Page 1: E. Ramona Trovato USEPA, Office of Children’s Health Protection National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices Emerging Growth Issues Workshop

E. Ramona TrovatoUSEPA, Office of Children’s Health Protection

National Governor’s AssociationCenter for Best Practices

Emerging Growth Issues Workshop

June 26, 2001

Healthy Environment, Healthy Communities & Healthy Families

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Children are not little adults….

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Climbing Asthma Rates in Children

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Atlanta ExperienceTraffic during1 hr morningpeak 22%

One hr peak ozone concentration 27%

Emerg. care & hosp for children 1-16 41.6%

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Blood Lead Levels in Children

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ObesityHealth Effects of Obesity Increased hypertension Increased type II Diabetes Increased heart disease Increase in some types of


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Prevalence of Obesity* among U.S. Adults in 1985, 1995, 1998

Sources: Mokdad,AH, et al. JAMA 1999;282:16.*Approximately 30 pounds overweight


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Environmental and Health Impacts of Growth Patterns

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Smart Growth Planning Includes

Protection from exposure to toxics

An environment that promotes walking and safe play

Providing clean water for drinking, fishing and recreation

Actions to promote clean air – outdoor and indoor

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Healthy Environment, Healthy Communities & Healthy Families

Clean Water•Combined Sewer Overflow•Source Water Protection •Clean Beaches•Fish Advisories


Waste Management•Solid Waste Management•Superfund•Recycling

Reducing Exposure to Pesticides & Toxics •Integrated Pest Management•Lead Poisoning Prevention

Clean Air•Transportation•Air Quality Standards

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Revitalizing Inner City Neighborhoods

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Clean Water

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Smart Growth Opportunities

Improve Children’s Environmental Health through Smart Growth decisions

Enhance state and local Smart Growth teams by including health and environment players.

Use integrated environment and health data to inform smart growth decisions