
At a glance

ENOVIA VPLM V5.18 offers the following benefits:

• Delivers additional process richness to optimize concurrentwork-in-process design activities and fully leverage all informationcontained in CATIA V5

• Strengthens the immersive management of configured products tospeed the design of new variants and the exchange of configuredproduct information

• Instantly notifies when there is changed feature level information andCATIA session refresh to streamline and harmonize changethroughout the product definition phase

• Integrates ENOVIA VPLM with ENOVIA MatrixOne to synchronizeengineering and business processes at the detailed design level,which speeds design innovation, ensures definition accuracy, andguarantees uptime by using an optimized and scalable architecture

• Reduces the risks of distributing and costs of protecting confidentialV5 PLM information with the introduction of digital rights managementtechnology

• Delivers to engineers and ergonomics specialists additionalapplications, including an out-of-the-box solution to validate vehicleinteriors, reducing costs of regulatory conformance validation

• Lowers barrier to photorealistic rendering technology with a newentry-level product for small- and medium-sized business and casualusers


ENOVIA VPLM V5.18 enhancements within the VPM Navigator andDigital Mock-Up (DMU) strengthen the concurrent engineeringcapabilities of VPLM to support ultra-fast product development andimproved project accuracy. The V5.18 combination of the ENOVIAVPLM and ENOVIA MatrixOne solutions brings engineering andbusiness processes closer than ever to help companies speed thetransfer of knowledge throughout the company. Together, ENOVIAVPLM V5.18 ensures product development teams design, develop, anddeliver the virtual product definition right the first time and on time.

VPM Navigator in V5.18 includes product view specifications to exposemore product design information in design context and product viewresults to allow designers to more easily build, share, and maintaincomprehensive design environments for studies involving kinematics,digital mockup, and assembly drawings for layout and/or productionintent1.

V5.18 VPM Navigator delivers dynamic configuration filters, automatedpublish and subscribe tools, and enhanced Action and Instance Editor

IBM United States Announcement207-214, dated September 25, 2007

ENOVIA VPLM V5.18 extends engineering and business processinnovation

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1

Description .................................................2

Product positioning .................................... 5

Reference information ............................... 7

Additional information ................................ 7

Education support ....................................27

Technical information ...............................27

Ordering information ................................55

Terms and conditions .............................. 61

Prices .......................................................64

tools to give designers more insight on product modifications, which result from changes toconfiguration variation, part versioning or substitution, and document management activities.

New product evolution and design maturation processes are simplified through automatedproduct duplication, advanced part where-used analysis, and part replacement capabilities withinV5.18. Taken together, these enhancements let designers make changes quickly and accuratelyfor rapid product optimization.

Relational design across the supply chain is more efficient with V5.18 because appliedconfiguration filters enable larger work packages, which contain more product information, andmulti-site replication of data packages are more easily managed1.

Configuration tools within V5.18 enable more accurate definition of the final product beyond'as-designed' and into the 'as-manufactured' and 'as-supported' stages to foster greaterinvolvement and earlier participation of these teams in the concurrent planning of an entireproduct life cycle1.

Advanced mock-up analysis and validation offers delivered within the ENOVIA DMU V5 portfolioare greatly expanded in V5.18 to cover and reach new processes and users. For instance, theVehicle Occupant Accommodation product gives engineers and ergonomics specialists anout-of-the-box solution to automatically predict a vehicle occupant posture, and then optimizeand validate the vehicle interior packaging using human manikins in a 3D environment.

In another domain, the Photo Studio 1 product gives designers and casual users an easy way toproduce photorealistic images at the earliest stages of product development and for downstreamprocesses such as documentation and marketing collaterals creation.

The Digital Product Rights Management product in V5.18 offers designers the data protectionrequired to freely distribute innovative ideas in 3D among suppliers and partners outside theirorganization with the assurance their intellectual property (IP) is secure.

The integration of ENOVIA VPLM with ENOVIA MatrixOne enables the continuoussynchronization of engineering and business processes companies need to rapidly develop newand exciting products right the first time using VPLM and also on time using ENOVIA MatrixOne.

ENOVIA V5.18 VPLM drives innovation and helps companies get the most out of their productdevelopment programs. ENOVIA VPLM breakthroughs in VPM Navigator, DMU, and theintegration of ENOVIA MatrixOne bring the entire enterprise closer together during the productdevelopment process and into the world of 3D.1

Previously released in a V5.17 service pack

Key prerequisites

ENOVIA VPLM runs on selected system levels of:

• Microsoft™ Windows™

• AIX®

• Hewlett Packard HP-UX

• Sun Solaris

ENOVIA VPLM requires a properly sized database that uses either DB2® or Oracle.

Planned availability dates

• October 1, 2007, ENOVIA VPLM V5.18

• October 12, 2007, ENOVIA VPLM Web-based Learning Solutions V5.18


ENOVIA 3d com

The ENOVIA — 3d com product enhancements improve ergonomics and usability, environmentcustomization, customer process integration, installation and scalability, and generally allowENOVIA 3d com to better mimic the VPM V4 UNIX® functionality.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 2


• Improved V5.18 performance within a DMU scene makes measuring and sectioning faster toimprove designer productivity1.

• Extended scalability of the 3D XML standard is offered with the ability to generate 3D XMLfrom CATDrawings, CATParts and IGES files in batch mode.

• New plug-ins convert 2006 Solidworks and ProE Wild Fire 3 data into V5 to further handleheterogeneous CAD environments.

• Vehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 (VOA) gives engineers and ergonomics specialists asolution to validate vehicle occupant packaging using human manikins in a 3D environment.

Users can set up a vehicle interior configuration, place and position manikins, and validate theinterior layout according to the Society of Automotive Engineering standards. VOA helpscompanies save time and money when conforming their vehicle interiors.

• Sets of catalogs save users time and speed solution deployment:

– Human Posture Catalog 2 (HPC) gives users two sets of catalogs containing more than 350postures for both static and grasping postures. It enables users to quickly insert a humanmanikin in a digital mockup and fine tune it until it reaches the targeted manikin position.

– Human Preferred Angles Catalog 2 (HAC) gives users a set of preferred angles associatedto the preferred comfort and strength of some actions. HAC enables users to quicklyoptimize human manikin postures.

– Human Anthropometry Catalog 2 (HTC) gives users a set of anthropometry data so userscan accommodate and optimize products for different population segments.

• Photo Studio 1 (PH1) that further democratizes photorealistic rendering creation by providingnon-experts and casual users with an easy-to-use product to produce rendered pictures.

PH1 can be used at the earliest stages of product development for a first validation of theproduct's appearance and/or a downstream process such as documentation, marketingcollaterals, and so on. It is based on the industry-proven Mental Ray TM ray-tracing engine.

• DMU Composite Review 2 (CPR) that expands the access to composite design informationacross the value chain by providing dynamic composite information access, numericalanalysis, and core sampling in a 3D product context. Users can easily check composite designand make decisions more accurately while involving the different product developmentstakeholders.

• Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1) that gives users an integrated solution to secure andcontrol exchanges of CATIA V5 files including 3D XML, CATPart, CATProduct, CATDrawingand CGR. Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1) lets an administrator define and apply acorporate IP policy to all the CATIA V5 data users.

Users can access protected files when they are both online and offline while a rights'expiration date' enables a time limit to be defined for the access to the data. This protection isalso extended to the cache that may have been created from protected data.

Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1) delivers a comprehensive set of rights for handling ofsimple as well as more complex scenarios. It is completely integrated into the DassaultSystemes V5 architecture and based on Windows Rights Management Services (RMS)technology.

1Previously released in a V5.17 service pack


• Product view result, a contextual dataset stored in ENOVIA and used in CATIA, to maintain afixed design context for use in any situation where a subset of the entire product is needed.Examples where a fixed design context is desired include design studies, kinematic layouts,digital mockup, and assembly drawings.

Design context can be added and product view results removed as needed to convey designintent. This can be reconciled at any time with the underlying product structure in ENOVIA forupdating to the latest product information. All application data created within CATIA can bestored into a product view result and kept up-to-date as part changes occur1.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 3

• Product view specifications (PVS), persistent product filters for storing and maintaining a fixeddesign context for easy recall, reuse, and sharing of a design context with others.

PVS saves time and reduces error by letting designers specify the criteria important to theirdesign concept exactly and maintain the criteria even as the underlying product changes1.

• Product specification that establishes maturity and life cycle to control changes that occur tothe product specification and delivers administrative security on product specifications toprotect them through the duration of product development1.

• Powerful Where-Used analysis used by VPM Navigator to determine the change impact onreused parts. Furthermore, V5.18 allows users to promote/demote, lock/unlock, and changepart attributes directly within the where-used results panel, greatly improving designerproductivity.

• Existing component selection that gives fast and direct ENOVIA VPLM data access todesigners inserting existing versions of CATPart or CATProduct documents into their currentCATIA V5 session.

• Ability to delete unused part versions and/or document revisions directly from within theimpact graph and/or search results windows.

VPM Navigator performs several quality checks before actually deleting a file, includingwhere-used and People & Organization (P & O) privileges. This makes ENOVIA VPLMcleanup more efficient for designers and administrators alike.

• Based on a pre-determined server process memory size set by the administrator, the ability toroutinely check the current VPM Navigator server process size, to actively optimize the userperformance invisible to the user.

If the server size is exceeded, these actions follow:

– Kill existing server process

– Launch a new server process

– Bind the running client process to this new server process using the same logon criteria(user/password/role) as previously used

• More efficient design change activity that is due to the addition of action management withinVPM Navigator to create, query, and view/edit actions as needed throughout the course of adesign modification.

• Improved publish and subscribe usability through easier retrieval of published events. Thisgives:

– Consolidated view of active event subscriptions and new capabilities to launch downstreamfunctions (that is, open, properties, impact graph)

– Ability to discard subscriptions and customized National Language Support (NLS)messages to convey additional information specific to local ENOVIA environments

• New document management tools in VPM Navigator to directly create, edit, and open/viewdocuments stored within the ENOVIA V5 database. Check-in/check-out capabilitiescomplement the full array of document management functions to let designers work inside oroutside of CATIA as needed to complete designs quickly and right the first time.

• Storage of design tables in VPM Navigator that contain all of the parameters and optimizationsnecessary to define a part directly to the product structure of the part itself, tightly linkingsource to result and eliminating a separate query for this data1.

• Exchange of product information between OEMs and suppliers using VPM Navigator whenwork package information contains and is subsequently filtered by configuration information.Management of configuration within work package exchange gives designers a single stepprocess to share ever-more complicated designs with suppliers with more speed andefficiency1.

• New settings that allow administrators to specify how synchronization of product structureinstances will occur as designers save CATIA changes into ENOVIA.

Within CATIA, given a positional (relative part move) or product structure (add/delete child)modification of an ENOVIA instance, an administrator setting determines which changes willbe automatically propagated to the other instances. The choices — None, Position, PS

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 4

(product structure), and Full — refer to the level of automatic synchronization to be made uponsave. Selecting None speeds performance while Full best enables active concurrentengineering.

• Ability to select Refresh document in session option. Through an unload/reload dialog screen,designers can refresh their existing context to easily incorporate the latest changes of partswithin their context made by the responsible designer working elsewhere at the same time.


Functional enhancements from ENOVIAVPM V1.6 to ENOVIAVPM V1.6 PTF 5 deliverimprovements in:

• Display of configuration information and additional attributes mapping with CATIA

• Handling of multi-model links during migration of CATIA data into ENOVIAVPM

Additionally, there are a number of new APIs that enhance existing ENOVIAVPM V1.6 features.

Accessibility by people with disabilities

Owing to the graphics-intensive nature of its engineering design applications, this product hasbeen granted a deviation for 2007.

Product positioning

ENOVIA VPLM addresses the management and exploitation of IP accumulated during thecomplete product development process, from product specification and definition throughmanufacturing process and resource definition and simulation. The development of all productsis based on observed industry best practices such as widespread use of 3D, interferencemanagement, relational design, early manufacturing involvement, and target-baseddevelopment.

The best practices are based on Dassault Systemes' V5 architecture and make extensive use ofrich product, process and resource (PPR) information.

There are three product lines available.


• Offers manufacturing organizations a comprehensive, streamlined approach to managing thecreation and maturation of the virtual product definition during engineering development ofnew and innovative products.

• Manages the complexity of product definition from the highest level of product hierarchy(product lines) to the lowest level of feature usage (geometric substitutes and alternatives)throughout the product's entire life cycle — from concept to obsolescence. Exposing the fullbreadth of granularity in the virtual product model enables users to evaluate changes andimprove decision making by leveraging real-time knowledge of the cause and effectrelationships needed to optimize product quality, cost, and performance.

• Delivers a unique set of integrated applications spanning engineering and manufacturing thatsupports the lifecycle management of the PPR definition in ENOVIA V5 VPM and DELMIA V5.The integrated development and validation of the virtual product and virtual factory helpsmanufacturing companies reduce design rework and costs, while significantly improvingtime-to-market.

• Engages, via globally dispersed teams using ENOVIA V5 VPM, in intense multidisciplineengineering collaboration 24/7, producing more designs in less time that are optimized forboth manufacturability and market acceptance. ENOVIA V5 VPM provides a single source ofup-to-date, work-in-process data, allowing development teams everywhere to extend thepower of CATIA V5 knowledgeware and relational design with the assembly or entire portfolioin mind. This eliminates part interference and increasing commonality across product linesand variants.

• Integrates data and processes across PLM using ENOVIA V5 VPM when detailed designinformation is ready for release into the extended enterprise. Flexible process-modelingmiddleware is used to connect to existing enterprise resource planning (ERP), legacy, andother critical enterprise systems. With so many unique and changing business requirements in

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 5

global manufacturing organizations, the consolidated view ENOVIA V5 VPM provides iscrucial to increasing business agility and optimizing production schedules and developmentresources.

• Allows development organizations to load the design and validate all possible productconfigurations from the top down, using ENOVIA V5 VPM, to increase the likelihood of marketsuccess. If necessary, the development organizations will withhold critical go-to-marketdecisions until late in the life cycle to deliver precisely the product the market expects and themargins the company requires.

ENOVIA V5 VPM extends the virtual product definition across the entire enterprise and intothe value chain using a single collaborative environment accessible via the Web. This ensuresthe business of innovative product development is always open and ready to capture themarket share it deserves.


• Enables digital product simulation, analysis and validation. It improves product quality andaccelerating decision making by providing real-time insight into real world productperformance.

• Enables real-time visualization and review of the 3D product as it evolves, streamliningcollaborative review and decision-making. It allows design teams to digitally build the productmock-up and its environment, and then analyze it to gain early insight into key factorsdetermining design quality, product performance, and ultimate market success.

• Includes testing and analysis tools that let engineers reduce and even eliminate the time andcost invested in build it, break it scenarios requiring multiple physical prototypes. Moreimportantly, it allows them to spend more time innovating.

• Facilitates digital mock-up validation and simulation from detailed design to maintenancebecause of the seamlessly integration within Dassault Systemes Product LifecycleManagement (PLM) solutions and that it is designed for multiCAD environments. It deliversextensive support for engineering processes such as interference detection and analysis,hybrid mock-up review, packaging and product synthesis, human ergonomics analysis,engineering data visualization, and technical publication.

• Helps to increase benefits and savings exponentially when used in conjunction with ENOVIAV5 VPM. It enables global organizations — from marketing to design to maintenance — tocollaborate in real time using configurable 3D mock-ups, and to rapidly validate productvariants during testing of design alternatives.

With ENOVIA DMU, development teams can transform product information into businessintelligence, improving decision making and product quality across the enterprise value chain.

ENOVIA 3d com

• Delivers an ideal solution by leveraging both Web and 3D technologies

• Gives anyone in a company a single point of access federating all extended enterpriseinformation to facilitate decision making, collaboration and access to the product life cyclepipeline.

• Targets an extended enterprise-wide deployment level including those who are nonCAx users.

Alongside CATIA and DELMIA, ENOVIA VPLM delivers an integrated and open PLM vision thatis the cornerstone of product development for innovators throughout the world. ENOVIAcustomers are comprised of global leaders across an array of industry segments includingaerospace, automotive, heavy machinery, industrial products, shipbuilding and petroleum, andplant and chemical.

Product positioning — Globalization

ENOVIA VPLM program integrated information (PII) and softcopy product information areavailable in:

• French

• German

• Japanese

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 6

• Chinese2

• Korean2

2ENOVIA 3d com, ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Applications, and ENOVIA V5 VPM only

PII is stored in compressed unicode format (UTF-8) for worldwide exchange without the loss ormisinterpretation of characters.

Hardware and software support services

SmoothStart™/installation services: IBM SmoothStart and Installation Services are notprovided.

Reference information

For information about CATIA Solutions V5.18, refer to 207-215, dated September 25, 2007.

For information about CAA RADE V5.18, refer to 207-213, dated September 25, 2007.

For information about ENOVIA SmarTeam V5.18, refer to 207-212, dated September 25, 2007.


SmoothStart is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or othercountries or both.

AIX, DB2, and SP1 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in theUnited States or other countries or both.

Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Company in the United States and other countries.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Additional information

This section describes the new products and enhancements to previously announced productsdelivered in this release. Refer to the ENOVIA VPLM product matrices section for details. For fulldescriptions of new and previously announced ENOVIA products, visit

To get to the ENOVIA page, select ENOVIA Products. On the ENOVIA page, select an ENOVIAproduct set.

Controlled availability of Digital Product Rights Manager 1 Product (RM1)

Because of its introductory nature, and to ensure proper coverage of customer data exchangeprocesses, the new Digital Product Rights Manager 1 Product (RM1) is subject to controlledavailability in this release. This product will be delivered via the Release 18 Service Packprocess. Address questions about the controlled availability of this product to Alan Morgan (AlanJ Morgan/UK/IBM@IBMGB).

New products

Photo Studio 1 (PH1): Photo Studio 1 gives users an easy way to produce photorealisticimages at the early stage of the product development cycle. Based on the Mental Ray-tracingengine, Photo Studio 1 is designed to suit the needs of casual users who want to quickly createhigh-quality renderings.

From a usability perspective, only a few options can be customized and users can preview theresults before launching computation to obtain fast results and try out different options quickly.Photo Studio 1 (PH1) gives users:

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 7

• High-quality, photo-realistic images creation engine based on Mental Ray

• Simple light and viewpoint management

• Easy-to-use shooting, available from any V5 workbench

• Smooth shadows

• Environment samples

Photo Studio 1 benefits include:

• Easy to learn and easy to use. Fits the skill level of casual users and requires a short learningcurve to produce rendering images.

• Fosters product design modifications with appearance validation loops. The ease of use ofPhoto Studio 1, coupled with the fact that it is seamlessly integrated with CATIA V5, reducesthe time required to create and validate product appearance. There is no need to convert orexport/import data. Users need only to switch from one V5 workbench to another to startgenerating rendering images.

• Enables an early assessment of product appearance. Because it is simple to use and part ofthe complete V5 set of tools, it is easy to make product appearance a key factor of productdevelopment at the very beginning of the process.

Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1): Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1) allows acompany to control and protect its IP when exchanging documents. Distributed supply chainorganizations need a way to exchange data in a secure manner. RM1 lets users apply andenforce digital rights on V5 documents, enabling them to secure and control distribution andexchanges.

• Protects IP while sharing Dassault Systemes' documents — Digital Product RightsManager 1 (RM1) delivers an out-of-the-box solution to secure and control V5 dataexchanges. Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1) enables an administrator to define andapply a corporate IP policy to all the V5 users. The administrator can define a list of users andassign to them a list of rights and administrate this information company-wide. If needed, theadministrator can also let some users add and modify users and rights themselves. Byenabling a highly secured file exchanges environment, Digital Product Rights Manager 1(RM1) provides companies with a powerful and efficient way to manage their IP.

• Controls the online and offline access and usages of Dassault Systemes' documents —Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1) enables the protection of V5 PLM documents,including 3D XML, CATPart, CATProduct, CATDrawing and CGR by setting up different rightsto different users. Rights provided allow or prevent individual users performing the followingoperations:

– Open a file. Drag & Drop is also protected by this right.

– Save a file. It ensures that the file will not be modified for instance.

– Save as (and keep rights) by changing the name and file's path and keep the initial rights.

– Save as (and change rights) by changing the name and file's path and change the initialrights.

– Export the data into another format such as 3D XML.

– Copy-, cut-, and paste-protected files.

– Duplicate specifications inside power copy and user-defined feature.

– Duplicate geometry in a product.

– Collaborate (for example, chat, view sharing, and so on) on a protected file.

– Forward files to somebody else.

Users can access protected files both when they are online (that is, when connected to a serverwhich manages the users and rights lists), and offline if they have decrypted the data beforedisconnecting from the server. A rights 'expiration date' enables a time limit to be defined for theaccess to the data. This protection is also extended to the cache that may have been createdfrom protected data.

Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1) provides users with a comprehensive set of rights

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 8

enabling the handling of simple as well as more complex scenarios. It is completely integratedinto the Dassault Systemes' V5 architecture and based on Microsoft™ Windows™ RightsManagement Services (RMS) technology.

DMU Composites Review 2 (CPR): Distributed supply chain organizations need a way forstakeholders to view, understand and evaluate a virtual product definition — anytime, anywhere,in any format. DMU Composite Review 2 (CPR) allows users to share composite knowledgeacross the value chain. It gives them dynamic composite information access, numerical analysis,and core sampling in product context.

DMU Composite Review 2 (CPR) is part of the global V5 solution for composite design andmanufacturing that allows manufacturers — aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding or consumergoods companies — to reduce the time needed to design composites parts.

• Share composite material information with extended teams — DMU Composite Review 2(CPR) extends the access of composite material defined in CATIA V5 to cross disciplinesteams and suppliers. It fosters better communication and collaboration between the differentstakeholders for a more efficient design to manufacturing process. For instance, it enablesusers to:

– Check design versus requirements data integrity and iterate with designer and analystbased on visualization of the part and core sampling

– Check stacks, drop offs and splices versus structural requirements

– Assess weight and balance needs

• Perform primary composite design analysis for manufacturability and cost assessment— DMU Composite Review 2 (CPR) allows users to quickly access and perform primaryanalysis of the composite design.

– What kind of materials are used?

– What are the composite stack order and angles?

– What is the weight and where is the gravity center?

All those questions can be answered interactively and results exported in text and Excel files.

At the design stage DMU Composite Review 2 (CPR) enables:

– OEM Design Review Team to review and analyze the composite parts' design structure

– Supplier's designers working with big OEMs to review the design made by the OEMdesigners, without modifying anything in the design

Human Anthropometry Catalog 2 (HTC): Delivers a set of anthropometry data dealing withdifferent population sizes. Human Anthropometry Catalog 2 (HTC) enhances precision ofanalyses results by providing catalogs with advanced anthropometry attributes. Designers canoptimize and validate products against different population segments to increase marketacceptance. Selecting from the standard manikins in the catalog makes it easier to use digitalhuman manikins and promotes the use of ergonomic simulation by more designers.

Human Posture Catalog 2 (HPC): Boosts user productivity by delivering two sets of catalogscontaining more than 350 postures for both static and grasping postures. These catalogs letusers quickly insert a human manikin into a digital mock-up and then, if needed, fine-tune themock-up until the targeted manikin position is reached. Catalog-based simulations offer up to a70 percent productivity gain over non-catalog based processes.

Offers climbing, driving, crawling, hand counting, sitting, and standing static postures with morethan 200 grasping postures adapted to more than 60 tools. Catalogs are also adapted todifferent population percentiles for maximum grasping precision.

Also affords the designer an improved user experience. Selecting from the hundreds of standardpositions available makes it easier to use digital human manikins and promotes the use ofhuman modeling by more designers. It also makes it easy for a designer to create a new postureby starting with a standard catalog posture, fine-tuning it, and then saving it for future use.

Human Preferred Angles Catalog 2 (HAC): Delivers a set of preferred angles related to thecomfort, safety and strength of different postures. Users can quickly optimize human manikinpostures. Benefits include:

• Enhances analyses results precision by providing catalogs containing advanced comfort,

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 9

safety and strength data

• Optimizes manikin posture based on scientific references for comfort, safety and strength

• Promotes human ergonomics simulation to more users though an improved user experience

Vehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 (VOA): Reduce the cost of interior vehicle designregulatory conformance validation — Vehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 (VOA) delivers aset of tools to reduce the number of physical prototypes, to minimize customer focus groups, andto reduce the number of design iterations required to ensure an interior vehicle design that meetsthe occupants' needs in terms of comfort and accommodation. Based on the Human Builder 2(HBR) product, Vehicle Occupant Accommodation (VOA) allows companies to explore, compare,and validate more design alternatives by letting 3D information be accessible to all stakeholders.

Benefits include:

• Automates elements of vehicle occupant packaging process

• Increases productivity of vehicle occupant packaging analysis

• Enables faster preparation for review sessions in a continuous product quality assessmentprocess

• Leverages enterprise IP and proprietary knowledge

Effectively predict vehicle occupant posture — Vehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 enablesusers to create vehicle interior dimension packages in compliance with the SAE (Society ofAutomotive Engineers) standard J1100 (September, 200). It includes, among other capabilities,the ability to place the left foot independently of the right based on the SAE concepts of FloorReference Point and Floor Plan Angle, the ability to adjust the diameter of the steering wheel,and even the posture of the hand grip to define passenger seating position in a motor vehicle.

All the elements of the package are associated with a 3D geometry, so users can automaticallyspecify vehicle dimensions based on existing vehicle geometries and/or easily retrieve thedimensions and locations of specific geometries (seat, steering wheel, and pedal) of an existingvehicle design. New packages can be then saved in catalogs and/or applied to an existingpackage.

Vehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 gives users by default an automatic way to predict thedriving posture of a specific manikin based on two methods, cascade and optimization.

• The cascade-based method uses a regression equations formula to represent the positioncoordinates of the ankle, the pelvis, and the eye.

• The optimization method instead is based on the flexion comfort angle of the forearm, leg,and, optionally, the trunk (thoracic and lumbar).

Automatic prediction reduces the time and increases the accuracy of placing the manikin within avehicle. The resulting posture is a function of the vehicle dimension package (SAE J1100) andmanikin anthropometry. Posture can be predicted for more than one manikin at the same time.Choice of left, right, or center seat is available for the second- or third-row passenger. Users canalso create their own user-defined posture prediction method based on these two methods.

Re-use and share information across multiple design disciplines — For further exchange,users can extract data from a package or a posture prediction and present it in HTML or XMLformat. For more efficient reuse and sharing, Vehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 (VOA)packages can be stored in ENOVIA VPLM and retrieved in CATIA when loading a product fromENOVIA VPLM. The same capabilities are available using ENOVIA SmarTeam.

Enhanced ENOVIA VPLM products

Refer to the Software requirements section for additional support highlights for V5.18.

ENOVIA — MultiPDM — CDM/VPM Plug-in (VPL): Enhancements improve ergonomics andusability, environment customization, customer process integration, installation and scalability,and allow ENOVIA 3d com to better mimic the VPM V4 UNIX® functionality. Notableenhancements include:

• Add results selection now available within query result panel allows designers to add theresults of a new query to the results of a previous query. The new selection is now availablefrom within the query panel itself and its selection by user preference is stored in the user's

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 10

settings file.

• The Compare Graph capability allows designers to compare two pre-existing ProductStructure Navigators (PSNs) as a single resulting PSN graph or as a list of nodes.Comparisons are also possible against the database.

• Get Impact in PSN functionality to reveal multi-model links directly within the PSN graph.

• Customers have the choice to Display Effectivity in PSN Nodes as well as in the Web Treeto show the full effectivity string of a part instance. Any customizations of effectivity displayapplied in VPM V4 in UNIX are inherited directly by ENOVIA 3d com.

• Locating items within the PSN graph is made easy with the addition of the Locate selectedpart — Next — Prev buttons to the Locate parts query panels. Each button is supported bykeyboard shortcuts to match the same functionality available in UNIX.

• Contextual menus are shortened when administrators group customized commands thatcascade on selection to improve the usability for designers using V5.18.

• Each part info link panel now includes an Open Action hyperlink to open and browsepart-related actions.

• Directly within ENOVIA 3d com, designers can duplicate and transfer ownership ofconfiguration handlers to speed real-time concurrent design.

• When designers build new parts from existing parts, they can copy attributes from the existingpart into a clipboard and paste them as new part attributes to save time and eliminate manualdata entry.

• A new Manage Password selection within the VPM authentication window gives users theopportunity to change their password on demand. Upon selection, users are directed to a Webpage tailored by the user to enable self-service password update and expiration.

• Designers can choose the overload capability during configuration handler selection andquickly construct the necessary design context.

• New Expand options in ENOVIA 3d com let designers expand the open PSN graph byselected children, brothers children or all children using icons placed within the PSN toolbar.

• Designers can select Duplicate Assembly from the contextual menu when a parent part isselected within the PSN graph and copy it to another VPM environment.

• Users can set the ENOVIA 3d com session timeout to a value different than the server settingand reconnect a timed out VPM connection when desired.

• Designers using ENOVIA 3d com can use the Display locks function within the PSN graph,which indicates instance ownership using easy to recognize lock icons.

ENOVIA — DMU Navigator 1 (DU1)

• File/Save Management: Editor scope only — Restricts the scope of the File/SaveManagement command only to the current editor

• File/Save Management: Preserve user preferences — Augments usability and efficiency ofuser interface. Dialogs provided by the File/Save Management command memorize the sizeof the dialog panel so that when being displayed next time, the users will get what they hadpreviously set and seen.

• File Selection Box: Preserve user preferences based on the calling client — Enables users toset a default directory path for the File Selection Box dialogs. Once set, these defaults areused only with the File Selection Box application.

• Toolbar positioning enhancements

– Docked/undocked and positions are initialized, saved and restored workbench byworkbench.

– In each row or column of dock bars, toolbars are packed whenever space is needed.

– Double-clicking on an undocked toolbar re-docks it at its former location.

• No hidden line removal (NHR) print support of geometry representation group, Clipping —VECTOR print rendering process can support the local 2DLayout views clipping planes.

• Hidden line removal (HLR) print support of geometry representation group, Clipping —VECTOR technology print capability can handle clipping effects when used with wireframe

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geometry in hidden lines mode or in dotted hidden lines.

• Full Scene Anti Aliasing — Improves performance. Full Scene Anti Aliasing feature requires alot of computation time; therefore, being used in interactive mode can become useless.Ensures the Full Scene Anti Aliasing is not activated when user performs local transformation.It is only activated (when initially checked in Tools/Options) when the model is displayed.

• View Alignment command (available in all V5 workbenches) — User can modify the currentviewpoint of a 3D model. The viewpoint orientation is automatically set to the closesthorizontal or vertical orientation.

• Openness / 3D XML

• Productivity improvement: CATDMUUtility2D batch — Generate 3DXML from a CATDrawing

• Productivity improvement: CATDMUUtility batch — Generate 3DXML from a CATPart

• Usability: Interrupt active terminal node process if required — Users can abort thecomputation of CATIA Graphic Representations (CGR) when activating a given node.

ENOVIA — VPM Navigator (VPN): Major enhancements include:

• A new capability in V5.18 to store user-specific filter and query information expandsaccessibility of these settings to other users and allows the owner to set default settings tovalues to return more useful query results.

• Together, enhancements to the ENOVIA — Send to File function in V5.18 improve dataexchange productivity because designers receive access to parts via the Impact Graphfunction, notification when send function is used that a part is not the latest version, additionalcontrol of user settings, and semi-automated data handling of parts previously sent to thedestination file.

• Opening large assemblies is easier with the new VPM Navigator Select Under CGR option toopen and load work package content into a CATIA V5 design context. When Select UnderCGR option is specified, only a single light representation of the work package contents willopen. Designers can easily navigate large assemblies and construct the appropriate designcontext faster.

• Product Variant Structure (PVS) offers persistent product filters to store and maintain a fixeddesign context for easy recall, reuse, and sharing of a design context with others. PVS savestime and reduces errors by allowing designers to specify exactly the criteria important to theirdesign concept and maintain these even as the underlying product changes.

• Ability to construct more powerful VPM Navigator filters in V5.18 by including attributes fromany desired environment (domain) and stack them is based on and/or criteria to quickly buildthe design context desired.

• User selection of expand-by-level option after applying a configuration handler improvesexpansion performance and makes design session building faster and more responsive.

• Synchronize Product Structure command accommodates instances moved amongdesigners working on separate sessions involving the same designs. Shortens iteration cycleseven further by enabling more compressed concurrent engineering for design teams workingwithin the same assembly at the same time.

• Powerful Where-Used analysis helps designers determine the change impact on reused parts.The ability to promote/demote, lock/unlock, and change part attributes directly within theWhere-Used results panel greatly improves designer productivity.

• Version management within V5.18 streamlines the part versioning process by displaying allattributes in the show all versions list, further distinguishing one attribute from another throughcustom tailoring by the individual user, and automatic unlocking of new versions immediatelyupon creation.

• The Insert Existing Component selection delivers fast and direct ENOVIA VPLM dataaccess to designers inserting existing versions of CATPart or CATProduct documents intotheir current CATIA V5 session.

• After loading the light representation (CGR) of ENOVIA parts into CATIA, designers usingV5.18 can copy and paste those CGR representations directly to quickly modify designs withina large working context.

• Automatically unlocks the previous part version when a designer requests a lock of a laterversion, assuming the same designer owns both versions. If the part versions are owned by

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different designers, an error message would report this and a change of ownership must beperformed, as usual.

• VPM Navigator allows designers to delete unused part versions and/or document revisionsdirectly from within the impact graph and/or search results windows. VPM Navigator performsseveral quality checks before actually deleting a file including Where-Used and P & Oprivileges making ENOVIA VPLM cleanup more efficient for designers and administratorsalike.

• Based on a predetermined server process memory size set by the administrator, V5.18routinely checks the current VPM Navigator server process size to actively optimize the userperformance invisible to the user. If the server size is exceeded, these actions follow, killexisting server process, launch a new server process, bind the running client process to thisnew server process using the same logon criteria (user/password/role) as previously used.

• Design change activity in V5.18 is more efficient due to the addition of Action Managementfunction within VPM Navigator to create, query, and view/edit actions as needed throughoutthe course of a design modification.

• Publish & Subscribe usability is improved through easier retrieval of published events, offeringa consolidated view of active event subscriptions, new capabilities to launch downstreamfunctions (that is, open, properties, and impact graph), the ability to discard subscriptions, andcustomized NLS messages to convey additional information specific to local ENOVIAenvironments.

• Batch creation of Product View Results (PVR) function improves productivity beyondinteractive mode only.

• Allows designers to use a PVR to include only a subset of the PVR when synchronized.

• New document management tools are included to directly create, edit, and open/viewdocuments stored within the ENOVIA V5 database. Check-in/check-out capabilitiescomplement the full array of document management functions to enable designers to workinside or outside of CATIA as needed to complete designs quickly and right the first time.

ENOVIA — VPM Configured Product Design (CGP): Major enhancements include:

• PVR, a contextual dataset stored in ENOVIA and used in CATIA to maintain a fixed designcontext for use in any situation where a subset of the entire product is needed. Exampleswhere a fixed design context is desired include design studies, kinematic layouts, digitalmock-up, and assembly drawings.

Design context can be added and PVR removed as required to convey design intent. This canbe reconciled at any time with the underlying product structure in ENOVIA for update to thelatest product information. All application data created within CATIA can be stored into a PVRand kept up-to-date as part changes occur.

• Easy reuse of assemblies previously intended as single-use only by providing a selection toautomate the reuse operation in VPM Navigator. VPM Assembly Reuse considers the productstructure of both VPM Navigator and CATIA V5 to ensure the resulting product matchesexactly the designer's assembly reuse intent.

• Automatically attached design tables that contain all of the parameters and optimizationsnecessary to define a part directly to the product structure of the part itself, tightly linkingsource to result and eliminating a separate query for this data.

• New user setting to specify if instances with pending, unsolved add operations stored in theinstance effectivity should appear or not appear by default when a product structure filter isapplied, making concurrent engineering more clear as designers continually modify instanceeffectivity.

• Scan and Save function to avoid errors in database by validating before the actual Saveprocess that all part attributes have been established completely within the values expectedand, in conjunction with CATIA V5, ensures accurate population of the ENOVIA V5 databaseas required by other designers.

• Ability to select an existing Configuration Handler and specify additional effectivity criteriaduring construction of a new design context.

• VPM Dynamic Configuration Handler that gives designers an easy method to stay informed ofpending changes to their active design context. Dynamic configuration handlers within VPMNavigator extend the filter criteria beyond instance effectivity and actions to include filtering by

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modification criteria.

The dynamic aspect is delivered by the storage and recalculation of the modification searchquery, thus providing a list of modifications that can change frequently as modifications areadded, modified, or deleted by other designers.

• Edit Applicability functionality extended from Product Editor into VPM Navigator, enablingdesigners to easily extend usage of his or her design. Assigns a new effectivity to a specifiedpart instance without the need for extensive change control.

• New VPM Navigator ability to select Set Configurable options broadens the scope of thedesigner. Allows the user to create configurable objects, which leads to greater understandingof the configuration context used during detailed design or during the development ofadvanced design studies.

ENOVIA — VPM Supply Chain Engineering Exchange (WPE): Major enhancements include:

• Allows administrators to customize the handling of part attributes to ensure accurate mappingoccurs between CATIA and ENOVIA when the received data set is reconciled to the ENOVIAdatabase.

• Supports exchange of product information between OEMs and suppliers using VPM Navigatorwhen work package information contains and is subsequently filtered by configurationinformation. Management of configuration within work package exchange provides designersa single step process to share ever-more complicated designs with suppliers with more speedand efficiency.

• Includes capability to streamline the data exchange process by providing XML files toadministrators to customize new global sets — pre-defined acceptance criteria — used bydesigners to map custom attributes when performing a reconciliation.

V5.18 allows the application of a global set on a subset of items, eliminating the restriction toalways select the entire set of received items.

• Establishes the ability to reconcile a PVR between OEM and supplier while maintaining theunique structure exposed features as presented in the original PVR.

• Prevents drawing updates from being done automatically upon reconciliation of a designpackage when the designer chooses to perform this task manually. This eliminates thepotential risk for lost work.

ENOVIA — VPM Electrical Cable Route Management (ECV): Major enhancements include:

• Delivers a mechanism by which designers can directly create electrical data within ENOVIA(via text files in a certain format) without creating a 3D Equipment CATProduct or 2D diagramdocuments in CATIA. Designers can input 2D diagram or 3D electrical equipment data in theform of XML files. Designers can import electrical data for light-cable network display.

• Lets designers using Electrical Cable Routing (ECV) import electrical specific data from designwork packages into an optimized format in the ENOVIA database to later allow efficient cablerouting. Supports a batch capability for the importing of work packages into the electrical cabledatabase.

• Allows designers to use the Manage Cables from database command to select a cable anddisplay the From and To equipment location in the light network.

• Makes network run information stored in VPM Navigator available in CATIA V5 to assist theelectrical designer in locating the specific electrical route to modify. Lets user edit the networkrun information to modify the information it conveys and store those changes back to VPM.

ENOVIA — EBOM Detailing & Configuration (PAS)

• Extends product specifications investigation to:

– Determine all specifications which contain a given instance

– Allow a zone filter query to include multiple product specifications

– Use a combined zone/multiple product specifications filter to identify which instances are /are not common to all product specifications

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• Includes a user-enabled, character-width setting affecting the Instance Configuration window,which forces a split of the displayed effectivity value into multiple lines for improved readabilityand understanding

• Allows engineers to remove unwanted, unsolved operations from individual ENOVIA instances

• Extends the capability, when creating a product specification, to associate a Mod/Actionfunction to match the functionality currently available when creating a configuration handler

• Improves performance during design in context by allowing light representations (CGRs) ofpart instances stored in ENOVIA to be opened directly into CATIA design mode

• Includes modification status as part of an instance effectivity definition to allow engineers tofilter the product structure based on modification status (that is, in-work, approved, and so on),simplifying change analysis

• Includes a contextual menu Select All command to easily select all of the children under apre-selected parent, improving on the existing and cumbersome "select first child, depress andhold shift key, scroll to last child and select" method

• Establishes Generic Component (GCO) maturity and life cycle to control changes that occurwithin the GCO organization and provides administrative security on GCO items to protect theproduct definition organization set forth by GCO items during product development

• Facilitates the event of exchanging a large data set from one development site to another byletting the user build a single bill of material report to describe the contents of each individualwork package sent

• Establishes product specification maturity and life cycle to control changes that occur to theproduct specification and provides administrative security on product specifications to protectthem through the duration of product development

ENOVIA — Product Interference Management (PIM): Interference checking can be donefaster and with more accuracy when configuration filters are used as part of the ENOVIA ClashUpdate routine.

ENOVIA — Engineering Hub (EPI)

• New settings in V5.18 allow administrators to specify how synchronization of product structureinstances will occur as designers save CATIA changes into ENOVIA. Within CATIA, given apositional (relative part move) or product structure (add/delete child) modification of anENOVIA instance, an administrator setting determines which changes will be automaticallypropagated to the other instances. The choices are: None, Position, PS (product structure),and Full. These refer to the level of automatic synchronization to be made upon save.Selection of None speeds performance while Full best enables active concurrent engineering.

• Designers can select Refresh document in session mode and through an unload/reloaddialog screen, refresh their existing context to easily incorporate the latest changes of partswithin their context made by the responsible designer working elsewhere, at the same time.

ENOVIA — VPM Lifecycle Navigator Web (LCN):

Note: This product is renamed from ENOVIA — LCA Navigator.

• The homepage content displayed within VPM Lifecycle Navigator Web is controlled in V5.18by role and authorization. Additional choices are available to choose content with Favoritesmenus to control context and scrolling combo boxes to simplify the Web page setup andcustomization.

• Environment deployment and validation of formatted values are enhanced in V5.18 withreverse proxy support and server checks of user data input to further strengthen ENOVIAVPLM Web security.

• Web Services capabilities improve the management of multi-valued attributes, Best-So-Farfilters and customizations, and block document extractions are available to allow handling ofdocuments larger than 90 MB.

Refer to the Software requirements section for support highlights.

ENOVIA — Document Management Web (DCM):

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Note: This product is renamed from ENOVIA — LCA Document Management.

ENOVIA — Engineering Change Management Web (CGM):

Note: This product is renamed from ENOVIA — LCA Change Management.

• Associate product specification to Change Order capability: Change Order capability isenhanced to control a product specification link object in addition to the existing Change Orderprocess, which already controls objects like parts, part instances, documents, products, andso on.

The user can:

– Create a service-type Change Order — Users can create a Change Order by selecting"Service" as the type and "Routine" as the priority of the Change Order. This ensures theappropriate life cycle association to the Change Order.

– Associate Product Specifications to a Change Order, Action and Change Request objects

– Drag and Drop product specifications as affected objects

To support this highlight, three new lifecycle graphs are available:




• Transfer modification ownership — The Change Order and Action Transfer capability isenhanced to allow the user to transfer the attached modifications to the new owner.

• Customize affected objects — The Change Management domain is enhanced to deliverfunction for Affected Objects customization capabilities. When an affected object is created,updated or deleted on a Change Request/Change Order or an Action, a user can validate thereal object (for example, part, document, and so on).

ENOVIA — Enterprise Process Management Web (EPM):

Note: This product is renamed from ENOVIA — LCA Enterprise Process Management.

ENOVIA VPLM leadership in aerospace processes is extended by:

• Supporting multi-level expansion of tasks and steps in routing slips

• Permitting the view of container data without the need to issue a checkout request

ENOVIA — Document Management (DMT)

• The sheet editor allows a user to easily access and edit all of the document's properties in theseries of sheet editor cells.

• A Where Used Action functionality allows a user to easily find all actions,which links adocument to an affected object.

ENOVIA — Engineering Change Management (ECM)

• Includes a mechanism that allows an engineer to transfer ownership of a modification directlyto ease the balance of designer workload during development.

• Allows a product specification to be linked to a change order of type service. From this, it ispossible to manipulate the link between the change order and the product specification basedon the various stages (status) of the change order.

• Allows administrators to customize the attachment of files added as Action affected objects.

ENOVIA — Multisite System Administration Web (SYA):

Note: This product is renamed from ENOVIA — LCA Multisite System Administration.

• Replication Package Management (stand-alone) — This feature allows an administrator to see

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all replication packages created and allows the user to manage these packages appropriately.The user can:

– View all current replication packages and requests

– Filter replication package by the target site and/or status

– Simulate the package, showing objects that will be replicated

– Delete packages not yet extracted

– Change the status of existing packages

• New tab that identifies where an object is replicated — Currently a user does not have theability to view any type of replication history or the site ownership for a particular object. Now,a new tab is added to the identity card view for all objects, which displays this information(replication history and site ownership) to the user. When users click on the tab, they will seethe current site owner of the object along with a table listing all the sites the object has beenreplicated to and when it was last replicated.

• Delete a Replication Package never Extracted function — Allows users to cancel asite-ownership transfer before a data extraction occurs. This modification improvesfunctionality for multi-site users. Transferring site ownership has been postponed to the dataextraction step of the process. Therefore, users can delete packages before the extraction,thus cancelling the ownership transfer of the data.

ENOVIA — People, Organization, & Security Web (POC):

Note: This product is renamed from ENOVIA — LCA People, Organization, & Security.

ENOVIA — System & Data Administration (SAN)

• Replication Package Management (stand-alone) — This feature allows an administrator to seeall replication packages created and allows the user to manage these packages appropriately.The user can:

– View all current replication packages and requests

– Filter replication package by the target site and/or status

– Simulate the package, showing objects that will be replicated

– Delete packages that have not yet been extracted

– Change the status of existing packages

• New tab to identify where an object is replicated — Currently a user can not view any type ofreplication history or the site ownership for a particular object. A new tab is added to theidentity card view for all objects, which displays this information (replication history and siteownership) to the user. When the users click on the tab, they can see the current site owner ofthe object along with a table listing all the sites the object has been replicated to and when itwas last replicated.

• Delete a Replication Package never Extracted function — Users cancel a site-ownershiptransfer before a data extraction occurs. This modification improves functionality for multi-sitecustomers. Transferring site ownership is postponed to the data extraction step of theprocess. Therefore, users can delete packages prior to the extraction, thus cancelling theownership transfer of the data.

• Migration (VPM + Vault) — V5.18 migration provides a method to take an existing level V5.17metadata database and vault database to change them into V5.18 databases that support thenew functionalities available with V5.18. This migration keeps all user data and customizationspreviously created, while minimizing downtime. The database migration includes:

– Data structure migration: Modifications to the database tables and structure from theprevious release to support new tables and database updates needed for V5.18.

– Data migration: Modifications to the data in the appropriate database tables from theprevious release to support new formats and content needed for V5.18.

– Migration of customized data: Modifications to the customized user data tables to supportV5.18.

– Mask Migration: Ability to migrate the masks created by users in V5.17 and migrate them toV5.18.

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– Master migration script: Ability to invoke the data structure migration andapplication-specific migration jobs.

– Application-specific migration jobs: A specific migration job by application can migrate thecontent of the data to be compliant with format and content expected in V5.18. Theapplication-specific scripts are launched from the master migration script.

– DB analysis tools: Assist in analyzing changes between databases from V5.17 to the V5.18release.

– Life cycles: Imports lifecycle graphs for V5.18.

– P & O information: Ability to migrate the P & O data from V5.17 to V5.18.

Enhanced common products

DMU Space Analysis 1 (SP1): This release improves the selection information in the Measurebetween command. The user can now display the selection information and the relatedcomponents along with the measurement values in the 3D viewer. Additionally, improvements tothe customization dialog window afford better control over the 3D display of various otherparameters, such as angle, distance, selection name, and components.

DMU Space Analysis 2 (SPA): Penetration management enables users to retrieve the twocatalogs and the KnowledgeWare Rule Base file (CATProduct) that are defined as resources inthe Project Resource Management (PRM) project file. Users can then load the related designdata and update the penetration information.

DMU Kinematics Simulator 2 (KIN): Users can copy/paste mechanisms within the sameproduct. It allows them to activate/deactivate different degrees of freedom of the samemechanism to create animations and movies.

DMU Optimizer 2 (DMO)

• New wrapping algorithm embedded in the Swept Volume command — A new algorithmcomputes the perfectly rounded envelope of a moving part. This capability is referred to asconvex envelope computation for swept volumes. The resulting envelope can be used whencomputing clashes between moving parts, for instance.

• 3D cutting improvement — The visualization of the volume obtained when using the 3D Cutcommand is cleaned-up for better visualization.

Human Builder 2 (HBR): This release delivers enhancements to the following functions:

• Vision window camera orientation — The manikin always sees the scene on a horizontalplane, even if it is bending its head.

• Constraints — The width and type of line used to represent manikin constraints in 3D can becustomized to reflect the status of the constraint. This enhancement makes it easier tounderstand the constraints applied to the manikin.

• Look-at behavior — Ease of use is improved for the inverse kinematics (IK) and Reachmodes.

• Dynamic hand grasp — Hand grasp settings can be saved.

Human Activity Analysis 2 (HAA): This release allows users to display additional NIOSHinformation, including the intermediate factors of NIOSH 1991 lift/lower analysis.

Real Time Rendering 1 (RT1)

• Tune default shading — A new tab in Tools/Options/Infrastructure/Material Library lets userstune the default shading parameters: ambient, diffuse, specular and roughness. The user canfine tune the relief perception in order to better identify shape defects.

• New color palette management — The new user interface of the color editor is based on oneof the most popular interfaces, enabling users to familiarize themselves with it rapidly andeffortlessly.

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Real Time Rendering 2 (RTR)

• Material library window — This new command allows the user to align icons automatically inthe material library.

• Environment manipulation — A new option is added to directly snap 3D models on the bottomwall of environments (but sphere, of course), facilitating the positioning of models.

• Improved visual quality — A new anti-aliasing algorithm improves the quality of border edgesof surfaces and lines.

Photo Studio Optimizer 2 (PSO): Compute larger and more complex pictures — Photo StudioOptimizer enables networked rendering with up to 24 CPUs (previously there were only 8).

Enhanced MultiCAx products

MultiCAx — Solidworks Plug-in (DSL)

• Support of SolidWorks 2006

• Support of Windows 64-bit

MultiCAx — IGES Plug-in (DGL)

• Convert V4 models referenced by V5 product structure into IGES file

• Convert IGES to 3DXML (Batch mode)

MultiCAx — PD Plug-in (PDL): Support of ProE Wild Fire 3

Enhanced WLS products

User Companion for DMU (DNS): A V5.17 to V5.18 update course allows users to self-train onall the new capabilities delivered with the DMU Navigator, DMU Analysis, and DMU Optimizerworkbenches. This update course is unique in the marketplace by virtue of its extensivecoverage of the new release enhancements as well as its synchronization with productavailability.

ENOVIA User Companion for V5 VPM (VNS): In V5.18, the contents of the User Companionfor LCA (LCS) product are merged into the User Companion for V5 VPM (VNS) product (LCS iswithdrawn in V5.18). This new consolidated Companion course provides a comprehensivetraining solution encompassing both the engineering and the life-cycle domains.

Companion Development Studio (CDS)

• Enhancement in the user interface of the wizard to quickly create skillets. (Candidate is thecapability to directly create a course).

• New screen templates

– Entry pages for Courses

– Link to Skillets screen

– Candidate: dynamic screen

• Capability to:

– Duplicate and tailor Dassault courses

– Show/hide lessons

– Reorder lessons

– Show/hide elements

– Insert third-party lessons

• Functions to manage screens and translation life cycle:

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– Increase speed of courseware review

– Decrease delay between reference language and translated language

• "Pre-assessment" component — Added to assess student on our main courses to help themto quickly see what they need to learn.

Withdrawn products (included in configuration only)

The following products, included in a configuration only (can not be ordered separately), arewithdrawn in this release:

• ENOVIA — 3d com Web Navigator (W3N)

• ENOVIA — LCA Project Management (PJM)

ENOVIA V5 VPM configurations

Note: Product licensing matrix is available on product CDs.

• ENOVIA — Casual User Configuration (CUR)

This configuration targets users whose main interest is to view data stored in ENOVIA VPLM.Some of the activities that the users can perform:

– Viewing any data (part, document, or engineering change) and navigating any structure orrelationship associated with it

– Applying filters and saved contexts for quick retrieval of product structures

– Staying updated on the events of interest, such as product releases

ENOVIA 3d com C3V may be added to this configuration for CAD model visualization using2D/3D viewers.

• ENOVIA — Professional User Configuration (MGR)

This configuration targets managers, team leaders, and reviewers whose activities include:

– Managing, distributing, and reviewing work assignments

– Taking advantage of document management facilities such as template management

– Visualizing digital mock-up in CATIA and ENOVIA DMU

Shareable products from ENOVIA VPM Product Editor Products and domains can bepurchased separately. For instance, EBOM Detailing and Configuration (PAS) may be addedfor product structures editing.

• ENOVIA — VPM Engineer Configuration (VER)

This configuration targets engineers and design managers whose activities include:

– Managing engineering bills of material (EBOMs)

– Associating CAD models to parts and product structures, taking advantage of full ENOVIAVPLM — CATIA interoperability

– Performing digital mock-up reviews including product interference analysis

– Exchanging data with suppliers using SMARTBOM briefcase

– Sending data to DELMIA IPD

– Managing work assignments related to the above activities

Shareable products from ENOVIA VPM Product Editor Products can be purchased separately.For example:

– ENOVIA — Product Variant Management (PVM) for product lines and options planning

– ENOVIA — Program Management (PGT) for managing programs, milestones and objectlife-cycle definition

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• ENOVIA — Security Administrator Configuration (ADR)

This configuration targets corporate or departmental administrators whose main activitiesconsist of setting up:

– Databases and P & O profiles

– Access privileges and default environments for departments and end-users

• ENOVIA — System and Data Administrator Configuration (RVR)

This configuration targets chief system and data administrators who are in charge of ENOVIAVPLM implementation. In addition to the products dedicated for system setup, most productsfrom ENOVIA V5 VPM and ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle products are included for user support andcustomization purposes.

• ENOVIA — VPM Product Design Configuration (DER)

VPM design engineers design parts, assemblies, and products. These users normally designdirectly in CATIA V5 and save the design work in ENOVIA VPLM (Engineering Hub)afterwards. These users include design managers with additional responsibilities such asmanaging work assignments (actions) related to the design activities, performing clashanalysis, and exchanging data with suppliers.

This is the same group of users targeted by the VPM Engineer configuration. The difference isthat all applications provided within this configuration are available through the CATIA V5 userinterface. Designers can access both design and life-cycle management functions from withinCATIA V5 to facilitate easy adoption of ENOVIA V5 VPM functions among CATIA users.

This configuration targets design engineers and design managers whose activities include:

– Creating and managing EBOMs structure

– Designing CAD models and associating them to parts and products

– Performing advanced part design

– Performing relational design and changing impact analysis

– Performing digital mock-up reviews including product interference analysis

– Sending data to DELMIA IPD

– Managing work assignments (actions) related to the above activities

• ENOVIA — Vault Administrator Configuration (VAR)

This configuration targets systems administrator whose main activities include:

– Creating and managing the vaults

– Performing data backup and restore

– Managing remote and local vaults

– Storing ENOVIA VPLM using the V5 architecture/vaulting system. This product ispurchased stand-alone on top of ENOVIA VPLM configurations.

• ENOVIA — VPM DMU Review Configuration (VDM)

This configuration targets users who participate in product design reviews, but do not requirethe full product design capabilities delivered by the ENOVIA — VPM Product DesignConfiguration.

• ENOVIA — VPM LifeCycle Review Configuration (LCR)

This entry configuration is used for the Web-based, light client ENOVIA VPM Lifecycleproducts. It targets enterprise users whose main activities include:

– Searching and navigating on product and project information stored in an ENOVIA VPLMdatabase

– Performing visualization and annotation on 2D/3D documents using 2D/3D viewers

– Collaborating with other enterprise users (ENOVIA — Instant Collaboration can be addedon top of this configuration)

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– Performing limited authoring function such as transferring ownership and changing life-cyclestatus (promote, demote)

• ENOVIA — VPM LifeCycle Management Web Configuration (LCM)

This configuration offers project and change management capabilities. All products included inthis configuration operate within the Web-based, light-client environment of ENOVIA VPMLifecycle Products.

This configuration targets managers and supervisors whose main activities include:

– Search and navigate on product and project information stored in an ENOVIA VPLMdatabase

– Perform visualization and annotation on 2D/3D documents using 2D/3D viewers

– Manage changes to product data and documents

– Use workflow to manage changes and automate corporate processes

– Use Microsoft Project to manage project in ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle products

– Collaborate with other enterprise users (ENOVIA — Instant Collaboration can be added ontop of this configuration.)

• ENOVIA — Enterprise Process Management Web Configuration (LCP)

This configuration targets people who are involved in enterprise process administration,management and participation.

There are two types of workflow users who use this configuration:

– Process administrators

– Process users (initiators and participants)

• ENOVIA — System & Users Administration Web Configuration (SUA)

This configuration targets corporate or departmental administrators whose main activitiesinclude:

– Performing ENOVIA VPLM system installation

– Setting up database

– Setting up people and organization profiles

ENOVIA VPLM product matrices

There are three matrices for the ENOVIA VPLM product sets: ENOVIA 3d com, ENOVIA DMU,and ENOVIA V5 VPM.

ENOVIA 3d com product matrix

I = Product included in a configurationA = Product available as an add-on to a configurationS = Product available as a shareable product on top of a

configurationN = Not applicable

ConfigurationsC3V N3G(1) V3C

ENOVIA 3d com Classic Products

PNR ENOVIA -- 3d com Navigator I I IPVR ENOVIA -- 3d com Viewer I I NP3B ENOVIA -- 3d com Publish N I NS3P ENOVIA -- 3d com Space Analysis S S NN35 ENOVIA -- 3d com Navigator V5 I I N

Plug-InOGL ENOVIA -- MultiPDM -- OP Plug-In N S NPML ENOVIA -- MultiPDM -- PM Plug-In N I N

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 22


ConfigurationsC3V N3G(1) V3C

ENOVIA MultiCAx Products

DCL ENOVIA -- MultiCAx -- CATIA I I NPlug-In


DSL MultiCAx -- Solidworks Plug-In S S NDEL MultiCAx -- SE Plug-In S S NDAL MultiCAx -- AD Plug-In S S NDTL MultiCAx -- Step Plug-In S S NPDL MultiCAx -- PD Plug-In S S NIDL MultiCAx -- ID Plug-In S S NUDL MultiCAx -- UD Plug-In S S N

(1) N3G configuration allows user to query, navigate,and access product information stored in ENOVIA VPLMENOVIAVPM and/or ENOVIA V5 VPM.

ENOVIA DMU product matrix

I = Product included in a configurationA = Product available as an add-on to a configurationS = Product available as a shareable product on top of a

configurationN = Not applicable

ConfigurationsDV1 DM1 DM2 DPS DH2 DM3


DU1 ENOVIA -- DMU Navigator 1 I I N N N NSP1 DMU Space Analysis 1 A A N N N NPR1 ENOVIA -- DMU Digital Plant A A A A A A

& Ship Review 1DT1 DMU Dimensioning A I I I A A

& Tolerancing Review 1RT1 Real Time Rendering 1 N I I I I NPH1 Photo Studio 1 A A A A A ARM1 Digital Product Rights A A A A A A

Manager 1DMU ENOVIA -- DMU Navigator 2 N N I I I NSPA DMU Space Analysis 2 N N I I I IFIT DMU Fitting Simulator 2 N N A/S I A/S A/SKIN DMU Kinematics Simulator 2 N N A/S I A/S A/SDMO DMU Optimizer 2 N N A/S A/S A/S A/S

CPR DMU Composites Review 2 N N A/S A/S A/S A/SPHS Photo Studio 2 N N A/S A/S A/S A/SPSO Photo Studio Optimizer 2 N N A/S A/S A/S A/SRTR Real Time Rendering 2 N N A/S A/S A/S I

DU3 ENOVIA -- DMU Navigator 3 N N N N N IANR DMU Engineering Analysis N N A/S A/S A/S A/S

Review 2HBR Human Builder 2 N N A/S A/S I A/SHME Human Measurements Editor 2 N N A/S A/S I A/SHPA Human Posture Analysis 2 N N A/S A/S I A/SHAA Human Activity Analysis 2 N N A/S A/S I A/SHTC Human Anthropometry N N A/S A/S A/S A/S

Catalog 2HPC Human Posture Catalog 2 N N A/S A/S A/S A/SHAC Human Preferred Angles N N A/S A/S A/S A/S

Catalog 2

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 23

VOA Vehicle Occupant N N A/S A/S A/S A/SAccommodation 2

FAR DMU Fastening Review 2 N N A/S A/S A/S A/S

ConfigurationsDV1 DM1 DM2 DPS DH2 DM3

ENOVIA MultiCAx Products

DCL ENOVIA -- MultiCAx -- CATIA I I I I I IPlug-In


DSL MultiCAx -- Solidworks S S S S S SPlug-In

DEL MultiCAx -- SE Plug-In S S S S S SDAL MultiCAx -- AD Plug-In S S S S S SDTL MultiCAx -- Step Plug-In S S S S S SPDL MultiCAx -- PD Plug-In S S S S S SIDL MultiCAx -- ID Plug-In S S S S S SUDL MultiCAx -- UD Plug-In S S S S S SDGL MultiCAx -- IGES Plug-In S S S S S S

ENOVIA V5 VPM product matrix

I = Product included in a configurationA = Product available as an add-on to a configurationS = Product available as a shareable product on top of a

configurationN = Not applicable

ConfigurationsDER VDM VER RVR

ENOVIA VPM Navigator Products

VPN ENOVIA -- VPM Navigator I I N NRLD ENOVIA -- VPM Relational Design I N N NCGP ENOVIA -- VPM Configured Product Design I I N NWPE ENOVIA -- VPM Supply Chain Engineering A/S A/S N N

ExchangeECV ENOVIA -- VPM Electrical Cable Route A/S A/S N N


ENOVIA VPM Product Editor Products

ADK ENOVIA -- Applications Desktop N N I IAED ENOVIA -- Action Editor N N I IPDC ENOVIA -- Product Definition N N I IPAS ENOVIA -- EBOM Detailing & Configuration (*) N N I IPIM ENOVIA -- Product Interference N N I I

Management (*)SPT ENOVIA -- Structure Penetration N N S S

Management (*)EPI ENOVIA -- Engineering Hub N N I IT3A ENOVIA -- Multi-Tier Enterprise N N I I


* These products could be used on top of CUR, MGR, ADR, and RVRconfigurations, but it is not recommended.


DMT ENOVIA -- Document S I I S N N N N NManagement (*)

PGT ENOVIA -- Program S S I S N N N N NManagement (*)

ECM ENOVIA -- Engineering Change S S I S N N N N N

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 24

Management (*)SCE ENOVIA -- Supply Chain S S S S N N N N N

Exchange (*)PVM ENOVIA -- Product Variant S S I S N N N N N

Management (*)

* These products could be used on top of VER configuration,but it is not recommended.


ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Products

LCN ENOVIA -- VPM Lifecycle N N I N N I I I INavigator Web

W3V ENOVIA -- Web Viewer N N I N N I I I NDCM ENOVIA -- Document N N I N N N I I N

Management WebCGM ENOVIA -- Engineering N N I N N N I N N

Change Management WebWDF ENOVIA -- LCA Workflow N N I N N N S N N

DefinitionWFM ENOVIA -- Workflow N N I N N N I N N

Management WebEPM ENOVIA -- Enterprise N N I N N N I I N

Process Management WebEPD ENOVIA -- Enterprise N N I N N S S S S

Process Definition Web


ENOVIA VPM Enterprise GatewayProducts

PGW ENOVIA -- PPR Hub S S S S N N N N NGateway (*)

STH ENOVIA -- PPR Hub Step S S S S N N N N NPart 21 Adapter (*)

SAH ENOVIA -- PPR Hub SA S S S S N N N N NAdapter (*)

* These products could be used on top of VER configuration,but it is not recommended.


ENOVIA VPM AdministrationProducts

SYA ENOVIA -- Multisite System N N I N N N N N IAdministration Web

POC ENOVIA -- People, N N I N N N N N IOrganization & SecurityWeb

SAN ENOVIA -- System & Data N N I I N N N N NAdministration

POS ENOVIA -- People, N N I I N N N N NOrganization & Security

VSA ENOVIA -- Vault Server N N N N I N N N NAdministration


The ENOVIA VPLM — CAA API products are delivered with Component Application ArchitectureRapid Application Development Environment (CAA RADE; 5671-CDC). This release offers onenew API, VPN Navigator.

For information about the CAA RADE products, visit

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ENOVIA V5 VPM customization

Customize ENOVIA V5 VPM using the CAA RADE V5 tools (for example, 5671-CDC,5671-PAD), which can be ordered separately.

Reorganize the user interface without CAA RADE by using masks. These can be manipulatedeither by the system administrator or the end user. The user can:

• Remove attributes or move them within user panels

• Insert user-defined attributes into panels

• Reorganize or create tabs

• Rename tabs and attributes

• Relate masks to document types

• Support multiple environments where objects may have different attributes

Without CAA RADE V5, the user can:

• Customize life-cycle definitions for different object types

• Define object maturity values

• Create filters to selectively present objects to users

• Set default (for example, a default repository path) or acceptable values for attributes

User exits can be developed for a limited set of functions including object promotion and versionand revision control.

Using CAA RADE V5, the user can:

• Create new objects and object attributes

• Use ENOVIA V5 VPM APIs to develop code that adds, extends, or replaces object behavior

• Define additional life-cycle operators

• Extend the inter/intra-enterprise import/export platform

• Implement legacy federation through ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU

ENOVIA VPLM Data Customization

Using CAA-RADE Data Model Customizer (part of the CAA RADE V5 development tool that canbe ordered separately), the users can add their own data on the following modelers:

• ENOVIA V5 VPM Product Structure

• ENOVIA Document


Additional details

For descriptions of other ENOVIA VPLM products, visit


Additional details on previously announced functions: The WLS Companion Serverfacilitates deployment by eliminating the need to install the license function and complete usercompanion Java™ client on individual student machines. Instead, the server runs thesefunctions using Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application server software, such asWebSphere® or Apache Tomcat.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 26

The standard WLS user companion installation, whether in a file standalone mode or HTTP pageserver mode, requires a full Java client and WLS license to be installed on each student clientmachine. The companion server consolidates these functions on a single machine to streamlinethe licensing process and to improve user companion response time.

Packaging model

• ENOVIA User Companion for VPM (5671-VMC, 5672-VMC) and User Companion for DMU(5671-DNC, 5672-DNC) are available as configurations.

Note: The modification level for ENOVIA VPLM WLS is 1.7.0.

• User Companion Desktop is included with every configuration.

Packaging and products: The user can order ENOVIA VPLM WLS configurations two ways:

• As shareable configurations, order User Companion for DMU Configuration (5671-DNC), forexample. Shareable configurations are suited for users who need a limited number oflicenses.

These configurations are delivered with their own license key, allowing the user to obtain thekey at the beginning of the session, or to leave it for another user.

• As enterprise configurations, order User Companion for DMU Configuration — EnterpriseOption (5672-DNC), for example.

This licensing option offers a reduced primary license charge (PLC) and requires the user topurchase licenses in a quantity equal to the quantity of each licensed CATIA configuration orproduct as described by the following terms.

The ENOVIA VPLM WLS configuration 5672-DNC is licensed to users on a one-to-onerelationship between the 5672-DNC configuration and each licensed 5673-DN1 or -DMN add-onor 5671-DMN shareable product and also each licensed configuration (and any futureconfiguration) that includes the DMU Navigator 1 or DMU Navigator 2 product.

All subsequent orders for the applicable licensed configurations must be accompanied by anequivalent order for the supporting ENOVIA User Companion. The price of an enterprise seat isgreatly reduced compared to the price of a shareable order.

There is a 10-seat minimum requirement for the ENOVIA User Companion for VPMConfiguration — Enterprise Option (5672-VMC).

There is no minimum seat requirement for the User Companion for DMU Configuration —Enterprise Option (5672-DNC).

The following rules apply:

• When the EO is deployed, the shareable option is no longer necessary.

• A shareable product (5671) can be added only on top of a shareable configuration (5671).

• An enterprise product (5672) can be added only on top of an enterprise configuration product(5672).

• The user can have a 5671 type entry configuration and a 5672 type entry configuration (suchas 5671-MDC plus 5671-HDS and 5672-DNC).

Education support

Schedules and enrollment

Call the IBM PLM North American response line at 800-395-3339 for schedules and enrollments.

Technical information

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Hardware requirements

ENOVIA DMU — ENOVIA VPLM WLS requirements: The following requirements are commonto all operating systems supported by ENOVIA DMU products and ENOVIA VPLM WLS. Systemunit and graphics display requirements are platform-specific.

Note: ENOVIA User Companion for VPM WLS is designed to run concurrently withENOVIAVPM V1.6. For hardware prerequisites, refer to 206-199, dated September 5, 2006.

ENOVIA DMU required components and features

• Disk drive: An internal or external disk drive is required (minimum recommended size 2 GBfor ENOVIA VPLM, 4 GB for ENOVIA VPLM WLS) to store program executables (installationof all ENOVIA DMU products requires about 700 MB on Windows, 900 MB on AIX®, 1.0 GBon HP-UX, and 800 MB on Solaris), program data, usage environment, and paging space.

• Memory: 256 MB of RAM is the minimum recommended amount of memory for allapplications. 512 MB of RAM is recommended for ENOVIA — DMU Navigator applications onlarge assemblies. Requirements may be greater when a large amount of data is used.

• Internal/external drives: CD-ROM drive is required for program installation and access to theonline documentation, which can be downloaded optionally to disk.

• Graphics display: A graphics color display, compatible with selected platform-specificgraphics adapter. The minimum recommended size for usability reasons is 17 inches; 1024 x768 and 1280 x 1024 for UNIX workstations. When selecting a graphics adapter, hardwaretexturing capability is strongly recommended when using ENOVIA — DMU Products that usetexture mapping, in which case the amount of RAM has to be adequate for the number andcomplexity of textures to be used.

• Keyboard: A specific keyboard compatible with selected installation locale may be requiredfor national language support.

• Pointing device: Three-button mouse; on Windows workstations, a two-button mouse can beused (the third button is emulated with a keyboard sequence). The three-button mouse isrecommended for usability reasons. IntelliMouse (two buttons plus wheel) is an alternative tothe three-button mouse on Windows workstations, the wheel acting as the middle button andallowing additional manipulations such as panning and scrolling.

• Optional components and features: A SpaceBall or a SpaceMouse can be used in additionto the standard mouse to perform graphic manipulations (zoom, pan, rotate). The requireddrivers are delivered with these devices. DMU Fitting Simulator 2 (FIT) supports theSpaceball. The SpaceBall and the SpaceMouse are supported on both Platform 1 (P1) andPlatform 2 (P2). While in P1, they enable graphic manipulations (in examine or fly modes).

In P2, they also make it possible to move objects (part trajectories in ENOVIA DMU fitting, forexample).

The robustness of the overall solution is dependent on the robustness of the operating systemand the hardware environment used. For a list of Windows NT™ and UNIX hardwareconfigurations certified by Dassault Systemes for running ENOVIA DMU products, visit

Although ENOVIA DMU products and WLS can run on other configurations or other graphicsadapters, incidents specific to these configurations or adapters are not accepted for support.

ENOVIA DMU platform-specific hardware requirements: Windows XP

• System unit Intel® Pentium® III-, Pentium 4-, or Xeon-based workstations running MicrosoftWindows XP Professional Edition SP2®.

• Graphics adapter with 3D OpenGL accelerator is required.

Note: Graphics performance (panning, zooming, rotating model) depends on the selectedadapter. Recommended minimum:

– 24-bit, true color, double buffered visual

– 24-bit Z-buffer

– Stencil buffer

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– Minimum supported resolution 1024 x 768; 1280 x 1024 recommended for usability

• Network adapter: An active LAN adapter (Ethernet or token ring, installed and configured) isrequired for licensing purposes.

Supported configurations of Windows XP

For a current list of hardware configurations, certified by Dassault Systemes for running ENOVIADMU products, visit

Windows x86-64 64-bit environment

• Disk drive: 2.5 GB

• Memory: 4 GB is the minimum recommended amount of memory.

• System unit: Intel EM64T, AMD Opteron 64-bit based workstations running Windows XPProfessional x64 Edition.

• Graphics adapter: A graphics adapter with a 3D OpenGL accelerator is required.

Note: Graphics performance on local transformations (panning, zooming, and rotating model)will depend on the selected graphics adapter. The graphics adapter should have the followingcapabilities:

– 24-bit, true color, double buffered visual

– 24-bit Z-buffer

– Stencil buffer

– Minimum supported resolution 1024 x 768; 1280 x 1024 recommended for usability reasons

• Network adapter: An active LAN adapter (Ethernet or token ring, installed and configured) isrequired for license key purposes.

• Supported configurations on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition: for an updated list ofhardware configurations, certified at Dassault Systemes for running ENOVIA 3d com V5products, visit


• System unit: Any IBM System p™ processor families, supported on AIX V5.3, provided thatthe following requirements are met.

• Graphics adapter — One of the following graphics adapters:

– GXT500P

– GXT550P

– GXT800P

– GXT800M

– GXT2000P

– GXT3000P

– GXT4000P

– GXT4500P

– GXT6000P

– GXT6500P

Note: Support of the IBM eServer® P5 and IBM System p5™ Server requires AIX V5.3.


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• System unit: Any B-Class, C-Class, or J-Class workstation based on a PA8000, PA8800,PA8900 processor family, supported on HP-UX 11.11 (HP-UX 11iv1), provided that thefollowing requirements are met.

• Graphics adapter — One of the following graphics adapters:

– Visualize-FXE

– Visualize-FX2

– Visualize-FX4

– Visualize-FX5

– Visualize-FX6

– Visualize-FX10

– Fire GL-UX

– Fire GL T2-128

– Fire GL X1

– Fire GL X3

Sun Solaris

• System unit: any Ultra1, Ultra2, Ultra10, Ultra30, Ultra60, SUN Blade 100, SUN Blade 150,SUN Blade 1000, SUN Blade 1500, SUN Blade 2000, SUN Blade 2500, or SUN Blade 1500+(1.5 GHz) workstation based on UltraSPARC processor, supported on Solaris 10, providedthat requirements are met.

• Graphics adapter — One of the following graphics adapters:

– Creator3D

– Creator3D Series III

– Elite 3D (U10-440 Mhz only, for U10 workstations)

– Expert3D Lite

– Expert3D

– XVR-500

– XVR-1000

– XVR-1200

– XVR 600

ENOVIA 3d com client hardware requirements:

Common requirements

The following requirements are common to all operating systems supported by ENOVIA 3d com.System unit and graphics requirements are platform-specific and include:

• Disk drive: 100 MB of disk space is required for data dynamically downloaded from theENOVIA 3d com product server.

• Memory: 128 MB of RAM is the minimum recommended amount of real memory; 256 MB ofRAM is recommended on ENOVIA 3d com clients.

• Graphics display: A graphics color display, compatible with the selected platform-specificgraphics adapter. The minimum recommended size for usability reasons is 17 inches. Theminimum resolution required for Windows workstations is 1024 x 768, and 1280 x 1024 onUNIX workstations.

• LAN adapter: A network adapter is required to connect the server and clients to the LAN orWAN.

• Keyboard: A specific keyboard compatible with selected installation locale may be requiredfor national language support.

• Pointing device: Two- or three-button mouse.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 30

Platform-specific requirements

Windows XP

• System unit: Intel Pentium III- or Pentium 4-based workstations running Microsoft WindowsXP Professional Edition SP1 or SP2.

• Graphics adapter: A 3D graphics adapter is required.

Note: Memory consumption is about 50 MB after all ENOVIA 3d com applets, the Java VirtualMachine, and the browser itself is loaded.


• System unit: Any RS/6000®, based on POWER4™, POWER5™, or PowerPC® 970-basedprocessor family supported on AIX V5.3

• Graphics adapter — One of the following graphics adapters:

– GXT500P

– GXT550P

– GXT800P

– GXT800M

– GXT2000P

– GXT3000P

– GXT4000P

– GXT4500P

– GXT6000P

– GXT6500P


• Any B-Class, C-Class, or J-Class workstation based on a PA8000, PA8800 and PA8900processor, supported on HP-UX 11.11 (HP-UX 11iv1), provided that requirements are met.

• One of the following graphics adapters:

– Visualize-FXE

– Visualize-FX2

– Visualize-FX4

– Visualize-FX5

– Visualize-FX6

– Visualize-FX10

– Fire GL-UX

– Fire GL X1

– Fire GL X3

– Fire GL-T2

Sun Solaris

• System unit: Any Ultra1, Ultra2, Ultra10, Ultra30, Ultra60, Ultra80, Sun Blade 100, Sun Blade150, Sun Blade 1000, Sun Blade 1500, Sun Blade 1500+ (1.5 GHz), Sun Blade 2000, or SunBlade 2500 workstation based on the UltraSPARC processor, supported on Solaris 10(SPARC) provided that requirements are met.

• Graphics adapter — One of the following graphics adapters:

– Creator3D

– Creator3D Series III

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 31

– Elite 3D (U10-440 MHz for Ultra 10 workstations)

– Expert 3D Lite

– Expert 3D

– XVR-500

– XVR-1000

– XVR-1200

– XVR-600

ENOVIA 3d com server hardware requirements:

Common requirements (classic ENOVIA 3d com)

The following requirements are common to all operating systems supported by ENOVIA 3d comproducts. System unit and graphic requirements are platform-specific and are detailed in thesections that follow:

• Disk drive: An internal or external disk drive is required to store program executables(installation of all ENOVIA 3d com products requires about 800 MB on Windows or Solaris, 1.1GB on AIX, 1.3 GB on HP-UX), program data, usage environment, and paging space.Requirements may be larger when large amounts of data are used.

• Memory: 256 MB of RAM is the minimum recommended amount of memory for allapplications. Requirements may be greater when large amounts of data are used.

• Internal/external drives: A CD-ROM drive is required for program and online documentationinstallation.

• Display: A graphic color display, compatible with the selected platform-specific graphicsadapter. The minimum recommended size is 17 inches. The minimum resolution required forWindows workstations is 1024 x 768, and 1280 x 1024 on UNIX workstations.

• LAN adapter: A network adapter is required to connect the server and clients to the LAN orWAN.

• Keyboard: A specific keyboard compatible with selected installation locale may be requiredfor national language support.

• Pointing device: Three-button mouse.

General rules for memory requirements (classic ENOVIA 3d com)

The memory requirement depends on the number of simultaneous ENOVIA 3d com sessions;the users need to dimension the server system accordingly.

The server dimensioning needs to take into account the memory used by the CAD/CAM processon the server.

For CATIA V5 (classic ENOVIA 3d com):

• ENOVIA 3d com consumes 50 MB for the first session plus 10 MB for each additional sessionfor an average 1 MB model.

• The RAM requirement formula is the following: 50 MB + n*10 MB+n*m MB, where n is thenumber of maximum concurrent sessions and m the average size of the CATIA models.

Note: If several models are selected in one session, only one model remains loaded at thesame time, optimizing the memory consumption. As an example, for 10 concurrent usersmanipulating 10 MB average-size models, the minimum RAM requirement is 256 MB.

• For better response time, a graphics card can be installed on the server and shared in asequential mode between the simultaneous sessions to improve 3D rendering, customersmust dimension the graphics card accordingly.

Platform-specific requirements

Windows XP (classic ENOVIA 3d com)

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 32

• System unit — Any Intel Pentium 4, Intel Xeon workstation running Microsoft Windows 2003Standard Edition or Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition.

• Graphics adapter: The same as for CATIA V5. For a list of supported graphics adapters, visit

UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, or Solaris) (classic ENOVIA 3d com)

For system unit and graphics adapter requirements, refer to the ENOVIA 3d com client hardwarerequirements section.

Note: In addition to graphics adapters supported on an AIX ENOVIA 3d com client, VirtualFrame Buffer technology offered through AIX operating system is also supported on an AIXENOVIA 3d com server.

ENOVIA V5 VPM client hardware requirements:

Common requirements

The following requirements are common to all operating systems supported by ENOVIA V5VPM. System unit and graphic requirements are specific to the platform.

• Disk drive: 250 MB of disk space.

• Memory: Client workstation RAM: Minimum 256 MB recommended.

• Internal/external drives: CD-ROM drive for program and online documentation installation.

• Display: A graphic color display, compatible with the selected platform-specific graphicsadapter. The minimum recommended size is 17 inches. The minimum resolution required forWindows workstations is 1024 x 768, and 1280 x 1024 on UNIX workstations.

• Graphics adapter: An OpenGL graphics adapter, compatible with the windowing manager ofthe selected operating system (CDE on AIX, HP-UX, or Solaris).

• LAN adapter: A network adapter to connect the server and clients to the LAN or WAN.

• Keyboard: Keyboard compatible with selected installation locale may be required for nationallanguage support.

• Pointing device: Two- or three-button mouse.

Platform-specific requirements

Windows XP

System unit: Intel Pentium III- or Pentium 4-based workstations running Microsoft Windows XPSP™ 1 or SP 2 Professional.


System unit

• Any RS/6000, based on Power4 processor family supported on AIX V5.3

• System units based on Power5 or PowerPC 970 processor families, supported on AIX V5.3.


System unit Any B-Class, C-Class, or J-Class workstation based on PA8000 Processor familysupported on HP-UX 11.11 (HP-UX 11i).

Sun Solaris

System unit Any Ultra1, Ultra2, Ultra10, Ultra30, Ultra60, Ultra80, Sun Blade 100, Sun Blade150, Sun Blade 1000, Sun Blade 1500, Sun Blade 1500+ (1.5 GHz), Sun Blade 2000, or SunBlade 2500 workstation based on the UltraSPARC processor supported on Solaris 10 (SPARC).

ENOVIA V5 VPM server hardware requirements:

Common requirements

The following requirements are common to all operating systems supported by ENOVIA V5VPM. System unit requirements are specific to the platform.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 33

• Disk drive: Internal or external disk drive to store program executables, program data, usageenvironment, and paging space. Installation of all ENOVIA V5 VPM products requiresapproximately 1.0 GB on AIX or Solaris, and 1.3 GB on HP-UX. Requirements may be largerwhen large amounts of data are used.

• Memory: ENOVIA V5 VPM requires at least 256 MB of real memory for the first session,including the operating system, but could use up to 2 GB (or more in some cases) dependingon system settings, database parameters, and other factors.

If ENOVIA V5 VPM server is installed on the same server as the database, be sure to add thedatabase memory requirement to that needed for ENOVIA V5 VPM.

Additional memory is required for each additional application server session, and 75 MBshould be used as a typical-use starting point (with a minimum of 25MB per user session forthose only logged-on). More or less additional-session memory may be required depending onuser-specific factors such as the amount of data loaded, the number of different applicationareas open concurrently, local customizations, and so on. Additional sizing rules will beprovided after further capacity planning evaluations.

• Internal/external drives: CD-ROM drive for program and online documentation installation.

• Display: A graphic color display compatible with the selected platform-specific graphicsadapter. The minimum recommended size is 17 inches. The minimum resolution required is1024 x 768 on Windows workstations and 1280 x 1024 on UNIX workstations.

• Graphics adapter: An OpenGL graphics adapter, compatible with windowing manager of theselected operating system (CDE on AIX and HP-UX).

• LAN adapter: Network adapter to connect the server and clients to the LAN or WAN.

• Keyboard: Keyboard compatible with selected installation locale may be required for nationallanguage support.

• Pointing device: Three-button mouse.

Platform-specific requirements

Windows 2003

System unit: Intel Pentium III- or Pentium 4-based workstations or server running MicrosoftWindows Server 2003 Standard Edition and Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition aresupported on ENOVIA V5 VPM Server side.


System unit:

• Any RS/6000, based on Power4 processor family supported on AIX V5.3

• System units based on Power5 or PowerPC 970 processor families, supported on AIX V5.3.

In addition to the above hardware requirements, IBM eServer P5 and IBM System P5 Server aresupported with AIX V5.3.


System unit: Any B-Class, C-Class, or J-Class supported on HP-UX 11.11 (HP-UX 11i).

Sun Solaris

System unit: Any Ultra1, Ultra2, Ultra10, Ultra30, Ultra60, Sun Blade 100, Sun Blade 150, SunBlade 1000, Sun Blade 1500, Sun Blade 2000, or Sun Blade 2500 workstation based on theUltraSPARC processor, supported on Solaris 10 (SPARC).

Note: ENOVIA VPLM application server and Web-client (ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Navigator)deployment on WebSphere Application Server are supported on Solaris (WebSphere ApplicationServer V6.0.2 on Solaris 32).

Software requirements

Requirements for interoperability with CATIA products

• CATIA V5 and ENOVIA VPLM must be at the same release, service pack, and hot fix level for

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 34

proper interoperability.

• CATIA V5 and ENOVIA VPLM ENOVIAVPM interoperability is supported between variousCATIA V5 release and ENOVIA VPLM ENOVIAVPM PTF levels. Refer to the most recentENOVIA VPLM ENOVIAVPM PTF program directory for the current prerequisite andrecommended interoperability PTFs.

Specific software requirements for ENOVIA WLS V5: Access to the companion desktop —Companion desktop access is accomplished using the same browser requirements as ENOVIAVPLM (refer to the Access to product information (ENOVIA DMU / ENOVIA 3d com) and Accessto product information (ENOVIA V5 VPM)) sections. The Java plug-in (Java RuntimeEnvironment (JRE) at a minimum level of 1.5) is required to visualize the different types ofsimulations (Show Me, Discover It, Try It, and the Quiz) and to allow for automatic model loadingfrom ENOVIA VPLM.

The supported level of JRE 1.5 can be downloaded from

WLS license management — Licenses can be managed either using standard ENOVIA VPLMlicensing or by using the J2EE Companion Server. For standard licensing, refer to the licensemanagement environment prerequisite sections for ENOVIA 3d com, ENOVIA DMU, andENOVIA V5 VPM). Requirements for the J2EE Companion Server are:

• Application server setup — The application server used must support Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0and must be able to handle the Companion Server WAR or EAR files. These files are copiedduring installation if the application server option was selected during the installationprocedure. The server setup operation depends on the application server used and must bedone by the system administrator.

• Companion application setup for license serving — The application server machine must beable to access WLS licenses, and licenses must be available to this server machine. For theEO, the total number of licenses must be equal to the maximum number of students that willbe connected at the same time to the application server.

Operating system support exceptions: There are four MultiCAx products that are onlysupported on Windows XP:

• MultiCAx — SOLIDWORKS Plug-in

• MultiCAx — SE Plug-in (Solid Edge)

• MultiCAx — AD Plug-in (ACIS — DXF3D — Inventor)

• MultiCAx — UD Plug-in (Unigraphix Direct Interface)

ENOVIA DMU and ENOVIA VPLM WLS common software requirements:

Note: As of V5.18, the following are no longer supported:

• Windows 2000 Professional

• AIX 5.2

• Solaris 8


ENOVIA VPLM WLS has the same software requirements as ENOVIA DMU unlessotherwise noted.

Note: ENOVIA User Companion for VPM WLS is designed to run concurrently withENOVIAVPM V1.6. For software prerequisites, refer to 206-199, dated September 5, 2006.

Refer to the Program Directory or contact the IBM Support Center for appropriate correctiveservice to apply to the following software.

ENOVIA DMU platform-specific software requirements: ENOVIA DMU V5 runs on selectedsystem levels of:

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 35

• Microsoft Windows XP


• Hewlett Packard HP-UX

• Sun Solaris

Windows XP

Minimum level required: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition SP2, or higher, with thefollowing components:

• Microsoft Windows XP delivers an implementation of OpenGL libraries. Dassault Systemeswill provide recommendations related to driver levels based on tested graphic adapters at

• A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected installationdiffers from Latin1.

Additional Windows XP requirements

• MS06-075: Vulnerability in Windows could allow elevation of privilege. Information is availableat

• MSI Installer 3.1: Windows Installer 3.1 v2 (3.1.4000.2435) available at

• Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (see following section for description)

ENOVIA DMU V5 64-bit on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

• Minimum level required: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

• Microsoft implementation of OpenGL libraries, as delivered with Windows. Forrecommendations related to driver levels based on tested graphic adapters, visit

ENOVIA DMU V5 32-bit on Windows XP Professional x64 edition

• Minimum level required: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

• Microsoft implementation of OpenGL libraries, as delivered with Windows. Forrecommendations related to driver levels based on tested graphic adapters, visit

The following set of patches are required when running 32-bit applications on x64 environment:

• KB903648: When using macro and VBScript features, V5 may crash when accessing morethan 2 GB of address space. A Microsoft patch is available to correct this problem. To seeMicrosoft Article KB903648, visit;en-us;903648

• KB911021: Required for applications allowing more than 2 GB of address space. Contact yourMicrosoft support representative for any questions regarding this patch.


Base support

• AIX V5.3 ML03 (using 64-bit kernel) with the following components:

– OpenGL and GL3.2 Runtime Environment (delivered with the operating system)

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 36

– Common Desktop Environment (CDE), delivered with the operating system

– XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V7.0.0 Run-time Environment: XL 7 May 2005 PTF R/T(xlC.aix50.rte at level, delivered through APAR IY71976

– XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1.0 for AIX Run-Time: November 2004 XL Fortran for AIXV9.1 Runtime PTF

Available at

Additional support

AIX V5.3 TL04-SP1 (using 64-bit kernel) with the following components:

• OpenGL and GL3.2 Runtime Environment (delivered with the operating system)

• Common Desktop Environment (CDE), delivered with the operating system

• XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V8.0.0 Run-time Environment: January 2006 IBM C++ RuntimeEnvironment Component for AIX, available at

• XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V10.1.0 for AIX Run-Time: Base level available at

• Support for the use of nodelock license requires:

– IY80993: Workaround Application Dependency on System-ID

– Firmware Version: AT061_061 or later

• Nodelock licensing requires the following patches:

– IY82392: 0C9 System Crash with Graphics Adapter

– Support of GXT4500P requires the following patch to be applied: IY80526: CATIA V4Hangs on GXT4500P when rotating a model.

WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and WebSphere Portal Server support or IntelliStation®P185 support requires AIX 5.3 TL04-SP1 with above recommendations


• HP-UX 11.v1 v2, including HP 11iv1 (11.11) December 2004 with the following requirements:

– HP-UX Technical Computing OE (TCOE) Component December 2004

– Hardware Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– Gold Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– Gold Base Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– With the following patches applied:

-- PHCO_31923: libc cumulative header file patch

-- PHCO_33360: libc cumulative patch

-- PHKL_31918: fsadm;ACL;locking order; 8K mount; readdir

-- PHNE_32477: ONC/NFS General Release/Performance Patch

-- PHSS_29483: HP aC++ Compiler (A.03.52)

-- PHSS_31271: PEX 5.1/Starbase/Hardcopy Run (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_31274: Starbase/Hardcopy Dev (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_31275: OpenGL 1.1 Dev (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_32573: HP aC++ -AA runtime libraries (aCC A.03.61)

-- PHSS_32928: 3D Common Run (PA2.0 only)

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 37

-- PHSS_32934: OpenGL 1.1 Run (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_32939: Xserver cumulative patch

-- PHSS_33033: ld(1) and linker tools cumulative patch

– HP-UX 700 OpenGL 3D API Runtime Environment

– CDE, delivered with the operating system

– A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected installationlocale differs from ISO code pages.

Note: WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and WebSphere Portal Server support requiresHP11iv2. V5 applications are not supported on HP 11iv2.

Sun Solaris

The minimum indicated level is Sun Solaris 10 H/W 05/03 with the following components:

• C and C++ runtime environment (delivered with the operating system)

• OpenGL runtime environment (delivered with the operating system)

• Fortran runtime environment is delivered with ENOVIA — DMU Navigator

• CDE (delivered with the operating system)

• A localized version — May be required when the selected installation locale differs fromISO-1.

• Motif 2.1

• 119280-06 CDE 1.6: Runtime library patch for Solaris 10 is required


• Additional support for SOLARIS Run time on SPARC system is Solaris 10.03/05 (on 32-bitonly)

• Support of the XVR 600 graphic adapter — Requires OpenGL runtime environment at level1.3

Specific software requirements for ENOVIA VPLM WLS: An HTML browser is required:

• UNIX environment: Mozilla is required at level 1.7 on all UNIX, which requires Mozilla 1.4.

• Windows environment: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (Microsoft VM version number 3158) isa minimum requirement.

Browser plug-ins: Some WLS products may provide learning resources using the PortableDocument Format (PDF). To view these documents, Adobe Acrobat Reader V3, or later, must beinstalled as a plug-in on the browser. To download, visit

Although access to WLS might work on other HTML browsers, incidents specific to browsersother than the products mentioned above are not eligible for support.

Access to product information (ENOVIA DMU / ENOVIA 3d com): Product information andUser GALAXY (online product marketing information) are delivered in HTML format. An HTMLbrowser is required to access this documentation. Online documentation may be installed andused only in an officially supported operating environment.

In a UNIX environment (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris)

• Mozilla 1.7 for AIX and HP-UX with Java plug-in installed

• Firefox 2.0 for SUN Solaris SPARC available at

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 38

In a Windows environment, either

• Microsoft Internet Explorer at a minimum level of 7.0

• Firefox 2.0 with Java plug-in installed

Although access to the online documentation might work on other HTML browsers, incidentsspecific to browsers other than products mentioned above are not eligible for support.

In addition to a Java-enabled Web browser, a Java plug-in at level 1.5 (or 5.0) is required tosearch online documentation.

Note: Improvements in HTML searching and printing capabilities eliminate the need to duplicateproduct information in the Portable Document Format (PDF) format. PDF CDs are therefore nolonger included in the ENOVIA VPLM softcopy collection kit.

For Microsoft Windows, Java plug-in version 5 Update 7 may be downloaded from

For AIX, Java Runtime Environment version Java 1.5.0 SR3 can be downloaded from

For HP-UX, Java Runtime Environment can be downloaded from

For Sun Solaris, Java Runtime Environment version 5 Update 7 may be downloaded from

ENOVIA DMU prerequisites for the license management environment

• Windows workstations must have an active LAN card (Ethernet or token ring) and TCP/IPinstalled and properly configured, but there is no requirement for the workstations to beconnected to the network.

• No additional software is required when accessing nodelock licenses.

• IBM License Use Management (LUM) is required to serve concurrent licenses across anetwork. A LUM configuration file (i4ls.ini) is required on ENOVIA — DMU clients to accessconcurrent licenses from these servers.

• ENOVIA VPLM add-on product (AOP) and shareable products may require license keys forprerequisite products that are not already included in a standard configuration. Prerequisitesfor shareable products can be satisfied by a standard configuration, by an AOP within acustom configuration, or by a shareable product.

However, because all add-on products are defined within one custom license key, any AOPprerequisites must be satisfied by either a standard configuration or by other AOPs purchasedand defined within the same custom configuration.

• There is no limit to the number of ENOVIA DMU processes launched for a given license key(configuration or product). For instance, a user can launch the following simultaneousprocesses:

– A V5 interactive session

– A V5 process executed through an OLE container application

– Replay of macros recorded from captured sequences of V5 user interactions

• LUM level — A minimum level is required.

LUM 4.6.8 with Patch is shipped with ENOVIA VPLM. Various release levels of LUMmay be downloaded, at no charge, from

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 39

ENOVIA DMU macro replay capabilities: ENOVIA DMU products have built-in macro recordand replay. For UNIX, the interpreter is VisualBasic (VB) Script 3.0 from Mainsoft. It is includedin ENOVIA DMU products as shared libraries.

For Windows, the interpreter is either:

• VB Script 5.0, or later, delivered with Microsoft Internet Explorer. VB Script libraries at level5.0.0.3715 are delivered with Internet Explorer 5.0, or later, with later versions of InternetExplorer. Use of VB Script is recommended for developing Windows/UNIX compatiblemacros.

• Microsoft VisualBasic for Applications (VBA) 6.0, or later. VBA is delivered and installed bydefault with ENOVIA DMU.

ENOVIA DMU printer and plotter support in a UNIX environment: ENOVIA DMU productsprovide support for main plotter/printer languages:


• Hewlett Packard HP-GL/2-RTL and HP-GL or IBM-GL subsets

• OCE Graphics GPR50: VDF Plotting routines

• PostScript

ENOVIA DMU printer and plotter support in a Windows environment: Support of printersand plotters on Windows is performed through the availability, for the targeted printers/plotters,of the corresponding vendors' drivers, compatible with the targeted version of the operatingsystem. Contact the appropriate printer/plotter vendor for support.

Batch monitoring using WebSphere MQ (formally known as MQSeries®): UsingWebSphere MQ communication tools, some batch operations can now be launched remotely.When implemented at the batch level, this optional feature requires:

• WebSphere MQ V6.0. For information about availability, visit

• WebSphere MQ client — Required on systems where the transaction is initiated. WebSphereMQ server is required on systems where remote batches are executed.

ENOVIA DMU software installation

• On Windows, installing and uninstalling rely on Windows-compliant tools such as InstallShield,which enables anyone familiar with Windows procedures and concepts to install the software.

• The concepts, procedures, and look and feel of installation procedures for Windows arecarried over to the UNIX environment to give a common ENOVIA — DMU Products interfacefor all supported operating systems.

• Installation procedures feature:

– Easy and fast installation: Any user can install and execute the product with a limitednumber of interactions.

– Reduced user environment: When installed, a product requires customization.

– Customizable installation: The user can select downloaded products.

ENOVIA 3d com client software requirements:

Common client software requirements

Note: As of V5.18, the following are no longer supported:

• Windows 2000 Professional

• AIX 5.2

• Solaris 8


IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 40

Java-enabled Web browser on the client machines

• Windows

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or Mozilla 1.7 on Windows with Java plug-in V5.0 update 5available under the JDK/JRE 5.0 section at


For Mozilla 1.7, the recommended plug-in on AIX, is Java 1.5.0 SR3, which is available at


When using Mozilla 1.7 browser, a Java plug-in is necessary. The recommended plug-in onHP-UX, at minimum level, is available at

• Solaris

Use Mozilla Firefox 2.0 browser, which is available at

A Java plug-in is necessary for access to the Documentation search applet. Therecommended plug-in on Solaris is Version 5.0 update 7, which is available under theJDK/JRE 5.0 section at

On Sun Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and Windows, for classic ENOVIA 3d com, the Java RuntimeEnvironment at level 1.5 (or 5.0) is required for ENOVIA 3d com Classic. Java RuntimeEnvironment can be downloaded from

• SUN Solaris



• Windows

Dynamic conversion to virtual reality modeling language (VRML) does not require any additionalsoftware.

• If no plug-in is available to display the converted data, the browser will propose to store thedata with the extension .wrl on the client.

• If a VRML plug-in is available, it is automatically invoked for viewing and manipulation.

For interoperability between a CATIA V5 session and a VPM database, using a ENOVIA 3d comDB2® client or Oracle client, refer to the appropriate VPM announcement for specific supportedrelational database management system (RDBMS) release levels.

Platform-specific software requirements


Operating system requirements stated in the Specific server software requirements section applyequally for ENOVIA 3d com Product clients on UNIX machines.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 41

Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP SP2 with the following components:

• Microsoft Windows XP delivers an implementation of OpenGL libraries. Dassault Systemeswill provide recommendations related to driver levels based on certified configurations at

These drivers may offer a CATIA V5 application setting. If available, the user should selectthis setting (from Display Properties screen on Microsoft Windows XP Control Panel) so thatany application-specific features can be used. The user can update these libraries dependingon the graphics adapter selected when he installed the adapter and associated drivers.

• A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected installationlocale differs from Latin1.

Additional Windows XP requirements

• MS06-075: Vulnerability in Windows could allow elevation of privilege. Information is availableat

• MSI Installer 3.1: Windows Installer 3.1 v2 (3.1.4000.2435) available at

• Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Refer to the following section for description.)

Windows XP Professional x64 edition for V5 32-bit

• Minimum level required: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

• Microsoft implementation of OpenGL libraries, as delivered with Windows. Forrecommendations related to driver levels based on tested graphic adapters, visit

The following set of patches are required when running 32-bit applications on x64 environment:

• KB903648: When using macro and VBScript features, V5 may crash when accessing morethan 2 GB of address space. A Microsoft patch is available to correct this problem. To seeMicrosoft Article: KB903648, visit;en-us;903648

• KB911021: required for applications allowing more than 2 GB of address space. Contact yourMicrosoft support representative.

ENOVIA 3d com server software requirements: Information in this section describesrequirements specific to each supported operating system on ENOVIA 3d com servers.

Windows 2003

Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition or Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition is requiredwith Service Pack 1.

• Microsoft Windows 2003 delivers an implementation of OpenGL libraries. These libraries maybe updated depending on the selected graphics adapter when the user installs the graphicsadapter and associated drivers.

• DirectX at minimum level 8.1 is required for correct operation of ENOVIA 3d com Server in amulti-user environment. It is available from

• A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected installationlocale differs from Latin1.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 42


Base support

AIX V5.3 ML03 (using 64-bit kernel) with the following components:

• OpenGL and GL3.2 Runtime Environment (delivered with the operating system)

• Common Desktop Environment (CDE), delivered with the operating system

• XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V7.0.0 Run-time Environment: XL 7 May 2005 PTF R/T(xlC.aix50.rte at level, delivered through APAR IY71976

• XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1.0 for AIX Run-Time: November 2004 XL Fortran for AIXV9.1 Runtime PTF, available at

Additional support

AIX V5.3 TL04-SP1 (using 64-bit kernel) with the following components:

• OpenGL and GL3.2 Runtime Environment (delivered with the operating system)

• CDE, delivered with the operating system

• XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V8.0.0 Run-time Environment: January 2006 IBM C++ RuntimeEnvironment Component for AIX, available at

• XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V10.1.0 for AIX Run-Time: Base level available at

• Support for the use of nodelock license requires:

– IY80993: Workaround Application Dependency on System-ID

– Firmware Version: AT061_061 or later

• Nodelock licensing requires the following patches:

– IY82392: 0C9 System Crash with Graphics Adapter

– Support of GXT4500P requires the following patch to be applied: IY80526: CATIA V4Hangs on GXT4500P when rotating a model.

WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and WebSphere Portal Server support or IntelliStation P185support requires AIX 5.3 TL04-SP1 with respect to previously described recommendations


• HP-UX 11.v1 v2, including HP 11iv1 (11.11) December 2004 with the following requirements:

– HP-UX Technical Computing OE (TCOE) Component December 2004

– Hardware Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– Gold Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– Gold Base Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– With the following patches applied:

-- PHCO_31923: libc cumulative header file patch

-- PHCO_33360: libc cumulative patch

-- PHKL_31918: fsadm;ACL;locking order;8K mount;readdir

-- PHNE_32477: ONC/NFS General Release/Performance Patch

-- PHSS_29483: HP aC++ Compiler (A.03.52)

-- PHSS_31271: PEX 5.1/Starbase/Hardcopy Run (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_31274: Starbase/Hardcopy Dev (PA2.0 only)

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 43

-- PHSS_31275: OpenGL 1.1 Dev (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_32573: HP aC++ -AA runtime libraries (aCC A.03.61)

-- PHSS_32928: 3D Common Run (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_32934: OpenGL 1.1 Run (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_32939: Xserver cumulative patch

-- PHSS_33033: ld(1) and linker tools cumulative patch

– HP-UX 700 OpenGL 3D API Runtime Environment

– CDE, delivered with the operating system

– A localized version of the operating system that may be required when the selectedinstallation locale differs from ISO code pages

Note: V5 applications are not supported on HP 11iv2.

Sun Solaris

Sun Solaris 10 SPARC HW 03/05, including:

• C and C++ runtime environment (delivered with the operating system)

• OpenGL 1.3 runtime environment (delivered with the operating system)

• Fortran runtime environment (delivered with the operating system)

• A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected installationlocale differs from ISO-1

• 119280-06 CDE 1.6: Runtime library patch for Solaris 10 is required

• WebSphere Application Server V6.1 is currently supported


• WebSphere Application Server V6.0.2 is currently supported on Solaris 32.

• Current support for Solaris run-time on SPARC system is Solaris 10.03 /05 (on 32-bit only).

Additional ENOVIA 3d com server software requirements

The following components are required or optional on ENOVIA 3d com servers for all supportedoperating systems:

HTTP server

• ENOVIA 3d com Classic requires an HTTP server (not delivered with the ENOVIA 3d comproducts) on the server machine. The user will need to configure it after the ENOVIA 3d cominstallation.

• ENOVIA 3d com Classic supports the following HTTP servers:

– Apache Server

– IBM HTTP Server

– Microsoft Internet Information Services

– Incidents specific to other servers will not be eligible for support.


ORBIX (supplied with ENOVIA 3d com Navigator) enables internet interoperability objectprotocol (IIOP) based, CORBA-compliant communications on the server side.

Java virtual machine (classic and modular 3d com) — A Java Runtime Environment isrequired for the Workbook server at the following level:

• Windows: SUN, Java Runtime Environment version 5 Update 7 may be downloaded from

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 44

• AIX: Java Runtime Environment version Java 1.5.0 SR3 can be downloaded from

• HP-UX: Java Runtime Environment can be downloaded from

• Sun Solaris: Java Runtime Environment version 5 Update 7 may be downloaded from

Workbook can be managed through a WebSphere Application Server.

WebSphere Portal (ENOVIA 3d com Web Navigator and ENOVIA — VPM LifecycleNavigator)

On AIX and Windows, WebSphere Portal Server V5.1.0.2 on WebSphere Application ServerV6.0.2 can be used with the new File Explorer and the ENOVIA 3d com Web Navigator andENOVIA — VPM Lifecycle Navigator portlets. For more information about WebSphere Portal,visit

To use the Sametime® collaboration capabilities, Lotus® Instant Messaging and WebConferencing V6.51 is required.

ENOVIA 3d com prerequisites for the license management environment

• "Nodelock" license keys are not allowed with ENOVIA 3d com. LUM is required to serveconcurrent license keys across a network. A LUM configuration file (i4ls.ini) is required onclients to access concurrent license keys from these servers.

Note: Concurrent offline licensing is not supported.

• LUM level — A minimum level is required.

LUM 4.6.8 with Patch is shipped with ENOVIA VPLM. Various release levels of LUMmay be downloaded, at no charge, from

Optional ENOVIA 3d com server requirements


• CATIA V5 server code is included on the ENOVIA 3d com CD-ROM and installed by default.To use ENOVIA 3d com in conjunction with CATIA V5, the user must install ENOVIA 3d comwith the ENOVIA 3d com Navigator or with ENOVIA 3d com CAD Viewing configuration.

• The ENOVIA 3d com Navigator and CAD Viewing configurations include a V5 server thatsupports reading and visualizing of CATIA 3D data created at any level up to and includingCATIA V5.12 and CATIA V4.2.4.1.


• MultiCAx plug-ins (ProEngineer, Unigraphics, and I-deas) must be installed on the server sidewhen multi-CAD support is required.

• ENOVIAVPM (for installation using ENOVIA — MultiPDM CDM/VPM Plug-in) requiresENOVIAVPM V1.6.

Requirements for using instant collaboration capabilities with ENOVIA 3d com

• Sametime Server: 6.5.1

• Server operating system: Refer to Sametime release note

• Client operating system: Windows, AIX V5.3, and Solaris 10

Using ENOVIAVPM V1.6 with ENOVIA VPLM V5.17 or CATIA V5.17 products: ENOVIAVPM

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 45

V1.6 customers who plan to interoperate with the V5.17 family of ENOVIA VPLM or CATIAproducts must install an ENOVIAVPM program temporary fix (PTF) to obtain the requiredinteroperability level. (V5.17 service pack may also be required.)

The required PTF could vary depending on whether the base level of the V5.17 product is beingused, or a subsequent service pack level. Check the V5.17 documentation for interoperabilityinformation, or contact IBM Support for specific details, or visit

Select Fixes, tools on the left side.

ENOVIA V5 VPM Enterprise Process Definition (E-PD) support: This product is supported onWindows XP only.

ENOVIA V5 VPM client software requirements:

Common client software requirements

Note: As of V5.18, the following are no longer supported:

• Windows 2000 Professional

• AIX 5.2

• Solaris 8


For ENOVIA VPM Product Editor and ENOVIA V5 VPM: Java Runtime environment, V1.5 isrequired (Refer to the respective Program Directories for further details.)

For Web-client ENOVIA V5 VPM (ENOVIA — VPM Navigator): The following Java-enabledWeb-browsers on the client machines are supported:

• Windows

– Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher on Windows with Java plug-in 1.5.0_07 available at

– Mozilla 1.7 with Java plug-in 1.5.0_07 available at


Java Runtime Environment Version Java 1.5.0 SR3 can be downloaded from


Mozilla 1.7 with Java Runtime Environment can be downloaded from

• Sun Solaris

Use Mozilla Firefox 2.0 browser, which is available at

With Java Runtime Environment Version 5 Update 7, it may be downloaded from

Platform-specific client software requirements


Operating system requirements for clients on UNIX machines are the same as those stated inthe ENOVIA V5 VPM server software requirements section.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 46

Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 with the following components:

• Microsoft Windows XP delivers an implementation of OpenGL libraries. Dassault Systemeswill offer recommendations related to driver levels based on certified configurations at

These drivers may offer a CATIA V5 application setting (see Control Panel, DisplayProperties), which should be selected when available, as they may contain application specificfeatures. The user can update these libraries depending on the graphics adapter selectedwhen he installed the adapter and associated drivers.

• A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected installationlocale differs from Latin1.

Additional Windows XP requirements

• MS06-075: Vulnerability in Windows could allow elevation of privilege. Information is availableat

• MSI Installer 3.1 : Windows Installer 3.1 v2 (3.1.4000.2435) available at

• Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Refer to the following section for description.)

Windows XP Professional x64 edition for V5 32-bit

• Minimum level required: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

• Microsoft implementation of OpenGL libraries, as delivered with Windows. Forrecommendations related to driver levels based on tested graphic adapters, visit

These drivers may offer a CATIA V5 application setting (see Control Panel, Display Propertiestabs), which should be selected when available, as they may contain application specificfeatures.

• Although the V5 products are 32-bit applications, they can allocate up to 4GB of Memorywhen running on this operating system.

• The following set of patches are required when running 32-bit applications on x64environment:

– KB903648: When using macro and VB Script features, V5 may crash when accessing morethan 2 GB of address space. A Microsoft patch is available to correct this problem. To seeMicrosoft Article: KB903648, visit;en-us;903648

– KB911021: Required for applications allowing more than 2GB of address space. Contactyour Microsoft support representative.

ENOVIA V5 VPM server software requirements:

Common server software requirements

Java Runtime Environment V1.5.0 (5.0) is required.

• SUN Solaris


IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 47


• Windows

Database Management System (DBMS) requirements

ENOVIA VPLM data persistency is independent of a specific implementation. It supports:

• ENOVIA V5 VPM requirement on DB2

When running on Windows, AIX 5.3, HP-UX 11i, or Sun Solaris 10, DB2 UDB Client VersionDB2 V8.2.4.

• ENOVIA VPM requirement on ORACLE

ORACLE client-connection modules are required when running on Windows, AIX,HP-UX, and SUN.

Contact the local IBM or ORACLE representative for planning and support information aboutDB2 or ORACLE.


• DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition V8.2.4 is shipped with ENOVIA V5 VPM V5.18.

• Further DB2 or Oracle fixpack requirements, if any, will be documented in program directories.

• Contact the local IBM or Oracle representative for planning and support information aboutDB2 or Oracle.

ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Navigator V5 32-bit on Windows XP Professional x64 edition

• Minimum level required: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

• Microsoft implementation of OpenGL libraries, as delivered with Windows. Forrecommendations related to driver levels based on tested graphic adapters, visit

Platform-specific server software requirements

Information in this section describes requirements specific to each supported operating systemon ENOVIA V5 VPM servers.

Microsoft Windows

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Editionis required with Service Pack 1.

• Microsoft Windows — Delivers an implementation of OpenGL libraries. These libraries may beupdated depending on the selected graphics adapter when installing the graphics adapter andassociated drivers.

• DirectX at minimum level 8.1 — Required for correct operation of ENOVIA V5 VPM server in amulti-user environment. Available from

Also available with Windows XP Service Pack 1.

• A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected localinstallation differs from Latin1.


AIX V5.3 ML03 (using 64-bit kernel) with the following components:

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 48

• XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V7.0.0 Run-time Environment: XL 7 May 2005 PTF R/T(xlC.aix50.rte at level, delivered through APAR IY71976

• XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V9.1.0 for AIX Run-Time: November 2004 XL Fortran for AIXV9.1 Runtime PTF, available at

Additional support

AIX V5.3 TL04-SP1 (using 64-bit kernel) with the following components:

• OpenGL and GL3.2 Runtime Environment (delivered with the operating system)

• CDE, delivered with the operating system

• XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V8.0.0 Run-time Environment: January 2006 IBM C++ RuntimeEnvironment Component for AIX, available at

• XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V10.1.0 for AIX Run-Time: Base level available at

• Support for the use of nodelock license requires:

– IY80993: Workaround Application Dependency on System-ID

– Firmware Version: AT061_061 or later

• Nodelock licensing requires the following patches:

– IY82392: 0C9 System Crash with Graphics Adapter

– Support of GXT4500P requires the following patch to be applied: IY80526: CATIA V4Hangs on GXT4500P when rotating a model.

WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and WebSphere Portal Server support or IntelliStation P185support requires AIX 5.3 TL04-SP1 with above recommendations.


• HP-UX 11.v1 v2, including HP 11iv1 (11.11) December 2004 with the following requirements:

– HP-UX Technical Computing OE (TCOE) Component December 2004

– Hardware Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– Gold Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– Gold Base Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004

– With the following patches applied:

-- PHCO_31923: libc cumulative header file patch

-- PHCO_33360: libc cumulative patch

-- PHKL_31918: fsadm;ACL;locking order;8K mount;readdir

-- PHNE_32477: ONC/NFS General Release/Performance Patch

-- PHSS_29483: HP aC++ Compiler (A.03.52)

-- PHSS_31271: PEX 5.1/Starbase/Hardcopy Run (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_31274: Starbase/Hardcopy Dev (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_31275: OpenGL 1.1 Dev (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_32573: HP aC++ -AA runtime libraries (aCC A.03.61)

-- PHSS_32928: 3D Common Run (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_32934: OpenGL 1.1 Run (PA2.0 only)

-- PHSS_32939: Xserver cumulative patch

-- PHSS_33033: ld(1) and linker tools cumulative patch

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 49

– HP-UX 700 OpenGL 3D API Runtime Environment

– CDE, delivered with the operating system

– A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected installationlocale differs from ISO code pages.

Note: V5 applications are not supported on HP 11iv2.

Sun Solaris

Sun Solaris 10 SPARC HW 03/05, including:

• C and C++ runtime environment — Delivered with the operating system

• OpenGL runtime environment — Delivered with the operating system

• CDE — Delivered with the operating system

• 119280-06 CDE 1.6: Runtime library patch for Solaris 10 is required

Support of the XVR 600 graphic adapter requires OpenGL runtime environment at level 1.3.

Note: A localized version of the operating system may be required when the selected installationlocale differs from ISO-1.

Additional software requirements on the server side

The following components are required or optional on thin client (ENOVIA — VPM LifecycleNavigator) servers for all supported operating systems. It is also required for VPM Navigatorcustomers who implement ENOVIA — VPM Navigator Instant Collaboration.

WebSphere Application Server

• Implementing ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Navigator requires WebSphere Application Server(Refer to ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Program Directories for detailed information on ENOVIAVPM Lifecycle Navigator implementation).

Note: ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Navigator products installed on the WebSphere ApplicationServer are supported on AIX, HP-UX, and Windows 2003 server.

• ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle application server and the Web Application Server may run ondifferent machines and are installed separately. This Web Application Server requires:

– WebSphere Application Server Express, Base or Network Deployment V6.0.2 is therecommended level.

– An HTTP server, supported by the selected WebSphere Application Server version. Thefollowing servers are supported:

-- Apache Server

-- IBM HTTP Server

-- Microsoft Internet Information Services

-- Incidents specific to other servers will not be eligible for support

LDAP: In the case that ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Navigator Web Application Server managesSingle Sign On, an LDAP directory server supported by the selected WebSphere ApplicationServer version is required in addition to the above middleware requirements.

ORBIX: The ORBIX 3.0.1 product (supplied with ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Navigator) is used andenables IIOP-based, CORBA-compliant communications on the server side.

Lotus Sametime: For customers deploying ENOVIA — VPM Navigator Instant Collaborationand ENOVIA 3d com Instant Collaboration, Lotus Sametime Server V6.5.1 is required in additionto the above middleware requirements.

MQ: For customers deploying ENOVIA — Enterprise Process Management Web (E-PM) andENOVIA — Enterprise Process Definition Web (E-PD), the following MQ applications arerequired in addition to the above middleware requirements:

• Message-oriented middleware: WebSphere MQ 6.0

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 50

• Workflow engine: WebSphere MQ Workflow 3.6

Additional ENOVIA V5 VPM requirements

Access to product information (ENOVIA V5 VPM)

Product documentation is delivered in HTML format. An HTML browser is required to access thisdocumentation. Product documentation may be installed and used only in an officially supportedoperating environment.

• On Windows, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher with Java plug-ins at level 1.5

• On UNIX, except Windows, Mozilla 1.7 with Java plug-ins at level 1.5 (The Java level isavailable in the program directories.)

Although access to product documentation might work on other HTML browsers, incidentsspecific to other browsers are not eligible for support.

In addition to a Java-enabled Web browser, a Java plug-in at level 1.4 is required on the clientside.

Note: Improvements in HTML searching and printing capabilities eliminate the need to duplicateproduct information in the Portable Document Format (PDF) format. PDF CDs are therefore nolonger included in the ENOVIA VPLM softcopy collection kit.

Prerequisites for the ENOVIA V5 VPM license management environment

• Nodelock license keys are not allowed with ENOVIA V5 VPM. LUM is required to serveconcurrent license keys across a network. A LUM configuration file (i4ls.ini) is required onclients to access concurrent license keys from license servers.

Note: Concurrent offline licensing is not supported.

• LUM level — A minimum level is required.

LUM 4.6.8 with Patch is shipped with ENOVIA VPLM. Various release levels of LUMmay be downloaded, at no charge, from


Complete online documentation is available on CD. Totally Web-oriented using standard HTMLand graphics formats, online documentation is readily accessible using a standard Web browser.Navigation help includes the ability to do full text search.

Documentation is also available in PDF. Printing and browsing requires Adobe Acrobat ReaderV5.0, or later. To download, visit

License Management Model

ENOVIA V5 VPM delivers identical license management mechanisms in UNIX and Windowsenvironments, based on LUM and on the UNIX license management server, shareable acrossUNIX and Window clients. The following license management principles apply:

• A license key is required to use an ENOVIA V5 VPM configuration or product.

• License keys are acquired and released for the total configuration. The products within astandard or custom configuration cannot be broken up or shared outside of it.

• In all cases, license keys are acquired at the beginning of the process (login) and released atits termination (logout).

ENOVIA V5 VPM products and configurations are licensed on a concurrent usage basis.

ENOVIA VPLM general licensing principles

ENOVIA VPLM AOP and shareable products may require prerequisite products that are notincluded in a standard purchased configuration. When a prerequisite product is not included inthe selected standard configuration, both the AOP and its prerequisite products must be

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 51

purchased and included as AOPs within a custom configuration.

Prerequisites for shareable products can be satisfied by a standard configuration, by an AOPwithin a custom configuration, or by a shareable product.

Planning information

Direct customer support: Direct customer support is provided under a Product LifecycleManagement (PLM) enhanced support contract. This service for a fee enhances the customer'sproductivity by providing voice and electronic access to the PLM Support Center. For eligibleproducts, the PLM help desk can answer questions pertaining to the installation, administration,use, and handling of suspected software defects.

For additional information about the enhanced support contract and other available PLM servicesofferings, visit the PLM Technical Support Web site

Click on the "ECSR enhanced support details" link or contact the PLM marketing representativeor authorized IBM Business Partner for more information.


ENOVIA VPLM packaging:

Note: The ENOVIA VPLM API CDs are shipped with CAA RADE as LCD4-7422.

ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU box kit (LK4T-0077)

• Four code CDs (in one cardboard CD holder) for ENOVIA 3d com (LCD4-4242) containing:



– Solaris

– Windows

• Six code CDs (in one cardboard CD holder) for ENOVIA DMU (LCD4-4676) containing:


– AIX 64-bit


– Solaris

– Windows

– Windows 64-bit

• One ENOVIA VPLM Program Directory CD (LCD4-7618)

• One LUM Run Time V4.6.8 + patch CD (LCD4-7882)

• English online documentation: Four CDs (in a quad jewel case; SK3T-5188)

– ENOVIA 3d com V5.18 English Online Documentation (two CDs)

– ENOVIA DMU V5.18 English Online Documentation (two CDs)

• Informal documents

– PLM Products Current User Memorandum (GI11-4403)

– PLM Products Software Registration Memorandum (GI11-4404)

The following are shipped outside the box kit:

• Licensed Program Specification (GI11-6293)

• Seven CDs (in a one portfolio CD holder) for ENOVIA MultiCAx products (LCD4-7456)


IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 52

– AIX 64-bit


– Solaris

– Windows

– Windows 64-bit

– Program directory

ENOVIA V5 VPM box kit (LK4T-0078)

Each shipment of ENOVIA V5 VPM includes:

• Seven code CDs (in one cardboard CD holder) for ENOVIA V5 VPM (LCD4-7617) containing:


– AIX 64-bit

– HP-UX (2 CDs)

– Solaris

– Windows

– Windows 64-bit

• One ENOVIA VPLM Program Directory CD (LCD4-7618)

• One LUM Run Time V4.6.8 + patch CD (LCD4-7882)

• English Online Documentation: Two CDs (in a double jewel case; SK3T-7835)

– ENOVIA V5 VPM English Online Documentation (2 CDs)

• Informal documents

– PLM Products Current User Memorandum (GI11-4403)

– PLM Products Software Registration Memorandum (GI11-4404)

The following are shipped outside the box kit:

• Licensed Program Specification (GI11-6293)

• DB2 V8.2.4 Enterprise Server Edition CDs (LCD4-7874) — 19 code CDs in CD holder

• Fix Pack 11 (LCD7-2049), equivalent to V8.2.4 — 9 code CDs in a Univenture CD sleeve

ENOVIA VPLM national language packaging: Product integrated information (PII) is includedon the code CDs at general availability. Softcopy collection kits of translated publications foreach language are available after general availability.

Additional Softcopy Collection Kits can be ordered through the IBM representative or businesspartner using the following numbers:

Publication name Publication number

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU)Softcopy Collection Kit — French SK3T-0572

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU)Softcopy Collection Kit — German SK3T-0573

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU)Softcopy Collection Kit — Japanese SK3T-0574

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com only)Softcopy Collection Kit — Korean SK24-0017

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA V5 VPM)Softcopy Collection Kit — French SK3T-0617

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA V5 VPM)Softcopy Collection Kit — German SK3T-0616


IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 53

Softcopy Collection Kit — Japanese SK3T-0615ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA V5 VPM)

Softcopy Collection Kit — Korean SK24-0016

ENOVIA VPLM WLS V5 packaging: The ENOVIA VPLM WLS products are packaged so thatall user companions for UNIX and Windows are under a single form number.

The ENOVIA WLS V5 User Companion for DMU (LCD4-7848) includes:

• User Companion for DMU for UNIX

• User Companion for DMU for Windows

The ENOVIA WLS V5 User Companion for VPM (LCD4-7849) includes:

• ENOVIA User Companion for VPM for UNIX

• ENOVIA User Companion for VPM for Windows

ENOVIA WLS V5 User Companion for V5 VPM (LCD4-7879) includes:

• ENOVIA User Companion for V5 VPM for UNIX

• ENOVIA User Companion for V5 VPM for Windows

In addition, all ENOVIA VPLM WLS V5 user companions include the following informaldocuments:

• PLM Products Current User's Memorandum (GI11-4403)

• PLM Products Software Registration Memorandum (GI11-4404)

• ENOVIA V5.18 LPS (GI11-6293)

National language versions (NLVs) of WLS products: National language versions of WLSproducts at the current release level will be available after general availability. The standardorder process applies. The ENOVIA VPLM WLS NLV products are packaged so that all usercompanions for UNIX and Windows are under a single form number:

User Companion for DMU for French (LCD4-7860) includes:

• User Companion for DMU for UNIX

• User Companion for DMU for WINDOWS

User Companion for DMU for German (LCD4-7853) includes:

• User Companion for DMU for UNIX

• User Companion for DMU for WINDOWS

User Companion for DMU for Japanese (LCD4-7856) includes:

• User Companion for DMU for UNIX

• User Companion for DMU for WINDOWS

ENOVIA User Companion for VPM for French (LCD4-7859) includes:

• User Companion for VPM for WINDOWS

• User Companion for VPM for UNIX

ENOVIA V5 VPM WLS is available in English only. There will be no national languagedeliverables for ENOVIA V5 VPM WLS for V5.18.

Security, auditability, and control

The announced programs use the security and auditability features of the operating systemsoftware. The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 54

features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems andcommunication facilities.

Ordering information

Current licensees

Current licensees will receive this update from IBM Software Delivery and Fulfillmentautomatically.

Shipment of this release of ENOVIA VPLM is scheduled to be completed by October 15, 2007;shipment of this release of ENOVIA VPLM WLS V5 is scheduled to be completed by October 12,2007.

New licensees

Orders for new licenses can be placed now.

Unless a later date is specified, orders entered before the planned availability date will beassigned a schedule date of one week following availability.

Shipment will begin on the planned availability date.

Products introduced in this release

Photo Studio 1 AOP 5673-PH1DMU Composites Review 2 Product 5671-CPRDMU Composites Review 2 AOP 5673-CPRHuman Anthropometry Catalog 2 Product 5671-HTCHuman Anthropometry Catalog 2 AOP 5673-HTCHuman Posture Catalog 2 Product 5671-HPCHuman Posture Catalog 2 AOP 5673-HPCHuman Preferred Angles Catalog 2 Product 5671-HACHuman Preferred Angles Catalog 2 AOP 5673-HACVehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 Product 5671-VOAVehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 AOP 5673-VOADigital Product Rights Manager 1 AOP 5673-RM1

Products withdrawn in this release: The following products are withdrawn from marketing,effective September 25, 2007:

ENOVIA -- MultiPDM -- SmarTeam Plug-In Product 5671-SMLENOVIA -- 3d com Web Navigator Product 5671-W3GENOVIA -- LCA Product Simulation Management 5671-PSL

ProductUser Companion for ENOVIA LCA Configuration 5671-LCCUser Companion for ENOVIA LCA -- Enterprise 5672-LCC

Option Configuration

Product ordering:

Note: Effective May 1, 2007, 5671-, 5673-, and 5672-prefixed Cross Brand Solutions/EnterpriseSoftware (CBS/ESW) program numbers replaced their 5691-, 5693-, and 5795-prefixed legacyequivalents. Products can be ordered only with these new program numbers.

For example:

Old Newprogram program

Product number number

DMU Optimizer 2 Product 5691-DMO 5671-DMODMU Optimizer 2 AOP 5693-DMO 5673-DMOENOVIA User Companion for V5 VPM 5795-VNC 5672-VNC

To configure an order for a license for a standard configuration or shareable product, specify the:

• Configuration/shareable product program number

• User quantity

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 55

• The appropriate charge option: Primary license charge (PLC) with an annual license charge(ALC) or yearly license charge (YLC)

Notes: The configurator will automatically add to your order the:

• Appropriate entitlement entity identifiers, license options, and pricing metrics

• Appropriate orderable supplies (OSPs)

To order a basic license for a custom configuration, specify the:

• Standard configuration program number

• Appropriate charge option (PLC with ALC or YLC)

• User quantity

• Add-on products (AOPs) (up to a maximum of 80)

Note: Support for AOPs up to a maximum of 80 requires LUM at a minimum level of 4.6.5.

Note: The configurator will automatically add to your order the:

• AOP indicator registration(s) and AOP software order (SWO) number

• Appropriate entitlement entity identifiers, license options, and pricing metrics

• Appropriate orderable supplies (OSPs)

Entitlement, license option, and pricing metric information for all configurations, shareableproducts, and AOPs are contained in this section.

The following tier levels apply for all configurations and products in this announcement:

• Recurring license:

– ALC User 1-9

– ALC User 10-25

– ALC User 26+

• Variable term license:

– YLC User 1-9

– YLC User 10-25

– YLC User 26+

Shareable products: New ENOVIA VPLM shareable products

5671-CPR DMU Composites Review 2 Product

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S9148ZD CPR Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148ZJ CPR Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS0148ZG CPR Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5671-HTC Human Anthropometry Catalog 2 Product

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S01490H HTC Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS01490C HTC Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS01490F HTC Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5671-HPC Human Posture Catalog 2 Product

Entitlement License Pricing

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 56

entity Description option metric

S014904 HPC Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS014901 HPC Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS014900 HPC Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5671-HAC Human Preferred Angles Catalog 2 Product

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S0148ZS HAC Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148ZN HAC Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS0148ZR HAC Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5671-VOA Vehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 Product

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S014915 VOA Prod Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS014914 VOA Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS014916 VOA Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

Add-on products: New ENOVIA VPLM AOPs

5673-PH1 Photo Studio 1 Product AOP

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S0148VZ PH1 AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148VX PH1 AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS0148VW PH1 AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5673-CPR DMU Composites Review 2 AOP

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S0148WF CPR AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148W8 CPR AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS0148W9 CPR AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5673-HTC Human Anthropometry Catalog 2 AOP

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S0148WX HTC AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148WW HTC AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS0148X1 HTC AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5673-HPC Human Posture Catalog 2 AOP

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S0148X7 HPC AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148X6 HPC AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS0148XB HPC AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5673-HAC Human Preferred Angles Catalog 2 AOP

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S0148XM HAC AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148XF HAC AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per User

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 57

S0148XJ HAC AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5673-VOA Vehicle Occupant Accommodation 2 AOP

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S0148WR VOA AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148WN VOA AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS0148WK VOA AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

5673-RM1 Digital Product Rights Manager 1 AOP

Entitlement License Pricingentity Description option metric

S0148Z0 RM1 AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per UserS0148XZ RM1 AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per UserS0148XX RM1 AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per User

Non-billable AOP indicators: Non-billable indicators are set up under each of the 5671configurations for which the AOP is available.

5671-DV1 ENOVIA V5 DMU Viewer 1 Configuration

Entitlemententity Description

S014B5V 5673-PH1 AOP IndicatorS014B5T 5673-RM1 AOP Indicator

5671-DM1 ENOVIA V5 DMU Review 1 Configuration

Entitlemententity Description

S014B5W 5673-PH1 AOP IndicatorS014B5X 5673-RM1 AOP Indicator

5671-DM2 ENOVIA V5 DMU Review 2 Configuration

Entitlemententity Description

S014B61 5673-CPR AOP IndicatorS014B64 5673-HAC AOP IndicatorS014B63 5673-HPC AOP IndicatorS014B62 5673-HTC AOP IndicatorS014B5Z 5673-PH1 AOP IndicatorS014B60 5673-RM1 AOP IndicatorS014B65 5673-VOA AOP Indicator

5671-DPS ENOVIA -- DMU Digital Product Synthesis 2 Configuration

Entitlemententity Description

S014B68 5673-CPR AOP IndicatorS014B6C 5673-HAC AOP IndicatorS014B6B 5673-HPC AOP IndicatorS014B69 5673-HTC AOP IndicatorS014B66 5673-PH1 AOP IndicatorS014B67 5673-RM1 AOP IndicatorS014B6D 5673-VOA AOP Indicator

5671-DH2 ENOVIA -- DMU Human Simulation 2 Configuration

Entitlemententity Description

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 58

S014B6R 5673-CPR AOP IndicatorS014B6V 5673-HAC AOP IndicatorS014B6T 5673-HPC AOP IndicatorS014B6S 5673-HTC AOP IndicatorS014B6N 5673-PH1 AOP IndicatorS014B6P 5673-RM1 AOP IndicatorS014B6W 5673-VOA AOP Indicator

5671-DM3 ENOVIA -- DMU Immersive Review 3 Configuration

Entitlemententity Description

S014B6H 5673-CPR AOP IndicatorS014B6L 5673-HAC AOP IndicatorS014B6K 5673-HPC AOP IndicatorS014B6J 5673-HTC AOP IndicatorS014B6F 5673-PH1 AOP IndicatorS014B6G 5673-RM1 AOP IndicatorS014B6M 5673-VOA AOP Indicator

New upgrades: The product upgrade charge applies to orders for a replacement product when itreplaces a predecessor product that was obtained for a PLC/recurring charge. The predecessorproduct is discontinued upon installation of the new version. For purposes of data modelmigration and validation, a customer may continue to use the predecessor product for up to threemonths without IBM approval, but may not use both the new version product and thepredecessor product simultaneously for production purposes at any time. If both licenses areused simultaneously the customer will be subject to the full PLC and recurring charges that applyto the replacement program, as well as the recurring charges applicable to the predecessorprogram. The three-month parallel usage of the replacement and predecessor product may beextended to more than three months on an individual basis with prior IBM approval.

Upgrade to ENOVIA V5 VPLM (5671-LCR)

Entitlement License Pricingentity To From option metric

S0132C6 5671-LCR 5671-W3G License PLC per userto use

Upgrade to ENOVIA V5 VPLM (5671-LCR)

Entitlement License Pricingentity To From option metric

S0132C6 5671-LCR 5671-N3G License PLC per userto use

Upgrade to ENOVIA V5 VPLM (5671-LCR)

Entitlement License Pricingentity To From option metric

S0132C6 5671-LCR 5671-C3V License PLC per userto use

Withdrawn products: The following products are withdrawn from marketing, effectiveSeptember 25, 2007:

ENOVIA -- MultiPDM -- SmarTeam Plug-In Product 5671-SMLENOVIA -- 3d com Web Navigator Product 5671-W3GENOVIA -- LCA Product Simulation Management 5671-PSL

ProductUser Companion for ENOVIA LCA Configuration 5671-LCCUser Companion for ENOVIA LCA -- Enterprise 5795-LCC

Option Configuration

There are no replacement products. However, upgrade paths from ENOVIA — 3d com Web Nav

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 59

Configuration (W3G) to ENOVIA — VPM Lifecyle Review Configuration (formerly known as LCAProduct Lifecycle Rev Configuration (LCR)) are available in this release.

Orderable supplies

Only configurations ship supplies because configurations are prerequisites for all shareableproducts and add-on products. (An exception is those few products that have standalonesupplies.) For each configuration ordered, the ShopPLM configurator will add the 5628-EP5system program order (SPO) and assign an entitlement entity number for the orderable supply.

5628-EP5 withdrawn configuration: Effective September 25, 2007, the orderable supplyidentifier for the following configuration is withdrawn:

Distri-Orderable butionsupply ID Language medium Description

S013T6R English CD-ROM ENOVIA V5 3d com Web Nav Cf (5671-W3G)

Customization options: Contact IBM Customer Support Operations (CSO) for any specialhandling, such as suppression of media or expediting an order.

Unlicensed documentation: One English softcopy publication CD-ROM is automaticallyincluded in all shipments. National language versions (NLVs) of the softcopy publications inFrench, German, Japanese, and Korean at the current release level will be available aftergeneral availability at no charge.

To order additional copies, specify the language using the feature numbers below. Only oneadditional copy of a kit can be ordered per license.

Publication Featurename number

ENOVIA V5 Softcopy Collection Kit -- English 7100ENOVIA V5 Softcopy Collection Kit -- French 7101ENOVIA V5 Softcopy Collection Kit -- German 7102ENOVIA V5 Softcopy Collection Kit -- Japanese 7103(ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA V5 VPM)

ENOVIA V5 Softcopy Collection Kit -- Korean 7105

Additional Softcopy Collection Kits can be ordered through your IBM representative or businesspartner using the following numbers:

Publication name Publication number

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU) SK3T-5188Softcopy Collection Kit — English

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU) SK3T-0572Softcopy Collection Kit — French

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU) SK3T-0573Softcopy Collection Kit — German

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com / ENOVIA DMU) SK3T-0574Softcopy Collection Kit — Japanese

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA 3d com only) SK24-0017Softcopy Collection Kit — Korean

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA V5 VPM) SK3T-7835Softcopy Collection Kit — English

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA V5 VPM) SK3T-0617Softcopy Collection Kit — French

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA V5 VPM) SK3T-0616Softcopy Collection Kit — German

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA V5 VPM) SK3T-0615Softcopy Collection Kit — Japanese

ENOVIA V5 (ENOVIA V5 VPM) SK24-0016Softcopy Collection Kit — Korean

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 60

Licensed documentation: Subsequent updates (technical newsletters or revisions betweenreleases) to the publications shipped with the product will be distributed to the user of record foras long as a license for this software remains in effect. A separate publication order orsubscription is not needed.

Terms and conditions

Agreement: IBM Customer Agreement

Designated machine: Not required

Variable charges apply: No

Location license applies: No

Use limitation applies: Yes, as implemented by the license management model described.

ENOVIA VPLM license management model

ENOVIA VPLM controls the number of concurrent users of a ENOVIA VPLM configuration orproduct, according to the number of license keys acquired for the configuration or product.

ENOVIA VPLM delivers identical license management mechanisms on UNIX and Windowsenvironments, based on LUM. The following license management principles apply:

• An ENOVIA VPLM configuration (standard or custom) will require a license key. License keysfor ENOVIA VPLM configurations are acquired and released for the total configuration. Theproducts within a configuration cannot be shared.

• Each ENOVIA VPLM shareable product will require a license key, in addition to one for theprerequisite configuration and any prerequisite product, if applicable.

• In all cases, ENOVIA VPLM configuration license keys are acquired at the beginning of theprocess and are released at its termination.

• ENOVIA VPLM AOP and shareable products may require license keys for prerequisiteproducts that are not already included in a standard configuration. Prerequisites for shareableproducts can be satisfied by a standard configuration, by an AOP within a customconfiguration, or by a shareable product. However, because all AOPs are defined within onecustom license key, any AOP prerequisites must be satisfied by either a standardconfiguration or by other AOPs purchased and defined within the same custom configuration.

Additional licenses, features, or authorizations, as appropriate must be obtained to extend uselevels.

Additional licenses or features, as appropriate, must be obtained to exceed usage limits.

ENOVIA 3d com products and ENOVIA PPR Hub MultiPDM plug-ins licensing

All ENOVIA VPLM products are concurrent-user licensed in a manner similar to license use inCATIA V5. The license keys of ENOVIA 3d com configurations and shareable products areinstalled on the server and can be accessed by thin clients (no code is installed on clients). Alicense for one user gives one connection line. Any offline user is required to have a ENOVIA 3dcom license access with which code can be downloaded. Code should not be duplicated from aprevious download.

When accessing other systems via ENOVIA 3d com products, you need to have a license orrequired authorization on that system. For example, to work with data in ENOVIA VPLMENOVIAVPM, ENOVIAPM, or Optegra, a license for the corresponding user role within thosesystems is needed. The ENOVIA 3D com Navigator and CAD Viewing configurations can havean optional corequisite loaded on the server for CAD access.

For CATIA V5, the required CAD server is included and installed by default. When used inconjunction with CATIA V4, you need to install CATIA COM license keys on the server. Onelicense of CATIA V4 COM authorizes 10 simultaneous connections.

The ENOVIA 3d com Space Analysis product has an optional corequisite of the correspondingCATIA Space Product (5671-SPA) for CATIA V4 (with the same 10:1 ratio of users per license).

If data such as CAD models are to be loaded into the authoring system such as CATIA V5, the

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 61

corresponding product configuration and license must be available.

The ENOVIA 3d com Web Search (part of the ENOVIA PPR Navigator product) function can beinstalled on CPUs other than the server to which an authorized user connects. The user taskuses the search function to go through its ENOVIA 3d com Web Browser for the correctconnection. Because of this capability, the search function is restricted to users defined on theENOVIA 3d com server. This restriction applies even if the search component is physicallyinstalled on a CPU other than ENOVIA 3d com Navigator server.

ENOVIA DMU products licensing principles

ENOVIA DMU Navigator Configuration licenses continue as already announced and in usewithin the ENOVIA VPLM Portfolio. Working under the CATIA V5 concurrent-user licensingscheme, ENOVIA DMU products use the same methods. This provides a consistent user seatdesignation across both CATIA V5 and ENOVIA VPLM. ENOVIA DMU products such asKinematic Simulation or DMU Optimizer, licensed as shareable in CATIA V5, now also work andcan be shared within the ENOVIA DMU environment.

ENOVIA PPR Hub MultiCAx plug-in licensing principles

All MultiCAx Plug-ins are licensed as concurrent-user shareable products available to ENOVIA3d com, CAD Viewing, and ENOVIA DMU users. Specifying a MultiCAx license in the profileenables the workstation to use the MultiCAx capabilities within any simultaneous sessions on thesame workstation (of ENOVIA 3d com Products, CAD Viewing, or ENOVIA DMU Products).

ENOVIA VPLM general licensing principles

ENOVIA VPLM AOP and shareable products may require prerequisite products that are notincluded in a standard purchased configuration. When a prerequisite product is not included inthe selected standard configuration, both the AOP and its prerequisite products must bepurchased and included as AOPs within a custom configuration. Prerequisites for shareableproducts can be satisfied by a standard configuration, by an AOP within a custom configuration,or by a shareable product.

Use of DB2 UDB components: ENOVIA V5 VPM V5.18 and ENOVIAVPM V1.6 are shippedwith the DB2 Universal Database® (DB2 UDB) program. (ENOVIA V5 VPM ships DB2; ENOVIA3d com and ENOVIA DMU do not ship DB2.) You are authorized to use this DB2 UDB only inconjunction with and in support of the solution (as defined below), and are authorized to installand use this DB2 UDB only in association with your licensed use of the ENOVIA VPLM productsfor the storage and management of data used or generated by the solution and not for any otherdata management purposes. Only inbound and outbound data transactions in which the solutiondirectly either creates, reads, updates or deletes data are permitted.

Examples of uses not permitted include (i) inbound connections to the database from otherapplications for queries or report generation, or (ii) outbound database connections in which thesolution provides no added value to the data transaction.

The solution and DB2 UDB can be installed on either the same server or separate servers. In thecase where DB2 UDB is installed on a separate server, the access point to the DB2 UDB servermust be solely through the Solution server.

Solution is defined as any ENOVIA VPLM or ENOVIA SmarTeam program product other thanthose listed as follows:

• SmarTeam — Development Suite, a component of the IBM program product SmarTeam —Development Suite Configuration (5671-SDV)

• All CAA RADE products and APIs

Educational allowance available: No.

Volume orders: Contact your IBM representative.

Warranty applies: Yes

Licensed program material availability

Restricted materials of IBM: NoneNon-restricted source materials: NoneObject Code Only (OCO): All

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 62

Program services: Program Services offer a method of reporting code-related problems forENOVIA VPLM and WLS licensed software products. Program Services are availableelectronically using the problem submission process at the PLM Technical Support Web site at

Note: In order to use this facility, you must use an IBM ID which has associated to it the licensedIBM customer number under which the product was purchased. If you have not yet obtained anIBM ID, visit

If you have not yet associated the licensed IBM customer number to your IBM ID, you will beprompted to do so when accessing the problem submission facility.

When using Program Services, the problem report is submitted via the PLM Technical SupportWeb site; all subsequent communications will be via e-mail. The response time for theseproblem reports, regardless of the severity, will be within two business days. All communicationsmust be in English.

Not all options of the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) technical support e-services areavailable in all countries.

If the problem reported is not determined to be a code-related problem, the customer will beinformed that work will continue on it provided the customer has ECSR (Electronic CustomerSupport Representative) enhanced support (reference PRPQ 5799-C88) with the ENOVIA VPLMsupport feature. Enhanced support for WLS is included in the base product's feature code; noseparate enhanced support is required.

For additional information about the enhanced support contract and other available PLM servicesofferings, visit

Click on the "ECSR enhanced support details" link or contact your PLM marketing representativeor authorized IBM Business Partner for more information.

Preventive Service is delivered through the next release of ENOVIA VPLM products. The newrelease also includes corrections to problems, depending on the time of their submission andtheir severity.

During the Program Services period, Corrective Service for ENOVIA VPLM releases is deliveredthrough service packs on a regular basis. A service pack includes corrections for BlockingProblems in production systems reported on this release and all corrections available for allcomponents at the time it is built. Service packs are provided at the same time for all platformscurrently supported. Each service pack supersedes the previous one and may be installed on topof the released level or on top of a previous service pack. (The exception is WLS products,where Corrective Service is provided in the next release of the product. No maintenance for WLSproducts is provided in the service packs.)

Customers may request a correction via a service pack for Blocking Problems. A BlockingProblem is defined as:

• A problem that stops production: The customer is currently using the level for which a fix isrequested in a production environment.

• A problem that prevents migration: The customer must provide the migration plan.

• A problem that halts testing of a given level: A fix will allow customer to continue the testing.

• Installation problem: A problem that prevents the customer from installing or using the product.

• Regression: Problems reported as regressions may be due to an operation that was beingperformed erroneously or created incorrect data with a previous release and the currentrelease no longer permits these operations. Therefore, each problem reported as a regressionmust be evaluated. True regressions will be handled as Severity 1 problems.

Note: Customers experiencing problems with DB2 UDB V8.2 delivered with the ENOVIA V5VPM product may report these problems through PLM product support, as long as DB2 UDB isbeing used in conjunction with ENOVIA V5 VPM and the DB2 and ENOVIA V5 VPM productsare still within their respective support periods. Customers will receive the same level of supportas they are entitled to for their ENOVIA VPLM products.

IBM United States Announcement 207-214 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 63

Customers experiencing problems with IBM License Use Management (LUM) products whenused with ENOVIA VPLM products may report these problems through PLM product support.Note this only applies when the LUM product is being used in conjunction with an ENOVIAVPLM product and the ENOVIA VPLM product is within its support period. LUM products are notincluded in the enhanced support offering; LUM problems will receive the Program Services levelof support and must be submitted via the Problem Reporting process at the PLM TechnicalSupport Web site at

Program Services will be provided for this release of ENOVIA VPLM and WLS products untilOctober 1, 2009.

Note: The ENOVIA User Companion for VPM 1.6 Configuration (WLS) will follow the supportterms and conditions as announced for ENOVIAVPM V1.6.

For the ENOVIAVPM V1.6 support period, refer to 206-199, dated September 5, 2006.

For a list of all currently supported releases of CATIA, ENOVIA VPLM and ENOVIA SmarTeamproducts, visit

At the bottom of the page, select "End of support dates" under Plan, Product life cycle.

IBM Operational Support Services — SupportLine: No

Other support: PLM Support Centers


For prices, contact your IBM representative.

Use level charge: Charges for this program are based on usage levels. When a customerupgrades to a higher level of usage, a usage upgrade charge will apply, equal to the differencebetween the charge for the current level of usage and the higher level of usage.

IBM Global Financing

IBM Global Financing offers competitive financing to credit-qualified customers to assist them inacquiring IT solutions. Offerings include financing for IT acquisition, including hardware,software, and services, from both IBM and other manufacturers or vendors. Offerings (for allcustomer segments: small, medium, and large enterprise), rates, terms, and availability can varyby country. Contact your local IBM Global Financing organization or visit

IBM Global Financing offerings are provided through IBM Credit LLC in the United States, andother IBM subsidiaries and divisions worldwide to qualified commercial and governmentcustomers. Rates are based on a customer's credit rating, financing terms, offering type,equipment type, and options, and may vary by country. Other restrictions may apply. Rates andofferings are subject to change, extension, or withdrawal without notice.


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