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  • 8/14/2019 Executive Insights Into


  • 8/14/2019 Executive Insights Into

    2/14EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS INTO EntErprisE social nEt work stratEgy


    Social networks are a reality, a signicant element o todays social andbusiness environment. Employees are already using online social networks in

    their personal lives, and increasingly or work. Organisations can ignore thisphenomenon, or they can choose to be proactive in exploiting the potentialvalue and managing the risks. Possible business benets include increasedeciency, greater collaboration, harnessing collective insights, productand strategy innovation, improved talent management, and protable newbusiness models.

    The Enterrise Social Netor Strateg Executive Roundtable, hosted b Future

    Exloration Netor and IBM, brought together senior executives rom some o Australias

    largest organisations. Over lunch the insights and exerience o the articiants ere

    brought to bear on e issues and critical questions surrounding this toic.

    This reort summarises the conversations at the Executive Roundtable, illustrated ith

    quotes rom the articiants.


    Moderator: r D, Chairman, Future Exloration Netor

    International Guest:Hed V, program Director, Social Comuting, IBM

    Christine Burns CIO Blake Dawson

    Stephen Cameron Grou Manager, Business Services Downer EDI

    Martin Cassidy Director IT Services NSW Lotteries

    Robert Cirbs Global IT Services Manager Aristocrat

    Merle ConyerGrou Manager -

    knoledge & Inormation ManagementAustrade

    Mike Deggs Lotus Sotare, Financial Services IBM

    Derek Goh Executive GM - IT Challenger Financial Services

    Chris Holmes CIO Allens Arthur Robinson

    Chris Kennett Head o IT Mirvac Group

    Annalie Killian Catalst or Magic AMP

    Sue Klose Director o Cororate Develoment News Digital Media

    Chris Lampard Business Technolog Consultant Corporate Express Australia

    Shane Martin CIO StocklandJonathan Stern Lotus Regional Executive, Australia/NZ IBM

    Barry Simpson CIO Coca-Cola Amatil

    Matt Tredinnick Lotus Sotare, Mareting Manager IBM

  • 8/14/2019 Executive Insights Into


    Online social networks were rstbroadly recognised as a signicant

    business phenomenon when NewsCorporation bought MySpace in July2005 or US$580 million. MySpace,the dating social network Friendsterand Googles social networkOrkut had already attracted many

    millions o users, however primarilywithin a technology-savvy youthprole. The extraordinary growtho Facebook ater it broadened itspurview beyond college students,

    together with the sustained riseo LinkedIn, have brought manyproessionals into the world osocial networking over the last two

    years. Today hundreds o millionso people globally, includingmany proessionals and businessexecutives, use online socialnetworks.

    At the same time, the last 5-10 ears

    have seen the groth o a variet

    o management tools such as

    Organisational Netor Analsis that

    stud ho ersonal netors suort

    organisational erormance. Research has

    clearl shon that the efectiveness and

    cometitiveness o large organisations

    is strongl correlated to ho ell the

    ersonal netors ithin the comansuort collaboration, noledge

    sharing, and roect execution.

    The idesread ersonal use o social

    netors toda is orcing organisations

    to consider and sometimes set olicies

    on ho the can be used b staf. At the

    same time, comanies are recognising

    that there is an oortunit to use

    internal social netors to attract and

    retain talented staf, ta the most

    relevant exertise, enhance collaboration,

    and ultimatel imrove organisational

    erormance and business outcomes.

    Toda, senior executives around the

    orld are considering and imlementing

    strategies to create business value rom

    the use o social netoring tools.



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    4/14EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS INTO EntErprisE social nEt work stratEgy

    It is clear that every largeorganisation is at some stage

    o considering and grappling withthe issues raised by online socialnetworking. Some companiesare ocused on whether to blockexternal social networks, whereasothers are proactively exploring

    using these tools or applicationsincluding project collaboration,recruitment, learning anddevelopment, and otherbusiness applications.

    Ours is a very customer ocused

    company, working in close to 50

    locations across the country. Were

    currently undertaking a businesstransormation we have grown

    through many acquisitions and now

    have decentralised processes inherited

    rom these companies. We need to

    provide conduits or technology and

    social networking activity not only

    internally but also with our customers

    and suppliers.

    We needed to put management

    at ease. We prepared a white paper

    demonstrating the value o making

    inormation more reely available

    regarding new employees, new

    suppliers, new partners. In business

    you want to know as much as you

    possibly can.

    The CEO has expressed a

    desire to help grow an external ocus

    in an organisation that or most

    o its lie has been more internally

    ocused. Within the culture there

    are still very deep roots o not being

    entrepreneurial. The new CEO has

    stressed that he is specically and

    explicitly looking or a much greaterexternal ocus. When you start

    participating actively in networks

    beyond your organisation that is when

    a true external ocus starts, building a

    more entrepreneurial culture.

    Weve augmented our intranet

    site so that now we have social

    bookmarking on the side o the screen.

    It takes into account not only the topic

    youre searching or but the people

    associated with the inormation.

    Its done with tagging. The power o

    tagging is really important because

    when you search or inormation

    you nd and learn about the expert

    and youll ollow that person. Youll

    be surprised at the amount o

    quality content that is shared in that


    Our trial o social networks is

    going exceptionally well there is very

    positive eedback rom employees.

    They see it as a personal touch that

    improves their enjoyment o the work


    In our line o business we

    live in Wiki and Blogland. From the

    technology side, we love all this stu.

    But Im yet to put my business hat onand see how this provides value back

    into the organisation.



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    One o the rst and possiblymost important responses o

    organisations to social networks isto implement or clariy policies ontheir use. These policies seek toaddress issues such as potentialloss o productivity and security riskwhile recognising that sta expect

    to have some leeway in how theyspend their time, and that therecan be valid business reasonsto use social networks.

    We are trialling a policy o

    access or 30 mins a day, using

    content ltering to control it which

    enables it or personal use during

    business hours but limits people romusing it all day. The trial has been

    overwhelmingly positive.

    Weve pretty much taken the

    view that most people come to work

    to do a good job. Were not going to be

    police. Our code o conduct species

    a reasonable amount o personal

    use. Lawyers are yet to test what is a

    reasonable amount.

    We announced that we were

    looking at who was doing what

    even though we werent and the

    usage started coming down. Now we

    actually do monitor usage person by

    person. We dont have a hard and ast

    rule senior managers can make their

    own call.


    Weve no problem with our

    employees being on Facebook. We

    need them to think about whats out

    there and understand what it can do;

    we want them to be out there.

    When we were looking at

    opening up sites there was discussionabout how we should do it - during

    lunchtime, should we do it during

    working hours, or or 30 minutes?

    Whats lunch to me is not lunch to

    someone else.

    There seems to be a concern

    about control. Our organisation is still

    airly conservative and yet on this we

    seem to be pretty liberal. We dont try to

    control what people do or where theydo it we have a couple o lters or

    pornography and games sites. But we

    dont get reports on whos doing what.

    We dont want to be too

    dogmatic about how we use this.

    What i I have one o my best

    perormers spending an hour a day

    on Facebook - do I really want to stop

    them? I they are hitting their metrics

    is it really that bad? We have wireless

    everywhere. Most o our employees

    have some sort o mobile device to

    access the internet. I we say they cant

    use their PC they can just nd an easy



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    6/14EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS INTO EntErprisE social nEt work stratEgy

    Social networking may be thedomain o Generation Y but it is

    quickly inltrating boardroomsstill heavily populated by BabyBoomers or Gen-Xers. There is anovert lack o understanding romsenior executives about why socialnetworks are compelling to younger

    people. The social and culturaldivide is impossible to miss yetorganisations need to bridge thegap i they want to tap the valuerom a better connected rm.

    They just dont understand

    what is behind social networking;

    management asks, Why does

    someone want to record their entirelie and publicise it? They just dont

    get it.

    Our business objective is to

    capture the 18-35 market. We want to

    look at social networking as a possible

    way o doing that. Yet most o our

    IT people are in their late 40s.

    We dont have a singleemployee that is not highly computer

    literate. Everyone is on Facebook. Most

    o those who have been late to get on

    were rom our management team

    very revealing. Were now on.

    For Gen Y, social networking

    is much more open than traditional

    computing. Look at gaming. They

    have a collective mindset achieving

    common goals is more important to

    them. They either win together or they

    dont win.

    In World o Warcrat people

    create guilds and syndicates to build

    their battle strategies. They recruit

    people they have never met to execute

    that, they operate in an environment

    o trust, and together they execute

    collab orative tasks. We think this may

    be a uture business model or the

    enterprise. We want to learn rom how

    these people are operating, because

    these may be the leadership skills we

    need to develop or the uture.

    One o the biggest initial

    challenges I dealt with was with the

    person in HR. He was a much older

    person who didnt really get what the

    availability o what these tools could

    provide, even or the HR unction.

    One o the reasons why people

    dont give this a lot o thought is that

    typically management sits in the Gen

    X group, a bit older, just a bit beyond

    the brie, and they dont understand

    why people have iPhones, why people

    are doing this. They ask Whats all this

    Web 2.0 stu, how does it all work?



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    The value o collaboration withinan organisation seems clear but

    language and cultural dierencesmay present obstacles to beovercome i social networks areto fourish.

    Everyone seems to strugglewith there being so many sets o users

    within an organisation. A one-size-

    ts-all approach is not going to work.

    We operate one o Australias

    most global networks and

    collaboration is the nature o what

    we do. We have a very culturally

    challenging environment, dealing

    with technology dierences, language

    dierences and cultural dierences.

    We have seen cultural issues

    with people in some parts o the world.

    In Asia, people dont eel comortable

    to openly disagree, so i someone puts

    up a comment they are less likely to

    disagree with that comment. We have

    language issues in South America;

    collaboration between languages is

    an ongoing challenge. Its not solvedas yet were open to new ideas.

    We have a large number o

    non-computer users and also a lack

    o technology at a lot o sites. There

    are lots o non-technicians in the

    organisation as well.

    We have been using Wikis but

    people use them dierently, andsometimes not at all. For example

    we have ound that lawyers will

    readily comment on something that

    someone else has posted but seem

    unwilling to make the rst post. There

    is subtlety required in knowing how

    to make these tools work within an



  • 8/14/2019 Executive Insights Into

    8/14EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS INTO EntErprisE social nEt work stratEgy

    There is a spectrum o values

    within an organisation there are a

    whole bunch o people who are very

    transactional but others who can see

    that this is an interesting vehicle or

    learning. People have always been

    social creatures the technology is

    just making it easier. Allowing people

    to play in the spaces is contributingto the organisations learning agenda

    because were getting an insight into

    new trends as they emerge. These

    trends will shape our business in times

    to come.

    Weve implemented extranet

    technologies to help with some o

    our transactions but weve also been

    looking at how we can get external

    people together. Were getting peopletogether or peer review in a small

    pilot, weve probably saved about 15

    business class ares to Perth a air

    hunk o cash. We use collaboration

    tools, whiteboarding, and similar tools.

    Trends such as social

    networking will eventually lead to new

    business models and new product

    and service delivery. Over the next veyears the way products and services

    are sold in our industry will be vastly

    dierent to how it is done today.

    Anything the organisationdoes must support its objectives.

    Sometimes the link betweenprotability and the use o socialnetworks is not evident, eventhough executives may intuitivelyeel that there is one. In the longerterm there is the expectation that

    the rise o social networks andsimilar tools will have a signicantimpact on the way business isconducted, including onbusiness models.

    We want to use tools to

    make money. What is the payback?

    Capturing knowledge and ocusing

    on engaging people. We are seriousabout nding ways to engage people.

    We have to compete or talent.

    The power o social networking is

    real. One characteristic is collaboration.

    The second characteristic that

    enterprises can take advantage o is

    user-generated content. I we dont

    capitalise on that we are missing out

    on something important.



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    6Creating business value requirestaking action. Most o the

    organisations that are activelyengaged in initiatives in the socialnetworking space indicated that theirattitude is one o experimentation,with the intention o reocusing orshutting down trials that are not

    working, and building on successes.

    One o the things that has

    been really good has been the ability

    o these tools to capture hearts and

    minds in asking people to contribute

    knowledge and take time or the good

    o the enterprise rather than or their

    own personal objectives and social

    networks. The easier you can make that

    process the easier it is or people to seethe benets and to get on board.

    IBMs Blue Pages which gives

    access to sta proles is the most

    used application in the organisation.

    It builds proles o expertise and what

    people have worked on, what they

    know, what they have done. This helps

    you connect with the person who can

    help you with your particular issue it breaks down geographical and

    departmental boundaries.

    I you want to use it as a tool

    or talent management or social

    collaboration thats great. But I look at

    the cultural aspects o the organisation

    rst to make sure we have all the

    elements in place. These tools can

    enhance the culture, but without the

    basics then all the tools will just allaway.

    We have an evolving strategy.

    Fail ast and cheap. Were nding

    thats the best strategy. Lets put a wiki

    around this and see it i works. I no

    one wants to clean it up then we kill it.

    We now have a journalist

    writing a blog or us its our

    innovation exchange she gets

    inormation rom inside and outside

    the organisation and posts it so that

    we understand whats going on.

    One o the big challenges I have

    aced is working out which aspects

    o consumer Web 2.0 will work in our

    organisation. There is a quite a big

    dierence in the economies o scale

    and the applications o those tools which aspects o Web 2.0 translate to

    working within the enterprise.

    I people want to have their own

    Facebook page terric. I they want

    to develop their own product or tool to

    enable collaboration terric. I they

    are chatting thats interesting but

    lets capture knowledge and engage

    talented people in worthwhile tasks.

    One o the positives is that it is

    reasonably cheap and easy to get a

    pilot up and running to evaluate how

    successul a new technology will be.

    Fail ast, ail cheap. Set things up as

    pilots and pick up the lessons.

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    10/14EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS INTO EntErprisE social nEt work stratEgy


    Shits in communication patternsimpact organisations structure,

    not least by enabling greatercommunication across establishedhierarchies. Companies areincreasingly looking at proactivelyadapting their organisationalstructures as social attitudes and

    business processes change.

    A transormation has

    occurred between people working

    in hierarchical worlds to one in

    which people are gaining credibility

    and social rewards through social

    networking, publishing, producing

    content, becoming experts. It is easier

    to nd people within the organisation,

    breaking down the traditionalhierarchy. There is a now a at

    management model it has shrunk

    the organisation to ocus attention

    and eorts to solve particular

    problems rather than on teams or

    departments or job titles.

    With Gen Y there will be more

    turnover in people. The idea o managing

    PCs internally its just like what we didwith company cars 20 years ago. What

    do we do now with company cars? Well

    we package a lease and the guy drives

    wherever he wants. Thats how Gen Y is

    using social networking It leads to a

    view that we need to treat people more

    like contractors to the organisation.

    Rather than trying to control how people

    use these technologies we need to

    architect how we connect the existing

    tools to the enterprise.

    The whole organisation is

    about collaboration. So the area o

    social networks is really critical or us,

    particularly i we want to provide a

    seamless service delivery to the client.

    We have a multitide o high-

    prole brands. Our business is aboutdealing with lots o people in lots o

    places our customers range rom being

    very small to major grocery entities and

    we have a ar-ung service and sales

    team so we are always looking or new

    ways to communicate with our people

    and with our customers.

    The credit crunch has been a

    good thing. In good times it takes

    organisations a long time to look atnew things but in times o difcult

    business we are more ready to see that

    we need to consider change. The way

    we market our products is going to be


    Where are we going to end up?

    People will change jobs increasingly

    rapidly. We are shiting to a ar more

    exible stafng model in which I can

    engage people as and when I need

    those particular skill sets. Take the

    contracting model, which is oten

    more collaborative than work inside

    the organisation.


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    Everyone acknowledges thevalue o collaboration and many

    o the organisations representedare already using collaborativetechnologies. Social networkingapplications are seen to be anatural extension o existing toolsand perhaps the next step in key

    unctions such as expertise locationand managing talent, change andknowledge.

    Collaboration and

    communication is a huge issue or

    a company o our size which is as

    distributed as we are, and Im sure it is

    or a lot o other companies.

    Its a new way o working and

    a new thought process to take the

    models o industry and building a

    network o people you want to keep

    contact with. You need to maintain

    the relationships you have with people

    because thats potentially how youre

    going to get another job or another

    employee. You can mentor each

    other etc to capture this inside the


    What are the tools that

    will make this easy? Wiki, cloud

    computing, create tagging, drive

    content and search or data. Get an

    entry point to create an open avenue

    where people can start to contribute

    content and then use things like

    tagging and searching to benet an


    We are using wikis or ormal

    work instructions. Wikis allow people

    to see changes over time, with more

    up-to-date inormation leading to

    better work outcomes.

    Look at tenders, responses

    to inormation, there is going to be

    much more o a requirement orcollaboration in the uture, to have

    that interactivity, to have people

    working on the same inormation in

    the same context. As I see it you want

    to know as much as you possibly can.


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    12/14EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS INTO EntErprisE social nEt work stratEgy


    Throughout the discussionsthere was a recurring theme

    o the need to value the people,and recognise that changing workpractices have seen the blurringo the division between publicand private, between personaland corporate worlds. People

    receive and transmit personalinormation using corporate assets.At the same time employees alsooten use their personal tools,networks and time to contribute

    knowledge and ideas tothe enterprise.

    Social networks open us all

    up to a dierent degree o exposure.What is the boundary o personal

    and proessional?

    We are aware o the ethical

    consideration the boundary between

    public and private. I get alarmed when

    I hear about organisations trying to

    exploit personal networks or nancial

    gain. The essential nature o Facebook

    is about social connection and thethings that dene who people are

    in the world as a human being. The

    leveraging o that or the enterprise

    online raises some substantial issues

    around ethics and exploitation.

    We have a lot o people using

    Facebook to track alumni and so

    on, and as a source o connection.

    Every now and again we close it down

    because it swamps our network.

    Typically its when someone in the

    organisation gets married and they

    are uploading their videos

    We now have mixed personal

    lives and work lives. Individuals dont

    make a strong distinction between 9-5

    and employers dont have to ocus on

    a resource being used just within those

    hours. The rules o contributing are

    much looser now.

    Some o our people use

    Facebook or the work they do, such asnding developers in their network to

    make new applications or come in and

    help create our site.

    Organisations will succeed i

    they help their employees succeed.

    Individuals success and their

    contribution to their organisations is

    highly correlated to the strength and

    diversity o their personal networks.

    Supporting individuals in developing

    their personal networks will help them

    contribute to the company.


  • 8/14/2019 Executive Insights Into


    web 2.0 ge w

    Dve v d h hweb 2.0 ehe

    Organisations want to take advantage o open,

    fexible Web 2.0 technologies. They want to usesocial sotware and mash-ups to add a newdimension o imagination and innovation. IBMsWeb 2.0 Goes to Work initiative is already helpingbusinesses apply Web 2.0 technologies across

    the globe to gain a competitive advantage.

    ce ee f deh d he

    Future Exploration Network assists major

    organisations worldwide to build eectivestrategies or the long-term uture and to createnew business opportunities. Services includestrategy development, scenario planning,research, custom events and creating thoughtleadership content.

  • 8/14/2019 Executive Insights Into

