Download ppt - Electocity



By: Carolina Pardo

Turn 1



Here is the beginninng of the game.

As you can see everything is clear!

Turn 30


In this turn I have inserted one farmland, two wind farm and one camp ground.

The farms are very good because they increase our population. But it use electrocity and it has impacts on the environment that´s why I have to be very careful.

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrónS egundo nivelT ercer nivelC uarto nivelel

Turn 60


In this turn I have only added one small coal plant.

The coal plants are good because they are relatively cheap to build.The not-so-good is that it requires coal renewable resource.


Turn 90


Wow ! Here I have put many things.

I have got two mores farmlands and one rich farm.

The rich farms are good because they are areas of intensive farming which produce lots of food.

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrónSegundo nivelTercer nivelCuarto nivelnivel

Turn 120

More, more and more ….

Here I have built one more small coal plant. And I am finishing something (a beach)



Turn 150

Finally!! Everything is over, I finished !!
