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Content Strategy Design

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The old rules of marketing no longer apply…

It’s called TRAP (Television Radio And Print) for a reason…

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Today, people CONSUME CONTENT about your company, products and services before they ever engage with your organization.

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And more often than not they consume this CONTENT online…

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When they go online, potential customers are all about ACTION…

Your customers go to the web because there is something they need to do — a question to research, a problem to solve, a trip to plan, a product to buy.

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We can help you create better user experiences by creating content that engages, educates and empowers your customers and motivates profitable action.

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And it all starts with creating a CONTENT STRATEGY

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A CONTENT STRATEGY plans for the creation, publication and curation of useful, relevant and engaging online content for your company and customers.

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We can help you not only understand what content needs to be created, but also WHY?

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As a publisher for over a decade, we can help you think like

a publisher too. EVG has created a ten-step process to ensure

our content strategy delivers real results for your business.


• AUDIT your current content -- what is working and what isn’t? • IDENTIFY your content communication goals and objectives • RESEARCH your target markets and audiences • FOCUS on their interests and what they want from your content • ALIGN your content with your brand values

PHASE 2 • CRAFT high-quality, original content that meets your customers’ needs • PUBLISH your content across multiple platforms and touch points • INVITE your customers to engage through forums, feedback, surveys,etc. • MEASURE customer feedback and retention for better ROI • EVOLVE your content based on solid metrics and customer feedback

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As the first step to your content strategy design, the EVG team can help you better understand the value and performance of your current content with an AUDIT


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What are your content goals and objectives?

What is the state of your current content?

Branded and organized? or Disjointed and disorganized?

Who is currently responsible for your content and how are content decisions made in your company?

What are your most urgent content challenges and how can we help?

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IDENTIFY WEB Why is the website organized the way it is? What content is on your site and why?

SOCIAL PLATFORMS & BLOGS What is the current strategy behind what you are doing? How would you like to leverage social networks and why?


Do you have any direct communications to consumers -- emails, newsletters, etc.? What is the purpose behind these -- inform, elicit feedback, make sales?

COMPETITORS Who are your primary competitors? How do they use content?

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Who are your primary target markets?

Are there any secondary influencers?

How do current customers find and engage with your company/product?

What platforms do they use to find information?

Do you know if and how prospects research your company/product?

Are there any outside factors that impact your content --seasonality,

trends, economic, etc.?

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What types of information are they looking for -- prices, product specs, reviews, industry trends, lifestyle tips, instructional, etc?

What types of content can reduce a prospect’s effort to engage with your company?

What do prospects need or want from your company/product?

What types of content would they find interesting and relevant?

How do they want to receive information -- website, facebook, twitter, print, video, etc.?

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Do you utilize any brand standards or language standards?

What are your key brand drivers?

How are your brand drivers linked to your business objectives?

What does your brand stand for in your customers’ minds?

Does the writing style of your current content have a “voice” -- friendly,

informative, educational, authoritative, etc.?

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FORMULATE Next, the EVG content specialist team will develop a customized strategy that is

consistent with your brand and designed to achieve your specific needs. We will:

• Synthesize input gathered today about your current content, your target

markets and your goals and objectives.

• Make informed, strategic and deliverable recommendations to achieve

your content goals via on-page copy, SEO copy, e-articles, blogs, social

media initiatives and more.

• Develop an integrated content calendar to support your objectives with

relevant and engaging content to empower customers and motivate

profitable action.

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• Propose architecture that identifies new content requirements by page or component:

• Where will the new content be located?

•  Why will we locate it there and what is the intent?

•  What will the type or structure of content be?

•  How will the metadata support the visible content?

•  What message will it send out?

•  What type of maintenance will this content need?
