Page 1: Evening star. (Washington, D.C.) 1926-03-21 [p 15] · Light or dark back-ly inexpensive frocks, effects on either for dainty lingerie. snugly, with never a wrinkle, shaped to *roum,a


f AlTOminriTT DT» /~\ EMraSpedal! 1-MPamot

LANOIjURGIi_Cr DKD. Women's Full Fashioned7th to Bth to E—FAMOUS FOR QUALITYSINCE 1860—Franklin 7400 t

A S Member of American Retailers* Asociation, Inc. O *ll p( f •

> Oilk Stockings

ARustle of Fifteen Lovely Spring Silks Be an Excellent Value at $1.50, Selling at 1 140-m. New Printed

r* j T ITI 1 10*11 ' 40-in. Heavy Flat ajHarr^^")Crepes, *1.69 54-Inch Bordered S>ilk Crepe Crepe. *1.69 ffel OQ T»

«—»*«¦<* iSSTJst£>l™ «-'»•»«“*>’ X..Lu Hr.A host of new and unusual One of the most popular


Makes 77-7? A Choice of forty Full fashioned-with all that the termand evl?ry g'

mart shade of the«¦"*¦« «d d«.ded- different rich color implies! Fitting the ankle smoothly and

season. Light or dark back- ly inexpensive frocks , effects on either for dainty lingerie. snugly, with never a wrinkle, shaped to*roum,a

* 7f°r lt


nes 2“/ Ip II light 7 da "k back "

40-in. Satin Crepe, with a beau- the calf of the leg, to the curve of the heel •gg36-in. Chiffon Taffeta, lustrous Trom 1/2 1 4 0

gronntls. Pascinat- tiful finish; very important in the and toes, SO that there IS no bunching Or ¦£sand beautiful ami very smart this yards, due to the 0 W a ~ W ing geometric, floral Spring mode. Black ami wrinkl'inp* nn strain Full fn«hinn<*H tn ral tßfirJYthl&vfseason. Choice of new shades, as



Ath _ an(, V•V1/ L,ntin ,1 ,1. new colors. $2.9* qual- *() tU\ WnnKling no Strain. fUU iasmonea—tO l|S Hf) \M#i

well as navy and black. QQ P? at ."‘dth and and conventionaldd- ity for SZ.U\) fit perfectly; to give the Utmost service! kJm ySKv ”-> I*9B pedZuf on ,«ch

signs-a wonderful 32 .1„. silk Br..d £l»,h, shown in33-in. Japanese Pongee, our usual **

., . . selection. JO plain shades, ami in an attrac- ChOOSB from this Wonderful AsSOtt- pftW*/SI.OO all-silk quality, in the stand- striking prints. tive array of neat stripes. d»f £Q /**/„, p,__ c Hi. ...UL WMcA VShMard 12-inomie weight. Spe- S'tL Usual $2.00 grade for V-»- V»7 merit Or \*OIOTS rUTC Silk With | Viesnai, a yard c Black Coating Black Sat in I 54-in. Crepe 40-in. Coating Bengaline, a fine I Lisle Tops and Soles Vy|j VlAl

40-in. Heavy Romaine Crepe, a o • C* TI r*l • silk-and-wool fabric, in plain colors, we \rmlevel v fabric, that adapts itself Satin L«repe JJe Lihine black and striped es- Atmosphere Gravel French Nude IP Upa

fcWn 7m ot\******* Vm**M*n» W.nn Gr.d. $1.98 On*, Crash Bran fig \\\

v»«i :*,4 -uu $2.50 $3.45 $2.98 »*. *mTub dw.«..» Bei*e Blush.

s,on ' «r» y m36-in. All-silk Rajah, a rich heavy v . . . . novelty silk that is shown in at- Piping Rock Rose Taupe Gun Metal | )

crade, for sport and all A Rood, rich Mack silk- A very heavy weieht A hoavy, durable qual- tractive ombre effects. ij„t,-di 1~ f\ i /

davtime frocks A d»fk a andwool coating with love- pure dye black satin crepe ity that is an excellent. Ideal for snort frocks Harvest \\ indsor lan Black Idaxtime troc ks. A $2.50 ly satin facing. An ideal that la especially des.rahle. choice for Spring and Sum- v”J * $2.95 r,« n„> arf l weight and fabric for as it can be used on either mer frocks. Both light ' ar<l STRKKT KiaiOß, i.ANSBCRt.H * BRO.

THIRD l-XOOR, I.ANSBURGH A BRO. Spring wraps and coats. side. 40 inches wide. and dark shades. THIRD FLOOR. LANBBURGH A BRO.

' ' ' •*"" "

-¦” "

" ¦» ¦¦ ¦

xotmvorthy Savings for Men! Ready Tomorrow at \8 A.M.\—The Annual SpringB.V.D. Union Suits Cl CT> 11 ICI 11

Usual $1.50 Values Dale or and Dhrubbery I\' -9 Transform your home into a bower of Summertime. Now c . TT“ 7;—. _

( m Sv ls die time to put in flowers and shrubs so that they may take o3le Marts at o A.M.i H' I I hold before the sun draws the sap away from the roots. —for the convenience of Government etn-

I 1.1 ej / ”/**n—'*« ..r ~ „„d ‘hniit, and BKS ,tlS.irSsic?3ta.h"nS..‘ h' dw/ f ) -I II ¦ I / tinners out of town, but will gladly deliver them wherever our m ¥ - *» . o »-

I 1 {•/; it j it I /if v, trucks go. "lease Lse out Slreet r.iilranee

i yf; *1 II The label—B. V. n.—tells the stery of v ( )i TL J X D 11 TV 11\ j; /j I quality, cut and fit. And there arc sizes from J[\ /i

v Jor ,

t TlOtlSciriCiS Ot 1a OS e bushes, Xv £IITI D1 GT S•* toin this special offering- j l)7;rY Vines and Flowering Shrubs

Ilf!),L Men's “Onyx" Silk Socks V( ’ 35C CdCHt 3fO V ffil{ \ }( Pure silk of the excellent quality you f\ I \ fy 7/ S f TT~^

I j 'I [ expect of Onyx, with seamed leg..-. Ml ¦¦ I \ y

I—U4-J 'A s^c^-faTr' 10™.’: ".a -


and . . grV:... A.

I! '-'"C VL/J , Climbing Roses Monthly Roses Flowering Shrubs

l j 'J /\\ | fjfflC*/i Evergreens 35c; 3 for $1 35c; 3 for $1 35c; 3 for $1

Mens Night shirts Mens bnglisn // fj [( / 9 Climbing American Beauty. (yellow). Spirea Van Houttei.Excellent quality, generously cut ID 11 1 Cl * / s'

Arbor Vitae and Nor- 1 ausendschoen (pink). Columbia (pink) Spirea Anthonv Waterer.and well made.


Sizes 15 to 20, JDroadcloth OhirtS I jS. wa-v Spruce, good size. Pauls Scarlet Gimber. (;russ AN Teplitz (crimson). Weigelia.


special— r/\\\ Kaiserine Auguste Victoria Hydrangea P.G.

nr»A /’"* /* V\\ Annual Rosebushes (white). Deutzia.VM I I Otz OI *1 Killarney (pink).

• 1 T lit/ l \ | PRIVET Joe; a jor $1 rs Aaron ward (yellow). Grape VinesMi tj n • \ American Beauty. Sunburst (yellow). o - o t ,of

en sGood quality, in all wanted colors broadcloth, firmly woven, with an W Healthv Cal f

• George Dickson (velvety black- Pink or Red Radiance. Concord,and all sizes. Exceptionally well even weave and attractive sheen. \r Privet 18 to H inches crimson). Ophelia (pink). Moore’s Early.>”ade - Collar-attached and neckband )\ »«¦ '


General Jacqueminot Crusader (deep red) Catawba.-g i \\ (crimson). General McArthur (scarlet). Niagara.I /LI styles in white, gray, tan and U p au j Neyron (pink). Madame Caroline Testont

blue. Allsizes. U Tuberous Plantsstreet fi4)or, iansbcboh * bro. j_ A |\ A j BARBERRY rlowering Vines Madame Edward Herriot

¦ W 9 < at (scarlet). 3oc; 3 for o l

. „_

_ , _ IIIf 10 for $1,75 doc; 3 for $1 , Hoosier Beauty (red). Chrysanthemum.These Will Make the Wash Goods Dept II|ff 12 anrl 1R inch bar .

Clematis Pamculata. La France (pink). Phlox.A Busy Spot Monday |l[l ! berry plants, sturdy Wistaria. My Maryland (pink). Lily of the Valley (clumps.)

¦JLfJV ; and healthy. Boston Ivy. i (noire de Dijon (brightyellow). Peonies (red, white and pink).1 T # 1 T # SIXTH FLOOR. LAXSBVRGH ft BRO.

re-bhrunk Irish Linen r— 7Usual 75c Quality IJinnerivare—Reduced 331A%

A beautifully finished quality, and an ideal weight for smocks \? 4 WIand women’s and children’s dresses. ‘Shown in such delightful shadesas reseda green, copen, gray, rose, sand, brown, orchid, tangerine,

„i , _ „ „ .

11 m*Charming Peter Pan Prints 1 his Mahogany Clock M /One n-Stnr»lr Pa+ternß®)

*y > Artistically Simple in Design, the MtULIV A dllWlllO \

FC 1 \/ J Damons New Haven Make , With M t£Sw B / \ 'T * \Right-Day Movement and Chime IbIIBwIS i (¦ * H h t lit a

v/L JL Wr# aw ItWlii / A wonderful opportunity to replace broken pieces, if \ wlf* \IO Q iwtfi you have one of these patterns—or to buy a complete \

You will find a host of uses for these fascinating, finely woven « JLj6 • %J | sUI | set at far less than regular! •

prints besides for women’s and children's frocks. The quaint little 111 ISJI I I The eight lovely designs that are sketched, and three ! I (idesio-ns are pleasing- in color and positively will not fade I How moderately priced! This graceful mahog- US i other patterns, one with center decoration.

& & any clock—and how reliable is the movement. 1 li" I Alin • r i s~\ i •

75c Woven Striped Linen, in at- 32-in. Lorraine Silver Spray Fab- You’ll appreciate its dependence no less than its IH! | All Beautiful Quality^tractive shades for Sport rics, in pretty little checks and real artistic value. , \|M|l \ Dinnerware that will make yon proud of your /"Vsg/frocks, 36 inches wide. Spe- plaids wit rayon stripe. TJc stkkkt lansri roh * brr. W'Vjtv ti \ table, no matter what the occasion. Reautiful / Icial, a yard usual 50c grade i0r........ \ border designs, bird of paradise, medallions, flower / / /

50c Woven Tissues, 36 inches Silk-and-cotton and Rayon Nov- spray, plain coin gold border and others. /wide; of dainty yet substantial elties, 36 inches wide, in lovely pas- £,f\C\ J 13 T * Vueßa. \ • /quality. Pretty colors. A qQ_ tel shades for lingerie. A<Q OUU IQS* 1 UTC JUIH CII \ 50-pc. Sets that would usually /

vard, only »»¦.»?..... only T* T'""i tv4\ /r i tt r cost $15.00 to $27.50—N0W /fiwm? ~ Is/¦ ¦ TABLE DAMASK s ln +U7 /M-wI CONSULT MARIE MORAN r%cL \7 1 \; AU t 0About Your Easter Wardrobe I Cl.

In the Fashion Show that we held at the Earle Theater last week models. A-

representing almost every type were chosen—the petite girl, the average figure, A fine quality—/0 inches wide. Full bleach,the very tall woman and the larger woman—and each was costumed to make the sturdy weave, lustrous finish. Choice of several v

As a to our patrons, Marie Moran, who planned and managed neat floral patterns.the Fashion Show, will be in our Fashion Shops throughout the week, and will thirh rr,ooß, i-aNsbitroh & only too glad to give her advice in the selection of appareL Do not hesitate *

l, inTmnwnmirrrr" , "’“-'-

to call on her at anytime. : ¦ ¦¦ - - ¦¦ ¦ -- -

