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  • 8/9/2019 Escaping the Illusion


    You can either BE in heaven or not be in heaven. This is one instance where thinking doesn't make it so because the state of Being is an integration of all of your faculties.

    Escaping the Illusion

    January 27, 2014

    When you are immersed in the process of life, it can be difficult to remember that it is all an illusion. The incarnation process is a structure, designed to allow life lessons to be learned, and karmic obligations to be addressed. Yet, once an individual is living a life, temporary amnesia about this structure often kicks in, causing many to forget the bigger picture of what is taking place. Everything around you is there for a reason; you designed it that way. Sometimes, you may not want to accept this; as it can be difficult to understand why you placed a certain set of circumstances in your own life. But, even if you do not see the reasons now, you will understand them upon your life review.

    The illusion of life is one that is built upon your stress, worry, anger, sadness, anxiety, obligation, fear and so forth. As you learn to release and move beyond these emotions, you are more able to experience moments of living outside ofthe illusion. When you are able to escape the illusion, whether for seconds, minutes, days, or longer, you will discover that everything falls into place even better than you could have expected.

    You are both the Creator and action-taker in your life. No one else creates thesituations or experiences around you, only you. You may not always witness thisprocess, but none-the-less, you are the one in charge of your own life. In order to escape the illusion, all you have to do is remember two things. 1) Stay in the now moment 2) You are the Creator of your reality.

    Escaping the Illusion - Aurora's MessageWhen you are truly living in the moment of now, you are always able to recognize what to focus your time and energy on. Life is nothing more than a string of moments laid one after the other. How you handle each moment, lays the foundationfor the next moment to appear. That is how you create your experiences. It is much like a choose-your-own adventure book, where certain scenarios are available

    , but the pathway to move from one to the next is dictated by your choices.

    Creation of experiences and situations does not happen with force, might or will. It happens through choice. Choice is what makes Earth so special in its ability for learning to take place. Now, the choices presented to you may not always be easy, sometimes you may not even be able to recognize that there are choices available at all.

    Whenever you are bogged down with stress, worry, anxiety, or over-analyzing theexperiences around you, take a step back and ask yourself this simple question. What is most important for me to do right now? You may not receive an answer, butthat is the answer in it of itself. There will be certain times where the best action to take is no action at all (Often because the Universe is facilitating so

    mething already). Other times, you will feel, see, or hear clear guidance to take a specific action.

    It is only your expectations and desire to control the circumstances around youthat create stress. Once you let go of your expectations of opinions, reactions, something going wrong, doing well, doing poorly, etc., you begin to conserve your energy. By conserving your energy, you have more energy and intention to focus on the area of life where your energy can be best used. It sounds simple, butthe application of this shift in thinking is very difficult. Start by becoming aware of what your mental energy is focused on, and if it is drawing you into the

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     illusion, use an affirmation to bring you back to present. Some simple and easy affirmations to accomplish this aim are:

    I am at peace.I trust in the Universe to always fulfill my best and highest good.I feel safe and supported.I am calm and relaxed.

    Choose the affirmation that you resonate with most, and repeat it until you feel your body return to a sense of peace. The more that you become aware of how you are reacting, the easier it will be to shift yourself back into peace. In thatplace of peace, you are always able to remember your role in what is happening around you. If you are faced with a big decision to make, a peaceful state of mind will give you the clarity to discern what to do next. That peace of mind and clarity is the key to escape from the illusion of life.Love, Aurora

    Life is both being and doing. In the state of doing, you are taking guided action. In the state of being, you are allowing the next guidance to come in.

    Being in the Now Moment

    February 22, 2013

    The journey on the path of life is not always an easy one. However, it can bring you much joy, if you know how to navigate it effectively. As many of you know,my channel is visiting India with some of her colleagues. During their trip, there are times that each of them feels that the burden of their path is too great. Yet, even in those emotional moments, they understand that what they feel is only temporary.

    Whenever you are feeling deep despair, or feeling as though your job assisting others is too large a task to accomplish, just remember to focus on the Now moment. When you are in that Now moment, it does not matter what is going on outsideyour window, or even what is happening tomorrow, all that matters is how you act and react in the Now. When you can understand both the big picture and the small details simultaneously, without putting pressure on yourself to accomplish it

    all in this moment, then you can reveal the peace of the Now.

    Every one of you will have moments in your life where you are releasing deep emotions, or where you want to give-up on what your life path is compelling you todo. And, while it is perfectly natural to question your choices and life purpose; no matter what happens, you must never give up on yourself.

    Being in the Now Moment - Aurora's MessageThere is a common misconception that in order to be an effective individual, that you always must be doing something. That is not true. For what happens in that constant state of busyness is that the Self (Ego) is keeping you distracted. It is not to say that you do not have obligations, you do; but try to take time to be in quiet, to allow your intuition to come in.

    Many times when you are trying to tackle a problem, you toil and toil, and it seems to be one frustration after the next. But, when you take a step back, focusyour energy on something else and surrender to the fact that you have done all you can for the moment, then you allow for new ideas can pop right into your mind. Life is both being and doing. In the state of doing, you are taking guided action. In the state of being, you are allowing the next guidance to come in.

    Life, without taking time for being, becomes exhausting; that is the feeling that many on the Earth plane are faced with today. It is not difficult to find time

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     for being. It can be just 15 minutes a day of quiet. That can be accomplished during exercise, or in morning as you get ready for the day, and of course in meditation and quiet contemplation. In being, you learn to truly live in the now moment. You learn to cultivate peace for yourself and you learn how best effectively to manage your personal journey.

    Life is neither difficult nor easy; it is exactly what you put into it, whetherconsciously or subconsciously. If you have a fear, make the steps to conquer it. If you do not believe in yourself, find out why. If you are angry with Spirit for something done in the past, discover where that energy comes from. Every emotion is sourced in some experience, either from this life or from your past lives. When you take the time to reveal that source and push beyond it, the journey of life can lead you to a place of joy and peace within yourself.

    Love, Aurora

    How Do You Know What to Believe?

    June 10, 2010

    When you start to open the door to working with, and understanding, the world of Spirit, sometimes it seems like there is so much information that you do not know where to begin. As you go along on this journey, is it important to always use your own inner guidance system to determine whether something resonates with y

    ou or not.

    Just because someone professes that information comes from the world of Spirit,this does not mean that you need to accept it without question. This blind acceptance comes from a conditioning having to do with many years of following what people in positions of "authority"? tell others around them. There was often so much fear at going against these authority figures, that one would rather followthrough with a direction or action that they do not believe in, than face what they knew to be the consequences of not obeying these orders.

    As a part of your journey to become the Master of your own life, it becomes incredibly important to ensure that what you believe is your own truth and not justa duplicate of another's beliefs. Why is that? When you are not thinking and fee

    ling for yourself in this way, it allows others to manipulate your energy. Thisdoes not happen in all cases, but this action does make you more susceptible tothe influence of others.

    How Do You Know What to Believe? - Aurora's MessageIn the eyes of Spirit, no soul is better than another; even those that you givethe title of Master, or Angel, and so forth, do not hold a higher or better position in the heart of the Ultimate Being (God). All souls are equal; they are simply at different stages in their learning. Just as a parent would not say that their 17 year old child is better than their 8 year old child simply because oneis older than the other; to the parent these children are equally loved and revered and that is how the Ultimate Being sees each of the souls in the Universe.

    When you can remember your inner Divinity and recognize that no one in a position of "authority"? is better than you in any way, this allows for you to releaselingering feelings of doubt, lack of worthiness, anger and frustration that arecarried over from any past lifetimes of servitude, whether physical, emotional,mental or spiritual. Releasing these energies is extremely powerful and until this energy is released, it is impossible to move beyond a certain point in your spiritual growth.

    Imagine you are an elementary school teacher about to pass a child to the next level of schooling. If this child was tested, and they constantly referred to ano

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    ther student for the answer, then one would say that this child has not learnedthe knowledge to enable them to move on. This is how is it with the process of spiritual development; until you are fully in control of your own thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions, then you cannot graduate to the next level.

    This is where discernment comes into play, as you go through your learning and development. There are times when you feel that you are being bombarded with so much information, and sometimes that information even contradicts itself! How doyou know what to believe? Well, the answer is inside of you. When you feel something that resonates to the core of your being, no matter how "silly"?, "emotional" or "impractical"? it may seem to your logical mind; if you feel it in your heart, it is this resonance that is your soul's way of showing you the information is something you need for your own spiritual development.

    The truth that you feel may be a different truth from the person sitting next to you. That is perfectly acceptable; each soul is entitled to their own truth. Each soul has different lessons to learn on their journey and different pieces ofinformation will need to be known to different people at different times. What someone may feel with the truth in their heart may not be what you feel.

    You do not have to believe something that you do not resonate with; you do not have to accept things from others without questioning them. And most importantly, you do need to follow any direction or guidance, including this message, if itdoes not feel right to you. There is no longer any need to fear searching for, a

    nd walking in, your own truth.

    Love, Aurora

    The Law of Attraction

    February 4, 2010

    The Law of Attraction is a very popular topic these days. With so much emphasisin the media on the economy and lack of work, many souls are now beginning to search for new and different ways to bring about Abundance in their lives.

    The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that states that whatever you put your

    energy toward, that is what you will draw into your life. Often times the positive aspects of the Law of Attraction are overemphasized, but in order to become a Master of your own destiny, you need to understand all of the ramifications ofthis Universal Law. Therefore, you must take into consideration that the converse of this Law is also true. Whatever is in your life, you drew it there becausesomehow it is your creation.

    When you look at the life that you have designed for yourself, it is important that you look at the things that you would like to change and what you would like them to be. Once you have determined what those areas of your life are, then you need to ask yourself if there is anything blocking you from making those desired changes.

    The Law of Attraction - Aurora's MessageDo you have any lingering fears or other unresolved fear based energy? Are you living a life out of balance in one area? Are you run down and tired? Are you putting the needs of others above yourself? All of these things play a role in your ability to manifest what you need and want in life. Knowing yourself and understanding your subconscious patterns allows you to be in control of what you are drawing into your energy. Without that knowledge, you unknowingly are allowing your subconscious patterns to dictate your ability to manifest.

    The real surprise here is that once you get a stronghold on the patterns that pe

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    rsist in your life, you will be able to stay one step ahead of the Ego. By understanding a pattern in your life, you are able to start releasing it, thus freeing up more energy to manifest the life that you desire.

    Yes, manifestation starts with having an idea of what you want, but it is much more than that. Don't be tied into the exact specifications in which that visionwill arrive to you. Yes, there will be some qualifications necessary for manifesting what you need, however remember to watch for the wants of the Ego chiming in. Manifestation can also occur in steps, so sometimes you will receive something that is close to what you want, but then you also receive the ability to turnit into everything you desire.

    For example: You wish to attract a new home for yourself. You need: at least 3 bedrooms, space for an office, solid construction, working appliances and a convenient location. You want: Cherry wood flooring, ceiling fans, a hot tub, heatedfloors, crown molding, etc. Now you can always add the wants later, so it is important to recognize the difference. If you get discouraged because you have attracted something which only has your needs and not your wants, you may miss out on a great opportunity.

    It is like baking a whole cake in the oven, but when it comes time to take it out, you have put so many expectations on it, now all that's left is a small crumb of possibility. Allow yourself to manifest the entire cake, then once you takeit out of the oven, you can decide which piece to eat.

    Astrology also plays an important role in your ability to manifest; the planetscan influence the ease or difficulty at which you can manifest items or situations in your life. It is important to learn about your Natal chart and transits, to see if your timing is to your benefit or if that timing will be a hindrance.

    To manifest with the best chance for success; put out your intention, stay open, understand the Subconscious and use Astrology to your advantage. There is no need to send your request to us more that once. Once your intention has been sentto the Universe, it is an order ready to be filled. It is best to let that order run its course, because if you keep changing the order you placed, you will bealtering the energy that has already been put forth.

    Be patient. When you are patient and calm, you allow your body to be in a stateof receiving. It is this receptive state that allows us to bring you the information, situation or item you requested. Remember to live life, laugh and have fun, for this keeps your Ego occupied and free from trying to subconsciously control your manifestation order.

    See what you can manifest today! Try for a free latte or newspaper, or perhaps you want to hear from a friend that you haven't spoken with in a while. Try starting out with small fun things to manifest and when you start seeing your efforts pay off, you can start upping your order with the Universe. Here's to the Law of Attraction, may you use it wisely!

    Love, Aurora

    The Power Of Feeling Good NowEsther and Jerry Hicksa message from Abraham channeled by Esther and Jerry HicksTuesday, 24 July, 2007

    We are called Abraham and we are speaking to you from the Non-Physical dimension. Of course, you must understand that you also have come forth from the Non-Physical dimension, so we are not so different from one another. Your physical world has come forth from the projection of the Non-Physical. In fact, you and your p

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    hysical world are extensions of the Non-Physical Source Energy.

    In this Non-Physical realm, we do not use words, for we do not require language. We also do not have tongues with which to speak or ears with which to hear, although we do communicate perfectly with one another. Our Non-Physical language is one of vibration and our Non-Physical communities or families, are those of intention. In other words, we radiate that which we are, vibrationally and others of like intent assemble. That is also true of your physical world, although mostof you have forgotten that this is so.

    Abraham is a family of Non-Physical Beings naturally assembled by our powerful intention to remind you, our physical extensions, of the Laws of the Universe that govern all things. It is our intention to help you remember that you are extensions of Source Energy; that you are blessed, loved Beings; and that you have come forth into this physical time-space-reality to joyously create.

    All who are physically focused have Non-Physical counterparts. There is no exception to that. All who are physically focused have access to the broader perspective of that which is Non-Physical. There is no exception to that. But most physical Beings have become so distracted by the physical nature of your planet thatyou have developed strong patterns of resistance that thwart your clear connection to your own Source. It is our intention to help those who are asking to remember that connection.

    While all physical humans have access to the clear communication from the Non-Physical, most are not consciously aware of it. And often, even when you are aware that it is possible, you hold habits of thought that act as resistance hindering your ability to consciously interact.

    However, on occasion, a clear channel of communication opens and we are able toconvey our understanding, vibrationally, to someone who can clearly receive it and translate it. And that is what is happening here through Esther. We offer our knowing, vibrationally, in a way that is similar to what you understand as radio signals and Esther receives those vibrations and translates them into the physical word equivalent. There are not, however, adequate physical words to conveyour satisfaction and joy in being able to offer our knowing to you, in this way, at this time.

    It is our powerful desire that you be pleased with where you are right now, in this moment  no matter where you are. We understand how strange these words must sound to you if you are standing in a place that seems far from where you want to be. But it is our absolute promise to you that when you understand the power of feeling good now, no matter what, you will hold the key to the achievement of any state of being, any state of health, any state of wealth or any state of anything that you desire.

    We are here to give you a better understanding of yourself and of everyone elsearound you and you may find some of that helpful, but words really do not teach. Your true knowledge comes from your own life experience. And while you will beconstant gatherer of experience and knowledge, your life is not only about that  

    it is about fulfillment, satisfaction and joy. Your life is about the continuing expression of who you truly are.

    You only hear what you are ready to hear.

    The above excerpt is taken from Ask And It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

    The message that for many years spiritual teachers have been sharingthat you are creating your own realitycan be a dangerous teaching if it is not fully explained.

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    There are two things you must know about the you create your own reality teaching: 

    (1) First, it must be explained (as we have done several times here now) that you are not creating anything, but merely noticing or remembering its existence, then, by focusing on it, calling it forth as a manifestation from the Field of Infinite Possibilities that is the Always Now/Always Here of things. What you are creating is your Interior Reality of these manifestations. It is in this sensethat the statement You are creating your own Reality is true.

    (2) Second, you must understand that even what we call the act of creating the Exterior Events of our lives is not something that anyone is doing alone. No Exterior Event in Physicality is created by any single individual. Such a thing is impossible.

    These two little points are not little points at all. Indeed, no small matters, they. For with these huge understandings we are relieved of the mental and emotional stress, frustration, pressure, and problems which could eventuate from us imagining that we are responsible for all that is going on in the worldor for that matter, in our personal lives. Even more beneficially, these are marvelous toolswith which to move through those occurrences, integrating them with greater ease into our earthly experience.

    So lets take one final look at these two points. Well discuss Point #1 this week a

    nd Point #2 in our next issue of this Bulletin.

    Point Number 1:

    Since everything that ever was, is now, and ever will be, IS NOW, the act of pure creation is impossible. What we call creation is really an act of awareness. Itis the act of becoming aware of a particular portion of What Is So.

    Awareness is achieved by putting your attention on something. You are seeing that something is there, but if you are recognizing that it is there for what seems like the first time, the seeing of it produces the impression that you have placed it there.

    This is the illusion called creation. 

    As I have endeavored to point out here now multiple times, there are two kinds of Events in our experience on this planet. There are Exterior Events, which arePhysical, and there Interior Events, which are Metaphysical. Put simply, there is what is happening, and there is what we think about what is happening.

    Most people dont contextualize their movement through the moments of their life in this way. Yet this is precisely the way we are getting through our days.

    First, something happens. Either we do something, or something is done to or around us. Second, we have a thought about what is happening. Our thought follows the occurrence so quickly that we often meld the two into one. We imagine that th

    e Exterior Event and the Interior Event are the Same Event.

    They are not. And this is one of the greatest secrets ever withheld from humankind. We are not told this in school. We are not informed of this by our society.We are not brought in on this secret by our common culture. No one wants us to know this. Why? Because if we know this, we suddenly have complete control over our Reality. And that is the last thing that our society wants us to have.

    How can a society as a group be controlled if every member of that society has complete individual control over his or her own Reality? The aim of every totalit

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    arian society, then, is to get you to stop thinking for yourself by doing your thinking for you, and to convince you to adopt its thinking rather than embracing your own.

    The First Freedom is not freedom of speech. The First Freedom is Freedom of Thought.

    Always remember that.

    And this is the one Freedom that no one can ever take away from you. That is what makes you a Divine Being. That is what makes you the Sovereign in your own Kingdom. That is what makes you God. For you do, indeed, have the power to create your own reality, interiorly, of any Exterior Event.

    You can think anything you want to think about what is going on around you; about what has happened in your life; even about a future that you imagine might occur.

    Your Thoughts are your powerful tools, and no one can stop you from using them.Nelson Mandela proved that during 26 years of incarceration by the rogue minority white regime that had for so long controlled South Africa. St. Joan (also known as Joan of Arc) proved that during the French persecutions. And Jesus proved that during the entire second half of his life.

    Others have proved it as well. Winston Churchill proved it when the Exterior Events produced by Hiters Nazi air force would have had him believe that England was doomed.

    Jonas Salk proved it when medical science would have had him believe that therewas just no cure for polio.

    Martin Luther King Jr., Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, and Harvey Milk proved it when American society said that blacks, women, and gays were not equal to white male heterosexuals, and should therefore not be given equal opportunity, equalpay, or equal rights.

    And you prove it every time you decide that Conventional Wisdom about anything j

    ust may be wrongor at the very least, incompleteand that you and you alone get todecide what is Real and True for you.

    You do this by using the Mechanics of the Mind. This is how your Interior Reality is created. It is far too sophisticated a machinery for me to describe it to you here. I strongly, strongly advise you to find a copy of When Everything Changes, Change Everything and read it from top to bottom. Take notes in the margins. Underline or highlight in yellow its many incredibly powerful and pertinent passages.

    Get the book and read it now. It is changing lives all over the place.

    (Am I trying to sell one more copy of a book I have written? No. More than 7.5 m

    illion copies of books I have written have already been sold. I dont need to sell any more. What I am hoping to do is help change your life. I am hoping to offer you something that could open a doorway to that.)

    Well explore Point #2 above in this space next week. Until then, I wish you wellon your journey.

    Hugs and love,


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    Your Future Starts NowAnn Albersa message from Ann Albers

    My dear friends, we love you so very much.

    Stop looking backwards in your lives dear ones. Stop looking at what you could have done, should have done, or what might have been. Stop chastising yourselvesfor opportunities missed, time wasted, or words either spoken or unspoken. The past is over. You live now. In this moment you have glorious opportunity to bring love to the surface in your lives and thus create magical futures.

    Your life is not destined to be the sum total of your past thoughts, words, anddeeds, but rather simply a consequence of the energy you choose to embrace now and now and now. God does not keep score. The universe does not hold you to account. Only you do this. Can you choose to set yourself free of the past? Can you choose to say, "What is done is done, and today is a new day. Now is a new moment.In this second in time, I can recreate my entire life simply by choosing to love myself, to surrender to where I am at, to look to the future with loving expectation, and then to trust God?" Dear ones, this is truth! This is God's gloriouslove. This is God's presence breathing in you now, beckoning you to return to Love, reminding you that your future is not born of your past, but rather of your


    So right now, make a decision. Every time you try to look back to the past, simply look at what you have learned and choose the most loving thoughts, words, and deeds that you can choose right now, even if that is simply to love yourself in a painful or upset moment, or to simply to say, "The best I can do now is to have compassion for myself."

    We will say it once again Your future is not a function of your past, but rathera function of your present  the energy you bring to the surface right here and right now. Choose to bring love to the surface, in even the simplest of ways right here and right now, and you will change the course of your entire existence.

    God Bless You. We love you so very much.-- The Angels

    Help Is Always ThereAnn Albersa message from Ann AlbersSaturday, 11 October, 2014 (posted 20 October, 2014)

    My dear friends, we love you so very much,

    There is never a time in your lives when you are without support. There is never a time in your lives when you must solve a single problem on your own. Yet so m

    any of you struggle for solutions to life's challenges without reaching for help from the heavens. We understand that you have been let down by other human beings and we understand that, at times, dear ones, you even expect disappointment from God.

    Can you have help in your life? We would ask, "Are you willing to believe and receive?" In truth help is always there. God is always there. Your angels are always there. We want to help you. We want to make your lives easier. But it is up to you to decide how much we are allowed to assist. If you are praying for help,but in your depths have a belief that "no one listens,"or "no one cares," then d

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    ear ones we can only help to a degree.

    Instead, you can work to stretch your beliefs. You can stay to yourself, "MaybeI have been disappointed in the past. Maybe I don't really trust God. Maybe I should give it another try." Like an innocent child you can pray, "Dear God, dearangels, I have felt disappointed in the past and I still don't know if I fully believe in your assistance and love for me, but I want to believe. Please find ways to reach into my heart and show me your love. Please find ways to help open me kindly and gently to receive." Then dear ones, receive in the simplest way possible. Take a breath. Slowly and deeply intend to inhale love.

    We are always there. God is always there. We wait patiently for you to open to fully receiving our help. When you feel your prayers are not being heard, ask yourself, "Am I willing to believe? Am I willing to receive?" If you can't get to that point on your own, ask us for help, even with that. "Dear God, dear angels,help me believe in your love. In the kindest way possible, help me open to receive." Trust dear ones. We are with you as surely as the sun is behind the clouds, waiting to shine upon you and help lend more light to every aspect of your lives.

    God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

    Focus On The LIghtAnn Albersa message from Ann AlbersSaturday, 13 September, 2014 (posted 23 September, 2014)

    My dear friends, we love you so very much,

    Celebrate amidst the chaos on earth, amidst the darkness, pain and suffering, because this type of turmoil results from the light attempting to rise to the surface of human hearts. Every perspective wants to be acknowledged now. Everyone wants to be seen as having validity to their being. And everyone wants to be understood as a creation worth of love.

    Love, dear ones is not always a 'warm fuzzy feeling.' Real love is an acknowledgment of the truth - that there is one Creator and one light that animates all beings... whether they realize it or not. Love says, "I see beyond your behaviors, your thoughts, your appearance.. deep into the essence of your being. I can love that light. I can love that spark of Divinity. I can love who you really are... whether or not you are even aware of that truth inside of yourself."

    In a very practical way, Love can look at even those who hurt your feelings, who treat you unkindly, who lie, cheat, and steal, and say, "I know who you reallyare! I choose to focus on the spark of Divinity within you, no matter how smallor how dim. I will not dignify your dark behaviors, your ill thoughts, you unkind wishes. I will engage with you in a way that is healthy for me, for I respect

    my own light whether you respect yours or not. I will love the truth of your being, but I will not dignify your darkness." And then dear ones you send them on their way with wishes that someday they too will see their light.

    You do not have to dance with souls who do not embody kindness. You do not haveto allow abusive behaviors in your life. And as you become firmly rooted and comfortable in the reality that it is healthy and wise to honor the light within yourself, you will notice that it is easier to love even your so-called "enemies." In truth, no soul is your enemy. All souls are your family. Just as in your human families we encourage you to honor the light within all, but as well to creat

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    e healthy, loving boundaries that honor your own.

    The world is indeed in a bit of chaos right now, but you need not dance in the darkness. You can choose with your free will to focus on all that is good, beautiful, and true. You can imagine those who have left the planet, even in the mostunthinkably hard ways, happy in heaven, being received with love and celebration. You can imagine beautiful nature springing up and growing over war torn areas, or even more beautiful cities being built, because in time this is what will occur. Darkness, by its very nature, is temporary. Love is eternal.

    God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

    Limiting Beliefs and the Art of AllowingEsther and Jerry Hicksa message from Abraham channeled by Esther and Jerry HicksTuesday, 22 May, 2007

    Are you among the rare humans who have come to appreciate the contrast of your time and place? Are you understanding that when desire is born within you, that it comes from the same contrast that sometimes you would like to do away with? Are you coming to recognize that the desire, that is so life giving, could not bewithout the variety? Are you coming to recognize that the variety is all about c


    It is not different from the buffet or the department store where you appreciate variety. You do not walk through the clothing department petitioning against those ugly clothes. You are satisfied and even comfortable in recognizing that someone else might choose them, while you might not. You do not feel that someone's going to knock you down and make you wear them anymore than someone would fillyour plate and make you eat it. Although, that did happen to you. Maybe that's where your fear of contrast really began, with those bigger people, sure that they knew what's right, forcing you to accept their beliefs until you were big enough that you could at least run away.

    We're wanting you to realize that beyond that which your parents attempt, there

    is no assertion. In other words, Law of Attraction (That which is like unto itself is drawn) is the order of the day here. And when you come to realize that asyou offer a vibration, your vibration is answered, and that through the powerful Law of Attraction, all things that you are offering, vibrationally, come back to you, then this business of assertion is no longer something for you to worry about. Because there really is not any of that.

    You are offering a signal, that is coming forth from you in every waking moment, that is being answered, and the manifestations that are occurring are perfect vibrational matches to that which you are about.

    It is nice to know that whatever it is that you are feeling is a true indication of what you are offering, vibrationally. And that when you are able to understa

    nd the basis of your feelings or emotions, that then you can consciously understand exactly what your vibrational offering is, so that you could, if you wantedto, adjust it before the manifestation, that always answers it, occurs. That can be very helpful.

    This Very Important MomentThe Art of Allowing is about paying attention to the way that you feel in any moment. This moment is a very important moment because in this moment, where all of your feeling is, is where all of your power is. In this moment you hold the vibrational leverage to allow the Well-being that you want and deserve, or not. No

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     one else that you have ever known, whether it is government or that which you call God, certainly not your family or peers, no one has the ability to pinch off the Well-being that flows to you. Only you.

    "In terms of in this moment, am I letting it in or not? Am I letting in my abundance when I'm dissatisfied with my current financial state of being? No. I'm not letting in more Well-being when I am feeling unhappy with the Well-being that exists.

    "If I go to the doctor and he takes an x-ray and announces that I have arthritis in my shoulder, am I now allowing the Well-being that my body is asking for? Or in my concern, that has been amplified by this diagnosis, am I disallowing? When I see my friend's gorgeous new car and I feel thrilled beyond measure at her achievement of it, am I allowing my own abundance? Oh, yes! When I feel jealous of my friend's amazing new car, am I allowing my own abundance? No!"

    The Power of Your EmotionsYour emotions are your indicator of what you are doing. Your emotions don't have any power. All of your power is in your choice of thought. All of your power is in your ability to focus your mind upon those things that cause you to feel good when you focus upon them. That's the power of your emotions.

    Is It a Limiting Belief?Do you know that the only thing that can ever hold you back is your own limiting

     beliefs? Now, what is a limiting belief? A limiting belief is a belief that contradicts your desire. That's it. Well, how did you get those beliefs? You just picked them up along your physical trail, and now you drag them everywhere you go.

    Do you do it deliberately? Do you say, "I think I will carry limiting beliefs around with me, to keep me from thriving, to keep me from being clear minded, to keep me from being safe, to keep me from being well, to keep me from being prosperous. I think I will just pick through the rubble of physical human experience,and I will just gather up a whole parcel of things that don't serve me well. And I'll carry them around and pass them on from generation to generation, and I'll make my life miserable with them and, hopefully, I'll pass them on to my children who will do the same."? It's not like that at all, is it? Not one of your lim

    iting beliefs did you pick up deliberately intending to do yourself or someone else harm. You did not do any of this in a deliberate way, you did it in an indeliberate way, because you did not understand the power of your emotions. You didnot believe that feeling good meant that it was good for you.

    It does not matter how you picked up these limiting beliefs. The only thing that matters is that you recognize that the negative emotion is pointing them out to you. Negative emotion is saying to you: You're holding a belief that is thwarting your light from shining. It's thwarting the God Force or Creative Life Forcethat is naturally being drawn through you.

    Sometimes we see you moving through your day-to-day experience, and you can tell that you have a limiting belief, or at least you can tell that something is scr

    ewy within you because you can feel the strong negative emotion that is within you. It often comes forth right after you have clearly identified that you want something. When you clearly identify that you want something, when you heighten the focus of some desire and the Energy begins to move more quickly -- the limiting Energy becomes more evident.

    Should I Lower My Desires? It's sort of like if you drive your car at 100 mph through a forest of trees, the trees are more apparent to you. They are more hindering to you than if you are driving your car through a forest of trees at 5 mph. At 5 mph, you feel you have more discretion to pick your way through them. But

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    at 100 mph, you're crashing into a lot of trees. So the more deliberately you are focused, the faster your Energy is moving. And the faster your Energy is moving, the more important it is for you to release those limiting beliefs. Otherwise you sort of have a rocky ride.

    Often, once you become aware that you're having the rocky ride you, almost without exception, begin to slow down your car. You begin to slow down your desire, and it gives you some temporary relief. When you say, "Oh, never mind, I don't really want that," your angst goes away because you slow the Energy deliberately.And so, the contradictory feeling is not so hindering or so apparent or so uncomfortable, or so noticeable. But we want to say to you, this is really going about it the hard way. And the reason that we know this so powerfully, and that we want to speak it to you so emphatically, is because the entire Universe has beenestablished to produce the contrast that will constantly give birth to newer, fresher, more leading edge desire within you. And deciding that you will then go against all of the Universe, and keep yourself in a place of not letting yourself focus the desires that are born naturally within you, is a lifelong challenge.You have to work very hard at talking yourself out of the things that you were born to conclude.

    I Am Consciousness, Watch Me CreateSo, what is a Creator in this human body? You are a focuser of Energy, just like we are, not in a human body. In other words, whether you're Non-Physically focused, or whether you're physically focused, you are far more than these physical

    bodies. You are Consciousness that is projecting thought. There is Non-PhysicalSource Energy that is really You flowing through you. You are the leading edge extensions of so much more.

    When you allow the true Non-Physical essence of You to shine through you, or toflow through you, when you become in perfect vibrational harmony with the wholeof You, -- this is when you are at your very best.

    When you are allowing the Non-Physical essence of You to flow through you in a non-resisted way, that's when you become a consistently passionate being. Because when you allow your Inner Being to shine through you, we promise you, you willbe continually concluding new desires. It's like your Inner Being and you are partners in this motion forward, leading edge experience.

    In the beginning, as we spoke to you about the physical you and the Non-Physical You, it almost tended to separate you. It made you feel as if you were two pieces. And the reason that we spoke about the physical you and the Inner Being You, is because so many of you were not really aware of the partnership you have with this Eternal, Non-Physical Energy. We did not want to separate you. In fact, our intent was to help you to become One -- one powerful, conscious Being.

    We want you to understand the important role that you play as Consciousness focused here in these physical human bodies. You come forth with such powerful deliberate intent. But sometimes you say, "Well, why would we come forth into an environment where there are things that we do not like?" And we say, because you understand the power of variety. You understand that it is like the smorgasbord whe

    re you go for Sunday brunch, where the more variety there is, the better it is.And as you are moving through that smorgasbord you say, "Yes, I would like someof that and I would like some of that, and I would like some of that." But you don't find yourself being very uncomfortable with the things that are there thatothers may choose, that you do not choose. You do not find yourself feeling great resistance for the things that you do not want to put on your plate and put into your own mouth -- because you do not fear that someone else is going to put them on your plate and put them into your mouth, although, that may be where allthat got started for you. You may have had parents who asserted, or they seemedto, in their quest for your Well-being. It may have felt to you in the early day

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    s of your experience that you were without choice about what got put on your plate and about what got put in your mouth. And that may have been one of your earliest points of resistance.

    Your Emotions Hold the KeyWe are wanting to help you to dissolve that feeling that you must push against those unwanted things. Pushing against those unwanted things never pushes them away, all it does is set you up for resistance that keeps you vibrationally apartfrom the things that you do want.

    There's no such thing as "no" in this Vibrational Universe. Everything is "yes". So when you look at something wanted and you shout yes at it, you are including something wanted in your vibration. But when you look at something not wanted and you shout no at it, you are including something not wanted in your vibration. And that, right there, is the basis of all resistance. Looking at unwanted things and saying, "No, no, no, no, I want not that," is the very thing that holds you in vibrational discord with that which you do want.

    So, are you getting the sense that your emotions hold the key to all of this? It is our desire to assist you in recognizing -- by paying attention to the way you feel -- how closely you are vibrationally matching your desires, or how far apart from matching your desires you are in this moment.

    "In this now moment where all my power is, am I allowing that which I've been te

    lling the Universe in many ways every single day what I want, or not?" When youfeel passion, it means you have a strong focused desire. There's lots of summoning power. There's lots of asking. And it's probably been happening over quite aperiod of time and you've honed it to quite a sharp edge. Passion means pointed, powerful summoning of Creative Life Force. Passion means Creative Life Force coming at your request to satisfy your desire.In the feeling of passion, you are in a state of utter allowance. There is no resistance within you. There are no contradictory beliefs that are not letting the Energy pass through you.

    Relationship of Desire To Passion or RageWhether you feel rage, or any strong negative emotion, it means almost the samething. The desire is equal. It means you have been moving through contrast; it means you've been calculating; it means you've been fulfilling your purpose; it m

    eans you've been looking at variety; it means you've been honing the Energy; itmeans you've been coming to conclusions; it means you have come to an importantconclusion.

    Whether it is passion or rage that you are feeling in the moment, they both mean strong focused desire through you. It means you are being a powerful creator -- but in passion, you're letting it in. And in rage, depression or fear, those strong negative emotions are saying you're not letting it in. Why? Because you are choosing to focus upon something that is opposite of that which you desire. That which you are focusing upon is dominating your Vibration so that you have setup an Energy field that disallows the very thing that you are asking for. In short, you're not a match to what you want.

    Becoming A Conscious Vibrational Match to DesireIf there are things in your life that you don't want, it's because you are a vibrational match to them. If there are things not in your life that you do want, it means you're not a match to them.

    This workshop is about matching up with what I want. It's about talking about what I want and why I want it. It's about pretending it, visualizing it, playing with it until, little by little, I become a vibrational match to the thing that I want. It's about not letting your now reality dominate your vibrational sphereany longer. It's about no longer allowing what-is to be the big hairy deal that

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    I've been making it. It's about no longer letting what-is be such a powerful point of my attention, that I cannot move from this spot. It's about finally bouncing on the trampoline and catapulting into the new idea and becoming the passionate, powerful, forward moving creator that I am.

    Well-being is Your Natural BirthrightAs you stand in your now and you feel pretty good -- that means that you are pretty much allowing the things you've been saying you want. As you stand in your now and you are aggravated or fearful or embarrassed or feeling unworthy, if youare frightened, if you are frustrated, if you are angry, if you are blameful, if you are guilty, then, in this moment, you are hindering the Universe, who adores you, your Inner Being who assists you, and all of the Well-being that is yourbirthright. You're pinching it off. To the degree of the intensity of your negative emotion, that is the degree of the intensity of your pinching off your Well-being.

    Our favorite analogy is the cork that bobs on the surface of the water. And when you hold it under the water, it is unnatural. It is natural for you to let go of it, and it is natural for it to bob. But when you take hold of a thought thatdoes not feel good, and the negative emotion sweeps over you, you remain in an unnatural state for as long as you hold your attention upon it.

    You talk about a teacher you call Jesus who expressed it as clearly as we've ever heard it when he said, turn the other cheek or look the other way, or resist n

    ot this thing you fear. Because when you take your attention from whatever it is that is drowning your cork, your cork will bob right back to the surface.

    Upliftment is natural to you. This gathering is more about distracting you fromthe things that you have come to believe that are important that you are using as your excuse to hold yourself in an unnatural vibration.

    Now, we have to say to you that if you could effectively hold yourself in an unnatural vibration, and keep yourself from wanting anything, that your physical body would not take such a beating. Every illness that you know of is because youare holding natural desires that are summoning Energy -- but you are holding beliefs that you've picked up along your physical trail that are not allowing the Energy that you're summoning to flow through.

    You Eagerly Anticipated New ThoughtYou are the holder to the keys. You have come forth as genius Deliberate Creators, knowing that you hold in your hands the ability to create anything that thistime/space reality can cause you to imagine. You said, "I am so eager to go forth into this magnificent variety to give birth to a new thought. And once it is born within me, I will turn my attention to it, and I will achieve vibrational harmony with it -- and I will become one with it, and the universal forces will yield it to me. And once that happens I will stand in a new, clear place with a new set of contrasting experiences that will give birth to yet another desire, which I will then turn my full attention to, using my powers of imagination and concentration. Until, by paying attention to the way I feel, I have honed this newdesire into a blended Energy so that it resonates through every fiber of my bein

    g, until the desire that I say with my mouth, I feel with my being.

    "When I hold a desire and it thrills me, I am a match to my desire. When I holda desire and it tortures me, I am far from a vibrational match. When I hold a desire and love pours through me whenever I think about it, my desire and I are one. And manifestation is around the corner.

    "When I hold a desire that frightens me or threatens me, when I feel unworthy of it, or blameful of others who have achieved it, when I feel jealousy, yearning, or fear, then I am holding myself in vibrational disallowance. No one, not God,

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     not Mother, not my sister, not my mate, not my friend -- no one is holding me apart from this thing that I want but me and my choice of thought.

    Am I letting it in? Letting what in? What might that be?" Well-being, clarity, vitality, enthusiasm, abundance, stamina, the ability to articulate, understanding, broader view, Inner Being, God, all that you consider to be good. There is not anything that you want that you will not be in a place of letting in once youunderstand how important it is to ask yourself in this moment, "Well, how am I feeling? Am I letting it in?" The Art of Letting It In.

    Excerpted from the workshop in Dallas, TX on Sunday, November 11th, 2001

    Am I not believing hard enough?

    Neale Donald Walscha message from God channeled by Neale Donald WalschSaturday, 27 February, 2010

    Did you ever feel like you needed nothing? If you ever did, you know the experience of Liberation. Read this note, that I received recently from a dear friend asking me about how the Mind functions, and how "belief" works, in the creation of one's experience. What's all this about the Law of Attraction?

    I realized when I read that note that a lot of people have that question. So I wrote to my friend that one must be very careful not to fall into self-blame or self-criticism when one earnestly believes in something and it does not occur. People in the so-called New Age Community sometimes get into self-recrimination at this point, saying things like, "What's the matter with me?!! I'm just not believing hard enough! I've got to believe more. We've got to have more faith, dammit!"

    If we're not careful, we'll start making ourselves and each other 'wrong' for not thinking "positively enough," etc. So watch out for that trap.

    When things are not happening the way you have envisioned them, it is often simply the Law of Opposites playing its effect. This is to be welcomed, not rejected

    . (What you resist, persists. What you look at, disappears. That it, is ceases to have its illusory form.) The Law of Opposites offers a Sure and Certain Sign that your good is on its way.

    Now, however, if you don't believe that, if you start seeing the Law of Opposites as evidence that your good is NOT on the way, then it will not be, because you have "switched tracks" and are now experiencing that reality.

    A track is nothing but a Belief System. Whatever track you are on takes you to exactly the Reality to which it is headed! Then you get to the station and wonder how in the heck you got there!

    So welcome ALL experience---including the experience of NOT getting what you wan

    t. My friend said in her note to me that as hard as she tried not to, she struggled with worry (fear) at times over financial matters. I told her that there isabsolutely no doubt in my mind that Fear will eventually produce exactly what we are afraid of. It has no choice. That is simply how energy works.

    All energy produces LIKE ENERGY. It has no choice. This is simply the mechanism. This is simply how the doggone machine works. You can't change it, you can only know that and work with it.

    This is why Jesus' said over and over to his disciples, "Fear not, for I am with

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     you, even unto the end of time." He also said, "Even before you ask, I will have answered."

    Other masters of other faith traditions have offered the same wisdom, each in their own words. That is why my favorite prayer is: "Thank you, God, for helping me to understand that this problem has already been solved for me."

    Whenever I catch myself worrying (which is not very often, to be honest. I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky guy....yes, even in so-called 'bad' times...), I immediately jump to that prayer. It is absolutely my favorite prayer of all time...

    "Thank you, God, for helping me to understand that this problem has already been solved for me."

    But now, the REAL question is: what if the money never comes? What if you went stone cold broke, had to sell the house, the car, everything...? Then what? Whatwould happen then?

    This drives to the largest questions of life: Who am I? Where am I? Why am I where I am? What am I doing here? And we are not so far "off topic" here after all, because you can only find those answers by going to the Soul.

    There we will be told that we can fool around with children's toys if we wish...or we can move up to the next level of mastery, where our income and our holding

    s and our lifestyle become irrelevant to us.

    This morning I woke up in a lucid dream state. In this dream state a voice was saying to me....

    Bring people a Vision.

    From this Vision will emerge a Desire.

    From this Desire will emerge a Mission.

    From this Mission will emerge a Purpose.

    From this Purpose will emerge a Function.

    From this Function will emerge an Outcome.

    From this Outcome will emerge an Experience.

    From this Experience will emerge a Reality.

    From this Reality will emerge an Awareness.

    From this Awareness will emerge a Way of Being.

    From this Way of Being will emerge an Expression of the Divinity that You Are.

    From this Expression will emerge a new Vision.

    And the Circle will be Complete.

    And Life will go on, Everlasting.

    I've lived on the street. For an entire year. Walking from corner to corner, asking people for whatever coins they may have in their pocket. I understand the Fear that drives us to Worry about things financial. Yet I tell you this: Who You

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    Are has nothing to do with any of that. When this is something you real-ize (that is, "make real"), then you will be truly free.

    And here is the irony. When you are truly free, all good things will flow to you easier than ever, ever before. Precisely because you have stopped struggling for them, stopped reaching for then, stopped worrying about them, stopped even needing them.

    What we "don't need" comes to us freely exactly because we "don't need" them. That is, we live firmly in the conviction that we are "not in NEED" of them...andthat conviction sends us to the Time Track where that REALITY exists!

    Do you see? It is quite miraculous, this business of what train you get on....

    Love and Hugs,


    "If everyone could experience how deeply they are loved, there would be no moregreed, no more pain, no more lack mentality. We could erase fear if we could only tap into the immense love that is available to us all. Wars would end and we would celebrate the infinite variety of ways in which God expresses love through


    To allow another person to learn from their own choices, opinions and experiences is the highest form of detachment. It is a Universal Law that one creates karma for oneself by dictating the choices of another. One can always be there to provide gentle guidance for another person, but try to remember how powerful it was for you to arrive at your own place of truth.

    Love goes far beyond the care, compassion and understanding that humanity has for another, true Love fills the heart and soul and transforms your surroundings.Love is the ultimate "Sorcerer's Stone" that allows the giver to change their perception, and even the outcome, just by aligning themselves with the energy from the Ultimate Being. True Unconditional Love is the strongest force in the Unive


    Love is not about being in a position of weakness. True Love is a position of strength. For if you have the courage to open your heart to all that is, then youcan scale any mountain, swim any ocean and can get beyond the conditions of anybad day of life.

    True Love changes your perceptions, so that you will no longer see yourself as the victim in the grand chess game of life. True Love allows you to become the Divine Alchemist, able to transform the game into whatever pleases you.

    Yes, Love is patient and kind, but Love is also forthright and honest. Love reveals the truth and Love does not fear any action, reaction or potential outcome.

    Love only dwells in what IS in the NOW and Love knows that everything was, is and will be in Divine and perfect order.

    Hope vs. Belief - Which Will Manifest What I AM Asking For?

    Christina Lundena message from Christina LundenSunday, 17 August, 2014 (posted 19 August, 2014)2211 views, 2 comments - login or register to comment~ Definition of Hope  The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events w

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    ill turn out for the best. To desire something with some possibility of fulfillment. To have a wish.

    A synonym of Hope is the word longing. The Angels told me that hope is similar toa wish.

    ~ Definition of Belief as a noun  something believed; a conviction. Confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. Faith and trust.

    Synonyms of belief are assurance, conviction, conclusion, certainty without proof.

    ~ ~ ~

    Which one do you think would manifest what you want quicker?

    Since March doors have been opened that have been shut for years. Now is not the time to be stomping your foot because things are taking a long time and it is certainly not the time to give up! YOUR dream may be right in front of you! Dont delay your dream! Believe that you can receive it.

    Be very careful of your speech and what you write in emails, on Facebook, Twitter; even when you are writing to other people about their situations. Here are so

    me examples of what the Angels are talking about. It sounds minor but as high as you are spiritually (higher 4th Dimension and 5th dimensional) you lower your power when you say things like,

    I hope I/you feel better today.

    I hope I/you get the job.

    I hope I/you can get pregnant this time

    I hope I/you meet the love of my life soon.

    If you find you are hoping for more than you realized, try replacing your words

    with these:

    I pray I feel better today. Or I believe I will feel better today. Or I AM feelingtter today.

    I pray I get the job! or I believe I will get the job! or better yet, This job is e!

    I pray I get pregnant this time. Or I believe I will get pregnant this time. Or beter yet, I AM pregnant.

    The Angels are asking us to believe again. Can you believe for one week? Try. During this next week, every time you have thought of worry, doubt or frustration

    over something that you have waited for and still want, say out loud a few times I believe, I believe, I believe. Its time to believe again. Trust in the Divinityof God and that you can have what you are believing for. Watch what happens during and after the 7 days. This could be your week to receive what you have waited for so long!

    And if it has been just too long and you are too discouraged to do this, tell yourself out loud that I believe in you and for you; because I do and I will.

    ~ Belief Affirmations ~

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    I believe that the past no longer has a hold on me.

    I believe I AM safe to see the truth.

    I believe I AM safe to hear the truth.

    I believe I AM safe to know the truth.

    I believe that I AM safe to listen to and follow my heart.

    I believe that I AM safe to speak what needs to be spoken.

    I believe that I AM guided when to listen instead of speaking.

    I believe that I AM a powerful spiritual human being now.

    I believe I am already prepared.

    I believe that I AM safe to use my spiritual abilities.

    I believe that I AM ready to use my power.

    I believe that I will use my power wisely.

    I believe that I AM always guided and divinely protected.

    I believe in myself.

    I believe I AM ascending.

    I believe I AM ascending.

    I believe I AM ascending.

    I believe.

    I believe.

    I believe.

    ~ ~ ~



    The Future is Inside You Now

    Ann Albersa message from Ann AlbersSaturday, 18 January, 2014 (posted 22 January, 2014)

    My dear friends, we love you so very much.

    You live in a society which demands instant gratification and yet so many timesthere is great value in waiting for your dreams to come true. In the process ofwaiting you grow. You cultivate characteristics that you will need to manage these dreams and enjoy them. You learn to find beauty and joy in the present moment

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    You stop giving away your power to false idols and learn that happiness comes from the inside. And when you find the right vibration and energy inside of yourself, then dear ones, you will be ready for the dreams you have requested. There are other factors involved in any creation as well. There are other people involved in many of your dreams, that must also be synchronized in their vibration. However, at all times, the feeling you wish to achieve in the future is availableto you, right here and right now.

    Take a moment after you read our message. Shut your eyes and imagine you already have one of your big dreams. Allow yourself to ask, "What does my life feel like in this reality?" Bask in that feeling. Allow yourself to luxuriate in that feeling. Then, after you have allowed yourself to relax in this beautiful and blissful feeling of imagining your dreams come true, open your eyes and realize that you have found the feeling you desire inside of yourself, right here and rightnow!

    You have found the feeling that you thought you could not have until you have that relationship, that car, that sense of security, that person behaving as you wish, that money in the bank, etc. You have found that it is not the external circumstances that give you a feeling, but rather your response to them - whether they are real yet or simply imagined.

    If you can't find the feeling, then ask yourself, "What is getting in my way?" Is it self worth? A lack of faith? A need for others to validate me or give me permission? Fear of hurting someone else if I realize my joy? If you cannot summon the feeling you desire in your inner world, ask God and the angels to help youremove the blockages.

    Breathe in light, and as you breath out, intend that any energy that blocks youfrom feeling what you desire be brought to the surface and released from your body, mind, and soul. Repeat this exercise every day until at long last you can imagine you already have your dream and you can feel what it is like in this reality.

    Dear ones, if you could summon up these feelings as often as possible, visiting

    your desired reality in your inner world, and allowing yourself to feel it thoroughly, then you would begin to more quickly attract people, circumstances, and other situations in your life that match this beautiful feeling that you have summoned up, from the depths of the great All-That-Is, within yourself.

    God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

    What is Spiritual Growth?Neale Donald Walscha message from Neale Donald WalschFriday, 23 May, 2014 (posted 27 June, 2014)

    My dear friends...

    Contentment is a great place to me. Many people spend their entire lives seeking to be there. And when--or if--they reach a place of "contentment", they are willing to let things rest right there. Getting to Contentment is enough for one lifetime. It is more than enough. It is truly an extraordinary achievement, and, truth be told, most people do not make it.

    So why go on? Why--in a sense--not be "content" with Contentment?

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    Well, of course, you can't go on if you are "not content" with Contentment, because that means, by definition that you have not reached Contentment. So the first thing we can understand about the reason to go on is that it has nothing to do with the state of Contentment somehow not being "enough." It has nothing to dowith need, or frustration, or dissatisfaction with Whom or What we are.

    If our desire to move forward with our own evolution springs from one of those feelings, then we may have actually moved backward. Or, perhaps, we never arrived, after all, at the place where we imagined ourselves to be.

    So the first message we receive when we reach the place on the Evolutionary Journey called Contentment is that--as Conversations with God says so perfectly, "there is nowhere we have to go, nothing we have to do, and no way we have to be, except exactly the way we are being right now."

    Boiled down to its essence, this translates into a simple matter of Self Acceptance. Yet, for most people, Self Acceptance is not such a simple matter. Indeed,it may be the hardest thing in life to achieve. That is why it is such a wonderful accomplishment for a Being to reach a state of Contentment. And to be able to sustain such an experience is a sign of beginning mastery.

    Yet there are grander places to which a soul may travel. There are grander experiences within the framework of human life which may be had. And the state of Con

    tentment is by no means a state of total wakefulness. Or, to put it in other words, Self Acceptance does not equal Self-Awareness.

    To accept your Self as you presently are does not mean that there is no greaterversion of your Self that you can experience.

    It simply means that you are satisfied with your Self and that you have no needto go further, no need to be "more," no self-imposed or other-imposed requirement to be somehow even "better."

    It means that you have understood the Ninth Illusion of Humans: Superiority Exists.

    (You will remember The Ten Illusions of Humans from the extraordinary book, Communion with God:

    Need ExistsFailure ExistsDisunity ExistsInsufficiency ExistsRequirement ExistsJudgment ExistsCondemnation ExistsConditionality ExistsSuperiority ExistsIgnorance Exists

    The first five of these are The Physical Illusions, having to do with life in your physical body. The second five are the Metaphysical Illusions, having to do with non-physical realities, or ideas held in your mind.)

    The idea that Superiority Exists can create a "need" within the mind to experience something other than what we are experiencing right now. This need, too, is an illusion. It is the First Illusion of Humans, and the false idea upon which all other false ideas regarding Life are based. It is the First Mistake. It is the Prime Misunderstanding. It is, in a sense, the Original Sin.

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    (There is no such thing as "sin," of course. The term is used here as a figure of speech.)

    So, Contentment is a State of Being in which we realize that Superiority is an illusion. It is impossible to be superior to exactly what you are being right now. This is another way of saying that all things are perfect in God's world. Godneeds nothing to be any different than the way it is being right now.

    Why, then, bother to change? Why bother to change anything, much less our very selves?

    The reason to changeThe reason to change is the same as the reason to do anything. Conversations with God tells us that there is only one reason to do anything at all: to announceand declare, become and fulfill, express and experience the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever we held about Who We Are.

    CwG puts this succinctly in the following phrase:

    Every act is an act of self definition.

    This is profoundly true--and it is understood by very few people. It is embraced by even fewer.

    It is important to realize here that "grander" does not in any way mean "better." A thing being bigger does not equate to a thing being superior. "Grander" means simply that: larger. Within the context of the statement above from CwG , it means "a larger version" of the greatest vision we ever held about ourselves.

    A tree is not "better" because it is larger today than it was fifteen years ago. It has simply grown. It has become no "better" than it was before. It is in noway "nicer" or "wiser" than it was when it was a seedling. The tree knows nothing more now than it knew then. But it has GROWN. It has become more of what it always was, from the very beginning. It is simply exhibiting more "treeness." It hasn't become something other than what it was, but it has become more of what it was.

    The reason for a human to change is not to become "better," but simply to become a larger version of what that Being already is. This process of becoming larger is the process of growth--and growth is the process of Life itself. Therefore,you could not stop the process if you wanted to, without stopping Life itself, and that is something you cannot do.

    You can, however, slow it down.

    (Not in real terms, but in terms of the Illusion you are living, which you callhuman life. In real terms, you always were, are now, and always will be, exactly what you are right now: Divinity, to the max. You cannot be "partly" Divine, for Divinity is a State of Being that is indivisible. It is non-reducible. It is Wholeness itself. It is the All In All being All In All. Yet, inside of the illus

    ion that the All In All has created, called Time and Space and Physical Life, you can slow down your experience of Who You Are, and you order that you may "experience the experience" more completely, more fully, more long-lastingly, more "divinely," than you could if you experienced it All At Once. When you understand this, you understand the reason that you created all of the illusions,including the Illusion of Time.)

    When you "slow down Life" you do not actually slow down Life at all, but merelyyour experience of it. It is like running a DVD in slow motion. Every picture is already on the DVD. You are simply telling your playback machine to run them pa

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    st the scanner more slowly.

    Consciousness is the playback machine of your mind.

    The higher your consciousness, the more pictures you see at once. It's like looking at a film strip, laid out on a light table before you. You can look at the film one frame at a time, with a magnifying glass, or you can look at the whole strip and see all the frames at once. The frames exist simultaneously, but you can, if you wish, view them sequentially. Thus, the reality on the table before you is sequentaneous.

    (A wonderful description of sequentaneosity is found in the final CwG dialogue book, Home with God in a Life That Never Ends.)

    Next week we will explore the Second Step of Self Awareness: Enlargement.

    With Love,


    The Eternal Now Moment

    Michelle Coutanta message from Archangel Michael channeled by Michelle Coutant

    Sunday, 31 January, 2010 (posted 1 February, 2010)3349 views, 3 comments - login or register to commentThe Now moment is the most important moment you will ever experience. It is so for this lifetime, it is so for every lifetime you have experienced on planet earth, it is so for all your magnificent journeys and travels through all of creation, throughout eternity. In the higher realms, there is no time. Time is an illusion of the third dimension. As you move through the fourth and into the fifth dimension, time is speeding up and will soon merge with the Still Point of creation.

    The still Point of creation is the eternal Now, the God moment, the All That Is. This moment is a moment of Love for all eternity. As you enter this moment of the Still Point you will find that time has ceased and was an illusion of the lin

    ear third dimension. In the eternal Now moment, everything happens all at once,everything is fluid and circular, just as you understand the circular flow or the Law of Circle in the third dimension. It is on a much grander scale when you are in the eternal Now moment. All life expands in this circular movement, ever expanding, ever changing, ever fluid.

    As you learn to remain in the Now moment, you will find that you have expanded your personal power for creating. The Now moment is the only moment where you have power. We have told you this on many occasions. The past is complete, the future is yet to come, and the Now is the moment of the All That Is. When you hold your thoughts in the Now, you may then consciously choose, in this Now moment, to lift yourself up to the vibrations of the fifth dimension, the Elixir of Life,the vibrations of Love. Go into you Pyramid of Power in this heightened state, a

    nd create your miracles, Dear Ones. All of the joys, the gifts, the miracles ofcreation are awaiting you, but you must create for the highest good of all.

    Be one pointed, and focused and never wavering from this Now moment. You will remain empowered, in Love, and in control of your thoughts and emotions. You willbe able to rise above the illusion of the third dimension, the pain and suffering, and the fear. Do not look around you at all the fear and chaos occurring on your beloved earth. Look around you and see the changes that are bringing empowerment of free will to your brothers and sisters. Hold your thoughts upon the outcome for the highest good of all. Hold your thoughts upon awakening and ascension

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     for all. Remain in the Now moment as you focus on this grand thought form. Youare making the game up as you go, Dear Ones. Only you ultimately decide the endresults and the outcome of this glorious illusion of the game you have been playing. Only you can decide to experience the highest outcome possible and then goabout your business each day, in the Now moment, holding this thought form for new creation.

    The choice is yours Dear Ones, the eternal Now moment is available to each and every one of you. It is not awaiting you in the fifth dimension. It is the Now, in the Now. There is only this eternal Now. Place your focus in your heart center, and remain in this Now. When you find yourself wavering and distracted, simply say to yourself return to center. You will instantly bring yourself back into your heart center, into the Now moment.

    All your greatest desires, your greatest hopes in alignment with your highest good are created effortlessly and easily when you remain focused, one pointed, inthe Now moment. It is so simple Dear Ones, but you must take the time and diligently bring your Self back in to this Now moment when you stray.

    Sit quietly, breathe deeply, and focus on this Now moment, in your Sacred Heart. Breathe deeply and expand this vibration of the Now, out to fill your field, through your heart center, front and back. Breathe the expansion of this moment down into mother earth. Breathe this Now moment into your expanded fields, yours and mother earth. Sit quietly and feel this expansion of the Now. When you are re

    ady, breathe deeply and expand the vibrations of the Now out to all creation. Feel the expansiveness, the oneness with all creation in this Now moment. It is all there is, and it is the All That Is, and it is the Now, and you are this expansiveness. Sit quietly in the magnificence, for it is truly who you are. You areone with all creation.

    I am ever near to guide you in this magnificence, this remembering of who you are as you return to your rightful place in the higher realms.

    I Am Archangel Michael, and I bring you these Truths.