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Evaluation Question 5By Jeenal Parmar

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How did you attract and address your audience?

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• I conducted a questionnaire and from this I analysed my results. my audience was mostly people in their 20’s and below, and so this shows that my target audience is young, as for gender, they were both male and female of similar numbers.

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• I asked their opinion on what was eye catching within my media product, and these turned out to be the colours I had used for my colour scheme, the content I had provided and what was offered, the layout of the content given and the consistency that remained within my media product, for instance using the font I had used for the logo in key areas like for article headlines and page numbers as well as contents page headings. There was also the way I took the pictures, as the image used on my double page spreads had evidently been taken so the article was in a particular place, and that was my intention so knowing this attracted the attention of the audience means I managed to do that well.

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• I also asked my participants what features they tended to look for in a magazine, and I came to the conclusion that I had included many of the features they had pointed out such as competitions, articles and interviews and discussing new artists as well as artist’s that were already well known. There is also the fact that the colour scheme was quite popular among my participants, and I believe this would attract my audience as the bright contrast of the colours would be hard to miss on shelves.

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• I also addressed the audience with the model on the front cover as she is looking directly into the camera, giving the idea that she is looking straight at the reader which would engage them. I also reduced the number of cover lines to make it not look too overcrowded and so this would mean there was more attention on the imagery aspects of the magazine.

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• I also asked my audience if they already bought magazines and most replied no, but those who did only purchased them monthly or fortnightly. I felt like this would make my magazine appealing due to the fact that it’s a relatively cheap magazine, and is only sold once a month making it a cheap investment and so i feel like this would also attract my audience. I then asked my participants if they would buy LP, and most of them said yes meaning my magazine has appealed to my target audience, but those who said no did say that they would recommend the magazine to another person who was perhaps more suited to reading LP, and so word of mouth could increase LP’s reach. This means my magazine was successful at attracting the audience.

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