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  • 8/18/2019 Exam Jan 2014


    Exam Anatomy & Physiology

    Important notes:1. This exam consists of 9 questions.2. When you are asked to make a drawing, p ease make the drawing

    approximate y 1!x1! cm with c ear detai s.". When you are asked to draw a graph, p ease indicate the #aria$ es and the

    corresponding units at the axes %e.g. &'ength (mm)*+.. -ach question is worth 1! points. The grade for the exam is ca cu ated

    according to this formu a: rade / %tota amount of points 0 1!+ 1!. Thisgrade wi account for 9! of the course grade.

    Cell physiologya+ -xp ain function of desmosomes.$+ 3raw the $asic structure of a p asma mem$rane.c+ What changes in the mem$rane when permea$i ity for 4a 0

    is changed5

    2 points points points

    Cardiovascular systema+ 3escri$e how cardiac output is a6ected $y periphera

    #asoconstriction.$+ 3e7ne contracti ity.c+ Is the cardiac output dou$ ed when the heart rate dou$ es5

    Why %not+5

    " points" points


    Nervous systema+ 3raw a typica action potentia . Indicate the #a ues on the

    axis.$+ -xp ain what happens in each phasec+ 4ame the two factors in8uencing the conduction #e ocity of

    action potentia s.d+ -xp ain what happens with the conduction #e ocity for

    peop e with mu tip e sc erosis disease.

    2 points points

    2 points

    2 points

    Immune systema+ What is humora immunity %type of ymphocytes in#o #ed,

    anti$ody secretion 4, primary target ce s+5$+ What is di6erence $etween primary and secondary immune

    response, which is more rapid and why5c+ 3escri$e how a 8u attack emerges and how it is remo#ed $y

    the immune system.


    " points

    " points

    Respiratory systema+ Two $a oons 7 ed with air are connected to each other #ia a points

  • 8/18/2019 Exam Jan 2014


    tu$e with a #a #e %see 7gure+. The #a ce is c osed. Thediameter of a oon ; is arger than the diameter of a oon

    . 3escri$e what happens when the #a #e is opened %so aircan 8ow free y $etween a oon ; and a oon +.

    $+ -xp ain what happens using the formu a stated in 'a< ace*s


    c+ In the ungs, exp ain how surfactant he ps to pre#ent theco apse of the a #eo i.

    " points

    " points

    Digestive system and metabolisma+ What is the main nutrient in $read5$+ What is the main function of this nutrient5c+ Which two digesti#e processes take p ace in the mouth when

    eating $read5d+ -xp ain why mechanica digestion a ows for more e6ecti#e

    chemica digestion of food stu6.

    2 points2 points2 points


    Urinary system

    a+ =ake a drawing of a nephron and name the > main parts ofthe tu$u ar e ements$+ -xp ain the e6ect of ;3? on the water rea$sorption in the

    kidney.c+ -xp ain the ro e of the endocrine system in the production of



    2 points


    Endocrine systema+ 4ame the two hormones that are in#o #ed in the contro of

    $ ood g ucose e#e s.$+ 3raw a schematic #iew of the contro process when the

    $ ood g ucose e#e is too high.c+ Indicate where and how this contro system is distur$ed in

    $oth types of dia$etes patients.d+ In dia$etes patients, shou d insu in $e administered during a

    mea or during a period of fasting5 Why5

    2 points


    2 points

    2 points

    Reproductive systema+ 3e7ne ferti i@ation and pro#ide the name of the ferti i@ed egg$+ Which hormone is secreted intensi#e y at the $eginning of

    the pregnancy5

    c+ -xp ain the ro e of oxytocin and prostag andins in theinitiation of a$our.

    2 points2 points" points" points

  • 8/18/2019 Exam Jan 2014


    d+ 4ame and descri$e shor ty the " stages of a$our.