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The National Historical Museum in Sofia is Bulgaria's largest museum. It was founded on

5 May 1973 and its first representative exposition was opened in 1984 to commemorate

1300 years of Bulgarian history. Since its foundation the National museum of history has

accumulated over 600 000 artefacts-monuments of culture and amassed rich archaeological

and historical archive. Its funds account for one fifth of all monuments registered in

Bulgaria. More than 10 000 exhibits accommodated on an area of about 6000 sq. m. cover

the history of present Bulgarian lands (from the 7th millennium BC to the mid-20th century)

seen in the European historical context. The permanent exhibition extends across 5 halls:

Prehistory (7th – 2nd millennium BC)

Ancient Thrace (late 6th – 1st century BC – 6th century AD)

Bulgarian Middle Ages – First Bulgarian kingdom (681 – 1018) and Second Bulgarian

kingdom (12th century – 14th century)

Bulgarian lands between 15th and 19th centuries

Third Bulgarian Kingdom (1878 – 1946)

The Apolonia, Numismatics and Ethnography thematic exhibitions occupy their own

significant place in the museum. The visitors can relax, enjoying the splendid natural

scenery while their children have great fun on the recreation ground.

The National Museum of History

Sofia, Bulgaria

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Anthropomorphic vessel

5000 BC – 4750 BC

Idol 5200 BC – 5000 BC

Hall 1: Prehistory (6th - 2nd millennia BC)

Numerous artefacts, marking the main stages of the human presence in today’s Bulgarian

lands and covering the period from early 6th millennium until late 2nd millennium BC, i.e.

the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages are exhibited in the hall.

At the end of the Bronze Age tribes who inhabited Bulgarian lands are consolidated and

appear on the historical scene with their names in the written sources.

Hall 2: Bulgarian lands from the end of the 6th century BC to the

6th century AD

In the middle of the 1st millennium BC the first powerful Thracian kingdom was founded in

the present Bulgarian lands – that of the Odrysae under the authority of Teres. Gradually the

Odrysian kingdom grew into a political power of the greatest importance on the Balkan

Peninsula. According to Thucydides, it was the wealthiest of all the European states situated

between the Ionian gulf (Adriatic Sea) and Pontos Euxeinos (Black Sea) judging by its

revenues and prosperity.

Treasures from Zlatinitsa, Sinemorets, Kralevo and Yakimovo (4th–1st century BC),

Kapitan Andreevo (3rd century AD), gold and silver finds from the excavations of the

National Museum of History in the Valley of the Kings, as well as exquisite silver vessels

from the fund of the National Museum of History (4th–3rd century BC), Thracian protective

and offensive armament of all kinds from the 4th–2nd century BC are shown in the Hall.

The Hall displays parts of treasures and rich grave offerings from Panagyurishte, Rogozen,

Letnitsa, Duvanlii, the Mogilanska burial mound in Vratsa. The richest private collection of

antique monuments and artefacts “Vasil Bozhkov” is also on display.

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Ornaments for horse-trappings, gold,

3rd century B.C.

Earrings, gold, 4th century BC

Tzar Ivan Alexander"s Gospel

(a copy)

Mitre of the Ochrid Archbishops

1680 AD – 1700 AD

Hall 3: The Bulgarian State during the Middle Ages

(7th - 14th c.) The beginning of the exposition shows Pagan Bulgaria. The first independent state was

Great Bulgaria, founded by Khan Kubrat (632–665) in the basins of the rivers of Dnieper

and Kuban. Pushed by the Hazares in the end of the 7th century, the Bulgarians took from

Byzantium the area between the Carpathian Mountains and the Balkan Range and founded

the Bulgarian Khanate on the Danube River (681–864) with Pliska as their main centre.

The adoption of Christianity in 864 strengthened the position of the supreme autocratic

power and speeded the process of consolidation of the Bulgarian nation as well as the

building of an integrated culture. In the 9th and 10th centuries, the Bulgarian State was a

mighty political power and a factor of primary importance in Europe.

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The western part of hall No.3 shows exhibits of the political and cultural history of Bulgaria

and objects testifying to the power of the rulers and the aristocracy, the flower of the

mediaeval town and the crafts in the 12th – 14th centuries – a period known as the Second

Bulgarian Empire.

Hall 4: The Bulgarian lands under Ottoman rule (1396–1878) Two fateful dates pay a central role in the framing of the historical layout in Room 4: 1396

when the territory of the Mediaeval Bulgarian state was conquered by the Ottoman Turks

and 1878 when Bulgaria revived for new political life with the signing of the San Stefano

Peace Treaty between the Russian and Ottoman Empires. This nearly five centuries of

existence of the Bulgarians under the Ottoman rule is divided into two long periods: the

15th – 17th century, the so-called “Late Middle Ages” and the 18th – 19th century (1878) –

the Revival period. During this period, the Christian faith was the unifying factor for the

whole Orthodox population on the Balkans and the Orthodox Church was the only

institution which continued to preserve and develop Bulgarian traditions. The monasteries

became national and cultural centers, which maintained and spread the education.

The Revival period was marked by the ideas for ecclesiastical and national independence

and was a part of the whole Balkan Revival, which had been influenced by the ideas of the

Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

The Russian-Turkish war erupted in 1977. The San Stefano Peace Treaty was signed on

March the 3rd 1878 and the Bulgarian State was restored.

Reliquary cross from the 17th century,

silver with gilt, with scenes in relief

from the Celebration cycle of Christ

Monstrance, 1626, Gilt silver, enamel,

coloured stones and glass, Chiprovtzi

goldsmith school

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Hall 5: Third Bulgarian Kingdom (1878–1946) The exhibition of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom comprises the period from the restoration of

Bulgarian state from 1878 till 1946 when Bulgaria was declared as a People’s Republic. The

Berlin Treaty from 1878 divided Bulgaria in several parts. One of them is Principality of

Bulgaria, vassal to the Ottoman Empire and other is the Province of Eastern Rumelia, which

was under the direct military and political subordination of the Supreme Porte. More than

2.5 millions of ethnic Bulgarians were left out of the borders of the Principality of Bulgaria.

The exhibition represents more than 600 exhibits, which are related to the basic moments of

the political economic and cultural development of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom.

Very important place in the exhibition is kept for the The Bulgarian Monarchs – Knjaz

Alexander I, Knjaz/from 1908 also Tzar/ Ferdinand I and Tzar Boris III and many other

famous politics, scientists, writers and people who worked for the development of the

education and culture and played important role in the building up of Bulgaria and turning it

into a modern European country.

The ethnographic collection of the museum shows a reconstruction of a Renaissance school.

A rich collection of stone columns and monuments from various periods (Greek, Roman,

Byzantine), are situated in the courtyard of the museum.

Souvenirs, informational materials and specialized literature are sold at the museum. The

museum also offers a library.

It will be our great pleasure to welcome you to the National Museum of History in Sofia.

We hope you will enjoy this opportunity to be acquainted with exhibitions in the National

Museum of History in Sofia and to learn more about the largest museum in Bulgaria.

Our interview:

Manifesto declaring the Independence

of Bulgaria

Coat of arms of the Bulgarian Kingdon

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The Technical Museum, established in 1954 in Zagreb, follows in the tradition of the great science

and technology museums of the world. Since 1958 it has occupied the protected wooden buildings designed

by architect Marijan Haberle. The buildings were erected initially to house the Zagreb Fair.

In addition to the several thousand items on permanent display, the Museum has some 10 000 items in

storage. Among them are objects of everyday use which are typical of the industrial era of the 19th and 20th

centuries. The Museum invests a lot of effort into popularising science and technology. It organises lectures on

science and technology, presentations and shows, presentations and lectures in the Planetarium, workshops

and events such as the Science Festival, and other activities.

The permanent exhibition is divided into separate themed displays based on the organisation of the Museum’s


The section on traffic vehicles offers a chronological journey through the development of water, land,

and air transportation.

Advances and developments in fire fighting, with a special emphasis on Croatia, are illustrated by original

items, including hand and motor-powered hoses, horse-drawn fire fighting vehicles, ladders, piping, sprayers,

and other fire fighting equipment.

The agricultural exhibits focus on different technical implements that were used for digging and

ploughing. A separate section is dedicated to the Apiary, which shows historic and modern beekeeping


The astronautics section features models of famous spacecraft, rocket-carriers, and orbit stations that

illustrate the early development of astronautics. The greatest attraction is the Planetarium where, with the

help of a specially constructed projector, visitors can view the starry sky from the North Pole to the Equator at

any time of the night and in any season.

The mining collection takes us through the development of ore exploitation and processing. A special

attraction is the 350 m long model mine, built below the Museum, which illustrates the history of mining in


The Demonstration Cabinet of Nikola Tesla has been constructed in the section dedicated to the

great personalities of Croatian science and technology. Arranged around the seats are exhibits illustrating

Tesla's childhood, schooling, life and work in America, and the genius's medals and other recognition awards.

In the Cabinet, experiments are demonstrated using reconstructions of Tesla's most famous inventions, which

are based on his original drawings and patent applications. Visitors can observe a rotating magnetic field,

Tesla's high frequency transformers, the wireless transfer of electromagnetic oscillations, a remote-controlled

ship, Tesla's turbine, etc. Not only do visitors watch the experiments, but they may also take part in them if

they wish.

Watch video interview:

Croatian pupils in front of the museum

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On the way to the museum

Pupils listen carefully about

museums exhibits

Curator´s lecture and demonstration

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Windmills´ model - exhibit

Pupils´ windmills – artwork

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The demonstration room of Nikola Tesla

The exhibit of the month – the gramophone

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The Limassol District Archaeological Museum


The Limassol District Archaeological Museum was founded in 1948 and was initially housed

in a part of the Limassol Castle. After 1964 it remained closed for a long time as the castle

was then transferred to the National Guard. Construction activities for the new modern

Museum, which is located near the Limassol public Gardens, began in 1972. The new

exhibition was rearranged in March 1975.

Nowadays, the Archaeological Museum is one of the key attractions of Limassol,

as it provides a very interesting collection of antiquities and presents an insight to the rich

cultural heritage of Cyprus.

Geometric period (1050-750 B.C.)

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The Archaeological Museum houses exhibits dated between the Neolithic Ages to the Roman

times. Through the exhibited items the visitors can follow the development of civilisation in

the island from the 9th millennium to the end of the Late Roman period and, at the same

time, gain a sense of Cypriots’ everyday lives as well as the art that they produced.

The antiquities have been found during systematic and rescue excavations of the Department

of Antiquities of Cyprus and of the foreign Archaeological Missions in the City and the

District of Limassol as well.

Limassol is built between two ancient cities, Amathus and Kourion. Some of the most

interesting items were sourced from the excavation of these nearby ancient cities, especially

from Amathus.

Museum’s exhibits are divided into three rooms. The first room primarily exhibits an

extensive collection of pottery of significant historical periods. The middle room houses coins,

gold, silver and bronze jewellery, oil lamps and a variety of copper tools and wares, while the

third has sculptures, tomb stones, capitals, inscriptions and other marble and limestone


Early Bronze Period (2500-1900 B.C.) Jar with relief decoration (Kourion). Late Bronze Period (1650-

1050 B.C.)

Amongst the greatest archaeological discoveries are stone axes of the Neolithic and

Chalcolithic period, ancient weapons such as knives and arrowheads fragments of objects for

domestic use, plentiful Roman terracotta figures, and Byzantine artefacts.

Some of the exhibits date back to the era before Cyprus had even been settled, such as the

skull and jawbone of a pygmy hippopotamus and the tusk of a dwarf elephant found on the

Akrotiri, an area near Limassol.

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Pigmy hippopotamus skull and jaw

Because ancient Amathus was one of the main centres of worship of Aphrodite (i.e. Venus in

Roman times), exhibits include many objects related to goddess, such as votive offerings, and

female terracotta figurines. That’s why the museum has been linked with the Aphrodite’s

cultural route.

Hellenistic period artifacts

From the rich finds from Amathus also stands, a stone stele depicting the Egyptian goddess

Hathor and a statue of the god Visa which they points the profound effects of eastern

elements in artistic production of the ancient city.

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Hathoric pilaster capital from Amathus 5th century B.C.

A special educational program named «Kyprida Aphrodite» (Cyprus Aphrodite / Venus)

launched at the Archaeological Museum of Limassol in October 2007. This program aims to

awake pupils’ interest in Cyprus history and culture heritage engaging active learning. It is

considered to be a quite pleasant and fruitful experience.

Pupils of our school during their visit (1)

Using museum objects - especially those associated with the worship of Aphrodite - as unique

teaching resources, unlocks new learning opportunities for our pupils. Education in the

museum enrich and enhance our pupils knowledge and understanding about their civilization

and makes it possible to realize the importance of Aphrodite in Cyprus and its constant

presence in island’s tradition.

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Pupils of our school during their visit (2)


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The Louvre-Lens is a new part of the Louvre museum located in the city of Lens.

The building is divided in 6 parts : the main entrance, the « Time gallery », the

temporary exhibitions gallery, the glass pavilion, the scene (auditorium) and the

pedagogical works room.

The main gallery of the museum is « the time gallery ». It's 120 meters long and the

works of art are not classified by their style or origin but are placed in a

chronological way from 3500 before JC to 1851 which is totally new.

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The museum was inaugurated by the french president François Hollande on the 4th

of December 2012

7th of January 2013 :we were the first pupils to visit the museum in the history

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Our guide Ludovic shows us « Baldassare Castiglione »'s portrait by Raphaël

we are in front of one of the masterpieces of French painting : « La Liberté guidant le

peuple » by Delacroix.

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the « Time gallery » where the works of art are placed in a chronological way

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we did the artists inside the museum

Xavier Dectot, the director of the Louvre-Lens was very kind to us and answered all

our questions

Here is the link to the video :

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How we worked


April 2013

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ETEOKLES … is traveling to THEBES


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THEBES: KASTELIA: Chambered Tombs


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OLD KADMIA: INDOOR women’s procession

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Leather Shields and Spears

Linear B, Clay Tablets .. keeping records

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BRACELETS by Glass paste and Agate!

POTTERY hall .. recording goods

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Guido MINE


Pic. 1 – the Railway shaft

Railway lines development since the mid-nineteenth century, allowing the transport

of raw materials and finished products had contributed to the rapid development of

Upper Silesian industry. In the area of Zabrze new mines were opened, as well as

mills and factories using steam for driving machines and equipment. This resulted in

rapid growth of coal demand. In 1855, Count Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck,

magnate and industrialist, founded in Zabrze a new coal mine, which was named after

him - Guido.

Pic. 2 – Count Guido Henckel

von Donnersmarck

In 2000, because of costs reduction and restructuration of

the Polish coal mining industry, The Guido Mining

Museum was closed-down and disassembling of the Mine

was started. However, by dint of efforts of many

institutions, notably Zabrze local government and

individuals, this destructive practice was stopped, and in

2007 the Historic “Guido” Coal Mine has been founded, as

a cultural institution operating under the auspices of Zabrze


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Pic. 3 – We had to wear

helmets during sightseeing

the mine

The “Guido” mine visitors descend into the ground with a speed of 4 m/s in the

original mining cage. Each cage consist of three floors. Each floor accommodates up

to 25 people.

Pic. 4 – The mining


The atmosphere of

the nineteenth-

century is recalled most of all thanks to well-preserved, over a hundred years old,

horse stables.

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Pic. 5 – Horses really helped miners in

transportation the coal

The Level 170 presents the mining tradition and culture as well – one can see the

exhibition of mining tools, rescue equipment there as well as beautiful geological


Pic. 6 – Geological exhibition

The geological structure of the place itself is also very interesting. Layers of rocks

with marks of tectonics, calcite formations and crystals – a kind of inanimate nature

reserve – enhance the unique atmosphere of the underground world.

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Pic. 7 – Pictures

presenting the work of


Level 320 is the deepest level of the mine, drilled at the turn of the 19th and

20th centuries, with a system of corridors based on two excavations with a total

length of over 2km.

Pic. 8 & 9 – Train used for

underground transport of miners

Equipped with mining helmet, lamp

and gas absorber you will see pick-and-shovel wall with wooden support, a 25-ton

heading machine called AM 50 or longwall cutter-loader at work.

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Pic. 10 & 11 – Heading machine

And at the end of our trip we met SKARBNIK (the Treasurer) who is a guardian in

the coal mines. He protects miners from danger. That’s why we talked with him

about his work.

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Funchal Natural History Museum


Pre school Class A, went on a study trip to visit one of the most interesting museums

in Funchal, Madeira.

The Funchal Natural History Museum, constructed in the 18th century, is

located in Saint Peter’s Palace, in the centre of the city. It was officially

inaugurated in 5th October 1933.

Nowadays, there are three places in the building, the Natural History

Museum, the Scientific Library and the Aquarium. There is also a Garden with

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants.

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The museum has more than 40 000 species. Focusing in fauna, flora and geology in

Madeira island, the museum has valued regional species. It collects and develops

projects based on scientific information in zoological, botanical and geological

heritage in an effort to provide a wide knowledge on the Madeira legacy. It also

develops workshops about Environmental Education.

Based on the scientific investigation, the Museum publishes, since 1945, the

Funchal Natural History Museum Bulletin, which is a powerful instrument concerning

the disclosure of Madeira Natural History in the world, and also from Azores,

Canary Islands and Cape Verde.

Children listening to the guide

Fish in the aquarium

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Sea wolf -- Link to interview -

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This museum is not too old, but the exhibits are historical models and in a present modern world we

can´t see them on our roads.

Let´s go to museum!

Museum of Transport Bratislava is situated on the site of the first steam-railway station from

19th century.

The museum is located in Bratislava on Šancová Street, near the main railway station in central

Bratislava. It was opened on 24th June 1999.

In two exhibition halls in the museum there are just under 100 motorcars, 25 historical

motorcycles and numerous technical accessories.

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Highway transportation represents collection of vehicles from the first motor devices with engine

and without its trough bicycles, motors and commercial cars of interwar era until vehicles from

60th - 70th years of 20th century.

Prototypes which were developed after World War II by Slovak automobil factory and military

vehicles could be very interesting for visitors.

You can see the wooden bicycle. The old bicycles with very interesting light.

Two motorcycles – Harley Davidson

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The museum has a lot of photographs of the

famouse people who had connection with

transport . You can see Laurin & Klement

(1895–1925) was a bicycle, motorcycle and

automobile manufacturer in Mladá Boleslav,

Bohemia, in the past was a part of Austria-

Hungary (Present Czech Republic). At the

moment – Skoda.

Charles Augustus Lindbergh known as

"Lucky Lindy" and "The Lone Eagle", was a

pioneering United States airplane pilot famous

for making the first solo non-stop flight across

the Atlantic Ocean in 1927.

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For the smallest visitors is a model railyard and diorama of traffic Office.

There is also selection of steam, motor and electric locomotives, freight truck and rail vehicles

of Slovak railways on railyard. One of the exhibition hall is devoted to exhibition of railway

signalling devices and communications, devices for track maintenance, uniform and other

things from history of railway in Slovakia.


Railway tracks feature a

selection of steam,

engine and electrical

locomotives, freight

locomotives and special

railway vehicles that can

be seen at Slovak

railways. One of the

museum's exhibition

halls showcases railway

signal, safety and


equipment, devices for

railway maintenance,

uniforms and other

objects that provide the

visitor with an insight

into the history of railway transport in Slovakia.

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The snowplow. The oldest locomotive from 1902.


Our interview:

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Melilla along with the Chafarinas Islands, is located on the North coast of Africa but

is an autonomous city of Spain and an exclave permanently inhabited as a Spanish

territory in mainland Africa. Its history is collected in “Las Peñuelas” Museum, which

formerly served as a protective warehouse during the 18th Century when the city was

fortified and those warehouses were used as a goods and equipment supply depot.

The earliest Paleolithic and Neolithic remains were at the Chafarinas Islands. This

area was chosen by the first settlers due to its natural wealth and its proximity by the

coast. Thanks to the remains found in the interior of a hut and its surroundings, nowadays

we know that the population worked in

Pottery for domestic use and food


Agriculture, because they

employed stone mills to crush

grain and other vegetables.

Stock-breeding. They bred cattle,

cows and sheep to feed their

population and use their leather

and bones afterwards.

Hunting. Stone axes, knives and

other tools used for skin tanning

have been found too.

Fishing. Snails, sea snails,

mussels, fish bones and seal

bones were found in the ground

of the hut.

Flint industry. The settlers made

the most of a nearby flint deposit

which was used to make many


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The next settlers were the Phoenicians who founded the city of Rusaddir (nowadays

Melilla) between the 7th and 6th centuries B.C.

Its particular location in a rich mining area turned the city into the main seaport in the

region thanks to the Muluya River basin.

During the Islamic Period the city adopted the name of Malila.

Thanks to the seaport many commercial and trading relationships were established

with other cities.

However, after Rome defeated

Carthage all trading and commercial

transactions were reduced to a bare

minimum. One of the most important

discoveries of that period was a shipwreck

which carried thousands of coins.

Among these archaeological remains

found in Melilla, amphoras stand out the

most. Their shape has evolved throughout

the centuries to carry and store food and

drinks such as wine, water or fish sauce.

After the fall of the Carthaginian

Empire came the Moors and the Romans.

Rusaddir became a Roman province

named “Mauritania Tingitania”. All kinds of

amphoras were used again in commerce

and for trading goods.

From that period we hold many

findings like jewellery, coins, black pottery

and even the tomb of a very important


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Malila is considered at that time a typical Islamic city due to the main mosque which

was the religious gathering point, the public Turkish baths where people relaxed and

agreed many business transactions and the street market which served as meeting point

for commercial transactions.

Since the 15th century, already being a Spanish city, Melilla turned into a stronghold

with a fortified city consisting of various walled precincts. The civil population was brought

together in the so-called First Precinct.

For the better preservation

of food and grain silos were dug

and carved in the rocks.

The scale model of the city

shows all four fortified precincts.

These precincts were connected

with underground galleries and a

tunnel system.

The following are very

representative from that period: oil

lamps (used for lightning), pottery

(tableware and kitchenware) and

the Treasure of Guardana,

consisting of 789 squared-shaped

silver coins without any


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Between the 16th and the 18th centuries many essential constructions were built,

like the main water reservoir to supply the city, the church, the hospital and the off-city

strongholds with fresh water.

A unique characteristic of the reservoir are the marks and signs made by the

stonemasons. These signs functioned both as part of the construction of the reservoir and

as a signature of their own work.

In the last period of our history, contemporary Melilla, we hold an important art

collection that shows all the significant changes that the city experienced until it became

the modern city that we can see today.

The city spread outside its walls and turned into a modern scattered city with

distinctive buildings which follow a modernist and Art Deco style thanks to the work of the

architect Enrique Nieto.

If you want to watch the video click here

The historic event that marked

the beginning of that period was the

delineation of its territory with the

cannon shots of the cannon “El

Caminante” which determined the

present limits. This agreement was

signed between Spain and Morocco

form 1859 to 1862.

Nowadays, Melilla is the

second most important modernist

city in the world as well as an

example to the world of how our five

cultures live in tolerance, co-

existence and act as a cultural

melting pot.

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Adana - Atatürk Museum - TURKEY

The museum building is one of the traditional Adana houses on Seyhan

Avenue, built in 19th Century. A two-storey structure built of brick and

stone with bay windows and pitch roof.

Because of its peculiar characteristics, it is classified as “Cultural Real Estate under

Conservation” by the Ministry and preserved in its original state. When Atatürk and

his wife visited Adana on 15 March 1923 they stayed in this house which belonged

to Suphi Pasha of Ramazanogullari at the time.

The building was expropriated and restored by the “Atatürk Scientific and

Cultural Conservation and Revival Society” and under the guidance of

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Army Corps commander Bedrettin Demirel and by the people’s help and

donations, opened to public as a museum in 1981 under the

administration of Directorate of Museums.

Atatürk’s visit to Adana is officially celebrated every year on the 15th

March in this building.

Ground Floor

There are Study Room and Library

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Upper Floor

There are Anteroom,Bedroom,Study Room,Press Room,Lounge Room,Hatay

Room,Armoury,Adjutant’s Room and Kuva-i Milliye Room

It opens everyday from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 5:00 Except


Adana Atatürk Bilim ve Kültür Müzesi

Müze binası, Seyhan Caddesi üzerinde 19. yy.da yapılmış geleneksel Adana evlerindendir. İki katlı, çıkmalı,

kırma çatılı, kâgir bir yapıdır. Bu özellikleri nedeniyle yapı Bakanlıkça "Korunması Gerekli Taşı nmaz

Kültür Varlığı" olarak tescil edilmiş ve koruma altına alınmıştır. 15 Mart 1923'te Atatürk eşi ile birlikte

Adana'ya geldiğinde, Ramazanoğulları'ndan Suphi Paşa'ya ait olan bu binada ağırlanmıştır. Bina Atatürk

Bilim ve Kültür Müzesi Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği'nce zamanın Kolordu Komutanı Bedrettin Demirel'in

önderliği ve halkın yardımıyla kamulaştırılıp restorasyonu yap? ?lmış ve 1981 yılında Müze Müdürlüğü'ne

bağlı bir müze olarak hizmete açılmıştır.

Atatürk'ün Adana'ya gelişi, her yıl 15 Mart'ta resmî törenle bu binada kutlanmaktadır.

Alt Kat

Çalışma Odası,Kütüphane:

Üst Kat

Sofa,Yatak Odası,Çalışma Odası,Basın Odası,Mücahitler Odası,Oturma Odası: Hatay Odası: Silah

Odası,Yaver Odası,Kuva-yi Milliye Odası:

Pazartesi dışında her gün 08.30-12.30 / 13.00-17.00 saatlerinde ziyarete açıktır.


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The 10 partner schools:

Bulgaria: 201 Primary School "St.Kiril and Metodii"… pages: 2-6

Cyprus: Z DHMOTIKO SXOLEIO LEMESOU (KB)3066… pages:13-17

France: Ecole Anne Frank – Joseph Bara…pages:18-22

Spain: CEIP REYES CATÓLICOS… pages: 44-47


Croatia: OSNOVNA ŠKOLA BOROVJE….pages:7-12

Poland: Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 im. Arki Bożka…pages: 29-33

Portugal: EB1/PE Ribeiro Domingos Dias…pages:34-38


Slovakia: Základná škola s materskou školou Za kasárňou 2..pages: 39-43