Page 1: Elisabeth Scheller, University of Tromsø Capacity building and revitalization in practice II

Elisabeth Scheller, University of Tromsø

Capacity buildingand

revitalization in practice II

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Revitalization models ?

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Revitalization People

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A language disappears – What does it mean?

- the younger generation do not learn the language anymore

- the older and middle aged generations with good language command do not transfer the language to the younger generation anymore

- people with good language command do not use the language actively anymore

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Revitalization => to turn this process

To get the young generation:

to learn the language

to use the language actively

to transfer the language to their children

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What do the youth want?

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Example: Kildin Saami

The older and middle aged generations –

reasons for, that their language is disappearing:- low status

- discrimination and stigmatization

- no legal language rights

- no support from the government

- the officials “work against” the Saami language

- no support from the Saami leaders

- no money for teaching materials

- no money for language courses

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“The youth is not interested in learning and using the language.”

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Ignorance of the fact that:

The older and middle aged generation

do not transfer the language

to their children and grandchildren


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Excuses to divert the attention from the own

personal responsibility:

The responsibility is put on:- the state / government

- the school and day nursery

- language courses

- media and literature

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The language is owned by a group of older and middle aged “language specialists”

-drive language maintenance

-work out and publish teaching materials

-work out language teaching methods

-teach the language on courses and at school

-write and publish literature

-do radio programs and transmissions

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Almost all measures to maintain the language

are done from the perspective of

the middle aged and older generation.

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- teaching materials and teaching methods: only for children

- literature: poems, traditional folklore, fairy tales

- radio programs: for middle aged and older generations

- language used mainly in folklore performances and in traditional domains (reindeer herding, handycraft)

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No focus on



people younger than 35 years old!

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1) The older generation criticises:-the youth (no lang. command, no interest to learn the lang., passive)

-the middle aged generation (bad lang. command, no interest to use the lang., passive)

2) The middle aged generation criticises:-the youth (no lang. command, no interest to learn the lang., passive)

-the older generation (to critical, no interest to teach and to transfer the lang., passive)

3) The youth criticises:-the older generation (to critical, no interest to teach and to transfer the lang.,


-the middle aged generation (to critical, no interest to teach and to transfer the lang.,


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No communication


No cooperation

between the generations

myths and prejudices

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*Problems of a minority community:

-personal conflicts


-complex hierarchy of power

*Social and economic problems

-rivalry / competition about the resources / money

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Language revitalization:for the Kola Saami community – a completely new matter

A new group of language activists:

- no “traditional specialists”

- middle aged potential language users

- most of them have no higher education

- most of them do not work professional with the language (no teachers)

- work actively also without earning money

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- alternative methods of language transmission

- teaching materials for youth and adults

- mobilization of the active and passive language users

- trying to brake the barriers between the generations – establish cooperation and understanding

- trying to find ways to come over the psychological barriers to speak and use the language actively

- cooperation with the schools, day nurseries, officials

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Focus on:

- the youth – not only children

- teaching for beginners

- teaching for people with passive language knowledge

- training in active language use

(functional bi-/multilingualism)

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Natural active language use and language transmission to future generations

To find modern domains there the language can be used naturally

To “sell” the language to the youth.

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plans to establish a language centre

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The researcher in a language community

ethical matters

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A language does not exist isolated.

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the presence of a researcher

in a language community

will affect the community

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Researcher <=> Community member

outsider insider

not natural? involvement in language revitalization natural?

not enough? knowledge about the language community enough?

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How to behave as a researcher

in a language community?

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Researcher’s responsibility:

• to do their work and their results accessible for the language community

• compensate the work of their informants

• protect the informants and eventually sensitive information

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But how can we do this in a right way?

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Paying the informants for their work –

is that ethical correct?

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What consequences could this have for

the future documentation- and

revitalization work?

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If not money – what should the researcher give back to the language community?

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• materials (copies of recordings, photos, etc.)

• research results - accessible and understandable for “normal” people (articles, booklets, presentations etc.)

• competency: courses and seminaries – but: special designed for the language community and their interests!

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The researcher should never forget:

We work with and for people!

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How can the researcher help the language community to build up language

revitalization competency?

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=> find out:

• What do the people / the community members want?

• Do they really want to revitalize their language?

• If “yes”, how do they want to revitalize it?

• What barriers and problems does exist? (Why people don’t not speak? Why people don’t want to write? Why

people don't like the language specialists?)

• What knowledge do the language community need from the researcher?

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It is not possible to revitalize a language without the wish and activity of the

members of the language community!

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=> Responsibility of the outsiders who try to help

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• ”western” revitalization models have to be adapted to the local conditions and to the conditions of the language community

• people have to revitalize their language by themselves and establish their own institutions adapted to the local conditions

• good intentions to help can get a negative influence on the language revitalization process

• if a project is started – important to follow it up and to finish it