Download pptx - E-Learning Models

  • 1. E-Learning Models
    Gary Burns
    NorthCentral University

2. E-Learning Models
two types of e-learning models to assist in the development of an e-Learning course.

  • The Instructional System Design model (ISD)

3. Program Management (PM) model. 2
4. E-Learning Models
Scope the Project.
primarily general data collection such as conducting surveys of, managers, and staff members determining the interest level of implementing online learning skills workshops. We will also determine which types of online training to create. Researching how other universities have implemented online staff member training would also be useful.
Instructional analysis of online learning skills training will be vitally important to the overall training process. It will provide the information that is required to create decisions about the methods and content of our online training program. We will begin analyzing the types of training to introduce to the staff members which may include some aspects of all ways of learning, kinesthetic, auditory, and visual, it is a way to assure the training will connect to all types of staff members. Also, the following areas would need to be examined; necessary technology, training needs, costs, and content.
5. E-Learning Models
Design refers to the planning of the e-learning course and the materials associated with it. In this stage, we will creates the curriculum, determine training needs of our department, and sets the objectives.
In this phase, we will begin to create the curriculum, the objectives, and the methods from what was learned and gained with the design stage.
* Quality control is a focus and reviews from colleagues should be completed in the development phase
6. E-Learning Models
Pilot Test.
Once we have developed the course, we will use our student assistants to pilot the instructional information.
The Pilot testing will help us ensure that the training will go smoothly. MartynShuttleworth explains that this method should always be used in order to test the feasibility, equipment and methods. (Shuttleworth, 2008 p.1) however, Prior to this testing we will do a Alpha Testing, which is testing functions such as hardware and software that is connected to the course. Our alpha test will be conducted by initial the development team.
Delivering a presentation consisting of how these on line workshops are used in certain situations and the benefits of these workshops are the goals of this phase. Feedback and observation can provide important improvement measures.
7. E-Learning Models
Evaluation helps developers make conclusions about the impact of this online workshop. Evaluations tell them whether the scope and the analyze stage, and design stages were correct and accurate.
Ongoing maintenance of e-learning ensures that materials, instructional strategies, and exercises are updated and that users' comments are addressed
8. E-Learning Models
10 project management principles
Develop your project management skills.
Take time to gather background information
Write the contract carefully
Allow for ongoing review
Understand the importance of effort versus duration
Make work plan revisions cautiously.
Hone your word processing skills.
Report early and often
Keep good records
Broadbents ABCs of e-learning: Reaping the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls (Broadbent, 2002, p. 81).
9. E-Learning Models
Broadbent B. (2002).ABCs of E-learning. Reaping the Benefits and Avoiding the Pitfalls. Jossey-Bass / Pfeiffer, San Francisco, CA.

Shuttleworth, M. (2008). Pilot Study. Retrieved 29 may 2011 from Experiment Resources:
