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  • 8/13/2019 Empower (1)



    Miss Mawal Sara Saeed


    Syed Khurram Hasan

    Akashaa Khan

    Usman Tahir

    Ahmed Noor

    Muhammad Shawaiz Khan

  • 8/13/2019 Empower (1)



    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary...6

    1 - Company vision & Mission...7

    2 - Company Overview .8

    3 -Challenges. .9

    4 - Situational Analysis10

    4.1 Industry

    4.2 Competition

    4.3 Current market situation

    4.4 Customer Analysis

    5 - Enviromentional Analysis .12

    5.1 Political Analysis

    5.2 Economical Factors

    5.3 Social Factors

    6 - Market Product Focus14

    6.1 Product Objective

    6.2 Target Market

    6.3 Point of Difference

    7 - Number of companies in Industry..15

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    8 - Marketing Strategy16

    8.1 Geographic

    8.2 Demographic

    8.3 Psychographics

    8.4 Behavioral

    8.5 Competition

    9 - Swot Analysis.....17

    10 - Market Mix of EMPOWER

    MOBILE ...19

    11 - Companys new product in Future....25

    12 - Marketing plan .....27

    12.1 Introduction

    13- Current Market Situation of Faisalabad.....28

    13.1 Target Market

    13.2 Competition

    13.3 Customer Needs

    15 - Product Competitions In Faisalabad.29

    16 - Strategies for Q-5 in Faisalabad.29

    16.1 Pricing

    16.2 Place

    16.3 Promotion

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    17 - Review & Control31

    18- Contingency plans ...32

    17.1 Solution

    19- Observations.32

    20 - Market Opportunities.32




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    Competitor edge:

    One of the goals for this version was to be able to create tools that provide a great user

    experience. We wanted our users to feel familiar with empower, even if it is the first time theyre

    using it, even if they are not using a laptop.

    one of the most important feature that empower mobile have is that user can use it as a tool forsecurity .empower mobile provide gadgets along mobile phone such as a SPY CAMERA which

    can be installed anywhere in the house and can be monitored from anywhere in the world.

    Making life more secure

    Also one of the latest features that only empower mobile have is WATER BATTERY, whichno other mobile phones have. If there is load shedding no need to worry empower mobile have

    solved the solution of charging mobile phone. Mobile phone can be charged by placing there

    batteries in hot glass of water. It can also be charged with an electric charger.

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    1- Company Vision

    The companys vision is to develop path-breaking technologies and efficient

    processes that incubate newer markets, enliven customer aspirations and

    continue to make EMPOWER a trusted market leader amongst people.


    Become no1

    Keep it simple

    Do what you say

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    Take the leap of faith

    Keep on checking

    Stay true to your values

    2- Company Overview

    The brand EMPOWER in Pakistan is brought to you by UKAAS(Usman khurram

    Akashaa Ahmed Shawaiz) a new entrant in the industry but one with a long and

    successful history of brining and selling innovative, high-end cellular technology to


    With a futuristic vision and an exhaustive R&D at its helm, EMPOWER has

    successfully generated innovative technologies that have and will continue to

    revolutionize the telecom consumer space.

    From low-cost feature packed handsets to the bringing in the QWERTY Era, and

    from Social Networking & high-end Music phones to the feature-based business

    phones; EMPOWER is on a mission to successfully overcome the technologicalbarriers and constantly engender complete mobile lifestyle solutions.

    With a 360 degree advertising and marketing strategy sketched out, the company

    has an optimistic outlook for the telecom consumer space. Currently present

    across the country, the company plans to have an aggressive market incursion to

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    reach out to its customers throughout Pakistan; every village, every city.

    Innovation, Cost-Effective, Credible and an Insightful R&D, have now become

    synonymous to EMPOWER in the telecom market.

    Soon EMPOWER will become a brand which people across the social strata will

    relate and look up to for realizing their individual device preferences and other

    out-of-the-box solutions.


    As, already there are number of telecommunication cell phones like Nokia,

    LG, Samsung, Q-MOBILE, China mobiles etc, so there will be huge competition inthe market. As our services are new in this sector we will face some challenges to

    stand in this huge competition. On the other side as we are famous in low cost

    mobile phones and we have good image in the minds of the customers, so it is

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    easier to convinces our customers to switch to our brand. Besides this there will

    be difficulty in attracting new customers.

    4- Situational Analysis:

    4.1Industry Analysis

    Pakistan has huge telecommunication market potentials. According to the survey

    conducted and the findings showed that by the end of 2013 after its first launch,

    the number of EMPOWER users are expected to reach 1, 70, 000, 00 covering

    approximately 10% of the market. By the end of DECEMBER, 2014, EMPOWER

    would be covering approximately 15% of the market share.

    EMPOWER cell phone market has international brands such as Nokia, Motorola aswell as china mobiles. EMPOWER mainly has four standards (GSM, Wi-Fi,

    Application and Multimedia) and about 85% are Multimedia users. Multimedia is

    the main thing on which EMPOWER are focused. EMPOWER will introduce

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    mobiles in the market, which all have multimedia and they comparably in low

    price which is in the range of all the people of Pakistan

    4.2 Competitors Analysis

    The first mobile that will be launched by EMPOWER would be EM007 which is an

    extremely stylish touch screen mobile phone with GPRS (General Packet Radio

    Service) and java application support. You have the benefit of being connected to

    the network round the clock and are billed for the amount of data transferred,

    and not for the time online According recent market research which we have

    done in some cities of Pakistan like Lahore , Multan , Karachi, Islamabad,

    Peshawar etc, views of people about EMPOWER is good as compared to the Nokia

    and china Mobiles-Mobiles are give tough time to china and also Nokia mobiles

    because Nokia mobiles with technologies are expensive which is out of range of

    mostly people of Pakistan and if we talk about china mobiles they have serious

    problems in their technologies. So those people who buy Nokia or china are now

    preferred EMPOWER. The big advantage which EMPOWER have gain more

    appreciation is his re-Sale value which dramatically good against Nokia and china


    4.3Current market Situation

    The current market situation in this sector is full of competition.

    Different players are providing different kinds of plans and services to attract

    more and more customers. Every day each player is providing new technologies

    features to attract others companies customer. The major leader in todays

    context is

    Nokia, Samsung, China Mobiles and others

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    4.4Customer analysis

    EMPOWER mobiles are targeting all segments of the people, especially low

    income persons by providing them all kinds of services according to their need or

    wants. For example, we are providing different plans for different customersaccording to their usage and needs. Today customerswants multimedia features

    and also we have separate plans for students who also interested in those

    features which are in expensive mobiles. Company will receive 12% revenue of

    total sales from new customer within 1 year.5% new customer will be created

    within next 1 years. To retain the new existing customers company will use

    following tactics

    Provide cheap and good contract conditions.

    Free registration for insurance. Free mobile tracking.

    5- Environmental Analysis:

    5.1Political Factors

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    Political factors include government regulations and legal issues and define both

    formal and informal rules under which the firm must operate. Some examples


    tax policy

    employment laws

    environmental regulations

    trade restrictions

    political stability

    All these factors should be kept in mind while the functioning of the

    organization takes place. For the success of any organization political

    relations should be good so that it in favor of the development of the


    5.2Economic Factors

    Economic factors affect the purchasing power of potential customers and the

    firm's cost of capital. The following are examples of factors in the macro


    economic growth

    exchange rates inflation rate

    The present condition of the economy should be kept in the mind of the

    Organization, and should contribute towards the development of the economy

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    5.3Social Factors

    Social factors include the demographic and cultural aspects of the external macro

    environment. These factors affect customer needs and the size of potential

    markets.Some social factors include:

    population growth rate

    age distribution

    career attitudes

    emphasis on safety

    If EMPOWER MOBILE want to have a huge market share then they have to learn


    condition of the society. They have to learn the demography of the Pakistan

    society. They should know the needs of the society and should provide good

    quality services.

    5.4Technological Factors

    Technological factors can lower barriers to entry, reduce minimum efficient

    production levels, and influence outsourcing decisions.

    6- Market Product Focus:

    6.1Product Objective

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    Customer satisfaction is the main part of EMPOWER Mobiles after selling the

    follow up is also very important for EMPOWER Mobiles because every

    organization should always know what is happening within their designated

    market, if it is changing, saturation, technological advances, slowing down or

    rapidly growing, being up to date on this is essential for companies to survive.

    6.2Target market:

    The target market of EMPOWER Mobile is as follows:


    Sms conscious people

    Multimedia conscious people

    Middle class people

    Internet surfing people

    6.3Point of difference:

    Point which separate EMPOWER Mobile with other are as follows:



    Battery timing

    Resale value

    User friendly Java supported

    Multimedia supported

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    7- Numbers of Companies in the Industry

    There are number of companies with only six top companies in the cell phone

    industry that controls the market. Even though there are emerging new

    companies into the market, they are relatively small. The six top companies are

    rank as follow as the largest to the smallest cell phone company:

    1. Nokia

    2. Samsung

    3. LG

    4. China

    5. Other

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    8- Marketing strategy:

    8.1 Geographic:World regionAsia

    CountryPakistanCitiesReach out maximum places

    8.2 Demographic:AgeAll age group

    GenderMale, Female

    IncomeAll income groups

    OccupationEvery sector

    ReligionIrrespective of religion

    8.3 Psychographic:Social classMiddle class of people

    LifestylesUrban, rural, and even far villages

    8.4 Behavioral:BenefitsQuality

    Loyalty statusStrong

    8.5 Competition:Today two brand are directly competing EMPOWER Mobile



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    9- SWOT Analysis:


    User friendly

    Long time battery

    Second position in market

    Brand availability

    Well-known brand

    Extra accessories Wi-Fi

    Wide model range

    Touch screen


    Technical weakness

    Small users

    No information in rural areas

    No awareness

    Physiological matters

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    Chance to lead the market

    Smart phone


    Local competitors

    Nokia, Q-mobile, Apple and Samsung are already prevailing in to the

    market and have captured most of the market shares. It will be difficult to

    get into the market.

    Price war

    High end consumer (Htc ,Apple ,Motorola)

    Uncertainty in the economic condition of Pakistan

    Due to intense competition

    Strong competitor

    Brand Ambassador :
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    10- Market mix of EMPOWER


    EM 1 Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby Color LCD 1.3 MP Camera Support MSN / Face book MP3 Player

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    FM Radio Voice Recorder Downloading


    Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby 2.0" TFT Screen 1.3 Mega Pixel Camera / Voice Recorder MP3 Player / MP4 Player MSN / Face book / Email / Yahoo FM Radio / FM Recording Bluetooth / GPRS / WAP / MMS

    External Memory (Support Up to 4GB) Downloading

    EM 2 Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby 2.2" TFT Screen Camera 2.0 Mega Pixel / Voice Recorder MSN / Face book / Email / Yahoo Trackball MP3 Player / MP4 Player FM Radio / FM Recording GPRS-EDGE Stereo Speaker Bluetooth / GPRS / WAP / MMS External Memory (Support Up to 8GB) Downloading

    EM 07 Made with SWAROVSKI Zirconia

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    Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby 2.4" QVGA LCD (240 x 320 Resolution) Full QWERTY keypad Camera 2.0 Mega Pixel Face book / MSN / Yahoo Messenger Twitter / Google Search Voice Recorder / Memo JAVA / Games / Schedule Private Info Protection / Audio Player (MP3, MIDI, WAV) Video Player (AVI, 3GP, MP4) 3.5mm Audio Jack USB 2.0 / PC Sync Music Player Powered by Yamaha Background Music Playback Stereo Speaker Stereo MP3 Earphone (3.5mm PIN) Bluetooth / EDGE / GPRS / WAP 2.0 Phonebook Memory 1000 SMS Memory 1000 (Excluding both SIM cards) Internal Memory 20MB External Memory (Support Up to 16 GB) Downloading / MP3 Ringtones / Wallpapers Standby Time (up to 10 Days) Talk Time (up to 5hrs)

    EM 900

    Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby 2.8" QVGA LCD (240 x 320 Resolution) Resistive Touch Screen Camera 3.0 Mega Pixel Face book / Yahoo Messenger / Skype Twitter / Mini Opera / Google Map Voice Recorder / Memo Pad / Calculator JAVA / Games / Schedule / Alarm Private Info Protection / Auto on & off Audio Player (MP3, MIDI, WAV) Video Player (AVI, 3GP, MP4) 3.5mm Audio Jack USB 2.0 / PC Sync Music Player Powered by Yamaha

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    Stereo Speaker Stereo MP3 Earphone (3.5mm PIN) FM Radio / FM Recording Bluetooth / EDGE / GPRS / WAP 2.0 / MMS Phonebook Memory 1000 SMS Memory 1000 External Memory (Support Up to 8 GB) Downloading / MP3 Ringtones / Wallpapers

    EM 008

    Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby 2.0" TFT Screen Color LCD MP3 / MP4 Player FM Radio / FM Recording Hifi Speakers Bluetooth / GPRS / WAP / MMS External Memory (Support Up to 2GB) Downloading

    EM 1025

    Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby 1.8" TFT Screen Color LCD MP3 Player FM Radio / FM Recording Powerful Torch Light Voice Recorder

    External Memory (Support Up to 2GB)

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    EM 1095

    Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby 1.8" TFT Screen Smart Camera / Voice Recorder Bluetooth / WAP / MMS / GPRS MP3 Player FM Radio / FM Recording External Memory (Support Up to 4GB) Downloading

    EM 40i

    Dual SIM Card-Dual Standby

    Slim & Full Multimedia Phone Big Screen ( Wide View ) Full Metallic Body Camera / Camcorder Bluetooth MP3 / MP4 Player FM Radio / FM Recording Voice Recorder Call Blocking System GPRS / WAP / MMS External Memory (Support Up to 4 GB)

    Downloading / MP3 Ringtones / Wallpapers


    The phones that EMPOWER Mobiles are going to produce will be sold at low

    prices (new phones can be expected to enter the market at around Rs5000+).

    EMPOWER mobilesprices will be usually competitor based, in such a way as, they

    try to keep their prices a bit lower then those of the closest competitors, but not

    as low as the "smallest" competition as consumers do not mind paying the extra

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    money for the "extra quality" they will receive with a well known brand, such as


    Also our target is to capture youth and middle class people. According to survey

    conducted people wanted a good quality product with low price and we managed

    to that. Also students cannot buy very expensive phones with their pocket money,

    so we kept that in mind and decided to enter in market with low price mobile.

    EM1 Rs 4,699 Only

    EM1i Rs 5,699 Only

    EM2 Rs 6,699 Only

    EM07 Rs 10,230 Only

    E 900 Rs 6,999 Only

    E 125 Rs 2,599 Only E 195 Rs 3,299 Only

    E 400i Rs 4,299 Only


    EMPOWER MOBILE phones will be sold at all established mobile phone

    dealerships although they will be also sold at other retailers and other electricalsuppliers. The mobiles will be only sold in the electrical suppliers and stores other

    than dedicated phone dealerships after the introductory period so the phones can

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    remain limited edition, as this will encourage younger consumers to buy them,

    some of places of dealers are as follows


    Mr. Ali

    Hafeez center

    Phone No. : 042-38715460




    AGA KHAN III ROAD, Karachi

    Phone No. : 021-32711092-4


    Mr. Fateh

    BUNGALOW NO. 638 - B,


    Phone No. : 022-3817944






    Phone No. : 091-5854524


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    Promotion is a key element of marketing program and is concerned with

    effectively and efficiently communicating the decisions of marketing strategy. It

    influences the target consumers perceptions to facilitate exchange between the

    marketer and the consumer. Some of the promotional strategies used byEMPOWER MOBILE are:

    Advertising on TV, Radio

    Direct selling

    Personal selling

    Different offers

    Motivating the channel(distributer margin)

    Gifts, who purchases any Q-Mobile phone

    12- Product profile:

    Q-Mobile announced its latestQ5 Mobile Phonethat is Dual-SIM capable and

    comes equipped with Full QWERTY Keypad with Track Ball Q5 phone has2.2-inch,320 x 240 pixels wide, 262K color capable QVGA displayand features a full

    QWERTY keypad and trackballbased navigation. It comes with 45-MB internal

    memoryand offers support for microSD slot with up to 8-GB expandable storage

    capacity allowing up to 1000 entries phonebook with 1000 SMS memory.

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    This mobile is specially design for youth, who are interested in face book, msn,

    yahoo, e-mail, e-buddy and opera browsers etc.

    Its Qwerty keypad is specially design for sms conscious people who mostly time

    need text massaging instead of phone call because one factor is low price of

    massaging pack gages offered by the telecommunication companies offered

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    13- Marketing plan:


    The population of Faisalabad on January 1st 2010 is approximately 2,513,975.

    (Extrapolated from a population of 5,080,878 in 2007 and a population of

    2,880,675 on June 8th 2010.)

    Faisalabad is thethird largest city in Pakistan afterKarachi andLahore.Before the

    foundation of the city in 1880, the area was very thinly populated. The population

    has risen from 9,171 in 1901 to 979,000 in 1951 and to 2,009,000 in 1998. The

    largerFaisalabad district had a population of about 5.4 million in 1998.

    It is an important industrial centre west of Lahore. Thecity-district of Faisalabad is

    bound on the north by the districts ofHafizabad andChiniot,on the east by

    Nankana Sahib,on the south bySahiwal,andToba Tek Singh and on the west by

    Jhang.It is 1,135 km (705 mi) fromKarachi,128 km (80 mi) fromLahore,350 km

    (220 mi) fromIslamabad/Rawalpindi,187 km (116 mi) fromBurewala,and 70 km

    (43 mi) fromJhang.

    The city is at a road and railway junction, which has played an influential role inthe development of Faisalabad's trade and economy. The surrounding

    countryside, irrigated by the LowerChenab River,has seen expanded production

    ofcotton,wheat,vegetables,andfruits,which form 25% of Pakistan's exports.

    The city is also anindustrial centre with major railway repair yards, engineering

    works, andmills thatprocess sugar,flour,andoil seed.Produce includes super

    phosphates,cotton andsilk textiles,hosiery,dyes,agricultural equipment, and

    ghee (clarified butter). Faisalabad is also the site of the prestigiousUniversity of

    Agriculture,founded in 1909.

    14- Current market situation of Faisalabad:,_Faisalabad,_Faisalabad,_Faisalabad,_Faisalabad
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    14.1Target market:

    Target market of this product Q-5 is specially youth due its Full QWERTY Keypad.

    and those other features like face book, yahoo, msn etc.

    14.2 Competition:

    Regarding Q-5 its competitors are Nokia mobile C3 which they have recently

    launched into the market of Pakistan and also other QWERTY keypad mobiles like

    Samsung chat 335.

    14.3 Customer need:

    Company must focus on those areas where youth of the Pakistan is situated like

    universities areas, playground, shopping areas etc.

    On these kind of place company can interact directly with the student and talk

    about their needs regarding cell phones. and at the spot and provide solution

    because as we know about the need of youth of the world is qwerty keypad and

    same would be youth of Pakistan. The problem is the brand which they preferred

    mostly and Nokia have already good reputation due to its function so we have tell

    the customer that EMPOWER MOBILE are also providing good quality and

    functions as well.

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    15- Product competitors in Faisalabd:




    China mobiles

    16- Strategies For Q-5:


    Strategy Change price terms or conditions for particular products accordingsituation


    Product price low and obtain maximum profit on spare parts.

    Set price at 10% below market leader.

    Reduce price of product to maximize sales (to allow increased

    production and reduce unit production cost).

    Strategy Skimming policy


    Set price of new product at level 30% about previous products.

    Sell on new revolutionary design features and benefits.

    Be prepared to reduce price as volume if competitors enter into the


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    Strategy Penetration policy


    Set low price for new product to discourage competitors from

    entering market.

    Increase turnover to level where product become profitable at this

    price level.

    Strategy Discount policy


    Strategy change channels


    Set own distribution direct to stores

    Change distribution for area

    Increase number of warehouses for product.

    Strategy improve services


    Set up national service network.


    Strategy change selling/sale force organization


    Strengthen sales force organization.

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    Introduce performance related gifts scheme for sale force.

    Recruit additional professional sales personnel.

    Increase sales effort to increase sale to major customers.

    Increase sales efforts for most profitable products.

    Strategy Change advertising/ sale promotion


    Start new advertising campaign.

    Increase company image advertisement.

    Increase advertising for the product in specific market.

    17- Review and control:

    Company will have simple friendly decision weekly monthly quarterly and annual

    reports focusingon

    Revenues and unit sales


    Customer feedback


    Market share


    Advertising budget

    Employee recruitment and termination

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    18- Contingency plan:

    Company is much afraid of current economic condition of Pakistan as the

    company is willing to increase its market share and sales in Pakistan.


    Company should contact the head office for the strategic support to

    achieve its goal.

    Company should make huge expense on advertising to retain and

    create new customer.

    Company should held maximum shows and meeting for the

    promotions and products of the company.

    Company should cut the allowances and should accommodate for

    the important designations.

    19- Observations:

    Communication skills are strong.

    More concentration on marketing concept.

    Cooperative employees.

    Strong management.

    Attractive packages.

    Positive attitudes towards outsiders.

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    Strong DMBS.

    Maximum career opportunities for employees.

    20- Marketing opportunities and issues:

    Now according to EMPOWER MOBILE they are 2nd

    one in the

    mobiles industry and the want to reach at no one position in the next 2-3 years.

    We see growth across our entire portfolio. It creates new categories that are a

    source of sales and profit growth in the future. It brings consumers into their

    stores to try new products, and it brings consumers back to their stores, where

    they can get products they trust.


    For Sales growth they need highly intensive distribution and strong


    EMPOWER MOBILE is facing competition from Nokia & China as on the

    base of different brands market share

    EMPOWER MOBILE has to maintain its difference from other brands as

    creating unique values that others are not giving with core product.

    21- Recommendations:

    Improve the software quality

    Use cut price strategy to retain the customers.

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    Provide frequency programs more and more.

    Increase its market share.

    Improve the Qwerty keypad type mobile to compete the Nokia

    N series.

    22- Conclusion:

    Company is flourishing day by day but due to the recession in Pakistan it also

    suffering. Companys strategies are very suitable. Company should invest more on

    advertising to retain its customer. Company should pay more attention to its

    issues and should review.

    23- Appendixes:

    For information we went to EMPOWER MOBILE dealers office

    Batala Colony Satiana road Faisalabad.

    We visit Mobile market kachiri Bazar to get information about

    EMPOWER MOBILEProducts. We also meet different youth groups to get more information

    about EMPOWER MOBILE particularly Q5.

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