Page 1: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Russia But Were Afraid to Ask

EverythingYou Always Wanted

to KnowAbout Russia

But Were Afraid to Ask

Page 2: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Russia But Were Afraid to Ask


1. Some Key Facts about Russia

2. Where are the Money?

3. Business with Russians

4. Outsourcing to Russia

5. Culture-related Aspects

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1. Some Key Factsabout Russia

Geographical Summary

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Nikolay DekhtyarenkoPartisans

Legendary Russia

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Real Russia

Area: 17,075,400 km2

Population: 145,000,000Brazil, Russia, India, China: countries of growing economics.

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History (simplified)

• Up to 1547: Feudal dominions.• 1547–1721: Feudal Kingdom (old

school).• 1721–1917: Russian Empire (European).• 1917–1922: Red Russia.• 1922–1991: Soviet Russia = USSR.• 1991–today: Russia (as we see it today).

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Russian Cyrillic AlphabetCyrillic Latin А а U (but) Б б B В в V Г г G Д д D Е е YE (year) Ж ж ZH З з Z И и I Й й Y (way) К к K Л л L М м M Н н N О о O П п P

Cyrillic Latin Р р R С с S Т т T У у U (cool) Ф ф F Х х H Ц ц TS (zurück) Ч ч CH Ш ш SH (push) Щ щ SH (ship) Ъ ъ no sound Ы ы E (we) Ь ь no sound Э э E (letter) Ю ю YU (you) Я я YA (yard)

Поезд (“poyezd”)

Собака (“sabaka”)

Кошка (“koshka”)

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Russian Language

Good news:• No articles• No auxiliary verbs (like be and are in English)• Word sequence in a sentence is not fixedBad news:• Grammar features three genders• Plural of nouns is often irregular• 12 forms for a noun (2 numbers, 6 cases)• 1000…0 forms for a verb (gender, tense, person,

number, mood, etc.)• Verb’s form depends on the gender of the

corresponding noun or person• Punctuation rules are strict and complicated

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Currency: Ruble

Abbreviation: RUR

Symbol: (informal), р. or руб.

$1 ≈ 32 р.

1 € ≈ 43 р.

How much weearn and pay in Russia

Some Common Costs

Ticket to a subway: 0.65 €

Average bill in a decent restaurant: 30 €

Two bedroom flat in Moscow: 700 € monthly

My laptop: 850 €

Core Taxes

Individual income tax: 13%

Corporate wages tax: 34.2%

Corporate VAT: 18%

Corporate profit tax: 25%

Average Wages in IT*

Team leader: 3,500 €

Senior developer: 2,800 €

Developer: 1,800 €

*data for Moscow, monthly(!)


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How hard we workin Russia

• Working week: 5 days (Mon–Fri)• Working day: 8–10 hours• Vacations: 20 business days per year• Holidays:

– Dec 31– Jan 11– Feb 23– Mar 8– May 1, 2, and 8, 9– Jun 12– Nov 4

We work

We don’t

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2. Where are the Money

Why it’s a good idea to do Business with Russians

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We have Much Money Now

The Main Customers are:• Gas, Oil, and Minerals Companies• The Russian Government• Retail as B2B customer • Retail as Channel of Sales• Banking and Insurance• Telecom

…and we use it or lose it.

Just do right things and they’ll share their profit with you.

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We still have GoodEngineers and Researches

The main branches are:• Software Development• Security and Cryptography• Aviation and Space• Weapons• Medicine• Specific Technical Branches

…and we use it or lose it.

Just do right things and they’ll share their profit with you.

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Get Ready for the Russian Business

In Russia you can quickly make a lot of money but you have to render very strange activities in order to achieve that.

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Doing Businesswith Russians

Understanding Strategies of Your Russian Partners-to-be

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Reasonable Approach to the Russian Market


The MainCustomers

Russian IT-related Companies

RussianEngineering Companies

The BestEngineers

Help them bringtheir solutions

to the worldwidemarket

Give them new buzzwords and products

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Strategy 1: Help the Big Guys to spend money

1. Fast: Informal agreement: subject and budget. Be ready to send your datasheets and prices ASAP.

2. Slow: Wait for OK from the customer. Don’t worry. Feel free to call your Russian friends.

3. Fast: Do entire work in a draft mode. Start work promptly but insist on signing a contract.

4. Slow: Set up a formal contract with customer. Don’t do anything before they sign a contract with the customer.

5. Normal: Finalize or even remake the draft. Be ready for numerous changes and corrections.

E. g. implementation of some technology or product.

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Strategy 2: Help the Smart Guys move to the West

1. Making a prototype that looks like a real product.

2. Checking if anybody out of Russia wants to pay for it.

3. Setting up contracts with foreign customers or partners.

4. Producing a final version of the product (from the start).

5. Starting product sales via Internet or foreign partners.

6. Client’s company branch out of Russia.

E. g. developing a product for the worldwide market.

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2. Outsourcing to Russia

What, When, How

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What and When Outsource to Russia?

Extremely complicated task: No one wants to do it.

Problem solution needed: It’s not just product making.

You need it fast! Or even yesterday.

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Economy of Outsourcing to Russia

Price = Wages + Taxes + Profit = Wages • 3.5

How an outsourcer bids you:

300–500 € for a developer’s work daily

If it is much more:• They can’t calculate

• They are too big

• They are really greedy

If it is Less:• They can’t calculate

• Their skills are poor

• They will re-outsource your task

• It is not a legal company

• They don’t understand your task

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How to Negotiate with Russian Outsourcer

• Must have an English website

• Must react rapidly

• Make presale estimations for free

•Let them know the entire budget•Give them time to consider your task•Write and reconcile detailed requirements•Request a fixed price•Always sign written contracts•Reconcile the payment method



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5. Culture-specific Aspects

Dos and Donts

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Don’t Be Confused by the Following Behavior

We might:• Try to prove your task doesn’t make sense• Delay (up to forever) calling or writing back • Come up on the deadline point with an

announcement of ‘not having enough time’• Come up on the deadline point with a ‘much

better idea how to implement all that’• … and so on.

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But there is a bright side

We will survive with:

• Deadline shifted to the day after tomorrow

• Requirements modified on the fly

• Exotic technology needed to be grasped in a wink

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You don’t want to try these…

• Run a project in absence of a specific manager in charge.

• Report the other party to their boss without any war declaration.

• Make general answers to specific questions.

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You are always welcome with your questions

[email protected]

Mikhail Ostrogorskij
