Download pdf - e-Paper April 17, 2013

Page 1: e-Paper April 17, 2013


KARACHI—A major earthquakestruck a region near the Iran-Pa-kistan border on Tuesday, killing34 people in different parts ofPakistan’s southwesternBalochistan province, officialssaid. Officials confirmed that upto 34 people had died due to theearthquake, while 180 peoplewere reported to be injured.

The worst-hit areas from the7.8 magnitude quake were re-ported to be close to the Pakistan-Iran border.

In the Mashkel area ofBalochistan’s Washuk district,several hundred houses were re-ported to have collapsed, raisingfears of casualties in the area.

Dozens of shops and build-ings had also been destroyed bythe tremors.

The epicenter was reportedby the United States GeologicalSurvey to be in southeast Iran inan area of mountains and desert.It was located 201 km southeastof the Iranian city of Zahedan and

250 km northwest of Turbat inPakistan, USGS said. Tremorswere felt across several Pakistanicities, including Quetta, Pishin,

Killa Abdullah, Chaghi, Sibi,Jaffarabad, Karachi, Hyderabad,Quetta, Badin, Islamabad, andRawalpindi. According to re-ports, the earthquake shook ar-

eas from Quetta to Pak-Iran Bor-der Taftan and Pak-Afghan bor-der Chaman. And Mekran beltnear Arabian Sea.

Several part of KhyberPakhtunkhwa province, includ-ing Peshawar and Dera IsmailKhan, and the Federally Admin-istered Tribal Areas, also felt thejolts. Meanwhile, Pakistan Armyhave begun relief activities inearthquake-hit areas, Inter-Ser-vices Public Relation said.

According to the ISPR, heli-copters‚ medical staff‚ medi-cines‚ tents and other goods havebeen dispatched to the affectedareas in Balochistan. It said that62 wings of Frontier Corps havebeen directed to leave for quake-hit areas.

Meanwhile, FC sources saidthat over 100 people were injuredas a result of quake in Panjgurarea of Balochistan.

Tremors from the earthquakewere felt as far away as NewDelhi and the Gulf cities of Dubaiand Bahrain. Across the Gulf,

7.8 earthquake kills 34,hundreds houses collapseMajor Pakistan cities jolted: Army starts

relief activities; Pak-Iran border areas worst hit


PESHAWAR—With Election Tribu-nal declaring General (Retd)Pervez Musharraf heading AllPakistan Muslim League (APML)disqualified from contesting elec-tions from NA 32 Chitral, theformer military president playingwith the fate of the country formore than nine years, is out of therace for May 11 general electionsthough according to experts hemay file appeal against the deci-sions of the election tribunal in theSupreme court. However, atpresent he stands disqualifiedfrom all the four constituencieswhere he had filed his candida-ture.

The nomination papers of themilitary dictator who returned to

Pakistan a few weeks back afterfive years of self-exile, have al-

ready been rejected from the threeconstituencies as on Tuesday. TheElection Tribunal in Rawalpindirejected the nomination papers

submitted by Musharraf for NA-48 Islamabad and NA-139 Kasur.

The first set back he received wasfrom Karachi where his papers for

Musharraf disqualifiedfrom general elections

Two more PPPcandidates declared

ineligibleKARACHI/LAHORE—Twomore PPP candidates fromPunjab and Sindh were de-clared ineligible by election tri-bunals on Tuesday. The elec-

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QUETTA—At least four peoplewere killed, including the son ofthe provincial chief of the Paki-stan Muslim League-Nawaz(PML-N) Sanaullah Zehri,when a blast targeted his con-voy in restive Balochistan’sKhuzdar district.

The blast, which shook thePML-N leader’s convoy inAnjira area of Khuzdar district,also claimed the lives of hisbrother, nephew, and personal

guard. Zehri, however, remainedunharmed. According to Leviesofficials, Zehri’s convoy wastargeted through a remote-con-trolled bomb, which was plantedbelow Ghat Pul (bridge) area ofAnjira.

The blast has destroyed thebridge and five vehicles in con-voy of Sardar Zehri, said the of-ficials. The dead included MirSikandar Zehri, the son,Mehrullah Zehri brother, MirZaid Zehri nephew and personalguard of Sardar Sanaullah Zehri,

Bomb targets PML-NBalochistan chief convoy

Four including son, brother, nephew, guard killed

GENEVA—Red Cross chief Pe-ter Maurer on Tuesday con-demned US drone strikes outsideareas officially engulfed in armedconflict, warning against a creep-ing expansion of the definition ofwhat constitutes a battlefield.

Washington’s secretive andcontroversial use of drones wasnot a problem in itself, saidMaurer, as in the context of anarmed conflict drones are consid-ered legitimate weapons.

“But if a drone is used in acountry where there is no armedconflict…there is a problem,” thehead of the International Com-

mittee of the Red Cross told re-porters in Geneva, urging the“very restrained use” of theweapon. “A drone used in Af-ghanistan or Yemen is a droneused within the context of anarmed conflict, and is therebyused legitimately,” he said. Butdrone use in Pakistan was “par-ticularly problematic” he said.

Returning from a trip to theUnited States, where he metwith President Barack Obama,Maurer told AFP that “the US isvery aware… of where we dis-agree with the use of drones”.The main problem with drone

strikes today is a widening in-terpretation of what constitutesa battlefield, he said.

“To link (the definition of)battlefields to combatants on themove is an interpretation that wedon’t share,” he said. Lawmak-ers and rights advocates havecriticised the US for its strikesagainst suspected Al-Qaeda mili-tants in Pakistan, Yemen andelsewhere, but US officials refuseto publicly discuss any details ofthe covert campaign.

Maurer said he had also usedhis trip to urge Washington to

Red Cross chief criticisesUS drone use in Pakistan

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KARACHI—Meeting with theIMF seems apparently crucialfor entering into a new loan ar-rangement next week in viewof fast depleting foreign ex-change reserves which havedown to $ 6 billion with theState Bank of Pakistan whilean equal amount is held by thecommercial banks.

However the IMF programis likely to bring alongside it ahigh likelihood of exchange ratedevaluation at by 5 percent bps,de-subsidization of energy tar-iff to bridge the gap between

cost of power generation and thecurrent power tariffs and poten-tial increase in policy rate of theState Bank through monetarytightening as preconditions toapproval of a new loan, whichhas been already discussed in re-cent Post Program Monitoringmeetings with the IMF said in-formed sources.

It is however interesting tonote that despite noticeable easein the inflationary pressure whichat the moment prevailing in thesingle digit the IMF continues toinsist on tightening instance ofthe monetary policy which ispracticed in case of rising infla-

tionary pressures elsewhere in theworld, however while negotiat-ing with Pakistan IMF insist offurther tightening of the policyrate on assumption of possiblereversal in the rate of inflation inthe days to come which certainlysurprising to raise hue and crybefore the spilt of the milk.

It may be noted that the StateBank of Pakistan In its latest bi-monthly Monetary Policy re-view left the discount rate (DR)unchanged at 9.5% in accor-dance to the aspiration and de-sire of the trade and industry.However SBP cited rising con-cerns on balance of payments

and declining Foreign Ex-change reserves due to whichspeculative demand for dollarneeds to be curbed.

It is however encouragingto see that state bank of Paki-stan was looking at the possi-bility for reduction in DR onthe back of lower consumerprice Index (CPI) at 6.3% andcore inflation at 9%), howeverfor a further cut of 50-100 bpsin discount rate will depend onconsistency in lower CPI AT6.3 per cent and the currentsingle digit rates lasts for re-maining part of the fiscal year2013, said financial experts.

Fresh IMF loan at harsh conditionalitiesExchange rate devaluation, withdrawal of subsidy, increase in interest rate

3 securitymenmartyred in

Waziristan blastSTAFF REPORTER

MIRANSHAH—Three soldierswere martyred and four otherssustained injuries in a suicide at-tack at a check post of securityforces in North Waziristan.Sources said the suicide bomberripped through a check post inSyed Gai area in the NorthWaziristan, killing three securitypersonnel and injuring four more.

Official sources said the in-jured have been rushed toMiranshah hospital. Meanwhile,five security personnel on Tues-day were injured in clashes be-tween security forces and mili-tants in the Akka Khel area ofBara in Khyber Agency while

EC bars mediafrom enteringits officesISLAMABAD—The ElectionCommission of Pakistan (ECP)has forbidden the media fromentering any of its officesTuesday.

According to the notifica-tion, ECP has warned itsofficials and stated that actionwill be taken against thoseofficials who will leak anyinformation to the media.

The ECP has restricted itsstaff from communicating withthe media personnel and hasalso barred them fromexchanging informationthrough any other meansincluding mobile, e-mail,etc.—Online

Tauqir Sadiqreleased fromAbu DhabiprisonDUBAI—The bail of formerOGRA chairman Tauqir Sadiqhas been approved and he hasbeen released from the AbuDhabi prison. According tomedia reports, the next hearingof the case will be held on April20 and as part of his bail Sadiqhas submitted his passport tothe court and been barred fromleaving the UAE.

According to sources, thefamily of the former OGRAchairman has also arrived inUAE. Tauqir Sadiq is allegedlyinvolved in the Rs82 billioncorruption case and theSupreme Court during the casehas ordered authorities toensure that Sadiq returns toPakistan. —Online

Bilawal to leadelection campaignfrom April 20KARACHI—Chairman PakistanPeoples’ Party Bilawal BhuttoZardari has said on Tuesday that

he will start his party electioncampaign from April 20. In anaddress to party workers from

11 May to be dayof accountability:


HAFIZABAD—Quaid of thePML-N Mian MuhammadNawaz Sharif has declared thatif voted to power the partywould steer the country out ofprevalent crises as his party hasthe potential to eliminate terror-ism, dearness, unemployment,loadshedding and hunger.

Addressing big gatheringhere Tuesday evening, he de-clared Jehad against corruption,lawlessness and other malaiseconfronting the nation.

He said that due to corrup-tion and bad governess of thepervious regimes during the past14 years the image of the coun-try has been badly tarnished andvowed that he would revive therespect and image of the coun-try in the world. He declared,

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KARACHI: People evacuating buildings after a major earthquake on Tuesday.

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they added. Levies officials saidthe PML-N leader was goingfrom Khuzdar to Anjira to par-ticipate in an election campaigngathering when his convoy wasattacked.

The blast was followed by fir-ing. More than two dozen peoplewere said to be injured, who wereshifted to Khuzdar District Head-quarter hospital for emergencytreatment. The injured also in-cluded PML-N workers, relativesand Zehri’s security staff. Mean-

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PESHAWAR—The Awami Na-tional Party (ANP) continued tobe under attack by terrorists to inthe rally of Ghulam AhmadBilour at a congested area in theinterior city a blast left at least18 people dead and 49 seriouslyinjured.

Those killed included SHOKotwali, Assistant Sub Inspectorand two cops while former fed-eral minister and senior ANPleader Ghulam Ahmad Bilour aswell as five policemen and anumber of kids were among theinjured. A reporter of a TV chan-nel also sustained serious inju-

ries. The death toll may go higheras many injured were in criticalcondition. A number of adjacentbuildings, many shops and ve-hicles were also damaged in theblast that completely burnt downthe vehicle of Bilour with his

driver trapped inside the vehicleand burnt to death. The formerAdvisor to Chief MinisterHaroon Bilour escaped unhurtwith the Tehreek-e-Taliban Paki-stan (TTP) owing responsibilityof the Tuesday’s blast saying itstarget was Haroon Bilour. TheANP leadership questioned the

intentions of the caretaker setupand the Election Commission ofPakistan holding them respon-sible for terrorism activitiesagainst their party and declaredto lodge an FIR both against theElection Commission and thecaretaker governments. The blastoccurred despite tight security ar-rangements and installation ofwalk through gate at the venueof the corner meeting.

A top leader of Awami Na-tional Party and Senior MinisterKhyber-Pakhtunkhwa BashirAhmad Bilour, it may be recalled,had embraced Shahadat alongwith eight others when a suicide

Blast hits ANP rallyin Peshawar, kills 18

Bomber targets Ghulam Ahmed Bilour; 6 police officials,3 kids among dead; Taliban claim responsibility

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Tremors leaveKarachiites scared


KARACHI—People of Karachiwere caught in by suddenalarm at about 3:30 pm onTuesday when buildings, of-fices, homes and apartmentsstarted trembling.

The tremors caused thepeople of the city from Eastto West to leave their homesand offices in panic. However,no casualty was reported till

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Altaf for strictmeasures toensure peace


KARACHI—The Founder andLeader of Muttahida QaumiMovement (MQM) AltafHussain strongly condemned thebomb attack on the convoy ofprovincial head of PML (N)Balochistan Sardar SanaullahZehri.

He expressed his heartfeltgrief and sorrow on the death ofhis son, brother and nephew in theblast and added that every patri-

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RIYADH—The king of SaudiArabia on Tuesday condemnedthe Boston Marathon bombings,saying no religion or moralswould condone such an attack.

In a condolences message toPresident Barack Obama and theAmerican people, King Abdullahsaid the perpetrators of such “hei-nous terrorist acts” are “enemiesof any humane considerations.”He said the perpetrators representonly themselves. In a separatestatement, the Saudi Embassy saida Saudi woman was among thoseinjured, suffering from minor in-

juries due to glass fragments. TheSaudi government has been crack-ing down on Islamic militantssince al-Qaida launched a waveof attacks in the country in 2003,killing dozens. It has sought to dis-tance itself from terrorist acts inthe past, including the Sept. 11attacks, where 15 of the 19 hijack-ers involved were Saudi citizens.

In Washington, a Saudi em-bassy official said Saudis havenot been informed by the U.S. ofany Saudi who is considered aperson of interest in the BostonMarathon bombings.—AP

King Abdullah condemnsBoston Marathon bombings

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FA I S A L A B A D —ChairmanSunni Ittehad Council (SIC)Sahibzada Fazale Karim waslaid to rest beside the graveof his father Sheikhul HadidhMulana Sardar Ahmed Rizvihere at Jamia Rizvia JhangBazar on Tuesday. His fu-neral prayer was offered atDhobi Ghat where thousandsof religious workers, clerics,students of different semi-naries, political leaders werepresent and they paid richtribute to him.

The prominent dignitar-ies who attended the funeralprayers included PresidentPML-Q Ch Shujat Hussain,Ameer Jamaat–e-AhleSunnat Sahibzada MazharSaeed Kazmi, General Secre-tary SIC Haji Hanif Tayeb,Mufti Munibur Rehman,Nazim-e-Aala Jamaat-e-AhleSunnat Allama Syed RiazHussan Shah, Pir AminulHasnat, Pir MunawarHussain Jamati, Pir KhalidSultan Qadri, President ATISyed Jawadul Hassan Kazmi,Mufti Muhammad Amin, PirEjaz Hashmi, Qari ZawarBahadur, Pir Tariq Wali andother prominent personali-ties were present on the oc-casion.

Ghani assumescharge of IG KP


PESHAWAR—Ihsan Ghani onTuesday assumed the chargeof Inspector General of Po-lice Khyber Pakhtunkhwa inan informal ceremony held atCentral Police Office here onTuesday. On arrival to theCentral Police Office he wasreceived by Personal StaffOfficer and a smart contin-gent of police presentedguard of honor to him.

Later talking to the highranking police officers in hisoffice he said “we muststand up as a team as I alonecannot turn the table andeveryone has to contributeto see the force successfulin this testing tie”. He alsopaid tributes to the precioussacrifices of the force by say-ing that KhyberPakhtunkhwa police havewritten the golden history ofpolice with their blood.


PESHAWAR—Residents of land-locked valley Chiltral criticizedKhyber Pukhtunkhwa TextBook Board (TBB) for printinga vulgar portrait in elementarybook of Chitrali language thatdoes not reflect culture of thearea and some non Kohar(Chitrali) language words havebeen included. The residentscastigated the TBB during aprotest demonstration hereopposite cantonment RailwayStation on Tuesday. SadiqAmin, a chairman Tanzeem-e-Tahafuz-e-Haqook-e-Chitral(TTHC) heading the protestingChitralis.

Holding banners andplacards inscribed with dif-ferent slogans against thetext book board, they werealso raising their-throat slo-gans against the TBB and infavour of their demands. Talk-ing to reporters, he said thatformer provincial governmenthad taken steps for promo-tion of mother tongues afterlong time but the administra-tion of the said TBB hadmade blunders in reflectingChitrali culture and languagein initial stage in the elemen-tary class book.

World HemophiliaDay today

IS L A M A B A D—World He-mophilia Day will be ob-served on 17th April acrossthe world including Paki-stan to advocate a globaleffort to ensure appropri-ate care and treatment fora disease that is the oldestknown genetic bleedingdisorder caused by a defi-ciency in the genes. Evenas the country emphasizeson headline-grabbing ail-ments, hemophilia, a littleknown blood disorder, isturning out to be a plaguewith over 50,000 people af-fected.

The theme for this year’scelebration is “ 50 years ofAdvancing Treatment forAll”.Hemophilia generallytransmits at birth from an af-fected father to daughter,who then becomes a carrierof the hemophilia cells whois at higher risk of passingthe defective gene on to herchildren. The disease is notcurable, but with properknowledge and treatment itcan be handled. World He-mophilia Day is targeted tostepping up awareness ofhemophilia and other bleed-ing disorders.—APP

GB govt toregularize 11000

employeesGILGIT—The government ofGilgit-Baltistan will regularizeservices of more than 11000employees working on tem-porary basis in different de-partments of the region, offi-cial sources said. They saidthe Chief Minister SyedMehdi Shah has directed theChief Secretary to work outthe policy to meet the de-mands of temporary employ-ees and their services beregularized.

The official said pres-ently more than 11000 em-ployees are working on tem-porary basis and are beingcategorized so that theycould be adjusted in phases.At first, the sources said,about 4300 employees ofWater and Power Depart-ment shall benefit from theirscheme and then Works De-partment and other depart-ments will implement the di-rectives of the Chief Minis-ter.—APP


ISLAMABAD—Prime MinisterJustice (R) Mir Hazar KhanKhoso Tuesday approvedthe launch of a scheme forpayment of tuition fee to stu-dents hailing fromBalochistan, Gilgit Baltistanand FATA who intend to doMasters, M.Phil and PhD.The scheme called “PrimeMinister’s tuition fee pay-ment scheme” for Masters,M.Phil and PhD was ap-proved and launched at ahigh level meeting attendedby Dr. Sania Nishtar, FederalMinister for Professional andTechnical Education, Sci-ence and Technology and IT,officials of PM’s Secretariat

and Ministry of professionaland technical education.

Dr. Sania Nishtar briefedthe Prime Minister on the sa-lient features of the scheme.The Prime Minister was in-formed that it was approved bythe federal cabinet in June 2012and a sum of Rs. 500 millionwas allocated for the purposein the budget. The scheme en-visages that students fromBalochistan, Gilgit- Baltistanand FATA will be provided tu-ition fee by the federal govern-ment so that they can under-take higher education.

The minister said thatthough education was a de-volved subject, the federalgovernment would provideequity to students so that

efforts can be stepped to im-prove the education stan-dards. This scheme, she said,is a pre-paid scheme wherethe entire expenditure duringMasters, M.Phil and PhDdegree will be borne by thefederal government for stu-dents residing in these areas.

The scheme further envis-ages that federal governmentwill bear all educational expen-diture of an estimated 10825students from these areas ofwhich 9128 students belongto Balochistan. The PrimeMinister directed that genderparity must be maintained andthe scheme should be avail-able for the next five years.The Prime Minister approvedthat in case of PhD students

of Balochistan, GilgitBaltistan and FATA wouldbe eligible for benefit fromthe scheme even if they getadmission in universitiesand colleges outside theircities and regions.

He has also approvedthat students hailing fromFederally AdministeredTribal Areas would benefitfrom the scheme if they areadmitted in Universities andColleges in KhyberPakhtunkhwa. The PrimeMinister said that his govern-ment was prepared to commitmore resources to educationand prioritize it as it consid-ers it critical to human re-source development and fu-ture of the nation.

PM launches free education schemefor Balochistan, GB, FATA students

ISLAMABAD—Benazir IncomeSupport Programme (BISP)has completed 99 percentpoverty survey countrywideinvolving 27 million house-hold to figure out people il-legible for financial grant. “Sur-vey was done irrespective ofpolitical affiliations, caste,creed, ethnicity, religion andsocio-economic status of thepopulation”, said spokesmanof BISP, here on Tuesday.

He said according to sur-vey findings, they identifiedmore than seven million fami-lies comprising 45 millionpeople as BISP beneficiaries,

including 450,000 familiesfrom Baluchistan and approxi-mately 250,000 families fromFederally Administered TribalArea (FATA). The spokesmaninformed that BISP is playinga vital role for improving theeconomic condition of the im-poverished, needy and de-serving people of the coun-try and so far Rs. 145 billionhave been disbursedamongst its beneficiaries.

“The BISP symbolizesdream of transforming Paki-stan into a welfare state andhas accomplished 15 yearswork in just four years”, he

stated. BISP’s target, headded, is to bring into its folda total of 7.2 million poorestof the poor families whichhave been identified throughthe nationwide poverty sur-vey. So far, more than 4.2 mil-lion families are receiving themonthly cash grant of Rs.1000 and apart from the Cashgrant - Mahana MaaliMuawanat - initiative, BISP’sother initiatives include Voca-tional and Technical training- Waseela-e-Rozgar, Interest-Free Returnable Financial As-sistance - Waseela-e-Haq,Health and Life Insurance -

Waseela-e-Sehet - PrimaryEducation (Co-responsibilityCash Transfer) - Waseela-e-Taleem and Emergency Relief- Hangami Maali Imdad.

The Benazir Income Sup-port Programme (BISP) has fa-cilitated beneficiaries by itsMobile Phone Banking Ser-vice in selected districts tohelp marginalized segments ofsociety at their door step, hefurther stated. Another inno-vation of BISP is use of BenazirCard for payments to recipi-ents, this initiative is now be-ing extended all over the coun-try in the modified form i.e.

Benazir Card (Debit Card).Benazir Smart Card holder

could only withdraw theirmoney through franchisees,while recipients usingBenazir Debit Card can useATMs as well as Franchiseesto withdraw their money.Thus they have more choicesavailable for them. The cardhas so far been launched in118 districts. More than threemillion cards have been dis-tributed among the recipientsand an amount of Rs.19 bil-lion has been disbursedthrough these cards, hesaid.—APP

BISP completes 99pc poverty survey covering 27m households


TIMERGARA—The MalakandTimber Marchant AssociationChakdara on Tuesday de-manded of the authorities torestore previous procedure oftimber auction otherwise theywould boycot the auction.Speaking at a news conferenceafter a meeting, president ofthe association MuhammadYar Khan and general secre-tary Muhammad NaeemRughani complained that theforest Development Corpora-tion had changed its proce-dure of timber auction. Theysaid the newly formulated pro-cedure had spread unrest intimber marchants. They saidthat timber was being classi-

fied and no one was ready topurchase low quality of timber.They demanded of the au-thorities to restore the old pro-cedure. They warned toboycot the April 23 auction iftheir demand was not met.

*****A 4th grade student

Kamranullah, 9, on Tuesdaycomplained about corporalpunishment and demanded ofthe higher authorities of edu-cation department to take no-tice of the matter. Father of thestudent, Badshah Khan whilespeaking at a news confer-ence at here said that his sonKamran was brutally beatenby his teacher Faiz Talab.Showing wounds on hischild’s back, he said the stu-

dent went unconscious afterthe physical violence. He alsodemanded of the authoritiesto initiate an enquity againstthe teacher and strictly bancorporal punishment in edu-cational institutions.

****The judicial employees in DirLower on Tuesday con-demned hand grenade attackon house of a female judgeSanum Taj at Shabqadar. Inthis regard a meeting of judi-cial employees was held at thedistrict bar Timergara withHayatullah in the chair. Themeeting expressed anger onthe incident and demanded ofthe government to provideadequate security to all judgesparticularly female judges.

Merchants demand oldtimber auction procedure


P E S H A W A R — K h y b e rPakhtunkhwa Caretaker ChiefMinister KhyberPakhtunkhwa Justice (retd)Tariq Pervez Khan has saidthat the role of caretaker gov-ernment is not of an electionobserver rather is supposedto create a conducive andpeaceful environment forholding free, fair and transpar-ent elections besides dis-posal of the routine adminis-trative business and takingeffective measures to addressthe problems of the publicadding that the provincialgovernment will utilize all theavailable resources to give

Relief to public at all costs: Tariqrelief to the general public.

He expressed these viewswhile talking to provincialcaretaker minister for rev-enue, Mr. Samin Jan Babarand Minister for Information,Mrs. Musarrat Qadeem whomade a call on meeting withhim at Chief Minister Secre-tariat Peshawar on Wednes-day, and discussed with himmatters related to the admin-istrative business of their re-spective departments andmatters of mutual interest. TheChief Minister said that theprovincial caretaker govern-ment could provide soundfootings of good governancefor the upcoming electedgovernment by showing bet-

ter performance even in itsshort period of time.

Touching upon the recentpostings and transfers invarious provincial depart-ments, the Chief Ministersaid that those postings andtransfers were made in thelight of the instructions is-sued by Election Commissionof Pakistan in order to createconducive atmosphere forthe upcoming general elec-tions, and to make better pub-lic service delivery by ensur-ing good governance. Heurged the heads of provin-cial departments to take nec-essary steps to resolve theday to day problems faced bythe public.


LAHORE—Following theirabysmal performance in their5 years of loot and plunder,Pakistan People’s Party, withnothing worthwhile to claim,has now embarked upon astrategy to hoodwink thenation through blatant mis-representation of facts, firstwith economy and now withenergy, said PML-N leaderTariq Azim. Making use oftheir ill-gotten money, hesaid the PPP recently placedfull page ads in all nationalpapers and have tried to shiftthe blame on the past PML –N government for their owngross negligence and inabil-ity to rid the nation of everincreasing load sheddingproblem. Instead of alleviat-ing the problem, they com-pounded it by initiatingRental Power Projects in or-der to line their own pockets.

The facts however, showthe true picture. PPP wentwrong in the first place whenit chose to use the wrong fuelmix, relying totally on furnace

PML-N leaderdenies claims of PPP

oil instead of coal or gas andthen awarding contracts atinflated prices. A review of theHUBCO Power Project initi-ated by the PML – N Govern-ment in late 90s, resulted inmassive savings for the na-tion following a court orderthat forced HUBCO to lowerits prices, the PML-N leaderadded. While in government,Tariq said the PPP failed tocontrol line losses because ofmassive corruption.

Instead of settling the cir-cular debt, billions werefleeced away by the likes ofTauqir Sadiq. Fact remainsthat thanks to PML–N poli-cies, Pakistan at one time wasin a position to export elec-tricity to India. In 1999, whenthe PML – N’s governmentwas illegally forced out, ourproduction capacity stood at17,399 MW. Now as claimedby the PPP’s own advertPakistan’s CURRENT re-quirement is 17,000 MW.Hence, PML – N left the Pa-kistan with enough energy toeven fulfill the needs 15 yearslater, he added.

PESHAWAR: PPP candidate from NA-1 Zulfiqar Afghani talking to media persons afterattack on his house in Gulbahar area.

PESHAWAR: Different Party’s leaders raising their hands after joining Jamat-e-Islami at Al-Markaz-e-Islami.

QUETTA: Lawyers hold a rally for safe and quick recovery of former Balochistan Advo-cate General Salahuddin Mengal outside Governor House.

HARIPUR—At least threepersons including a womanwere killed and five othersinjured when a passengervan fell into gorge due toover speeding here late onMonday night. Accordingto details, an over speed-ing passenger van headingto Lassan Nawab area ofdistrict Mansehra skiddedoff road due to slipperinesson road caused by the rainand plunged into a ravinein Hyderabad Phohar local-ity.

As a result of accidentthree people includingMarriyam Jan, Zakir and

Woman among three killedShah Zaman were killed onthe spot while a womanidentified as Irum Shahzadiamong five others sus-tained serious wounds.The bodies and injuredpeople were shifted to hos-pital for medico-legal-for-malities.

At least four policemenwere injured when un-known militants attacked apolice mobile here on Tues-day morning.

According to detai ls ,unidentified motorcyclistssprayed bullets at policemobile in Wazirabad area ofTank distr ict bordering

South Waziristan Agency(SWA).

As a result of firing fourcops sustained injuries. Theattackers managed to fleefrom the scene after the fir-ing incident.

The injured policemenwere rushed to DistrictHeadquarters (DHQ) Hospi-tal Tank, where accordingto hospital sources condi-tion of two injured cops wasserious.

Heavy contingent ofpolice cordoned off the areaafter the firing incident andlaunched search operationfor the attackers.—INP

Page 3: e-Paper April 17, 2013

Judiciary, ECP for free, fair pollsISLAMABAD—Pakistan Muslim League(N) leader Ahsan Iqbal has said that thatthe Judiciary and Election Commissionof Pakistan are playing their role effec-tively for free and fair elections but thedecision in the coming polls has to betaken by the voters. Talking to RadioPakistan, he said that law should havebeen equally applied to all without anydiscrimination. He said there shouldhave been serious efforts and merciless

action against those who looted the national wealth. Cen-tral leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N)Senator Zafar Ali Shah on Tuesday said the upcomingelections are very important as survival of the countrydepends on the polls. Talking to reporters outside the Par-liament House, he said PML-N can meet challenges con-fronting the country due to its vibrant manifesto. To aquestion, he said that whenever PML-N has come intopower, it has served the people with sincerity and a spiritof patriotism, strengthened national economy through solidpolicies, introduced comprehensive programmes for pov-erty alleviation, created job opportunity as well as pro-moted economic, industrial and trade activities. He saidthat by the support of the people, PML-N candidates willsweep the upcoming general elections. Earlier, former PML-N MNA, Rana Mehmoodul Hassan has said that his partywill resolve electricity crisis within two years, if voted topower. Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, RanaMehmoodul Hassan said that PML-N was offering partytickets on merit. He informed that a special mechanism wasbeing adopted for awarding party tickets. He claimed thatPML-N would defeat opponents with heavy margin. RanaMehmoodul Hassan maintained that PML-N would doeconomic explosion after coming into power.—APP

PPP for public welfareLAHORE—The Pakistan People’s Party(PPP) will take solid steps to providerelief to the oppressed segment of soci-ety after wining elections. These viewswere expressed by PPP Lahore Presi-dent Samina Khalid Ghurki in a pressstatement issued on Tuesday. PPPLahore Secretary Information AbidHussain Siddiqi said the PPP had alwayssafeguarded the interest of the down-trodden, adding that the party would

continue making efforts for the uplift of the masses. Hesaid the PPP had always launched people-friendly policiesand provided relief to people. In a press statement onFriday, she said people are aware of the elements whoconsistently conspired against PPP-led government overlast five years. Samina said that anti-PPP forces demon-strated their failure to acknowledge democracy. She addedthat national issues could be resolved while treading onthe path of democracy. “PPP had to face pressure repeat-edly, but the party didnot allow any one to damage thedemocratic process. Our party leadership has renderedprecious sacrifices for the protection of democracy”. Cit-ing the sacrifices of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto andMohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed, Samina Khalid saidPPP leaders gave their lives to sustain democracy. Shehoped that people would vote for PPP for its contributionto democracy and efforts to improve life of common man.Meanwhile, Pakistan Peoples Party Punjab vice presidentHaji Azizur Rehman Chan has said conspiracies againstdemocratic process will be failed and elections will be heldon time. Talking to media here, he said people and workersof the PPP had sacrificed for democracy and they wouldnever allow to damage democracy and democratic institu-tions. He hoped the people would vote the PPP on itsperformance and the PPP would form the next governmentin the country.—APP

ANP to fully participate in electionsStaff Reporter

PESHAWAR—President ANP KhyberPakhtunkhwa Senator Afrasiab Khattakdemanded of the Election Commissionof Commission (ECP) and caretakergovernment for provision of a level play-ing field to all the political parties. Talk-ing to newsmen, Khattak said that someelements, who were upset on the popu-larity of ANP, were out to impose theirwill on the people. But the governmentis not taking any notice of the threats

to its leaders, candidates and workers, he alleged. Generalsecretary ANP KP Arbab Mohammad Tahir Khalil andformer provincial ministers Mian Iftikhar Hussain and AqilShah were also present at the press conference. He saidthat keeping a particular political party away from the peopleby force would stigmatize the fairness and transparencyof polls. He said that the silence of other political partieson withdrawal of security of ANP leaders and candidateswas not justified as those having sympathies for ‘terror-ists’ could face the same repercussions. Senator Khattaksaid that no one could usurpe the people’s right of voteand they would again give mandate to the ANP. The ANPleader asked the government to take action against thosehurling threats to his party leaders. He alleged that thenew Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) was the cousin of acontestant. He said that the ANP would fully participate inthe elections and the attacks would not deter it. He saidthat the ANP had a political history, which believed in thenon-violent philosophy of Bacha Khan. He said that thethreats and attacks on ANP leaders and candidates wouldadversely impact the political situation.

PPP believes in masses powerISLAMABAD—Former Minister for Infor-mation and Broadcasting Qamar ZamanKaira on Tuesday said that PakistanPeople’s Party (PPP) believed in thepower of the masses and its leadershippromoted politics of reconciliation in thecountry. Talking to APP, he said PPPalways came to power through the votesof the people, who had the real powerto bring a change in the country andclaimed that PPP will win majority of the

seats in upcoming general elections. Replying to a ques-tion, he said people would elect honest, trustworthy andcommitted representatives in the upcoming general elec-tions who would take forward the country on the road ofprogress and prosperity. He said PPP had never made anyfalse promises with the masses, adding his party fulfilledall the promises mentioned in the manifesto. Earlier, Sena-tor Farhatullah Babar on Monday said that the top leader-ship of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and some other po-litical parties was receiving threats. “Our leaders, formerprime ministers Yusuf Raza Gilani and Raja Pervez Ashraf,former minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim, former CM SindhQaim Ali Shah and ex-MNA Akhunzada Chattan are re-ceiving threats,” Senator Farhatullah Babar informed theSenate. He said the leaders had also informed the Presi-dent House about the threats. Therefore, it is responsibil-ity of the government to provide them security, he added.He regretted a statement by the Election Commission ofPakistan (ECP) regarding security of former prime minis-ters and the leaders. “They are under threat and are notseeking security for the satisfaction of their ego.”—APP


PE S H AWA R —A Letter ofIntent (LOI) was signedbetween the Government ofKhyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pa-kistan and the Governmentof Yeonggwang,Jeollanamdo Province, Ko-rea for the promotion offriendly relations at a cer-emony held here at CivilSecretariat Tuesday.

Secretary Culture, Gov-ernment of KhyberPakhtunkhwa, Azmat HanifAurakzai and City HeadmanYeonggwang, Jeong Gi Ho,signed the letter on behalf oftheir governments whileKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Care-taker Minister for Informationand Culture, MossaratQadeem and a number of theKorean delegates werepresent on the occasion.According to details of the

LOI, both local authoritieswill pursue a variety of ex-change and cooperation ac-tivities in various fields oflocal authorities and privateorganizations including cul-ture, sightseeing, art, educa-tion and administration.

Both local authorities willimplement general actionsrequired for the exchangeand cooperation, provide avariety of conveniences forexchange to each other andobserve the principle of reci-procity and equality. More-over, both local authoritieswill implement the coopera-tion projects after thoroughdiscussion in considerationof the features of eachproject. It was also agreedthat Gandhara art and cultureassociation will activelysuggest and help the twocities to cooperate and com-municate with each other.


ISLAMABAD—A Memoran-dum of Understanding (MoU)was signed by the NationalUniversity of Modern Lan-

guages (NUML), Islamabad,and Suleyman Sah University,Turkey, here today to have aclose academic collaborationin the faculties of Humanitiesand Social Sciences, Facultyof Administrative and Man-agement Sciences as well asresearch.

The MOU was signedby the Director General (DG)NUML, Brig Azam Jamal andProfessor Dr AdnanASLAN, Dean Faculty ofHumanities and Social Sci-ences of Suleyman Sah Uni-versity. The signature cer-emony was attended by theRegistrar Brig (R) M. SaeedAkhtar Malik, Director Aca-demics Col (R) Syed Jawaid,

Harun Koken, ChairmanRumi Foundation and DrZakeriya Nas, Head of Turk-ish Department at NUML.

Talking on the occasion,Professor Dr Adnan ASLAN

said that Pakistan was a veryclose friend of Turkey andpeople of Turkey had deepfraternal feelings for theirPakistani brothers.

This collaboration be-tween two universities ofPakistan and Turkey wouldbe another opportunity toassist each other in the filedof academic research andlearning which ultimatelyleads toward economic andsocial betterment. He toldthat “there are four depart-ments under the faculty ofHumanities and Social Sci-ences” and through this col-laboration such arrange-ments would be made underwhich students and faculty

members would be ultimatebeneficiary, he added.

He also said that the ma-jor emphasis would be on theresearch and students andfaculty members would be

given opportunities to carryout research under the guid-ance of some very highlyqualified and experiencedteachers. DG Brig Azam Jamalsaid that both institutionshave a lot of similarities andthere was a great scope towork in areas of Turkish lan-guage and literature, Interna-tional Relations, Economics,Psychology and Manage-ment Sciences. Moreover,promotion of research in alldisciplines of studies is oneof our strategic thrusts. Welook forward to some verybeneficial and practical op-portunities for our studentsand faculty members andvice verse.

QUETTA: JUI-F Balochistan Amir Senator Hafiz Hamdullah addressing a press conference.

KH A N E WA L/KA R A C H I—Anti-polio workers sustainedinjuries when some men tor-tured them in Khanewal andKarachi area on Tuesday. Ac-cording to details, polio vac-cination team was beaten upin Kabirwala town ofKhanewal.

The incident took placeat Mastpur area of tehsilKabirwala. Unidentified manbeat up lady workers, ac-cording to DCO Health Dr.Afzal Bashir. He said thatlady health workers wereidentified as Sorayya andTasleem. Police arrested fivesuspected men who alleg-edly tortured the polio team

in Khanewal area.Meanwhile, aerial firing

was reported when polioworkers arrived in BaldiaTown in Karachi and theteam left the area withoutadministrating the drops tothe children in the area.Meanwhile, it is reportedthat three days anti-poliovaccination campaign hasbeen started in the districthere on Tuesday. This wasstated by DHODr.Muhammad Issa whiletalking to APP on Tuesdaythat, the health departmentwould vaccinate more than18885 children in differentareas.

He said that various mo-bile teams were assigned theirrespective duties at transitpoints including bus termi-nals, schools, markets andother public places. The poliocampaign will continue tillApril 18. He claimed that, thereis no case of polio registeredin the district up till now. Heurged the masses to cooper-ate with anti-polio teams dur-ing the compaign.

District Health Officer DrMuhammad Essa said onTuesday that Health depart-ment would immunize some18885 children under five yearsof age in the district duringpolio campaign.—APP


MANDI BAHAUDDIN—Fair,free and transparent elec-tions are not possible underthe prevailing uncertain cir-cumstances in general andwith presence of Zardari inhis office in special, said lo-cal PTI leader and candidatefrom NA-109 Faiz AhmedBosal. He was addressing apress conference here on

Tuesday. He said perfor-mance of caretaker govern-ment with regard to mainte-nance of law and order in thecountry and controversialrole of ECP has furtherstrengthened this version.Candidates and their sup-porters were being killed inbroad day light and the gov-ernment was just acting as asilent spectator.

He said even general

public was of the opinionthat upcoming electionseems to be a drama that iswhy public at large was nottaking any interest in theelection. He further said thatmostly candidates were ex-MPs who during last fiveyears looted public moneyon the pretext of develop-ment schemes. They all con-cealed their actual assetsand wealth and showed false

income statements in theirnomination forms to avoidincome tax.

Despite this they suc-ceeded to get their nomina-tion papers accepted. Onthe other hand new en-trants’ papers were rejectedon minor technical grounds.

The ECP has also failedto come up to its commit-ment for enabling overseasPakistanis to exercise their

Free, fair polls not possible under uncertain situation

Anti-polio workers torturedin Khanewal, Karachi

NUML, Suleman Sah varsity signresearch-in-social sciences MoU

right of vote.****

Pakistan Muslim LeagueQuaid-e-Azam will give sur-prise results in coming elec-tions. PMLQ has nominatedcandidates through mutualconsensus of local party work-ers and activists. The candi-dates are strong and enjoygood reputation in their respec-tive areas due to party’s remark-able performance in the previ-

ous tenure. This was said byIftikhar Ahmed Ranjha Advo-cate of Kharaywal village, aparty activist said here whiletalking to press the other day.

He said Ch Munis Elahiis candidate from of PP-118and his success was surewith clear majority since heenjoyed big support ofRanjha Bradri, Bhatti broth-ers and Tarars including farm-ers and workers.

FC holds freemedical camp

QU E T TA —Around 250needy patients were givenfree medical treatment dur-ing the medical camps or-ganized by BalochistanFrontier Corps at Loti andPirkoh areas of Dera Bugtidistr ict . According to anFC press release here, dur-ing the day-long medicalcamp the patients includingmale, female and childrenwere also provided withfree.

Local people welcomedthe initiative and assuredtheir full cooperation in fu-ture as well. Speaking on theoccasion, CommandantBambore Rifles, a wing ofFC, Colonel Arshad saidthat FC were determined forpublic service and persis-tently holding free medicalcamps to ensure qualitymedical facilities to needypatients of remote areas ofthe province.—APP

CHAMAN: A health worker giving anti-Polio drops to achild at Civil Hospital during three-day campaign.


TIMERGARA—A total of 91polling stations out of 308have been declared the mostsensitive while 119 as sensi-tive for the May, 11 election,official sources told journal-ists. Sources said that keep-ing in view the situation atotal of 91 polling stationsin Dir Lower have been de-clared as most sensitive, 119as sensitive and 98 normal.The Lower Dir has one na-tional and four provincial as-sembly seats. The electioncommission has set up 308polling stations. In PK-94,eight polling stations havebeen declared as the mostsensitive while 42 as sensi-tive.

In PK-95 33 have beendeclared most sensitive and42 as sensitive while in PK-

91 polling stationsdeclared sensitive

96, 27 have been declared themost sensitive and 26 sensi-tive. Similarly in PK 97, 23have been declared as themost sensitive while 8 as sen-sitive, sources said. The elec-tion candidates and politicalparties have been asked tolimit their campaigns in-doorand avoid big public gather-ing.

*****The Dir peace and cul-

tural festival organized by thePakistan army at Dir Scouts’ground continued for thesecond day. A large numberof school children, youthand elders from differentparts of the district visitedthe venue. Different stallshave been set up in the festi-val, however, visitors most ofthem teenagers were seeninterested in musical con-certs and swings.

ISLAMABAD—Pakistan Me-teorological Department(PMD) on Tuesday forecastdry weather for most parts ofthe country during the next 24hours. According to the syn-optic situation, western distur-bance prevailing over parts ofthe country has moved towardnorth easterly direction. Hotand dry weather will prevail inPunjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,Sindh, Balochistan, Kashmirand Gilgit Baltistan for the next24 hours.

The hot and dry spellacross the country will con-tinue to prevaail for three tofour days. The maximum tem-peratures recorded duringthe last 24 hours wereIslamabad 32 C, Lahore andKarachi 37, Peshawar 33,

Hot, dry weather likelyQuetta 27 ,Muzzafarabad 32,Murree 21 and GilgitBaltistan 30 C. The highestmaximum temperatures re-corded during the last 24hours were Shaheed

Benazirabad 45 C, Sukkur,Mithi and Padidan 43 C.

The KP Met Office hereon Tuesday forecast morerain with thundershowersalong with gusty winds atscattered places ofMalakand.—APP

KP Govt, Korea toenhance relations

ASI injured inencounter, lady

killed in accidentBASHIR AHMAD RAHMANI

HAFIZABAD—A AssistantSub-Inspector was injured inpolice encounter in police sta-tion Pindi Bhattian Sadar arealast night. According to po-lice sources, SHO police sta-tion, Pindi Bhattian, receivedinformation that some pro-claimed offenders includingSajjad alias Haji Sameka werepresent in village ThathaRaika. Police party cordonedof the area but the proclaimedoffenders opened fire on Po-lice party without any dis-crimination. Resultantly, ASITayyab was injured who wasshifted to district headquar-ters hospital, Hafizabad.

Police also retaliated andencounter continued formore than three hours. Pro-claimed offenders Sajjad aliasHaji Sameka and his accom-plices Mujahid etc managedto escape in the darkness ofthe night. Police had an-nounced head money of Rs.5 lakh on Proclaimed of-fender Sajjad and Rs 5 lakhon Mujahid and wanted bypolice of district Hafizabad,Faisalabad and Cheniot inmurder, abduction for ransomand extortion cases.

****Sister was killed while

brother injured in road acci-dent on Lahore-SargodhaRoad near Sukheki, 50 km fromhere. According to police re-port, Tanveer resident of vil-lage Kaleki village was on itsway to Pindi Bhattian accom-panied by her sister RubinaBibi on bike. When theyreachedLahore -SargodhaRoad near Sukheki, a seedycar coming from back sidecrushed them. Resultantly,Rubina Bibi was killed on thespot while his brother Tanveerreceived injuries.

ISLAMABAD: Director General NUML, Brig Azam Jamal and Prof Dr Adnan Aslan,dean Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Suleyman Sah University exchangedocuments after MoU signing ceremony.

Candidates have concealed real assets to avoid tax

Page 4: e-Paper April 17, 2013

Raja debarred andmay go behind barsTHE case of former Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf is classical

reflection of the proverb ‘Man proposes, God disposes’. In thiscase the man incharge of almost everything misused his authority

to apparently please his vote bank in Gujar Khan to ensure easy sailing inelections but the very action has turned out to be a nightmare for him.The Returning Officer concerned rejected his nomination papers for NA-51 on the basis of unambiguous remarks given by Islamabad High Courtin the case of award of contracts for development schemes in his con-stituency in violation of the rules and laws and on Monday his appealagainst the decision of RO was turned down by the Election Tribunal,serving a severe blow to his political dream and career.

This is a stark reminder that power is a sacred trust and every effortshould be made to avail the opportunity to do things that are remem-bered by the nation and not vested interests. What happened to RajaPervez Ashraf should be a routine in a real democracy as those wholoot and plunder national wealth must be held accountable for the mis-deeds. Isn’t it ironical that both the Prime Ministers of PPP era standdisqualified from contesting elections and based on the evidence, ifcases are pursued, Raja could well be behind bars some day. But themost disgusting aspect of the entire episode is that both of them haveapparently not learnt the lesson as one is still claiming that he upheldthe Constitution and the law by not writing letter to the Swiss authori-ties despite clear instructions of the highest court of the land and theother takes pride in diverting funds from other areas and constituenciesto his own constituency in the name of service to the people as if peopleof Pakistan live only in Gujar Khan. In fact, in a genuine democraticpolity, there should have been no room for a person tainted with RPPsand other scandals to reach the top slot of the country but those at thehelm of affairs were bent upon making mockery of the judicial systemand they are now reaping what they had sown. Whether or not Raja haslearnt any lesson but we are sure future Prime Ministers and Ministerswould surely not forget that they too could meet the same fate.

Load-shedding breakingback of industry

THOUGH it is not something new but still the report that the increasedload-shedding is inflicting huge industrial losses should be a cause

for concern not only for the interim set up but also for aspirants of thepower through forthcoming general elections. It is because of this thatoffice bearers of Korangi Association of Trade and Industry have stronglycondemned the load-shedding in industrial areas of Karachi by KESC onthe pretext of less gas supply by the SSGC.

We are talking about industrialization and investment to get rid ofabysmal poverty and socio-economic backwardness but regrettably ouractions are quite the contrary. No incentive for investment would workuntil and unless we ensure provision of basic infrastructure and unin-terrupted supply of energy to industries and businesses. The dream ofsubstantial increase in exports is also directly linked to our ability toprovide energy to ensure creation of required surplus for exports. PPPis blaming PML-N for scuttling the energy policy of then Prime Minis-ter Benazir Bhutto which, the party believes, would have increased theinstalled capacity to take care of even future needs of the country, butexperts say it was the very IPPs policy that has landed the country intounending trouble. The commission and kickback mafia concluded powerpurchase price with IPPs that the country is still not able to pay andwhich is the fundamental cause of the vicious circular debt that is con-sidered to be the major factor behind power shortages. Anyhow, thecountry cannot wait for another five year as Imran Khan is promisingand the next Government will have to take emergent measures to bridgethe gap between supply and demand of the electricity.

Fake mineral waterin a fake society

WHILE food adulteration is common in Pakistan, Managing Director Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KW&SB) has stated that

there were more than 500 commercial entities deceiving the masses forbottled mineral water by simply supplying tab water to the consumers. InJanuary this year the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources(PCRWR) in its report said seventeen companies had been found to beselling unsafe water for drinking.

Supply of bottled water has become a roaring business and everyoffice and household is getting the supply for the sake of health reasons.However taking advantage of the trend, many fake companies under dif-ferent brands have sprung up in every part of the country. One may saythat over the last few years, the country which came into being in thename of Islam and the society known as upholder of Islamic traditionsand eastern culture is witnessing adulteration in every thing. Even lifesaving drugs and food items have not been spared and the patients whilepurchasing medicines are not sure that these items were of standardquality. There had been several deaths in a Lahore hospital last yearwhen patients were supplied substandard medicines and there were sev-eral inquiries but nothing concrete came out. So it is understandablethat not only the so-called mineral water but every consumer item be-ing supplied is fake and the brigades of inspectors at the federal andprovincial levels, employed to keep a close watch and prevent adul-teration are either themselves involved in the dirty business or madehelpless by their superiors and those involved in the trade. Thereforewe would strongly impress upon the concerned government agenciesto realize their responsibilities to the country and the people and bringan end to the menace of supply of fake mineral water and other items.

Time to take global warming seriously

Wealth is like sea-water; the more wedrink, the thirstierwe become; and thesame is true of fame.

Shock wavein Boston

In the weeks and months afterthe 2001 terrorist attacks, everyiconic sports event became an

occasion for anxiety. World Seriesgames, the Super Bowl — witheach, trepidation suffused everyfan’s normal interest. Over time, thetrepidation faded — until Monday.The Boston Marathon, held eachPatriot’s Day, is about as iconic asa sporting event can be, for theworld’s elite runners and forBostonians, whether sedentary orfit. As Massachusetts Gov. DevalPatrick (D) said, “This is a prettyspecial day around here.” That itwould be despoiled by two explo-sions near the finish line, killing atleast three and injuring scores, is aterrible development.

In the early moments after theblasts, there were indications of thenation’s maturity, for better andworse, in dealing with such shocks.Runners and onlookers seemed torespond, for the most part, withoutpanic. Local police began cooper-ating seamlessly with state policeand the FBI and other federal au-thorities. Emergency crews re-sponded with professionalism. Of-ficials and reporters, meanwhile,were careful not to get ahead of theconfirmed news. Could the explo-sions have been something otherthan bombs? In the late afternoon,Boston Police Commissioner EdDavis confirmed that they wereexplosive devices.

Who was responsible? Again,there seemed to be a general un-derstanding of the danger of jump-ing to conclusions. The nation hasseen its share of foreign terrorismand home-grown terrorism attacksalike (the 1996 Summer Games inAtlanta come to mind). Sadly, anynumber of explanatory scenarioswere plausible, absent a claim ofresponsibility and pending a morethorough investigation. Washingto-nians who knew a marathoner, orwhose friends or loved ones werein Boston for other reasons, franti-cally sought reassurance. For ev-eryone else, there was little to dobut hold the victims in their heartsand wait for more clarity. Unfortu-nately, we’ve learned well by nowthat “senseless” doesn’t mean “un-likely.” Even so, who could helpbut feel furious that anyone wouldtarget such a sunny event and somany innocent people?— The Washington Post



outlook willbe missed

The time could not be moreapt for the Palestinians tounite, given the bleak cir-

cumstances they face. The Pales-tinian cause should not be forgot-ten as the aspirations of an inde-pendent homeland will always bethe key for any lasting peace in theregion. Hence, there are high ex-pectations from the Palestinianleadership to attain this goal.

The resignation of prime min-ister Salam Fayyad is a setback. Asthe premier, Fayyad was a voice ofmoderation, and one which wasacceptable to the international com-munity. Furthermore, he was alsoseen by his own people as some-one who was capable of tacklingdifficult issues, especially when itcame to the economic woes of thePalestinians. Regardless of hisshortcomings, Fayyad did bringalong with him a hope that matterscould improve, even if marginally.Yet what makes his departure prob-lematic is the fact that the US hasexpressed its intention to becomeengaged once again in the much-delayed peace process.

Having Fayyad on boardwould have been a plus as he is apractical person who believes inlong-term planning. Having saidthat, President Mahmoud Abbasand the senior Palestinian leader-ship must now refuse to be confinedby reality’s limitations, and ratherbe determined to push for a betterfuture for the Palestinian people.Pursuing such an aspiration will re-quire a different level of leadership,transparency and agility.— Gulf News


Arthur SchopenhauerGerman philosopher

It is heart-warming that in aworld, in which human values— what to talk of human life

— have lost all sanctity; there ex-ist people who still worry aboutsuch causes as global warming. Ittends to restore whatever littlefaith one had in human nature. Onehad been hearing about the men-ace of global warming off and onfor quite some time, without tak-ing it too seriously. Most peopletend to behave in this lackadaisi-cal fashion until a hazard rears itsugly head. Very few in this un-heeding world of ours had taken itall that seriously until the tsunamiand earthquake disasters turnedeverything upside down.

In several Multilateral Confer-ences in the past, when the subjectof global warming came up it wasbrushed aside by the developedworld as a Third World worry. Whybother, they appear to have argued,if merely a few measly poor nationswere in danger of being submergedby the rising sea? It was hardlyworth sacrificing the First World’sprerogative to burn fossil fuel to itsheart’s content! Besides, it was al-ways expedient to fob off the re-sponsibility on those Third Worldstates that were eking out a measlyliving through the clandestine sale

Debate over Articles 62 & 63


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Huge hubbub was raised inrecent times about the roleof returning officers and

the kind of questions they put tothe candidates. It has been the mostpenned-down and talked-over de-bate in the latest hours. The politi-cians became het up and the me-dia men wrought up. Articles 62,63 have ignited a heated debatewedging apart two sections of so-ciety: liberal seculars and the con-servatives; that is what each sideof stratum is labeling for eachother. The rejection of nominationpapers of Ayaz Amir worked asfuel to turbulent flames burning inthe liberal fascists’ mind, this ishow they are titled. Ayaz Amir’srejection orientated the discussionto the seemingly unending debateon the ‘ideology of Pakistan’.

I read more than a dozen ar-ticles on the topic. Most soundedquite liberal stretching the debateto the credentials of Quaid-e-Azamand Allama Iqbal. An editor of awidely circulated English dailyopines that both these foundingfathers of Pakistan would havefailed before returning officers ofthese days. He goes as far as to saythat Allama Muhammad Iqbalwould have been on a sticky wicketif requested to explain the ideol-ogy of Pakistan. He further tags thebehaviour of these returning offic-ers as being ‘absurd display of re-ligiosity’. These liberals, as iscalled, have nothing in their pock-ets but the speech of Jinnah deliv-ered on August 11, 1947, brushingaside to the basket almost morethan one hundred sayings of theQuaid for upholding the ideals ofIslam. The speech of 11th of Au-

of their rain-forest timber.The developed world wasnever expected to be on thereceiving end of things.Nature is a great leveler. Itsomehow refuses to givespecial preference to therich and prosperous. Man-made disasters may targetthe poor and the deprived,

but nature shows no such bias. Itwas interesting, therefore, to comeacross, some years back, a series offour articles by a Barry James inthe International Herald Tribuneeach on one of “Four Battlefronts”in, what was termed as the “waragainst effects of climate change”.The four “Battle Fronts” selectedby the author were, understandablyall in the Developed World.

The first of the series, relating toVenice - the much-heralded city of“romantic canals and splendid pal-aces”- is of direct relevance to theThird World. It appears that Venicehad already sunk a good depth of astep due to the indiscriminate drain-age of the underground water tableduring industrialization. This had hadthe effect of leaving several Venetiansin ankle deep water in their homesand work places. Now that the spec-ter of the aftermath of global warm-ing is sending shivers down the spinesof residents of low-lying areas aroundthe globe, Venetians are faced withthe horrifying prospect of large partsof their city being submerged muchof the time.

This is hardly a happy prospectfor a city that derives most of its rev-enue from the gawking tourists.Venice, one learns, has been taking theproblem seriously for more than three

decades now. Regrettably, the samecan hardly be said about the ThirdWorld countries that are projected tobe on the “hit list” of global warming.Tens of millions of hapless people,mainly in Bangladesh and SoutheastAsia, face serious or permanent flood-ing of their lands if the climate changepredictions become a reality.

The World Metrological Orga-nization (WMO) has termed the pastdecade as the warmest since accu-rate records began to be maintainedin the mid 19th century. The collapseof a huge ice shelf in the easternAntarctic was reported a couple ofyears ago. This was apparently dueto rise in the temperatures in the re-gion. Scientists have surmised that,if the present trends continue un-abated, the Arctic could well turninto a navigable ocean by the middleof this century. This is not a phenom-enon to be taken lightly. The eco-logical disaster that such a changecould bring in its wake should makeall mankind sit up and take notice.

The tragedy is that the world isstill engaged in playing ducks anddrakes with the issue as it is withseveral other issues of far reachingimport. Multilateral diplomacy,which has progressively become thebane of what we euphemisticallyrefer to as “our civilization”, hasonce again been let loose in theworld’s arena. The multilateraldiplomatists are more interested intheir paid jaunts to far off exotic re-sorts than in the well being of thepopulace at risk. They are bound tosell their sponsors short, as evidentlytheir selfish priorities hardly squarein with the anxieties of the strugglingmillions of the Third World.

The Kyoto protocol came intoeffect, though the powers that be,in their mighty wisdom, chose tostay out and defy the fury of na-ture. These powers continue tocling to the belief – as is their wont- that whenever calamity falls it willaffect only the weak and that theywould emerge unscathed. Be thatas it may, they will be doing so attheir own peril! Nature, as onementioned earlier, is a great leveler.Meanwhile, several other ecologi-cal upheavals are visible on thehorizon. The melting of hugechunks of ice near the North Poleis already the cause of serious con-cern. Not only will the loose chunksof ice pose an avoidable hazard tothe shipping in the region, the con-sequential rise in the level of theocean will be a danger for the low-lying landmasses in the area.

Nearer home, there is an eco-logical disaster waiting to happen inthe Siachin region, where the gla-cier is in imminent danger of melt-ing. Experts have already warnedthat unless the military operationsin the area are terminated and theforces withdrawn an ecological ca-tastrophe is waiting round the cor-ner. The moot question is: will thetwo sides take time off from theirinane sparring sessions to pay someserious attention to the ecologicaldisasters waiting to happen? Glo-bal warming is not a phenomenonto be taken lightly. The future ofmillions of human beings is atstake. The sooner the powers thatbe realize the impending danger,the better it will be for all concerned.What is more, the world would needto act before it is too late.

gust, in point of fact, shows atransition from the concept ofnationhood towards state-hood. But that is taken as asole source to render secularmeanings to type of PakistanJinnah wished to have.

The Quaid had a clear conceptof Islam as a code of life. In replyto a journalist in 1943, he said, “Is-lam is not a mere religion, but arealistic and practical code of con-duct.” During his visit to UsmaniaUniversity, Hyderabad, he empha-sized, “The concept of Islamic stateis that in which one has to obey Al-mighty Allah faithfully. This obe-dience is through the injunctionsand principles of the Holy Quran.In Islam, sovereign powers are notvested in the persons of King orparliament.... Quran has prescribedthe limits of our political and so-cial life.” The current debate, infact, originated from the use ofArticles 62 and 63 by the return-ing officers. These two Articlesdefine the parameters of the quali-fications and disqualifications forthe ones aspiring to join the corri-dors of provincial and central leg-islative assemblies of Pakistan. TheArticle 62(e, f) proved to be thebiggest scratch on the sane brainsof these liberals.

It is vehemently argued that thewords ‘sagacious’, ‘righteous’,‘non-profligate’, ‘honest’ and‘ameen’ for the legislators arevague and defective, not to men-tion difficult to implement. But thepoint is why these words are nottaken in general sense of collectiveappearance. After all, these wordshave their legal and moral signifi-cance in many laws of the worldand specifically Islam, too. Thequalifications of a witness as enun-ciated by Islamic law are that heought to be of ‘reliable character’,‘mature mind’ and ‘understanding’.Moreover a competent witness isthe one who ‘avoids major sins’.

So, nobody has ever bothered hereto define these terms since these areas lucid as the light of the day. No-body can argue that the words usedfor the qualifications of a witnessare defective and obscure. Butwhen the constitution says that alegislator should be the one whoabstains from major sins; the socalled latitudinarians rush forward

to defend their cohorts and com-peers contending that to implementArticles 62 and 63 shall be tanta-mount to the resurrection of Gen.Zia’s soul.

Sir Ivor Jennings has duly writ-ten about the qualifications of a min-ister in his widely acknowledgedwork on law: ‘Cabinet Govern-ment’. He says, “The most elemen-tary qualification demanded of aminister is honesty and incorruptibil-ity.” No legal expert has ever listedthese simple words as opaque anddemanding further clarification.

Now there is another problem: theblame is reposed only on Gen. Zia-ul-Haq for interpolating these ar-ticles in the constitution. It is re-lated that only Zia was responsibleto Islamize the constitution to animbalance stretch. But flippingover the pages of the constitutionalhistory of Pakistan transpires theother side of the portrait, too.

In the constitution of 1962, theoath of the President, the P.M. andthe members of the parliamentsbound them just to express obedi-ence to the constitution, hence noreference to the Islamic ideology;but adherence to Islamic ideologywas made part in the interim con-stitution of 1972 and then 1973under the supervision of Mr.Bhutto. Then Objective Resolutionwas also retained unanimously asthe preamble of the constitution of1973. In the Asma Jillani vs gov-ernment of Punjab judgment givenin 1972, the Chief JusticeHamoodur Rahman had it thus,“The state of Pakistan was createdin perpetuity based on Islamic ide-ology and has to be run and gov-erned on all the basic norms of thatideology.”

The role of a legislator to en-force the Islamic ideology has beendefined in Articles 2, 2A, 5, 31, 35,36, 37, 38, 203(A), 203(J), 227,228, 229 and 230. The logic be-comes very simple now: how a leg-islator can help the process for thepromulgation of Islamic injunc-tions and teachings if he himself isdestitute of the teachings of theHoly Quran and Sunnah? How aperson who overtly goes for the lib-erty of drinking can assist the par-liament forge laws as articulated inthe mentioned articles? So, toimplement this, vetting of the as-piring parliamentarians by the re-turning officers as per Articles 62and 63 ought to be a matter of highpriority so as to follow the consti-tution in its true quintessence.

Khalid SaleemEmail: [email protected]

Friendly FireFriendly FireFriendly FireFriendly FireFriendly Fire

M Tahir IqbalEmail: [email protected]

Now there isanother problem:

the blame isreposed only on

Gen. Zia-ul-Haq forinterpolating these

articles in theconstitution. It isrelated that only

Zia was responsibleto Islamize the

constitution to animbalance stretch.But flipping overthe pages of theconstitutional

history of Pakistantranspires the otherside of the portrait,


Page 5: e-Paper April 17, 2013

Voice of the People

US analysts, under the delusionof grandeur, believe that NorthKorean missiles can’t reach

America. According to CS Monitor“North Korea’s US attack plans arenutty.” US analysts are not takingNorth Korean threats very seriously.The current escalation is dangerousfor the world peace. Anything canhappen. North Korea is unpredict-able. That makes Pentagon muchworried. Kim Jong-un, Koreanleader, met with military aides to dis-cuss “an urgent operation” againstAmerica. The question is: can NorthKorea strike the US with nuclearmissiles? What would happen if KimJong-un acts on his threats? Whatwould be the consequences of thisattack? The words of the general staff“The moment of explosion is ap-proaching fast” are considered to bea serious threat. It seems that Koreanleader is sick of “not war not peace”situation. He seems to be serious tofinish it; this way or that way. He hasa unique style.

As a matter of fact North Koreafinds itself in a state of war with SouthKorea and the United States ofAmerica. Pyongyang upholds theidea that it has right to launch a “pre-emptive nuclear strike on the US.”Its viewpoint is that America is animperialist successor to Japan. TheUS forces in South Korea and Japanare “well within range of medium-range North Korean rockets.” It hasopenly threatened US and South Ko-rea of nuclear attack. Kim Jong-unhas already determined the paths ofpossible missile strikes on the UnitedStates of America. North Korea maybe making preparations for a nuclearor missile test to show its strength, inthe month of April, to celebrate onthe occasion of the birth anniversaryof founding leader Kim- il Sung. Thehostility between US and NK has itsroots in Cold War days’ politics. Ko-rea closed its doors for the westerntraders in the mid-19th century.

After the Second World WarKorea was divided along the 38thparallel for a temporary period. Itcould not be unified due to tussle be-tween Russia and the United Statesof America. It is pertinent to men-tion here that in 1951 more than28,000 US forces stayed on the Ko-rean peninsula. In 1963 Soviet Unionagreed to help North Korea in devel-oping a peaceful nuclear energy pro-gram and training its nuclear scien-tists while America had several war-heads in South Korea. In 1993 NorthKorea had enough raw material for

Delusion of grandeur

Changing politicsin Balochistan


Your editorial “Baluchistan comesto mainstream politics”, (Apr 12)has rightly welcomed the steps be-ing taken by PML(N) in bridging thegap in Baluchistan politics in strik-ing electoral deal with BNM. Un-fortunately last 5 years were spentin lip service and the provincial gov-ernment was least bothered aboutthe issues being faced by the peopleof the province as a result their con-tribution has been zero.

It will be unfair if the role playedby Gen Kayani COAS is not ac-knowledged. He took personal in-terest and initiated numerous devel-opment projects, encouraging theleadership to come forward and takepart in elections. Army initiated nu-merous schemes and allotted 15000vacancies for youth in Baluchistanfrom 2009 to 2012.It is hearteningto know that over 10000 youth havejoined Pakistan Army, all ranks in-cluded. In addition army took spe-cial projects like Military Collegeand Baluchistan Public School inSui, Quetta Institute of MedicalSciences, Baluchistan Institute ofMineralogy, Gawadar Institute ofTechnology, provision of free gas/water and constructing of 50 Bedhospital at Sui, Dera Bugti Devel-opment projects, development ofroad network and many more wereprimarily to bring them at par withother provinces and to give themquality education and boost the pro-vincial economy.

Now it depends on the new lead-ership that would emerge after elec-tion how they move forward andmake the province prosperous assuggested in the editorial. The edi-torial rightly gives a timely cautionto be careful from the vested inter-ests that always create problems andunrest in the province to meet theirselfish ends. It is hoped the new gov-ernment shall pave way for betterprogress and make efforts to bringpeace, stability, prosperity and tran-quility in the province ofBalochistan—Karachi

Dengue returnsSUMAIRA AHMED

The fear of dengue fever has comeback with the changing season, thesites of standing water is a breedingground for this mosquito and anopen invitation to the spread of thislethal disease. Two deaths have al-ready occurred in the country. Soonthey may increase; the people areafraid and do not know what to do.

The awareness campaignsmust be restarted to educate them.Preventive measures should betaken. Majority of the people donot follow the basic principles ofhealth and thus they fall victim tothe disease. The hospitals must getready to face this menace onceagain. People must stick to instruc-tions of the doctors. It is a danger-ous disease and there is no curefor it. We can hope against hopethat health department will com-bat with disease.—Via email


History keeps repeating its self, be-cause we never tend to learn from it.We are big critiques, we blame thegovernment, the agencies but whenour own nation needs us we shyaway from our responsibilities. In ademocracy the power is let in thehands of the people to decide theirown leader. But in the democraticstate of Pakistan there are peoplewho don’t tend to understand thepower they hold, and let it go towaste year after year. They are thosewho wouldn’t go out to cast the votebecause they have to get in a queueor just because the sun is over-whelmingly hot that day. All suchexcuses are rigorously ridiculous, itshows our level of ignorance. Welive in a state of ignorance and de-lusion. Surely every one of us wants

Young voter participationM OSAMA AFNAN HANAFI

In the past several decades, voter participation has been plummeting dramatically. The most notabledecline has been the vote of young people. Although the percentage of young voters who participate

has always been poor, in last election it has reached an all-time low. Yet there are ways to increase lowturnouts, with simple reform and legislation, especially among young voters. The most obvious rea-sons for low voter turnout are the registration and voting processes. Mostly Young people would nothave to take time out of their hectic lives to register. Even though registration takes a short amount oftime and is relatively simple, many young people do not see it as productive time and are either toobusy or too apathetic to register. A simple solution to this problem would be to make all citizensautomatically registered when they turn 18. Countries in which automatic registration has been insti-tuted have significantly higher voter turnouts than the Pakistan. We know that Voter participation isimportant to young people. Since the turnout of young voters is so low, many candidates fail to ad-dress their issues and do not campaign to win the young vote. The privilege to vote is not held inenough esteem by today’s society and that is a problem because it deters voting. Without exercising hisright to vote, a citizen has no say in his government. Low voter turnout is a pressing dilemma intoday’s society. Poor percentages result in more apathy and thus even lower turnouts. Legislation andreform is Key to increasing voter participation from young people.—Karachi


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our state to prosper, but no one iswilling to make some effort in orderto do so. It is because of this mindsetof ours, that big dictators and corruptpoliticians one after another come inand loot out our country. We are alsoresponsible for the devastating con-dition in which our country is in to-day and it is we who can make it bet-ter or worst.

We have to show that we areworth the tremendous struggle ourancestors made for us, that we areworthy enough to live here in thisgifted country and call it as ours . Itis our own beloved country; no oneelse would come from elsewhere tosave it. We hold the power to decideits future. We should not let our rightto vote go in vain.—Karachi

Japan’sgrand shrineSAAD UDDIN KHAN

Today I would like with share knowl-edge to the readers of the Pak Ob-servers about the sacred shrine in Ja-pan. The Ise Grand Shrine (a seriesof over 100 shrines) is the most sa-cred shrine in Japan. It is devoted toAmaterasu-omikami (the sun god-dess) and has been in existence since4BC, officially known as Jingû. Itconsists of about 125 shrines, the IseJingu Shrine is a huge shrine com-plex composed of a large number ofShinto shrines centered on two mainshrines, Naikû and Gekû. Naiku is theinner shrine also officially known as“Kotai Jingu” and Geku is the outershrine also officially known as“Toyouke Daijingu”.

Every twenty years, the two mainbuildings inside the Jingu shrine arerebuilt. The most valuable part thatreaders must know is; the next re-building year is 2013. The rebuild-ing tradition is the idea of the Shintobelief of the death and renewal ofnature and the impermanence of allthings. The shrines are rebuilt onland that is adjacent to the existingshrines, and each rebuilding alter-nates between these two sites. Noother shrines outside the Ise com-plex are allowed to use these con-struction designs. I think nobodyknows about Ise Grand Shrine,people should read about it to knowthe existence of secret places in ourworld, absorb knowledge that be-longs to exclusive places that weeither don’t know about, or simplycouldn’t visit if we wanted to. Theworld is full of secrets.—Karachi


A remarkable section of Pakistanisociety is unable to decide whetherthey should cast their vote or not.If the answer is yes then the ques-tion arises that for which politicalparty they should go. If they arereluctant to use the right of votethen how can we make them under-stand the importance of their vote?The problem is very serious. Thereasons behind the problem are ourvested interests, caste system, su-perficial knowledge of politics, in-creasing number of political parties,turn-coat politicians, dark years ofdictatorship, immature democracy,failure of mainstream political par-ties to deliver, illiteracy etc.

All these causes cannot be rootedout within a short period of time, butpragmatic and feasible techniques canbe opted for encouraging the society,as a whole, to participate enthusiasti-cally in the coming general elections.Firstly, the political parties, media andElection Commission of Pakistanshould launch a campaign by usingmodern techniques. Secondly, theeducated people and political expertsmust guide those who are not awareof the worth of their vote. The thoughtthat they can bring change throughtheir votes can be inculcated.

Thirdly, the journalists and col-umnists can guide people throughtheir manifesto oriented writings.There is a dire need to create aware-ness among the masses that what is agood manifesto; its importance inpolitics, its impact on health, educa-tion, economy, energy sector, politi-

A Kurdish renaissance

By now it’s obvious that“spring” is the wrong description of the political tur-

moil and civil war that have followedthe Arab revolutions of 2011. But forone nation in the Middle East, it’s be-ginning to look like freedom andprosperity just might be blooming.“People are beginning to talk aboutthe Kurdish Spring, not the ArabSpring,” says a grinning FuadHussein, a senior official in the gov-ernment of Iraqi Kurdistan. Husseinand a delegation from the KurdistanRegion Government, which controlsa strip of northern Iraq slightly largerthan Maryland, were in Washingtonlast week to talk about where theircountry stands a decade after the USinvasion. From Irbil, Kurdistan’scapital, the war looks like an extraor-dinary success.

Kurdistan is a democracy, thoughan imperfect one; the territory ispeaceful and the economy is boom-ing at the rate of 11 percent a year.Foreign investors are pouring though

gleaming new airports to invest, es-pecially in Kurdish-controlled oilfields. Exxon, Chevron, Gazpromand Total are among the multination-als to sign deals with the regional gov-ernment. A new pipeline fromKurdistan to Turkey could allow ex-ports to soar to 1 million barrels a daywithin a couple of years.

Turkey is emerging as the Kurds’closest ally and the potential enablerof a string of adjacent, self-govern-ing Kurdish communities stretchingfrom Syria to the Iraq-Iran border.Having built close ties with the IraqiKurdish government, Turkish PrimeMinister Recep Tayyip Erdogan isnow negotiating a peace deal with theinsurgent Kurdish Worker’s Party(PKK) — a pact that could mean newlanguage and cultural rights, as wellas elected local governments, for theKurdish-populated areas of south-eastern Turkey. Meanwhile, Barzaniand the Iraqi Kurds have been tryingto foster a Kurdish self-governmentfor northern Syria, where some 2.5million Kurds live. Syrian govern-ment forces withdrew from the arealast year, giving the Kurds the chanceto set up their own administration.

Until recently, the principal SyrianKurdish party, the Democratic UnionParty (PYD), was supporting thePKK’s fight against Turkey and lean-ing toward the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Now, thanks to the nascentpeace deal, it may be switching sides:Earlier this month its fighters joinedwith Syrian rebels to drive govern-ment forces out of a Kurdish-popu-lated district of Aleppo.

Middle Eastern geo-politics,which for so long worked against theKurds, is now working for them. Thesectarian fragmentation of Syria andIraq has created new space for a na-tion that is mostly Sunni Muslim, butmoderate and secular. Suddenly theKurds are being courted by all sides.Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malikithis month sent a delegation to Irbilto propose that the Kurds return theparliament deputies and ministersthey withdrew from the national gov-ernment last year. Barzani’s govern-ment declined but agreed to send adelegation to Baghdad for negotia-tions. As Hussein portrays it, the talksmay be a last chance to avert a break-up of Iraq into separate Shiite, Sunniand Kurdish areas — a split he

Jackson Diehl

several nuclear weapons from a ma-jor nuclear reactor. Negotiations suc-ceeded between US and North Ko-rea in 1994. North Korea agreed tofreeze its existing plutonium enrich-ment program and allowed IAEA tomonitor it. Both sides agreed thatKorean Peninsula would be nuclear-free zone. In return certain conces-sions were given to North Korea in-cluding heavy fuel oil for a limitedperiod. Soon after, Republicans re-fused to support the agreement. Con-gress did not provide sufficientamount of funds. The Americans didnot act upon the agreement thor-oughly and honestly. Stephen W.Bosworth, KEDO’s first director,later commented: “The agreementFramework was a political orphanwithin two weeks after its signa-ture”. It is believed that Americanadministration infuriated North Ko-rea at several stages.

In fact, change of government, inNorth Korea, was the prime objec-tive of the American administration.Sick of American tactics, “NorthKorea, in May 1998, warned theUnited States of America that itwould restart nuclear research.” Thetension mounted between North Ko-rea and US when Bush categorizedNorth Korea as part of the “Axis ofEvil” in 2002. Bush blamed NorthKorea for developing a uranium en-richment program for nuclear weap-ons purposes. The US warned NorthKorea to terminate the program orface the consequences. Later on,KEDO agreed to suspend heavy fueloil shipments to North Korea in thesame year. “In late 2002 and early2003, North Korea terminated thefreeze on its existing plutonium-basednuclear facilities, expelled IAEA in-spectors and removed seals and moni-toring equipment, quit the NPT, andresumed reprocessing of spentnuclear fuel to extract plutonium forweapons purposes.” It was, in fact,reaction of American threats and hos-tile policy towards North Korea.Now North Korea had a great desireto have a deterrent force in the faceof U.S. threats.

On May 28, 2010, the official(North) Korean Central NewsAgency blamed the United States fortorpedoing ‘Cheonan’. It blamedObama for “escalating instability inthe Asia-Pacific region.”America, onthe other hand, conducted war exer-cises to terrorize North Korea. US isdemanding denuclearization of NorthKorea while North Korea is deter-mined to be accepted as a nuclearpower. Moreover, North Korea, inan aggressive mood, has announcedthe reopening of the Yongbyonnuclear complex. This is the latestaggressive move made by North Ko-

Views From Abroad

cal system and all other importantdepartments. Finally, the track recordand impact of the policies of the rul-ing parties must be kept in mind; thewisdom and sincerity of the politicalparties, who have not been in power,can be determined by deeply study-ing their manifesto and by assessingthe feasibility of their policies. All ofus will have to play a constructive rolein this regard.—Karachi

Pak girl’s prideMISBAH IQBAL

No doubt Pakistani girl is a differentgirl as compared to the other girls inthe world. Pakistani girl born in Mus-lim society is religious by birth.Wears Islamic clothes four her childhood, first word learnt by her was “Laillah ha illalah”. Preferably she goesin girls’ school, attaining an age of10 years she offers prayers with hermother or elder sisters. She starts re-ligious education at home or at nearbymadarsa besides going to school forregular studies.

Starts having fast as a ‘rukan’ ofislam. She uses scarf as symbol ofMuslim as preached by Islam. Com-pleting her education in her favoritefield vis-à-vis teaching, health, ser-vices etc. She has liberty to becomea working lady or house wife. Paki-stani girl lives in a joint family sys-tem and on attaining age of adulteryshe has liberty to marry of her ownchoice in her relatives or out side butwith the consultation of her parents/elders. Even after her marriage sheprefers to live in a joint family sys-tem in her in-laws. It’s the realbeauty of a Pakistani girl praised allover the world even in the westernsociety. Being a Pakistani girl, weshould be proud of it.—Islamabad

Misuse ofantibiotics


In Pakistan antibiotic resistance iswidely spread due to poor infectioncontrol and weak regularly practice.Resistance to antibiotics has been agrowing concern for decades. Anti-biotics are easily available over thecounter which leads to misuse ofantibiotics. Overuse or misuse of an-tibiotics increases antimicrobial re-sistance due to which they are nolonger effective against infectiousdisease. Unfortunately patients areusing antibiotics without prior con-sultation of a doctor, rather followthe advice of relative and friends inbuying the antibiotics.

Between 50 and 60% of peoplein Pakistan use over the countermedicine and consume antibioticsprescribed by pharmacist instead ofqualified doctor. It is not uncom-mon for people to take over thecounter antibiotics for illnesses thatare not caused by bacteria, or to takethem in the wrong doses. Antibiot-ics have become so rampant that ifthe trend continues infectious dis-ease will become more vulnerableand we will live in a world withouteffective antibiotics.

Successful containment of anti-biotic resistance ultimately dependson increasing public awareness andresponsibility by health care provid-ers in prescribing and dispensing an-tibiotics as well as on patient’scompliance.Correctional authoritiesshould take appropriate responsivemeasures without delay to stop theirrational use of antibiotics. Govern-ment at state and federal level shouldtake significant step to curb the ille-gal sales of antibiotics over thecounter without the proper doctor’sprescription.—Via email

rea. Nonetheless, there seems to beno possibility of any imminent attackfrom the north side. Ban Ki-moon hasoffered his services to resolve the cri-sis. North Korea is neither a joke nora paper tiger. It has the strength todestroy its enemies. It has massiveunderground fortifications. It caneasily deploy its conventional forcesfor a possible attack against theUnited States’ forces stationed inSouth Korea.

America is speeding up deploy-ment of its missile-defense cruisersinto the Pacific on Guam. It has al-ready deployed a warship. Many USwarships and jets are already presentthere. The United States of America,no doubt, can destroy North Korea.The important thing is North Koreahas the capability to make seriousdamage to America in nuclear war.America, in such a case, would nomore be a world power but just likeany third world country begging almsfrom all over the world. It would, ofcourse, be a horrible war. Some USallies may be wiped out from the mapof the earth. This is what really mat-ters to America. In case of nuclearwar both sides will be annihilatedwhile Japan and America will faceserious losses. China my also joinwar in case its region is polluted byatomic bombing. This may lead to theThird World War.

North Korea has a strong andcredible army in case of non-nuclearwar. It has 500 combat aircraft. It haspotential to destroy its enemies ruth-lessly. Its troops are highly moti-vated, well-trained and well-equipped. Its forces have the capa-bility to destroy Seoul completely.America would not be in a positionto save Seoul from massive destruc-tion. Both sides, in fact, are almostequally balanced. If China is affectedseriously from the military operationnear its border, it would certainly in-volve itself in war.The potential USallies, just like Britain, would alsosuffer in this war. China, of course,can play a vital role to lessen the ten-sion between the two countries. Thereaction of regional forces would playeffective role. Unfortunately Americaand its allies have double standards.That is the major cause of disturbanceall over the world. A quick and sud-den attack on North Korea may beretaliated with the same force by theNorth causing unbelievable losses inSouth Korea, Japan and the UnitedStates of America. The consequencesof war, once started, would not be incontrol of any particular power as ithappened in case of Vietnam, Iraq andAfghanistan, leaving behind traces ofdefeat for Americans and finally find-ing faults with their own false strat-egy. Americans will have to pay pain-

fully expensive price of war. The ag-gressive approach of Washingtonand Pyongyang can lead to the be-ginning of the Third World War.

Kim Jong-un, the son of KimJong-il, took the charge of of thegovernment after the death of hisfather on 17 December, 2011. Thesame year he became the SupremeLeader of North Korea.The KoreanLeader announced on 29 February2012 that North Korea will freezenuclear tests, long-range missilelaunches, and uranium enrichmentat its Yongbyon plant. Internationalnuclear inspectors were also invitedto join again to monitor the reactor.The Obama administration re-sponded by offering 240,000 tonnesof food for the people of North Ko-rea. Later on, frustrated from Ameri-cans undue behaviour and unnec-essary pressure, undaunted NorthKorea conducted a successfulnuclear test on February 12, 2013.It was in response to US threats, “thesworn enemy of the Koreanpeople.” It shocked and greatly an-noyed South Korea, the UnitedStates of America and its allies.

America and its allies warnedNorth Korea that it would have to“pay a price” for its actions. TheUnited Nations Security Councilimposed new economic sanctionsagainst North Korea. The youngKorean leader threatened a “pre-emptive” nuclear strike against theUnited States. The next day itvoided its non-aggression pact withSouth Korea. It is believed thatNorth Korea is developing longrange ballistic missiles that couldreach the west coast of the US. TheUnited States intelligence commu-nity acknowledges that North Ko-rea has the capability to target Ha-waii with its currenttechnology.Kim Jong-un, the youngleader of North Korea, threatenedthe United States “declaring thatrockets were ready to be fired atAmerican bases in the Pacific.” Itwas in response to two B2 stealthbombers’ adventure that “flew overthe Korean peninsula on the daybefore.” For Pentagon it was a realand clear signal of danger. It called“for an advanced missile defensesystem to the western Pacific onApril 3.” Though North Korea is thewinner in war of words, only timewill determine who is the real win-ner and who is the real loser—— inthis game of war. The Cold Warbetween North Korea and theUnited Sates may change into Hotwar.The current escalation of hos-tilities is really very dangerous.Actions speak louder than words.The outcome may be the beginningof the end of the world.

blames on Maliki’s attempt to con-centrate Shiite power. “Either we aregoing to have a real partnership, orwe are going to go back to our ownpeople,” he said, adding that the re-sult could be a referendum onKurdistan’s future.

It would make sense for theUnited States to join Turkey in back-ing this Kurdish renaissance; theKurds are a moderate and pro-West-ern force in an increasingly volatileregion. Yet the Obama administra-tion has consistently been at oddswith the Iraqi Kurdish government.It has lobbied Turkey not to allowthe new oil pipeline that would giveKurdistan economic independencefrom Baghdad, and, in the Kurds’view, repeatedly backed Maliki’sattempts to impose his authority onthe region. “The administration seesus not as a stabilizing force, but asan irritant, as an alien presence inthe region that complicates matters,another Israel,” one of the visitingKurds told me. That, like so muchof the administration’s policy in theMiddle East these days, iswrongheaded.— Courtesy: The Washington Post

In Mumbai, an assistant sub inspector is summoned to theMaharashtra Assembly and

thrashed by fifteen MLAs. Hiscrime? Stopping an MLA from overspeeding on the Bandra Sea-Linkbridge!

The poor policeman was so bru-tally beaten up by these so calledlawmakers, that he was taken outin a stretcher and hospitalized!Even as one wonders how this couldhappen, I would say it was inevi-table. Over the years the police have

become the henchmen of our electedrepresentatives.

Even though government aftergovernment have promised that thepolice force will function indepen-dently, still as soon as they come topower, they realize they have at theircontrol, an army is at their beck andcall, who they can summon upon tohandle all their private wars, and thepolice continue to serve these electedmembers faithfully. It continues as amaster servant relationship.

The master tells his servant whatto do, the master orders his servantwho to beat up, the master sends hisservants to get a job done, and theservants serve their masters and getrewarded with plumb postings andother favours. I can imagine thethoughts of the MLA who was caught

for speeding: “Who is that man inkhaki blowing the whistle at?” “Atus sir!” “But I gave him the whistle!How dare he! Thrash him!”

Yes, our elected representativesbelieved they were just disciplininga servant who had gone rogue. “A fewcuffs to his body and he will becomealright!”

“Kick him on his stomach two,three times, and better sense willcome back to him!”

“Fist him in the mouth, he won’tbe able to use the whistle for a fewdays, then he’ll be alright!”

You can bet your last dollar thesewere their thoughts as they kicked,punched, slapped and fisted the poortraffic policeman right outside thelegislative hall! This is only the be-ginning! In Gujarat, the cop who sup-

Master and servant..!posedly heard Modi tell his men tolook the other way when the mi-norities were being killed, is beingbullied by the government. Youhear the same story all over thecountry.

The only good that can comeout of this Sea-Link episode is toDe-Link the cops from the politi-cians. The cops are the guardiansof the Constitution.

The Constitution is above theelected representatives, and thecops should be accountable only tothe law and nobody else.

If not these dastardly episodes,springing from this master servantrelationship will happen more fre-quently. The thrashing should havebeen the other way around..!—Email: [email protected]

Muhammad Daheem Email: [email protected]

Page 6: e-Paper April 17, 2013

HAFIZABAD: PML-N Mian Nawaz Sharif addressing a public meeting on Tuesday.


Notice of public at large I amplot No-411block of phase 6morning 1 kanal situatedDHA Lahore cantt to pur-chases mr. Rashid Ali khokars/o mr. Shafi r/o 197mohallah Eden avenue ext airport road Lahore if anybodyobjection or claim contact mr.Ahsan Tahir S/O NazimHussin khan R/O H.NO- 2o1/1-R mohallah phase 2 DHALahore cantt.

amid thunderous applause, thatMay 11 would be Day of Ac-countability who had looted thenational exchequer and tar-nished the image of the countryand even put the country’s sov-ereignty at stake. He said thatwhole nation was aware of thedamages done to the country inthe past and it was time to takestock of the situation and findout remedial measures to resolvethe problems confronting thenation.

He said that Pakistan todaywas confronted with seriouschallenges and the leadership ofPML-N has the potentials andcapabilities and solidprogramme to tackle them tosteer the country out of thepresent crises. Referring to ter-rorism, target killing in Karachiand Blochistan, he strongly con-demned the target killing ofPresident PML-N BlochistanSardar Sana Ullah Khan Zahri’sson, nephew and brother todayand appealed to the caretakergovernment to arrest the killers.

He said that these wereworst example in the countryand we shall launch Jehad to endthe menace of terrorism andlawlessness and change to des-tiny of the country and make itprosperous. He was very muchpleased to see the presence oflarge number of youngmen and

women and said they were fu-ture of the country and pledgedto provide better education andemployment to the youth.

He reminded his audiencethat during his last tenure as PMthe country was on the path ofprogress and prosperity and itwas made invincible and nocountry dared to put evil eye onit but now even the sovereigntyof the country had been put atstake due to inefficient and badgovernance of the rulers. He saidthat there was no loadsheddingand unemployment problems atthat time but due toloadshedding the factories havebeen closed down and workershave been rendered unem-ployed.

He said at this time when thenation was gearing up for pollsit was necessary of them to tellthe electorates how serious chal-lenges were up against andwhich party had the potentialsto resolve the same. He appealedto his audience that people mustsupport and stand by PML-N itthey wanted to save Pakistanand change their destiny.

He said that PML-N be-lieved in good governance andit would remove the sense ofdeprivation among all segmentof society. He refuted the alle-gation of friendly opposition onPML-N and told the masses that

due to far reaching policy of thePML-N the democracy has beenflourishing and due to his poli-cies general elections are beingheld after completion of tenureof the assemblies.

He regretted that two formerPrime Minister of PPP who re-fused to respect the orders of theApex Court were humiliated andone of them was dismissed anddisqualified while the other wasstopped by the Retuning Officerfrom contesting the upcomingelection.

He promised medical col-lege, agriculture & engineeringuniversity and network of roadsin the Hafizabad district linkingmotorway if voted to power.

Mian Muhammad NawazSharif himself announced theparty tickets to Saira Afzal Tararfor NA-102, Mian ShahidHussain Bhatti for NA-103,Malik Fayyaz Ahmad Awan forPP-105, Asad Ullah Arian forPP-106 and Nighat Intisar Bhattifor PP-107.

Earlier, on his arrival theworkers of the party gave himtumultuous welcome by dancingon the beat of drums.

The District Administrationhad made fool proof security ar-rangements deputing six hunredCOPs and erecting walk throughgates at all the entrance of sta-dium.

11 May to be day ofaccountability: Nawaz

From Page 1

NA 250 were rejected earlier.The Appellate Election Tribu-

nal of Peshawar High Court hereTuesday disqualified Gen RetdPervez Musharraf from contest-ing elections 2013 from NA-32Chitral. The Tribunal headed byJustice Fasiul Mulk and its mem-bers Justice Mazhar AlamMiankhel and Justice IrshadQaisar allowed the objections ap-peals of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaafcandidate, Abdul Latif, formerMNA and JI candidate for NA-32, Abdul Akbar Chitrali, votersSajidullah, Alamzaib and KhalilurRehman and set aside the verdictof Returning Officer NA-32Chitral.

The appellants had chal-lenged the judgment of the Re-turning Officer for NA-32 Chitralfor accepting the nomination pa-pers of Gen Retd PervezMusharraf from NA-32 Chitral.Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf (PTI)candidate for NA-32 Chitral,Abdul Latif through his counsel,Abdul Rahim advocate arguedthat Musharraf did not fulfill thecriteria laid down on Article 62and 63 of the Constitution as hehad violated Constitution and im-posed emergency on November 3,2007.

Abdul Rahim Advocate saidthe nomination papers of formerdictator was also rejected by thereturning officers from NA-139Kasur, NA-250 Karachi and NA-48 Islamabad besides electionstribunals of other provinces, pray-ing before Election Tribunal ofPHC for rejection of his nomina-tion papers from NA-32 Chitralalso as the grounds are mostlysame. Counsels for the petition-ers argued that Gen® Musharrafhad violated constitution, dis-missed an elected Govt on Octo-ber 12, 1999, imposed emer-gency on November 3, 2007, andsacked judges of higher judiciary,which was extra-constitutionalmeasures.

Musharraf had also appealedagainst the rejection of his nomi-nation papers from NA-48 by thereturning officer, earlier disap-pointed when The Election Tribu-nal retained the decision of thereturning officer and declinedMusharraf’s appeal on Tuesday.

The former president and hissupporters following rejection ofhis papers from three constituen-cies i.e NA 250, NA 48 and NA139, were pinning hopes with NA132 Chitral from where his nomi-nation papers were accepted.There last hope, however, van-ished Tuesday when the ElectionTribunal Peshawar approved ap-peals against the acceptance ofhis papers from Chitral on Tues-day. Though according to someexperts, former military dictatormay file appeal in the SupremeCourt against the decisions of theElection tribunals, the legal ex-perts in Peshawar said he wasunlikely to get respite from theapex court as rejection of his pa-pers from four constituencies wasbased on solid facts.

MusharrafFrom Page 1

KARACHI—The Caretaker Fed-eral Information Minister, ArifNizami, has reiterated that theprime responsibility of thepresent interim set up is to holdfree, fair and transparent generalelections as per schedule.

He was speaking on the oc-casion of a lunch he hosted forthe editors and senior media per-sons at a hotel here on Tuesday.

The Minister pointed out thatthe election process has enteredthe third phase and so has thecaretaker set-up.

He said that the interim gov-ernment is seized with the secu-rity concerns whether in Karachi,Balochistan or the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

Arif Nizami said that effortsof the Caretaker Government arethat through the law enforcementagencies (LEAs) and with betterintelligence fool-proof security isprovided to the politicians par-ticipating in the elections as wellas the voters. He stated that thereis a complete cooperation and

collaboration between the gov-ernment and the Election Com-mission of Pakistan (ECP) on thiscount. The Minister furtherpointed out that the objectives ofthe federal caretaker governmentand the provincial interim set-upare also the same.

However, he said, this is adifficult challenge as well for thecaretaker government and thatevery endeavour is being madeto deal with this.

Arif Nizami said that themedia always has a vital role butin the forthcoming general elec-tions such a role has enhancedfurther for the media.

For the electioneering themedia would also be utilisedkeeping in view the prevailingcircumstances.

The Minister said that thepolitical parties are placing ad-vertisements in the print and elec-tronic media which is also pro-viding a source of income for themedia. However, the journalisticresponsibilities have also en-

hanced further. Arif Nizamipointed out that the ECP has an-nounced a code of ethics in col-laboration with the stakeholders.

He recalled his visit to theoffice of the Pakistan Broadcast-ers’ Association (PBA) here onMonday and said that this bodyalso has a similar code of ethics.

These codes of ethics may bemerged to come up with an evenbetter code of ethics.

The Minister made it clearthat the interim government aswell as the Ministry of Informa-tion and Broadcasting is a facili-tator in this regard.

He said that in this periodneither any restriction can beimposed nor any attempt wouldbe made for restriction in thename of code of ethics.

Arif Nizami also pointed outthat the ECP said yesterday thatone should not seek votes on re-ligious or sectarian consider-ations and that such considerationbe kept out of the election cam-paign.—APP

Free, fair & transparent pollsprime responsibility of govt: Nizami

TTP denies handin Boston

Marathon blastsMIRANSHAH—The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), whichclaimed the 2010 Times Squarebomb plot, on Tuesday deniedanything to do with explosionsthat killed three people andwounded more than 100 in Bos-ton.“We believe in attacking USand its allies but we are not in-volved in this attack,” TTPspokesman Ehsanullah Ehsantold. “We have no connection tothis bombing but we will con-tinue to target them whereverpossible,” Ehsan added.

Monday’s explosions at theBoston Marathon, one ofAmerica’s top sporting events,forced cities from New York toLos Angeles to go on high alertand conjured up memories of theSeptember 11, 2001 attacks. USPresident Barack Obama says itis not yet clear who was behindthe blasts. —Online

security forces also defused fiveImprovised Explosive Devices(IEDs) planted by militants totarget them.

Official sources said thatmilitants attacked security forcesat about 1:30 am Tuesday morn-ing which was then repulsed. Atleast five security personnel wereinjured during the clashes.

Regarding the militants’ ca-sualties, the FC spokesman, Ma-jor Fazl, said that the exact num-ber was not known. Officialsalso confirmed that securityforces had defused at least fiveroadside IEDs in the Akka Khelarea which were planted to tar-get them.

3 securitymenFrom Page 1


ISLAMABAD—Visiting seniorDutch architect Jur Jonges hasobserved that Pakistan is en-tirely different than “what wehave been reading and watchingin the news back home”. Jongesis advising the team developingand designing five-year degreecourse for SADA at NUST.

In an exclusive interviewwith Pakistan Observer Jongessaid that Pakistan needs socialhousing as permanent solutionto its problems in the housingsector. “You should not be wait-ing for the government to takeinitiative.

The private and the non-governmental sector shouldtake the lead within the givenpolicy of the government,” headded. “You can also learn fromvery successful experience of20th century social housing inHolland that was a totally non-government initiative,” hepointed out.

Jur Jonges, architect mem-ber of PUM and senior lecturerat the University of Applied Sci-ences at Utrecht in the Nether-lands, is visiting Pakistan sec-ond time to finalize degreecourse for the students who arenow in third year at the Schoolof Art, Design, and Architectureof the National University ofScience and Technology(NUST) Islamabad campus.

“While designing thecourse we are focusing on thecapacity building of the gradu-ates, since it is a professionaldiscipline besides being aca-demic,” he said.

He was of the view thatmost of lecturers having educa-tion from Europe or US are fac-ing challenges in teaching thestudents according to the localneeds, ecology, environment,and culture. “That is why we are

very much sensitive, in design-ing the course outline, to the lo-cal culture, traditions, and aboveall the situation in Pakistan,” hesaid. According to the visitingsenior architect, in depth re-search was required on local tra-dition, culture, need, standards,landscape, environment, andsustainability of any housingproject. Availability of materialand labour besides the techno-logical back-up also matter a lotin architectural designing.

Jonges has broad experiencein applied research on innova-tive and sustainable develop-ments and expert in curriculumdevelopment in architecturalprograms at Utrecht and theTswane University of Technol-ogy in South Africa.

“In South Africa we haveexecuted applied research withour students on social housingin a variety of urban settings andwaste management, the last typeof research we did in admissionof 6 municipalities spread outover the country,” said Jongeswho owns a studio back hom.

PUM (Netherlands seniorexperts) is a non-profitorganisation, responsible for2000 missions per year. PUMresponds to the need s of entre-preneurs in 70 developingcountries.

The experts receive no sal-ary for their work. The travel-ing costs are paid by PUM, theclient finances local spends forthe accommodation and livingof the experts. PUM advices en-trepreneurs who cannot afford topay for commercial consultants.

SADA a new department atthe NUST University ofIslamabad offers a five yearscourse and started 3 years ago.The design of the curriculum ofthe last two years is under con-struction and will be finalized inthe coming months.

Pak different thanwhat media portrays

Dutch architect says socialhousing need of time

WASHINGTON—A group ofDemocratic and Republican sena-tors on Tuesday unveiled long-awaited landmark legislation toremove the threat of deportation formillions of illegal immigrants andgive them an opportunity to even-tually become U.S. citizens.

Under the proposal, undocu-mented immigrants who came tothe United States before Decem-ber 31, 2011, and had stayed inthe country continuously couldapply for “provisional” legal sta-tus as soon as six months afterthe bill is signed by the president.But beyond that, they would haveto wait a decade or more for fullcitizenship which would entitlethem to federal benefits, whilethe government works on furthersecuring U.S. borders and enforc-

ing the new immigration law.The bill’s sponsors - four

Democrats and four Republicans- felt such conditions were nec-essary to help their plan succeedwhere similar measures havefailed, mostly because of oppo-sition to what opponents see as“amnesty” for law-breakers.Even with the many caveats, theproposal faces months of debate,scores of amendments and poten-tially significant opposition, par-ticularly in the Republican-con-trolled House of Representatives.

“It’s nothing but a startingpoint,” Senator Charles Grassleyof Iowa told reporters on Tues-day. He is the senior Republicanon the Judiciary Committee, thepanel that will manage the im-migration bill. —AP

Senators unveilimmigration reform bill

swiftly address the problem ofGuantanamo, where dozens ofprisoners have been staging ahunger strike since February.

Obama moved to close thecontroversial US detention facil-ity in 2009, but plans to try sus-pects in US civilian courts werestymied by Congress, leavingmany inmates in limbo.

“I think the lack of perspec-tive in terms of transfer… is atthe origin of the big malaise thathas been transformed into a hun-ger strike,” Maurer said.

While the Red Cross regu-larly visits the Guantanamo de-tainees, its reports on the prison’sconditions remain privy to the USgovernment.—AFP

Red CrossFrom Page 1

while, strongly condemning theattack on convoy of PML-NBalochistan president SanaullahZehri, Mian Nawaz Sharif hasdeclared it as an act of cowardice

Offering condolence prayersfor the four dead members in-cluding Zehri’s brother and sonin Khuzdar, and quick recoveryof wounded, he urged on Elec-tion Commission to ensure thesafety of electoral candidates,besides ensuring a conducivelaw and order situation in theCountry.

“ Now that process of elec-tions has been conducted and elec-toral schedule has already beenannounced, such acts seem to bea conspiracy to derail the process”he expressed, adding that anti-State elements and those fearingdefeat in elections were conspir-ing to derail elections. Express-ing PML-N’s strong resolve to foilsuch nefarious endeavors, hepleaded with masses to restraintheir anger and anguish.

Bomb targetsFrom Page 1

Lahore, Multan, Quetta andLarkana via video link, Bilawalwarned the opponents that the PPPwill give ‘surprising results’ in theupcoming general elections.

He said those who think thatPPP’s is out of election race livein fools’ paradise.

He said that PPP governmentdidn’t do any political witch huntduring its tenure, adding therewere no political prisoners duringits rule. Bilawal also demandedof the caretaker government toprovide security to its election can-didates.—Online

BilawalFrom Page 1


I have changed my name fromMuhammad Shahmir Fawadto Muhammad Salar FawadSiddiqui. So next call, writeand read me as my new nameMuhammad Salar FawadSiddiqui S/O Fawad HussainKamran, resident of HouseNO. 215 Street 52, Sector G-10/3, Islamabad


I have changed the names ofmy daughter Maria to Khadijaand my son Haroon toMuhammad Yahya. Thereforethe same may be changed inall official documents. RiasatAli, H No. 337, G-8/2,Islamabad. Cell No. 0304-5252460.

tion tribunal has declared PPPcandidate of NA 118 constitu-ency Asif Hashmi ineligible tocontest elections.

The candidate had filed ap-peal against rejection of his pa-pers by the returning officer. Thedecision was given on thegrounds that the said person hadremained chairman of EvacueeProperty Trust Board.

PPP’s Syed Asif Hashmi wasdisqualified by the election tri-bunal in Lahore with objectionsagainst him for not being‘sadiq’and ‘ameen’ upheld.

Moreover, another PPP stal-wart in Sindh Syed Murad AliShah who had filed his papers tostand from PS-20 (NausheroFeroz-II) was also disqualified byan election tribunal

Former provincial ministerof PPP, Murad Ali Shah was alsoannounced ineligible to contestelections.—INP

Two more PPPFrom Page 1

high-rise buildings swayed andofficials ordered evacuations.

Meanwhile, there were con-flicting reports regarding casual-ties in Iran.

An Iranian provincial gover-nor said there were no deaths inIran due to the earthquake.

“Fortunately, the earthquakeresulted in no fatalities,” HatamNarouyi, the governor of Sistanand Baluchistan where the 7.8magnitude earthquake hit, toldthe ISNA agency.

Iranian state television hadearlier reported at least 40 peoplekilled, but acknowledged it hadno official confirmation.

7.8 earthquakekills 34From Page 1

filing of this report.According to details, sudden

wave of tremors that had lastedfor around 9 seconds tormentedthe people after they come acrossa situation that had shaken every-thing in rooms. Almirahs’ cup-boards, beds, tables, refrigera-tors, and walls and floors of thepremises had swirled in here tothere pattern.

The situation was worst inhigh-rise commercial and resi-dential buildings as everyone wasin a great hurry to escape awayfrom the building and rushed to-ward an open area particularlythe roads. The Civic Centre,headquarter of Karachi Metro-politan Corporation and defunctKarachi Development Authority

was also one of those high-risebuildings in the city that pre-sented a completed picture ofpanic and fright. Even the KMCCommissioner Matanat Ali Khanhad rushed out of his office situ-ated on second floor of the CivicCentre.

The employees and officersof the KMC and the KDA con-tinued to stay in the car parkingarea and left for home from there.

It was too early to say if thetremors had caused any damageto the Civic Centre or any ofhigh-rise buildings in the city butit was quite clear that none of thehigh-rise buildings in the city hadany active department of trainedpeople to deal with such suddenand devastating situation.

Tremors leaveFrom Page 1

bomber had blown himself upclose to him in a congested QissaKhawani bazaar in Peshawar inDecember last. While PersonalSecretary to senior minister andSHO Police Station Kabuli wereamong the dead, twenty otherpeople had sustained serious in-juries in the blast that had sent awave of shock and anxiety all overthe country. Hardly a couple ofdays back a senior ANP leaderwas killed in an explosion target-ing his vehicle in Swat whileformer advisor to Chief MinisterKhyber Pukhtunkhwa was injuredalong with four others inCharsadda district the same day.

Eyewitness and the Policesaid that a suicide bomber blewhimself close to Ghulam AhmadBilour’s vehicle in highly con-gested Yakatoot area inside theCity when Bilourhad hardly gotoff the vehicle. Ghulam AhmadBilour accompanied by Haroon

Bilour was there to address a cor-ner meeting after inauguration ofelection office.

“A suicide bomber ap-proached the vehicle of GhulamAhmad Bilour when he got offhis car and mixed up with thepeople, and blew himself with thedriver gate. While the vehicleconverted into flames sooner, thedriver inside the car could not bebrought out and he burnt alivewhereas Station House OfficerKotwali, an ASI and two othercops also received fatal injuriesand later succumbed to their in-juries in the hospital”. CCPOPeshawar Liaqat Ali told news-men at the site of the blast.

The blast created panic andharassment in the area as it dam-aged a large number of houses andshops besides many vehicles. Theinjured were rushed to the nearbyLady Reading Hospital throughprivate cars and auto rickshaws

where the doctors pronounced six-teen people dead while forty oth-ers were admitted for treatment.Ghulam Bilour and Haroon Bilourwere allowed to go home aftergetting first aid in the hospitalwhere emergency was declaredand appeals were made for blooddonation. Reporter of Express TVEhtesham Khan was later referredto CMH due to his serious condi-tion. Many kids aging between 2to 12 years also sustained injuriesin the explosion and their parentsrushed them to hospital.

The Awami National Partychief Asfandyar Wali Khan andother party leaders have takenstrong exception to the explosionin party’s rally saying the Elec-tion Commission and the caretak-ers had withdrawn security ofANP leadership and they hadwarned them in advance that ifanything happened to ANP menboth would be held responsible.

“We demand registering of mur-der case against the caretakersetup and the Election Commis-sion of Pakistan”. Asfandyar Walisaid. The Khyber-PakhtunkhwaGovernor, Engineer Shaukatullahhas strongly condemned the inci-dents of terrorism in Peshawar onTuesday and has expressed hisdeep shock and sorrow over theloss of precious lives.

The Governor while de-scribing the incidents worst actsof inhumanity and cowardicehas said that the elements in-volved in the heinous crime willno more remain at large and willbe brought to justice. While ex-pressing his deep solidarity withthe respective politicalleaderships, the Governor hasalso appreciated their coura-geous response and wished theirsafety and well being. Mean-while, Taliban have claimed theresponsibility for the attack.

Blast hits ANP rally inPeshawar, kills 16

From Page 1

otic Pakistani was grieved on thetragic incident.

He said that effective mea-sures should have been taken forimproving the law and order situ-ation in the country and generalelections should have been heldafterwards.

No purpose would be servedby allowing the loss of lives inthe name of elections and itwould not be beneficial for thedemocracy either.

He said everyone knew thatterrorists were openly threaten-ing that they did not recognizeelections and they would see toit that the elections were notheld.

He said that at present theelection campaign was beingrun in the Punjab province onlyand it was becoming increas-ingly difficult to continue elec-tion campaign in other prov-inces. He said that the electioncommission would have tothink if they wanted to holdelections in Punjab alone or theentire Pakistan.

Altaf for strictFrom Page 1

PESHAWAR: Injured ex-federal minister Ghulam Ahmed Bilour is brought to hospital fortreatment.

Page 7: e-Paper April 17, 2013




MUMBAI—After the sus-pension of the Bangladeshiand Pakistani umpires, nowit is the turn of the SriLankan umpires.

“The three Sri Lankanumpires violated the Codeof Conduct and the actionis likely to be taken”, thewell-placed source fromColombo suggested exclu-sively.

“The fac t - f indingcommit tee has com-pleted the investigationsand the report is likely tobe discussed by the

Three Sri Lankan umpiresviolated Code of Conduct: facesuspension between 2-5 years

higher author i t ies andthey may be suspendedbetween 2-5 years” , thesource added.

All the three Sri Lankans,aged 50, -GaminiDissanayake, Sagara Gallageand Maurice Winston-,along with now bannedBangladeshi and Pakistaniumpires, were caught in In-dia TV sting operation,where they agreed to fix thematches or sale the insideinformation on pitch andtoss.

Maurice Winston wasalleged to provide informa-t ion about teams, condi-tions and the toss 90 min-utes before the match (En-

gland vs. Australia, Sept.17) in return for a bribe of50,000 rupees, approxi-mately £600.

Galage also offered thesame information beforethe warm-up between Paki-stan and India and also of-fered to give a Pakistanibatsman not out during aSri Lanka Premier League(SLPL) match.

Gamini Dissanayakehad agreed on favouringhis country’s players inany format of the game.

Sri Lanka Cricket(SLC), now busy with theelections, may announcethe suspension of theseumpires in this month.

Ufone-PCB ‘King of Speed’two young bowlers selected


PESHAWAR—’Ufone-PCBKing of Speed’, trials foremerging young fastbowlers were held at ArbabNiaz Stadium Peshawar hereTuesday. These round 1 tri-als are part of the initiativetaken by Ufone and PCB tohunt and train the bestbowling talent in Pakistan.

Trials were conductedby Ufone and PCB officialsincluding Abdul Qadir,Rehmat Gul along with twoAnalysts Khurram Malikand Idrees Ali.

A large number of num-ber of people participatedfor trails, Saifullah Daudand Umar Farooq were the

lucky ones who got selectedafter a very tough competi-tion.

After the selection inround 1, these youngbowlers have qualified for the2nd round of trials which arescheduled to be held on Sun-day 21, 2013 in National Sta-dium, Karachi and GaddafiStadium, Lahore.

Trials for round-1 havealready been completed inMultan, Faisalabad and GarhiKhuda Baksh, Islamabad andKarachi. A total of Ten(10)bowlers, Two (2) from eachcity have been selected forthe 2nd round of trials so far.

Trials for the rest of thecities in the current phase arealso scheduled in the current

month, tomorrow on 17th inQuetta and Abbottabad,18th in AJK (Mirpur) andfinally on April 20th inLahore. A total of 20 fastbowlers will attend round2.

After the completion ofboth rounds, the three se-lected players (via wild cardentry) will join WasimAkram and bowlers fromthe Pakistan NationalCricket team in a camp tobe hosted in Karachi.

To reward upcomingtalent Ufone has an-nounced a grand prize ofRs. One Million for thebowler who is the fastestamong all besides hitting orpassing the 145 km/h mark.

LAHORE: Archers busy in practice session ahead of Inter University Archery Championship at Punjab University.

ATTOCK: Players of Pindi Club and Hazroo play during a tie of National Bank of Pakistan Inter Club HockeyTournament.

MONACO: Spain’s Pablo Andujar plays a return to Philipp Kohlschreiber of Germanyduring their match of the Monte Carlo Tennis Masters tournament.

LONDON—Determined toput on a show of ‘’solidar-ity’’ for Boston, LondonMarathon organizers willstage their race on Sundaydespite the threat of terror-ism.

The British capital haslong been a top target for ter-rorists, and concerns haveonly intensified ahead ofSunday’s race afterMonday’s harrowing scenesat the Boston Marathon,where bombs killed threepeople and injured manymore.

However, British sportsminister Hugh Robertsonsaid the London Marathon,watched by an estimated500,000 spectators and runthrough some of the city’smost recognizable landmarks,should be staged as plannedto show ‘’we won’t be cow-ered by this sort ofbehaviour.’’

‘’The best way for us toreact is to push ahead withthe marathon on Sunday, toget people on the streetsand to celebrate it as we al-ways do in London,’’Robertson told the BBC onTuesday.

‘’These are balance ofjudgments but we are abso-lutely confident here thatwe can keep the event safeand secure. I think this isone of those incidentswhere the best way to showsolidarity with Boston is tocontinue and send a veryclear message to those re-sponsible.’’

Security is being scruti-nized after the events in Bos-ton, where two bombs ex-ploded near the finish of themarathon.

Prince Harry - the patronof the London Marathon

London Marathon to goahead after Boston bombings

Charitable Trust - will attendSunday’s race and make thepresentations to the winners.

‘’The London Marathonfully expects at this stage ...(to) go ahead as planned onSunday although we are con-tinuing to review securitywith the Metropolitan Policein the coming days,’’ NickBitel, chief executive of theLondon Marathon, saidTuesday in an interview onthe race website.

‘’The London Marathonwill be in touch with the run-ners through their email andthey will hear from us on adaily basis in that way. Wewill try to keep updating ourrunners throughout this pe-riod.’’

Mo Farah, who won thelong-distance double at theLondon Olympics, will berunning a half marathonwhile the three medalistsfrom the men’s marathon atthe London Games are alsoamong the 37,500 entries.

Sunday’s race is one ofsix in the world marathon se-ries along with Tokyo, Bos-ton, Berlin, Chicago and NewYork.

Belgrade is among othercities staging marathons thisweekend, with organizerDejan Nikolic expressingconfidence that the race willbe safe and a ‘’beautiful run-ning festival.’’

‘’We will do our best sothat this year the securitylevel is even higher,’’ Nikolicsaid.

In 2005, suicide attackson the public transport sys-tem in the British capital killed52 people. London and main-land Britain also face a mod-erate threat from NorthernIreland-related terrorism, ac-cording to the government,

and a massive security op-eration was put in place lastyear to protect the LondonOlympics.

This year’s Boat Racebetween English universi-ties Oxford and Cambridgewent ahead amid tightenedsecurity after a protesterjumped into the RiverThames last year and nar-rowly avoided being hit bythe oars of the two crews.Royal Marines were sta-tioned along the length ofthe 4 1/4-mile (nearly 7-kilo-meter) course.

Police already were pre-paring a major security op-eration in London forWednesday’s ceremonial fu-neral for former Prime Minis-ter Margaret Thatcher, anevent at St. Paul’s Cathedralthat will be attended byQueen Elizabeth II and dig-nitaries. The plans call for aprocession through thestreets of London, withThatcher’s flag-draped coffinto be carried on a horse-drawn carriage.

The funeral’s securityplans are expected to be re-viewed in light of the bomb-ings at the Boston Marathon,which is held each year onPatriot’s Day.

‘’It’s particularly ghastlythat this should have hap-pened on a day of great na-tional celebration in Boston- on a day when so many fami-lies were out on the streetsand when so many peoplewere raising millions of dol-lars for charity. That makes itworse. It’s utterly horrifyingand completely appalling,’’Robertson said.

‘’It’s difficult to think ofa more ghastly event that thisshould be perpetratedupon.’’—Agencies

KARACHI—Sui Northern GasPipelines Ltd (SNGPL)thrashed HBL by eight wick-ets to storm into the final ofPresident’s Cup One-DayCricket Tournament at Na-tional Stadium here on Tues-day.

Pacer Bilawal Bhatti tookthree wickets and pacemenSamiullah Niazi, Asad Ali andleg-spinner Yasir Shahsnapped-up two wicketsapiece as HBL sent to batfirst, crumbled for 111 in 36thover.

SNGPL routs HBL to storminto President’s Cup final

Pakistan’s Twenty20Captain Muhammad Hafeezsmashed a sparkling 62 off 70balls with eight boundariesas Sui Northern reached thetarget in 24th over.TaufiqUmar made 23 and Azhar Aliand Umar Akmal returnedunbeaten on 13 and 13 re-spectively.

Against the expectationsthe match turned out to beone- sided after HBL’s star-studded batting surrenderedmeekly in under two hours.

Shahid Afridi and Abdur

Rehman both scored 26 eachand helped banker’s to crossthe 100 mark.Afridi hit fivefours in his 27-ball knockwhile Rehman’s innings in-cluded two fours and onesix.

Disaster struck from out-set when their top four bats-men were back in pavilionwith 22 runs on the board.Ahmed Shehzad went on thegolden duck leg before onthe first ball from Asad Ali.

Left arm pacer SamiullahNiazi accounted for ImranFarhat caught behind byRizwan and bowled informAsad Shafiq for zero whileHasan went for six.Ehsan Adilmade 11 which helped HBLto cross the 100 mark.

The second semi-final willbe played at the same venuebetween National Bank ofPakistan (NBP) and WAPDAon Wednesday.—APP

KARACHI—Twenty20 captainMuhammad Hafeez Tuesdayshowing goodwill gestureshowered praise on Pakistan’sTest and One-day CaptainMisbah-ul-Haq for his leader-ship qualities.

“Misbah is calm, honest,dedicated and got great lead-ership qualities,” Hafeez toldreporters in a post match pressconference after SNGPL beatHBL by eight wickets in thefirst semi-final of President’sCup at National Stadium here.

“Misbah does his job withgreat dedication and he ismentally very strong,” he said.

Hafeez said Misbah al-ways remained very positiveand avoided negative ap-proach.

Despite strong reports thatHafeez and Misbah developeddifferences during the lastSouth African tour whereHafeez could muster just 43runs in six Test innings, Hafeezshowed a great love for hisPakistan and SNGPL captain.

Hafeez showerspraise on Misbah

Ace all-rounder Hafeezwent places to praise Misbahto quash the impressionsabout problems or differencebetween them.—APP

Afghanistan U-19team off to flyingstart in Tri-Match

Cricket SeriesPE S H AWA R—AfghanistanUnder-19 team off to flyingstart when it defeated MalikCricket Academy Peshawarby five wickets in the open-ing match of the Tri-MatchCricket Series, which got un-der way here at Arbab NiazCricket Stadium Tuesday.

Afghanistan skipper wonthe toss and invited MalikCricket Academy to bat first.

In the allotted 50 oversMalik Cricket Academy made252 runs for the loss ninewickets after playing 50overs.

Opener Shafiq Ullahsmashed a cracking 87 runswith nine boundaries, Basitmade 35 runs with threeboundaries and one six andMohsin scored 23 runs withthree boundaries.

For Afghanistan MuslimKhan and Zahir claimed twowickets each and Shahid gottwo wickets.

In reply, Afghanistan Un-der-19 team chased the targetfor the loss of five wickets af-ter playing 45.1 overs. The Af-ghanistan team guided bydashing batsman Shahid Khanwho hammered a cracking 100runs with eight boundaries andtwo sixes, Rahim Migal madehalf-century (58) runs withseven boundaries and twosixes, Munir scored anotherquik-fire half-century 50 runswith six boundaries and onesix and Kabir Khan scored 34runs with two boundaries werethe prominent runs contribu-tors.

For MCA Muhsinclaimed our wickets whileBasit got one wicket. ThusAfghanistan took 1-0 lead inthe three matches series bywinning the opener.—APP

Nida createsdomestic record

with 204 runs knockK A R A C H I — B a t s w o m a nNida Dar created new womencricket record at domesticlevel when she scored adouble century as ZTBLwhipped Faisalabad by 312runs in the 8th NationalWomen’s One-Day CricketTournament at Bagh-e-Jinnah Ground, Lahore onTuesday.

Demonstrating skill, tal-ent, endurance, Nida blastedas many as 31 boundaries inher 204 off 135 as ZTBLamassed 391 for the loss offive wickets.

Nida is the first women toscore a double hundred inthe one-day cricket.

Replying to ZTBL mam-moth total Faisalabad Regioncrashed for 79.

Former Pakistan openerKiran Baloch hit a worldrecord Test double centuryagainst West Indies in Testmatch at National Stadium in2004.—APP

Farhan clinchesKP National

Senior SquashLeague title

P E S H A W A R — F a r h a nMehmoob clinched the tro-phy of the National SeniorLeague Squash Champion-ship after defeating his closerival Nasir Iqbal in the finalplayed at Jansher KhanSquash Complex CourtAbbottabad Tuesday.

The National SeniorLeague sponsored by Direc-torate of Sports KhyberPakhtunkhwa attracted alltop 16 players with Farhanand Nasir Iqbal reached tothe final.

Deputy CommissionerAbbottabad, who was alsotransferred to Swat on imme-diate basis, Syed Imtiaz AliShah was the chief guest andwitnessed the thrillingfinal.Director Sports (Gamesand Training Directorate ofSports Tariq Mehmood,former World ChampionQamar Zaman, nationalcoach Jamshed Gul and largenumber of squash spectatorswere also present.—APP

Page 8: e-Paper April 17, 2013

WASHINGTON—America’stroubled ties with Pakistan areback on track, a senior ObamaAdministration official hassaid, while cautioning that thePakistanis can be expected “toact when it is in their interest”.

“We are now on a trackwhere the communication hasstarted to occur again andwe’re making progress. But wehave to be realistic in our as-sumptions and expectations.“We can expect the Pakistanisto act when it is in their inter-est,” Assistant Secretary ofState Andrew J Shapiro said,without elaborating further.

Responding to questionsfrom audience at the Councilon Foreign Relations, a think-tank based here, Shapiro ad-mitted the relationship withPakistan went through somechallenges over the last coupleof years.

“We had the Osama bin

Laden raid.We had the borderincident where Pakistani sol-diers were killed. And so wewent through a period, a diffi-cult period, where there was

not a lot of assistance flowingand our communication wasnot great,” he said, adding thatthe relationship now appearsto be back on track. —INP

Pakistan-US ties backon track: Shapiro

US to continue security assistance; expectsPakistan to act when it is in their interest


LAHORE—Pakistan MuslimLeague-Qauid-e-Azam (PML-Q) President Senator Ch ShujatHussain, expressing his greatsorrow over the untimely de-mise of Sahibzada Fazal Karim,chairman Sunni Itehad Coun-cil, on Tuesday said PML-Qelectoral alliance with Sunni

Ittehad Council will be intact forupcoming general elections.

He was talking to mediaalong with PML-Q Punjab Gen-eral Secretary Ch ZaheeruddinKhan after attending his funeralof the departed soul inFaisalabad here today.

Chaudhary Shujat said thatthe vacuum created with thedemise of Sahibzada Fazal

Karim cannot be filled and thepresence of thousands ofpeople at his funeral is an ampleproof of his religious and na-tional status and popularityamong the masses since thepeople will always be benefit-ting from his teachings.

Ch Shujat Hussain said thatfirstly the Election Commissionshould explain “transport”.

PML-Q alliance with SIC intact: ShujaatLast day to disposeof appealsISLAMABAD—17th April isthe last day to dispose offappeals against acceptanceor rejection of nominationpapers by election tribunals.According to media reports,the candidates can withdrawnomination papers on Thurs-day. Final list of contestingcandidates will be publishedon the very next day. Pollingwill be held on the 11th of nextmonth. —Online

KAMRA: Lieutenant General Viktor Nikolayevich Bondarev Commander-in-Chief, Rus-sian Federation Air Force sitting in the cockpit of JF-17 Thumder aircraft during hisvisit to Pakistan Aeronautical Complex.

Only allegationsshould not lead todisqualification:


LALAMUSA—Qamar ZamanKaira, Central InformationSecretary PPP, while com-menting on the decision ofElection Tribunal pertaining tothe disqualification of formerPrime Minister and SecretaryGeneral PPPP, Raja PervezAshraf, to contest the forth-coming elections, said that hisdisqualification merely on thebasis of allegations will raiseserious question in the wholeelectoral process in the coun-try.

He said, no one is guiltyunless proved so. If disquali-fication is to be carried ourmerely on the basis of allega-tions then it will not be pos-sible to find a single candidateto contest the elections inview of the political environ-ment of Pakistan, he added.

He further said that theformer Prime Minister RajaPervez Ashraf awarded thecontract of building roads toNational Logistic Cell (NLC),a government organizationknown for quality work, onthe single tendering basis.

Page 9: e-Paper April 17, 2013

WHEN her chronic stomach painand cramps were diagnosed asirritable bowel syndrome (IBS),

Newell Freivogel, a 34-year-old businessowner in Chicago, decided to try acleanse. “I didn’t want to take medicineif something natural would help,” shesays. While she sipped veggie smoothiesand nibbled salads, her stomach issuesdisappeared. But, shesays, “I got splittingheadaches and was can’t-get-off-the-couch tired.”And the minute the two-week cleanse ended, herIBS symptoms returned.Working with her doctor,Freivogel realized sheneeded to change herdiet for life, not stop eat-ing for a couple of weeks.“What had made me feelbetter wasn’t the cleanse[itself],” she says, “butthat I’d eliminated certaintrigger foods, such asnuts and pasta. When Iidentified those foodsand cut back on them, Igot better for good.”

You’ve probably tried juice as a healthmove too. Extolled by Gwyneth andBlake, sold at juice bars and even at na-tional drugstore chains like Duane Readeand Walgreens, detox juices are now a$5-billion business, projected to grow 4to 8 percent a year. Of course, there’snothing wrong with enjoying a “greenacolada.” Although eating whole fruits andvegetables is healthiest (you get all thevitamins and minerals plus the addedbenefit of fiber), juices “are not bad,” saysStella L. Volpe, PhD, chair of the depart-ment of nutrition sciences at Drexel Uni-versity. “However, to use them as cleans-

ers is not necessary.” Never the less,the makers of juice cleanses—generallyone- to five-day all-liquid diets—haveupped the ante and are making somegrandiose health claims with little evi-dence or oversight to back them.

Beyond weight loss, flooding yourinsides with raw fruits and vegetablescan wash away just about any health

problem, suggest compa-nies with such names asJuiceRx. Their websitesclaim to help maladies likeabnormal sugar levels,acne, addiction, allergies,anxiety, bad breath, bloat-ing, cancer, cell damage,colds, contamination withchemicals, depression, dia-betes, fatigue, headaches,heavy-metal contamina-tion, hormone dysfunction,indigestion, lack of focus,liver disease, liver stones,memory loss, andParkinson’s disease. “[Acleanse can] reset yourbody and support its be-ing able to fight and curewhatever the illness is,”

says Tim Martin, founder of celeb fa-vorite iZOcleanse. “It can help the bodyheal anything.”

The BluePrintCleanse site promisesthat cleanses are “the perfect partner”for antibiotics and that they “fight offdegenerative diseases.” The site alsopromotes long-term cleanses as a goodidea for the truly sick, saying clients“using [the cleanse] in cancer therapyhave continued on a cleanse indefinitely,until they are healed”—never mind thatunpasteurized juice could introduceharmful bacteria to people with compro-mised immune systems.

The truth about juice

RAWALPINDI: Activists of PML-N burning tyres to protest against award of party tickets for general election.

Qehwa Khana at Lok Virsa attracts visitorsSTAFF REPORTER

ISLAMABAD—The tradi-tional tea house “QehwaKhana” set up at the KhyberPakhtunkhwa pavilion hereat Lok Virsa attracted visi-tors alot, which was beingheld at Shakrparian.

The on-going folk fes-tival Lok Mela, which hasgot a lot of colorful culturaland entertainment activitiesfor the visitors has dis-played the diversity of richcultural traditions of everyregion of the countrythrough its every stall/pavil-ion.

Explaining details, LokVirsa’s executive directorKhalid Javaid told thatQehwa khana is a combina-tion of two Persian words,

qehwa means green tea andkhana - a place or house.Since centuries, many tribesmigrating from Central Asiahave settled in Afghanistanand Khyber Pakhtunkhwaprovince.

They have their own cul-ture and traditions, amongwhich use of meat along withfats is very common in theirdiet. So in order to digestfood, they take green tea, hesaid.

In addition to this,Qehwa khanas have becomea part of culture of Peshawar.In olden days, merchants andtraders coming from CentralAsia, China bringing withthem silk and spices, wouldgather in Qehwa Khanas inPeshawar, narrating storiesabout their journeys while

hot and aromatic Qehwaswas served to wash down thegreasy food. Usually in a tra-ditional Qehwa Khana, theground level is meant formales while the upper portionlocally called “Bala Khana” isbuilt for females. Even today,there is a market of QissaKhawani (Bazaar of Storytell-ers) which still has many teahouses, he told.

Giving details about thistradition, he said, Qehwa istraditionally drunk in smallcups or tea glasses. The teais made by boiling green tealeaves mixed with crushedcardamom. Generally, it isserved with sugar or honey.

Traditionally, Qehwa isprepared in a brass kettleknown as a samovar. A samo-var is a heated metal con-

ISLAMABAD: Executive Secretary Nazriya Pakistan Council Kanwar MuhammadDilshad and Senior Member Majlis-e-Aamla NPC Dr Muhammad Ayub Sabir with thestudents of Islamabad Model School G-6/1-4 and Islamabad Model School G-9/2, duringtheir visit to Aiwan-e-Quaid.—PO photo by Sultan Bashir

tainer traditionally used toheat and boil water. Samo-vars are said to have beeninvented in Central Asia,however, it is also used inEastern Europe, Middle Eastand South Asia. A traditionalsamovar consists of a largemetal container with a fau-cet at the bottom and a metalpipe running verticallythrough the middle.

Samovars are typicallycrafted out of copper, brass,bronze, silver, gold, tin ornickel. It has a “fire-con-tainer”, in which live coalsare placed for keeping thewater hot. Around the fire-container there is a space forwater to boil and the tealeaves and other ingredientsare mixed with the water fora perfect blend.

Qehwa may also bemade in normal vessels. Theouter portion of Qehwakhanas are decorated withbig samovars, carved wood-work for giving it a tradi-tional touch, hence attract-ing customers. In KhyberPakhtunkhwa, Qahwah isusually served to guests insmall cups. People here arevery fond of drinking greentea, especially, after lunchesand dinners, he said.

Besides projecting thiscenturies old tradition at theannual folk festivals like LokMela, Lok Virsa has also cre-ated a full-fledged creativediorama on “Qehwa Khana”at its Pakistan NationalMuseum of Ethnology(Heritage Museum), hestated.


ISLAMABAD—Minister forScience and Technology Dr.Sania Nishtar has said that themandate of the caretaker setup is to ensure free and fairelections and all out effortsare being made in this regard.

Speaking at the floor ofthe House, she said the care-taker setup is fully consciousof the fact that it should notindulge itself in long termpolicy making matters.

The caretaker ministersaid we will honour the sug-gestions of the public repre-sentatives sitting in the Sen-

Election 2013

Interim govt to ensurefree polls: Sania

ate for smooth holding of thegeneral elections.

The house started dis-cussion on a motion movedby Syed Tahir HussainMashhadi regarding the pre-vailing law and order situa-tion in the country.

Speaking on the occa-sion, Raza Rabbani said that3 parties of the country in-cluding PPP, ANP and MQMare receiving terroristthreats.

He said these partieshave a specific ideology andare liberal democratic forces.

He said targeting the lib-eral and progressive forces

and silence of the state insti-tutions over the issue isalarming.

He said despite all oddswe will continue our struggleand will not let the electionsto be delayed even for asingle day.

Other speakers also ex-pressed reservations overthe security situation in thecountry and demanded forproper security of the lead-ership of the political partiesand the candidates.

Those who spoke on theoccasion include Haji Adeel,Haji Ghulam Ali, Zahid Khan,Nasreen Jalil and Shahi Syed.


ISLAMABAD—Speaker at aday-long consultation, onTuesday, suggested to pro-vide full protection and sup-port to minorities during theelections 2013 to make surethey fully exercise their rightto vote and contest the gen-eral elections.

Representatives from dif-ferent political parties reaf-firmed their commitment toreligious minorities andvowed to work for a Pakistanwhere every person – regard-less of caste, creed or faith -is treated equal citizen.

Organised by the Coali-tion for the Rights of Minori-ties (CRM), in collaborationwith the Global Human Rights

Protection and participationof minorities advocated

Defense, the national con-sultation on the “Election2013, Role and Responsibil-ity of the Religious Minori-ties” was attended by differ-ent groups of religious mi-norities, academia, civilsociety, youth members andrepresentatives of PML-N,Awami National Party andthe Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf.

Through video telecon-ference, GHRD ProgrammeOfficer Julia de Blaauw, basedin The Hague, Netherlands,shared that the Global HumanRights Defense along withthe CRM would be monitor-ing the general elections andwould prepare a post-electionreport on the issues, faced byreligious minorities duringthe whole election process.

Sharing the party manifesto,Siddiqul Farooq, PML-Nspokesperson, said that hisparty would include furthersuggestions in the manifestowith consent of all religiousminorities. “We just want de-velopment, betterment of thenation without discriminationand also good and brotherlyrelations with neighbours fora peaceful South Asian re-gion,” he added.

Musarrat Shaffi, ANPleader and former KhyberPakhtunkhwa Assemblymember; Samson Sharif, PTIDefence Secretary and SajidIshaq, PTI Minority AffairsChairperson, sharing theirparty manifestos, said theywere ready to include inputsfrom all stakeholders.


ISLAMABAD—Officials ofCapital Development Au-thority (CDA) should have toplay their vibrant role to keepIslamabad a green and cleancity in all respect.

They have to utilize theirall energies to root out thecivic issues in order to facili-tate the residents of the Fed-eral Capital. Islamabad, due toits natural beauty and greencharacter, is a unique amongall the cities of Pakistan andbeing the custodian of the city,we have to utilize all available

Capitals’ sector-wisebeautification campaign

resources to maintain it at de-sired standard.

This was stated by theChairman CDA, Syed ThairShahabz while chairing a meet-ing held at CDA Headquar-ters on Tuesday. The meetingwas held to finalize the ar-rangements of CDA’s upcom-ing “Sector wise Renovation– Up-gradation – Beautifica-tion Campaign. The Meetingwas attended by MemberPlanning and Design CDASyed Mustafain Kazmi, Mem-ber Estate Shaista Sohail,Member EngineeringSanaullah Aman, Member

Administration Munir AhmedChaudhry and officers of theconcerned formations.

Chairman CDA said thatcommon problems/ issues arein dire need to be addressedon war footing. He urged thatcivil society, residents, mediaand people from all walks oflife to join hands with CDA toturn the Federal Capital themost beautiful city. He saidthat there are certain problemswhich could be resolved with-out involvement of hugeamounts by using manpowerand machinery in effectivemanner.

Measles emergencyin hospitals

RAWALPINDI—Emergencyhas been declared in three al-lied hospital and District head-quarters hospital due to therising number of measlespatients.In view alarming rise,atleast 25,000 children from 9months to 14 months wouldbe vaccinated from 25th to till30th April as part of Measleselimination campaign.

According to statisticscompiled by the DistrictHealth Department, measleshas taken shape of an epi-demic and more than 200 chil-dren have been admitted inthe three allied hospitals ofthe city. While more than1000 patients have been ad-mitted in private hospitals.

In view of rising numberof patients the isolationwards have been evacu-ated.—Online

April 24

DISTRICT Health De-partment Rawalpindiwould launch a week-long special drive to cre-ate awareness amongwomen about healthcareof mother from April 24to 30.

April 25

ALLAMA Iqbal OpenUniversity (AIOU) hasscheduled its final examsof MS, M.Phil and Ph.DProgrammes for the Se-mester Autumn, 2012 tobe started from Monday25th April, 2013 acrossthe country simulta-neously.

ISLAMABAD—A Memoran-dum of Understanding(MoU) was signed by theNational University of Mod-ern Languages (NUML),Islamabad, and SuleymanSah University, Turkey, hereTuesday to have a close aca-demic collaboration in thefaculties of Humanities andSocial Sciences, Faculty ofAdministrative and Manage-ment Sciences as well as re-search.

The MOU was signed bythe Director General (DG)NUML, Brig Azam Jamal andProfessor Dr Adnan ASLAN,Dean Faculty of Humanitiesand Social Sciences ofSuleyman Sah University.The signature ceremony wasattended by the RegistrarBrig (R) M. Saeed AkhtarMalik, Director Academics

NUML, Turkish universitysign MoU for research

Col (Retd) Syed Jawaid,Harun Koken, ChairmanRumi Foundation and DrZakeriya Nas, Head of Turk-ish Department at NUML.

Talking on the occasion,Professor Dr Adnan ASLANsaid that Pakistan was a veryclose friend of Turkey andpeople of Turkey had deepfraternal feelings for theirPakistani brothers.

This collaboration be-tween two universities ofPakistan and Turkey wouldbe another opportunity toassist each other in the filedof academic research andlearning which ultimatelyleads toward economic andsocial betterment. He toldthat “there are four depart-ments under the faculty ofHumanities and Social Sci-ences”.—INP

10 outlaws arrestedISLAMABAD—Islamabad po-lice have arrested 10 outlawsfrom various areas of the cityand recovered stolen car,gold ornaments, cash , 13wine bottles and narcoticsfrom their possession, a po-lice spokesman said on Tues-day.

According to details,Sub-Inspector Nusrat Ali fromGolra police station arrestedan accused Junaid for having30 bore pistol. Sub-InspectorsAness Akbar and MuhammadAshraf from Shehzad Townpolice arrested Tanveer andQamer Zaman besides recov-ering 12 bore gun and 30 borepistol from them.

ASI Tanveer Ahmed fromKohsar police station ar-rested Sajid Sohail and re-covered 10 bottles wine fromhim. Sub-Inspector GhulamMuhamamd Shah and ASIMuhammad Ghaus fromBhara Kau police station ar-rested Irfan and Gul Shah forhaving 220 gram hashish and03 wine bottles respectively.

ASI Tarbul Hassan fromGorla police station arresteda thief Yousaf Khan whileASI Qamer Ejaz from SabziMandi police station recov-ered a stolen car (A- 1272Hyderabad) from ManzoorHussain.—APP


officersISLAMABAD—The CapitalDevelopment Authority(CDA) is facing problems intransferring the deputationofficers to their mother de-partments.

According to the CDA of-ficials, Director MaintenanceNaseem Akhtar Qureshi andDG Civic Management TariqRauf, along with seven otherofficers, have taken stay or-ders against their transfer andare not ready to go back totheir departments.

When contacted, Mem-ber Planning and Design andhead of legal wing of the civicauthority Syed MustafeenKazmi said that the chairmanCDA has ordered to take le-gal steps against the stayorders of the deputation of-ficers.—INP

Page 10: e-Paper April 17, 2013

Happiness does notcome from doing easy

work but from theafterglow of satisfac-tion that comes afterthe achievement of a

difficult task thatdemanded our best.

— Theodore IsaacRubin


LAHORE—The IndependentPower Producers (IPPs) of thecountry are in huge debt becauseof WAPDA’s default on its con-tractual obligations. Contrary tothe Power Purchase Agreement,WAPDA has released meager orin some cases absolutely no pay-ments to the gas-fired IPPs overpast few months.

WAPDA’s payment defaulthas resulted in severe effects onthe financial viability of thesepower plants. The combinedover dues of the IPPs are closeto Rs. 32 billion. Condition issuch that the IPPs are on theverge of collapse, despite engag-ing their entire working capitalresources. This situation is theresult of ongoing discriminatorytreatment towards the gas firedIPPs by routing the funds to oil-fired IPPs to keep them running.

IPPs in debt of Rs32b due tominimal payments by govt

Gas fired IPPs are more re-liable and are cleaner source ofenergy. Effective usage andfunds allocation to the gas firedIPPs can result in estimatedcombined forex saving of US$3.5 million per day, by utiliz-ing indigenous low btu/perme-ate gas. It can offer economicaltariff compared to oil-firedpower plants, with an averageestimated saving of US $2.77million per day – equivalent toRs. 14 per kWh. Gas fired IPPscan offer average tariff of Rs. 4per kWh versus Rs. 18 for oilfired IPPs.

Moreover, it is important tonote that the funds paid to gasfired IPPs remain in circulationwithin the country with Govern-ment of Pakistan (GoP) beingthe major indirect beneficiary,through its shareholding inOGDCL, SSGC and SNGPL.Any payment to IPPs from the

release of funds by MoF andregular collections of WAPDA/ NTDC can settle the overduereceivables of gas fired IPPs andwill enable them to sustain op-erations thereby helping the en-ergy starved nation. Besides theaforementioned direct loss perMW, shut down of gas-firedplants will have serious reper-cussions for GoP. Continuationwould result in a negative en-ergy mix skewed towards oil-based generation and would in-crease the quantum of circulardebt, ultimately increasing theburden on end consumers interms of more expensive power.

The independent power pro-ducers (IPPs) can generate moreenergy with more efficiency ascompared to public sector; how-ever, it is paramount thatGovernment’s facilities and en-couragement is required in thisregard.


KARACHI—Bin Qasim Asso-ciation of Trade and Industry(BQATI) President UsmanAhmed expressed concernover sever traffic gridlock dueto repairing work at MalirBridge, which was source ofgreat concern and anxiety tothe trade and industry and staffsand foreigners working at BinQasim Industrial area. Thetravelling to Port Qasim viaNational Highway and back tocity was made difficult.

He said that the Nationalhighway from Malir bridge to

BQATI shows concern on gridlocksdue to work on Malir river bridge

Port Qasim More was undergreat pressure of traffic as thetransport heading toward thecity and upcountry, Port Qasim,Port Industrial Zone, Steel Mills,Steel Town, Gulshan-e Hadeedand other industries situated inBin Qasim Zone used to passthrough this road, which in facthad been turned into a narrowstreet.

He said that looting andsnatching incident at key pointduring traffic gridlock had cre-ated panic, especially amongforeign engineers and technicalstaff working in Bin Qasim In-dustrial Zone, Such incidents

had reemphasized the need toimplement strict and additionalsecurity measures to minimizethe risk of criminal activities inthe area and improve trafficsituation during sensitivehours.

Mian Muhammad Ahmed,Patron In-chief and founderPresident of Bin Qasim Asso-ciation of Trade and Industryalso showed his concern andbriefed that at the time whenindustrial production needs tobe boosted up to help theeconomy, incidents like thesewill act as serious deterrent tolocal and foreign investors.


KA R A C H I—Governmentshould allocate reserve seatsfor business community’s rep-resentatives in the national as-sembly and senate, this wasdemanded by the leader of thebusiness community andChief Guest, S M Muneer at adinner reception hosted byKorangi Association of Tradeand industry (KATI) in honourof caretaker Minister on I.T,Mian Zahid Hussain inKarachi.

S M Muneer said that like

Call to reserve seats in assembly for biz communityin other countries where busi-ness community is being givenrepresentation in their assem-blies should also be recognizedhere in Pakistan consideringtheir remarkable contribution inPakistan’s economy.

Pakistan is a country tied upwith bureaucratic chains andeconomic reforms are unlikelyunless and until the businesscommunity is given representa-tion in the assemblies. Hestrongly opposed to ban on busi-nessmen carrying arms underSection 144 imposed by the gov-ernment.

He made it clear that nobusinessman is brandishingarms but only keeping it as de-terrent considering the criticalsituation of law and order. Hesaid that load-shedding in indus-trial areas is alarming and Gov-ernor Sindh should interveneinto the matter and get the dis-pute between KESC and SSGCresolved.

He asked the caretaker gov-ernment to order KMC to prop-erly perform its duties as afterthe ouster of MuhammadHusain Syed no civic work isbeing done in the city and heaps

of garbage are seen all over thecity. He asked the governmentto bring in a full time and com-petent administrator in KMC assoon as possible.

The law and order situationis getting little better but yet tobe normalized and caretakergovernment should have takenserious steps to maintain law andorder and hold free and fair elec-tions. Minister of InformationTechnology, Mian ZahidHussain said that though he gotvery little time to perform buthe has taken serious steps to pro-mote information technology in

the province. He said thatepolicing system in the govern-ment departments is being intro-duced which would be veryhelpful to curb irregularities inthe government departments.

An IT seminar is beingplanned in order to create aware-ness and find ways and meansto speedy computerization ofgovernment departments andintroduce high-tech systems tofacilitate the people. He said thathe would be available to thebusiness community as well asto the general public all the timeduring his tenure and try to re-

solve their issues to his levelbest. Speaking on the occasionthe Chairman Korangi Associa-tion of Trade and Industry,Mohammad Zubair Chhaya saidthat the businessmen should beexempted from carrying arms asthey are extremely in distressand frequently receiving threatsfrom ‘Bhatta Mafia’ and need tocarry arms and guards for theirsecurity. He pointed out thatthough law and order and situa-tion in Karachi particularly in in-dustrial areas has been improveda little but the government hasto make serious measures to

fully restore law and order inthe city. Vice Presidents,FPCCI Shaheen Ilyas Sarwanaand Gulzar Firoz vowed tomake efforts for revival of na-tional economy and asked thetrade and industrial bodies tosend their proposals for theforthcoming budget so thatthey could be taken up with thepower corridors. Special As-sistant to CM, SharfuddinMemon said on the occasionthat issue of exempting thebusinessmen to carry armswould be resolved in a coupleof days.

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Industries and Production Shahzada Ahsan AshrafSheikh chairing the briefing session about the PIDC.

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Justice (Retd) Mir Hazar Khan Khoso being briefed by officials of Ministry of Petroleumand Natural Resources.


ISLAMABAD—Prime MinisterJustice (Retd) Mir Hazar KhanKhoso Tuesday directed theMinistry of Petroleum and Natu-ral Resources to accelerate itsefforts to explore new gas andoil resources so that reliance onindigenous resources is in-creased.

He also directed the Minis-try of Petroleum and NaturalResources to come up with fairgas distribution plan so thatavailable resources are utilizedoptimally.

The prime minister gavethese directives during a com-prehensive briefing given to himby Ministry of Petroleum andNatural Resources on the work-ing, functions, challenges andissues confronting the oil andgas sectors in the country at thePrime Minister’s House.

The meeting was attendedby the Minister for Petroleum,Suhail Wajahat H. Siddiqui,

PM for increased relianceon indigenous resources

Advisor for Finance Dr. ShahidAmjad Chaudhry and senior of-ficials of the Ministry of Petro-leum and Prime Minister’s Sec-retariat.

Prime Minister Khoso wasinformed that the total demandof the energy in the country wasestimated at 80 million tonsequivalent of oil while supplywas 65 million tons.

He was told that the gap hasincreased owing to lack of ex-ploration of new oil and gaswells and consequent inabilityto keep pace with the growingdemand.

The Prime Minister was ap-prised that the country had there-fore to import oil and to spendan estimated $14.5 billion on itsimport.

The meeting was told thatthe ministry was now workingon a plan to increase reliance onindigenous resources by bring-ing more area under explorationand increase production of oiland gas.

In this connection, the gov-ernment has issued 126 licensesto various national and interna-tional companies for explora-tions.

The Premier was also ap-prised that in light of his direc-tions, guidelines have been is-sued to all prospecting compa-nies to ensure that provision ismade for welfare of the localswhere exploration is takingplace to ensure implementationof Corporate Social Responsi-bility.

Similarly, the companieshave been issued guidelines toco-opt local people for protec-tion and provision of securitywith territorial responsibility.

The Prime Minister was toldthat oil potential of the countrywas estimated at 27000 millionbarrels and gas potential at 283trillion cubic feet. Nearly 500million cubic feet of gas is avail-able but it would take anothertwo years to be injected into thesystem.


LAHORE—State Bank of Pa-kistan (SBP) and the Smalland Medium Enterprises De-velopment Authori ty(SMEDA) have agreed tomake joint efforts for facili-tating SMEs’ access to fi-nance. It was disclosed by ateam of SMEDA financial ex-perts at an in-house meetingwith CEO SMEDA SardarAhmad Nawaz Sukhera todayat SMEDA head office.

The team informed that Inline with SMEDA’s new mis-sion to build partnerships forcatalyzing growth and develop-ment of SME sector, meetingswere held last week with senior

SBP-SMEDA agree for facilitatingSMEs’ access to finance

officials of the State Bank atKarachi to discuss scope of mu-tual cooperation of the two or-ganizations for enabling SMEs’access to finance.

SMEDA has identified vari-ous instruments that could bedeveloped for increasing SME’saccess to finance, including sec-tor specific programme lendingschemes as well as mechanismsfor building capacity of com-mercial banks in risk assessmentof SME clients.

The SMEDA team whilevisiting SBP head office alsomet with Syed Irfan Ali, direc-tor, Payment Systems Depart-ment to discuss E-PaymentGateway for SMEs in order topromote E-Commerce in Paki-

stan. SMEs in Pakistan are cur-rently not present on the can-vas of multi-trillion dollarcyber economy. Such initiativeswill facilitate SMEs to enterinto global cyber economy re-sulting in better export volumesand entry into new markets. Ithas been learnt that SBP is de-veloping a policy framework inthis regard, which will beshared with stakeholders in thenear future.

SMEDA CEO is confidentthat building partnerships withSBP for facilitating SMEs ac-cess to finance will prove to beinstrumental in creating newenterprises, scaling up produc-tion of existing firms and en-hancing competitiveness.


KARACHI—Unending rift be-tween two utilities i.e. KESC &SSGC consequently washingaway the true colours of this in-dustrial hub called as the city oflights stemming due to loadshedding of long durations.

While KESC attributesloading shedding to short sup-ply of gas on the part of SSGC,the later vehemently denied theallegations with the claim thatSSGC was supplying120mmcfd gas to power gener-ating company uninterruptedlydespite an agreement of merely10 mmcfd only to care over 20million plus population ofKarachi.

The endless load shedding

KESC-SSGC trade blame on each other

Rift hitting hard economy, consumershas not only given a serious dentto industrial and commercialactivity but adversely affectedhealth, education and social ac-tivity sending an extremely badmessage about the capacity ofgood governance and manage-ment skill of the people sittingat the helm of affairs speciallyat the stage when the peoplehave to cost their vote to deter-mine future course of the socio-economic and political order ofthe country.

Meanwhile commenting onthe reports that KESC has beenforced to start eight hours loadshedding from April 13 due toconsistent low gas supply fromSSGC, a spokesperson for thegas utility has completely re-futed the allegation and clari-

fied that there was no deliber-ate action on the part of SSGCto curtail gas supply to KESCand 120 mmcfd was being sup-plied to KESC for the past 4months.

The spokesperson reiteratedSSGC’s continuing commit-ment to the 20 million people ofKarachi to ensure continuoussupply of gas to the KESC so asnot to negatively impactKESC’s power generation ca-pacity.

The SSGC spokespersonsaid that the gas utility wascontinuing to supply gas toKESC to the volume of 120mmcfd for the past 4 monthsand it was doing so for the veryreason that it did not want to

Continued on Page 11

PQ remains activeKARACHI—Three shipscarrying containers and edibleoil were allotted berth atQasim International and LCTTerminals respectively duringthe last 24 hours, port sourcessaid here Tuesday. Four moreships scheduled to load/offload containers, wheat anddiesel oil also arrived at theouter anchorage of Port Qasimduring the last 24 hours. Berthoccupancy was 75% at the porton Tuesday where totalnumber of eight ships namelyMV. Nystead Maersk, AllainceSt. Louis, Reecon Faith, DiaDuong Sunrise, Recon EmreAtlantic Glory, Chem RoadJourney and Argent Bright arecurrently occupying berth toload/ offload containers,cement, rice, wheat, chemicaland edible oil respectively. Acargo volume of 47,551 tonnescomprising 35,948 tonnesimport and 11,603 tonnesexports inclusive ofcontainerised cargo carried in1,339 containers (Boxes) werehandled at the port during thelast 24 hours.—APP

Rates for conversionKARACHI—The followingrates will be applicable forconversion into rupees ofForeign Currency Deposits,Dollar Bearer Certificates,Foreign Currency BearerCertificates, Special U.S.Dollar Bonds and profitsthereon by all banks and forproviding Forward Cover onForeign Currency Deposits(excluding F.E. 25 deposits) bythe State Bank on April 17,2013. The rates are U.S.Dollar Rs 98.3794, JapaneseYen Rs 1.0046, Pound SterlingRs 150.5205 and Euro Rs128.6409.—APP


ISLAMABAD—The PakistanStone Development Company(PASDEC) in collaboration withits partner, United IndustrialDevelopment Organization(UNIDO), have displayedmarble mosaic products in Ca-reer Expo 2013 here at BahriaUniversity.

More than 58 stalls wereset up by Moftak Solutions,Maroof international Hospital,PTCL, Roots school system,

Marble mosaic productsdisplay in Career Expo

SNL, Eni, IBM, Telenor,Ufone, Wi tribe, SECP, Nestle,Telenor, Faysal Asset Manage-ment, YES, Data Focal, ZONG,the United Nations, Zigron,Askari Investment Manage-ment, Information architects,Evamp & Saanga, KnowledgeKottage, Cyber Vision, HashooFoundation, PEL, Secure Tech,CRNP, addictive tips, NexusTelecom, Ovex Tech,Mobizone, TiE Islamabad, AliAkbar Group, Metro Casy &Carry, CiMA,Universal Human

Aid, Brightspyre, Converge,Launch Pad, Oves Technolo-gies, Makkays, Konket, IslamicRelief, EES, Gen Zee Solu-tions, Spyko, Channel 7,Scrybe, YNP and Elixir, sayida PAADEC statement.

The stall of Pakistan StoneDevelopment Company underthe umbrella of BusinessGrowth Center of UNIDO andFirst Women Bank Limited(FWBL) remained the center ofattention because of eye catch-ing mosaic items.

Govt to providebasic facilitiesfor industrialdevelopment


KARACHI—Caretaker SindhMinister for Industries, KhalidTawab has said that the govern-ment would provide the basicfacilities to spur the industrialdevelopment in the province. Hewas talking to members of theFederal B. Area Association ofTrade and Industry here onTuesday.

The Minister said that devel-opment of industries would helpto bring prosperity. He said thatthere are problems for the indus-tries and the government isutilising its resources to helpsolve these problems.

Khalid Tawab said that at-tention is also being paid for re-solving the law and order prob-lem. The members of the Fed-eral B. Area Association ofTrade and Industry apprised theMinister of their problems.

Prominent industrialist S.M.Munir was also present duringthe meeting.

ISE staysbearish


ISLAMABAD—Islamabad StockExchange (ISE-10) here onTuesday witnessed bearish trendas the index was down by 60.47points to close at 3374.79 ascompared to the previous day’strading.

Talking to media, Stock Ana-lyst, Ibrahim said that the pres-sure was seen in the local stockmarket due to profit-taking. “Theinvestors has off-loaded positionsbecause of booking profits andmajority of positions were takenin the cement and banking sec-tors”, he added.

Aside from this, the puntershave taken positions when theindex comes down resulting anincrease of total turnover of themarket, he said. Total volume ofshares traded was 191,000, whichwas up by 184,000 when com-pared it with a earlier closing.

Out of 133 companies’shares traded, the price of 36was increased while the price of97 decreased. The price of topgainer Murree Brewery was in-creased by Rs.10.50 while theprice of top loser Mitchell FruitFarms decreased by Rs.17.95.

Lafrage Pakistan Cement,Fauji Cement Company and SilkBank Ltd remained volumeleaders, with volume of125,000, 50,000 and 16,000shares respectively.

Asian marketstumbleHONG KONG—Asian sharestumbled for a second straightday Tuesday following weakUS and Chinese economicdata, while traders were alsospooked by a doublebombing that hit the BostonMarathon. The weak Chinaoutlook hit commodityprices, with gold sinking toits lowest level since 2011 inNew York after suffering itssharpest fall in 30 years,while on oil markets theBrent contract fell below$100 a barrel. Tokyo fell 1.06percent by the break, HongKong lost 0.81 percent,Sydney eased 0.64 percent,Shanghai was 0.20 percentlower and Seoul shed 0.93percent. Bangkok was closedfor a public holiday. Globalmarkets suffered a downturnon Monday after Chinareleased data showing growthin the world’s number-twoeconomy had slowed in thefirst quarter of the year,which was followed by weakUS manufacturing figures.Asian markets ended Mondayin the red and Wall Street’smain indexes were alreadydown when two explosionshit the Boston Marathon, oneof the biggest sporting eventsin the US, killing at leastthree and injuring more than100. “Markets are in the redon a knee-jerk reaction to theBoston bombing. It lookslike the bears are at thegates,” says JonathanRavelas, market strategist atBDO Unibank. As citiesacross the United States wenton high alert PresidentBarack Obama said it wasnot yet clear who was behindthe blasts. While he did notsay the blasts were a terrorattack, a White Houseofficial said “any event withmultiple explosive devices—as this appears to be—isclearly an act of terror”.—APP

Page 11: e-Paper April 17, 2013

Gold Tezab 50700.00Silver Tezabi 840.00

Gold Tezabi (24-Ct) 50420.00Gold 22 Ct 46010.00SilverTezabi 895.00Silver Thobi 815.00

USA 98.20 98.00

UK 151.22 150.92

EURO 128.80 128.54

Canada 97.24 97.04

Switzerland 105.67 105.45

Australia 103.65 103.43

Sweden 15.49 15.45

Japan 0.9871 0.9851

Norway 17.22 17.19

Singapore 79.36 79.20

Denmark 17.27 17.24

Omani Riyal 255.00 245.00

Saudi Arabia 26.19 26.13

Hong Kong 12.65 12.63

Kuwait 344.56 343.86

Malaysia 32.35 32.28

Newzeland 84.79 84.61

Qatar 26.97 26.92

UAE 26.74 26.68

KR WON 0.0868 0.0867

Thailand 3.382 3.375

Womenentrepreneursseek linkagewith varsitiesSTAFF REPORTER

P E S H AW A R — Wo m e nChamber of Commerce &Industry Peshawar(WCCIP), organize an inter-active session withacademia, media and devel-opment sector organizationfor formulation of an entre-preneurship developmentpolicy for women in KhyberPakhtunkhwa (KPK) to fa-cilitate more women towardsentrepreneurship.

Vice president WCCIPshamama Arbab requestedthe media to join hands withWCCIP to give a soft imageof women entrepreneurs inorder to develop an encour-aging environment for theupcoming entrepreneurs.

She said that WCCItakes pride in taking the ini-tiative of bridging the gapbetween academia and busi-nesses.

It was agreed that univer-sity-industry linkage will becreated and IM Sciences uni-versity shall develop curricu-lum on entrepreneurship incollaboration with WCCIP,as per trade and industryneeds whereas, Governmentshall also be engaged in cur-riculum development.

Shamama Arbab, VicePresident of the Chambersaid that youth possess im-mense potential and talentthat must be explored inthe right way to harnesstheir skills and capabili-ties.

She said that due to pre-vailing economic situationjob opportunities wereshrinking so there was direneed to encourage youth toenter into entrepreneurshipfield resulting in self-em-ployment

It was proposed byWCCI that governmentshould develop skill develop-ment centers and incubationcenter in KPK region, andalso universities should sup-port this initiative develop-ing incubation centers in theuniversities.

The students were of theview that the current Na-tional Internship program isnot catering its purpose andproposed to start internshipprogram in the private sec-tor that would help in creat-ing entrepreneurship cultureworking in the business en-vironment.

The media fully sup-ported the Entrepreneur-ship Policy for the Womenof KPK, and assuredlunching media campaignto promote women entre-preneurship.

It was emphasized by thestudents that a separate ITPark should be establishedfor the women because theyhave great talent and abilitiesin IT field.

To promote entrepre-neurship culture in the KPKregion, WCCIP proposed todevelop LOK VIRSA modelso that underprivileged couldbe brought in the mainstream for economic devel-opment.

KARACHI—Follow-ing were the bullionrates in major citiesyesterday.



ISLAMABAD: Zonal Chairman FPCCI Azhar Sayeed Butt, CEO Business Support FundSaqib Mohiuddin and others with the participants of women’s Expo.


ISLAMABAD—The NationalRefinery Limited (NRL) onTuesday announced the profit ofRs.1.93 billion for nine monthsended on March 31, 2013, wit-nessing a decline of 11.73 percent against Rs.2.16 billion inthe same period of the last year.

The profit of refinery regis-tered a decrease for the periodof nine months due to an in-crease of administrative ex-penses and trade discounts,taxes, duties and levies.

Aside from this, due to adecline of net sales and a rise offinance cost of the company for3rd quarter ended on March 31,2013 had also caused the cut onthe profit for nine months periodof the current year..

NRL posts profit ofRs1.93b for nine months

The administrative expensesof the refinery had shown a riseof 12.38 per cent from Rs.0.337billion for period of nine monthsof 2012 to Rs.0.379 billion forthe same period of the currentyear.

In the same way, trade dis-counts, taxes, duties and liveshad registered a rise of 9.22 percent to Rs.26.04 billion for ninemonths of 2013 from Rs.23.85billion in the same period of thelast year.

The net sales stood atRs.43.62 billion for 3rd quarterended on March 31 of the cur-rent year, which was down by1.98 per cent when compared itwith Rs.44.49 billion in thesame period of last year.

The finance cost of the com-pany recorded at Rs.0.682 bil-

lion for 3rd quarter againstRs.0.198 billion for the sameperiod of the last year.

However, the other operat-ing income of company wit-nessed a surge by 191.43 percent from Rs.0.584 billion for3rd quarter to Rs.1.70 billion forthe same period of the currentyear.

The company’s overallprofit stood at Rs.0.919 billionagainst Rs.0.578 billion for 3rdquarter of last year which wasdue to a rise of 191 per cent inthe other income of the companyin the current year.

The earning per share (EPS)for the quarter of 2013 recordedat Rs.11.5, showing an increaseof 59.05 per cent when com-pared it with Rs.7.23 EPS ofsame period last year.

ISLAMABAD: Senator Haji Ghulam Ali presenting bouquet to Sh Abdul Razzaq.


KARACHI—Ghazo Collectionorganized an exhibition on Sat-urday, 6th April 2013 to pro-mote the work of Women En-trepreneurs in Pakistan. Themain objective of the eventwas to support the private sec-tor initiative to empower theWomen Entrepreneur in Paki-stan.

Ghazala Humayun high-lighted the objective and pur-pose of organizing this eventempowering the Women En-trepreneurs in Pakistan. Shesaid that women entrepre-neurs are successfully doingbusiness in textile garments,

Empowering the women entrepreneurs in Pakistanfashion designing, handicrafts,jewelry, fancy candles of inter-national quality, handmade giftitems, leather garments, furni-ture and fixtures and this eventprovided them an opportunityto introduce themselves. Shestated education sector, womenhave made good progress andare today representing manyeducational institutes. Womenare also active in various sportsin Pakistan and have alreadyparticipated in national, re-gional and international compe-titions.

Zubair Ahmed Malik, Presi-dent FPCCI, attended the eventand stated that (FPCCI) has alsobeen encouraging women entre-

preneurs by way of giving themopportunities to participate inInternational trade fairs and del-egations on subsidized condi-tions. At present, there are sevenwomen’s chambers in Pakistanthat work under the umbrella ofFPCCI, all representing the fourprovinces of Pakistan. Hepraised the efforts of Ghazo inpromoting women entrepre-neurs.

Tariq Sayeed, Vice Presi-dent CACCI, former PresidentFPCCI and former and founderPresident SAARC CCI whilevisiting the Ghazo Collectionevent. “Empowering the WomenEntrepreneurs in Pakistan”praised her cause for women

entrepreneur and stated thatwithout involving women entre-preneurs actively in economicactivity, our country cannotachieve the target of economicstability and self-reliance. Thisshould become all the more ap-parent in view of the fact thatthe population of women in Pa-kistan is almost half the totalpopulation of 180 million. Healso said that in Pakistan, cur-rently Women entrepreneurs areworking under the same macro,regulatory and institutionalframework as their male coun-terparts in a free market mecha-nism.

Sheikh Humayun Sayeed,Chief Executive, SMH-Interna-

tional – Events Managementinformed that the best emerg-ing designer Mr. Imran Rajputwho was awarded at the Paki-stan Fashion Week organizedby Fashion Pakistan Councilwill be showcasing/displayinghis outfits at the forth comingPakistan Fashion and TextileExhibition 2013 Dubai andalso announced the exhibitionsto be held in India, Qatar, USA,Canada and Australia duringthe year 20130.

The exhibition was a greatsuccess due to large attendanceof Karachiites, famous andleading businessmen andwomen in fact elite of theKarachi were present there.

LAHORE: Mian Muhammad Mansha giving away the CSRAward to Shahzad Ahmad from Warid Telecom during a cer-emony.


LAHORE—Warid Telecom, lead-ing innovator of Pakistan’s telecomindustry, has once again receivedthe honourable Shaukat KhanumSocial Responsibility Award fromthe SKMCH&RC. The event, heldinside the hospital premises, is or-ganized annually to appreciate andrecognize the support various or-ganizations have provided duringthe year 2012.

Chief Executive SKMT, Dr.Faisal Sultan appreciated the con-tinuous support provided byWarid Telecom in the recent years.

Warid receives corporatesocial responsibility award

Warid has received this award forthe second time in two years, forthe organizations support in 2011and 2012. Dr. Sultan further added“We have embarked upon the con-struction of Pakistan’s secondShaukat Khanum Memorial Can-cer Hospital and Research Centrein Peshawar. This has only beenpossible because of the uncondi-tional support of well-wishers andresponsible organizations likeWarid who believe in the value oflife and have enabled us to con-tinue to provide free or supportedcancer care to over 75% of our pa-tients over the last 18 years.”


LAHORE—German Ambassa-dor to Pakistan Dr. Cyrill JeanNunn Pakistan has said that Ger-many is the biggest supporter ofGSP Plus status to Pakistan andhopefully Pakistan would get thestatus once the legal formalitiesare complete.

While speaking at theLahore Chamber of Commerceand Industry on Tuesday, he saidthat the GSP plus status to Paki-stan will help strengthen thiscountry economically besidesimproving its trade relationswith European Union countries.

The Ambassador said thatGerman government was wellaware with the ongoing energy

Germany, biggest supporter ofGSP plus status to Pakistan

crisis in Pakistan and ready toextend every possible help to thisregard. He said that Germany hasmade remarkable progress in al-ternate energy sector. He said itwas an encouraging sign that anumber of German companieshad already signed Memoran-dums of Understanding (MOU)in energy sector.

He said that private sectorin Pakistan should join handswith their German counterpartsto overcome energy challenge,the country has been facing forthe last many years.

Ambassador said that tour-ism and trade fairs & exhibitionscould help highlight Pakistan’ssoft image to the outer worldtherefore, both the government

and the private sector shouldfocus in these two areas. He saidthat these are the proven toolsthat always contribute im-mensely when it comes to re-vival of economic activities inany part of the world.

Speaking on the occasion,the LCCI President FrooqIftikhar said that Pakistan offersa great potential for foreign in-vestment. It has a strategic lo-cation with abundant raw mate-rials. Any investment made inPakistan will automatically findits way to the regional countrieswhich goes to the extent of Cen-tral Asian States.

He urged the Ambassador tomotivate and invite the Germaninvestors to consider Pakistan as

a safe haven for investments insectors like energy, livestock,dairy and beverages. He that fac-tors like cheapest agriculture landabundantly available in Pakistan,enormous size of consumer mar-ket and etc., will certainly catchthe attention of German compa-nies interested to expand theirbusinesses in Sub Continent.

He said that Pakistan is se-verely hit by a horrifying energycrisis that has badly affected ourindustries. We have never been asmuch in need for renewable en-ergy sources as today. He said thatGermany is meeting its energyneeds by vastly using wind tech-nology and solar electricity sys-tems installed all across the coun-try in addition to hydel resources. Razzaque assumes

charge of ChairmanCoordination


ISLAMABAD—Sheikh AbdulRazzaque has assumed thecharge of Chairman Coordina-tion FPPCI Capital Office.

Senator Haji Ghulam Ali,President FPCCI Malik Zubair,President ICCI Zafar Bakhtwari,Munawar Mughal, Senior ViceChairman PVMA Atif IkramSheikh and other business leaderswere also present on the occasion.

They congratulatedRazzaque on assuming chargeand assured full cooperation indischarging duties to the fullsatisfaction of the business com-munity. Speaking at the occa-sion, Sheikh Abdul Razzaquesaid that he will serve the com-munity to best of his abilities.

He called upon the govern-ment to take serious steps to re-solve energy crisis that haschoked the national growth. Itmay be mentioned thatRazzaque has recently served asSenior Vice Chairman PVMA.


LAHORE—Pakistan Industrialand traders Associations Front(PIAF) on Tuesday sought ChiefJustice of Pakistan’s help againstload shedding due to which indus-trial productions have nose-divedto alarmingly low levels and lawand order situation is worseningwith every passing day.

The PIAF Chairman MalikTahir Javed said that the Indus-trialists have knocked every doorfor the provision of electricity tothe industrial sector but unfortu-nately there is no let up in thepower outages. He said that thepower outages were not only de-priving the industrial workers oftheir livelihood but also causingconsiderable financial loss to theindustry as a whole.

He said the two hourspower cut after every hour hasbrought the industrial wheel toa halt as the industry needs atleast eight hours regular supplyof electricity to complete pro-cesses but the people sitting at

PIAF seeks CJ helpagainst power cuts

helm are least concerned aboutit because they are getting unin-terrupted power supply both athome and at their workplace.

The PIAF Chairman fearedthat if the situation is not con-trolled, nobody would be able tokeep industrial workers frommassive protests and demonstra-tions in coming days.

Malik Tahir Javed said thatthe repeated power outages andmassive load shedding is notonly giving a bad name to thegovernment but is also forcingthe industrialists to go on indefi-nite strike.

He said that the previousgovernment had made tallclaims about the provision ofelectricity but in the end noth-ing concrete was done and it haspushed the country to wall.

The PIAF Chairman said thatat the moment when theneighbouring countries are gettinghuge export orders, the situationin Pakistan is the other way roundwhere the investments have gonedown to considerably low levels.

KARACHI: Dawlance announces the World’s Largest DirectCool refrigerator. Seen in the picture Hasan Jameel, Head ofSales, Dawlance along with his team at the launch event.


KARACHI—Dawlance, the no.1 home appliances brand in Pa-kistan today launched theworld’s largest Direct Cool re-frigerator, Double French Door.Speaking at the launch, Mr.Hasan Jameel, head of sales,Dawlance said, “The newDawlance DFD is a class of itsown and by introducing thisworld’s largest DC range; thecompany is contributing its bitin making Pakistan proud.Dawlance always aspires to ful-fill the need of the consumersand the inspiration behind theworld’s largest Direct Cool Re-frigerator was to fulfill the needfor bigger and better refrigera-tion. Each and every feature ofthis range has been speciallydesigned in line with our con-sumer preferences and the mod-ern technology therefore the pat-ents for innovative features likeeasy door technology, exclusive

Dawlance introducesdirect cool refrigerator

designs and H-Zone technologyhave been applied, says a pressreport.

Talking about the latest in-novation from Dawlance, Mr.Noman Rashid, AVP – Engi-neering said, “The stainless steelinterior and sturdy glass shelvesoffer a strong structure and en-sures durability of the product.The breakthrough feature ofeasy door is another outstand-ing innovation that not only pro-vides convenience but also helpsin cooling retention. The SpillProof glass shelves prohibit anyliquid dripping and can hold upto 100 KG weight. Its Deodor-izer feature maintains aroma in-side the refrigerator by filteringthe air inside and neutralizingany unpleasant smell. The fan isanother well designed aspect ofthe product that ensures fasterand balanced circulation of coldair to guarantee steady tempera-ture in all refrigerator compart-ments.”

create hurdles in KESC’s gen-eration of electricity for thedomestic and industrial con-sumers of Karachi. As per or-der of preference laid down bythe government, domestic andcommercial consumers shouldbe the most preferred recipi-ents of gas while power utili-ties have second preference.

While SSGC has on manyoccasions invited the KESC todiscuss all outstanding issueswith it, the power utility hasnot found the time do so and itis still not willing to pay anylate payment surcharge on theamount of more than Rs. 46billion that it owes to SSGC.This is creating severe opera-tional difficulties for SSGCwhich is not able to meet itsvarious financial obligationsand is also under the pressureof its shareholders to deal withKESC on stronger terms andaltogether stop its gas supply,if need be.

The spokesperson said thatKESC was merely blamingSSGC for its own shortfall inpower generation which hadnothing to do with SSGC,which was supplying 120mmcfd gas to KESC while theexisting agreement between thetwo utilities calls for only 10mmcfd.

Rift hittingFrom Page 10


ISLAMABAD—Pakistan Tele-communication Company Lim-ited (PTCL) held its 18th AnnualGeneral Meeting (AGM) inIslamabad to apprise the com-pany shareholders about variousongoing activities, results andachievements of the past finan-cial year as well as discussingareas of improvement for futuregrowth of the company.

In his opening remarks Mr.Shahid Rashid, Chairman PTCLBoard informed the sharehold-ers that the company has takensignificant steps to synergizePTCL’s Group resources andinitiated various processes toenhance profitability which hasresulted in strong financial per-formance during the period ofpast six months as compared tothe same period of last year.

“In order to meet our cus-tomers’ expectations and theirappetite for latest services; weare focused to utilize our core

PTCL holds18th AGM

competencies to capture the op-portunities that shall result infurther growth and developmentof company’s business. Thecompany has expanded itsbroadband market share and itsrevenues have witnessed a re-markable growth during the lastsix months. The subscriber baseof wireless broadband productrange ‘EVO’ has increased aswell as the revenue from corpo-rate services”, said Mr. ShahidRashid.

President and CEO PTCL,Walid Irshaid while assuring theshareholders stated, “At PTCL, weare putting conscientious efforts todrive diverse business avenues andmaximize our shareholders’ valuein the long term by innovation andsuperior customer experience.”

The shareholders were in-formed that during the periodunder review, PTCL won theprestigious ‘3rd Global HR Ex-cellence Award 2012’ for its out-standing achievements and orga-nizational performance in HR.

Emirates specialpackage for

travel to DubaiSTAFF REPORTER

ISLAMABAD—With somethingto offer every traveller, whetherit be soaking up the sunshine ongolden sandy beaches orfuellinga passion for shopping,a dream getaway in Dubai iswithin reach on Emirates withspecial package deals for traveluntil August.

Renowned for its iconicskyline, warm Arabian waters,gourmet dining options andnearby desert adventures, Dubaiexceeds visitor’s expectations atevery turn. From family fun op-tions such as water parks, ma-rine animals, amusement ridesand parks to sophisticated shop-ping, innovative restaurants andfive-star luxury, no traveller getsbored in this cosmopolitan city.

With special fares for travelto Dubai , Emirates invites cus-tomers to experience the best thecity has to offer while not break-ing the budget. In addition, pas-sengers will enjoy Emirates’award-winning onboard productand service and stay entertainedwith up to 1,400 channels of pro-gramming on Emirates inflightentertainment system, ice Digi-tal Wide-Screen; making thejourney as memorable as thedestination.

Nokia Pakistanconducts App dev

workshop forWindows Phone 8


KARACHI—As the demand forWindows Phone 8 platform risesin the country, Nokia Pakistanorganized the first ever devel-oper workshop in associationwith Microsoft Pakistan. Theworkshop was aimed at engag-ing the local developer commu-nity with whom Nokia Pakistanshares a very strong relationship.The training was imparted byTony Torp, Nokia’s externaltrainer who was flown in fromFinland to share his supremeexpertise on the WP 8 platformwith the participants. The work-shop garnered a phenomenal re-sponse which evidently showeda keen sense of interest amongstthe local developers for beingpart of the enhancement processfor the WP 8 platform.

Speaking on the occasion,Rabia Nizami, area head DX,Nokia Pakistan said,“Smartphones have become aninherent part of our daily livesand with the use of mobile appli-cations, consumers are open to aunique personalized experience.As the local developer commu-nity has remained at the forefrontof mobile app development,Nokia Pakistan tapped on theirtalent through this workshop andgave them an opportunity to un-dergo training for the WindowsPhone 8 platform. Our associa-tion with Microsoft Pakistan hasbeen a major factor in driving thistraining towards success”.

Govt focusesto ensure food


ISLAMABAD—Dr NadeemAmjad, Member (Natural Re-sources) on behalf of ChairmanPARC as Chief Guest at Inau-gural Session of the Workshopon “Incorporating AgriculturalService Providers into Demon-stration and Dissemination Ac-tivities in Rural Pakistan” heldat NARC, Islamabad has saidthat Rural Pakistan – the root/base of the country, providesevery support, not only to ruralbut also to urban dwellers; anyimprovement, any success, tar-geted for rural areas, impact en-tire country.

He said the focus of Gov-ernment of Pakistan, among oth-ers, is to ensure food security forits rapidly growing populationat affordable prices, throughtechnological innovations. It isquite a challenging task and re-quires supportive policies, R&Dinitiatives and consistent back-ing for agriculture sector.



MULTAN—President of MultanChamber of Commerce and In-dustry (MCCI) MuhammadKhan Sadozai Monday said thatthe MCCI was offering maxi-mum facilities to women-entre-preneurs for promoting businessfriendly environment.

Addressing the concludingceremony of hand-made itemsexhibition, held under auspices ofNational ProductivityOrganisation, United StatesAgency for International Devel-opment (USAID) and MultanChamber of Commerce Industry(MCCI), he said that he alwaysstruggled for promoting hand-made items of working women.

Page 12: e-Paper April 17, 2013
Page 13: e-Paper April 17, 2013

WHEN her chronic stomach painand cramps were diagnosed asirritable bowel syndrome (IBS),

Newell Freivogel, a 34-year-old businessowner in Chicago, decided to try a cleanse.“I didn’t want to take medicine if some-thing natural would help,” she says. Whileshe sipped veggie smoothies and nibbledsalads, her stomach issues disappeared.But, she says, “I got split-ting headaches and wascan’t -get-off- the-couchtired.” And the minute thetwo-week cleanse ended,her IBS symptoms re-turned. Working with herdoctor, Freivogel realizedshe needed to change herdiet for life, not stop eat-ing for a couple of weeks.“What had made me feelbetter wasn’t the cleanse[itself],” she says, “but thatI’d eliminated certain trig-ger foods, such as nutsand pasta. When I identi-fied those foods and cutback on them, I got betterfor good.”

You’ve probably triedjuice as a health move too.Extolled by Gwyneth and Blake, sold atjuice bars and even at national drugstorechains like Duane Reade and Walgreens,detox juices are now a $5-billion business,projected to grow 4 to 8 percent a year. Ofcourse, there’s nothing wrong with enjoy-ing a “greena colada.”

Although eating whole fruits andvegetables is healthiest (you get all thevitamins and minerals plus the added ben-efit of fiber), juices “are not bad,” saysStella L. Volpe, PhD, chair of the depart-ment of nutrition sciences at Drexel Uni-versity. “However, to use them as cleans-

The truth about juiceers is not necessary.” Never the less, themakers of juice cleanses—generally one-to five-day all-liquid diets—have uppedthe ante and are making some grandiosehealth claims with little evidence or over-sight to back them.

Beyond weight loss, flooding yourinsides with raw fruits and vegetablescan wash away just about any health

problem, suggest compa-nies with such names asJuiceRx. Their websitesclaim to help maladies likeabnormal sugar levels, acne,addiction, allergies, anxiety,bad breath, bloating, can-cer, cell damage, colds, con-tamination with chemicals,depression, diabetes, fa-tigue, headaches, heavy-metal contamination, hor-mone dysfunction, indiges-tion, lack of focus, liver dis-ease, liver stones, memoryloss, and Parkinson’s dis-ease.

“[A cleanse can] resetyour body and support itsbeing able to fight and curewhatever the illness is,”says Tim Martin, founder of

celeb favorite iZOcleanse. “It can helpthe body heal anything.”

The BluePrintCleanse site promisesthat cleanses are “the perfect partner”for antibiotics and that they “fight offdegenerative diseases.” The site alsopromotes long-term cleanses as a goodidea for the truly sick, saying clients “us-ing [the cleanse] in cancer therapy havecontinued on a cleanse indefinitely, untilthey are healed”—never mind that un-pasteurized juice could introduce harm-ful bacteria to people with compromisedimmune systems.

KARACHI: Ladies talking to their relatives on cell phones as people rushed outside buildings after earthquake at Sarwar Shaheed road.

KARACHI: Chairman KATI Zubair Chaya presenting memento to patron-in-chief S.M.Munir at the dinner reception hosted by KATI. Mian Zahid Hussain advisor to CM on IT,also seen in the picture.—PO photo by Sultan Chaki

KARACHI: Students of DOW Medical College buying flowers from a stall during an-nual Bake sale Mela, organized by Patient Welfare Association at Civil Hospital.


KARACHI—Police had ar-rested staffs hired by a pri-vate contractor of charged carparking venue at Tariq Road.Police termed the charged carparking site on Tariq Roadwas illegal and had receivedcomplaints from the commut-ers to look into the situationand if found illegal shouldtake action.

However, the KMCcharged car parking depart-ment had till filing of this re-port not produced any docu-ment that could confirm thesaid charged car parking sitewas legal.

Police action against illegal carparking at Tariq Road

However, the KMCCharged Parking DirectorSyed Raza Abbas Rizvi, whowas also given an additionalcharge of the KMC MediaManagement Department Di-rector declared the illegal actof harassment and arrest ofKMC Charged Parking Con-tractor staffs on Tariq Road.He said it was an act of inter-ference in KMC works anddemanded higher authoritiesof police department to takenotice of the incident.

According to a statementissued here Tuesday, theKMC had allotted the con-tract of receiving chargedparking to private contractor

on Tariq Road, which de-ployed its staff to receive park-ing fees of vehicles.

It said that the mobile ofFerozabad Police Station vis-ited charged parking area ofTariq Road at about 12:30pmon Tuesday and following thedirective of SHO FerozabadAzam Gopang took sevenstaffs of charged parking intocustody.

According to sources,Ferozabad Police Station SHOhad acted on the directives ofhis superior, which the KMCalso endorsed in the state-ment as it said that the SHOacted as per order of his SPUsman Bajwa, therefore he

could not release the arrestedstaffs until the SP would givenew directives to do so.

KMC charged car parkingdirector condemned the act ofpolice and said that KMCspent budget millions on con-struction and repairing ofroads and cleanliness and re-ceiving the parking fees ofparked vehicles was its rightand the revenue thus gener-ated was spent on public wel-fare, hence, no departmenthas right to interfere in KMCworks. He said the act of po-lice could result decrease inKMC revenue since KMC didnot have many resources todeploy its staffs.


KARACHI—Sindh caretakerChief Minister (CM) said thatsome elements were circulat-ing the rumors that the gen-eral elections scheduled forMay 11, would be post-poned. The elections wouldbe held on time as scheduled.

This he said while ad-dressing the ceremony aschief guest to mark the “Aus-tralian Day In Spring 2013”organized by AustralianConsul General at a local ho-tel on Monday evening.

The ceremony was at-

Elections would be free and fair: Alvitended by Australian HighCommissioner, Consul Gen-erals and diplomats of variescountries.

He said that he was a be-liever in democracy andwould ensure that everybodywould get the chance to costhis vote.

He added that he was try-ing hard to meet the chal-lenges of holding free, fairand transparent elections.The government would ac-complish this task with suc-cess.

He expressed his firm re-solve and commitment to

maintain and control the lawand order situation beforethe general elections.

Australian High Commis-sion Peter Heyward thankedthe Caretaker Chief Ministerfor attending the ceremonyand said that Pakistan andAustralia were old friendswhile Australian governmenthad supported manyprojects for well being of thePakistani people.

He said that they werefinding new ways in differ-ent fields to further promoteand strengthen the bilateralrelations.STAFF REPORTER

KARACHI—The sincere ef-forts of Jamaat-e Islami (JI)leadership for the welfare ofthe ailing humanity withoutany discrimination could notbe forgotten.

This was stated by JISindh Chief and candidatefor NA-245 Dr Mairaj UlHuda Siddiqui during his ad-dress in a convention ‘Azm-e inqilab’ held at NorthKarachi area Tuesday.

Addressing a gathering,Dr Mairaj said that the ser-vices rendered by JI leader-ship in education, health and

JI claims services forailing humanity

social sectors were in frontof the people and the elec-toral symbol of JI ‘Tarazu’had become the ray of hopefor the people of the coun-try, particularly the city.

He said that the peopleshould reject those leaders,who gave the gifts of unem-ployment, inflation, terrorismand extortion to them andvote for ‘Tarazu’ to changethe system.

He further said that the JIleadership will bring peaceand prosperity in the city andmake it the “City of Light”again with the help of people.The citizens of Karachi can

understand that the braveleadership of JI will removeextortion and terrorism fromthe city.

The JI candidates for PS-98 and PS-99 MuhammadYousuf and Shafiq UrRehman Usmani also ad-dressed the gathering.

In their addresses, theysaid that the coalition gov-ernment of PPP, MQM andANP on the name of recon-ciliation policy had con-verted the city into slaugh-ter house. However, the JIpledged to eliminate extor-tionists, target killers andland mafia from the city.

Conspiracy toshatter sectarianharmony: MQMKARACHI—The Coordina-tion Committee of MutahiddaQuami Movement (MQM) hassaid that there are conspiraciesto shatter the sectarian har-mony and to sabotage the elec-tions atmosphere in Karachi.

In a statement the Commit-tee strongly condemned themurder of Head Moharir ofPakistan Bazaar police stationSyed Murtaza Hassan Rizvi byterrorists. The CoordinationCommittee said that the inci-dent was the continuation ofthe conspiracies to sabotageKarachi’s peace and elections’atmosphere.

It asked President Zardari,interim prime minister MirHazar Khan Khoso, interim fed-eral interior minister MalikHabib, Governor Sind DrIshratul Ibad and care-takerchief minister Sind ZahidQurban Alvi to notice of SyedMurtaza Hassan Rizvi’smuder.—NNI

KARACHI—Four personswere mercilessly gunneddown including a policemanin various areas of the me-tropolis while Rangers alsolaunched targeted operationin Afghan Basti and Madinacolony and apprehended 8suspected criminals on Tues-day.

According to DSP QasimGhauri, policeman who wasidentified as Javed Iqbal wasshot dead in Bilal Colony areaof Korangi. The DSP further

Four including cop gunned downtold that the deceased waswaiting at a bus stop whenunknown gunmen openedfire on him, killing him on thespot.

On the other hand, a manwas killed in Qayyumabadarea. Earlier, a man wasgunned down near a cinemain Pak Colony area while 27-year-old Akram was shotdead in PIB Colony.

Meanwhile, Rangers haslaunched targeted operationin afghan Basti and Madina

colony and arrested 8 sus-pected criminals.

Upon receiving the secretinformation, Rangers haslaunched targeted operationand nabbed 8 suspectedcriminals. The female’s rang-ers including squad also tookpart in this operation whilethey also took help fromSniffer dogs. All entry andexit points were blocked dur-ing operation and starteddoor-to-door search forcriminals.—Online

KWSB seeksexemption forits staff fromelection duty

KARACHI—Managing Direc-tor, Karachi Water and Sew-erage Board MisbahuddinFarid has requested the ChiefElection Commissioner (CEP)and Provincial Election Com-missioner (PEC), Sindh to ex-empt the KWSB staff fromelection duty to ensure unin-terrupted water supply andsewerage facilities to the citi-zens of Karachi.

In a letter to the officials,he stated that KW&SB isworking day and night to en-sure provision of water andsewerage facilities to the larg-est metropolis of more than20 million population. Thestaff, especially technical andengineering ones plays a vi-tal role to ensure the mecha-nism work properly.

Furthermore, RevenueStaff ensures financial routineand recovery of outstandingdues from the defaulting con-sumers in order to run opera-tions smoothly. Therefore,deployment of KW&SB staffon election duty can disruptthe system. KW&SB infra-structure needs 24/7 atten-dance.—APP

Health ministerseeks support for

hemophilicsKARACHI—Hemophilia is ahereditary disease that canbe prevented through pre-natal screening of the ex-pecting mothers with their orof their spouse’s family his-tory.

Caretaker Sindh Ministerfor Health, Dr. Junaid Ali Shahin his message on the eve ofWorld Hemophilia Day 2013said people in general mustalso at the same time remem-ber that one fourth of all casesof the ailment are registeredin the patients who may nothave any family history.

It is therefore equally im-portant that not only thecouples at risk must strictlycomply with the instructionsof their doctors but child oth-erwise born with no family his-tory is protected against allsorts of minor as well as majorinjuries causing loss of blood,said the minister.—APP

CM calls onGovernor

KARACHI—Caretaker SindhChief Minister, Justice (Retd)Zahid Kurban Alavi, called onGovernor Sindh, Dr. Ishrat- ul-Ebad Khan, on Tuesday.

At the meeting held at theGovernor House here, the pre-vailing situation and the lawand order was discussed. Dr.Ishrat and Caretaker ChiefMinister also reviewed theperformance of the concernedorganisations given the taskof busting the gangs of ter-rorists.

They said that the elimi-nation of terrorism is amongthe top priorities of the gov-ernment. They stressed theneed of further intensifyingthe activities of theorganisations concerned withthe law and order and activat-ing further the intelligencenetwork and that all resourceswould be utilised for expos-ing the terrorists and bring-ing them to justice.—APP

KARACHI: Australian High Commissioner Peter Heyward, accompanied by Ms. NicolaWatkimson Australia’s new senior trade and investment commissioner for South Asia, andKevin Gallagher representative of FAO announcing funding support for election commissionof Pakistan and agricultural support in Balochistan on Monday in Karachi.—PO Photo

Page 14: e-Paper April 17, 2013

MEDITATION can be extremely effective at preventing winter ailments like cold and flu, according

to a new research. Adults who meditatedor did moderately intense exercise, suchas a brisk walk, for eight weeks sufferedfewer colds than thosewho did nothing, accord-ing to a study from theUniversity ofWisconsin?Madison. Pre-vious research has foundthat mindfulness medita-tion may improve mood,decrease stress, and boostimmune function.

Some of the earliest ref-erences to meditation arefound in the Hindu Vedas.Around the 6th to 5th cen-turies BCE, other forms ofmeditation developed inTaoist China and BuddhistIndia. The new study di-vided 149 people into threegroups. One performedmindful meditation, a type ofmeditation that essentially involves focus-ing the mind on the present, the Daily Mailreported.

Another group jogged regularly for eightweeks while the third group did nothing. Theresearchers then followed the health of thevolunteers through the winter from Septem-ber to May, although they didn‘t checkwhether or not people carried on exercisingor meditating after the eight?week period.

The participants were observed for coldand flu symptoms such as a runny nose,stuffiness, sneezing, and sore throat. Nasalwash samples were collected and analysedthree days after the symptoms began. The

Meditation can staveoff cold and flu: Study

study, found that meditators missed 76 percent fewer days of work from Septemberthrough to May than those who did noth-ing. Those who had exercised missed 48per cent fewer days during this period.

In addition, mindful meditation can re-duce the duration or severityof acute respiratory infec-tions such by up to 50 percent, and exercise by up to 40per cent. According to thewebsite Scientific America,those who had exercised ormeditated suffered for an av-erage of five days; colds ofparticipants in the controlgroup lasted eight. In addi-tion, tests confirmed that theself-reported length of coldscorrelated with the level of an-tibodies in the body, whichindicate the presence of a vi-rus. “Nothing has previouslybeen shown to prevent acuterespiratory infections,” saidlead author Dr Bruce Barrett,a family medicine doctor and

associate professor at the University. “Alot of previous information suggested thatmeditation and exercise might have preven-tion benefits, but no high-quality,randomised trial had been done,” Barrettsaid. “Flu shots are partially effective, butonly work for three strains of flu each year.The apparent 40 to 50 per cent benefit ofmindfulness training is a very importantfinding, as is the apparent 30 to 40 per centbenefit of exercise training. If this pans outin future research, the impact could be sub-stantive indeed,” Barrett said. The studywas published in the Annals of FamilyMedicine.

LAHORE: Girls taking interest in the floral arrangements displayed during an exhibi-tion organized by Punjab Arts Council at Bagh-e-Jinnah.

LAHORE: Syed Irfan Shah Mashhadi speaking during the annual Urs of Allama Ellahi Bukhsh Qadri organized byJamaat Ahle-e-Sunnat at Shah Alam Market here.

LAHORE: Chief Minister of Punjab Najam Sethi and British High Commissioner,Adam Thomson cutting cake to mark the birthday celebration of Queen Elizabeth.

2 shopkeepersfined

LAHORE—Food safety of-ficer Miss Fariha imposed fineon two shops for using sub-standard oil at Sabzazar hereon Tuesday.

The officer found HafizSweet shop and Jameel sweetshop using sub-standard oil.She imposed Rs 2,000 as fineon each shop.

She said that food safetydepartment took the actionon the complaint of resi-dents.—APP

Death ofSahibzada


LAHORE—Political leadersand people from across thesections of society have con-doled the demise of SunniIttehad Council ChairmanSahibzada Fazal Karim.

Former MPA Dr ZumurdYasmin Rana in a statementhere on Tuesday said thatSahibzada was strong advo-cate for peace and harmonyamong the Muslims.

The vacuum created byhis death would never befilled.

Agriculture Engineer andPML-N leader Rana M SaeedAkhter praised the servicesrendered by late Fazal Karimfor unity of Muslim Ummah.

Other people also appre-ciated Sahibzada’s personal-ity and prayed Allah Al-mighty to grant eternal peaceto the departed soul and alsogive courage to the bereavedfamily to bear this loss withfortitude.—APP

PES prevented493 road accidentsLAHORE—The Punjab Emer-gency Service (Rescue 1122)rescued 493 road accidentsin all districts of the Punjabduring last 24 hours, in which5 were killed and 561 personssustained injuries.

These road accidents af-fected 93 pedestrians, 254passengers and 219 drivers.Some 119 RTAs took place inLahore with 122 victims plac-ing the provincial capital attop of the list followed by 45in Faisalabad with 48 victimsand Multan at third positionwith 33 accidents and 34 vic-tims.

According to the data ofProvincial Monitoring Cellof the Rescue 1122, out oftotal 566 RTA’s victims, 442were males and 124 fe-males.—APP

LAHORE—The speakersstressed the need for intro-ducing a comprehensive cur-riculum for creating politicalwill to educate children onsexual and reproductivehealth rights (SRHR) in Paki-stan.

Chairman Curriculumwing Punjab Text Board MSaleem Akhter Kiyani,Deputy Secretary SecondaryEducation reforms M Aftab,Director Local GovernmentNajeeb Aslam, ConsultantHealth Department Youth

Need stressed to developcurriculum on reproductive health

Reform Amina Khan, Profes-sor Abdur RehmanLudhianvi and MaulanaRaghib Naeemi of JamiaNaeemia spoke on the occa-sion.

They stressed the needfor creating a political willat federal and provinciallevel amid policy-makers,opinion leaders and educa-tion authorities for includ-ing the required informationin this regard in the curricu-lum.

They said that taking care

of the emotional, psychologi-cal and health aspects ofgrowing up children are ofgreat importance.

They said that in Pakistanwhere despite media emanci-pation, the issue remains ataboo for wider section ofsociety.

All the stakeholders in-cluding government officials,religious scholars, schoolteachers, parents and youthshould play their due role inhighlighting importance ofthe issue.—APP

LAHORE—Inspector Generalof National Highways &Motorway Police (IGP) ZafarAbbas Lak Tuesday said thatprofessional, enthusiasticand gallant patrolling offic-ers were the positive featureof the department and theywould always be encouragedand rewarded. The head-money amount distributedamong these officers for theircommendable services couldnever be a matching reward.

These hard working offic-ers are an asset of the depart-ment and their services mustbe acknowledged, the IGPNH&MP expressed theseviews while addressing theprize distribution ceremonyat zonal office, Lahore.

He said that patrollingofficers of National High-ways and Motorway Policewho have foiled an attemptto kidnap an 11-year-old child

Performance of NH&MPpolice officers lauded

from Hafizabad and arrestedtwo kidnappers with weap-ons near Kala Shah Kaku.

He said the police offic-ers who were providing pro-tection to the lives and prop-erties of the citizens by put-ting the lives at stake deserveappreciation at top level.

DIG Dr MuhammadShafiq said that brave, hon-est, sincere officers are flagbearers for the departmentand all possible step will beadopted for their welfare andadded that policing was anoble profession and onlyby serving the people theimage of the police could beenhanced.

He further said onmotorways & highways theconsiderable decrease incrimes rate was the result ofuntiring efforts of patrollingofficers and the policy ofvigilant patrolling.—APP

PML-N toend energy

crisis: PervezLAHORE—PML-N LahorePresident Muhammad PervezMalik on Tuesday said theparty would make an all-out ef-fort to eliminate loadsheddingin the country after winning theupcoming general elections.

Addressing corner meet-ings at Baghbanpura andShadbagh here, he alleged theprevious corrupt regime hadbecome history and a new eraof progress and prosperitywould usher in soon.

He said the PML-N, underthe dynamic leadership of MianNawaz Sharif, would spend allits energies to ensure relief tothe masses. He said the PML-N did not believe in hollow slo-gans and always worked for thewelfare of the poor and it wouldagain utilize all resources tobring the country out of cri-sis.—APP

Police to recruit97,000 personnel

for electionLAHORE—Inspector Generalof Punjab Police Aftab Sultanhas said that 97,000 police per-sonnel will be recruited forholding free and fair electionand law and order.

Addressing a press con-ference here at IGP Office onTuesday, Aftab Sultan saidthat eight personnel would beappointed for every A cat-egory sensitive polling stationwhile four would be arrangedfor others.

He said that free and fairelection was the top priorityof Punjab police and the de-partment would ensure fullimplementation of the code ofconduct of the Election Com-mission of Pakistan.

He also asked the media tohighlight violations of thecode of conduct anywhere andpolice would take strict actionagainst it.—APP


LAHORE—Guests from allover Pakistan gathered inLahore last night to mark HerMajesty Queen Elizabeth II’s87th birthday.

Around 600 people at-tended the celebrations, includ-ing representatives from theCaretaker Government ofPunjab, political parties, themilitary, members of the diplo-matic corps, civil society, thelocal media and business inPunjab.

The British High Commis-sioner, Adam Thomson, andthe Chief Guest CaretakerChief Minister of Punjab NajamSethi cut a cake to mark theoccasion. The British HighCommissioner and the ChiefGuest also toasted their respec-tive Heads of State.The Queen’s Birthday celebra-tions are an important occa-sion for the UK, Pakistan andthe other Commonwealthcountries. 2013 marks the 61thanniversary of when Her Maj-

esty Queen Elizabeth II becameboth the British Sovereign andthe Head of the Common-wealth.

This year Her Majesty theQueen also signed a formal‘Commonwealth Charter’ ofcore values of democracy, ruleof law, good governance andsimilar legal systems, agreedfor the first time by all Com-monwealth countries. Speak-ing on the occasion of theQueen’s birthday the BritishHigh Commissioner to Paki-stan, Adam Thomson, said:

“The Queen’s birthday isan occasion to reflect on theclose ties between the UK andPakistan. Pakistan came intobeing only shortly before HerMajesty became Queen andthe enduring partnership be-tween Pakistan and the UKhas taken shape during herreign. It is a partnership that isset to become more importantas we continue to work to-gether for the mutual prosper-ity and security of both ourcountries.

British HC celebrates 87thbirthday of Queen Elizabeth II


LAHORE—Approximately15,000 patients and their at-tendants regularly admittedin public and private hospi-tals across Punjab will not bein position to cast their votesin the upcoming 2013 generalelections as no special ar-rangement has been an-nounced so far by the Elec-tion Commission (EC) to fa-cilitate them in this regard.

According to PunjabHealth Department detailsmade available to PakistanObserver, the province have250 hospitals with a total ca-pacity of 41,000 beds, whilein Pakistan there are 916 ma-jor hospitals with a total ca-pacity of 99,908 beds. Be-sides this, in Punjab there are193 Rural Health Centerswith the capacity of 6 bedseach. Patients have neverbeen provided dedicated fa-cilities to vote by the EC.

Nearly 15,000 hospital patients,attendants won’t be able to cast votes

According to thespokesman of Election Com-mission, the EC has intro-duced postal ballot papersfor the general elections tothe National Assembly andthe provincial assemblies tofacilitate registered voterswho could not cast theirvotes in person in their re-spective constituencies.

He said that this facility,under the law, had been ex-tended only to the govern-ment employees, members ofthe armed forces, holders ofpublic offices, their wivesand children who are regis-tered voters and ordinarilyreside with them. He said thatprisoners and others held incustody could also cast theirvotes by postal ballot. Whenhe was asked about absen-tee ballot papers, he told Pa-kistan Observer that as suchfacility is not available in thecountry. It is pertinent tomention here that absentee

ballot papers are in commonpractice across the globe andit allows voters to vote byabsentee ballot if they will beabsent from city or town onelection day, and/or have aphysical disability that pre-vents voting at the pollingplace, and/or cannot vote atthe polls due to religious be-liefs.

He further said presidingofficers, assistant presidingofficers, polling officers andpolice personnel who wereassigned duties at pollingstations could also use thisfacility. The EC requires vot-ers using this facility to get acounter signature of a gazet-ted officer or a commissionedofficer on the postal ballot,failing which the ballot wouldbe rejected.

He added that anyonewishing to avail the abovefacility could visit the return-ing officer concerned andupon showing his CNIC, stat-

ing his address and voterregistration number couldbecome eligible for using thisservice.

Rafique Aslam, a patientadmitted in Punjab Instituteof Cardiology, told PakistanObserver that he was a resi-dent of Okara city and nei-ther the hospital administra-tion nor any one informedhim about such a facility. Hesaid that he wanted to casthis vote but his physicalcondition did not also allowhim to go to Okara as doc-tors have advised him to stayin Lahore. He said that theEC should provide this facil-ity to him.

Conference on‘Tuberculosis a


LAHORE—University of Vet-erinary and Animal SciencesLahore Vice-Chancellor ProfTalat Naseer Pasha has urgedthe need for medical and vet-erinary sciences professionalsto work together to preventzoonotic diseases like TB inPakistan.

The Vice-Chancellor saidthis in his welcome addressat the inaugural session of aNational Awareness Confer-ence on “Tuberculosis aZoonosis” organised by theQuality Operations Lab ofthe UVAS in collaborationwith the Higher EducationCommission here Tuesday.

University of Health Sci-ences Vice-Chancellor Maj-Gen (retd) Dr MuhammadAslam chaired the inauguralsession while medical andveterinary professionals,teachers, researchers at-tended the conference.

PML-Q announcesfinal candidates for25 constituencies


LA H O R E—Pakistan Mus-lim League-Qauid-e-Azam(PML-Q) senior centralleader and Punjab PresidentCh Pervez Elahi has an-nounced the names of finalcandidates of the party fromanother 25 constituenciesof the Punjab Assemblyhere on Tuesday whilePML-Q candidates for theremaining PA constituen-cies will be announcedshortly.

Party tickets have beenawarded to Sohail Ashraffrom PP-5 Rawalpindi, SardarAmjad Ilyas from PP-22Chakwal, Ch Farrukh Altaffrom PP-24 Jhelum, AbidAshraf Jotana from PP-27Jhelum, Rab Nawaz Lak fromPP-29 Sargodha, Khalid NabiGujjar from PP-60 Faisalabad,Sardar Dildar Cheema fromPP-61 Faisalabad, KhawajaWaqar Hassan from PP-94Gujranwala, Moonis Elahifrom PP-110 Gujrat, MianImran Masood from PP-111Gujrat, Ch MuhammadArshad from PP-114 Gujrat,Ch Naeem Raza from PP-115Gujrat, Baasima Chaudhryfrom PP-117 MandiBahauddin, Moonis Elahifrom PP-118 MandiBahauddin, Mohammad ArifGondal from PP-120 MandiBahauddin, HafizMuhammad Raza from PP-123 Sialkot, Ziaullah Kharafrom PP-130 Sialkot, ShahidDaihar Advocate from PP-135Narowal, Moosa RazaBokhari from PP-136Narowal, Habibullah Bhattifrom PP-149 Lahore,Mushtaq Ahmad Gujjar fromPP-163 Sheikhupura, SajjadWarraich from PP-196Multan, Akbar Hayat Hirajfrom PP-212 Khanewal andCh Muhammad Altaf from PP-262 Layyah.