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  • 8/3/2019 EssentialsWP7.00


    ERD AS

    IMAGINE Essentials


  • 8/3/2019 EssentialsWP7.00


    IMAGINE Essentials

    is a powerful, low-cost, stand-alone image mapping and visualization prod-uct. It en ables you to quickly and accurately display, visually analyze, and geocorrect o r reproject

    you r dat a. IMAGINE Essent ials also allows you t o in tegrate n um erou s raster form ats (e.g., GeoTIFF,

    ESRI GRID, ER Mapper, ERDAS .img, and many more) along with vector GIS information, into a com-

    m on environm ent for m anipulation and analysis, including m ap creation and updating. IMAGINE

    Essentials is ideal for applications requiring the creation and maintenance of geographic information

    databases, ranging from traditional cartographic mapping to enterprise-wide GIS databases.

    Problem Solving With IMAGINE Essentials

    Problem:The Georgia In stitute of Techn ologys Center for GIS n eeded to t ake 372 aerial ph otograph s (in th e

    TIFF World form at), coverin g th e wh ole of Metro Atlant a, Georgia, from th e Georgia GIS Data

    Clearinghouse and quickly import, define projection information, reproject and mosaic the imageson a coun ty-by-coun ty basis. All this n eeded to be don e in a cost-effective time fram e. Previously,

    such processing h ad taken a m onth , and was highly user-intensive.

    Solution:With ERDAS IMAGINE, the Georgia Institute of Technologys Center for GIS was able to use the

    Batch Wizard to help automate this process, largely removing the need for user intervention. The

    first process to be automated was to import all the images the Batch Wizard was used to record the

    import p rocess for a single image and th en im port th e remaining images, withou t th e need for an

    operator to make any further selections.

    Many of the supplied images had been rectified to a different projection from that required by the

    project, and the World File did not represent the projection name. Consequently, Batch Wizard could

    then be used to add th e correct projection param eters to all the images and then to reproject the

    images as required to a common projection system. Once this task was complete, many of the imageswere used as is in the project, while others were mosaicked together on a county-by-county basis.

    Rather than taking a month, the entire process was completed within a matter of days. According to

    the Project Manager, the Batch Wizard in ERDAS IMAGINE saved us from having our operators

    tediously fillin g in in terface param eters over and o ver again for repetitive tasks, such as import ing

    and defining image header information. The rapid reprojection capabilities also helped us to com-

    plete the project in record time an d within our budget.

    The Project Man ager also added o f th e Batch Wizard: Later th is year, we plan to ap ply th at same

    process to anot h er 3,500+ images to com plete th e State of Georgia. With out th is tool well, we

    would not attem pt to do it.

    Problem:Producing cartographic-quality maps often involves the synthesis and management of disparate geo-

    graphic data sources. This process is often time-consuming and the translation processes can cause

    loss of geograph ic or attribute accuracy. An integrated software solution m aintain s accuracy and

    allows users to quickly produce standardized, consistent end-map products.

    Solution:IMAGINE Essentials p rovides access to over 90 image and geographic data formats such as the out-

    put from desktop scanners, data from the World Wide Web, digital orthophotos, and more. It is

    imp erative that t h is geographical data be spatially correct before it is used for m appin g purpo ses.

    IMAGINE Essent ials provides th e tools to quickly geom trically correct dat a to a broad range of p rojec-

    tions and coordinate system s.

    Example 1:



    of Data

    Example 2:

    Cartographic Map

    Series Production

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    On ce geom etrically correct, th e different d ata sources can be overlaid or t iled to gether for com pari-

    son or presentation. Full control is provided over the attribute-based symbolization of vector and

    raster data.

    The data can t hen be produced into cartographic-quality map com positions. Map objects can be

    dragged and dropped onto a blank canvas. If standardized mapping products are required, final digi-

    tal maps can be automatically generated for printing using map series databases and templates. These

    databases and templates contain all the element s required for the end product, such as com pany

    logos, copyright notices, attribute legends, and other map objects.

    Problem:Many organizations are responsible for creating, updating, and maintaining digital vector databases.

    They need to be able to vectorize data from existing paper maps, but they also need to constantly

    revise th e data with up-to-date information, or provide new in formation by interpreting secondary

    data sources.

    Case Study :The Australian Geological Survey Organization (AGSO) in Canberra, Australia, is responsible for creat-

    ing and updating a variety of geologic and other thematic maps for the entire continent of Australia.

    Accordin g to Quill William s, th e Busin ess Developm en t Man ager at ESRI Austra lia (th e ERDAS distrib-

    ut or in Australia), AGSO ch ose ERDAS IMAGINE geograph ic im aging software to co m plem en t its GIS

    because ERDAS provides th e qu ickest an d ea siest w ay to create ArcIn fo (ESRI, Redlan ds, CA) vectors

    from raster dat a or to upd ate ArcIn fo vectors from an existing GIS database.

    IMAGINE Essent ials is a too l th at en ables you to integrate, up date, an d m anipu late ESRIs ArcIn focoverages with in th e ERDAS IMAGINE environ m ent . The key is that th e vectors and th eir attributes

    remain in the ArcInfo format as you view and edit them over current imagery. There are no file con-

    version or translation errorsany coverages manipulated can then be directly analyzed in the

    ArcIn fo GIS.

    Wh ile exiting pap er m aps of geological structures can easily be used as an initial source of digital vec-

    tors via the u se of digitizing tablets, these m aps m ay be decades out of dat e, at small scales, or may

    be difficult to obtain for more remote regions. Thus, more up-to-date sources are required for inter-

    preting features.

    Satellite im agery and oth er rem otely sensed data provide an extrem ely cost-effective source of in for-

    mation, allowing more frequent update of data than from field surveys, for example, AGSO processes

    and utilizes man y disparate sources of data, such as satellite im ages, aerial photo graphs, radar, radio-

    metric, magnetic and gravity, to aid in the interpretation and mapping of subsurface geology. Theseraster data types can b e accessed in IMAGINE Essent ials, corrected to a com m on projection system,

    and merged to provide multi-layer multi-temporal, large-scale imagery for interpretation.

    Existing geologic vector coverages can b e overlaid directly on th ese images, either ind ividually or

    simultan eously, to allow geologists to com pare datasets visually on screen an d edit as n eeded using

    ERDAS IMAGINE. Th e Blend , Swipe an d Flicker tools allow rapid data comparison to highlight fea-

    tures requiring digitization with the suite of vector editing tools.

    Th e Image Drape utility in ERDAS IMAGINE provides a further means of interpreting data by allow-

    ing th e visualization of surface or subsurface features in 3D.

    Results:Spatially accurate, u p-to-date th emat ic databases were rapidly produ ced for Australia.

    Technical Specifications

    Data VisualizationAll interactive display and processing t akes place in th e viewer

    Data lay ers (i.e., raster, vector, annotation, or any combination of these) can be displayed at any

    scale or resolution

    Attribute information can be en tered or queried

    Use multiple view ers to display separate layers, or overlay mu ltiple layers within a single viewer

    Geographic linking allows separate viewers to b e linked geographically for simu ltaneou s roam ing.

    It also provides overviews of th e cont ents of oth er viewers and m agnification views.

    Example 3:Vector Data Update

    for National

    Mapping Database

    Key Benefits

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    The viewers support reprojection on-the-fly . You n o

    longer need to tediously reproject all your data into a

    com m on projection system sin ce ERDAS IMAGINE will

    automatically reproject in real-time, both in the viewer

    and when analyzing datasets.

    A virtual mosaic of separate images can be performed

    by displaying multiple neighboring images in a single


    Interactive scale bars and no rth arrow s can be

    continuously displayed to provide contextual

    information for data in the viewer. The visual appearance of imagery can be enhanced by

    creating, saving an d retrieving look-up tab les, applying

    filters, and applying other raster editing functions for

    furth er analysis. Edit fun ctions includ e:

    copy and paste of user-defined regions

    recoding, offsetting, and interpo lation of class


    un lim ited un do levels

    Several display modes are supported for displaying

    imagery: grayscale, pseudo color (for th em atic data),

    relief shading, and true color (red, green and blue color gun assignment).

    Interactively ch ange the initial band combination without reloading th e imagery

    Rapidly perform resolution merges or change d etection through the ability to define in dividual

    gun s of th e RGB display from different data files.

    Measuremen t too ls are provided to quickly assess the widt h of a river, the area of a building, th e

    compass orientation of a track, or the geographic coordinate of an object.

    An inqu ire cursor allows you to drive to a kn own location or to provide attribute information at

    specific locations.

    The Attribut e CellArray provides tools for accessing, defining and manipulating attribute

    information in them atic data layers.

    Profile tools provide a further means of measuring and analyzing geographic imagery:

    The Spectral Profile tool p rovides a spectral profile at a specific geograph ic location, drillin g

    down through all the band s in an image and producing a scaled graph of reflectance against

    wavelength. This is most often used for analyzing hyperspectral imagery by comparing the

    spectral profile of a pixel with a library of kn own spectra to iden tify a material at th at


    The Spatial Profile tool prod uces cross-section al plots along a user-defined line an d can be

    used to perform line-of-sight an alyses, surface distan ce calculations, or can be used to an alyze

    the correlation between variations in different image bands.

    The Surface Profile tool can be used t o qu ickly generate isometric views of surfaces, includin g

    th e ability to d rape an oth er image over th e surface. Th is is used to assess the results of raster

    edits performed on imagery.

    The viewer supports the display and m anipulation of various form ats of vector data, allowin g

    all types of data to be displayed simultaneously for combined analysis. Currently supported for

    direct read in t h e viewer are areas of in terest (AOIs), ann otat ion , ESRI ArcInfo coverages, ESRI

    Sh apefiles, ESRI SDE, an d TerraModel (Spectra Precision , Atlan ta, GA) project s.

    AOI files are poin ts, lines, or polygons u sed to define areas, or regions, for specific processing.

    The use of AOIs is universal throughout ERDAS IMAGINE, with the majority of processes having

    the option to constrain to an AOI. AOIs can be:

    m anu ally created th rough on -screen heads-up) or tablet digitizing

    autom atically created from oth er data layers (e.g., and ArcInfo p olygon coverage, or a class in

    a th ematic image)

    autom atically generated u sin g the un ique Region Growing (or Seeding) tool, allowing polygonboundaries to be rapidly generated across large areas which would otherwise take many hours

    to manually digitize (e.g., for lake or forest edges).

    Annotation layers are used to provide simple overlays for imagery, both in the viewer and when

    creating map com positions. You can create layers wh ich include:

    point sym bols

    filled and un filled polygons

    lines of various styles

    north arrows

    geographic tics an d graticules

    Unicode text for supp orting 2-byte character sets

    Full co ntrol is provided over the way t hese features are displayed, allowing th e user to design n ew

    symbols, fill styles an d line styles, and define sizes in term s of map or pap er coordinat e system s. A

    The viewer pictured above compares a SPOT image

    with shaded relief elevation data using the Swipe too

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    custom izable style chooser, or palette, is also provided, from which to select th e style for a

    particular feature.

    ERDAS IMAGINE is th e only geograph ic im aging software with ESRIs da ta m od els built in, giving

    total integration of coverages, Sh apefiles and SDE int o everyday processing.

    Take existing vector layers and display them over up-to-date, planem etrically correct imagery

    and use the Style Chooser to define the way features are displayed.

    Autom atically generate sym bology based on th e topological attribut es

    ArcIn fo coverages and Shapefiles m ay also be edited (see the Vector Editing section in th is

    White Paper).

    TerraMod el projects can be displayed in the viewer, and you control the layers to draw and the

    palette to use.

    3D VisualizationThe ability to ren der a view of a surface from an oblique

    angle with imagery mapped onto the surface provides a

    unique insight into the scale and association of features in

    a land scape. Th e Image Drape utility m akes use of

    OpenGL support to:

    allow a surface file, such as a digital elevation m odel

    (DEM), to be rend ered from custom -defined o bserver

    positions and viewing geometries to provide a true per

    spective view, rath er th an an isom etric view.

    give th e analyst contro l over vertical exaggeration, back

    ground sky definition, atmospheric effect, the types ofimagery draped on to th e surface, and mo re, to provide

    ph oto-realistic views of th e groun d or t o visualize the

    relationship of th eir GIS an alyses.

    Data IntegrationERDAS IMAGINE prov ides several

    techn iques for accessing data:

    autoload ers, generic

    import/export, and direct read via

    dyn am ically loadable libraries


    Direct Read: open and use

    imagery in its native format via

    rast er DLLs. An y ERDASIMAGINE ap plication which

    accesses information via the

    raster DLL can be used to

    process raster data in its

    native format. The DLL

    approach allows developers to

    easily add support for new

    raster form ats in ERDAS

    IMAGINE by utilizing the raster

    DLL socket.

    Autoloaders: provide m eans to au tom atically

    convert numerous data formats to ERDAS

    IMAGINEs internal .img file format, without

    the need to provide any information regarding the data itself. This gives you rapid access to datawhile retainin g as mu ch of th e origin al formats inform ation as possible. Th e export of ERDAS

    IMAGINE files to m an y com m on ly used exch an ge form ats, such as JPEG or GeoTIFF, is also


    Generic Impo rt/Expo rt: ERDAS IMAGINE provides a generic ut ility for im portin g inform ation for

    which no autoloader exists. This provides access to most image data by manually providing further

    information, such as the n um ber of rows and colum ns in an image file.

    Image Drape viewer

    Vector Attribute CellArray

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    Image ManagementAn intu itive, m ap-based graphical display tool

    enables you to:

    easily index, view, man age, archive, and

    retrieve im agery from an ywhere on the


    quickly display image footprints on your

    choice of map back ground, and a single click

    sends th e selected im age(s) to a viewer

    query the m ap display to find imagery by

    geographical location or use th e CellArray toperform attribute-based queries

    custom ize a catalog to suit a particular project

    or use it to manage a corporate image


    Geometric CorrectionIMAGINE Essentials provides over 200 map projections

    and datum s, and allows you to d efine custom projec-

    tion libraries.

    ERDAS IMAGINEs geom etric correction too l provid es

    a stand ard int erface for geolocating im agery based on

    geometric m odels. Different m odels are available

    depending on the t ype of geometric distortions in theimagery and the desired output accuracy require-

    ments. Data can be georeferenced to control refer-

    ences, such as scann ed m aps, GPS, vector data, paper

    m aps and existing im agery. The imagery is tied to

    these references through th e use of the Ground

    Control Point (GCP) Editor. The GCP Editor allows

    comm on GCPs to be identified in both the im age and

    reference in order to construct th e geometric model

    which translates the image to a planar projection system.

    Numerous tools are supplied to help the user and speed this process, such as:

    zoom windo ws, with autom atic tracking to GCPs

    independent residual error reporting, to identify poorly defined or measured GCPs so that they can

    be corrected check point definition, to d eterm ine accuracy of the geometric model

    coordinate calculator, for changing the projection system of control reference points

    autom atic point prediction and m atching, with autom atic drive to coordinate for fine-tuning of


    use digitizin g tablets to derive accurate reference cont rol from paper m aps

    Imagery does not need to be resampled to the particular projection systemcalibration and on-the-

    fly warping retain the integrity of your source data. Calibration provides a rapid means of geocoding

    imagery for time-sensitive applications, such as military target mapping or emergency response situa-

    tions, but can also be used to reduce the time and disk space used for producing final mapping prod-


    Geolocated imagery can be used as an accurate base map for further analysis, map production, and

    map updates.

    Vector EditingIn ad dition to p roviding tools for creatin g and upd ating raster-based m aps, IMAGINE Essent ials pro-

    vides tools for combining and editing vector-based maps. Tools for editing AOI and annotation lay-

    ers, an d creating or editin g ArcInfo an d Shapefile coverages includ e:

    add label point s, arcs, polygon an d tic objects by m ouse, keyboard or d igitizin g tablet

    user-defined editing tolerances for weed, grain, arc sn ap, and n ode snap d istances

    split and merge arcs

    symbolized display or arcs, label point s, polygon s

    symbolized display of dangling and pseudo nodes

    symbolized display of polygon errors

    splin e, den sify, an d gen eralize capabilities

    An example of the Image Catalog

    A sample GCP Editor session

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    display and manipulate individual vertices on a line

    reshape a portion of a line

    cut, copy and paste features

    m ultiple undo levels

    poin t-and-click, or area-based, selection

    add and m anipulate attribute fields and records

    region grow (seed)

    create ArcInfo vectors from o th er ERDAS IMAGINE vector form ats

    The ability to display a vector layer over imagery backgroun ds provides a po werful way to create or

    upd ate th e data, since all the viewer visualization tools are available to th e analyst. Out-of-date fea-tures in an existing ArcInfo coverage can be iden tified by displaying over a recently acquired an d

    geometrically corrected im age and using th e Blend, Swipe or Flicker chan ge detection tools.

    Identifying th e exact boun daries of a feature to be digitized is possible by applying any o f these

    image enhancement functions:

    edge enhancing filters to highlight a road or track

    edge detection filters to identify buildings

    look-up t able manipulation to increase the contrast in natural vegetation areas

    increasing the spatial resolution of color imagery by merging a higher resolution panchromatic

    image to help identify small features

    As the an alyst digitizes, the viewer will autom atically pan in th e direction of editing.

    Sim ple Im age ClassificationIMAGINE Essentials provid es a too l to categorize images int o classes, each class represen tin g a dis-tinct feature in th e image, wheth er it be forest areas, agricultural fields, urban areas, or th e like. Th e

    ISODATA process is fully auto m atic, requiring th at you m erely specify th e m aximu m nu m ber of class-

    es to identify in the image.

    Cartographic ProductionIMAGINE Essent ials includes a h ighly interactive, cartograph ic-quality m ap com position t ool for

    designing and printing hardcopy output. The capabilities can be summarized at three levels: custom

    map compositions, template map compositions, and the Map Series Tool.

    Custom Map Compositions: Individual map composi-

    tions can be designed from scratch, starting with a

    clean, white canvas of user-specified size. Objects can

    then be positioned on this canvas to build up th e finalmap. The data are then reproduced in the map compo-

    sition at the desired scale and extent.

    Template Map Com positions: Standard map tools can

    be used to design a tem plate map con taining all the

    features and objects required. Your dat a can th en be

    quickly dropped into the empty frames, any necessary

    m odifications m ade, and p rinted using th is standard

    layout schem e.

    Map Series Tool: The Map Series Tool takes the concept

    of the template to anoth er level by fully autom ating

    the process of producing multiple, standardized output

    m ap compositions when th e areal extent of your data

    necessitates producing n um erous hardcopy maps to

    cover the entire area.

    Batch ProcessingIf you n eed to im port 1 00 images, create 500 classifications, or perform any t ype of repetitive task

    within ERDAS IMAGINE, th e Batch Wizard p rovides an in tuitive tool for aut om ating you r prod uction

    flow. The Batch Wizard leads you th rough th e process of constructing re-useable batch scripts. Th e

    Batch Wizard:

    Records a process (such as an im port o peration ), or series of processes, as a batch com m and script

    Autom ates the batch com man d script so that it can be re-used with oth er data files

    Selects m ultiple files using lists or wildcards as inpu t to th e recorded batch process

    Creates output file names automatically with user-defined patterns

    Allows you to edit th e variables in th e batch script to m odify the recorded process

    Map series tiles

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    Saves batch scripts for re-use in oth er projects, or to share stand ard processin g steps

    Ease of Use Comm on, generic tools are provided so th at an analyst familiar with th eir use in one con text can

    easily start using other functions without having to learn a completely new interface.

    A preferen ce editor is inclu ded for custo m izing ERDAS IMAGINE to you r particular u ser


    Many dialogs in ERDAS IMAGINE support preview windows, allowing you to easily open listings of

    recently accessed directories and files.

    All operations with in ERDAS IMAGINE are suppo rted by ext ensive hypertext On -Line Help, as well

    as bubble-help options

    Ease of Custom ization System-wide, intuitive graph ical user interface, which is easily mod ified to suit a particular

    production environment.

    Delivered with th e ERDAS Macro Language (EML), a scripting lan guage which allows you to m odify

    the interface, or add/access extra functions, in order to produce custom applications.

    ExtensibilityMan y app lication pro gram s within ERDAS IMAGINE h ave sockets (DLLs), which sp ecific filters or

    functions are plugged into for that application to interpret.

    DLLs can be used to provide plug-in functionality for geometric models, resampling techniques,

    EML application functions, and more, making it easy to extend the capabilities of an application

    without having to rewrite or recompile that application.

    The software supp orts stand ard TrueType an d PostScript Type 1 fon ts, and provides an ad dition al

    built-in library of fonts for ann otating data an d for use in m ap com positions.

    Data Visualization

    Versatile dat a viewer

    Look-up Table m anipu lation

    Data and attribute editing

    Spatial and Spectral m easuremen t

    3D view generation

    Data Integration

    Direct read of open form ats

    Import/Export routines

    Access to attribute inform ation

    Image Management

    Graph ical Image Catalog

    Data archiving and retrieval

    Batch Processing

    Batch Wizard records processes

    Apply to mu ltiple file lists

    Schedu le jobs for overnight execution

    Geom etric Co rrection

    Exten dible geometric m odels GCP Editor

    Stan dard or user-defined projection libraries

    Coordin ate calculator

    On -the-fly warping and reprojection

    Vector Editing

    ESRI dat a m od els built-in

    Vector editing tools

    Autom ated viewer roam

    Key Features and


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    Unsup ervised image classification

    Cartographic Map Produ ction

    Custom map definition tools

    Drag and drop map objects

    Template maps

    Map Series generation

    Industry standard printer language support

    Ease of Use and Customization Comm on tools used throughou t ERDAS IMAGINE

    Preference editor

    Chooser menu s

    Con text-sen sitive h ypertext On -Line Help

    Custo m izable with ERDAS Macro Lan guage (EML)


    Applications designed with DLLs

    Font m anager

    ERDAS IMAGINE is suppo rted un der th e following platform s. For m ore detailed inform ation o n t he

    supported system requirements for a particular type of PC or workstation, please refer to the relevant

    platform specification, available either from ERDAS, your local distributor or the ERDAS web site at

    Workstation Minimum Operating System Minimum Memory

    Intel PC Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 64 MB

    Microsoft Windows 98 64 MB

    Microsoft Windows 2000 64 MB

    Sun SPARC Solaris 2.6, 7.0 64 MB

    Silicon Graphics R4400 to R10000 IRIX 6.5 64 MB

    Hewlett-Packard 9000 Series 7000 HP-UX 11.00 64 MB

    IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.3.2, 4.3.3 96 MB

    DIGITAL AlphaStation COMPAQ Tru64 UNIX 4.0F 96 MB



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    ERDAS IMAGINE Product Packaging

    ERDAS IMAGINE offers a com plete, easy-to-use geograph ic im aging software suite th at h elps a variety

    of people within an organization turn geographic imagery into valuable information. The ERDAS

    IMAGINE produ ct suite offers a wide ran ge of fun ctionality from data visualization to stan dard d ata

    manipulation algorithms, to advanced image classification.

    ERDAS IMAGINE makes geographic imaging simple in a multitude of ways. The system-wide graphi-

    cal user interface shortens learning curves and makes it easy to work back and forth between prod-

    ucts. The software hides the complexity and automates standard processes, integrates key data types,

    and enables imagery to be used as a rapid, accurate and intelligent source of geographic information.

    ERDAS IMAGINE pro du cts are stru ctured in a tiered fashion , with IMAGINE Essentials as th e base tier.

    Each tier of ERDAS IMAGINE includes an d exten ds th e fun ctionality of t he previous level. Together

    with the ability to float these individual components across a network, the tiered approach enables

    you to purchase an integrated system that meets your processing requirements and is flexible enough

    to accommodate changes in your work flow.

    IMAGINE Essentials icon panel

    Copyright 1997-2000 ERDAS, Inc. All right s reserved. ERDAS, ERDAS IMAGINE and IMAGINE Essentials are registered trademarks of ERDAS, Inc. CellArray is a trademark ofERDAS, INC. Geographic Imaging Made Simple is a service mark of ERDAS, Inc. Other brands and product names are the properties of their respective owners. cc 3/00 Part No. ?

    G e o g r a p h i c I m a g i n g M a d e S i m p l eSM

    ERDAS Worldwide Headquarters

    Toll Free: +1 877-GO-ERDAS (463-7327)

    Phone: +1 404-248-9000

    Fax: +1 404-248-9400

    ERDAS in Europe, Africa, M iddle East,

    Asia/Pacific Rim

    Phone: +44 1223-881774

    Fax: +44 1223-880160

    All Other Worldwide Inquiries

    Phone: +1 404-248-9000

    Fax: +1 404-248-9400

    2801 Buford H ighway, N.E.

    Atlanta, Georgia 30329-2137 USA

    If you would like more information about our geographic imaging solutions, please contact us.

    Well respond immediately.