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    Evolution as a Learning Process:

    An Alternative Perspective.

    A Short Version of the Thesis Presented at the Poster Session in the Cellular and Molecular

    Biology Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2003 Annual

    Meetings Held in Denver CO in February.



    Dolores Landy Bentham

    February 6, 2003

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    Evolution as a Learning Process

    D. Landy Bentham


    Until RNA showed that its role was more than ancillary, meaning and innovation had

    been attributed solely to DNA. Changes in DNA were said to be random with respect to the

    needs of the organism. But since both DNA and RNA are abstraction removes from protein,

    where the action is, it seems reasonable to propose protein as a non-random source of novelty.

    However, for novel proteins to be heritable there needs to be feedback to DNA. The one-

    way only process of protein synthesis, from genetic DNA to RNA to protein

    (DNA>RNA>protein), proposed by Crick (1970) was replaced by DNARNA>protein when

    Baltimore (1970) and Temin (1970) discovered reverse transcription of RNA to DNA.

    In an even more radical departure from Crick's "central dogma", Mekler (1967)

    hypothesized reverse translation from protein to RNA. (look (1979) and Craig (1981) followed

    him in this idea. Reverse translation has since been supported by the findings of Nashimoto

    (2001) and Gold (1998).

    Sakai (2001) has proposed a calmodulin-mediated reversible non-chromosomal gene

    expression route in which DNA, RNA or protein can be converted to any one of the other. They

    have found that a "new gene expression route differing from a conventionally known gene

    expression route (irreversible chromosomal gene expression route) is present in vivo. . .and that

    these reactions are all promoted by calmodulin."

    Sources of novelty in proteins:

    Resistance (R) to antibiotics may have arisen in proteins rather than DNA. The accepted

    view is that mutations, which encode resistance, arise spontaneously without reference to the

    antibiotic. The bacteria in the laboratory setting are said to be naive in this respect. However,

    bacteria have long lineages and may have met the antibiotic in the wild. Bacteria, fungi, plants

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    all are equipped with arsenals of antibiotics and R factors to the antibiotics, which they produce

    for self-defense. The appearance of what seem to be random mutations" may have been the

    regularly turned on gene for the disarming of the antibiotic. It could also have been the

    acquisition of a plasmid encoding the R factor (Hardy 1986). But the origin of the R factor

    remains in question. Some antibiotics may not have correlates in the wild; in this case resistance

    must arise de novo.

    Burnet (1964) proposed the neo-Darwinian model for the generation of antibody diversity.

    In the instructionist model, which it replaced, the antigen is the template on which the antibody

    forms itself. That is, antibodies arise in proteins rather than randomly in DNA.

    Current theories, which invoke combinatorial events of germ-line variable genes (Nezlin

    2001), don't necessarily rule out that the origin of these genes was in protein templates. The

    newly formed protein fed back to RNA and DNA would be given access to the genes by a means

    suggested later in this paper.

    Long-term memory storage requires protein synthesis (Ungar 1971) (Kandel 2002).

    Ungar's view that peptides encode long-term memory has been discarded in favor of Kandel's

    work that shows that it is the strengthening of synapses and the multiplying of connections which

    requires protein synthesis. Reductionism has served Kandel well (2002). However it has not

    answered the question of how the memory itself is encoded. Kandel calls the molecular biology

    of memory storage "a dialogue between genes and synapses", but grants that there is much work

    to be done to understand the encoding of memory.

    Moreover, peptides may have been the first molecules of life (Hazen 2001). Since

    peptides/proteins are the workhorses of life this seems reasonable. DNA had been ruled out,

    because of its dependence on protein enzymes for replication. Then RNA, with the discovery of

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    its enzymatic capability, became a leading candidate for first molecule. Lipids have been

    proposed too (Segre 2001), as well as co-evolution of some of the contenders. However, Orgel

    (1998) makes a case for peptides as first molecules because they polymerize on minerals

    especially calcite, which was abundant on the early earth (Hazen, Filley and Goodfriend). With

    the finding that peptides can self-replicate, their candidacy is bolstered (Lee 1996).

    Novel proteins, which reverse translate to RNA, and in turn reverse transcribe to DNA

    complete a circuit of protein synthesis; however, there needs to be access of the DNA to the

    germ line cells in order for the novelty to be heritable. Lo (2001) discusses circulating DNA.

    Lavitrano et al. (1997) have shown that pig "sperm cells bind and internalize exogenous DNA".

    Sin (1998) found in a series of experiments, that foreign DNA, injected into the proximal region

    of the vas deferens of mouse and rat, was recovered six hours after the injection, in 60% of the

    sperm. Shamila (1998) found that a foreign gene injected into the testis of fifth instar silkworm

    larvae, which existed extrachromosomally in the founder larvae," was transmitted to the progeny,

    indicating that the sperm cells picked up the injected DNA (Sin 1998).

    Integration of the foreign DNA would be accomplished by "natural genetic engineering"

    (Shapiro 1998, 2001), just as plasmids become part of the genomes of the prokaryotes, which

    receive them (Hardy 1986), and endosymbionts become part of the host's genome (Buchner

    1953) (Margulis 1989).

    In summary:

    As one of the ways of evolution, I propose a learning process in which novelty arises in

    protein, reverse translates to RNA, reverse transcribes to DNA, and is heritable by gaining access

    to the germ line cells.

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    Literature Cited:

    Baltimore, David. 1970. RNA-dependent DNA polymerases in virions of RNA tumor viruses.

    Nature 226:1209-2l1.

    Buchner, Paul. 1953.Endosymbiosis. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

    Burnet, F. Macfarlane. 1964. A Darwinian approach to immunity.Nature 203:451.

    E Cook, Norman D. 1977. The case for reverse translation.J. Theor. Biol. 64: 113-135.

    Craig, Robin. 1981. The theoretical possibility of reverse translation of proteins into genes. J.

    Theor. Biol.88:757-760.

    Crick, F. H. C. 1970. The central dogma.Nature 227: 561-563.

    Gold, Larry, Craig Tuerk, David Pribnow, Jonathan Drew Smith. 1998. CODEN:USXXAM

    5843701 A 1998 1201 Patent written in English.

    Hardy, K.G. 1986.Bacterial Plasmids 2nd Edition. Wockinham, U.K. Van Nostrand F Reinhold.

    Hazen, Robert M. 2001. Life's rocky start. Scientific American April:77-85. Hazen, Robert M.,

    Timothy R. Elley, and Glenn A. Goodfriend. 2001. Selective adsorption of L-and D-

    amino acids on calcite: Implications for biochemical homochirality. PNAS 98 10:5487-


    Kandel, Eric R. 2002. The molecular biology of memory storage: A dialogue between genes and

    synapses. Science 294 (5544): 1030.

    Lavitrano, M., B. Malone, E. Forte, M. Francolini, and C. Spadafora. 1997. Sperm mediated

    gene transfer in pig: Selection of donor boars and optimization of DNA uptake. Exp. Cell

    Res. 233: 56.

    Lee, David H., Juan R. Granja, Jose A. Martinez, Kay Severin and M. Reza Ghadiri. 1996. A

    self-replicating peptide.Nature 382:525.

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    Evolution as a Learning Process

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    Evolution as a Learning Process: An Alternative Perspective and Personal Inquiry

    "Why would you want to study evo1ution?" Jerome Wolken asked. "Nobody knows how

    evolution works." Jerome Wolken studied the effect of light on organisms at Carnegie Mellon,

    Pittsburgh PA, and at the Marine Biological Laboratories (MBL) Woods Hole, MA. In another

    conversation in the summer of1997, Mary Eubanks said she saw evolution as working in many

    different ways. She had discovered that corn had originated by hybridization. She was from

    Duke University in North Carolina and was at the MBL for a workshop on molecular evolution.

    Despite the views of Wolken and Eubanks, mainstream evolutionary thinking remains decidedly

    neo-Darwinist; that is, mutations, random with respect to the needs of the organism, are acted on

    and given orientation by natural selection. By natural selection we mean that those organisms,

    best adapted to the environment, out-reproduce the competition(Kendrew 1994). Nevertheless,

    among the ways of evolution cited below, random mutations are not players as sources of


    Some of the ways of evolution: Citations refer to those who have either originated

    or furthered the theory,

    Hybridization, cross-mating to form new species (Eubanks 1997). Endosymbiosis, merger to form a new species (Buchner 1953) (Margulis 1989). Adaptive mutations (Caims et al. 1988) (Rosenberg et al 1994). The continuum of development and evolution (Gerhart and Kirschner 1997). Morphogenesis (Sheldrake 1995). Regulatory RNA's role in evolution (Eddy 2001) (Mattick 2001). Transposable and retro-transposable elements (McClintock 1957) (Shapiro 1999) Intracellular information processing (Shapiro 2002)

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    Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics (Lamarck 1809) (Landman 1993). Reverse translation in evolution (Mekler 1967) (Cook 1977), now known as The

    RNA/protein symmetry theory (Nashimoto 2001) or SPERT (Systematic Polypeptide

    Evolution by Reverse Translation) (Gold et al.1998).

    These ways of evolution are not mutually exclusive and certainly overlap, representing

    various aspects of the same phenomenon. The last on the list has engaged my interest for the

    past 25 years. I was struck by the possibility of reverse translation when first reading about

    molecular encoding of memory (Milner, Peter M. 1970). If molecules encode memory why

    would there be no feedback to the genome? Norman D. Cook also takes off from molecular

    encoding of memory when he makes "The case for reverse translation". Although molecular

    encoding of memory had been dropped as a line of inquiry in thel970's, it has recently

    reappeared in the literature. In Science, of 2 August, 2002, Nobelist Eric Kandel and Kausik Si

    speculate "that a common protein called CREB can self-perpetuate in mammalian

    brainsalthough cautioning that the evidence is extremely preliminary, they speculate that it

    might play a role in storing information- in other words, in memory".

    "Evolution as a learning process" would have been as apt as a title for Cook's article.

    Peptides change in response to experience to encode the memory of that experience. The

    peptides are then fed back to the genome by reverse translation to nucleic acids, probably RNA.

    RNA then reverse transcribes to DNA. In other words, what is learned may become part of


    In his article, published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology 1977, Cook cited, among

    others, the work of Hyden and Egyhazi (1963) for peptide encoding of memory; Mekler (1967)

    on the hypothesis of reverse translation; and Baltimore (1970) and Temin (1970) on reverse

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    transcription. In a paper for an independent I study at Queens College, I cited some of the same

    sources and came to the same conclusions as Cook. That paper is dated May 1977. I hadn't

    heard of Mekler, and his speculation on the possibility of reverse translation, but had counted on

    its possibility. I knew the work of Baltimore and Temin on reverse transcription and of Hyden

    and Egyhazi and others on peptide encoding of memory. There are gaps in this hypothesis of

    evolution as a learning process. Neither Cook nor I addressed the question of how the new or

    altered DNA enters the germ line cells. And if entry were possible, what then? Twenty-five

    years later there are some answers to these questions and I address them later in this paper.

    As much as Cook's (and my) hypothesis may have a logical appeal, trends in theoretical

    biology don't always run a straight course. The following describes the fate of some of the work

    cited by Cook:

    Despite the central dogma, which states that protein synthesis proceeds in one direction

    only, DNA>RNA>Protein (Crick and Orgel), reverse-transcription from RNA to DNA is now

    part of mainstream biology. This was discovered independently by David Baltimore (1970) and

    Howard Temin (1972). Reverse transcription was first observed in the RNA Raus sarcoma virus

    and now infamously in HIV. Reverse transcription is not limited to RNA viruses. The

    retrotransposon, one of the mobile genetic elements first discovered by McClintock (1948),

    encodes reverse transcriptase, the enzyme involved in reverse transcription. But the rule against

    reverse translation from protein to DNA or RNA remained in place until now. In fact it still

    remains in the minds of most biologists given the results of my searches.

    Reverse translation of protein to RNA seems to have been lost in the scientific literature.

    No one I asked knew of it and no searches I tried came up with anything on it When I asked

    James Shapiro about reverse translation, he suggested that although it was theoretically possible

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    to translate backward from protein to RNA- he even spelled out how it could be done- he didn't

    know of anyone who had tried it (appendix A). He added that I should check with a

    knowledgeable biochemist before I went too far with it. A biochemist, Lars Backman who

    responded to my e-mail query, hadn't heard of anyone doing it either and wondered why anyone

    would want to. He didn't "believe in this idea", but went on to cite the difficulties that could be

    encountered in trying to reverse translate protein to RNA (appendix B). Of the two other

    respondents, one found the question "very interesting" with three exclamation points (appendix

    C) and another referred me back to the central dogma.

    A search on Sci Finder Scholar at the New York University Library turned up more on

    "reverse translation". The hypotheses of Mekler, Cook and Craig were raised to the level of

    theory with the experimental work of Nashimoto (2001) and a method for reverse translating in

    vitro patented by Gold et al. (1998)Inherent in neo-Darwinist theory, is the genome as a

    blueprint for life. Sometimes the blueprint is mis-transcribed or damaged, introducing novelty.

    However, an organism with mistakes in its genome is actually at a disadvantage. Errors mean a

    loss of information and are therefore deleterious to the organism There is elaborate molecular

    machinery in place to correct these mistakes (Lowenstein 1999).Some mistakes are neutral,

    having no effect on the protein product, due to the redundancy of the genetic code- some amino

    acids are coded for by more than one RNA codon triplet. The rare mistake, which is not neutral,

    lethally deleterious, nor corrected, is said to be the source of the novelty upon which natural

    selection works. Should the uncorrected novel gene, when expressed, be advantageous to the

    organism, in that its bearers out-reproduce the competition, the novelty would be retained and

    would be spread throughout the population (Kendrew 1994).

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    But rather than viewing the genome as a blueprint for life, we see it as a file- the

    repository of information that a living thing uses to form itself and to function- we may come

    close to what the evidence reveals (Shapiro 1999, A third way). Although all organisms are

    made up of cells, cells differ from each other depending on the tissue and organ in which they

    exist. Each cell accesses the parts of the genome necessary to make it the kind of cell that it

    needs to be to do the job that it needs to do. The cell must necessarily "know" what parts of the

    genome to access (Shapiro 2002). Although the cell has some autonomy- it is separated from its

    environment by a membrane- it is not isolated from that environment. It is inconstant

    communication with the milieu in which it finds itself. It may receive messages directly from

    adjacent cells or from a distance by way of the nervous, endocrine, immune, and circulatory

    systems. The cell therefore looks both outward and inward for the role it plays in the organism

    and for the means to fulfill that role. The process, which unfolds, is called cellular


    Looking inward the cell calls on the parts of the genome, which spell out how to fulfill its

    role. Primitive, undifferentiated cells seem not yet to have "decided" on their roles and are

    hardly distinguishable one from another. But the differentiating cell moves from one stage of its

    development to the next until its mature appearance is characteristic of its type, and its function

    appropriate to its kind (Kendrew 1994). The cell must necessarily process thousands of bits of

    information both from without and within to achieve this end (Shapiro 2002).

    The genome, far from being the start of a one way street to the production of an organism,

    is part of a dynamic hierarchical system. Arthur Koestler (1967) invoked the two-headed god,

    Janus, as a metaphor for this system. The heads of Janus face in opposite directions. One looks

    down the hierarchy, the other, up. At the cellular level, Janus looks both outward (up) and

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    inward (down). Both views inform its mode of existence. At each level of organization the

    Janus heads look up and down the hierarchy. Stanley Salthe an evolutionary biologist who

    invokes a similar metaphor wonders where the hierarchy ends. Candace Pert (1997) prefers the

    metaphor, "network", to "hierarchy, because all systems affect tall others in a more egalitarian

    way than the word hierarchy implies.

    Support for the idea of the genome as part of an interactive system rather than a blueprint

    for life comes from comparisons of DNA from members of different species. Genetic sequences

    of chimps and humans turn out to be 98.5% identical. Human and mouse sequences are about

    60% the same. What has been compared is the protein encoding genes which make up only 3%

    of the entire human genome. The remaining 97% of the genome is non-protein coding, formerly

    called junk DNA". These stretches of DNA are described as made up of repetitive sequences

    (Enard 2002).

    Obviously we are not so close phenotypically to chimps as we are genotypically (Travis

    2000) (Enard 2002). Since these comparisons of genomes were made before the first draft of the

    human genome project was completed or even well underway, the question arises: Which genes

    were compared? Were they simply marker genes such as those for hemoglobin of mitochondria?

    That there is only a small percentage of genes which encode proteins further supports the idea

    that these genes are more akin to a file, or repository of information, than to a blueprint for life

    (Shapiro 1999). Therefore, we must look to the whole genome for the answer to the question of

    the origin of complexity and diversity (Enard 2002).

    However, non-protein coding DNA has certain characteristics which elevate its status to a

    role of more importance than that of junk. Some of it instructs DNA transcription to start here

    and end there or farther along- there, to form two different peptides or proteins (Kendrew 1994).

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    Also, when subjected to linguistic analysis, repetitive sequences show characteristics of language

    (Pennisi 1994).DNA has computational capacity as well and has been used as a test tube

    computer to solve a complex "shortest distance" problem (Kolata 1994). The relevance of some

    of these characteristics is unclear. What may be of significance is the finding that it is the non-

    protein coding DNA which separates one individual of our species from another. This is the

    basis for the use of DNA in forensics. Each of us has what we call a "DNA fingerprint" since,

    like actual fingerprints, no two are exactly alike (Kendrew 1994).

    Do these differences in our non-protein coding DNA have a meaning larger than that of

    its usefulness as a forensic tool? Some have thought that it is residual- the DNA chucked out

    when no longer needed, its origins part of our evolutionary history. Others have thought that the

    non-protein coding DNA is a repository for new DNA - a warehouse of nucleotide sequences at

    the ready for use- to signal protein encoding DNA to start or stop at yet other places along its

    sequence creating novel proteins. Or that it may be used to code for new proteins from scratch.

    Further, it has been recently discovered that some DNA codes for short non-protein

    encoding RNA. Like non-protein encoding DNA, the RNA has a regulatory function (Lee and

    Ambros 2001). These RNAs were the subjects of a review article (Travis 2002) on "biological

    dark matter" named for the large numbers of these previously undetected genes. These short

    regulatory RNA's were first discovered in mutants of C. elegans. Mutant worms did not move

    beyond the first of four larval stages. Instead they repeated the first- getting larger, but not

    proceeding to the next stage. Victor Ambros (Travis 2002 Darkmatter) of Dartmouth Medical

    School discovered in the early 90's that a missing bit of DNA, which codes for RNA as its end

    product was the cause. These bits of regulatory RNA have also been found in bacteria, flies, and

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    mammals, including humans. There are also the bits of RNA called introns, which are edited out

    of RNA before translation. These too may have a regulatory role to play in development.

    John Mattick (2001) of Queensland University, Brisbane Australia goes further. He

    believes that these short RNAs may be the answer to the question of the sources of complexity

    and diversity in evolution. That short RNA s may regulate both development and evolution

    underlies the notion that development and evolution form a continuum. How does diversity

    originate? Mattick's answer is that it is certainly not from the increase in the number of genes

    coding for proteins. He points out that V flies and worms have roughly twice the number of

    these genes as bacteria. Fish and humans have about the same number, which is twice the

    number of those of flies and worms. So, they reason, diversity has another source. Ninety

    eight % of the genome, by their count, is non-protein encoding. (They're factored in the introns.)

    What this 98% is doing is a matter under study by several labs besides those mentioned above.

    They include Gary Ruvkun's at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; Sean Eddy's at

    Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis MO; Gisela Storz and Susan Gottesmarfs

    at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (Travis 2002, Dark matter).

    More than one evolutionary biologist has noted that a mouse or an elephant can be built

    from similar proteins (Gerhart and Kirschner 1997). The difference lies inform. Development

    and evolution, which were historically treated as separate disciplines, have recently merged- each

    informing the other. The merger has been marked by the publication of a new journal, which

    includes both "development" and "evolution" in its title and by a nickname, "Evo-Devo".

    Regulatory genes, those which control development, can have far reaching effects. Note that

    should the infant chimp retain its head to body ratio and its orthogonal human like face, he would

    no longer be considered chimp. (Milner, R. 1990).

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    However the body plan plays out in development, there have to be raw materials

    available from which the body makes itself. Important among these materials are amino acids.

    At some point there had to have been the invention of proteins.RNA has been suggested as the

    first molecule of life because it can act as an enzyme that edits parts of itself out and splices

    disparate parts together (Cech 1986). With the help of enzymes it can also replicate itself and

    code for proteins. Until this discovery of the ribozyme, peptides and proteins were considered to

    be the sole molecules capable of enzymatic activity. But as discussed above, by current neo-

    Darwinist theory, DNA, not RNA, is the sole molecule of protein invention, and novelty is

    random with respect to needs. According to this theory there is no feed back to DNA. However,

    with the discovery of reverse transcription from RNA to DNA there are at least some cases

    where what is encoded in RNA is fed back to DNA. This discovery places RNA in a pivotal

    position in the process of protein synthesis. It can not only translate to protein; it can transcribe

    back to DNA. For this reason it has been put forward as the first molecule of life (Orgel 1998).

    Even though RNA as enzyme supports the case for RNA as the first molecule of life,

    there have been other arguments against it because of the lack of cytosine in the early

    environment (Shapiro, R.1999). As important as RNA is as an enzyme, most of the enzymatic

    jobs of the cell fall to peptides or proteins. Since this is the case, it seems reasonable to suggest

    that the origins of novelty lie not only in DNA and RNA, but in protein itself. Segre et al.

    (2001) suggest that even lipids in the early earth had some enzymatic capability. DNA has a few

    non-random tricks up its sleeve, as well, under the rubric "directed mutations". These mutations

    are, in fact, in response to need. And far from being the inevitable end product of a synthesis

    which is, for the most part, one-way, protein too edits itself, paralleling, as it does, RNA editing.

    Inteins are edited out and exions remain to fold into useful proteins, sometimes with the help of

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    chaperones" or chaperonins (Kendrew 1994). And even end products are subject to change.

    Proteins may substitute one amino acid for another. (Sahl and Bierbaum.1998) In short, proteins

    are not just products; they are part of the process of creating themselves.

    Relevant to the idea of proteins' creating themselves is the "Instructionist" model for the

    generation of antibody diversity. In this model it is the antigen which instructs antibody

    formation. Although this model was discarded in favor of the "clonal selection model (Bumet

    1964), in its time it was championed by among others, Linus Pauling. Lending new support to

    the old instructionist model is the work of Mosbach (1998) and others (Ansell 1996). Mosbach

    has actually synthesized antibodies from templates. Although they do not themselves extrapolate

    their in-vitro findings to explain the generation of antibody diversity, these findings suggest that

    a new look at the instructionist model may be in order. The contrasting clonal selection model is

    a neo-Darwinian application to the study of the immune system. Antibodies are generated in

    random diversity and selected for by their specific antigens. Clones, of the immuno-competent

    cell producing the relevant antibodies, are produced. This theory gained wide acceptance, but

    the recent "imprinting" of antibody mimics from templates suggests that the instructionist model

    may have something to say for itself after all.

    Steele (1998) for one, has invoked the workings of the immune system to support his

    theory of somatic mutations fed back to the genome. He invokes RNA with its capacity to

    reverse transcribe to DNA as the principle player in this scenario. His theory is much like neo-

    Darwinism with one exception: Random mutations, which occur in somatic cells, among them

    immuno-competent cells, are acted on by natural selection. Because these acquired

    characteristics (the random mutations in the somatic cell genome) are inherited, his theory has

    been characterized as Lamarckian. However, because it is nevertheless based on random

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    variation acted on by selection, it has more in common with neo-Darwinism than with

    Lamarckism. I am invoking the generation of antibody diversity to a non-Darwinian end. If the

    immune system works according to the instructionist model, there needs to be feed- back, not

    only from RNA to DNA(reverse transcription), but also from the template formed protein to

    RNA or to DNA (reverse translation). This latter was not supposed to happen, but hypothesis

    has gained support with the work of Larry Gold, Craig Tuerk et al. (1998) among others. Their

    acronym for the process- SPERT (Systematic Polypeptide Evolution by Reverse Translation) is

    given along with patent application information. This I work was carried out at Nexstar

    Pharmaceuticals, Inc, USA.

    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is another example of seemingly non-Darwinian forces

    at work. No sooner is a new antibiotic devised then bacteria find a way to disarm it. According

    to neo-Darwinism, bacteria, before dividing, occasionally make a mistake in transcription,

    substituting one nucleotide for another. Over time an accumulation of mistakes, add up to

    something useful to the bacterium. A sugar that was previously indigestible becomes useful or

    anantibiotic is disarmed by the creation of a new enzyme. These changes are said to be random

    with respect to the need to digest the sugar or to disarm the antibiotic. They occur in the absence

    of the sugar or the antibiotic. Sometimes these changes take place at regular intervals (Lederberg


    However, bacteria have long lives. Their life histories stretch back eons. Bacteria split in

    two to reproduce. The mother cell duplicates the genome before dividing so that each daughter

    cell receives a full complement of genes. Even though the mutation occurs in the absence of the

    sugar or the antibiotic in the experimental set-up, bacteria as well as other organisms in the wild

    produce antibiotics. There is no guarantee that the bacterium in question has not encountered

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    that antibiotic or that sugar in its long past. Given that only a small fraction of the bacteria of the

    world have been described and an even smaller fraction have been cultured in the laboratory, it

    seems that the assumption that there has been no previous contact is insupportable.

    Rather than a mutation, random with respect to a need, a gene may be turned on or off at

    regular intervals or, in the case of the conversion to lactase producing E coli, by a shift in frame

    (Cairns, Overbaugh and Miller 1988) (Foster and Thaler 1994). The frame-shift itself could be

    thought of as a turning on of a gene, which in fact already exists.

    Bacteria also exchange genes promiscuously, even crossing over species lines. Plasmids,

    small rings of DNA, are passed from bacterium to bacterium by a process known as

    "conjuga1ion". The plasmid is a duplicate, so that the donor retains a copy of the gene. The

    recipient may incorporate the DNA of the plasmid into its own genome by natural genetic

    engineering (Shapiro 1999 Transposable elements) and may now become a donor.

    Even this exchange of genes is far from random. A bacterium lacking a bit of DNA

    sends a signal, which another responds to by supplying the appropriate plasmid. Even though

    the occurrence of new genes in bacteria can be explained by turning on an existing gene, or

    shifting frame or exchanging plasmids, the question that still remains is how the enzyme was

    invented in the first place.

    Of course the immune system and bacterial resistance make up only part of the picture.

    The resolution of the problem of the encoding of instinct could be instructive to evolutionary

    theory. No one can deny that there is such a thing as instinct; that is, inherited knowledge. Birds

    build nests according to an inborn plan; birds sing song, which has an inherited, as well as a

    learned part. Border collies herd other dogs as well as children when there are no sheep to herd.

    German Shepherds, on the loose, herd cars.

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    How are these characteristics, this knowledge, these ways of being encoded? They must

    necessarily be encoded in the genome of the germ line cells. That is what is passed on from one

    generation to the next. Because neo-Darwinism holds that information encoded in the genome is

    generated by random events, the question of how learned information gets into DNA of the germ

    line cells is rendered moot. Germ line cells are theoretically inviolate, uninfluenced by their

    environments according to August Weismann (1891-1892). If this were indeed the case, we

    should not expect to find molecular receptors on the membranes of germ line cells. But in fact

    they are there by the thousands. Receptors are invitations to molecules to enter. If Weismann

    were right and they have no purpose, why are they there? Frank Y. T, Sin (1998) reviews

    "Interactions between exogenous DNA and sperm of vertebrates and invertebrates", but plays

    down their relevance to evolution even though in the cases of injection of foreign DNA into the

    proximal region of the vas deferens of mouse and rat "over 60% of the spermatozoa were found

    to have the exogenous DNA". Also testicular injection of fifth instar silkworm larvae with a

    foreign gene resulted in transmission of it to their progeny.

    If genes can gain access to germ line cells, one wonders how the genes get there. An

    article, which appeared in Science News October 7, 1989, was entitled "DNA's Extended

    Domain, Sightings of cell-surface DNA turn scientific orthodoxy inside out". The reporter,

    Ingrid Wickelgren , states that "Although most scientists still think of this vital nucleic acid as

    residing only within cellular confines, accumulating evidence- some nearly 20 years old-

    indicates some DNA exists outside that domain, securely anchored to cell membranes". Then

    the question arises- how do the nucleic acids get to the cell membrane? Recent published Annals

    of the New York Academy of Sciences, has as its subject circulating nucleic acids. Putting it all

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    together: Nucleic acids circulate, attach to cell membranes, and gain access to cells, even germ

    line cells, by molecular receptors.

    Going back to proteins and their capacity for self creation, Leslie E. Orgel (1998), in an

    about face on his early championing of an RNA world, has lately declared that in the twenty

    years or so since its conception there has not been a shred of evidence to support it. Meanwhile

    his interests have centered on the self-assembly of peptides on minerals common in the early

    earth. There has been experimental support for this theory (Hazen (2001). These findings

    bolster the notion that proteins rather than RNA were the first molecules of life. We have

    already touched on the formation of proteins on templates (Mosbach).

    Let's consider that these new proteins may reverse translate to RNA and then reverse

    transcribe to DNA, which have entry to germ line cells. If this were the case, the back-flow of

    information from protein to germ line cell would be complete. This, followed by the insertion by

    recombination of the new DNA to the genome, is all that is required for the inheritance of a

    novel protein. Recombination of DNA occurs naturally (Shapiro, 2002). The finding that genes

    of plasmids are inserted into the genomes of bacteria is now part of mainstream biology (Travis

    2000), as is the insertion of genes of endosymbionts into the genomes of organisms. In turn,

    excess or redundant DNA of the endodsymbiontis discarded (Margulis 1989).

    Although the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution is still considered incontestable by many

    mainstream biologists there are still unknowns which may relate to evolution. In Nature

    Reviews Genetics of December 2001, Sean Eddy of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and

    Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine defines Cajal bodies (coiled

    bodies) as "Nuclear organelles of unknown function". Also unknown is the function of proteins

    which surround the RNA mass of the large sub-unit of the ribosome, the organelle where RNA is

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    translated to protein. This was reported in the August 11, 2000issue of Science. The appearance

    of the RNA was as had been expected, but the proteins were a surprise:

    "In many places, the proteins give the impression of a man-of-war Jelly fish," says Peter

    B. Moore, Yale University. "Instead of being the compact globular structures that mostproteins are, these things will often have a globular part and then there will be a little

    strand that extends deep into the structure of the ribosome."These novel protein structures

    appear to stabilize the ribosome, while the RNA assembles amino acids into peptidechains. (Science News, Vol. 158.)

    The phrase "they appear to stabilize the ribosome" suggests that the function of the

    protein structure is not in fact known and is assumed to be a structural component rather than

    functional. What may be more important than what is not known, is what IS known. James A.

    Shapiro in a debate in the Boston Review: Is Darwin in the details? (1999) points to four

    categories of molecular discoveries which were unknown when the neo-Darwinian theory of

    evolution was formulated:

    The Organization of the Genome.Repair capabilities of the cell.

    Mobile genetic elements and natural genetic engineering.

    Cellular information processing.Given both what is not yet known in biology and what has become known since the

    formulation of neo-Darwinism it seems ostrich-like to continue "believing in" an explanation

    which falls short of even being a theory, according to Poppers definition(Soka1 1999). A theory

    must be falsifiable; that is, it must be testable in such a way that either a positive or a

    NEGATIVE result is possible. Neo-Darwinism is not testable by this criterion. It is time to look

    to other models or theories to begin to explain the complexity and diversity of living things.

    Frequently we hear of brains being compared to computers in which synapses are

    switches and that memory is only a matter of strengthening those, which are used, or losing those,

    which are not used-, a matter of selection. Again this follows the model of neo-Darwinism.

    Matt Ridley has this to say:

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    It is misleading to think of a brain as a computer for many reasons, but one of the obvious

    is that an electrical switch in a computer is just an electrical switch. A synapse in a brainis an electrical switch embedded in a chemical reactor of great sensitivity. (Genome p.


    James Shapiro, however, uses the computer analogy to advantage in discussing

    information processing in the cell. Given that there is such a thing as artificial intelligence, he

    considers how reasonable it is to see that the cell in all of its complexity has at least this capacity

    for intelligence. If intelligence consists of taking in information, remembering it, making

    connections among the things learned, making decisions based on what is learned, and giving out

    information as needed, the cell does indeed have this capacity for intelligence (Shapiro 2002). In

    more complex organisms such as mammals, the brain is the organ specializing in all of the above,

    but intelligence resides elsewhere in the body as well. In humans, the enteric nervous system has

    as much nervous tissue as the spinal cord (Gershon 1998). The heart has something akin to

    intelligence (Pearsall 1998) as do all systems, organs, tissues, and cells.

    Analogously all parts of the cell participate in its intelligence not just the cell brain" or

    nucleus. It is the interaction of all the molecules of the cell which make up this intelligence.

    Very important among these molecules are the peptides and proteins. Even DNA cannot

    replicate without protein enzymes. Enzymes are the organic catalysts which speed up reactions

    between and among molecules to make life possible. RNA can also act as a catalyst as described

    above. But the primary catalysts are proteins and peptides.

    Proteins are also the molecular motors within cells, which move other proteins along

    actin, fibrils also made up of proteins. The protein molecules decorated with sugar recognition

    sites let in information. Protein molecules may be the information itself. Proteins, sugars, lipids,

    nucleic acids are all essential to the life and function of the cell. But none is independent of

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    proteins which as catalysts are involved in the construction of all the others including protein

    molecules themselves.

    To sum up: Maybe Jerome Wolken was right in saying that no one knows how evolution

    works and maybe Mary Eubanks was right too in saying that it works in many ways. As a start

    to understanding one of the ways in which evolution may work I have discussed some of the

    non-random events which can be sources of innovation, with emphasis on evolution as a learning

    process. This is in contrast to current neo-Darwinist theory, which states that novelty arises

    randomly with respect to the needs of the organism and that orientation of evolution is the result

    of natural selection (differential reproduction rates). I offer an alternative hypothesis:

    The centerpiece of evolution as a learning process is a homeodynamic genome, within a dynamic

    cell, in which all factors in the process of protein synthesis and heredity influence each other.

    Dolores Bentham,

    August 31, 2002

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    Bacterial Resistance

    There are few that can resist giving bacteria credit for ingenuity, guile, even brilliance,

    when describing how these otherwise lowly creatures can get around antibiotics. No sooner is an

    antibiotic extracted, synthesized or invented, when up pop bacteria that knowhow to disarm it. If

    there is an enzyme, which destroys bacteria's ability to produce cell wall, there are bacteria

    which "know how" to render that bit of biochemistry useless. The swiftness with which that

    news travels from cell to cell, bridging not only individuals, but even species is remarkable.

    It used to be said- and still is- that what happens is this: Bacteria, before dividing

    occasionally make a mistake in transcription, substituting one nucleotide for another in a gene.

    Over time these changes build up and eventually an accumulation of mistakes add up to

    something useful to the bacterium. That could mean that it is now able to use a sugar that it

    couldn't use before by synthesizing an enzyme previously absent or it could mean, more

    significantly for us, that the bacterium has created and enzyme capable of dismantling an

    antibiotic. These changes are random with respect to the need to digest a sugar or to disarm an

    antibiotic. They occur in the absence of the sugar or the antibiotic. Sometimes these changes

    take place at predictable time intervals. There was an ingenious test of this devised by the

    Nobelist Joshua Lederberg, (Replica Plating and Indirect Selection of Bacterial Mutants, March

    1952) in which he showed that in the laboratory, bacteria, which have not previously been

    exposed to an antibiotic, convert to forms resistant to that antibiotic. These tests were done to

    show that mutations take place without reference to need.

    The problem with that line of thought is that bacteria have long lives. Their life histories

    stretch back eons. A bacterium simply splits in two to reproduce, so that each daughter cell is

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    half the mother. The mother has duplicated the genetic material before dividing, so that each

    daughter receives a full complement of her genes. Even though the mother has given up her own

    existence, she has become her daughters, and so it goes through the millennia. For just as many

    eons other organisms have been around. Bacteria as well as other organisms produce what we

    now call antibiotics. In the life histories of these organisms there has been a myriad of

    opportunities for contact. Some have been for the good- mergers with blue-green algae which

    became plastids that yielded the plants as we know them, and mergers with other bacteria which

    became mitochondria, the energy producing machines of the cell. But some of the contact

    resulted in all-out war; antibiotics are the artillery in that war. So, the ingeniously devised test to

    ensure that bacteria have never been in contact with a particular antibiotic is flawed. It works

    only for the present laboratory situation. It doesn't take into account all the other opportunities

    for contact over the organism's long history. What seems a regular appearance of mutants, with

    or without contact with whatever may have influenced the change, could be seen as something


    Instead of a random mutation, the change in an organism's adapting to a situation to a

    sugar, an antibiotic- could simply be the turning on of a gene at regular intervals. This may be

    what happens. Genes are not after all static entities which change willy nilly, but dynamic

    systems parts of which may be turned on or off. They can be rearranged and parts of them can

    be passed around. A small piece of genetic material in a ring may be passed from bacterium to

    bacterium in "conjugation". There is exchange of genetic material in bacterial after all. In a

    phenomenon, which resembles mating, rings of genetic material, called plasmids, are injected by

    one bacterium into another. These plasmids may contain the genes for disarming antibiotics, for

    digesting a sugar or even for adding a bit of toxic punch to the bacterium's existing arsenal. The

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    donor has copied these plasmids first, so there is one to give away and one to keep to be copied

    again as needed. Some bacteria have thus acquired the means to render all known antibiotics

    ineffectual. There is no need to invoke chance mutations to explain an organism's seemingly

    sudden genetic change. Whatever was needed may have been simply provided by turning on a

    gene or acquired from another in conjugation. These too could happen at regular intervals as the

    "mutations" were.

    All of the proceeding deals with the question of what laboratory results may or may not

    mean, but there still remains the question of how the bacteria developed the enzymes to digest a

    sugar or to breakdown an antibiotic in the first place. Somewhere in its long history it has

    encountered the substance for the first time, This must still go on. Some antibiotics that have

    been engineered by people are novel. No organism, so far as we know, has developed them until

    now. What now? Are we still to believe that enzymes to disarm them are randomly produced by

    point mutations in the genome? Mutations are nearly always, if expressed, lethal to the organism,

    which carries it. Rare are those which are beneficial.

    Some work, now discounted for reasons discussed elsewhere in this paper, but which

    may still have merit; showed that RNA itself could be changed by learning. Whether or not it is

    the RNA that changed itself or was influenced to change by other factors, that it can change and

    be reverse transcribed to DNA, provides an alternate way to introduce novelty into a genome.

    There are even hints that it may be possible to translate protein back to RNA. These are only

    hints, but in any case they are paths to explore. The possibility of reverse translation of protein

    to RNA is discussed elsewhere in this paper.
