Page 1: Echo Issue 39 - · Autumn 2014 Issue No. 39 Editorial Policy We welcome your news, views and articles of interest, provided they are not anonymous, libellous or offensive


EchoA voice for everyone in Elton and Gratton

Autumn 2014 Issue No. 39

Editorial Policy

We welcome your news, views andarticles of interest, provided they arenot anonymous, libellous oroffensive. Views expressed are notnecessarily those of the editorialteam. Items may be condensedwhere necessary.

News items, for sale/wanted advertsand announcements are free toParish residents. For businessadvertising rates please contactJohn Wellington 650857.

If you would like to join the editorialteam please contact one of us.

Diary DatesSeptember4 Parish Council meeting 7.30pm VH11 WI 7.30pm VH Steven White - The Old Pubs of Winster12 Quiz Night 7.30pm VH13 Church Annual Gift Day16 ELHG 7.30pm VH25 Gardening Club 7.30pm VH - Derek Sherratt - Gardening for Bees

October2 Parish Council meeting 7.30pm VH9 WI 7.30pm VH - AGM10 Quiz Night 7.30pm VH23 Gardening Club 7.30pm VH - Hilary Hutton - Going Native

November1 Concert in Church 7.30pm - Partita Ensemble6 Parish Council meeting 7.30pm VH13 WI 7.30pm VH Nagarita Henderson - Growing up on a Tropical Island14 Quiz Night 7.30pm VH18 ELHG 7.30pm VH27 Gardening Club 7.30pm VH - Pauline Pears - Seed Saving

December4 Parish Council meeting 7.30pm VH7 Christmas Tree Lights turning on 6pm11 WI 7.30pm VH - Christmas Party12 Quiz Night 7.30pm VH

For all other church events see page 3

Weekly eventsGentle Keep Fit every Wednesday at 6.30pmin Village Hall. Contact Anne Wellington 650857

Tea/Coffee & Toast in Church - everyThursday 10.30am - 12..00pm

Fortnightly eventsThe Eltonians (the over 60’s group) meetevery other Wednesdays at 2pm in the VillageHall. Contact Mike Musgrave on 650293 fordetails.

Grey Bin & Food Caddy CollectionEvery other Wednesday - from 3rd SeptemberBlue & Green Bin & Food Caddy CollectionEvery other Wednesday - from 10th September

Mobile Library - see back page

Echo Editorial TeamJohn Moseley 650760John Wellington 650857Faith Johnson 650760Please send us your news, views,stories and diary events (forDecember, January, February andMarch) no later than:-

Next Copy DateMonday - 3rd November 2014

to: John Wellington Stride Cottage, Main Street, Elton.

Preferably by email in MSWord to:[email protected]

All Saints Church, Elton

Annual Gift DaySaturday 13th September

Art & Craft display

History Group display

Old Musical Instrument display

See the Bell Ringers at workand have a go yourself

Hand Bells and Organ “toots” for the children

Refreshments available all day

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Parish Councillors

John Moseley Chair 650760Colin Swindell Vice Chair 650672Cath Dawe 650649Jonathan Snodgrass 650489Chris Hirst 650217Nigel Mason 650440

All correspondence to the Clerk:Janice Jackson Tel: 6507278 Bradley CloseBirchoverDE4 2BG

Village News and Views

District CouncillorColin Swindell 01629 650672

County CouncillorSimon Spencer 01335 324324

Member of ParliamentPatrick McLoughlin,Derbys West Constituency Office 01332 558125


The Parish Council has been made aware that the fireworks at the Elton Beer Festival onthe evening of Saturday 2 August 2014, which was organised by the Jubilee FieldCommittee, caused some distress. We suggest that in the future anyone planning a publicfirework display in the village should notify livestock holders in the area personally and ingood time and also advertise the date and time of the display to all Elton residents so thatthey can take due precautions.

A letter concerning this event was found in the Parish Council section of the noticeboard.This letter was not placed there nor is it endorsed by Elton Parish Council.

Councillors Corner

Elton’s Mobile Library Service

As you might be aware, the funding that Derbyshire County Council receives from the government isbeing significantly reduced and the authority is expected to make £157 million worth of savings by2018. As a result, the County Council is now looking at how it can continue to provide local servicesfor less. In some cases services will have to be run differently, some will be reduced and othersstopped altogether. One service that will be affected is the Mobile Library service and this has led toa number of local residents contacting me to raise their concerns about its future.

A consultation on the future of mobile library services has just ended and I put forward mycomments on behalf of those local residents who contacted me about this. In my response I told theCounty Council how the much the service is valued by people in Elton and Winster and howimportant it is to keep such facilities in remote rural areas.

Following the consultation, it looks highly likely that the mobile library will continue to visit Elton, butinstead of visiting every fortnight it will only visit every four weeks. The number of stops in thevillage will also be reduced from three to one. Should the proposals go-ahead, the van will stop onlyoutside the Duke of York. I know that some residents may be disappointed or inconvenienced bythis, but considering the circumstances I feel we are lucky to be keeping the service whereas otherareas will not.

I will continue to keep an eye out for future service cut-backs and, where Elton is affected, I will dowhat I can to maintain our services.

Continued on page 4

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3 Village News and Views

The glorious summer is past; the nights are beginning to draw in, theautumn colours hinted at just now, will soon be ablaze in all their glory. Ilove autumn- if it’s a crisp proper autumn. I find myself recalling one ofthe few poems form my school days that I actually learnt:

SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness! Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

With a sweet kernel; to set budding more, And still more, later flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease, For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells (Keats)

It’s also the time when we prepare for our harvest festival, a chance to give thanks to God for both the glories of thesummer and the rich harvest that we have received. My apple tree has been laden this year and as I’ve travelled aroundour lanes I’ve seen fields full of grain.

However our news reminds us daily that though we may have much to be thankful for, there are many around the worldthat do not have such luxury. Many who have been displaced because of fighting, many who have lost family and homes,and many who are now refugees. Perhaps in our thankfulness we can be prepared to not only pray but to give to aidagencies seeking to help those in need. Nearer to home our harvest collection will go to the Padley centre in Derby whichseeks to feed and shelter the homeless, and of course week by week we collect food for the Jigsaw project- a food bankbased in Matlock but feeding many in need across the Dales.

All Saints Church

Team Rector: Canon David Truby 824707Church Warden: John Spreadborough 650829 Anne Wellington 650857

Monthly Services1st Sunday 9.30am Book of Common Prayer2nd Sunday 6.00pm Sanctuary3rd Sunday 9.30am Parish Eucharist4th Sunday 6.00pm Evensong5th Sunday Where this occurs, we will joinwith the Methodists. Please refer to churchnotice board for details.

13th September - Gift Day at All Saints’ Church – 11am– 4pm - Refreshments, exhibitions, the tower will beopen and a demonstration of the new pipe organ.  Allare welcome.

21st September at Derby Cathedral – at 6pm Evensong- John Spreadborough from Elton, will be licensed as aReader.  All welcome.

10th October in the school – at 6pm Harvest Supper(bring and share)

12th October at 6pm - Harvest Festival in church.  Withthe Wirksworth Music Group and followed byrefreshments.

26th October at 6pmAll Souls’ Service – during which we remember thosewhom we have lost.

1st November at 7.30pm in churchThe Partita Ensemble returns to Elton – enjoy a glass ofwine while listening to early music

9th November at 10.45amService of Remembrance

Sunday 7th December at 6pm – switching on theChristmas lights

Sunday 21st December at 6pm – Lessons and Carols bycandlelight

Christmas Eve – at 4pm – The Crib Service.  Followedby mulled wine and mince pies!

Christmas Day at 8am – The Book of Common PrayerCommunion Service

New Year’s Eve at 11.45pm – meet at the church forAuld Lang Syne ... the bells will be rung


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4 Village News and Views

Review of Bins

Derbyshire Dales District Council is currently carrying out a review of its litter and dog waste binsacross the Dales. Like everyone else, the District Council has to make cut-backs in order to continueproviding services, so it is looking at where they can remove bins that are used very little or reducethe number of bins where there are several near to each other.

Having looked at the review, it is my understanding that Elton will keep all of its litter and dog wastebins with the exception of the one at East End which has appeared in the bus shelter. There is someconfusion about where this bin has come from, but I am asking the District Council not to remove it.

Over the years, I have received lots of requests for new litter bins and dog waste bins in areaswhere littering and dog fouling is a daily problem. The Council have stressed that no new bins are tobe installed in the future due to the need to reduce costs. Where dog fouling is a problem, they haveasked me to make sure residents know that dog waste is now accepted in ordinary litter bins, aslong as it is collected and secured in a bag.

Bakewell Splash Pool

In recent months there has been a lot of local media attention surrounding the future of thechildren’s splash pool in Bakewell. It all started some months back when a small number of residentsliving next to the Bakewell Recreation Grounds made a formal complaint to the District Council aboutthe noise of ‘screaming’ children. As a result of the complaints, in June the Council reduced theoperating hours of the facility. Shortly after, a number of parents from Elton and Winstercomplained, as they felt it was unfair on their children who wanted to enjoy the facility during thesummer holidays and the hot weather.

At a Council meeting in July, a debate was held on this issue. Numerous ideas were put forward totry and resolve the matter, including moving the splash pool and putting up a sound proof barrierbetween the recreational ground and the neighbouring properties. All of these proposals, however,were not possible or affordable. During the debate I also raised concerns about the dangers ofchildren now using the river as an alternative way to cool-off in the heat.

In the end, despite my sympathy for the complainants, I seconded and voted for a motion thatwould reinstate the original operating hours of the splash pool. I also asked for continued andimproved dialogue with the complainants to find a solution to the problem.

The splash pool hours have now been reinstated to 7 days a week.

Elton Street Party

I had hoped to hold the Elton Street Party as usual on the August Bank Holiday Monday. Due to anumber of things being unavailable on the day and with little time left to organise everything, I haveregrettably had to make the decision to postpone it. I will try to rearrange this if I can. As always,any help is welcome!

Continued on page 10

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5 Village News and Views


June proved to be a very busymonth. On the 12th members ofRowsley WI came for theirannual joint meeting and we alsohad a surprise visit from ourCounty President, ChrissieBooth. The speaker was GillSprakes assisted by her husbandwho followednup last year's talkon spinning and weaving woolwith a talk on dyeing. After ashort history of dyeing methods,she explained the process usingdyes from plants showing ussome surprising colours sheobtained. This was followed by atempting buffet supper providedby members and muchappreciated by our visitors.

The following week it was Elton'sturn to organise the group walk.Members from, Darley Dale,Whatstandwell, Starkholmes,Matlock and Rowsley chosebetween a circular walk roundRobin Hood Stride led by IrisWright or a history walk aroundthe village led by Lynn Burnet.Weatherwise it was a perfectsummer evening. Afterwardsthey all had good appetites toenjoy the refreshments weprovided.

On the 24th a small group of uswent to Tissington to receive theWI baton which has beentravelling round the country inpreparation for the Centenary in2015 of the founding of the WIin this country. Once again wehad lovely weather. This was

followed by a conducted tour ofthe gardens of Tissington Hallled by Sir Richard Fitzherbertand then a strawberry cream teaprovided by Tissington WI.

A small number of us were outfor a very enjoyable walk againin July this time on StantonMoor. Jane Dear led the walkalong some of the less well-known paths again on a lovelyevening. Supper was booked atthe Druid in Birchover.

This month (August) we lookforward to an illustrated talk onEyam given by Tony Wood whilein September we invite you tojoin us for a talk on "The OldPubs of Winster" by StevenWhite.

Gentle Keep Fit

If you are one of those peoplewho know they are not gettingenough exercise why not comealong to the Village Hall onWednesdays at 6.30pm for an

The service is located at:The School House, Elton Primary School,

Main Street, Elton

Opening timesEvery Thursday between 1:45pm and 3:45pm

Services include:Postal services, stamps, pensions, benefits, council tax & bill payments,

Plus car tax & cash withdrawals

(Some services may be subject to change)

Outreach Service, Elton

hour’s workout (nothing toohard). Exercise is beneficialfor good health and at just£3.00 per session this is verygood value.For more details contactAnne Wellington on 650857.

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6 Village News and Views

Want to see family and friendswithout the hassle?

Homestead FarmB&B and Self-catering Cottage

Book them in with Jean or Alan Carson

Tel. 650359

The Secret @ Peak

exclusive apartment on Harthill Moor, nr. Alport and Elton.S/c, sleeps 2-4 +double chaise-longue.

2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1 Wetroom.Week-ends, mid-week, full week breaks, short-term lets.

Open all year.Total seclusion as ONLY 1 apartment.

No intrusions, no noise ( only the birds and the cows )....Take your watch off ...relax....feel the peace...

Perfect idyll for walkers, cyclists, climbers, [email protected].. M 07837 725 337


Elton Cricket Club are once again the undisputed Kings of the evening cricket league. Their recentdomination of the Longstone League continued in 2014 when they secured the league title for noless than the sixth time in the last seven seasons.

Team spirit and consistency were much in evidence as quickfire victories over Ashford, Calver andLongstone were achieved during a packed final week of the league season. This gave Elton anunassailable lead. Stanton finished in the runners-up spot.

Just 48 hours after receiving confirmation that they were league champions, Elton went one better– achieving the much coveted league and cup double when they chased down a challenging total tosee off Matlock in the Longstone League Cup final.

Our cricket club have traditionally relied on home grown talent and never was this more in evidencethan in 2014 with no fewer than nine of Elton’s regular league side this season having attended EltonSchool. This is a remarkable statistic denoting a true village team and the standard they haveachieved is all the more noteworthy for it. It is one thing to have a winning side but to have awinning side packed with Elton lads is quite another.

Of all the games played in 2014, the Cup Final against Matlock must take pride of place. The gamewas played on a balmy Friday evening at Great Longstone cricket ground. Elton faced a very strongMatlock side laden with players who ply their trade week in week out in the first division of theDerbyshire County League. Matlock batted first and batted very well. Their total of 145 in 15 oversappeared extremely challenging and would require Elton to bat as never before to carry off the cup.And that is just what they did. To the delight of their travelling support, Elton overtook the Matlocktotal with only one wicket lost and with a full over to spare! This was heady stuff indeed.

I remember writing after Elton beat the same opponents in the 2009 Orme Shield final that, takinginto account the importance of that occasion and the quality of the opposition, that that victory wasalmost certainly Elton’s finest hour. In fact both those same factors prevailed this year and, takinginto account the wider margin of the victory this time, the 2014 achievement might even havesurpassed 2009. For sure - it was another remarkable chapter in the remarkable story that is EltonCricket Club.

John Stone

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7 Village News and Views


Over 40 years experienceworking on properties in ELTON

and surrounding areas.No VAT on labour charges.For more information ring

Don on 01246 206646Mob: 07879498026 or

Email [email protected]

A letter from Glyn Yates

Dear all,

I would like to thank all the people who offered to help to find my dog ‘Scruff’ after she bolted onthe night of the Beer Festival. There are too many to mention by name, but Alan Dakin, John andJulie Stone and Colin Swindell, who had the good grace to knock on our door and went looking forScruff on his own, were a great help and their efforts will not be forgotten.

I went to take Scruff away from the fireworks at 10:50, but as I opened the door a huge flash andexplosion went off and she ran past me before I could grab her. I chased her as far as Stone Footwithout success. She kept going in fear and panic for 3.5 miles, before running out of steam goingtowards Cromford down Via Gellia. She was picked up by a wonderful couple from Clay Cross, whotook her home and cared for her until police and dog carers along with themselves, identified heras our dog. I fetched her home on Sunday night. May I apologise to residents of Elton whosebackyards were visited by myself in the early hours of Sunday morning. I’m sure you wouldunderstand and not mind.

I found out [ ] on Friday night and having stock in my field worth over £8,000,plus two miniature ponies we are taking care of. I went to see [ ]and asked him not to go ahead with the display, he moved 100m across the field and the rest ishistory. Any animals within 1000sq/m would be frightened by the noise, velocity and flashes fromthe fireworks. What was the reasoning of a display like that….



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8 Village News and Views

PEAK PRE-SCHOOL(formally Winster Pre-school)

Welcomes children from age 2yrs to school age to a warm and friendly environment.Monday to Thursday term time only.

We are OFSTED approved anda member of the Early Years Partnership.

Government Funded places availablefor 3 and 4 year olds

We are registered for 10 places.However, for 2014/2015 spaces are already limited due to high demand.

In order to secure a place for your child for 2014/15 please contactCathy Banks on07799084244 (6.30 - 8pmTues evenings only) to register.

Registered Charity No. 1035604

Art Class  in Youlgrave tutored by Diane Kettle BA Hons, Fine Art, Cert Ed.

I am starting a new art class in Youlgrave on a Wednesday morning from 10am till 12noon.   It will be held in the Youlgrave Reading Room starting on the 17th September.

This will be a general art class and the topics and skills covered over subsequent weekswill include drawing with pencils, graphite, inks, charcoal, water-colour pencils, oilpastels, soft pastels, water-colours, acrylics, collage, mono printing, some 3D work.,mixed media. The tuition will be tailored to suit your own needs.

If you are not already a member of this class please bring for your first session acartridge paper sketch book (or computer paper) a soft pencil, 4B ish and a rubber.

The cost for a 10 week term is £40

If you wish to discuss your own needs and interests or to book a place, please phoneDiane Kettle on 01629 636763.

Do leave a message if I am unable to answer and I will call you back.

Thank you from the Churchwardens

We would like to offer a huge thank you to everyone who joinedthe two working parties we held in June and August where we

were able to clear the rubbish and overgrown vegetation behindthe front wall and the wall bordering Well Street. Thanks also go

to those who removed all the bags of rubbish that we filled.Well done to everyone.

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9 Village News and Views

Elton Jubilee Field

Update on the New Pavilion

Just a quick update to keep everyone in the loop regarding the latest developments on the newpavilion. This year we have successfully installed water and electricity supplies to the new buildingand work is now underway on the veranda. With funds raised over the winter months through thesoup kitchens we hope to finance the next stage which will be to lay the floor.

The soup kitchens have been well supported by locals and walkers and, as well as a fundraiser, theyhave provided a valuable social venue for the community. We would like to thank everybody whohas attended or donated funds.

Beer Festival

This year we celebrated our 10th Annual Elton Beer Festival and the total raised was over £4,100and we would like to thank our generous sponsors, volunteer helpers and anyone who attended andsupported the event.

Over the years the Beer Festivals have raised a staggering total of well over £40,000 for Jubilee Fieldfunds. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone past and present for making ithappen.

By way of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Beer Festival, a generous benefactor kindlydonated fireworks for display on the evening. Although they were enjoyed by festival goers and anumber of locals, it is our understanding that they unwittingly caused some upset to severalresidents, however much we tried to accommodate their concerns and moved the display withpermission to an adjacent empty field. The Field Committee Trustees offer their apologies to anyresidents for any distress the fireworks may have caused. In hindsight, prior warning would havebeen beneficial to village residents and those with animals and livestock. This is the policy that thecommittee will adopt for future events.


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ben Yates for his contribution to mowing theJubilee Field throughout the Summer months. As the council have reduced it's mowing of the field,Ben has been a tremendous help and the field has never looked better.

Interested in joining the 100 Club?There are now a few free numbers available.

If you would like to be part of this monthly cash prize drawContact Cath Dawe on 650649

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10 Village News and ViewsWinster Village Shopa: Main Street, Winster, Matlock DE4 2DJt: 01629 650 683e: [email protected]

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 8am-7pm and Sunday 8am-6pm

Keeping it local!

At Winster Shop we like to stock local produce wherever we can. Selling local goods means that ourcustomers know they are buying quality fresh produce and, at the same time, supporting localbusiness and jobs. Although we already stock a wide range of local goods, we want to do more.

So, we are asking our customers to tell us about local suppliers who might want to supply goods tothe shop. Perhaps we already stock an item that we could be buying locally or maybe you know ofa new product that is supplied locally that we should be selling. Do you have goods that you wouldlike to supply to the shop? If so, please let us know.

Just recently, a suggestion was put forward about stocking locally brewed real ales. As a result, theshop is now selling bottled ales by the Brampton Brewery. We hope that those real ale drinkers outthere will sample a few and tell us what you think.

As well as buying goods from people within the community we also receive many kind donations ofthings to sell. We are always pleased to accept things such as surplus fruit and vegetables grown inthe gardens and allotments around Elton and Winster. Remember, all money made from the sale ofyour donations goes back into the shop and benefits your community.

The staff and volunteers at Winster Shop are always happy to hear your suggestions about whatgoods or services the shop can provide. So, please pop in the shop to tell us or use the contact detailsabove.

Please remember, Elton residents can always telephone Winster shop for a one home delivery andwe will do our best to get to you on the same day.

Colin SwindellManagerWinster Village Shop

Can I help you?

I am always here to help in any way I can. If you are in need of help, have an issue of concern orknow of a problem that needs fixing, please contact me. My contact details are below. If I can’thelp you, I will always try to point you in the right direction.

Thank you

Colin SwindellDistrict CouncillorWinster and South Darley Ward

Continued from page 4

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I was recently introduced to a rather distinguished but very elderly gentleman at a gathering in Matlock.Within a few minutes of starting our chat it was apparent that we had met before. Our previous contacthad taken place some forty years earlier in Bakewell Town Hall in rather unusual circumstances. Hewas Mr G D A Walford who until his retirement some years earlier had served as the Clerk to BakewellRural District Council. Its rather a long time ago now but this is my recollection of what happened atthe time.

It was the Spring of 1973 and I was at home in Ivy Lane on study leave preparing for exams whenJoan Andrews (Auntie Joan to me) called to ask a favour on behalf of Eddie Boam. Eddie was her nextdoor neighbour at Croft Farm (which stretched from an entrance in Main Street up to the top gate offBack Lane) and which he operated for many years with his brother George.

Along with such distinguished Elton names as Henry Carson, Tom Andrews, Royce Carson and theformer headteacher Nobby Buxton, Eddie had been a regular on Elton Parish Council for some yearsbut had left it to the last minute to submit his nomination forms to enable him to serve another term.The completed paperwork had to be at Bakewell by noon that day. Unfortunately he also needed thesignatures of a proposer and seconder. Auntie Joan had agreed to go down to Bakewell with Eddieand ‘as I was free’ she wanted me to make up the numbers. My studying was not going quite asplanned so I remember being rather grumpy about agreeing to give up what I was assured would belittle more than one hour of my time.

And so at 11.15 that morning we set off in Eddie’s van – Joan in the front passenger seat – me on astraw bale in the back of a vehicle which, judging by its general state and strong aroma, had been usedfor transporting farm animals in the very recent past and had not been cleaned since. Cow muck onmy jeans did little to improve my mood.

It was a Monday morning so Eddie, of all people, should not have been surprised by the traffic delaysinto Bakewell at that time but he certainly seemed taken aback. Of course, this was a time when thelivestock market was in Bakewell town centre. There were cattle trucks everywhere and by the timewe had found a parking position and made our way to the Town Hall, time was pressing. I suppose itwas about 11.50 when the man we now know as Mr Walford presented Eddie with duplicate forms(Eddie had apparently mislaid the originals) and left us to it. Joan and I had merely to sign our namesbut Eddie had all sorts of details to enter on the forms. Without being too unkind, ‘hurry’ didn’t seemto be a word Eddie was too familiar with. Each question on the form seemed to present a freshchallenge. Eddie would scratch his head or stroke his chin as he pondered each response. As a resulthe was little more than half way through when Mr Walford re-entered the room and, drawing ourattention to the striking Bakewell Church clock, indicated that it was too late. It was noon.

Eddie’s pleas for a five minute extension fell on deaf ears. ‘Rules are rules’ explained Mr Walford witha certain degree of finality. Eddie was forced to concede that the game was up. Our journey back toElton was particularly quiet. We were all seething – but for differing reasons. Eddie was angry withMr Walford. Joan was angry with Eddie. I was angry with both of them for wasting my valuable studytime.

But isn’t it funny how things sometimes pan out? Even before the new Parish Council met, the villagewas shaken by the sudden death of Councillor Henry Carson. As a consequence, the Council was nowone short and needed to co-opt someone on to fill the vacancy. The man they turned to had not onlyserved on the Council with great distinction for many years and so knew the ropes, it was also veryclear that he wished to serve again. That man was Eddie Boam.


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12 Village News and Views

07816 20174607541 541708

Contact Kate or Neil - based in EltonPrivate Hire / Hackney Carriage

Airports - Long/short distance trips etc.Comfortable 6 Seater Vehicle

Email: [email protected]

the Sanctuary @ Peak Serenity…(Peace at the Cliff)

Cliff Farm, Cliff Lane, between Elton and Alport. DE45 1LLA place of peace and tranquillity..

A place to rebuild your self-esteem and confidence.No friends, feel as if no-one understands, (or wants to).

Need something to do?Come to the Sanctuary @ Peak Serenity.

Feel the peace of this place.Have some food, a cup of tea, make some friends,

learn something good and new.Phone me Christine M. 07837 725337

email: [email protected]

The Eltonians Club

The Eltonians Club has sadly missed Mrs Margaret Fox since her untimely death. She isirreplaceable and contributed enormously to the success of our Club, but lookingforward we know that in order for the Eltonians to carry on we must try and findsomeone to fill her shoes.

We are therefore appealing for anyone who could carry on as Margaret did, in thegeneral overall running of the Eltonians Club. A new Eltonians Club Committee wouldalso need to be formed in order to support a new leader (for legal reasons).

Anyone who would like further details please contact the present committee: Mrs RMusgrave, Mrs J Buxton, Mrs E Moseley.

Calling all holiday accommodation providersin Elton and Gratton

If you would like copies of the Elton Village Guide leaflet and the Elton VillageTrail booklet for your clients please contact [email protected] or phoneLynn on 650015.

Neil's Taxi


When conducting a rent review a land agent I know thinks that if he leaves withan agreement that neither landlord nor tenant are happy with, then perhaps hehas got it about right.

It is human nature to aim for an agreement where everyone is happy, but it isalso human nature that makes that a very rare thing.

John Moseley

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13 Village News and Views

FIREWOOD FOR SALESeasoned hardwood logs cut & split

Net bags £4 collectedBuilders bulk bag (1m³) £50; £5 deposit on bag

Free delivery in Elton and GrattonElsewhere £10 for one, £15 for 2 or 3 bags

Tel: Simon 650209 or 07889 107008Email: [email protected]

R. Stone - Joinery

All Saints, Elton

There seems to be quite a few ‘All Saints’ in thisarea for some reason and here is another one.As you can see from the photo, All Saintsproudly proclaims that it is open. It was rebuiltin 1812 from a much earlier chapel that existedhere.

Inside, there is an intriguing booklet for sale,‘Rectors Remembered’ and a churchyard guideplus some local information and  history. Alsosome postcards. All fairly standard but whatsets All Saints apart are some thoughtfuldetails. Some drinking water is on offer in theporch and 2 lights are left on when the churchis empty so that visitors can see what is what.Some old Sunday School books are for sale –some real gems there (I assume someone hashad a turn out!). These will invoke memoriesfor older people.

Some 22 people in the visitors book for July. Asmall prayer tree is set out in a prominentposition so that prayers can be left. Simpleenough but very effective. The Lectern Bible

was left open and the font and sanctuary are labelled with suitable signs.

Also a small display on Rhoda Garrett, interior designer and suffragist and daughter of a onetime vicar. It is these little stories that bring a church to life. This is a lovely little church anda good example of the simple things that can be done, at very little cost, to make it muchmore interesting for the visitor. I rate it as good.

Church website at – which gives good visitorinformation.

See also

Page 14: Echo Issue 39 - · Autumn 2014 Issue No. 39 Editorial Policy We welcome your news, views and articles of interest, provided they are not anonymous, libellous or offensive

14 Village News and Views

Peacocks in Elton

The cock and the hen arrived inElton about 6 weeks ago and weunderstand they came from Barn

Farm at Birchover, who have beeninformed that they are here.

They seem quite happy herethough, searching peoples gardensand roosting on rooftops and trees.

Maybe they will stay!

I’ve noticed the surprise and interestthey have caused when people see

them for the first time.

Could they be a tourist attraction forthe future, I wonder! Maybe onlyshort-lived though, if they take the

trip back to Birchover, but thanks forthe visit anyway, Mr & Mrs Peacock.

These three pictures were taken at therear of Homestead Cottage. Why do theyalways turn their heads away just as you

press the shutter?

Sorry they are not in colour though!

John Wellington

Page 15: Echo Issue 39 - · Autumn 2014 Issue No. 39 Editorial Policy We welcome your news, views and articles of interest, provided they are not anonymous, libellous or offensive

15 Puzzle Page

1 2 4 3 4 5 6

7 8

9 10


11 12 13


24 15 16

17 18 28 19

20 30 21

35 22

23 24 25

26 27



Across1. Phil going global (4)3. Ready to gallop (7)9. Momentary flash (5)10. For toil on the level (7)11. Communication in progress (8)12 & 16. Thereby (4,5)15. Metal forger (5)20. Queue in New York (4)21. Articled powder room (8)23. Run (7)25. Japanese mushroom (5)26. All that jazz (7)27. Last flames (4)

Down1. Pooped out (6)2. Bread creation (6,3)4. Initiation (6)5. Not a lot (4)6. Dorothy’s small side (3)7. Usefulness (7)8. Winning move (5)13. Paternal inheritance (9)14. General and special (7)17. Jointed dismissal (5)18. Women’s quarters (6)19. Descendant of Shem (6)22. Caustic sweetness (4)24. Time (3)

Elton Village Quiz Nights

12th September10th October

14th November12th December

Bring your team along for an enjoyableand social evening

or come on your own and we’ll fit youinto one of the teams.

Don’t forget your drinks and nibbles.

And don’t forget a Raffle prize it will be most appreciated.

Entry is £2.00 per person plus £1.00 fora raffle ticket.

DJG Taxis4 & 8 seater Taxi ServiceAirports,Days/Nights out, etc.

Contact John GladwinTel: 01629 650025 or

07767238331Website: [email protected]

Page 16: Echo Issue 39 - · Autumn 2014 Issue No. 39 Editorial Policy We welcome your news, views and articles of interest, provided they are not anonymous, libellous or offensive


Badminton Kate French 650273

Bell Ringers Alastair Scrivener 650791

Bus services Timetable 0870 6082608

Community transport 641920

County Council 08 456 058 058

Cricket Club Glynn Yates 650494

Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111

Darts Teams Paul Carson 650359

District Council 761100

Doctors (Winster) 650207 Emergencies

733205 or NHS Direct 0845 4647

Electrical emergencies 0800 0568090

Eltonians Secretary Mike Musgrave 650293

Energy Efficiency Grants 761304

Fire advice 582849

Gardening Club John Wellington 650857

Gas leaks 0800 111999

History Group Lynn Burnet

Hospital The Whitworth, Darley Dale (minor

injury only) 580211

Housing advice 761311

Jubilee Field Colin Swindell 650672

Mobility Scooter (Tissington Trail) for more

details contact 01335 343156 - seasonal only

Pre-school Contact Cathy Banks on

07799084244 (Tuesday evenings only)

Police For emergencies dial 999 otherwise

dial the NEW number 101 (It’s confidential)

Rail services Enquiries 0845 7484950

Refuse collection DDDC 761122

School 650282

School PTFA Amy Dabell 650948

Swimming pool Bakewell - 814205

Matlock - Arc Leisure - 581322

Taxi Service - Kate or Neil 07816 201746

Tourist information Bakewell - 813227

Matlock - 583388

Village Hall Bookings Sue Lightfoot 650641

Water emergencies 0800 7834444

Womens’ Institute Cath Dawe 650649

For Sale - Kitchen Trolley /Work station. Light wood,height 36ins width 34insdepth 18ins. One drawer,one shelf, bottle and kniferacks and chopping board.£25 - contact WinifredWoodward on 01629 650323

Non-business adverts inthis section

are free to villageresidents

Contact the editorif you wish to place

an advert here

Village DirectoryThe Small Ads

Community TransportA Dial-a-Bus service for elderly&/or disabled people operates onthe 1st and 3rd Thursday eachmonth to Buxton arriving11.15am & departing 1.15pm. Toreserve a seat, contact 641920

Jubilee FieldThe pitches & pavilion areavailable for hire. For allbookings, contact Colin Swindellon 07816 986956

Mobile LibraryEvery other TuesdayPLEASE NOTE CHANGES TOCOME MENTIONED INCOUNCILLORS CORNER ONPAGE 2Elton - Duke of York -12.25 - 12.45pmElton - East End -12.50 - 1.05pmCall 812267 or 58000 ext. 6589for details.

Post OfficeOutreach Service

Every Thursday in theSchool House

From 1.45-3.45pm

Village HallHire of hall: £5.00 per session or£15 all day for residents & villageorganisations. Non-residents atreasonable rates.

For bookings or more informationcontact Sue Lightfoot 650641

ResourcesFor Sale/Wanted

Clues Across: 1.Fogg 3.Astride 9.Glint 10.Worktop 11.Emailing 12 & 16.IpsoFacto 15.Smith 20.Line 21.Magazine 23.Operate 25.Enoki 26.Ragtime 27.Pyre

Clues Down:1.Fagged 2.Guitar Man 4.Sowing 5.Rare 6.Dot 7.Utility 8.Ippon13.Patrimony 14.Damages 17.Elbow 18.Hareem 19.Semite 22.Tart 24.Era