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Page 2: Editing images

So for my first advertising campaign I used a blushed chrome photo effect with a dark blue slogan to make the advert look cool and with the bright red British Heart Foundation logo. So for this picture I changed the image levels to try and make my overall picture blush chrome. And then I changed the Photo Filter Density

to 25%. Then I used the layer style tool to make my Slogan. To make this picture get even better effect I picked up the channel mixer to mix about the colours to make it how I wanted the picture to turn out.

Page 3: Editing images
Page 4: Editing images

I have made this advert a black and white one as the contrast blends well with the red slogan and red British Heart Foundation logo. And I have used special effect on my models to make them stand out in the black

and white noir themed advertisement. I have worked really hard to try and make my campaign advertisement, appealing to Fashion and my audience. I changed the curves to 1.25 to try and make it

square but make the curves look well to be in line with my advert. I also changed the layer style to be only out glow and keep my Red with a white outline making the campaign stand out with my photograph

Page 5: Editing images
Page 6: Editing images

So for this overall images in each screen grab I first changed the Brightness to -7 and the contrast to 17 And then for the layer style I changed it to Obesity to 100% and made my text white with no styles.

I then changed the photo filter to density to 19% and also wanted to change the Hue/Saturations to Hue: +3, and kept the saturation 0 and also the lightness 0. I also changed the HDR toning colour saturation +24 and

the edge glow radius to 1 px. I kept the strength the same. I changed the Colour Saturation to +24, giving the image a blue effect last but not least to finish of my photo for my advertising campaign I finished it with the

tool Vibrance to + 12 and the saturation +44