  • Family Ties Newsletter

    January 2019, Vol. 1

    January 2019

    From the Pastor

    Happy New Year!

    New. Don’t you love new things?? If you’re like most of us, a part of your

    Christmas celebration included giving and receiving gifts of new things. We love

    the freshness and promise of new—new cars, new clothes, new toys. As you

    know, Rick and I welcomed a new baby into our family this year, and every week,

    every day is filled with watching him learn new things, gain new skills, do new

    (cute, of course!) things. “New” is full of promise and potential, a chance to move

    into a hope-filled future, a guarantee of change—hopefully for the better—and a

    chance at an improved outlook or way of doing things.

    There is one “new” that trumps every other “new,” and that is new life in Christ.

    Having new life in Christ isn’t just a point in time; it is an on-going opportunity as

    we daily say ‘yes’ to his call to follow him to all of the new places he will lead us.

    Just as exciting as our grandson’s new abilities and discoveries, our new life in

    Christ can be filled with ever deepening understandings of his love for us, with joy

    in walking the life journey in his company, with moving forward into new purpose

    in his call on our lives.

    Where this New Year will take us, we cannot know, and of course, not every ‘new’

    will be joy-filled and exciting. But be assured, Jesus will be beside us every new

    step of the way. We can trust that the Lord of Life, the One who “makes all things

    new,” (Revelation 21:5) will work new miracles of life in us.

    Blessings in 2019,

    Pastor Kim


    Rick and I would like to thank everyone for the amazing NUMC Christmas gift. You

    are all so kind, and we treasure your friendship and love. We are so grateful to

    God for you!

    Thank you again and again!

    Rick and Kim

    Educational and Spiritual Growth

    Wednesday Morning Bible Study

    Wednesday Morning Bible study will begin a new study on Psalm 119, the longest chapter of

    the Bible. Everyone is invited to participate in this new study, beginning on January 2 at 9:30.

    Wednesday evening Bible Study continues in the book, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

    by Eugene Peterson.

    Wednesday Evening Bible Study

    We are continuing our study of the Psalms of Ascent on Wednesday evenings with

    the Eugene Peterson book, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction. All are

    welcome! Questions? See Pastor Kim.

    Kids’ After Church Sunday School

    During January, we’ll be returning to our 3-2-1 Penguins study of Proverbs. Kids of

    all ages are welcome!

    Adult Sunday School

    8:30—Everyone is welcome to join us. This class meets in the Conference Room


    11:00—The after-worship Adult Class meets in the fellowship hall following

    morning worship. We are continuing our study of Colossians through December.

  • Northwest Lenten Devotional

    As we begin this new year, I would like to challenge you with a new faith opportunity, a Northwest UMC Lenten Devotional. If you read The Upper Room or another similar daily devotional, you are probably aware that each day’s devotion is written by an average person, just like you. You are also aware of the impact some of these short, personal experiences have had on your own life and faith. We all have experiences, insights about, or encounters with God through daily life, through conversations, or while reading the Bible. This year for Lent, our church will be compiling our own Northwest United Methodist Church devotional of these insights and experiences, written by…US! We will compile these into booklets and distribute them to our congregation to be shared during the Lenten season beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 6th. You, yes, YOU, are invited to contribute to this faith project by writing and submitting a devotional. Following The Upper Room format, each devotional should be approximately 200 words. You may choose a scripture to compliment your story, or begin with a scripture and connect it to an experience or insight you have had. Write a short prayer to end the devotional, and add a Prayer Focus for the day if you choose. You may sign your name or remain anonymous if you choose. The deadline for submission is Friday, February 15th. Electronic submission is preferred (to [email protected]), but not necessary. Forty devotionals are needed, one for each of the forty days of Lent. Please prayerfully consider authoring one of these devotionals. Who knows?? You may find new blessings or skills you never knew you had!! It has been said that faith is spelled r-i-s-k. Take a risk and share your faith!!! If you have questions about this faith project, please talk with Pastor Kim.

  • NUMC Events

    Heart of Christ Health Clinic ~ We have a free medical clinic available to anyone

    who needs basic care. The clinic hours are from 9 a.m. until 12 noon Saturday,

    January 12th. If you or someone you know needs medical attention, please come

    or bring someone who might not have transportation. Dr. Ted and Lisa Rogers

    serve this wonderful outreach ministry.

    Senior Group Luncheon

    There will be no Senior Luncheon in January.

    Grief Share Classes

    There will be no Grief Share during the month of January. We will begin a

    new 13-week program starting in February. Call Karen at (217)-652-0808

    for more information.

    NUMC Prayer Partners

    The Prayer Group meets at NUMC Thursday mornings at 10:30 am. This

    month’s study is to be determined. If you would like more information, contact

    Dixie Rogers at 309-472-4336.

    NUMC Reads BOOK CLUB –January 2019

    Book Club Selection – We will be reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.We will meet January 31 at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to join us at NUMC for discussion. If you have questions, please contact Deborah Lauseng at (734) 748-3367

    The Great Banquet You are invited to attend The Great Banquet, a 72-hour spiritual renewal weekend. The Men’s weekend will be Feb 28–March 3 and the Women’s weekend will be Mar 7-10, held at Northminster Presbyterian Church. Information is available at the Welcome Table.

  • Do you have a Prayer Request?

    Contact Dennis Messersmith at

    [email protected].

    Don’t use email?

    Please call the church at (309) 692-0421

    Thank You

    Thank you to Jana, Marilyn and everyone else that have helped with

    the cleanup downstairs!

    January Mission

    January Mission Work Days

    The Mission/Outreach Committee is planning monthly opportunities for hands-on service to our neighbors in 2019. We will be going to The Peoria Rescue Mission Donation Center/Thrift Store to volunteer on Friday, January 18 and Saturday, January 19 from 9:30-12:30 both days. There will be opportunities to serve in a variety of ways, so mark your calendar and plan to “love our neighbors” this month in a meaningful and practical way!


    Thanks to all who gave generously to bless our veterans and children in need this

    holiday season! We sent many warm clothes to the Goodwill Christmas party for

    homeless vets, and 31 sets of pajamas, 26 pairs of socks, and lots of undies went

    to the kids of our Illinois Great Rivers Conference Fair Hope Children’s Ministry. In

    addition, our church helped two local families with Christmas dinner fixins’ and

    kids’ Christmas gifts, all given in the name of Jesus Christ

    Proverbs 19:17 ~ Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,

    and he will reward them for what they have done.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Local News and Events

    District Equipping Event—Sunday, January 27

    The 2019 District Equipping Event will be held on Sunday, 27 from 2-4:30 at

    Crossroads United Methodist Church in Washington. This year’s focus will be on

    Prayer. Bishop Frank Beard will be the presenter for the entire session. The

    event will help us to focus on growing our spiritual roots deeper into the Word of

    God as we move forward into 2019. In addition to Bishop Beard's teaching, we

    will be blessed to have the Heritage Ensemble assisting us to grow deeper in

    prayer through the gift of song. EVERYONE IS INVITED to this wonderful

    opportunity to grow deeper in our relationship with God. For more information,

    please see the brochures on the Welcome Table.

    Peoria Citizens Committee for Economic Opportunity, Inc.

    PCCEO is partnering with Ameren Illinois to implement their Energy Efficiency

    Program throughout Peoria County. They will be at NWUMC on January 24th from

    8:20-12:00 to process applications. Applicant must be a residential customer of

    Ameren Illinois, heating with gas or electricity delivered by Ameren Illinois.

    Applicant must reside in a single-family dwelling. This program is designed to

    assist middle-income households. You or a neighbor may qualify! You will need to

    provide the most recent Federal Tax Return, pages 1 & 2, to show gross income

    and proof of home ownership, such as recent real estate tax bill, deed, land

    contract or life lease. If you have, questions call the church office at 309-692-


  • NUMC Music Ministry

    Lisa Rogers is serving as our interim music director. If you would like to participate in the music ministry through choir, praise band, chimes, special music, small group ensembles, please text (preferred) or call Lisa at 309-472-4472.

    Church Office

    Request from the Administrative Staff

    If you have materials or information for the newsletter or weekly bulletin, or if you

    have a change of address or telephone number, please email or leave a note in either

    Pastor Kim or Norma's mailbox in the fellowship hall. As much as we would like to

    remember all of your requests, our memory does not always let us do that!

    Thank you!

    Norma and Kim

    Undecorating Party!

    Please stay after service January 6th to help undecorate the church from

    Christmas. Stay for lunch, good food and fellowship. Many hands make light


    Pastor Kim, Lisa and Norma

  • Celebrating Birthdays and Anniversaries in the Months of January & February

    January Anniversaries

    Chuck & Lorna Gabbert 01/08

    January Birthdays

    Bob Johnson 01/01

    Andrea Dean 01/03

    Claudia Gomez 01/08

    Terry Haas 01/09

    Samuel Lauseng 01/13

    Dan Becker 01/18

    Robert Bryant 01/18

    Ellen Reynolds 01/21

    Ariana Buck 01/25

    John Lee 01/28

    Jimmy Johnson 01/29

    Ted Osman 01/31

    Ana Scott 01/31

    February Anniversaries

    Gayle & Chery Lamie 02/14

    Mark & Angie Fleming 02/17

    Dan & Kathy Becker 02/27

    February Birthdays

    Doris Callais 02/03

    William Anderson 02/04

    Alicia Booth 02/05

    Elaine Bell 02/21

    Dixie Rogers 02/28

    If you don’t see your birthday or anniversary on the list? This means the Church office does not have your celebratory information! You may submit your information to the Church office by e-mail: [email protected] or contact us at the office (309) 692-0421 for an update information form.

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  • Regular Worship Services

    Adult Sunday School 8:30 a.m.

    Sunday Worship 9:45 a.m.

    Children’s Church 10:00 a.m.

    After Worship Adult & Kids Classes 11:00 a.m.

    Bible Study and Prayer Times

    Wednesday Morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m.

    Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m.

    Thursday Prayer Study Group 10:30 a.m.

    Regular January Meetings

    January 6 Ready, Set, Safe Drill After Worship

    January 8 Trustee Meeting 7:00 p.m.

    January 10 SPRC Meeting 6:30 p.m.

    January 15 Finance Meeting 6:30 p.m.

    January 15 Ad Board 7:00 p.m.

    Pastor: Rev. Kim Dancey * 217-620-5719 * [email protected]

    Interim Worship Director: Lisa Rogers * 309-472-4472 * [email protected]

    Admin. Assistant: Norma Snodgrass * 331-216-4345 [email protected]

    Church Office Hours:

    Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Visit us on the web:

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Fire Extinguishers

    Fire Extinguisher Locations: There are five fire extinguishers in our church.

    One in the Kitchen:

    On the left lower cabinet entering kitchen from the fellowship hall.

    Three in the Basement:

    1) Elevator Controls Room - on the left as you enter;

    2) Elevator Lobby - on the right side of the Mechanical Room door; &

    3) At the far end of the hall -on the right side of the exterior door.

    One in the Sanctuary:

    By the exterior door at the rear of the sanctuary.

    Fire Extinguisher Operation: The P-A-S-S technique for fire extinguisher use from the firepage.htm website

    P - Pull the pin. It is there to prevent accidental discharge.

    A - Aim low at the base of the fire. This is the where the fuel source is.

    S - Squeeze the lever above the handle. Release to stop the flow. (Some extinguishers have a button instead of a lever)

    S - Sweep from side to side. Move toward the fire, aiming low at its base. Sweep until all flames are extinguished. Watch for re-igniting. Repeat as necessary. Have site inspected by fire department.

    Place any fire extinguisher that has been used on its side on the floor. It will be collected and recharged after the fire scene is secure.

    Please do not hesitate to contact any members of the Safety Committee.

    Dan & Kathy Becker, Ted & Sandy Osman, Joe & Jana Ryan

  • 2019 Church Leaders

    Many thanks to all who have committed to serve in some capacity here at Northwest UMC. Our

    church is made stronger by your willingness and dedication. Here is a listing of our 2019 church

    officers and committees. Please look over this list and keep these persons in your prayers.

    2019 Northwest UM Church Officer Roster

    Administry Board 2019

    Chair Dan Becker

    Secretary Kim Switzer

    Co-Lay Leaders* Carol Payne & Ted Rogers

    Lay Delegate to Annual Conference Kathy Becker

    Alternate Lay Delegate Dixie Rogers

    Finance Chair Randy Anderson

    Trustee Chair Mike Krost

    S/PPRC Chair Dixie Rogers & Deborah Lauseng

    Church Treasurer Randy Anderson

    Financial Secretary Nylene Bradburn

    Congregational Care Chair Vicki Krost

    Worship Chair Jana Ryan

    Outreach Co-Chairs Nylene Bradburn & Karol Castens

    SS Superintendent Ted Rogers

    Discipleship/Christian Ed. Cameron Lauseng

    Member at Large Jerry Leonhardt

    UMW Rep TBA

    Youth Rep Josh Anderson

    Membership Secretary Sandy Osman

  • + Finance and Stewardship 2019

    Finance Chair Randy Anderson

    Church Council Chair: Dan Becker

    Trustee Chair: Mike Krost

    Lay Leader: Carol Payne

    S/PPRC Chair Dixie Rogers/Deborah Lauseng

    Financial Secretary Nylene Bradburn

    At Large Jerry Leonhardt

    + Trustees

    2019 2020 2021

    Mike Krost** Rick Dancey Jana Ryan

    Randy Anderson Mike Wasson Dan Becker

    Ted Osman Derek Scott Gary Rogers

    + Staff/Pastor Parish Relations (limit of three consecutive years serving)

    Lay Leader

    2019 2020 2021

    Dixie Rogers** Mike Wasson Sandy Osman

    Courtney Scott Kathy Becker Deb Lauseng**

    Julie Howar Paul Gollnitz David Stone

    + Lay Leadership/Nominations (limit of three consecutive years serving)

    Pastor, Chair

    Lay Leader, vice chair

    2019 2020 2021

    Vicki Krost Paul Gollnitz Kim Switzer

    Mary Jane Platt Betty Hogan Vic Snodgrass

  • Nurture/Congregational Care

    2019 2020 2021

    Vicki Krost** Carol Payne Marilyn Anderson

    Leanne Gollnitz Chery Lamie Kim Switzer

    Barb Eisfelder Doris Meinke


    2019 2020 2021

    Nylene Bradburn** Shelley Ash Chuck Traver

    Paul Beach Carol Payne Karol Castens**

    Betty Callais Joyce Herman

    Karen Kimball


    2019 2020 2021

    Jerry Leonhardt Lorna Gabbert Ginger Reynolds

    Mary Staley Jana Ryan** Vic Snodgrass

    Kathy Lawrence John Eisfelder

    Discipleship/Christian Education

    Sunday School Superintendent—Ted Rogers

    2019 2020 2021

    John Eisfelder Cameron Lauseng** Marilyn Anderson

    Ginger Reynolds Diana Traver ___________________

    Elaine Bell Julia Gruber ___________________

    Memorial Committee

    Trustee & Finance Representative—Randy Anderson

    2019 2020 2021

    _____________** Dorothy Swirmicky Doris Meinke

    Northwest Community Care Center Board

    Outreach Committee Representative—Karol Castens

    Shelley Ash Elaine Bell Cheryl Bryant Norma Snodgrass Karen Wasson
