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Evaluation Question 5How did you attract and address your audience?I constructed a questionnaire to get an idea of what the target audience wants and I chose to give the questionnaire out to people under 25 as that is my target age range. I gave it to equally both female and males to get an insight into whether males would be interested in buying my magazine and found they would not which I expected. I asked their opinion on what they found eye catching and if the colour scheme and images caught their eye compared to other magazines. I also asked their opinion on the masthead and whether this also caught their eye in which I found it did. I used a similar font throughout so it is clear and easy to read. I made text that needed to stand out more bigger and used a stroke around white text to make it clearer. I also asked participants what they looked for when buying a music magazine and most said celebrity gossip and gig ticket offers which my magazine contains. I also asked about whether the main image is eye catching and most of the people I asked said it was. I used a model looking directly into the camera so it is more personal to the reader. On the contents page I also used an editors introduction so it interacts with the reader and makes it feel more personal to them. Most people I asked do not buy magazines currently but would be willing to buy my magazine. This is a positive as it shows my magazine appeals to the target audience I wanted it to.