
1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Expected Utility and Risk Aversion

George Pennacchi

University of Illinois

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions


Expected utility is the standard framework for modeling investorchoices. The following topics will be covered:

1 Analyze conditions on individual preferences that lead to anexpected utility function.

2 Consider the link between utility, risk aversion, and risk premiafor particular assets.

3 Examine how risk aversion a¤ects an individual�s portfoliochoice between a risky and riskfree asset.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Preferences when Returns are Uncertain

Economists typically analyze the price of a good using supplyand demand. We can do the same for assets.

The main distinction between assets is their future payo¤s:Risky assets have uncertain payo¤s, so a theory of assetdemands must specify investor preferences over di¤erent,uncertain payo¤s.

Consider relevant criteria for ranking preferences. Onepossible measure is the asset�s average payo¤.

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Criterion: Expected Payo¤

Suppose an asset o¤ers a single random payo¤ at a particularfuture date, and this payo¤ has a discrete distribution with npossible outcomes (x1; :::; xn) and corresponding probabilities(p1; :::; pn), where

Pni=1 pi = 1 and pi � 0.

Then the expected value of the payo¤ (or, more simply, theexpected payo¤) is �x � E [ex ] =Pn

i=1 pixi .

Is an asset�s expected value a suitable criterion fordetermining an individual�s demand for the asset?

Consider how much Paul would pay Peter to play thefollowing coin �ipping game.

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St. Petersburg Paradox, Nicholas Bernoulli, 1713

Peter continues to toss a coin until it lands �heads.�Heagrees to give Paul one ducat if he gets heads on the very �rstthrow, two ducats if he gets it on the second, four if on thethird, eight if on the fourth, and so on.

If the number of coin �ips taken to �rst obtain heads is i , thenpi =

� 12

�iand xi = 2i�1: Thus, Paul�s expected payo¤ equals

�x =P1i=1 pixi =




1168+ ::: (1)

= 12 (1+



188+ :::

= 12 (1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ ::: =1

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St. Petersburg Paradox

What is the paradox?

Daniel Bernoulli (1738) explained it using expected utility.

His insight was that an individual�s utility from receiving apayo¤ di¤ered from the size of the payo¤.

Instead of valuing an asset as x =Pni=1 pixi , its value, V ,

would beV � E [U (ex)] =Xn


where Ui is the utility associated with payo¤ xi .

He hypothesized that Ui is diminishingly increasing in wealth.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Criterion: Expected Utility

Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944) derived conditions onan individual�s preferences that, if satis�ed, would make themconsistent with an expected utility function.

De�ne a lottery as an asset that has a risky payo¤ andconsider an individual�s optimal choice of a lottery from agiven set of di¤erent lotteries. The possible payo¤s of alllotteries are contained in the set fx1; :::; xng.A lottery is characterized by an ordered set of probabilities

P = fp1; :::; png, where of course,nPi=1pi = 1 and pi � 0. Let a

di¤erent lottery be P� = fp�1 ; :::; p�ng. Let �, �, and �denote preference and indi¤erence between lotteries.

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Preferences Over Di¤erent Random Payo¤s

Speci�cally, if an individual prefers lottery P� to lottery P,this can be denoted as P� � P or P � P�.

When the individual is indi¤erent between the two lotteries,this is written as P� � P.

If an individual prefers lottery P� to lottery P or she isindi¤erent between lotteries P� and P, this is written asP� � P or P � P�.

N.B.: all lotteries have the same payo¤ set fx1; :::; xng, so wefocus on the (di¤erent) probability sets P and P�.

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Expected Utility Axioms 1-3

Theorem: There exists an expected utility functionV (p1; :::; pn) if the following axioms hold:

Axioms:1) CompletenessFor any two lotteries P� and P, either P� � P, or P� � P, orP� � P.2) TransitivityIf P�� � P�and P� � P, then P�� � P.3) ContinuityIf P�� � P� � P, there exists some � 2 [0; 1] such thatP� � �P�� + (1� �)P, where �P�� + (1� �)P denotes a�compound lottery�; namely, with probability � one receives thelottery P�� and with probability (1� �) one receives the lottery P.

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Expected Utility Axioms 4-5

4) IndependenceFor any two lotteries P and P�, P� � P if and only if for all � 2(0,1] and all P��:

�P� + (1� �)P�� � �P + (1� �)P��

Moreover, for any two lotteries P and Py, P � Py if and only if forall � 2(0,1] and all P��:

�P + (1� �)P�� � �Py + (1� �)P��

5) DominanceLet P1 be the compound lottery �1Pz + (1� �1)Py and P2 be thecompound lottery �2Pz + (1� �2)Py. If Pz � Py, then P1 � P2 ifand only if �1 > �2.

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Discussion: Machina (1987)

The �rst three axioms are analogous to those used to establisha real-valued utility function in consumer choice theory.

Axiom 4 (Independence) is novel, but its linearity property iscritical for preferences to be consistent with expected utility.

To understand its meaning, suppose an individual chooses P�

� P. By Axiom 4, the choice between �P� + (1� �)P�� and�P + (1� �)P�� is equivalent to tossing a coin that withprobability (1� �) lands �tails,� in which both lotteries payP��, and with probability � lands �heads,� in which case theindividual should prefer P� to P.

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Allais Paradox

But, there is some experimental evidence counter to thisaxiom.

Consider lotteries over fx1; x2; x3g = f$0; $1m; $5mg and twolottery choices:C1: P1 = f0; 1; 0g vs P2 = f:01; :89; :1gC2: P3 = f:9; 0; :1g vs P4 = f:89; :11; 0g

Which do you choose in C1? In C2?

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Allais Paradox

Experimental evidence suggests most people prefer P1 � P2and P3 � P4.

But this violates Axiom 4. Why?

De�ne P5 = f1=11; 0; 10=11g and let � = 0:11. Note that P2is equivalent to the compound lottery:

P2 � �P5 + (1� �)P1

� 0:11f1=11; 0; 10=11g+ 0:89f0; 1; 0g� f:01; :89; :1g

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Allais Paradox

Note also that P1 is trivially the compound lottery�P1 + (1� �)P1. Hence, if P1 � P2, the independenceaxiom implies P1 � P5.Now also de�ne P6 = f1; 0; 0g, and note that P3 equals thefollowing compound lottery:

P3 � �P5 + (1� �)P6

� 0:11f1=11; 0; 10=11g+ 0:89f1; 0; 0g� f:9; 0; :1g

while P4 is equivalent to the compound lottery

P4 � �P1 + (1� �)P6

� 0:11f0; 1; 0g+ 0:89f1; 0; 0g� f:89; 0:11; 0g

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Allais Paradox

But if P3 � P4, the independence axiom implies P5 � P1,which contradicts the choice of P1 � P2 that impliesP1 � P5.

Despite the sometimes contradictory experimental evidence,expected utility is still the dominant paradigm.

However, we will consider di¤erent models of utility at a laterdate, including those that re�ect psychological biases.

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Deriving Expected Utility: Axiom 1

We now prove the theorem by showing that if an individual�spreferences over lotteries satisfy the preceding axioms, thesepreferences can be ranked by the individual�s expected utilityof the lotteries.

De�ne an �elementary�or �primitive� lottery, ei , whichreturns outcome xi with probability 1 and all other outcomeswith probability zero, that is, ei = fp1; :::pi�1;pi ;pi+1:::;png =f0; :::0; 1; 0; :::0g where pi = 1 and pj = 0 8j 6= i .

Without loss of generality, assume that the outcomes areordered such that en � en�1 � ::: � e1. This follows from thecompleteness axiom for this case of n elementary lotteries

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Deriving Expected Utility: Axiom 3, Axiom 4

From the continuity axiom, for each ei , there exists aUi 2 [0; 1] such that

ei � Uien + (1� Ui )e1 (2)

and for i = 1, this implies U1 = 0 and for i = n, this impliesUn = 1.

Now a given arbitrary lottery, P = fp1; :::; png, can be viewedas a compound lottery over the n elementary lotteries, whereelementary lottery ei is obtained with probability pi .

P � p1e1 + :::+ pnen

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Deriving Expected Utility: Axiom 4

By the independence axiom, and equation (2), the individualis indi¤erent between lottery, P, and the following lottery:

p1e1 + :::+ pnen � p1e1 + :::+ pi�1ei�1 + pi [Uien + (1� Ui )e1]+pi+1ei+1 + :::+ pnen (3)

where the indi¤erence relation in equation (2) substitutes forei on the right-hand side of (3).

By repeating this substitution for all i , i = 1; :::; n, theindividual will be indi¤erent between P and

p1e1 + :::+ pnen �



!en +




!e1 (4)

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Deriving Expected Utility: Axiom 5

Now de�ne � �nPi=1

piUi . Thus, P � �en + (1� �)e1

Similarly, we can show that any other arbitrary lottery

P� = fp�1 ; :::; p�ng � ��en + (1� ��)e1, where �� �nPi=1

p�i Ui .

We know from the dominance axiom that P� � P i¤ �� > �,implying

nPi=1p�i Ui >

nPi=1piUi .

So we can de�ne the function

V (p1; :::; pn) =nXi=1

piUi (5)

which implies that P� � P i¤ V (p�1 ; :::; p�n) > V (p1; :::; pn).

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Deriving Expected Utility: The End

The function in (5) is known as von Neumann-Morgensternexpected utility. It is linear in the probabilities and is uniqueup to a linear monotonic transformation.

The intuition for why expected utility is unique up to a lineartransformation comes from equation (2). Here we expresselementary lottery i in terms of the least and most preferredelementary lotteries. However, other bases for ranking a givenlottery are possible.

For Ui = U(xi ), an individual�s choice over lotteries is thesame under the transformation aU(xi ) + b, but not anonlinear transformation that changes the �shape�of U(xi ).

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St. Petersburg Paradox Revisited

Suppose Ui = U(xi ) =pxi . Then the expected utility of the

St. Petersburg payo¤ is

V =nXi=1

piUi =1Xi=1

12ip2i�1 =


2�12 (i+1) =



= 2�22 + 2�

32 + :::



�i� 1� 1p


11� 1p


� 1� 1p2


2�p2�= 1:707

A certain payment of 1:7072 �= 2:914 ducats has the sameexpected utility as playing the St. Petersburg game.

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Super St. Petersburg

The St. Petersburg game has in�nite expected payo¤ becausethe probability of winning declines at rate 2i , while thewinning payo¤ increases at rate 2i .In a �super�St. Petersburg paradox, we can make thewinning payo¤ increase at a rate xi = U�1(2i�1) to causeexpected utility to increase at 2i . For square-root utility,xi = (2i2)2 = 22i�2; that is, x1 = 1, x2 = 4, x3 = 16, and soon. The expected utility of �super�St. Petersburg is

V =nXi=1

piUi =1Xi=1

12ip22i�2 =


12i2i�1 =1 (6)

Should we be concerned that if prizes grow quickly enough,we can get in�nite expected utility (and valuations) for anychosen form of expected utility function?

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Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility

The von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility can begeneralized to a continuum of outcomes and lotteries withcontinuous probability distributions. Analogous to equation(5) is

V (F ) = E [U (ex)] = Z U (x) dF (x) =ZU (x) f (x) dx (7)

where F (x) is the lottery�s cumulative distribution functionover the payo¤s, x . V can be written in terms of theprobability density, f (x), when F (x) is absolutely continuous.

This is analogous to our previous lottery represented by thediscrete probabilities P = fp1; :::; png.

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Risk Aversion

Diminishing marginal utility results in risk aversion: beingunwilling to accept a �fair� lottery. Why?Let there be a lottery that has a random payo¤, e", where

e" = � "1with probability p"2 with probability 1� p


The requirement that it be a �fair� lottery restricts itsexpected value to equal zero:

E [e"] = p"1 + (1� p)"2 = 0 (9)

which implies "1="2 = � (1� p) =p, or solving for p,p = �"2= ("1 � "2). Since 0 < p < 1, "1 and "2 are ofopposite signs.

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Risk Aversion and Concave Utility

Suppose a vN-M maximizer with current wealth W is o¤ereda fair lottery. Would he accept it?With the lottery, expected utility is E [U (W + e")]. Withoutit, expected utility is E [U (W )] = U (W ). Rejecting it implies

U (W ) > E [U (W + e")] = pU (W + "1)+ (1� p)U (W + "2)(10)

U (W ) can be written as

U(W ) = U (W + p"1 + (1� p)"2) (11)

Substituting into (10), we have

U (W + p"1 + (1� p)"2) > pU (W + "1)+(1�p)U (W + "2)(12)

which is the de�nition of U being a concave function.

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Risk Aversion , Concavity

A function is concave if a line joining any two points liesentirely below the function. When U(W ) is a continuous,second di¤erentiable function, concavity implies U 00(W ) < 0.

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Risk Aversion , Concavity

To show that concave utility implies rejecting a fair lottery, wecan use Jensen�s inequality which says that for concave U(�)

E [U(~x)] < U(E [~x ]) (13)

Therefore, substituting ~x =W + e" with E [e"] = 0, we haveE [U(W + e")] < U (E [W + e"]) = U(W ) (14)

which is the desired result.

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Risk Aversion and Risk Premium

How might aversion to risk be quanti�ed? One way is tode�ne a risk premium as the amount that an individual iswilling to pay to avoid a risk.Let � denote the individual�s risk premium for a lottery, e". �is the maximum insurance payment an individual would pay toavoid the lottery risk:

U(W � �) = E [U(W + e")] (15)

W � � is de�ned as the certainty equivalent level of wealthassociated with the lottery, e".For concave utility, Jensen�s inequality implies � > 0 when e" isfair: the individual would accept wealth lower than herexpected wealth following the lottery, E [W + e"], to avoid thelottery.

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Risk Premium

For small e" we can take a Taylor approximation of equation(15) around e" = 0 and � = 0.Expanding the left-hand side about � = 0 gives

U(W � �) �= U(W )� �U 0(W ) (16)

and expanding the right-hand side about e" givesE [U(W + e")] �= E �U(W ) + e"U 0(W ) + 1

2e"2U 00(W )� (17)

= U(W ) + 0+ 12�

2U 00(W )

where �2 � E�e"2� is the lottery�s variance.

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Risk Premium cont�d

Equating the results in (16) and (17) gives

� = �12�

2U00(W )U 0(W )

� 12�

2R(W ) (18)

where R(W ) � �U 00(W )=U 0(W ) is the Pratt (1964)-Arrow(1971) measure of absolute risk aversion.

Since �2 > 0, U 0(W ) > 0, and U 00(W ) < 0, concavity of theutility function ensures that � must be positive

An individual may be very risk averse (�U 00(W ) is large), butmay be unwilling to pay a large risk premium if he is poorsince his marginal utility U 0(W ) is high.

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�U 00(W ) and U 0(W )

Consider the following negative exponential utility function:

U(W ) = �e�bW ; b > 0 (19)

Note that U 0(W ) = be�bW > 0 andU 00(W ) = �b2e�bW < 0.Consider the behavior of a very wealthy individual whosewealth approaches in�nity


U 0(W ) = limW!1

U 00(W ) = 0 (20)

There�s no concavity, so is there no risk aversion?

R(W ) =b2e�bW

be�bW= b (21)

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Absolute Risk Aversion: Dollar Payment for Risk

We see that negative exponential utility, U(W ) = �e�bW ,has constant absolute risk aversion.

If, instead, we want absolute risk aversion to decline in wealth,a necessary condition is that the utility function must have apositive third derivative:

@R(W )@W

=@ � U 00(W )

U 0(W )

@W= �U

000(W )U 0(W )� [U 00(W )]2[U 0(W )]2


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R(W )) U(W )

The coe¢ cient of risk aversion contains all relevantinformation about the individual�s risk preferences. Note that

R(W ) = �U00(W )U 0(W )

= �@ (ln [U0(W )])


Integrating both sides of (23), we have

�ZR(W )dW = ln[U 0(W )] + c1 (24)

where c1 is an arbitrary constant. Taking the exponentialfunction of (24) gives

e�RR(W )dW = U 0(W )ec1 (25)

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R(W )) U(W ) cont�d

Integrating once again, we obtainZe�

RR(W )dW dW = ec1U(W ) + c2 (26)

where c2 is another arbitrary constant.

Because vN-M expected utility functions are unique up to alinear transformation, ec1U(W ) + c2 re�ects the same riskpreferences as U(W ).

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Relative Risk Aversion

Relative risk aversion is another frequently used measurede�ned as

Rr (W ) =WR(W ) (27)

Consider risk aversion for some utility functions often used inmodels of portfolio choice and asset pricing. Power utility canbe written as

U(W ) = 1 W

; < 1 (28)

implying that R(W ) = � ( �1)W �2

W �1 = (1� )W and, therefore,

Rr (W ) = 1� .Hence, it displays constant relative risk aversion.

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Logarithmic Utility: Constant Relative Risk Aversion

Logarithmic utility is a limiting case of power utility. Sinceutility functions are unique up to a linear transformation, writethe power utility function as

1 W

� 1 =W � 1

Next take its limit as ! 0. Do so by rewriting thenumerator and applying L�Hôpital�s rule:

lim !0

W � 1

= lim !0

e ln(W ) � 1

= lim !0

ln(W )W

1= ln(W )

(29)Thus, logarithmic utility is power utility with coe¢ cient ofrelative risk aversion (1� ) = 1 since R(W ) = �W �2

W �1 =1W

and Rr (W ) = 1.

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HARA: Power, Log, Quadratic

Hyperbolic absolute-risk-aversion (HARA) utility generalizesall of the previous utility functions:

U(W ) =1�

��W1� + �

� (30)

s:t: 6= 1, � > 0, �W1� + � > 0, and � = 1 if = �1.

Thus, R(W ) =�W1� +


��1. Since R(W ) must be > 0, it

implies � > 0 when > 1. Rr (W ) =W�W1� +



HARA utility nests constant absolute risk aversion ( = �1,� = 1), constant relative risk aversion ( < 1, � = 0), andquadratic ( = 2) utility functions.

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Another Look at the Risk Premium

A premium to avoid risk is �ne for insurance, but we may alsobe interested in a premium to bear risk.

This alternative concept of a risk premium was used by Arrow(1971), identical to the earlier one by Pratt (1964).

Suppose that a fair lottery e", has the following payo¤s andprobabilities:

e" = � +� with probability 12

�� with probability 12


How much do we need to deviate from �fairness� to make arisk-averse individual indi¤erent to this lottery?

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Risk Premium v2

Let�s de�ne a risk premium, �, in terms of probability ofwinning p:

� = Prob(win)� Prob(lose) = p � (1� p) = 2p � 1 (32)

Therefore, from (32) we have

Prob(win) � p = 12 (1+ �)

Prob(lose) = 1� p = 12 (1� �)

We want � that equalizes the utilities of taking and not takingthe lottery:

U(W ) =12(1+ �)U(W + �) +

12(1� �)U(W � �) (33)

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Risk Aversion (again)

Let�s again take a Taylor approximation of the right side,around � = 0

U(W ) =12(1+ �)

�U(W ) + �U 0(W ) + 1

2 �2U 00(W )


+12(1� �)

�U(W )� �U 0(W ) + 1

2 �2U 00(W )

�= U(W ) + ��U 0(W ) + 1

2 �2U 00(W )

Rearranging (34) implies

� = 12 �R(W ) (35)

which, as before, is a function of the coe¢ cient of absoluterisk aversion.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Risk Aversion (again)

Note that the Arrow premium, �, is in terms of a probability,while the Pratt measure, �, is in units of a monetary payment.

If we multiply � by the monetary payment received, �, thenequation (35) becomes

�� = 12 �2R(W ) (36)

Since �2 is the variance of the random payo¤, e", equation (36)shows that the Pratt and Arrow risk premia are equivalent.Both were obtained as a linearization of the true functionaround e" = 0.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

A Simple Portfolio Choice Problem

Let�s consider the relation between risk aversion and anindividual�s portfolio choice in a single period context.Assume there is a riskless security that pays a rate of returnequal to rf and just one risky security that pays a stochasticrate of return equal to er .Also, let W0 be the individual�s initial wealth, and let A be thedollar amount that the individual invests in the risky asset atthe beginning of the period. Thus, W0 � A is the initialinvestment in the riskless security.Denote the individual�s end-of-period wealth as ~W :

~W = (W0 � A)(1+ rf ) + A(1+ ~r) (37)

= W0(1+ rf ) + A(~r � rf )

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Single Period Utility Maximization

A vN-M expected utility maximizer chooses her portfolio bymaximizing the expected utility of end-of-period wealth:

maxAE [U( ~W )] = max

AE [U (W0(1+ rf ) + A(~r � rf ))] (38)

Maximization satis�es the �rst-order condition wrt. A:

EhU 0�~W�(~r � rf )

i= 0 (39)

Note that the second order condition

EhU 00�~W�(~r � rf )2

i� 0 (40)

is satis�ed because U 00�~W�� 0 from concavity.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Obtaining A� from FOC

If E [~r � rf ] = 0, i.e., E [~r ] = rf , then we can show A=0 is thesolution.

When A=0, ~W =W0 (1+ rf ) and, therefore,

U 0�~W�= U 0 (W0 (1+ rf )) is nonstochastic. Hence,

EhU 0�~W�(~r � rf )

i= U 0 (W0 (1+ rf ))E [~r � rf ] = 0.

Next, suppose E [~r � rf ] > 0.A = 0 is not a solution becauseEhU 0�~W�(~r � rf )

i= U 0 (W0 (1+ rf ))E [~r � rf ] > 0 when

A = 0.

Thus, when E [~r ]� rf > 0, let�s show that A > 0.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Why must A > 0?

Let rh denote a realization of ~r > rf , and let W h be thecorresponding level of ~W

Also, let r l denote a realization of ~r < rf , and let W l be thecorresponding level of ~W .

Then U 0(W h)(rh � rf ) > 0 and U 0(W l )(r l � rf ) < 0.

For U 0�~W�(~r � rf ) to average to zero for all realizations of

~r , it must be that W h >W l so that U 0�W h�< U 0

�W l�due

to the concavity of the utility function.

Why? Since E [~r ]� rf > 0, the average rh is farther above rfthan the average r l is below rf . To preserve (39), themultipliers must satisfy U 0

�W h�< U 0

�W l�to compensate,

which occurs when W h >W l and which requires that A > 0.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

How does A change wrt W0?

We�ll use implicit di¤erentiation to obtain dA(W0)dW0


De�ne f (A;W0) � EhU�fW�i and let

v (W0) = maxAf (A;W0) be the maximized value of expected

utility when A, is optimally chosen.

Also de�ne A (W0) as the value of A that maximizes f for agiven value of the initial wealth parameter W0.

Now take the total derivative of v (W0) with respect to W0 byapplying the chain rule:dv (W0)dW0

= @f (A;W0)@A


+ @f (A(W0);W0)@W0


However, @f (A;W0)@A = 0 since it is the �rst-order condition for a


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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

How does A change wrt W0 cont�d

The total derivative simpli�es to dv (W0)dW0

= @f (A(W0);W0)@W0


Thus, the derivative of the maximized value of the objectivefunction with respect to a parameter is just the partialderivative with respect to that parameter.

Second, consider how the optimal value of the controlvariable, A (W0), changes when the parameter W0 changes.

Derive this relationship by taking the total derivative of theF.O.C. (39), @f (A (W0) ;W0) =@A = 0, with respect to W0:

@(@f (A(W0);W0)=@A)@W0

= 0 =@2f (A(W0);W0)@A2


+@2f (A(W0);W0)@A@W0

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

How does A change wrt W0 cont�d

Rearranging the above gives us

dA (W0)

dW0= �@

2f (A (W0) ;W0)

@A@W0=@2f (A (W0) ;W0)


We can then evaluate it to obtain


=(1+ rf )E

hU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )


hU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )2

i (42)

The denominator of (42) is positive because of concavity.Therefore, the sign of dA

dW0depends on the numerator.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Implications for dAdW0

with DARA

Consider an individual with absolute risk aversion that isdecreasing in wealth. Assuming E [~r ] > rf so that A > 0:

R�W h�< R (W0(1+ rf )) (43)

where, as before, R(W ) = �U 00(W )=U 0(W ).Multiplying both terms of (43) by �U 0(W h)(rh � rf ), which isa negative quantity, the inequality sign changes:

U 00(W h)(rh � rf ) > �U 0(W h)(rh � rf )R (W0(1+ rf )) (44)

Then for A > 0, we have W l <W0(1+ rf ). If absolute riskaversion is decreasing in wealth, this implies

R(W l ) > R (W0(1+ rf )) (45)

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Implications for dAdW0

with DARA

Multiplying (45) by �U 0(W l )(r l � rf ), which is positive, sothat the sign of (45) remains the same, we obtain

U 00(W l )(r l � rf ) > �U 0(W l )(r l � rf )R (W0(1+ rf )) (46)

Inequalities (44) and (46) are the same whether therealization is ~r = rh or ~r = r l .

Therefore, if we take expectations over all realizations of ~r , weobtain

EhU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )

i> �E

hU 0( ~W )(~r � rf )

iR (W0(1+ rf ))


The �rst term on the right-hand side is just the FOC.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Implications for risk-taking with ARA/RRA

Inequality (47) reduces to

EhU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )

i> 0 (48)

Thus, DARA ) dA=dW0 > 0: amount invested A increases ininitial wealth.What about the proportion of initial wealth? To analyze this,de�ne

� �dAdW0AW0




which is the elasticity measuring the proportional increase inthe risky asset for an increase in initial wealth.

George Pennacchi University of Illinois

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Implications for risk-taking with RRA

Adding 1� AA to the right-hand side of (49) gives

� = 1+(dA=dW0)W0 � A


Substituting dA=dW0 from equation (42), we have

� = 1+W0(1+ rf )E

hU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )

i+ AE

hU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )2


hU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )2


Collecting terms in U 00( ~W )(~r � rf ), this can be rewritten as

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Implications for risk-taking with RRA

� = 1+EhU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )fW0(1+ rf ) + A(~r � rf )g


hU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )2

i (52)

= 1+EhU 00( ~W )(~r � rf ) ~W


hU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )2

i (53)

The denominator in (53) is positive for A > 0 by concavity.Therefore, � > 1, so that the individual invests proportionallymore in the risky asset with an increase in wealth, ifEhU 00( ~W )(~r � rf ) ~W

i> 0.

Can we relate this to the individual�s risk aversion?George Pennacchi University of Illinois

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Implications for risk-taking with DRRA

Consider an individual whose relative risk aversion isdecreasing in wealth.

Then for A > 0, we again have W h >W0(1+ rf ). WhenRr (W ) �WR(W ) is decreasing in wealth, this implies

W hR(W h) <W0(1+ rf )R (W0(1+ rf )) (54)

Multiplying both terms of (54) by �U 0(W h)(rh � rf ), which isa negative quantity, the inequality sign changes:

W hU 00(W h)(rh�rf ) > �U 0(W h)(rh�rf )W0(1+rf )R (W0(1+ rf ))(55)

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Implications for risk-taking with DRRA

For A > 0, we have W l <W0(1+ rf ). If relative risk aversionis decreasing in wealth, this implies

W lR(W l ) >W0(1+ rf )R (W0(1+ rf )) (56)

Multiplying (56) by �U 0(W l )(r l � rf ), which is positive, sothat the sign of (56) remains the same, we obtain

W lU 00(W l )(r l�rf ) > �U 0(W l )(r l�rf )W0(1+rf )R (W0(1+ rf ))(57)

Inequalities (55) and (57) are the same whether therealization is ~r = rh or ~r = r l .

Therefore, taking expectations over all realizations of ~r yields

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Implications for risk-taking with DRRA

Eh~WU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )

i> �E

hU 0( ~W )(~r � rf )

iW0(1+rf )R(W0(1+rf ))


The �rst term on the right-hand side is just the FOC, soinequality (58) reduces to

Eh~WU 00( ~W )(~r � rf )

i> 0 (59)

Hence, decreasing relative risk aversion implies � > 1 so anindividual invests proportionally more in the risky asset aswealth increases.The opposite is true for increasing relative risk aversion: � < 1so that this individual invests proportionally less in the riskyasset as wealth increases.

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions

Risk-taking with ARA/RRA

The main results of this section can be summarized as:

Risk Aversion Investment BehaviorDecreasing Absolute @A

@W0> 0

Constant Absolute @A@W0

= 0Increasing Absolute @A

@W0< 0

Decreasing Relative @A@W0

> AW0

Constant Relative @A@W0

= AW0

Increasing Relative @A@W0

< AW0

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1.1: Preferences 1.2: Risk Premia 1.3: Portfolio Choice 1.4: Conclusions


We have shown:

� Why expected utility, rather than expected value, is a bettercriterion for choosing and valuing assets.

� What conditions preferences can satisfy to be represented byan expected utility function.

� The relationship between a utility function, U(W ), and riskaversion.

� How ARA/RRA a¤ects the choice between risky and risk-freeassets.

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