Download pdf - EE271_Lab1_Group06

  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06





    LAB 01An Introduction to Mod!in"# Vri!o"#

    $nd R$! %or!d Di"it$! &$rt'

    Grou( )*+ L Vng Thi Trn Quc Trung Trn Bo Tin

    C!$''+ 12ECE

    &$rt 1+

    ,Sourc cod++ testBench.

  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06


    module testBench;

    // wires connect things together

    wire lesseq, a, b, c, d;

    Comparator myComp (lesseq, a, b, c, d);

    TestModule myTester (a,b,c,d, lesseq);


    + Co!"#r#tor.module Comparator(lesseq, a, b, c, d);

    parameter delay = !

    output lesseq; // "uputs# lesseq

    input a, b ,c, d; // $nputs# to compare, ab and


    and %delay and(term!, notC, not&);

    and %delay and'(term, a,b);

    and %delay and(term', a, c, not&);

    and %delay and(term, b, notC);

    and %delay and*(term, a, notC);

    not %delay in+!(notC, c);

    not %delay in+(not&,d);

    or %delay or(lesseq, term!, term, term', term, term);

    endmodule //close Comparator module

    + Test$o%u&e.

    module TestModule (a,b,c,d, lesseq); // declare test module

    // &eclare +ariables#

    input lesseq; // Module inputs

    output a, b, c, d; // Module outputs

    parameter stim&elay = *; // &elay between generating


    reg a, b, c, d; // regs or setting +alues

    or chec-ing outputs

    // a +ariable must be o type

    reg in order to// assign a +alue to it

    initial // this initial bloc- assigns

    begin // +alues to the designated


    a = !;

    b = !;

    c = !;

    d = !;


    initial // this initial bloc- will

    apply the test +ectors

  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06


    begin // begin initial loop

    display(0C1"C23t3t $456T7 3t3t "6T56T3t3tT$M80);

    display(099a99 3t 99b993t 99c993t99d993t 99lesseq993t3t9999990);

    monitor(0 :b 3t :b 3t :b 3t :b 3t3t :b0


    // The ollowing is our test code or test +ectors

    // begin a second bloc- to perorm the simulation

    repeat (') // repeat this process

    twice or illustration

    begin // begin a,b,c,d? = !; // a=!, b=!, c=!, d=!

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = ; // a=!, b=!, c=!, d=

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = '; // a=!, b=!, c=,

    d=!%stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = ; // a=!, b=!, c=, d=

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = ; // a=!, b=, c=!, d=!

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = *; // a=!, b=, c=!, d=

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = @; // a=!, b=, c=, d=!

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = A; // a=!, b=, c=, d=

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = ; // a=, b=!, c=!, d=!

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = ; // a=, b=!, c=!, d=

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = !; // a=, b=!, c=, d=!

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = ; // a=, b=!, c=, d=

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = '; // a=, b=, c=!, d=!

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = ; // a=, b=, c=!, d=

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = ; // a=, b=, c=, d=!

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = *; // a=, b=, c=, d=

    end // close the a,b,c,d? = !; // a=!, b=!, c=!, d=!

    %stim&elay >a,b,c,d? = !; // a=, b=!, c=, d=!


    %('Fstim&elay); // needed to see 84& o


    stop; // temporarily stops


    // goto Gerilog interacti+e


    // need to type or


    inish; // inish simulation

    end // close second initial loop

    endmodule // close test9module

  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06


    - .u'tion'+1. 'r#( # &ogic %i#gr#! using the &ogic g#tes th#t (ere use% to )ui&% the %igit#& circuit in the

    Veri&og source co%e. *se the s#!e sign#& n#!es in%ic#te% in the source co%e. *se ,'- /- #n%,T g#tes.

    2. 'r#( the truth t#)&e 0or this circuit. Looing #t the (#e0or! 0ro! our si!ution !# he&". truth t#)&e 0or # &ogic circuit h#s #n in"ut si%e #n% #n out"ut si%e. The in"ut si%e &ists #&& o0 the"ossi)&e in"ut co!)in#tions to the circuit #n% the out"ut si%e &ists the #&ue3s4 o0 the out"ut3s4 0ore#ch in"ut co!)in#tion. 5igure 6 )e&o( sho(s the &ogic s!)o& #n% #ssoci#te% truth t#)&e 0or #n

    ,' g#te. The &e0t h#n% si%e o0 the truth t#)&e e)or#tes #&& 6 "ossi)&e in"ut co!)in#tions #n%the right h#n% si%e gies the corres"on%ing out"ut.A B C D Term1 Term2 Term3 Term4 Term5 lesseq

    0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

    0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

    0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

    0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

    1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1

    1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

    1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

    1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

    1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

    1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 11 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

    1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

    7. 8hen ou run the si!ution. 'oes the out"ut o0 the Veri&og "rogr#! #gree or %is#gree (ithour truth t#)&e9

    The output of the er!lo" pro"r#m $!s#"rees %!th m& truth t#'le(

    Be)#use there #re $el#& t!me !* pro)ess( Del#& + 10 t!me u*!t ,!*!t!#l- #*$ st!m$el#& + 15 t!me


  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06


    6. :&e#se e;"in the #""#rent& incorrect or%er in (hich the resu&ts in the out"ut &og #re "rinte%&itch? "rints.Be)#use the t!me $el#&. the /#lue of output lesseq !s %he* ,A+0.B+0.C+0.D+0- #*$ lesseq !s

    $!ffere*t from truth t#'le %he* the /#lues of A.B.C.D !*)re#s!*"(

    pe)!f!)#ll&. %he* the output l!*e Pro$u)!*" l!t)h pr!*ts. the /#lue of lesseq !s set to 1 %he*

    ,A+0.B+0.C+0.D+0-(A*$ #fter th#t %he* ,A+0.B+1.C+0.D+1- the /#lue of lesseq )h#*"e repe#tl&

    ,from 0 to 1-(

    @. Ch#nge the #&ue o0 the %e in the "rogr#! 0ro! 1A to A. /erun the si!ution. 'oes theout"ut o0 the Veri&og "rogr#! #gree or %is#gree (ith our truth t#)&e9 :&e#se e;"in #n%i00erences.he* the $el#& t!me !s 0. the output of er!lo" pro"r#m #"ree %!th m& truth t#'le(

    he* the output l!*e Pro$u)!*" l!t)h pr!*ts. there #re 6ust 3 /#lues $!spl#&. #*$ !t !s the s#me %!th

    truth t#'le

    A*other $!ffere*t po!*ts !s %he* the $el#& t!me !s 0. the output )h#*"e there st#tus from 0 to 1 /er&

    qu!)7l& #*$ #lmost !mme$!#tel&(

  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06


    L!*e lesseq )h#*"e from 1 to 0 #*$ 0 to 1 /er& f#st

    . Ch#nge the %e in the "rogr#! )#c to 1A ti!e units. Ch#nge the sti!'e in the test!o%u&e to @ ti!e units. 8h#t #00ect %oes this ch#nge h#e on the out"uts o0 our si!ution9The outputs %!ll $el#& for # lo*" t!me

    . 8h#t #%#nt#ges #re there to using # "rogr#! &ie Veri&og9 ,#!e three or !ore.8 9ree

    8 oo$ user !*terf#)e

    8 Po%erful s!mul#t!o*

    #/eform of the output er!lo" %!th t!me $el#& + 0

    #/eform of the output er!lo" %!th t!me $el#& + 10

    #/eform of the output er!lo" %!th t!me $el#& + 10 #*$ st!mDel#& + 5

  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06


    &$rt 2+

    1. co" the Veri&og source co%e 0or the $u&ti5unction Logic B&oc- the test)ench-#n% the tester.

    + The testermodule TestModule (781,781',,B, 781,781',,B? = ;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ';

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ; %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = *;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = @;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = A;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = !;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ';

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = ;

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = *;

    end // close the

  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06


    // we use the speciic 78D684C8 o e+ents to cause a glitch 9 were there others


    display(05roducing Elitch0);

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = !; // a=!, b=!, c=!, d=!

    %stim&elay >781,781',,B? = !; // a=, b=!, c=, d=!


    %('Fstim&elay); // needed to see 84& o simulationstop; // temporarily stops simulation

    // goto Gerilog interacti+e mode

    // need to type or Hinish;H

    inish; // inish simulation

    end // close second initial loop

    endmodule // close test9module

    + testBench

    module testBench;

    // wires connect things together


  • 7/26/2019 EE271_Lab1_Group06
