

CILT – Centro Interescolar de Línguas de Taguatinga

Guilherme Alves

CILT’s Writing Club Café Literário do CILT

How Shouldthe World


...In my ideal world, we shouldnot have anyconcerns...

... but if anyonehad any

problem, everybody

would help withgreat pleasure...

... All creatureswould be

together in harmony, eventhose meant to

be enemies...

... There wouldbe no fear anddistrust...

... We all would have fun and be happy...

... There’s a saying that states that the sky should be thelimit...

... But in myworld, we couldgo beyond thissky and couldtravel to other


... And also we allwould be rich...

... So, this would be my world...

T H A N K S F O R R E A D I N G “ H O W T H E W O R L D S H O U L D B E ” B Y G U I L H E R M E A L V E S


How about you? How should the world be? How do yousee the world?

In my opinion the world should be...________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I see that in the world today there’s ... ____________________________________________________________________________________

Comprehension Questions:

1. Is the author’s title interesting? __________________________.

2. How can the autor improve the story in your opinion? ___________.

3. Are there any new words you learned with this book? ___________.

4. What new words have you learned with this book? _____________.

5. If you could change any part of the book, what part would you like to change?



6. What part of the book did you like most? _________________________

7. What part of the book did you like least? _________________________

8. Did you learn any lesson with this book? __________________________

9. How can we improve this world? _____________________________

10. Who is responsible for making this world a better placer? _______________

Cilt’s Students’ Literary Production

Author: Guilherme Alves

Editorial Supervisor: Teacher: Gerson A. Moura

Illustrator/Artist: Julius Tan


Date: I Semester - Fall 2015

A project from ‘Cilt’s Writing Club’: “Café Literário”

CILT: Centro Interescolar de Línguas de Taguatinga