Page 1: E-voluzione evolution paths for industries Technology consultancy Innovation and Prototype Development Industrial advanced software development Research

e-voluzioneevolution paths for industries

Technology consultancy

Innovation and Prototype Development

Industrial advanced software development

Research Projects

Advanced Measurement Services

Città della scienza

Page 2: E-voluzione evolution paths for industries Technology consultancy Innovation and Prototype Development Industrial advanced software development Research

AwardAwardssF.M.Sacerdoti has developed the ground control center for F.M.Sacerdoti has developed the ground control center for four four Space Shuttle missionsSpace Shuttle missions and several Sounding and several Sounding Rocket missions.Rocket missions.

Certified LabView ArchitectCertified LabView Architect of National Instruments of National Instruments

Euroleader AwardEuroleader Award: e-voluzione was one of the three : e-voluzione was one of the three best space European companies in the space European companies in the BICs.

E-voluzione is the technical responsible for Naples E-voluzione is the technical responsible for Naples Province on Province on Aerospace and Galileo ProjectAerospace and Galileo Project in the in the Union of Italian ProvinceUnion of Italian Province

Partecipation to the Partecipation to the SEPAGSEPAG "Space Exploration Policy "Space Exploration Policy Assessment Group" ESA exploration of Moon and Mars: Assessment Group" ESA exploration of Moon and Mars: Man Machine InterfacesMan Machine Interfaces on long lasting missions. on long lasting missions.

European Handbook for Defence ProcurementEuropean Handbook for Defence Procurement: : italian representative in 2005-2006 and 2007-2008italian representative in 2005-2006 and 2007-2008

Invited Speaker to the V forum on technology transfer on Invited Speaker to the V forum on technology transfer on FAO for developing countries: Dedicated FAO for developing countries: Dedicated Man Machine Man Machine InterfacesInterfaces..

35 International


Page 3: E-voluzione evolution paths for industries Technology consultancy Innovation and Prototype Development Industrial advanced software development Research

PatentsPatentsInvention and patents preparation:

• Automatic system to control High Visibility garments following European Norma EN471 (named to LAA)

• Automatic system to control Fireman dresses (named to LAA)

• A flying platform for eolic generation (with A. Punziano, no. 2005NA057)

• Vibration measurement system mad with a laser telemetry (2006NA058)

Whirlpool, Pirelli, Prysmian, PPG, Vitrociset, ESA, ASI, Avio, ELV, Visteon, IPM Group, Natuzzi, varie PMI, Universities, Research Centers, etc.

Some CustomersSome Customers

Page 4: E-voluzione evolution paths for industries Technology consultancy Innovation and Prototype Development Industrial advanced software development Research


Page 5: E-voluzione evolution paths for industries Technology consultancy Innovation and Prototype Development Industrial advanced software development Research


Page 6: E-voluzione evolution paths for industries Technology consultancy Innovation and Prototype Development Industrial advanced software development Research

What we can do in the project

Test benchesMan Machine InterfacesMeasurement and Control SystemsData Acquisition and Analysis systemsVision SystemsPrototypes

Page 7: E-voluzione evolution paths for industries Technology consultancy Innovation and Prototype Development Industrial advanced software development Research

e-voluzione srlVia Coroglio, 57 - 80124 Napoli

Tel. +39 081-19578088, 19578076Fax: +39 081-2141977

e-mail: [email protected]

e-voluzione srlVia Coroglio, 57 - 80124 Napoli

Tel. +39 081-19578088, 19578076Fax: +39 081-2141977

e-mail: [email protected]
