
5/15/2014 Recruiting at a Hackathon? 5 Tips for Success | 1/4

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BY SAMANTHA DRAKE | May 15, 2014 | Post Comment |


Why and How to Host aHackathon

Hackathon Hiring: How toScout for Coders withConfidence

Recruiting at a Hackathon? 5 Tipsfor Success

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Looking for a first peek at the new tech talent? Don’t wait for a job fair. Get thee to a hackathon.

These 24- to 36-hour marathon programming sessions are competitions for cash prizes and

bragging rights. They’re also a great way to look at how new minds solve problems. That alone

can teach you more about a candidate than a traditional job interview, says Dave Fontenot, the

co-founder of the University of Michigan’s MHacks student hackathon who today runs

HackMatch, a service that matches talent and startups. Hackers are “displaying their skills right in

front of you, showing you on the fly what they can do,” he says.

Hackathons can also offer a better return-on-investment than

working with a recruiter, Fontenot says. Attending a hackathon

is usually free. If you choose to sponsor, low-cost packages at

some college campuses to provide snacks and food might cost

as little as $1,000. While walking the event floor requires a

little more elbow-grease on your part, the competitions might

be more inexpensive than a recruiter who will take a

percentage of the new hire’s salary.

Still, don’t go to a hackathon just to collect resumes. That

approach will backfire, warn some veterans, since there’s a certain etiquette attendees will be

expecting. To build relationships and get the most out of these events, consider the following


1. Choose carefully. Not all hackathons are the same. They can be sponsored by a range of

groups, including large corporations, non-profits and universities. Some competitions focus on

mobile apps while others create games or other online tools. Hackathons can also vary quite a

bit in theme and target demographic, says Fontenot. Talk to the organizers or people who have

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5/15/2014 Recruiting at a Hackathon? 5 Tips for Success | 2/4

Samantha Drake

attended a particular hackathon previously to ensure that you’ll meet the type of people who

might be of use to your organization, he advises.

2. Don’t come on too strong. Overt attempts to recruit will turn hackers off, advises Ishaan

Gulrajani, co-founder of Watchsend, a San Francisco-based developer of analytic software that

helps iPhone app developers understand how people use their apps. “A hackathon is not a

career fair,” says Gulrajani, who’s hired three people he met at hackathons. Consider bringing

along one of your own tech people, who may feel more comfortable interacting with hackers on

an informal level, Gulrajani adds.

Take it slow and give off a “We’re here, we’re smart, and we’re cool,” vibe suggests Brendan

McCorkle, chief executive officer at CloudMine ( in San Francisco, who met one

employee and two interns at hackathons.

3. Focus on making connections. Talk to hackers on various teams about their projects to

build a rapport, says Angel Rivera, senior architect and evangelist at in Wayne, Pa, the

developer of an integrated document-sharing platform. Ask questions, offer advice, and then

circle back later in the day to get updates, he adds.

Try to talk to as many hackers as possible because you never know who you might encounter,

says Rivera. At the same time, be upfront about who you are and why you’re there.

“Transparency is good,” he adds.

4. Don’t overlook organizers. Get on the radar of the folks who put on the hackathon, from

local tech groups to university faculty. They’re usually the most plugged in and can point out the

most interesting talents, even if they’re not hacking at that particular event, says Gulrajani.

Connecting with these tech leaders can result in valuable relationships that last beyond the

competition, says Gulrajani

5. Farm, don’t hunt. Not everyone you meet is looking for a job. Some hackers might even be

students who aren’t graduating for a few years. Others might have their sights set on starting

their own companies, notes McCorkle. But needs change, so make note of the best talents with

which you’ll want to reconnect. The hacker community is a close-knit group and social media is a

good way to maintain contact and get to know student hackers as people, notes Gulrajani.

Samantha Drake is a freelance writer and editor in the Philadelphia area who specializes in

business, legal, environmental, and general interest issues.



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