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The Influences of Culture and Environment

It is a commonly observed fact that the environment, as well as culture, has a significant influence on the lives of individuals all over the world. People are born, grow up and die in specific surroundings, which shape out their outlook, resulting in a certain life style, behaviour and standards.

People’s attitude towards life and the pathway their life takes, is affected by various factors. Among them, a family, culture, religion, the place where they grow up, their friends, can be mentioned. Thus, the family influences the place where children grow up and what kind of people they communicate with, while maturing. Besides, this affects what food they eat and the external effects to which they are exposed. To a large extent it determines the pathway they take through life, both while living with their family, and as they grow up and leave the family home.

Many specialists talk about the enduring effects of socio-economic circumstances. According to recent research, children born in poor families are more likely to experience financial issues, as adults, than those who were born in wealthier families (Harper et al., 2003). Poor children are also more likely to be less healthy and suffer from various diseases, than their richer counterparts. Research also shows, that even the premature death of adults, can be connected to the socio-economic circumstances of one’s childhood, as well. Children, born in poor households, tended to suffer from premature death more often, than those who were raised in wealthier conditions (Davey-Smith, 2004). Therefore, the environment, in which children grow up, has a great influence on their outlook and the pathway their life may take, through childhood, and into adulthood.

It is also important to consider the cultural context when talking about impacts, and effects, on lives. A variety of cultural norms and demands, existing in countries all over the world, affects individuals in various ways. Stated succinctly, cultural influences on individuals are very specific to the country in which the individual grows up. For example, an Arabic child will be influenced culturally in a totally different manner than an American child, and will possess a different psychological makeup, values, behavioural norms, and so on. Moreover, these influences will most likely determine what children do, how they interact with others, and how they feel about other cultures. Cultural context shapes their world view and the way they perceive themselves, and their environment – their family, community and society.

Therefore, it can be stated that grown-ups live and act in a way that is, in many respects, determined by the environment in which they were raised, as well as by cultural peculiarities. Many socio-economic circumstances tend to endure, so that an adult may experience the same financial, or social, issues as in childhood. Besides, culture also has a significant impact on how persons perceive themselves and the world around them. Finally, both environment and culture interact to influence the lives of individuals, determining their pathways in the early years of their lives.

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International Education and Foreign Languages as Crucial Elements of Education in American Society

Learning new languages had always been considered an investment in one’s success. There are various examples of folklore sayings, such as, ‘you are as many times a man, as many languages you speak’ (Slavic proverb), or that you live as many lives as many languages you know (Czeck folk song). These days such opinions can be considered truer than ever. It isn’t just diplomats and interpreters who are obliged to learn languages. In the twenty-first century, the process of globalization has expanded further than ever, and people all over the world are becoming more and more interconnected. Whether one is working for a big international corporation, or frequently travels abroad for leisure, enjoys watching foreign movies with the original soundtrack, or simply wants to widen ones horizons, learning a second, or third language, is always a wonderful decision.

However, while most of the developed and developing world is very keen on learning more than just the native language of their home country, Americans tend to skip this part of education, or learn foreign languages rather perfunctorily. Davidson & Johan, having conducted a country-wide research on the issue, report that only 17.8% of adult Americans, across the country, can fluently speak, and correctly write, in one or more foreign language (2011). This number is extremely low for a developed society. To put this into perspective, 86.1% of Germans, 74% of Swedes and 59.6% of Russians are fluent in at least one foreign language. This number is even higher amongst some of the Asian population.

While Americans also have Spanish, German, French and Japanese classes in their high school and college curricula, the quality of knowledge that American children and teenagers get, is considerably lower. One of the major reasons that researchers cite, is lack of motivation. While the rest of the world finds it a necessity to know a couple of other languages than your native one, many Americans see no point in learning any other language since, in most cases, their English will be understood anyway, whenever they travel (Sallick, 2008). Sure, we all realize that English is unofficially the modern-day international and business language, but it does not mean that Americans should use this advantage against themselves.

Learning languages, at an early age, is good for several reasons. First, it helps a child to effectively develop their organs of articulation and speak more clearly, including, in their native tongue (Jesse et al., 2010). Secondly, learning another language means widening one’s mental outlook, becoming more adept and knowledgeable about the world’s various cultures and perspectives. Finally, learning a language greatly contributes to the general brain development, especially at an early age, but also at any age. It helps make our minds more flexible, our articulation more adaptable, and our memory more retentive (Sallick, 2008).

Furthermore, taking into consideration the specifics of American society, it would only be logical that Americans should speak more than one language. With the United States being a melting pot of cultures, nationalities and ethnicities, being diverse in every way they can is what being an American is all about (Frank & Preston, 2012). Americans are so interested in other cultures, cuisines and costumes, but do not show any particular attention to the folklore, songs and languages of the people whose national restaurants, they frequently visit. If we also remind ourselves how much Americans travel, including travelling abroad, it is surely a shame that so few people, in the United States, know and speak a language other than English. Identifying yourself, not just as a citizen of the United States of America, but also, as a world inhabitant, together with the Chinese, Russians, French and Nigerians, means broadening one’s perspective and integrating into the global social medium.

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Depriving American kids and teenagers from learning another language, automatically means neglecting their future development. While creating favourable conditions for learning languages at schools, and stimulating the child’s motivation towards it, means, on the contrary, investing in the future of our children’s overall success. Showing interest in another culture, language and tradition, does not, in any way, mean withdrawing from your own background. Quite the contrary, it shows one’s respect and tolerance, intelligence, and refinement. Therefore, I see no reason why American society should be at the tail position, when it comes to speaking foreign languages. Getting American children interested, and motivating them to learn languages, is what both school environment, and parents, should focus on.

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The Internet and SocietyModern society has undergone radical development in the last 20 years. Computers were

once just a means to solve mathematical equations. Rapid advances in technology have altered the way in which people interact with computers, as well as the functionality of these smart machines. With the advent of a worldwide and nearly universally accessible web, the way in which we interact with each other has changed drastically. People from all over the world can instantaneously exchange both business and personal information. Internet commerce has become a huge part of the daily lives of millions, as well as social networking and streaming media. Most recently, portable electronics capable of nearly all internet-related tasks have become a common possession for the average middle-aged American. The unlimited free exchange of information has changed, and is continuing to change, in very profound way, society at large.

“The internet is probably most famous for the ability to spread information, fact or fiction.”(Nikolovska, 2007) Despite the many positive influences the internet has had on our society, one cannot ignore the negative repercussions. Many vendors have become faceless, and the examination of goods prior to purchase has been reduced to pictures. While there are many reputable online stores, there are those with less ethical aims. People must be wary of any and all information sharing and purchases conducted online, to avoid the transfer of funds or personal data to unscrupulous entities. Likewise, information obtained via the internet needs to be scrutinized in order to determine accuracy. According to the 2010 U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Annual Report on Intellectual Property Enforcement “The digital environment… presents enormous challenges to businesses, consumers, governments, citizens, communities, and families, particularly as new technologies and platforms disrupt traditional business models, means of governance and modes of private communication and expression” In essence, the Internet has begun to change nearly every aspect of our lives and shows no signs of stopping.

Personal safety threats related to the popularity of social networks, especially amongst the youngsters, is another huge Internet-related issue. “They are taking us somewhere exciting, but we have to work out how we deal with the fading boundaries these tools have left in their wake, and that means rewriting our social rules as we go along”(Hoover, 2009). With the human race being a social specie by nature, it was inevitable that new advanced methods of communication would eventually be developed. The Internet has revolutionized interpersonal communication since its inception with advances such as email and instant messaging. More recently, websites devoted entirely to communication have emerged. The most popular example of such social networks is Facebook. Members of various social networks input personal data, upload photographs, and personalize many aspects of their own unique pages within the site. They may then connect and share this information with as many people as they desire. The social networks have gained such popularity that one is nearly certain to find their friends and co-workers via online means.

With so many people uploading personal information, targeted marketing has become very easy and very popular. Because of this very precise demographic-specific marketing capability, social networks are extremely profitable. But there is always the downside, and with social networking it is primarily the issue of trust and safety. Social networking puts its users in danger from those members of the web who may pose as someone they are not and should not be trusted. When you only know a person over a short period of time and have never before met in person, it is very easy for that person to create a desirable self-image in your head, and this image might have nothing to do with reality. When we expose our lives to the Internet community, we become very vulnerable, whether we realize it or not.

Given the degree of impact the Internet has had on society in its relatively short existence, the long term implications are unforeseeable. A world in which all people may communicate openly with one another, regardless of the physical distance between them, was once no more than a very tempting idea, but is now the norm. The world is very much analogous to an organism, and to quote

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a fictional doctor: “All organisms evolve and develop along patterns only recognized in retrospect.” So, it will probably be not sooner than until we experience the results of Internet influence on society, that we may be able to evaluate them.

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Occupational Therapy

Recently, the world has seen an immense change, as far as the health sector is concerned. An overwhelming statistical revelation has indicated that Canada, for instance, has witnessed a great many changes in the health and social needs of its citizens. Owing to this realization, several aspects have been prompted to change. This has given rise to what is referred to as ‘emerging trends’. This particular paper seeks to take a keen overview of occupational therapy, one of the most distinguished fields affected by the current trends in the Canadian health care system. Analyzing current trends of health in Canada plays a pivotal role in placing occupational therapists abreast of the new changes. As a result, occupational therapists are in a position to identify opportunities, as well as challenges, which are a threat to their profession, and thus embark on effective means to counter them.

As we speak, occupational therapy in Canada has expanded in order to incorporate home and community care. This is a bit different when compared to the traditional approaches, when occupational therapists were only found in a hospital setting. However, this is not the only reality we encounter in the modern Canadian health sector. Actually, it is regarded as just one of the major consequences, of the emerging trends, in Canadian health care. First and foremost, Canada has made great advances in biology, particularly advancement in genetics, notwithstanding the growing prospect of personalized health care.

This is such a major emerging trend that it has directly affected the profession of occupational therapy. Critiques have reported that a senior leader of the Canadian health sector has flagged biology as the current most exciting and fast moving science, in comparison with the others. This has seen Canada realize a lot of changes, such as individualized medicines and new diagnostics. The implication underlying this particular trend is practically obvious.

Intensification of knowledge owing to great levels of knowledge in the medical field has played a keen role in the realization of new therapies, such as the ones mentioned above. From this knowledge, several projections are subject to be made and which are likely to depict a true and fair view, of Canada’s future health status. A major probability is that the heath care system is likely to become individualized, whereby people will be in a position to indentify and treat what is ailing them. This implies that the role of occupational therapy, in Canada’s health system, is bound to change greatly with individuals becoming their own health care givers.

Secondly, immigration and diversity are also identified as a major emerging trend facing the Canadian heath sector. Just like the initial one, the effects of immigration and diversity are not subject to neglect, as they have major consequences on overall occupational therapy. Sources report that the birth rate in Canada is ranked as one of the world’s slowest. This has an obvious implication, as a great portion of Canada’s population is comprised of immigrants. This has serious implications in the long term analyses of health care. On one parameter, this will mean that a considerable portion of Canada’s heath care work force will be immigrants.

As a result, meeting supply and demand will be made even harder where Canadians, situated in say rural areas, may be required to travel to larger centers to receive this crucial service. Elsewhere, a large number of immigrants in Canada will call for a large labor force to serve people. This may call for diversification of heath care centers, and even changes in roles of occupational therapists.

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A Career to Make Life Worth Living

Many teenagers spend a lot of time contemplating what they want to do when they

graduate from high school. I am fortunate in that I already know; I decided to become a

veterinarian when I was two or three years old. Just like humans, animals need people to treat

them with the respect and dignity they deserve, and I want to be one of those people. Because of

this, I am doing all I can at Reavis to lay the groundwork for my success in college. Then, once I

am in college, I will study and learn about all species of animals. Finally, I will find happiness in

my career as a veterinarian because when animals need my assistance, I know that I will be able

to help them.

First, as a freshman at Reavis High School, I keep in mind my lifelong dream of

becoming a veterinarian. I have been taking my education here very seriously, because I know

that a person needs to be not only knowledgeable, but also extremely disciplined in order to

become a veterinarian. Because of this, I work hard to earn good grades, I take pride in my

work, and I have learned to manage my time properly. These skills will be particularly valuable

when I enter college.

After leaving Reavis, I must attend college because it is definitely a requirement for

becoming a veterinarian. In fact, a bachelor’s degree is necessary in order to even enter a

veterinarian program. One must also possess excellent communication, leadership, public

speaking, and organizational skills. I have put a lot of thought and consideration into college,

and I have decided that I would like to go to the University of Illinois. It is a wonderful school,

and they even have a graduate program designed for students who want to become veterinarians.

Once I have completed a veterinarian program, I will be able to pursue my dream career.

This career provides numerous benefits, the first of which is salary. The average veterinarian

salary is $60,000 a year, a salary that would definitely allow me to live a comfortable life.

Secondly, it is a rewarding job. This job would provide me with the satisfaction of knowing that

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I am helping or saving an animal’s life. Finally, becoming a veterinarian would assure me a

lifetime of happiness. I know I would love going to my job every day, because I would be

working with what I love most: animals.

In summary, when I graduate from Reavis, I plan to go to college to become a

veterinarian. I love animals and I want to do anything that I can to help them. I know I am only

a freshman, but I also know that I am growing up quickly. As Ferris Bueller quotes, “Life moves

pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!”

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The Problem of Obesity in America

Obesity is a medical term used to describe a state of excessive body weight, when it is at least 20% higher than the stipulated norm within a specific population category (Simon, 2011). It has long been debated whether obesity is a relative measure and should not be used as a stigma to label overweight people. However, the fact is, when the weight of a person significantly exceeds a certain norm for their age and gender, the health and well-being of that person tend to generally decrease in quality. Obesity might not be a serious disease in the commonly established meaning of this term, since it isn’t contagious like the flu, irreversible, like AIDs, or deadly, like cancer. Yet it has been proven that there are numerous links to a higher probability of heart-related diseases, depression and passiveness, diabetes, and premature aging of body as a whole and brain in particular. Moreover, obesity simply decreases the general quality of life, since it becomes harder for the person to enjoy simple activities, stay energetic and active, succeed in sports and enjoy a full-range diet. Thus, when talking about obesity in a country like America, where the problem is especially acute and critical, we need to consider the most probable causes and factors of obesity, in order to come up with an effective health program to deal with this issue in the United States.

A lot of people may argue that obesity is something to which one can be genetically predisposed and that there is little governments and NGO’s can do about this fact. Well, it is true that some people are born with a higher probability of being overweight and eventually obese than others. However, such predisposition cannot be considered a purely “American problem” since it is almost equally spread amongst different races and ethnicities. Statistically, around 20% of people in the world suffer from obesity. However, this number is significantly higher for the US population. Thus, we need to look at those factors that could explain why the problem of obesity is more serious in America than in, for example, Germany, Australia or Brazil. One of such factors is, undoubtedly, the factor of eating habits.

Americans have a lot of unhealthy eating habits, including fast food popularity and soft drinks consumption. French fries, pizza, cheeseburgers and cold coke are top metabolism inhibitors. By eating such foods regularly, American teenagers, adults and kids slower their metabolism by up to 12 times, as research has proven (Harris & Jenkins, 2008). This means that the same amount of food will be digested and absorbed 12 times slower by an American teen than by a healthy-eating Russian or African child. Moreover, numerous health issues such as ulcer, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis and diabetes, which are also directly related to one’s eating habits, all have a negative influence on a person’s weight and amount of fat in the body. Hence, when working towards decreasing the obesity rates, we need to start from completely changing our dietary habits and refraining from eating fast foods or drinking soft drinks.

Another point to consider when talking about American dieting habits is the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in their everyday ration. We seem to think that a glass of orange juice, watered down from a concentrate and flavored with artificial sweeteners, or a few grapes on top of a cupcake for dessert, or a bowl of spinach salad for dinner, do the trick and provide the necessary amount of vitamins, microelements and minerals for our body and mind. However, this is far from being true, as dieticians inform. Five different fruits and five different vegetables a day is the minimum requirement for healthy development (Parker et al., 2011). The key is to eat a variety and to eat fresh, garden-grown products. In the United States, there are very few places where fresh, recently picked and naturally grown fruits and vegetables are sold on local markets. In the majority of cases, it is the supermarket chains that distribute such products to Americans across the country. Fruit and vegetables from a supermarket, like Wall-Mart or Safeway, do not supply us with even half

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of the valuable nutrients compared to fruits and vegetables from one’s own garden , picked right before consumption and grown without using pesticides and fertilizers. Unfortunately, keeping our own gardens and growing our own fruits and vegetables is not something most Americans are able, or willing, to do. Then, is there a solution? Organic food, which many consider to be rather pricy, is in fact much healthier than what we are offered in the regular chain supermarkets. When it comes to health, prevention and precaution are always less expensive than the treatment afterwards. Therefore, the solution that is most suitable for an average American family is to shop organic, fresh, and healthy, choosing vegetables and fruits over unhealthy calorie-booster snacks like chips, pretzels and donuts.

One more important factor that we often forget about when investigating the reasons for high obesity rates in the United States, is the factor of portion size. Comparative studies have often proven that the size of an average serving portion in America is many times higher than that in the majority of other countries. For instance, one portion of pasta in an average American middle-class restaurant can be split into 3.6 Japanese portions, 3.2 Chinese portions, 3.1 French portions, 2.8 Russian portions, 2.3 Polish portions and 2.2 Italian portions (The Davis Report, 2011). Do Americans really eat more than any other nation? It sure looks like that from the statistics. Do Americans need to eat as much? Well, we are not the tallest or the most active nation in the world, but, for some reason, we consume twice as much as the Dutch, who ride bicycles while we drive cars, or the Russians, who walk by foot an average of 2.9 miles a day while we barely do half a mile. Americans are getting used to eating a lot more than their body needs since early childhood and need to change. Next time we go to a restaurant to order a full bowl of salad followed by a huge plate of spaghetti and a glass of ice tea, we need to remind ourselves that our stomachs are only the size of an average man’s fist, but, of course, not if you stuff it with all that food.

Whether we like to admit it or not, obesity is a problem for American society. It causes so many health issues that the quality of life and the state of health of Americans, is much lower than it could have been. Some may argue that they try to live an active life, do sports and participate in community activities, but they still have weight problems. This is the case for many Americans, who forget that along with changing their lifestyle, going to a gym and running in the mornings, they need to cardinally change their eating habits, consume more of fresh and healthy natural foods, stop eating junk food, lessen the potions by half and start eating smart.
