lf*** MfC Tf g10 2 × 12 cm / 1 × 19 cm; Power box + 2 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.5 – 6.7 m²

fw TE 105 105 l 63.5 cm 242 cm TbA* IC / lf*** MfC Tf g10 2 × 12 cm / 1 × 20 cm; Power box + 2 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.7 – 7.0 m²

fw TE 115 115 l 66 cm 244 cm TbA* IC / lf*** fanatic freewave 29 g10; Power box; sailsize: 5.0 – 7.3 m²

fw TeXtreme® 85 85 l 58.5 cm 238 cm TbA* TXTR IC /lf**** MfC Tf g10 2 × 11cm / 1 × 19 cm; Power box + 2 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.2 – 6.5 m²

fw TeXtreme® 95 95 l 61 cm 240 cm TbA* TXTR IC /lf**** MfC Tf g10 2 × 12 cm / 1 × 19 cm; Power box + 2 × slotbox 13 cm sailsize: 4.5 – 6.7 m²

fw TeXtreme® 105 105 l 63.5 cm 242 cm TbA* TXTR IC /lf**** MfC Tf g10 2 × 12 cm / 1 × 20 cm; Power box + 2 × slotbox 13 cm; sailsize: 4.7 – 7.0 m²

*Please check for final weights **Custom wood sandwich light finish *** Innegra Carbon light finish ****TeXtreme® Innegra Carbon light finish

freewave g10 fin

MfC Tf g10 fins

26 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 27

l e t ' s p l a y ! frEEsTYlE

RIDER: gollito Estredo 4 × freestyle world Champion (2006, 2008, 2009, 2010) winner PwA freestyle Podersdor f 2012 winner PwA freestyle fuerteventura 2012

»If you’ve got an aggressive, competitive style you need early-planing, low swing-weight shapes and really smooth front-to-back flow to blend tricks from air through to sliding phases. The skate’s rails do this per fectly with amazing pads and deck shape to cushion the ride.«

G o l l i t o e s t r e d o ( v - 1 0 )

F r e e s t y l e skATE / te

28 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 29

skate TEskate

RIDER: laure Treboux, yoli de brendt

The thoroughbred skate Team Edition (TE) line has proven itself with 4 world Titles and dozens of global test wins. born for the PwA big Moves format these 3 short shapes are perfect for double, triple and even more rotations with early-planning power to boost you up-to-speed between tricks. for 2013 Innegra replaces kevlar as a lighter, stiffer and more uV resistant laminate in the 89, 99, 109 sizes. The reverse length concept delivers the shortest board in the largest size and all styles boast an ultra-slide Power V bottom. The full-railed rounded nose grips smoothly for an even progression between air and sliding movements and thin mid-stance rails keep the points coming for carving and speed with flair. Progressive freestyle also demands extra comfort and the CAD-formed double-curved tail deck give perfect arch control and grip for serious riders.

This season we also re-launched two familiar favourites – the test-winning 100 and 110 models. now available in biax glass sandwich construction they’re slightly longer and forgiving for freestyle fun at any level – perfect for newcomers, classic and carving moves and even small wave use.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ Easy-riding, early-planing compact shape ‣ Round noses for soft reception and smoother rotation ‣ Thin mid rail carving section ‣ Deck contours for foot-arch comfort and grip ‣ nose-to-tail Power V and slide bottom for combo-trick

flow and style ‣ 100 , 110 bgs versions slightly longer with more domed

deck for smoother carving manoeuvres

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

skate 100 100 l 63.5 cm 235 cm TbA* bgs / lf** fanatic skate 22 Prepreg; Power box; sailsize: 4.5 – 7.0 m²

skate 110 110 l 66.5 cm 237 cm TbA* bgs / lf** fanatic skate 24 Prepreg; Power box; sailsize: 5.0 – 7.5 m²

skate TE 89 89 l 60.5 cm 229 cm TbA* IC / lf*** fanatic skate 20 Prepreg; Power box; sailsize: 4.0 – 6.6 m²

skate TE 99 99 l 63.5 cm 228 cm TbA* IC / lf*** fanatic skate 22 Prepreg; Power box; sailsize: 4.5 – 7.0 m²

skate TE 109 109 l 66.5 cm 227 cm TbA* IC / lf*** fanatic skate 24 Prepreg; Power box; sailsize: 5.0 – 7.5 m²

* Please check for final weights ** biax glass sandwich light finish *** Innegra Carbon light finish

skate Prepreg fin

RIDER: laure Treboux

a p e r F e c t d a y F o r frEEriding

30 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 31

»with control, ease of use and manoeuvrability being the key improvements, the hawks are still the fastest freeriders we´ve ever made. for riders who enjoy an extra gear, there is no better choice! If you’re looking for a board that planes early, with

a balanced, compact outline to jump, slide and carve like never before – all with way less volume – then the gecko’s your per fect playmate.The short, wide pintail outlines give the shark a

drag-free, easy-riding feel that’s effortless to carve. The rails up front are fuller and forgiving and flow through to thin, sharper tail edges that bite in turns and slice through the water at high speed.«

s e b a s t i a n W e n z e l ( F a n a t i c s h a p e r )

32 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 33

hawk bamboo hawk lTD

F r e e c a r v e HAWk / ltd

RIDER: laure Treboux, gollito Estredo

This pedigree predator’s redefined the freeride category and wowed testers worldwide. with all new 97, 111, and 125 sizes for 2013, the hawks are derived from our best freestyle and slalom shapes, for a unique blend of jibing heaven, early planing, top-end speed and sporting style. Refined fast rocker lines with tuned tail release – most noticeably on the 97 – on wider compact shapes with thin, tucked-under edges make for perfect allrounders that will never catch rails in any carving or sliding moves. This season we have also moved the fin boxes forward for extra control and turning ability. The super comfy deck doming in the tail and strap areas and recessed deck guarantee you are always in control in flat water, swell or chop. select 97, 111, 125 or 135 sizes (all Power box) in either eco-friendly and durable bamboo sandwich light or ultra-stiff, lightweight and impact-resistant Carbon Innegra/basalt sandwich light lTD construction.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ One-length concept compact shapes with wide center points and round noses for balance, early-planing and smooth carves (hawk bamboo and lTD 111,125,135)

‣ Innegra replaces kevlar for ultra-stiff, impact resistant and light layup using less wetted resin for ecological sensitivity

‣ Thin, tucked rails for ultimate carving pleasure ‣ Double concave nose entry section runs to Power V bot-

tom, tuned tail kick and 75° pintail for comfort and control in chop and turns

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

hawk bamboo 97 97 l 61 cm 240 cm TbA* bOs / lf** fanatic hawk 30 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 4.5 – 7.5m²

hawk bamboo 111 111 l 65 cm 245 cm TbA* bOs / lf** fanatic hawk 36 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 5.0 – 8.0m²

hawk bamboo 125 125 l 69 cm 245 cm TbA* bOs / lf** fanatic hawk 39 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 5.5 – 8.5m²

hawk bamboo 135 135 l 73 cm 245 cm TbA* bOs / lf** fanatic hawk 46 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 6.0 – 9.0m²

hawk 97 lTD 97 l 61 cm 240 cm TbA* IC/bslT / lf*** fanatic hawk 30 g10; Power box; sailsize: 4.5 – 7.5m²

hawk 111 lTD 111 l 65 cm 245 cm TbA* IC/bslT / lf*** fanatic hawk 36 g10; Power box; sailsize: 5.0 – 8.0m²

hawk 125 lTD 125 l 69 cm 245 cm TbA* IC/bslT / lf*** fanatic hawk 39 g10; Power box; sailsize: 5.5 – 8.5m²

hawk 135 lTD 135 l 73 cm 245 cm TbA* IC/bslT / lf*** fanatic hawk 46 g10; Power box; sailsize: 6.0 – 9.0m²

* Please check for final weights ** bamboo sandwich light finish *** Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich light finish

hawk gfk fin

hawk g10 fin


F r e e m o v e gECkO

34 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 35

RIDER: Andre Paskowski, nik baker, laure Treboux, yoli de brendt

fanatic’s redefining the modern funboard with a range of extra wide and thin-railed manoeuvre-friendly compact shapes. supportive wide points – comparable to boards 15 litres larger – and flat decks into thinned-out edges produce a hull capable of extreme, tight-carving performance. similar to freestyle boards, the extra width means you don’t need a larger sail to get going quickly. All three models 105, 120 and 135 litre models feature a proven rocker line and tuned tail kick release that deliver the ultimate quick-to-plane, respon-sive freemoveboard. Ideal for screeching turns and even your first freestyle moves – a true freeride revolution has begun. Available in super-durable bamboo sandwich light construc-tion with gfk Power box fin.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ Extra wide compact outline for early planing and stability ‣ Efficient low volume profile ‣ 75° pintail for reduced drag and control ‣ Proven fast performance scoop-rocker line with added

tail kick ‣ flat deck with thin rails for ultimate carving sensation ‣ flat panel Power V bottom shape

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

gecko 105 105 l 69 cm 239 cm TbA* bOs / lf** fanatic gecko 36 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 5.0 – 8.0 m²

gecko 120 120 l 77 cm 239 cm TbA* bOs / lf** fanatic gecko 39 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 6.0 – 9.0 m²

gecko 135 135 l 83 cm 239 cm TbA* bOs / lf** fanatic gecko 46 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 7.0 – 10.0 m²

* Please check for final weights ** bamboo sandwich light finish

gecko gfk fin

f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 3736 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3

shark shark lTD

F r e e r i d e sHArk / ltd

RIDER: nik baker

Perfect for progression and forgiving to intermediates, the sharks lack no bite in hard-carving super-tight turns. from smooth, graceful cruising to lightning speed runs they’re the perfect platform for fast learners and a lifetime of freeride pleasure. The proven CAD-shaped scoop rocker, comfy domed decks and compact outline are easy to use and push to the limits. 5 hard-wearing high value shapes come in high Resistance skin (hRs) with Power box fins, and the most popular 135 and 150 lTD sizes are also available in eco-friendly, impact resistant and super light and stiff Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich light finish construction.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ Easy-to-use compact outline and efficient volume flow and feel

‣ 80° pintail for drag reduction, jibing and top-end control ‣ smooth and forgiving ride from full front rails blending into

thinner tail for grip and tight turns ‣ Double concave cuts through the chop at high speed ‣ Responsive foot-steering feel from deluxe deck doming

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

shark 105 105 l 65 cm 240 cm TbA* hRs** fanatic freeride 39 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 5.0 – 7.5m²

shark 120 120 l 69 cm 245 cm TbA* hRs** fanatic freeride 42 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 5.5 – 8.0m²

shark 135 135 l 73 cm 245 cm TbA* hRs** fanatic freeride 48 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 6.0 – 9.0m²

shark 150 150 l 78 cm 250 cm TbA* hRs** fanatic freeride 50 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 6.5 – 9.5m²

shark 165 165 l 83 cm 255 cm TbA* hRs** fanatic freeride 54 gfk; Power box; sailsize: 7.0 – 10.0m²

shark 135 lTD 135 l 73 cm 245 cm TbA* IC / bslT / lf*** fanatic freeride 48 g10; Power box; sailsize: 6.0 – 9.0m²

shark 150 lTD 150 l 78 cm 250 cm TbA* IC / bslT / lf*** fanatic freeride 52 g10; Power box; sailsize: 6.5 – 9.5m²

* Please check for final weights ** high Resistance skin *** Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich light finish

freeride gfk fin

freeride g10 fin

RIDER: Peter Volwater

W e l c o m e t o o u r rACE COllECTiOn

38 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 39

»The nature of the PwA slalom discipline means I’m reliant on acceleration and low-end, early-planing power, but also need a board that can handle the highest speeds. A season of stretched and short courses demands 100% concentration and so comfort becomes a major factor, especially over long-distance reaches. To stay ahead of, and reel in your rivals, a stress-free, easy-jibing shape is critical to reach the finish line first. with our falcon and Ray lines now sharing the exact same shapes, riders can choose the budget they want to spend on a slalom board, making it easier than ever to use the exact same shapes as top PwA riders, for an affordable price.«

p e t e r v o l W a t e r ( h - 2 4 )

F r e e r a c e rAY

f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 4140 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3

Ray 102, 112 Ray 122

RIDER: nik baker

The biax glass sandwich Ray offers an affordable route to ride the ultimate PwA slalom Racing shapes. Identical to the lighter and stiffer falcons, the Rays bring comfort and elite level speed together in one smoking package. The Compact Design Concept (CDC) outline’s slight double concaves flow into light V in the tail for a neutral, easy-to-sail feeling when the going gets rough and give excellent early-planing power. A balanced volume flow with straight rear outline between the straps delivers extra control, added low-end support and a more comfortable stance over longer and more intense reaches. The mast base recess guarantees rig stability and thin CAD-engineered rails in the font section work with nose V to cut through chop and enhance jibing ability. Available in 102, 112 and 122 sizes in identical dimensions to the 2013 falcon Range there’s never been a better chance to ride race-proven shapes with such great value. All models with Tuttle head fins.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ Tail cut-outs and drawn pintail for full release, drag reduction and easy jibing

‣ straighter outlines and volume distribution for comfort and control

‣ new scoop rocker line with shorter flat section and higher entry point

‣ Release kick slight tail rocker for extra efficiency and speed ‣ Comfort heel rail tucked-under edges for easy use


board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

Ray 102 102 l 63 cm 235 cm TbA* bgs / lf** no fin; ; Medium Tuttle box; sailsize: 5.5 – 8.2 m²

Ray 112 112 l 69 cm 235 cm TbA* bgs / lf** no fin; Medium Tuttle box; sailsize: 6.0 – 8.6 m²

Ray 122 122 l 76 cm 230 cm TbA* bgs / lf** no fin; Medium Tuttle box; sailsize: 6.5 – 9.2 m²

* Please check for final weights **biax glass sandwich light finish

f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 4342 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3

s l a l o m fAlCOn slalom / speed

falcon slalom 79,89,102,112 falcon slalom 122, 132,142,152 falcon speedRIDER: Pierre Mortefon

A strong easy-to-sail concept and attention to detail in R&D tuning are the key ingredients of the CAD-developed falcon range. Annual improvements in the wide-ranging conditions of the PwA Production slalom Racing scene are critical, but the results are as relevant to recreational racers as they are to our world Tour Race Team. The Compact Design Concept (CDC) outlines feature updated bottom shapes with reduced double concaves flowing into noticeably less V in the tail for a neutral, easy-to-sail feeling when the going gets rough and excellent early-planing power. A more balanced volume flow, with excess form in the nose shifted to the rear allows a straighter rear outline between the straps for extra control, added low-end support and a more comfortable stance over longer and more intense reaches. The mast base recess is even deeper for increased rig stability and thinned-out rails in the front section work with nose V to cut through chop and enhance jibing ability. The 79, 89 and 102 are available only in elite biax Carbon sandwich light Team Edition construction and the 112, 122, 132, 142 and 152 come in full Carbon biax sandwich Deck and bottom layup. All models fit Tuttle head fins.

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

falcon slalom 79 79 l 56 cm 235 cm TbA* bCs / lf** no fin; short Tuttle box; sailsize: 4.5 – 7.0 m²

falcon slalom 89 89 l 59 cm 240 cm TbA* bCs / lf** no fin; short Tuttle box; sailsize: 5.0 – 7.8 m²

falcon slalom 102 102 l 63 cm 235 cm TbA* bCs / lf** no fin; Medium Tuttle box; sailsize: 5.5 – 8.2 m²

falcon slalom 112 112 l 69 cm 235 cm TbA* full bCs / lf*** no fin; Medium Tuttle box; sailsize: 6.0 – 8.6 m²

falcon slalom 122 122 l 76 cm 230 cm TbA* full bCs / lf*** no fin; Medium Tuttle box; sailsize: 6.5 – 9.2 m²

falcon slalom 132 132 l 81 cm 230 cm TbA* full bCs / lf*** no fin; Deep Tuttle box; sailsize: 6.8 – 9.5 m²

falcon slalom 142 142 l 85 cm 230 cm TbA* full bCs / lf*** no fin; Deep Tuttle box; sailsize: 7.0 – 10.0+ m²

falcon slalom 152 152 l 90 cm 230 cm TbA* full bCs / lf*** no fin; Deep Tuttle box; sailsize: 7.5 – 11.0+ m²

falcon speed 45 54 l 45 cm 228 cm 4,5 kg bCs / lf** no fin; short Tuttle box, sailsize: 4.0 – 7.0 m²

falcon speed 51 65 l 51 cm 230 cm 5,0 kg bCs / lf** no fin; short Tuttle box, sailsize: 4.5 – 7.5 m²

* Please check for final weights ** biax Carbon sandwich light finish *** full biax Carbon sandwich light finish (Deck and bottom)

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ Tail cut-outs and drawn pintail for full release, drag reduction and easy jibing

‣ straighter outlines and volume distribution for comfort and control

‣ new scoop rocker line with shorter flat section and higher entry point

‣ Release kick slight tail rocker for extra efficiency and speed ‣ Comfort heel rail tucked-under edges for easy use


44 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 45

RIDER: laure Treboux

G e t a d d i c t e d ! EnTrY

»The first time you get on the plane is the moment you’ll become hooked to this amazing watersport. when planing, you’ll use a harness to channel the power of the sail and slide your feet into the footstraps to control the board. Everything goes light and easy and it feels like you’re flying across the water – totally amazing! Our Viper and Ripper models are the per fect boards to bring you that awesome sensation!«

l a u r e t r e b o u x ( s u i - 4 )

b e G i n n e r


f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 4746 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3


RIDER: yoli de brendt, laure Treboux

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

Viper 70 150 l 70 cm 270 cm 11.9 kg hRs – sD* fanatic Viper 34 & Daggerboard; Power box; sailsize: 2.0 – 8.0 m²

Viper 75 160 l 75 cm 275 cm 12.2 kg hRs – sD* fanatic Viper 34 & Daggerboard; Power box; sailsize: 2.0 – 10.0 m²

Viper 80 190 l 80 cm 280 cm 13.2 kg hRs – sD* fanatic Viper 34 & Daggerboard; Power box; sailsize: 2.0 – 10.0 m²

Viper 85 220 l 85 cm 285 cm 14.2 kg hRs – sD* fanatic Viper 34 & Daggerboard; Power box; sailsize: 2.0 – 10.0 m²

* high Resistance skin – softdeck (also available as ›Viper school softdeck white‹)

with a huge network of schools and fanatic center rental staff to consult, we’ve built the perfect board for progression based on expert knowledge. This is no wide-style board that’s redundant once you’ve mastered the basics, but the perfect platform for family fun from first steps to beyond your first planing revelations. The compact retractable daggerboard and gfk Power box fin allow light wind glide and more advanced funboard use in one package. A forgiving softdeck pad and nose handle make transport and balance a breeze and the large range of deckplate positions expand tuning scope to match your progress. Delivered in 4 sizes, all with high Resistance skin (hRs) durability, each model can suit a range of age and abilities with 70, 75, 80 and 85cm wide options to choose from. now also available as school version with plain white softdeck.

riG boom luFF mast

Ride 5.0m2 171 cm 421 cm 430 cm / 21 IMCs

Ride 5.5m2 179 cm 438 cm 430 cm / 21 IMCs

Ride 6.0m2 185 cm 457 cm 430 cm / 25 IMCs

Ride 6.5m2 195 cm 468 cm 460 cm / 25 IMCs

Ride 7.0m2 210 cm 458 cm 460 cm / 25 IMCs

Ride 7.5m2 215 cm 480 cm 460 cm / 25 IMCs

*Indexed Mast Check system

F a n a t i c r i d e r i G :

The fanatic Ride rig is perfect for all windsurfers who want to keep it simple, for a very competitive price, a world of fun and freedom is yours.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ CAD-engineered power rocker line for optimum waterline and sub-planing pointing

‣ Removable daggerboard for light air tracking and sealable slot for high wind use

‣ Multiple beating and blasting footstrap positions for freeride and Cruising use

‣ Thinner outline for control and mastering footsteering ‣ Pintail for maximum top turn release

Viper school softdeck white

Ride Rig

48 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 49

k i d s riPPEr

RIDER: Jake schettewi

riG boom luFF mast*

Ripper 1.5 m2 125 – 170 cm 195 cm 200 cm

Ripper 2.5 m2 125 – 170 cm 260 cm 265 cm

Ripper 3.5 m2 125 – 170 cm 290 cm 290 cm

* Aluminium 2-pcs.

board vol. Width lenGth WeiGht technoloGy FittinGs

Ripper 102 102 l 69 cm 242 cm 8.9 kg hRs – sD* fanatic Ripper 30 & 39; Power box; sailsize: 1.5 – 8.0m²

Ripper 120 120 l 69 cm 245 cm 8.9 kg hRs – sD* fanatic Ripper 36 & 39; Power box; sailsize: 1.5 – 8.0m²

* high Resistance skin – softdeck

The perfect young Ripper’s board and rig solution for the next generation of heroes. 2 sizes, 102 litres and all-new 120 litre option, boast compact bal-anced planshapes with easy-to-use performance scoop and smooth power v rocker line for all-weather control. stable enough for total beginners, there is plenty of light wind, early planing grunt and top-speed control for fast-learners and even eager parents to pass on some skills. A selection of footstrap posi-tions and removable centre fin widen the wind range, and the total softdeck keeps sessions fun and comfortable for youngsters hooked on the healthiest sport alive.

between them, brand Manager and former PwA rider Craig gertenbach and shaper sebastian wenzel have 5 »personal testers« of their own and plenty of experience teaching kids. They know how hard it is to find the right rig and board combination for that is fun and easy to use. with nearly 50-yrs of com-bined sailing knowledge they’ve taken a personal interest in developing the right shape and package that passes on the passion they have for the sport.

k e y F e a t u r e s :

‣ CAD-crafted volume distribution for both stability and freeride fun ‣ soft rails for easy introduction to jibing and foot steering ‣ Easy on-off centre fin to suit range of abilities ‣ Durable total softdeck pad for grip and comfort ‣ Purpose-designed light and strong compact kids rig

r i p p e r k i d s r i G :

fanatic brand Manager Craig gertenbach and shaper sebastian wenzel also know how hard it is to find a good rig for their kids. A sail that is light, durable, easy to use and most of all compact – that is the Ripper rig!

Ripper fins Ripper Rig

50 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 51

n i c e t o h a v e PrOmO gEAr

RIDER: Max Rowe

T-shIRT »f« nAVy (s – Xl)

hOODIE »hOw wE RIDE« (unIsEX)nAVy (s – Xl)

T-shIRT »fAnATIC« gREy (s – Xl)


T-shIRT »hOw wE RIDE« (gIRlIE) whITE (s – l)

T-shIRT »hOw wE RIDE« whITE (s – Xl)


For max. boardsize(lenGth×Width) Fanatic board models Which Fits inside

Triple 240: 240 cm × 61 cm Quad 69 / 75 / 81 / 87 / 94, Triwave 72 / 79 / 86 / 93, freewave 75 / 85 / 95, skate TE, 89, falcon 79 / 89

Triple 270: 270 cm × 80 cm Quad 101, freewave 105 / 115, skate 100 / 110, skate TE 99 / 109, hawk 97 / 111 / 125 / 135, shark 105 / 120 / 135 / 150 / 165, Ray 102 / 112 / 122 / 150, falcon 102 / 112 / 122 / 132, gecko 105 / 120, Ripper 102 / 120

For max. boardsize(lenGth×Width) Fanatic board models Which Fits inside

Xs: 235 cm × 56.5 cm Quad 69 / 75 / 81, Triwave 72 / 79, freewave 75

s: 240 cm × 61cm Quad 87 / 94, Triwave 86 / 93, freewave 85 / 95, skate TE 89, falcon 79 / 89

s/M: 245 cm × 66.5 cm Quad 101, freewave 105 / 115, skate 100 / 110 skate TE 99 / 109, hawk 97 / 111, shark 105, Ray 102, falcon 102

M: 245 cm × 73 cm gecko 105, hawk 125, shark 120 / 135, Ripper 102 / 120, Ray 112, falcon 112

l: 250 cm × 78 cm gecko 120, shark 150, Ray 122, falcon 122

Xl: 255 cm × 85 cm shark 165, falcon 132 / 142, gecko 135

XXl: 235 cm × 95 cm falcon 152

Viper: 285 cm × 85 cm Viper 70 / 75 / 80 / 85

bEAnIE bObblE blACk (unIsEX)



boardcover boardbaG triple

52 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 53

for your best holiday ever, try our new boards at one of our fanatic centers, in some of the most beautiful windsurfing destinations worldwide!

c l u b m i s t r a l :

what is our company all about? windsurfing, kitesurfing, surfing and suP in the most beautiful and windy places of the world, unforgettable holidays and the most fun in the water. with 18 windsurfing, 10 kitesurfing, 14 suP and 8 surfing centers in 14 destinations world-wide, we have managed to become one of the leaders in the water sports/tourism industry. To round it off, we have an in-house travel agency, Travel People ltd., which is always happy to give advice when it comes to complete travel packages. Club Mistral – The Ocean Ambassadors.

[email protected]

F a n a t i c p r o c a m p s W i t h t o m & y o l i d e b r e n d t :

Our fanatic Pro Camps should transmit all the fun of this sport – a week packed with knowledge, exercises and wind-surfing training in great company, with good times together on and off of the water and lots of fun! During our camps everybody will improve their windsurfing level in a relaxed but progressive and very enjoyable week at some of the best windsurf spots worldwide.

c l u b n a t h a l i e s i m o n :

Come and enjoy your passion of watersports in one of our Club nathalie simon windsurf centers, situated in some of the best spots worldwide! with your family or with friends you will find a welcoming crew who will make your holidays a real pleasure!

[email protected]

p l a n e t a l l s p o r t s :

Often it is more than just make the best equipment and the best location for the difference. It is that special something you can find again in all Planet Allsports centers. At places like Dahab, soma bay, boavista, karpathos, kos and Ven-ezuela our international team offers exceptional service for your perfect windsurfing, kite and suP-holiday.

[email protected]

F a n a t i c t h e b o a r d e r ‘ s c e n t e r :

»ADDICTIOn shOws COMMITMEnT!«If like us, you are Addicted to Ride, Addicted to Travel and Addicted to unique sensations, come and enjoy the very best of our board sports, atmosphere and lifestyle at our fbC centers located at top spots around the globe. At fbC, we are committed to your addictions and to sharing them with you – made by boarders, for boarders.

[email protected]

c l u b a l d i a n a :

holidays with friends!

W i n d s u r F h o l i d a y s TrAvEl CEnTEr

3 W - s u r F :

Our surf stations are positioned directly on some of the best spots for windsurfing and our professional teams are waiting for you on site with the latest gear / equipment from fanatic and northsails.

[email protected]

54 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 55

RIDERs: Chase kosterlitz, kirsty Jones

l e t ' s i n t r o d u c e y o u t o o u r suP COllECTiOn


Prowave lTD Prowave hRs Allwave


fly wood Edition fly hRs fly hRs gripDeck fly softTop


falcon Carbon


falcon Carbon


falcon hRs fly Race

Clear wood



Carbon Pro


Carbon 80


Carbon 40



3 Piece


kids Paddle




fly Air 9’0”; 10’6” fly Air 12’0”


Ray Ray bVI

»from beginner to advanced sur fers or racers, exploration freaks or juniors, we’ve got a per fect board for you. whether it’s a breezy down-winder day, glassy sur f or a butter smooth lake, each new dawn is an opportunity for the suPer to escape the stresses of the world and stay fit and healthy on the water.«

Paddle Carbon Pro and Paddle Carbon 80 also available as adjustable model, 2 blade sizes, 8” and 8.75”

fOr mOrE dETAilEd infO On Our suP rAngE PlEAsE gO TO WWW.fAnATiC-suP.COm s e b a s t i a n W e n z e l ( F a n a t i c s h a p e r )

56 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 f A n A T I C w I n D s u R f I n g 2 0 1 3 57

RIDER: Adam bennett

RIDER: nik baker






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e p i c s h a p e s b y m c k e e a n d F a n a t i c surfBOArds polyester / bamboo epoxy

fOr mOrE dETAilEd infO On Our suP rAngE PlEAsE gO TO WWW.fAnATiC-suP.COm fOr mOrE dETAilEd infO On Our surf rAngE PlEAsE gO TO WWW.fAnATiC-suP.COm

s u p o v e r v i e W 2 0 1 3 :

s u r F o v e r v i e W 2 0 1 3 :

board vol Width lenGth technoloGy mastFoot insert

Prowave 8’0” lTD 92 l 28.25” / 71.8 cm 8’0” / 243.8 cm Innegra Carbon PVC sandwich ×Prowave 8’5” lTD 109 l 28.75” / 73 cm 8’5” / 256.5 cm Innegra Carbon PVC sandwich ×Prowave 8’10” lTD 119 l 29.25” / 74.3 cm 8’10” / 269.2 cm Innegra Carbon PVC sandwich ×Prowave 9’3” lTD 134 l 30.5” / 77.5 cm 9’3” / 281.9 cm Innegra Carbon PVC sandwich ×Prowave 8’0” hRs 92 l 28.25” / 71.8 cm 8’0” / 243.8 cm high Resistance skin ×Prowave 8’5” hRs 109 l 28.75” / 73 cm 8’5” / 256.5 cm high Resistance skin ×Prowave 8’10” hRs 119 l 29.25” / 74.3 cm 8’10” / 269.2 cm high Resistance skin ×Prowave 9’3” hRs 134 l 30.5” / 77.5 cm 9’3” / 281.9 cm high Resistance skin ×Prowave 9’9” semi-gun 131 l 28.5” / 72.4 cm 9’9” / 297 cm wood sandwich ×Allwave 8’6” 130 l 30” / 76.2 cm 8’6” / 259 cm high Resistance skin ×Allwave 8’10” 146 l 31” / 78.7 cm 8’10” / 269.2 cm high Resistance skin ×Allwave 9’2” 160 l 31.5” / 80 cm 9’2” / 279 cm high Resistance skin ×Allwave 9’6” 174 l 32” / 81.3 cm 9’6” / 290 cm high Resistance skin ×Allwave 9’10” 191 l 33” / 83.8 cm 9’10” / 299.7 cm high Resistance skin ×fly wE 10’0” 159 l 30” / 76.2 cm 10’0” / 305 cm wood Edition ×fly wE 10’6” 177 l 31” / 78.7 cm 10’6” / 320 cm wood Edition ×fly hRs 10’0” 159 l 30” / 76.2 cm 10’0” / 305 cm high Resistance skin ×fly hRs 10’6” 177 l 31” / 78.7 cm 10’6” / 320 cm high Resistance skin ×fly hRs 11’0” 217 l 32” / 81.3 cm 11’0” / 335.3 cm high Resistance skin ×fly hRs 11’6” 236 l 33” / 83.8 cm 11’6” / 350.5 cm high Resistance skin ×fly hRs 11’6” Center fin 236 l 33” / 83.8 cm 11’6” / 350.5 cm high Resistance skin ×fly hRs gripDeck 10’6” 177 l 31” / 78.7 cm 10’6” / 320 cm high Resistance skin gripDeck ×fly hRs gripDeck 11’0” 217 l 32” / 81.3 cm 11’0” / 335.3 cm high Resistance skin gripDeck ×fly hRs gripDeck 11’6” 236 l 33” / 83.8 cm 11’6” / 350.5 cm high Resistance skin gripDeck ×fly hRs gripDeck 11’6” Center fin 236 l 33” / 83.8 cm 11’6” / 350.5 cm high Resistance skin gripDeck ×fly hRs softTop 10’6” 177 l 31” / 78.7 cm 10’6” / 320 cm high Resistance skin softTop

fly hRs softTop 11’0” 217 l 32” / 81.3 cm 11’0” / 335.3 cm high Resistance skin softTop

Ripper 8’6” 130 l 30” / 76.2 cm 8’6” / 259 cm high Resistance skin softTop ×fly Air 9’0” 146 l 31” / 78.7 cm 9’0” / 274.3 cm Inflatable

fly Air 10’6” 210 l 34” / 86.4 cm 10’6” / 320 cm Inflatable

fly Air 12’0” 285 l 34” / 86.4 cm 12’0” / 365.7 cm Inflatable ×Ray 11’0” × 30” 223 l 30” / 76.2 cm 11’0” / 335.3 cm high Resistance skin ×Ray 12’0” × 31.75” 271 l 31.75 / 80.7 cm 12’0” / 365.7 cm hRs / hRs skin bVI lTD ×falcon 12’6” × 25” Carbon 252 l 25” / 63.5 cm 12’6”/ 381 cm Carbon sandwich

falcon 12’6” × 27.5” Carbon 264 l 27.5” / 68.6 cm 12’6”/ 381 cm Carbon sandwich

falcon 12’6” × 30” Carbon 282 l 30” / 76.2 cm 12’6”/ 381 cm Carbon sandwich

falcon 14’0” × 25” Carbon 268 l 25” / 63.5 cm 14’0” / 426.7 cm Carbon sandwich

falcon 14’0” × 27.5” Carbon 291 l 27.5” / 68.6 cm 14’0” / 426.7 cm Carbon sandwich

falcon 14’0” × 30” Carbon 317 l 30” / 76.2 cm 14’0” / 426.7 cm Carbon sandwich

falcon 12’6” × 27.5” hRs 264 l 27.5” / 68.6 cm 12’6”/ 381 cm high Resistance skin

falcon 12’6” × 30” hRs 282 l 30” / 76.2 cm 12’6”/ 381 cm high Resistance skin

falcon 14’0” × 27.5” hRs 291 l 27.5” / 68.6 cm 14’0” / 426.7 cm high Resistance skin

falcon 14’0” × 30” hRs 317 l 30” / 76.2 cm 14’0” / 426.7 cm high Resistance skin

fly Race 12’6” Clear wood 254 l 30.5” / 77.5 cm 12’6”/ 381 cm wood sandwich lf

board volume Width lenGth thickness polyester / Fin system bamboo epoxy / Fin system

Compline 5’11” ThT 24,84 l 18 ½” / 47.0 cm 5’11” / 180.2 cm 2 3/16” / 5.56 cm Polyester / Multisystem M3 / g1000

Compline 6’1” ThT 26,82 l 18 ¾” / 47.6 cm 6‘1” / 185.5 cm 2 ¼” / 5.71 cm Polyester / Multisystem M5 / M2

Compline 6’3” ThT 29,53 l 19” / 48.26 cm 6’3” / 190.4 cm 3/8” / 6.03 cm Polyester / Multisystem M5 / M2

Compline 6’7” ThT 36,20 l 19 ½” / 49.53 cm 6’7” / 200.75 cm 2 5/8” / 6.67 cm Polyester / Multisystem M5 / M2

Diamond 5’8” 27,47 l 19 ¼” / 48.9 cm 5’8” / 172.7 cm 2 3/16” / 5.56 cm Polyester / Multisystem M3 / g1000 bamboo Epoxy / Polyester / Multisystem M3 / g1000

Diamond 5’10” 29,46 l 19 ½” / 49.5 cm 5’10” / 177.8 cm 2 ¼” / 75.78 cm Polyester / Multisystem M5 / M2 bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2

Diamond 6’0” 32,42 l 20” / 50.8 cm 6’0” / 182.9 cm 2 3/8” / 59.6 cm Polyester / Multisystem M5 / M2 bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2

Diamond 6’3” 38,87 l 21” / 53.3 cm 6’3” / 190.6 cm 2 5/8” / 6.60 cm Polyester / Multisystem M5 / M2 bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2

fun Egg 6’2” 31,11 l 20 ¾” / 52.7 cm 6’2 1/8” / 188.3 cm 2 3/8” / 6.05 cm bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2*

fun Egg 6’6” 42,56 l 21” / 53.34 cm 6’6 1/4” / 198.7 cm 2 ½” / 6.35 cm bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2*

fun Egg 6’10” 47,92 l 21 ½” / 54.6 cm 6’10 1/4” / 209.1 cm 2 5/8” / 6.67 cm bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2*

wing Attack 6’8” 43,14 l 21 ½” / 54.6 cm 6’8” / 203.2 cm 2 5/8” / 6.67 cm Polyester / Multisystem M5 / M2 bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2

wing Attack 7’2” 51,61 l 22 ½” / 57.2 cm 7’2” / 218.4 cm 2 ¾” / 6.98 cm Polyester / Multisystem M7 / M2 bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M7 / M2

Mini-Mal 7’6” 51,90 l 21 ½” / 54.6 cm 7’6” / 229.1 cm 2 ¾” / 6,98 cm Polyester / M5 Thruster fCs bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2*

Mini-Mal 8’0” 57,46 l 22” / 55.9 cm 8’0” / 244.3 cm 2 ¾” / 6.98 cm Polyester / M5 Thruster fCs bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2*

Mini-Mal 8’3” 60,90 l 22 ½” / 57.2 cm 8’3” / 251.9 cm 2 ¾” / 6.98 cm Polyester / M5 Thruster fCs bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem M5 / M2*

stylemaster 9’1” 71,20 l 22 ½” / 57.2 cm 9’1” / 277.3 cm 3” / 7.62 cm Polyester / Multisystem us box** bamboo Epoxy / Multisystem us box**

*Thruster set supplied only **+ 4 plugs sets. 2gl side fins & 1 × 8” single supplied

58 59


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product recommended Freeride / Freeride / slalom / Group model vol. Width lenGth technoloGy Fin technoloGy system sail sizes Wave Freestyle comFort perFormance speed entryRadical wave Quad TE 69 69 l 52.5 cm 225 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Choco fins 2 × 9 cm / 2 × 14 cm g10 slot box 13 cm × 4 3.3 – 5.0 m2

Quad TE 75 75 l 54.5 cm 226 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Choco fins 2 × 9 cm / 2 × 14.5 cm g10 slot box 13 cm × 4 3.7 – 5.3 m2

Quad TE 81 81 l 56.5 cm 227 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Choco fins 2 × 9.5 cm / 2 × 14.5 cm g10 slot box 13 cm × 4 4.0 – 5.8 m2

Quad TE 87 87 l 58.5 cm 228 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Choco fins 2 × 10 cm / 2 × 14.5 cm g10 slot box 13 cm × 4 4.2 – 6.2 m2

Quad TE 94 94 l 60.5 cm 229 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Choco fins 2 × 10 cm / 2 × 15 cm g10 slot box 13 cm × 4 4.5 – 6.5 m2

Quad TE 101 101 l 63.5 cm 230 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Choco fins 2 × 10 cm / 2 × 15 cm g10 slot box 13 cm × 4 4.5 – 6.5 m2

Triwave TE 72 72 l 53.5 cm 230 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf 2 × 11cm/1 × 17cm slot box 13 cm × 2 / Centre us box 3.7 – 5.3 m2

Triwave TE 79 79 l 55.5 cm 232 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf 2 × 11cm/1 × 18cm slot box 13 cm × 2 / Centre us box 4.0 – 5.8 m2

Triwave TE 86 86 l 57.5 cm 234 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf 2 × 12cm/1 × 18cm slot box 13 cm × 2 / Centre us box 4.2 – 6.2 m2

Triwave TE 93 93 l 59.5 cm 236 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf 2 × 12cm/1 × 19cm slot box 13 cm × 2 / Centre us box 4.5 – 6.5 m2

freestyle/wave fw 75 75 l 56 cm 235 cm Custom wood sandwich light finish fanatic freewave 23 g10 us box 3.7 – 6.0 m2

fw 85 85 l 58.5 cm 238 cm Custom wood sandwich light finish fanatic freewave 25 g10 Power box 4.2 – 6.5 m2

fw 95 95 l 61 cm 240 cm Custom wood sandwich light finish fanatic freewave 27 g10 Power box 4.5 – 6.7 m2

fw 105 105 l 63.5 cm 242 cm Custom wood sandwich light finish fanatic freewave 29 g10 Power box 4.7 – 7.0 m2

fw 115 115 l 66 cm 244 cm Custom wood sandwich light finish fanatic freewave 29 g10 Power box 5.0 – 7.3 m2

fw TE 75 75 l 56 cm 235 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf g10 2 × 11cm/1 × 18cm slot box 13 cm × 3 3.7 – 6.0 m2

fw TE 85 85 l 58.5 cm 238 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf g10 2 × 11cm/1 × 19cm Power box + 2 × slot box 13 cm 4.2 – 6.5 m2

fw TE 95 95 l 61 cm 240 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf g10 2 × 12cm/1 × 19cm Power box + 2 × slot box 13 cm 4.5 – 6.7 m2

fw TE 105 105 l 63.5 cm 242 cm Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf g10 2 × 12cm/1 × 20cm Power box + 2 × slot box 13 cm 4.7 – 7.0 m2

fw TE 115 115 l 66 cm 244 cm Innegra Carbon light finish fanatic freewave 29 g10 Power box 5.0 – 7.3 m2

fw TeXtreme® 85 85 l 58.5 cm 238 cm TeXtreme® Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf g10 2 × 11cm/1 × 19cm Power box + 2 × slot box 13 cm 4.2 – 6.5 m2

fw TeXtreme® 95 95 l 61 cm 240 cm TeXtreme® Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf g10 2 × 12cm/1 × 19cm Power box + 2 × slot box 13 cm 4.5 – 6.7 m2

fw TeXtreme® 105 105 l 63.5 cm 242 cm TeXtreme® Innegra Carbon light finish Maui fin Company Tf g10 2 × 12cm/1 × 20cm Power box + 2 × slot box 13 cm 4.7 – 7.0 m2

freestyle skate 100 100 l 63.5 cm 235 cm biax glass sandwich light finish fanatic skate 22 Prepreg Power box 4.5 – 7.0 m2

skate 110 110 l 66.5 cm 237 cm biax glass sandwich light finish fanatic skate 24 Prepreg Power box 5.0 – 7.5 m2

skate TE 89 89 l 60.5 cm 229 cm Innegra Carbon light finish fanatic skate 20 Prepreg Power box 4.0 – 6.6 m2

skate TE 99 99 l 63.5 cm 228 cm Innegra Carbon light finish fanatic skate 22 Prepreg Power box 4.5 – 7.0 m2

skate TE 109 109 l 66.5 cm 227 cm Innegra Carbon light finish fanatic skate 24 Prepreg Power box 5.0 – 7.5 m2

freecarve hawk bamboo 97 97 l 61 cm 240 cm bamboo sandwich light finish fanatic hawk 30 gfk Power box 4.5 – 7.5 m2

hawk bamboo 111 111 l 65 cm 245 cm bamboo sandwich light finish fanatic hawk 36 gfk Power box 5.0 – 8.0 m2

hawk bamboo 125 125 l 69 cm 245 cm bamboo sandwich light finish fanatic hawk 39 gfk Power box 5.5 – 8.5 m2

hawk bamboo 135 135 l 73 cm 245 cm bamboo sandwich light finish fanatic hawk 46 gfk Power box 6.0 – 9.0 m2

hawk 97 lTD 97 l 61 cm 240 cm Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich lf fanatic hawk 30 g10 Power box 4.5 – 7.5 m2

hawk 111 lTD 111 l 65 cm 245 cm Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich lf fanatic hawk 36 g10 Power box 5.0 – 8.0 m2

hawk 125 lTD 125 l 69 cm 245 cm Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich lf fanatic hawk 39 g10 Power box 5.5 – 8.5 m2

hawk 135 lTD 135 l 73 cm 245 cm Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich lf fanatic hawk 46 g10 Power box 6.0 – 9.0 m2

freemove gecko 105 105 l 69 cm 239 cm bamboo sandwich light finish fanatic gecko 36 gfk Power box 5.0 – 8.0 m2

gecko 120 120 l 77 cm 239 cm bamboo sandwich light finish fanatic gecko 39 gfk Power box 6.0 – 9.0 m2

gecko 135 135 l 83 cm 239 cm bamboo sandwich light finish fanatic gecko 46 gfk Power box 7.0 – 10.0 m2

freeride shark 105 105 l 65 cm 240 cm high Resistance skin fanatic freeride 39 gfk Power box 5.0 – 7.5 m2

shark 120 120 l 69 cm 245 cm high Resistance skin fanatic freeride 42 gfk Power box 5.5 – 8.0 m2

shark 135 135 l 73 cm 245 cm high Resistance skin fanatic freeride 48 gfk Power box 6.0 – 9.0 m2

shark 150 150 l 78 cm 250 cm high Resistance skin fanatic freeride 50 gfk Power box 6.5 – 9.5 m2

shark 165 165 l 83 cm 255 cm high Resistance skin fanatic freeride 54 gfk Power box 7.0 – 10.0 m2

shark 135 lTD 135 l 73 cm 245 cm Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich lf fanatic freeride 48 g10 Power box 6.0 – 9.0 m2

shark 150 lTD 150 l 78 cm 250 cm Innegra Carbon / basalt Cork sandwich lf fanatic freeride 52 g10 Power box 6.5 – 9.5 m2

freerace Ray 102 102 l 63 cm 235 cm biax glass sandwich light finish no fin Medium Tuttle box 5.5 – 8.2 m2

Ray 112 112 l 69 cm 235 cm biax glass sandwich light finish no fin Medium Tuttle box 6.0 – 8.6 m2

Ray 122 122 l 76 cm 230 cm biax glass sandwich light finish no fin Medium Tuttle box 6.5 – 9.2 m2

slalom falcon slalom 79 79 l 56 cm 235 cm biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin short Tuttle box 4.5 – 7.0 m2

falcon slalom 89 89 l 59 cm 240 cm biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin short Tuttle box 5.0 – 7.8 m2

falcon slalom 102 102 l 63 cm 235 cm biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin Medium Tuttle box 5.5 – 8.2 m2

falcon slalom 112 112 l 69 cm 235 cm full biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin Medium Tuttle box 6.0 – 8.6 m2

falcon slalom 122 122 l 76 cm 230 cm full biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin Medium Tuttle box 6.5 – 9.2 m2

falcon slalom 132 132 l 81 cm 230 cm full biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin Deep Tuttle box 6.8 – 9.5 m2

falcon slalom 142 142 l 85 cm 230 cm full biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin Deep Tuttle box 7.0 – 10.0 m2

falcon slalom 152 152 l 90 cm 230 cm full biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin Deep Tuttle box 7.5 – 11.0+ m2

speed falcon speed 45 54 l 45 cm 228 cm biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin short Tuttle box 4.0 – 7.0 m2

falcon speed 51 65 l 51 cm 230 cm biax Carbon sandwich light finish no fin short Tuttle box 4.5 – 7.5 m2

Entry Viper 70 150 l 70 cm 270 cm high Resistance skin – softdeck fanatic Viper 34 & Daggerboard Power box 2.0 – 8.0 m2

Viper 75 160 l 75 cm 275 cm high Resistance skin – softdeck fanatic Viper 34 & Daggerboard Power box 2.0 – 10.0 m2

Viper 80 190 l 80 cm 280 cm high Resistance skin – softdeck fanatic Viper 34 & Daggerboard Power box 2.0 – 10.0 m2

Viper 85 220 l 85 cm 285 cm high Resistance skin – softdeck fanatic Viper 34 & Daggerboard Power box 2.0 – 10.0 m2

kids Ripper 102 102 l 69 cm 242 cm high Resistance skin – softdeck fanatic Ripper 30 & 39 Power box 1.5 – 8.0 m2

Ripper 120 120 l 69 cm 245 cm high Resistance skin – softdeck fanatic Ripper 36 & 39 Power box 1.5 – 8.0 m2

RIDER COVER: gollito Estredo RIDER bACkCOVER: Victor fernandez

PhOTO CREDITs: John Carter, sebastian schöffel, Tom brendt,

ben hicks,, John Messenger,

klaas Voget, fbC, Planet Allsports, Club Mistral, Cns, 3w

All data subject to change © fanatic 2012 for international distribution contacts please check:


boards & More gmbh, Rabach 1, A-4591 Molln, Phone: +43 (0)7584 403-0