  • S P E C I A L E V E N T S

    C H A R A C T E R V A L U E O F T H E M O N T H

    February 6th-Kindergarten Parent Forum @ 5:00 p.m.February 14th- Valentine's Day parties @ 3:00 p.m.

    TruthfulnessEach month, our preschool program focuses on a charactervalue to insti l l in our chi ldren. These values can bereinforced at home as well . Our Character Values aretaught through books , songs, poems and activities. Let’sdo this together!

    Recommended Books!The Berenstain Bears and the Truth by Stan Berenstain

    David Gets in Trouble by David ShannonThe Empty Pot by Demi


  • T E A C H E R F E A T U R E

    We would like to recognize Ms. Ally for all her hard work in our OlderThree's program. We appreciate your commitment to building positive

    partnerships with the children and families.

  • T A L K W I T H T H E T H O M A S '

    Greetings Lighthouse Families, We have some very exciting news to share as a result of our recent growth as aschool family. We would like to introduce our newest teacher, Ms. Isabel who will beteaching Spanish as an enrichment to our CARES classrooms (Ages 2- 5) startingWednesday. Over the last 4 years, she has led a successful program in the ChildrensLighthouse of West Cary. Her dedicated focus will enhance the Lighthouse curriculumgoals and help achieve better child outcomes in the Spanish enrichment highlightedbelow. We enjoyed the opportunity to attend our annual Lighthouse conference held onJanuary 25th- 26th. We spent time with industry experts and vendors to learn aboutnew initiatives for 2020 outlined below. Many thanks to our parents for your valuable feedback in the December survey, with aparticipation rate of 77%. We have reviewed your feedback with our team on ourprofessional development day held on January 20th. Your feedback on specificclassrooms and teachers was reviewed in individual professional development plansand annual goal setting by our Directors. As always,  we continue to work on ongoingactions for continual improvement outlined below. We greatly appreciate your support and positive reinforcement to help nurture ourfamily- teacher partnerships in order to improve teacher retention.  Given our grouplearning environment we may not be able to satisfy expectations of all parents, all thetime. However, we are continually working to address areas of opportunity that impactthe safety, well-being and learning outcomes of our children. Thank You,Sheetal Kataria Thomas

  • C . A . R . E . S S P A N I S H E N R I C H M E N T !

    My name is Ms. Isabel and I will be your child’s Spanish Teacher  at ChildrensLighthouse of Raleigh. I am originally from Venezuela and I have been a SpanishTeacher at Children’s Lighthouse West Cary for 3.5 years. I really enjoy teachingSpanish to young children and help them to understand the importance ofspeaking more than one language. I also immerse them in the Hispanic culture. The Curriculum is developmentally age appropriate as different ages havedifferent interests, skills and needs. I will incorporate songs, games, stories andvideos because I believe that’s the best way children learn. I encourage you tocontact me any time if you have some questions or stop by to say hello and seehow fun our class is.

  • February

    Theme songs and poems:

    • Buenos Días!

    • Days of the Week

    • Abrázame


    Red: Rojo

    Orange: Naranja

    Yellow: Amarillo

    Green: Verde

    Blue: Azul

    Purple: Morado

    Black: Negro

    White: Blanco

    Brown: Marron

    Special Activities:

    • Calendar

    • Weather

    • Seasons

    • Numbers

    • Books related with theme

    Even though February is the shortest month of the year. We are

    going to have so much fun learning Spanish and celebrating

    Valentines day “Dia del amor y la Amistad”. At the end of the month

    your child will be able to identifiy colors, numbers, days of the week

    and say 4 special words.

    Days of the Week

    Lunes: Monday

    Martes: Tuesday

    Miércoles: Wednesday

    Jueves: Thursday

    Viernes: Friday

    Sábado: Saturday

    Domingo: Sunday

    Hoy es: Today is

    Ayer fué: Yesterday was

    Mañana va a ser: Tomorrow will be

    Special Frases & Words:

    • Me llamo: My name is

    • Adios: Bye

    • Gracias: Thanks

    • Por favor: Please

    • Te Amo: I love You

    • Que Hora es?: What time is it?

    • Pájaro: Bird

    • Bandera: Flag

    • Alto: Stop

    • Estrella: Star

